
A Grineer stronghold with well-protected shipping lanes and training orbiters for their Elite troops.
—In-game description

Saturn is a planet where the Grineer are the controlling faction.

The Saturn Nav Segment can be obtained by defeating The Sergeant located on War, Mars.

The Assassination Target for Saturn is General Sargas Ruk, who is located in the mission Tethys and where the Phobos Nav Segment and blueprints for the parts of the Ember Warframe can be obtained. He also has a higher than average chance to drop Orokin Cells.

Relay Status
PC PSN Xbox Nintendo Switch
Protected Protected Destroyed Kronia


Invasion Missions: The Corpus will appear as a "Sideable or Opposing" faction while the Infested will always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions.

Spy Missions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions.

Survival Missions: The following lists below do not apply to Survival missions.

Grineer Infested





  • Saturn is named after the Roman god of Agriculture and Time
  • The mission nodes are named after Saturn's moons, with a few exceptions:
    • Cassini is named after a spacecraft currently studying Saturn and its moons.
    • Numa is named after Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome who spread worship of the god Saturn.
    • Phoebe is the name of one of the original Titans, seen as an oracle of intellect and prophecy. She is the grandmother of both Apollo and Artemis.
    • Tethys is the name of a Titaness in Greek mythos.


  • It seems the Trooper's frontier counterpart appears on this planet in Survival missions instead of the standard one.
