
High value metals collected from war salvage.
—In-Game Description
For the infested mission type, see Infested Salvage.

Salvage is a common component that can be found on MarsJupiter and Sedna. It is usually found in quantities of hundreds. Salvage is an important component in crafting many blueprints.

Farming Locations[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the resource until better facts are proven.

Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconInfestedB Jupiter Cameria Survival (Dark Sector) 20 - 30 Corpus Gas City
IconInfestedB Mars Wahiba Survival (Dark Sector) 10 - 20 Corpus Ship

Drop Locations[]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
Annihilation Annihilation (Conclave) B 12.65% 600 75.9
Cephalon Capture Cephalon Capture (Conclave) B 12.65% 600 75.9
Lunaro Lunaro (Conclave) B 12.65% 600 75.9
Team Annihilation Team Annihilation (Conclave) B 12.65% 600 75.9

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.

Blueprints Requiring Salvage[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Salvage
Blueprint Type Quantity
Ack & Brunt Melee 7,500 (620)
Acrid Secondary 6,000
Adrenal Stim Gear (30,000)
Air Support Charges x10 Gear 2,000
Akstiletto Secondary 800 (550)
Akzani Secondary 1,500
Amesha Harness Component (6,200)
Amesha Systems Component 6,700
Amphis Melee 500
Ancient Healer Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Angstrum Secondary 900
Anku Melee 800 (500)
Ankyros Melee 900
Antiserum Injector Gear 6,000
Apoc Mk I Ship Turret (1,000)
Apoc Mk II Ship Turret (1,000)
Arca Plasmor Primary (12,000)
Arca Scisco Secondary 12,500
Argonak Primary (2,000)
Ascaris Negator Quest 450
Ash Locust Helmet Cosmetic 500
Ash Prime Neuroptics Component 1,000
Ash Scorpion Helmet Cosmetic 500
Ash Systems Component 500
Atlas Prime Neuroptics Component 4,700
Atlas Shikoro Helmet Cosmetic 4,400
Atlas Tartarus Helmet Cosmetic 1,200
Atomos Secondary 1,500
Atterax Melee 1,500
Atterax Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Attica Primary (300)
Azima Secondary 2,750
Banshee Chorus Helmet Cosmetic 500
Banshee Neuroptics Component 500
Banshee Prime Chassis Component 7,000
Banshee Reverb Helmet Cosmetic 500
Banshee Systems Component 500 (1,000)
Baruuk Chassis Component 3,250
Baruuk Meroe Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Baza Primary (1,750)
Bishamo Greaves Cosmetic 50,000
Bleeding Dragon Key Gear (100)
Bo Melee 900
Boar Primary 750
Boltor Primary 900
Broken Scepter Melee 2,500
Burston Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Buzlok Primary 5,000 (500)
Calcifin Stim Gear (30,000)
Cassowar Melee 5,700
Castanas Secondary 800 (500)
Catabolyst Secondary (3,750)
Ceti Lacera Melee 8,150
Charger Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Chroma Chassis Component 900
Chroma Mark Quest 2,000
Chroma Prime Chassis Component 7,800
Chroma Signal Quest 1,000
Cipher x1 Gear 400
Clem Clone x5 Gear 2,500
Clotra Stim Gear (30,000)
Corinth Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Corrupted Bombard Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Corrupted Lancer Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Cyanex Secondary (2,250)
Daikyu Primary 1,200 (500)
Decaying Dragon Key Gear (100)
Despair Secondary 4,500
Detonite Injector Resource 500
Djinn Sentinel 30,000
Dual Cestra Secondary (400)
Dual Cleavers Melee 1,000
Dual Ether Melee 900
Dual Heat Swords Melee 900
Dual Ichor Melee 15,000
Dual Keres Melee 13,250
Dual Raza Melee (400)
Dual Zoren Melee 900
Elytron Systems Component 6,000
Ember Backdraft Helmet Cosmetic 500
Ember Phoenix Helmet Cosmetic 500
Ember Systems Component 500
Embolist Secondary 15,000
Equinox Day Aspect Systems Component 500
Equinox Prime Systems Component 5,400
Excalibur Avalon Helmet Cosmetic 500
Excalibur Pendragon Helmet Cosmetic 500
Excalibur Systems Component 500
Exergis Primary 8,500
Exergis Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Extinguished Dragon Key Gear (100)
Falcor Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Ferrox Primary 35,000
Fieldron Resource 500
Fluctus Arch-Gun (500)
Fragor Melee 750
Fragor Brokk Skin Cosmetic 500
Frost Aurora Helmet Cosmetic 500
Frost Prime Systems Component 500
Frost Squall Helmet Cosmetic 500
Frost Systems Component 500
Furax Melee 900
Furis Secondary 400
Fusilai Secondary 10,000
Galatine Melee 750
Galatine Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Gara Virago Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Gauss Mag Helmet Cosmetic 500
Gauss Neuroptics Component 6,200
Gazal Machete Melee 2,600 (500)
Glaive Melee 4,500
Glazio Mk I Ship Turret (500)
Glazio Mk II Ship Turret (750)
Glazio Mk III Ship Turret (1,000)
Gorgon Primary 6,000
Grakata Primary 900
Gram Melee 750
Grattler Arch-Gun 6,000 (540)
Grendel Glutt Helmet Cosmetic 500
Grinlok Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Guandao Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Guandao Synoid Skin Cosmetic 775
Gunsen Melee (15,500)
Harrow Chassis Component 25,000
Harrow Suffragan Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Hate Melee 4,500
Hek Primary 1,200
Hek Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Hema Primary 50,000
Hikou Secondary 4,000
Hildryn Asuron Helmet Cosmetic 500
Hind Primary 1,000
Hobbled Dragon Key Gear (100)
Hydroid Prime Chassis Component 10,500
Hydroid Triton Helmet Cosmetic 500
Ignis Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Itzal Systems Component 800 (72,500)
Ivara Prime Neuroptics Component 4,250
Jat Kittag Melee 5,000 (500)
Jat Kusar Melee 7500
Karak Primary 900
Karak Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Karyst Melee 1,500
Kestrel Melee 4,000
Khora Delphi Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Khora Neuroptics Component 16,000
Knell Secondary 20,000
Kohm Primary 2,500
Kraken Secondary 750
Kunai Secondary 4000
Laith Mk I Ship Turret (500)
Laith Mk II Ship Turret (750)
Laith Mk III Ship Turret (1,000)
Landing Craft Foundry Segment Orbiter Segment (6,000)
Latron Primary 900
Lavos Cordatus Helmet Cosmetic 500
Lecta Melee 900
Lenz Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Limbo Prime Systems Component 3,000
Limbo Systems Component 500
Loki Essence Helmet Cosmetic 500
Loki Swindle Helmet Cosmetic 500
Loki Systems Component 500
Machete Melee 750
Mag Coil Helmet Cosmetic 500
Mag Gauss Helmet Cosmetic 500
Mag Prime Systems Component 500
Mag Systems Component 500
Magnus Secondary 900
Mantis Fuselage Component 9,000
Marelok Secondary 5,000 (650)
Marelok Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Masseter Melee 8,600
Mesa Prime Systems Component 625
Mirage Prime Systems Component 23,000
Mirage Trivelin Helmet Cosmetic 350
MOA Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Mutagen Mass Resource 500
Nekros Prime Systems Component 15,000
Nekros Raknis Helmet Cosmetic 500
Nekros Shroud Helmet Cosmetic 500
Nekros Systems Component 500
Neural Sensors Resource 25,000
Neurodes Resource 25,000
Nezha Neuroptics Component 4,500 (500)
Nezha Systems Component (1,000)
Nidus Myxini Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Nidus Prion Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Nova Flux Helmet Cosmetic 500
Nova Quantum Helmet Cosmetic 500
Nova Systems Component 500
Nukor Secondary 5,500 (550)
Nyx Menticide Helmet Cosmetic 500
Nyx Prime Neuroptics Component 1,000
Nyx Prime Systems Component 1,000
Nyx Systems Component 500
Nyx Vespa Helmet Cosmetic 500
Oberon Markhor Helmet Cosmetic 500
Oberon Oryx Helmet Cosmetic 500
Oberon Prime Chassis Component 7,500
Obex Melee 900
Octavia Cadenza Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Octavia Chassis Component 25,000
Octavia Prime Neuroptics Component 3,750
Odonata Prime Harness Component 1,000
Odonata Systems Component 500
Ogris Primary 5,000
Orokin Cell Resource 25,000
Pandero Secondary 25,000
Phage Primary (550)
Phase Specter x5 Gear 5,000
Plasma Sword Melee 450
Plinx Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Protea Mavv Helmet Cosmetic 500
Protea Neuroptics Component 11,500
Prova Melee 1,000
Pulsar Mk I Ship Turret (500)
Pulsar Mk II Ship Turret (750)
Pupacyst Melee 8,750
Pyrana Secondary 800 (500)
Pyrana Synoid Skin Cosmetic 775
Quanta Primary 7,000 (500)
Quartakk Primary 12,450
Quatz Secondary 12,750
Railjack Engine Cowling Component 1,000
Refract Stim Gear (30,000)
Revenant Systems Component 8,000
Rhino Systems Component 500
Rhino Thrak Helmet Cosmetic 500
Rhino Vanguard Helmet Cosmetic 500
Roller Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Rubico Primary 3,800
Rubico Synoid Skin Cosmetic 775
Saryn Chlora Helmet Cosmetic 500
Saryn Hemlock Helmet Cosmetic 500
Saryn Neuroptics Component 400
Saryn Prime Neuroptics Component 3,500
Saryn Systems Component 550
Scindo Melee 750
Scindo Manticore Skin Cosmetic 500
Scindo Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Scorched Beacon Quest 1,000
Scourge Primary (9,750)
Seekalla Grip Zaw 900
Serro Melee 1,000 (500)
Sevagoth Neuroptics Component 2,750
Shield Osprey Specter x5 Gear 2,500
Sigma & Octantis Melee 2,750
Sigma Engines Mk I Ship Component (300)
Sigma Engines Mk II Ship Component (450)
Sigma Reactor Mk I Ship Component (1,000)
Sigma Reactor Mk II Ship Component (1,500)
Skana Melee 750
Snipetron Primary 1,200
Sobek Primary 900
Soma Primary 8,000
Spira Secondary 4,000
Squad Ammo Restore (Medium) x1 Gear 600
Stug Secondary 3,000
Supra Primary 7,000
Sybaris Primary 800 (500)
Sydon Melee 4,000
Synapse Primary 30,000
Synthula Resource (3,000)
Talyn Mk I Ship Turret (500)
Talyn Mk II Ship Turret (750)
Talyn Mk III Ship Turret (1,000)
Tatsu Solstice Skin Cosmetic 775
Tenora Primary 15,000
Tigris Primary 1,200
Titania Aurai Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Titania Mab Helmet Cosmetic 5,000
Tonkor Primary 1,500
Tonkor Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 775
Torid Primary 4,500
Travocyte Alloy x20 Resource 500
Trinity Aura Helmet Cosmetic 500
Trinity Meridian Helmet Cosmetic 500
Trinity Systems Component 500
Twin Gremlins Secondary 1,500
Tycho Seeker Mk I Ship Ordnance (1,000)
Tycho Seeker Mk II Ship Ordnance (1,250)
Valkyr Bastet Helmet Cosmetic 500
Valkyr Kara Helmet Cosmetic 500
Valkyr Neuroptics Component 500
Valkyr Prime Neuroptics Component 15,000
Valkyr Systems Component 500
Vapor Specter x10 Gear 7,500
Vauban Esprit Helmet Cosmetic 500
Vauban Gambit Helmet Cosmetic 500
Vauban Prime Neuroptics Component 16,000
Vauban Systems Component 500
Veldt Primary (12,000)
Velocitus Arch-Gun (500)
Venka Melee 1,000 (400)
Veritux Arch-Melee 1,000
Viper Secondary 300
Volt Prime Systems Component 1,000
Volt Pulse Helmet Cosmetic 500
Volt Storm Helmet Cosmetic 500
Volt Systems Component 500 (1,000)
Vort Mk I Ship Turret (500)
Vort Mk II Ship Turret (750)
Vort Mk III Ship Turret (1,000)
Vulkar Primary 1,200
Wisp Gaoth Helmet Cosmetic 500
Wisp Systems Component 10,000
Wukong Systems Component 8,000 (1,000)
Xiphos Engines Component 7,500
Zakti Secondary (5,500)
Zarr Primary 5,500
Zenistar Melee 2,750
Zenith Primary 2,750
Zephyr Neuroptics Component 500
Zephyr Systems Component (1,000)
Citrine Neuroptics Component 1,500
Baruuk Prime Systems Component 5,250
Voruna Systems Component 5,000
Revenant Prime Neuroptics Component 4,600
Khora Prime Systems Component 3,800
Garuda Prime Systems Component 3,800
Harrow Prime Systems Component 3,800
Nidus Prime Systems Component 3,800
Yareli Neuroptics Component 875
Yareli Chassis Component (1,000)
Total 1,122,000 (+307,810)
Research Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Last updated: Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64 30 for 3000 Salvage.
—In-Game Description

Beginning in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13) materials could be purchased directly from the market for PlatinumLarge Platinum.

Gathering Tips[]

These are based on opinions and may not be true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the materials until better facts are proven.

  • Carme (Mobile Defense) on Jupiter will possibly drop as much as 2,000 a run if you loot all of the containers and lockers.
  • Olympus (Disruption) on Mars can provide at least 2,000 Salvage.
  • Endless missions have a higher concentration of mobs and also contains a decent amount of storage containers and lockers, which also have a chance to drop Salvage.
    • Elara (Survival) on Jupiter, with a Nekros (Desecrate130xWhite Desecrate) and a Kubrow or Kavat with Mod TT 20px Animal Instinct and Mod TT 20px Scavenge, as well as a nice Slash AoE-weapon like Atterax Atterax or Scoliac Scoliac (Or Ignis Ignis / Amprex Amprex, if you don't like Slide-Attacks). You can systematically go from room to room, and open most lockers and destroy all crates (Works best in Solo-mode). This method should net you about 600-1,000 Salvage per minute (Without a Resource Booster) until no lockers/crates remain.
    • Io (Defense) and Callisto (Interception) on Jupiter can net approximately 2,000 - 2,500 after each run to either wave 5, or round 1, respectively.
  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)