
For the quest, see The Sacrifice.

Sacrifice is a mod that allows a Sentinel to revive its owner from Bleedout, at the cost of putting the Sentinel into Incapacitation and increases recovery time.


Rank Health/Shield Restore Cost
0 +25% 6
1 +50% 7
2 +75% 8
3 +100% 9



  • Sacrifice triggers immediately after the master being downed during solo play, or when the Bleedout timer reaches zero when playing in a squad.
    • To trigger, Sacrifice must be equipped in a higher-priority (more upper left) slot than Mod TT 20px Assault Mode, otherwise with any enemies nearby Sentinel will continue attacking them, causing Sacrifice to be suppressed and the master dying without an attempt to be revived.
    • More generally, due to the nature of Precept mods, it is best to place Sacrifice in the very upper left slot, so the sentinel will not prioritize using other skills such as Mod TT 20px Crowd Dispersion or Mod TT 20px Ghost over reviving the player. For example, if a Shade has been modded to prioritize Ghost first, it cannot use Sacrifice to revive its owner until Ghost ends.
  • Sacrifice does not work during Arbitrations.
  • Sacrifice does not trigger Mod TT 20px Sanctuary or FocusMendingSoul Mending Soul.
  • Sacrifice will immediately trigger when activating FocusLastGasp Last Gasp.
  • As enemies lose aggro to players in bleedout, the Sentinel is very prone to getting incapacitated while trying to revive the master[citation needed].
  • Sacrifice cannot be traded unless the player offering the item owns more than one copy (much like other Sentinel Precept mods).


  • For a short time after Update 10.6 (2013-10-30) this mod could have been acquired via Transmutation.[1] This was due to a bug where all mods, including unreleased ones such as this one, became obtainable through transmutation. This was quickly fixed, but players who obtained the mod this way were allowed to keep them.

See Also[]


Patch History[]

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • Sacrifice still allows your Sentinel to automatically revive you; however, the Sentinel now goes into Incapacitation instead of being destroyed. Adds 15 seconds to your Sentinel's Incapacitation time.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Fixed a script error when your Sentinel attempts to Revive you.

Hotfix 23.0.8 (2018-07-09)

  • Optimized the Sacrifice precept.

Update 20.4 (2017-05-04)

Update 12.4 (2014-03-05)

  • Fixed bug where the bleedout timer stops if a sentinel with the sacrifice mod is in the process of reviving a player and dies.

Update 10.6 (2013-10-30)
