
Rune Marrow erupts from Duviri's core.
—In-game description

Rune Marrow is a resource from Duviri.


Rune Marrow can be found in Runic Compact deposits that only appear in The Undercroft or The Circuit.

Blueprints requiring Rune Marrow[]

Blueprints Type Quantity
Sun&Moon Sun & Moon Melee 35
Azothane Azothane Melee 30
Edun Edun Melee 30
Sampotes Sampotes Melee 30
Syam Syam Melee 30
Argo&Vel Argo & Vel Melee 30
BratonIncarnonGenesis Braton Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
ParisIncarnonGenesis Paris Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
StrunIncarnonGenesis Strun Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
BoltorIncarnonGenesis Boltor Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
LatronIncarnonGenesis Latron Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
DualIchorIncarnonGenesis Dual Ichor Incarnon Genesis Melee 60
ToridIncarnonGenesis Torid Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
SomaIncarnonGenesis Soma Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
BurstonIncarnonGenesis Burston Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
DreadIncarnonGenesis Dread Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
MiterIncarnonGenesis Miter Incarnon Genesis Primary 60
KullervoIcon272 Kullervo Chassis Component 75
Total 920


  • Seven to eleven containers spawn per Undercroft tile.
  • Missions like Defense or Excavation will start when players move to the objective, starting the mission can be delayed to allow an efficient squad to quickly search the tile in peace for maximum gain.
  • As companions (except for KhoraIcon272 Khora's Venari Venari) cannot be brought into Duviri, mod for Mod TT 20px Loot Detector or Mod TT 20px Thief's Wit on the Warframe.


  • Marrow is a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones in which red blood cells are produced.

Patch History[]

Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)

  • Fixed Rune Marrow not being affected by Resource Boosters.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Introduced.