
Rumbled is a Warframe Augment Mod for AtlasIcon272 Atlas's Rumblers130xWhite Rumblers in PvE and Conclave that transforms Atlas into a Rumbler and grants Overguard that scales off Atlas' modded health.


Rank % max health absorbed Cost
0 200% 6
1 225% 7
2 250% 8
3 300% 9



  • Atlas will be encased in stone armor and unequips all weapons. The player's primary fire button will throw boulders, while melee attacking performs a ground slam.
  • Health multiplier of the Overguard is affected by Ability Strength.
  • Atlas's movement is limited to walking, sprinting and rolling. He cannot jump, crouch, or slide.
    • He can, however, aim glide if he was placed in a high position or in midair.
  • The ability lasts for 45 seconds or until the Overguard has been destroyed.
    • Duration is affected by Ability Duration.
    • The visual stone armor will chip off as the Overguard depletes.
    • Atlas can cancel the ability by casting it again.
  • Atlas is immune to Status Effects while protected by Rumbled's Overguard.
  • Thrown boulders deal 100 DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage, with a blast radius of 3 meters. Radial damage deals 75 DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage and does not diminish with distance.
    • Both attacks have 0% Critical chance, 1.0x Critical multiplier and 12.5% status chance.
    • Direct hits will ragdoll enemies, while the radial blast will stagger.
  • The augment shares similar functionality to pseudo-exalted weapons such as Landslide130xWhite Landslide, SlashDash130xWhite Slash Dash, ShatteredLash130xWhite Shattered Lash, and Whipclaw130xWhite Whipclaw.
    • Affected by Incarnon Genesis perks and the bonus melee damage of Incarnon form.
    • Unlike pseudo-exalted weapons, throws are treated as if making physical contact with the equipped melee weapon.
      • Throw kills are treated as made by that weapon.
    • Can trigger and benefit from Melee Arcanes such as MeleeInfluence Melee Influence.
  • Boulder damage is affected by Ability Strength and most melee mods and arcanes.
View Specific mod interactions List
    • Manticore's damage bonus (+15%) applies.
    • Affected by weapon passives:
      • GazalMachete Gazal Machete's bonus +25% corrosive damage upon Djinn's Mod TT 20px Fatal Attraction.
      • Lesion Lesion's +100% bonus toxin damage upon inflicting a status effect.
      • Will accumulate charges for ArcaTitron Arca Titron's Capacitor, but cannot expend them.
        • Thrown boulders will also benefit from the radial damage range increase, but not from the radial damage increase.
      • Pathocyst Pathocyst will spawn Maggots occasionally when throwing rocks.
      • Paracesis Paracesis grants +60% damage to Sentients, and causes their resistances to reset.
      • Using Sibear Sibear's heavy attack immediately before casting Rumbled grants a flat 50% status chance bonus for the entire Rumbled duration, instead of only 4 seconds.
      • TelosBoltace Telos Boltace makes rolling travel 20% further.
  • Modded DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin, DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity and DmgFireSmall64 Heat increase their proc damage multipliers.
  • Melee attacks Slam, dealing 50 DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage in a 9 meter radius and ragdolls all targets
    • Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 0% from 0m to 9m target distance.
    • Damage and range is unaffected by all mods.
    • Cannot proc status effects.
  • Atlas can still perform front and back Finisher attacks, though this will use the equipped melee weapon.
  • Can be further extended with abilities that reduce damage taken, such as a Subsumed NullStar130xWhite Null Star, increasing resistance to damage significantly.

  • Atlas will be encased in stone armor and unequips all weapons. The player's primary fire button will throw boulders, while melee attacking performs a ground slam.
    • Boulder hits will Knockdown b Knockdown opponents while ground slams will DmgImpairSmall64 Impair them.
  • Atlas cannot jump, crouch, slide or perform any other Maneuvers that require these actions.
    • He can, however, aim glide if he was placed in a high position or in midair.
  • The ability lasts for 20 seconds or until the stone armor has been removed.
    • The armor does not deplete over time.
    • The visual rock armor will chip off as its health depletes
    • Atlas can cancel the ability by casting it again.
  • Atlas can regenerate shields while in stone armor.

  • Media[]


    Warframe Conclave Mod Rumbled

    Patch History[]

    Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)


    Overguard as a Warframe defense mechanism was introduced in Drifter Intrinsics and Decrees with The Duviri Paradox update - it grants additional Health protection and provides Knockdown Immunity while active.

    Overguard has virtually the same function (Health buffs and immunities*) as the listed abilities and Augment Mods, so in an effort to expose the mechanic more and establish familiarity with Overguard as a whole (as it also appears on enemies) we have made it the visual indicator for them.

    • Atlas’ Rumbled Augment Mod

    *The base defensive properties of these abilities and Augment Mods have not changed!

    This change also has the added benefit of allowing “On Damaged” Mods and Arcanes to apply to all of the above! Prior to this change, the aforementioned abilities would make the player "invulnerable" until the added survivability was depleted. Now, Mods and Arcanes like Adaptation and Arcane Avenger can now be triggered when damage is taken to Overguard, because it is treated similarly to Health and Shields.

    The HUD Overguard element has also had slight upgrades for the purposes of registering for these abilities and Augment Mods:

    Hotfix 27.4.4 (2020-05-07)

    • Fixed performing a Mercy kill while Atlas’ Rumbled Augment is active giving you back your regular weapon during Rumbled.

    Hotfix 27.4.1 (2020-05-01)

    • Fixed the Atlas Rumbled Augment Damage absorption not blocking all Damage to Shields/Health and Pressure Point style Damage Mods not affecting Damage.

    Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

    Conclave Mods Converted to PVE:

    The following Conclave Mods have been converted/balanced to PvE Mods! If you already own these Mods they will automatically be available in your Arsenal. You can still obtain these Mods via Conclave, but will also be added to Nightwave Series 3: Glassmaker Cred Offerings.

    • Rumbled (Atlas, Rumblers Augment): Atlas becomes a Rumbler with Rock Armor that can absorb up to 300% of max Health worth of Damage.
      • Please note that this Augment did not convert correctly and we will be fixing it in a near Hotfix!

    Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

    • Introduced.