The Rubico is a revolver-styled Tenno Sniper Rifle. It currently boasts an extreme critical multiplier at the expense of status chance.
- This weapon deals primarily Impact damage.
- Can use the Rubico-exclusive Ambush Optics mod.
- Two zoom modes:
- First zoom has 3.5x zoom distance and +35% critical multiplier.
- Second zoom has 6.0x zoom distance and +50% critical multiplier.
Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Good ammo economy.
- Pinpoint accuracy while zoomed in; shots will hit exactly on the reticle dot, making it ideal for headshots.
- Innate 1 meter punch through.
- Has the smallest shot combo requirement of all sniper rifles.
- Unzoomed (wiki attack index 1)
- High crit chance (30.00%)
- Above average maximum falloff distance (600.0 m)
- Above average total damage (180)
- Very high crit multiplier (3.00x)
Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 50% from 400m to 600m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed).
- Inaccurate beyond short range when fired from the hip.
- Very short shot combo decay timer.
- Unzoomed (wiki attack index 1)
- Low reload speed (2.40 s)
- Low magazine (5)
- Below average fire rate (2.67 attacks/sec)
- Low ammo max (72)
- Low status chance (12.00%)
- Low disposition (●●●○○ (0.90x))
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
- Rubico (Unzoomed), compared to Rubico Prime (Unzoomed):
- Lower base damage per projectile (180.00 vs. 187.00)
- Lower total damage (180 vs. 187)
- Lower base critical chance (30.00% vs. 38.00%)
- Lower base status chance (12.00% vs. 16.00%)
- Lower average damage per tap (288 vs. 329.12)
- Lower burst DPS (768.96 vs. 1207.87)
- Lower sustained DPS (337.02 vs. 489.41)
- Lower fire rate (2.67 attacks/sec vs. 3.67 attacks/sec)
- Slower reload time (2.40 s vs. 2.00 s)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (6 vs. 12)
- Higher disposition (●●●○○ (0.90x) vs. ●●○○○ (0.70x))
- Higher zoom distance (3.5x/6x vs. 2.5x/5x)
The Rubico's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
20,000 |
Salvage 3,800 |
Polymer Bundle 1,300 |
Rubedo 900 |
Argon Crystal 2 |
Time: 12 Hour(s) |
Rush: 35 | |||||
Market Price: 225 | Blueprints Price:20,000 |
This weapon can be sold for 7,500.
- The Rubico has the highest critical multiplier of any sniper rifle, with a base multiplier of 3x.
- On the other hand, it has a dismal status chance of 12%, being the lowest for all the sniper rifles. This is compared to the 20-30% of the other sniper rifles, a considerable difference.
- The crit damage bonus from zooming is treated in the damage calculation like a respective mod. Therefore, it is additive with mods like Vital Sense, Hammer Shot, and Bladed Rounds.
- It closely resembles the Grineer Vulkar in terms of damage type distribution and other stats; the main difference being the Rubico has higher critical stats, while having lower status, base damage, and magazine.
- The Rubico requires only a single shot to activate its Shot Combo Counter, giving it an immediate 1.5x total damage multiplier on the first shot, and a 2.0x total damage multiplier after its third shot, giving it the ability to quickly ramp up its damage with a single magazine. On the other hand, it has a short combo decay counter that lasts only 2 seconds, thus reloading at 2.4 seconds will always lower its shot combo counter if there are no reload mods present
- The combo multiplier starts at 1.5x on the first shot and requires triple the amount of shots to reach each consecutive tier.
Combo Counter Bonus Tier | Total Base Damage Multiplier | Minimum Consecutive Hits Required |
1 | 1.5x | 1 |
2 | 2.0x | 3 |
3 | 2.5x | 9 |
4 | 3.0x | 27 |
5 | 3.5x | 81 |
6 | 4.0x | 243 |
7 | 4.5x | 729 |
8 | 5.0x | 2187 |
- Due to its high critical chance and damage multiplier, modding for critical chance and damage is very effective. Adding Point Strike and Vital Sense increases the critical chance to 75% and the multiplier to 6.6x. Argon Scope, Bladed Rounds and Hammer Shot can increase it even further. Scoping in also boosts its critical damage by up to +50% at maximum zoom level.
- It is not suggested to use the Charged Chamber/ Primed Chamber mod on the Rubico due to its long reload times.
- If the zoom HUD can make aiming difficult, turn off "Use Sniper Scopes" in Interface Options if it hinders you from aiming properly.
- Rubico is a clay made from crushed basalt that is used to build tennis courts, with its green color being similar to the default color of this weapon.
- The Rubico shares the same aesthetic with the Talons thrown bombs and Lacera bladed whip, both of which are also included in the Huntress Bundle.
- It seems as though there is a chance for a bullet to not hit its mark, even when scoped in.
Rubico Skins
Patch History[]
Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)
- Ammo Changes
We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up.
Ammo Pickup Overrides
The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category.
Primary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides
15 Ammo per Pick Up:
- Rubico
Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)
- October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
- Rubico: 0.7->0.65
Hotfix 23.0.2 (2018-06-15)
- Fixed Sniper combo not decaying over time and instead resetting to zero.
Hotfix 22.12.3 (2018-02-12)
- Minor sound remastering updates have been made to the Rubico.
Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)
- Mastery Rank increased from 5 to 6.
- Status chance increased from 5% to 12%.
- Critical chance increased from 25% to 30%.
- Reload speed increased from 3s to 2.4s.
- Damage decreased from 200 to 180.
Update 22.0 (2017-10-12)
General Sniper Changes:
- Reticle sway removed from all zoom levels!
- 1 meter punch through added to all snipers without any to start with (snipers with innate punch through unchanged).
- 1 combo count removed at a time when duration runs out instead of all of them (decay vs. cooldown).
- 1 combo count removed on miss instead of all of them
- Additional bullets from multishot will each count as their own hits and misses in the combo counter
- Combo duration reduced to 2 seconds for all snipers apart from Lanka which is reduced to 6
- Damage fall off begins at 400 meters and ends at 600 meters with damage reduced to 50% past 600 meters.
Specific Sniper Weapon Changes: Rubico
- Fire rate increased from 1.5 to 2.67.
- First level zoom reduced from 5x to 3.5x.
- Second level zoom reduced from 12x to 6x.
Hotfix 20.6.2 (2017-05-30)
- Adjusted the Rubico's left hand placement to fix clipping inside the weapon.
Update: Recurring Dreams (2016-11-03)
- Rubico Headshot multiplier returned to its intended 2x multiplier in Conclave.
Hotfix: Lunaro 2 (2016-06-16)
- The Rubico is now an ‘Alarming’ type weapon.
Update 18.0 (2015-12-03)
- Introduced.
Last updated: Hotfix (2018-09-12)