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Rollers are simple Grineer machines that resemble larger-sized Latchers. Unlike their smaller counterpart, Rollers will jump at players, bludgeoning and staggering them, and will continue to attack the player until they are destroyed. Rollers are sent as a syndicate death squad by Steel Meridian.


  • Care should be taken to destroy these on Grineer defense missions. While you focus on the Grineer, the Rollers might change targets to the generator at which point they will seem to "stick" to it, not rolling or moving but rapidly depleting its health and shields making it much easier for other Grineer to damage it. In such a situation, they may be extremely difficult to hit with a ranged weapon. Using a melee weapon's AoE jump attack or a damaging AoE ability like SarynIcon272 Saryn's Miasma130xWhite Miasma and EmberIcon272 Ember's FireBlast130xWhite Fire Blast can solve this.
  • The codex entry for this enemy is easily completed fighting Kela De Thaym, who can constantly spawn up to three Rollers during her battle.
  • Parrying will not prevent the staggering effect.
  • Rollers can inflict a DmgSlashSmall64 Slash proc to the player on hit, which always deals 3 damage per tick due to their damage not scaling with level.
  • Rollers have a wider angle of Detection range compared to regular Grineer, and it alerts its allies once pursuing its target regardless of Noise.


  • Currently they can get stuck and spin in place for extended periods of time before continuing to chase their target.
  • Rollers don't stop capture percentages in Interception missions, allowing a player to capture a tower even if rollers are in the capture range.
  • The Arson Eximus variant of this enemy cannot use its Fire Blast ability, but its Leech form can lifesteal.
  • Rollers are unaffected by Limbo's Stasis.  


  • Rollers were first introduced in Update 6.0 (2013-01-29). They were initially smaller and named "Grinders" when first released.
  • The Grineer Roller is one of the few enemy types to have proper capitalization in its name in-game, rather than the usual all capitals.
  • Up until circa Update 11.0 (2013-11-20), when destroyed by certain Warframe abilities Rollers would spawn severed arms and/or legs, leading to theories that they somehow contained Grineer soldiers within. The gibs were ultimately removed.
  • Rollers no longer spawn in Grineer Settlements as of Hotfix 9.5.3 (2013-08-14).
  • Rollers have extendable blades that use the same super-heated ceramic surface of the Machete Machete and DualCleavers Dual Cleavers.
    • Rollers currently do not use their blades. They seem to have been removed as of about Update 15.0 (2014-10-24).
    • They can still inflict DmgSlashSmall64 Slash procs, even without blades.
  • On Halloween of Update 10.6 (2013-10-30), the model of the Roller was replaced by an angry pumpkin with a glowing orange light inside.
    • This pumpkin model is static and does not change its shape when moving.


Armored Roller General Drops
Introduced Undetermined Mod Drops:
Mission Kela De Thaym Assassination
Weapon Sawblades
Codex Scans ?
Cloned Flesh ???
DmgSlashSmall64 + DmgFireSmall64 + DmgViralSmall64 +++ DmgImpactSmall64  DmgGasSmall64 ‐‐
Ferrite Armor ???
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Affinity ?
Base Level ?

Kuva Roller General Drops
Introduced Undetermined Mod Drops:
Mod TT 20px Enhanced Vitality 0.5691%
Mod TT 20px Trick Mag 0.5691%
Mod TT 20px True Steel 0.5691%
Endo Endo 0.5691%
Mod TT 20px Fast Deflection 0.2211%
Mod TT 20px Hellfire 0.2211%
Endo Endo 0.2211%
Endo Endo 0.0603%
Tileset Kuva Fortress
Weapon Sawblades
Codex Scans 10
Machinery 40
DmgImpactSmall64 + DmgElectricitySmall64 ++ DmgBlastSmall64 +++ DmgToxinSmall64 - DmgViralSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 100
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Affinity 100

Tusk Roller General Drops
Introduced Undetermined Mod Drops:
Mod TT 20px Enhanced Vitality 0.5691%
Mod TT 20px Trick Mag 0.5691%
Mod TT 20px True Steel 0.5691%
Endo Endo 0.5691%
Mod TT 20px Fast Deflection 0.2211%
Mod TT 20px Hellfire 0.2211%
Endo Endo 0.2211%
Endo Endo 0.0603%
Tileset Plains of Eidolon
Weapon Sawblades
Codex Scans 10
Machinery 40
DmgImpactSmall64 + DmgElectricitySmall64 ++ DmgBlastSmall64 +++ DmgToxinSmall64 - DmgViralSmall64 -
Ferrite Armor 100
DmgPunctureSmall64 ++ DmgCorrosiveSmall64 +++ DmgSlashSmall64 - DmgBlastSmall64 -
Affinity 100
  • Less common, than usual, do not seem to be deployed by Tusk Seekers.


Armored roller design can be found here
