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“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers.

Cephalon Samodeus' grand creations. Each mod is malleable and unique, inspired by and meant for a single weapon. Complete a Riven Mod's challenge to unveil its possibilities, both rapturous and unfavorable.
—In-game description

Riven Mods are special mods for primary weapons, secondary weapons, melee weapons, archguns, and robotic weapons.

Riven Mods are completely unique; no two are the same, even if they have the same attributes, as their numbers will differ.

Warning: Weapon Dispositions are rebalanced every Prime Access release, resulting in ever-changing Riven Mod values. This should be kept in mind when investing in the Riven system.


Riven Mods are unique amongst other Mods in a variety of ways:

  • Require the player to complete stated challenge to reveal its weapon assignment and attributes.
  • Carry two or three different bonuses.
  • Can carry a negative stat, the effects of which can be crippling but which greatly increases the potency of bonuses.
  • Can have any of the Madurai, Naramon, or Vazarin polarities, regardless of its attributes.
  • Have their own Mastery Rank requirement independent of the weapon, ranging from 8 to 16.
  • Can have its bonuses (but not the weapon) rerolled with the use of Kuva.
  • Are assigned to a single weapon (and its variants) per Riven mod, similar to Weapon Augment Mods.
  • Cannot be equipped alongside another Riven mod.

Upgrade costs and Trading Credit taxes of Riven mods are equivalent to those of Rare mods.

Players start off with 15 inventory slots for Riven mods, which can be increased by purchasing 3 slots for Platinum64 60 at a time from the Market, up to a maximum of 150 slots (total cost to buy additional 135 slots is Platinum64 2,700). Achieving MR 30 earns an additional 30 slots for a total of 180.


A single Riven mod is given to players upon completion of The War Within quest.

In a more general sense, Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, Melee, Kitgun, and Zaw Riven mods can primarily be acquired from:

Weapon Type Drop Chance
Melee 8.14%
Pistol 7.61%
Rifle 6.79%
Kitgun 2%
Zaw 2%
Shotgun 1.36%

Riven mods can also more sporadically be acquired from:

In addition to the above, players can also acquire the following:



A Veiled Riven mod.

When a player receives a Riven mod, it is listed as ???. In this state, it will not take up a Riven slot.

Upon equipping a ??? Riven mod, it becomes Veiled. In this state:

  • Reveals a challenge that must be completed in order to become Unveiled. The weapon with the equipped Riven must be in the player's equipped loadout in order to partake in the challenge.
  • Will take up a Riven slot. Attempting to equip will prompt a confirmation screen warning this, as well as how many available Riven slots the player has.
  • Will not take up mod capacity.
  • Will not grant any bonuses or curses.
  • Cannot be upgraded.
  • Can only be equipped on a weapon of the same class that itself:
    • Veiled Rifle Rivens can only be equipped on non-shotgun primaries.
    • Veiled Shotgun Rivens can only be equipped on shotguns.
    • Veiled Pistol Rivens can only be equipped on secondaries.
    • Veiled Melee and Zaw Rivens can only be equipped on melee weapons.
    • Veiled Kitgun Rivens can be equipped on either primaries or secondaries.
    • Veiled Robotic Weapons Rivens can be equipped on any Robotic weapon.
    • Veiled Archgun Rivens can only be equipped on Archguns.

Once Unveiled, the Riven's stats, polarity, and mod space are revealed, and can now be upgraded. It also now has a required Mastery Rank to equip.


  • The weapon used to complete a challenge is entirely irrelevant to the resulting Riven.
  • It is possible to complete the challenges using any equipped weapon or Warframe ability, i.e. it does not need to be the weapon on which the Riven is currently equipped (however the Riven must be equipped on an item within the current loadout while attempting the challenge).
  • It is possible to unveil multiple Rivens in a single mission by equipping one veiled Riven on different pieces of equipment. For example, one pistol and one rifle Riven. If the Rivens have the same challenge, this is convenient.
  • If its conditions are met, the Riven will be revealed independently of mission success. It will also be automatically removed from the weapon used to reveal it if that weapon is not the Riven's dedicated type.
  • Completing the challenges also gives affinity.
  • Certain challenge modifiers are listed below for the sake of clarity:
    • Being alone - No Companions equipped. Venari130xWhite Venari is exempt from this modifier as she is instead tied to KhoraIcon272 Khora's abilities. Not to be confused with Solo mode.
    • With an active pet - Generally refers to Beast-type companions. Venari is excluded from this modifier.
    • Having a Dragon Key equipped - any Dragon Key can be used for this challenge, unless specified.
View Riven Challenges List
Challenge Notes & Tips Internal Name
Kill X Enemies with Finishers /Lotus/Types/Challenges/RandomizedFinisherKill
Kill X Enemies while Sliding /Lotus/Types/Challenges/RandomizedStyleKill
Kill X Enemies with Headshots /Lotus/Types/Challenges/RandomizedHeadshot
Kill X unalerted Tusk Ballistas with a Headshot
  • Tusk Ballistas can be found on the Plains of Eidolon, on top of watchtowers near Grineer camps.
Kill X Enemies with Headshots from at least 75m away /Lotus/Types/Challenges/RandomizedLongRangeSniper
Kill X Enemies that are on a Dropship /Lotus/Types/Challenges/RandomizedKillPassengers
Catch X Fish without missing a throw.
  • Modifiers include being alone, remaining undetected.
  • The Pharoma can be used to make this easier. And note that it affects only the fish that have spawned already.
Catch one Fish, Mine one gem or metal, and kill one enemy in 30 seconds.
  • Modifiers include being alone, remaining undetected, having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • Search for a fishing area with nearby deposits and deploy bait before attempting this challenge. Additionally, consider mining deposits first as they're the most time-consuming out of the 3 tasks.
  • The Grineer Camp at Er-Phryah's Vigil is a good place to complete this challenge, as the camp itself is located on the coast with several ore deposits nearby.
Complete a defense mission with level 30 or higher enemies without the defense objective taking any damage.
  • Modifiers include being alone, not using any team consumables, having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • The failure condition of taking any damage includes hits to the shields, so defense missions with Ranged enemies is not recommended.
  • FrostIcon272 Frost built for SnowGlobe130xWhite Snow Globe, VoltIcon272 Volt built for ElectricShield130xWhite Electric Shield's Duration, BansheeIcon272 Banshee built for SoundQuake130xWhite Sound Quake, LimboIcon272 Limbo built for Stasis130xWhite Stasis, VaubanIcon272 Vauban built for Bastille130xWhite Bastille, GaraIcon272 Gara built for MassVitrify130xWhite Mass Vitrify and EmberIcon272 Ember using Inferno130xWhite Inferno on Infested defenses is highly recommended but not required to complete this.
  • Kala-azar, Eris or Sechura, Pluto are recommended missions to complete this challenge.
  • Only five waves are needed to complete the challenge.
Complete an extermination mission with level 30 or higher enemies without being detected.
  • Modifiers include not taking damage, being alone, having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • This challenge can be completed by waiting around the mission start location while your teammates do the killing, as it tracks only whether you have been detected.
  • You will be informed if you are detected and fail the challenge via pop-up.
  • Keep in mind that to be detected, enemies have to actually see you. Using a frame that is able to stay invisible like LokiIcon272 Loki, AshIcon272 Ash, or IvaraIcon272 Ivara will make the objective much easier.
Complete a solo interception mission with level 30 or higher enemies with a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped.
  • Modifiers include not dying/becoming downed.
  • Remember that the Hobbled Dragon Key does not affect Bullet Jump and Slide speeds.
  • Fast or crowd-control based frames may help in keeping all points secured. IvaraIcon272 Ivara, TitaniaIcon272 Titania, HydroidIcon272 Hydroid, and even RhinoIcon272 Rhino are good at keeping the enemies off the points.
  • Only one round of interception is required to complete the challenge.
  • It is possible to start the mission with two or more allies, but they must leave before all enemies have been killed at the end.
  • Suggested Mission: Pluto, Cerberus
  • Using NyxIcon272 Nyx on Sedna, Berehynia is small enough of a map to allow you to cover most of the map with MindControl130xWhite Mind Control or Chaos130xWhite Chaos.
  • GaussIcon272 Gauss makes this challenge a breeze with MachRush130xWhite Mach Rush, and ThermalSunder130xWhite Thermal Sunder can be used to defend the consoles.
Complete a survival mission with level 30 or higher enemies without killing anyone.
  • Modifiers include having a Dragon Key equipped, not using Health/Energy Consumables.
  • This challenge can be completed by using IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Prowl130xWhite Prowl ability to grab Life Support off enemies. However, this is still reliant on chance as not every enemy will drop Life Support.
  • Opening Lockers and smashing containers will also sometimes drop Life Support capsules. By equipping Mod TT 20px Master Thief on your Warframe you have the chance to open even more lockers than normally available.
  • Allies killing enemies will result in challenge failure. Note that this includes RevenantIcon272 Revenant's Enthrall130xWhite Enthrall.
  • Enemies killed due to infighting (e.g. NyxIcon272 Nyx's Chaos130xWhite Chaos ability) do not cause the challenge to fail.
  • Defeating (Shadow) Stalker in case of appearing during the challenge will not result in challenge failure.
  • Enemies killed by laser traps in the Void do not result in challenge failure.
  • Only five minutes are required to complete the challenge.
Destroy X Dargyns with a bow.
  • While this primarily refers to Tusk Dargyns, Kuva Dargyns will also count towards this challenge. Standard Dargyns in Archwing Free Space missions, however, will not.
    • The easiest way to find Dargyns is to go to the Koro node (an Assault mission) in the Kuva Fortress. During the first stage of the Assault, several Dargyns will fire on the player as they try to break in.
  • Note that the Dargyns do not have to be piloted, however, they do have to be airborne. Kills against grounded Dargyns do not count.
    • You can also fly a Dargyn into the air yourself, exit the vehicle and shoot it as it falls.
  • Crossbows (such as Zhuge Zhuge and Attica Attica) can also be used count towards the challenge.
Destroy X Vruush Turrets while in Archwing.
  • Modifiers include without dying/being downed, not getting afflicted by a Status Effect, while alone/in Solo Mode, having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • Vruush Turrets usually found above Watch Towers in Grineer settlements.
  • They are usually hidden underground. Fly low through a settlement, which will pop them up and then go to a safe distance and shoot them.
Find [1-4] Caches.
  • Modifiers include having an active pet, not dying/becoming downed, not using ciphers, not taking damage, not using energy consumables, being alone/in Solo Mode, having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • Bounties given by Konzu or Eudico related to finding caches also count towards this challenge, making it easier to get.
  • There is currently a bugged modifier of having to not raise the alarms, as completing the Sabotage objective will raise an alarm. Aborting the mission after finding a cache will still count towards the challenge, however.
  • It is impossible to raise the alarm on Crossfire Exterminate Lua mission which makes this mission well suited to completing the challenge.
Find [8-12] Syndicate Medallions.
  • Modifiers include having an active pet present, not failing a mission, not having an ally downed, not taking damage, not triggering an alarm.
  • Any Syndicate medallion counts towards the challenge's progress.
    • As of Update 31.6 (2022-06-09), Voidplumes count towards this challenge, but only the eight Voidplumes that spawn for pickup.
  • As any Syndicate mission is guaranteed to spawn eight medallions, players can expect to finish this challenge within 1-3 Syndicate missions depending on the challenge's requirements.
  • Note: Completing the mission is not neccesary to complete the challenge on the riven, meaning you can gather the medallions and then abort the mission and it will still unveil it.
Get 3 headshot kills in a single aim glide.
  • Modifiers include having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • Note that this does not require consecutive headshot kills. A "spray and pray" approach on an enemy-dense mission type is a possible tactic.
  • Mod TT 20px Patagium combined with Mod TT 20px Aero Vantage can make this much easier by completely removing motion while aim gliding. Simply stop moving, jump straight up, and hold aim, and you'll hover in place for ~6 seconds.
  • Frames that can prevent enemy movement without killing enemies such as IvaraIcon272 Ivara, VaubanIcon272 Vauban and EquinoxIcon272 Equinox can help a lot. A good strategy is to bring a friend to immobilize enemies while the person with the Riven mod equipped brings ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr to get the headshots.
  • The Scourge Scourge's Bullet Attractor field makes headshots noticeably easier to land if the throw doesn't kill the targets. For this reason, do not equip any damage-boosting mods on the Scourge.
  • The ArcaPlasmor Arca Plasmor's large hitbox and innate punch through make it easy to score multiple headshots on a crowd if aimed slightly above head height.
  • Pax Seeker's projectiles seek enemy heads and count towards the 3 headshots.
  • Can be made trivial by charging Zephyr's Tail Wind to hover in place
  • It is recommended to do this on Corpus Tilesets, as some Grineer can be difficult to headshot. If you have a warframe that can heal a Defense target like Khora's Venari, Tessera on Venus is an excellent choice; shoot out any Moas but let a sizeable number of Corpus converge on the defense target, then with an accurate semi-auto weapon like a Vulkar Vulkar get into an Aim Glide and headshot 3 of them in quick succesion.
Get [10-20] kills in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor.
  • Modifiers include having to be invisible during the kills, not raising alarms, taking no damage.
    • IvaraIcon272 Ivara or LokiIcon272 Loki are useful for "being invisible" modifier.
    • Silent weapons or equipping silencing mods (f.e. Mod TT 20px Hush) on weapons are useful for "not raising alarms" modifier.
    • Can not be completed by doing a Survival or Defense mission for the "not raising alarms" modifier due to an alarm being raised at the beginning of the mission.
  • Weapons that deal area-of-effect damage (i.e. Tonkor Tonkor, Penta Penta, Ignis Ignis etc.) are ideal for completing this challenge.
  • The wall clinging time can be prolonged by jumping on the wall once when your clinging time is about to run out and then reactivating wall clinging. As long as you do not touch the floor, the challenge won't reset.
  • Keep in mind that LokiIcon272 Loki has a 60-second long wall latch time as a passive ability, making this very helpful for this challenge.
  • Exilus mods like Mod TT 20px Patagium, Mod TT 20px Ice Spring, Mod TT 20px Firewalker or Mod TT 20px Toxic Flight can help increasing the wall latch time as well.
  • Abilities that can attack for you, such as WukongIcon272 Wukong's CelestialTwin130xWhite Celestial Twin, can make this trivial.
Get the killing blow on [2-12] Sentients.
  • Modifiers include having a Dragon Key equipped, being invisible, while sliding, while alone, without dying/becoming downed, without an ally getting downed, without getting afflicted by a status effect, without using energy consumables, doing it in one day, taking no damage.
  • Sentinel, Necramech, or Operator last hits will not count towards the challenge.
    • Vomvalysts are an exception to this rule, but players must complete the challenge or leave the Plains of Eidolon before sunrise, otherwise, the challenge will be considered a failure.
  • During The Second Dream, killing Sentients while being carried counts towards the requirement.
  • Brachiolysts do not count towards this challenge. Neither do Amalgams, despite being listed as Sentients in the Codex.
  • If Vomvalysts aren't available at the time, fighting the Ropalolyst on Jupiter spawns a good amount of Sentients during its final phase.
  • Murex railjack missions always have 20 Sentients. These can be used for this challenge.
Kill X Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground.
  • Simply destroying a Dargyn and the pilot simultaneously with an AoE weapon does not count, however killing the pilot with a Sniper Rifle while they are in mid-flight does work.
  • Modifiers include while aim gliding, being alone, while sliding.
  • MesaIcon272 Mesa's Peacemaker130xWhite Peacemaker or AshIcon272 Ash's BladeStorm130xWhite Blade Storm abilities can make this trivial.
    • The way to complete the "while sliding"-modifier is to hold down the slide button first and then activate Peacemaker.
  • Throwing the Pilots into the air with Void Sling and killing them before they hit the ground also counts towards the challenge.
  • Warframe abilities that count in suspending Dargyn Pilots:
Kill [11-125] enemies.
  • Modifiers include while aim-gliding, while sliding, while invisible, kill enemies with finishers, kill enemies with headshots, kill enemies with headshots from at least 100 meters away, kill unalerted enemies, kill specific enemies, kill enemies that are on a dropship, having a Dragon Key equipped, not using consumables, not taking damage, not being affected by a Status Effect, not dying/becoming downed, not raising any alarms, not being detected, not failing the mission, while alone/in Solo Mode, completing within a single day.
  • The ground vents on Jupiter will help to prolong aim glide time. ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr is highly recommended, but it is possible to do without her.
  • IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Prowl130xWhite Prowl can aid in scoring headshots undetected, as well as raising their damage.
  • Using a sniper rifle and an Itzal as Penumbra allows players to cloak and avoid detections while the sniper rifle allows for precise aiming from longer distances.
  • LokiIcon272 Loki with Mod TT 20px Hushed Invisibility will allow you to walk right up to the targets and headshot them.
  • No alarms:
    • Missions such as Void Exterminate (Teshub) contain no alarms.
  • Status effect: can be avoided with RhinoIcon272 Rhino's IronSkin130xWhite Iron Skin, NezhaIcon272 Nezha's WardingHalo130xWhite Warding Halo, TitaniaIcon272 Titania's Spellbind130xWhite Spellbind, or OberonIcon272 Oberon's HallowedGround130xWhite Hallowed Ground.
  • There is no requirement to kill all enemies within one mission, so a mission can be ended, even aborted, without resetting the counter.
  • Kubrow Dens may help, as you can have almost 10 Kubrows per den. Be sure to equip a very low damage (unmodded) weapon to hit the den, without destroying it, to spawn additional Kubrows (about 5). Kubrows never trigger an alarm.
  • "While sliding" can be done with OctaviaIcon272 Octavia, casting Mallet130xWhite Mallet and just keep sliding until enough enemies are killed by the mallet.
  • "Kill on a dropship" modifier:
    • Applies to enemies on Tusk Firbolgs, Tusk Bolkors, Condors and Coildrives.
    • Should be noted that destroying a dropship while enemies are onboard will count towards the challenge.
    • The Interception mission on Cerberus, Pluto spawns a dropship right when you start the mission. Using a beam chaining weapon like Atomos, kill the enemies in the first dropship, abort the mission and repeat.
  • Frames specializing in stealth and/or melee finishers while in open combat like ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur, HydroidIcon272 Hydroid, IvaraIcon272 Ivara, EquinoxIcon272 Equinox, AshIcon272 Ash, InarosIcon272 Inaros, and ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr will allow for easier completion for "with finishers" modifier. Finisher opportunities from blocking attacks and the Steel Meridian's Justice proc may also apply as well.
    • A good way to enable finishers on enemies is by drop-kicking the enemy to the ground, leaving them open to a finisher.
Land X consecutive headshots while in Archwing mode in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Important note: Any hit by enemy (or turret) fire will reset the counter. This is not reflected in the description, however. Fly around with caution as any overlooked enemy may result in a reset, especially turrets can detect you over a long range.
  • Manually exiting Archwing Mode will not reset the counter.
  • The missiles fired by Tusk Hellions, Tusk Ballistas, or Vruush Turrets can reset this challenge's progress, as they can force a player out of Archwing Mode should they hit.
  • Hitting any other body part than the head resets the counter. However, missing a target completely does not reset the counter.
  • The challenge only takes into account of the number of headshots, not headshot kills. The challenge can easily be completed by getting consecutive headshots (with low damage) on a single target X amount of times.
  • Shooting off a Tusk Thumper's leg plates and revealing its points of vulnerability counts as a headshot, allowing for 4 headshots per Thumper.
  • The Eidolon Teralyst and its variants count for this challenge. It is recommended to take an accurate weapon and mod for fire rate and magazine capacity. Head out onto the plains at night and look for the Teralyst, use any Archwing abilities that can negate damage and open fire.
  • Tips:
    • When shooting one enemy of a group retreat immediately, as the others will be alerted and shoot at you.
    • Alternatively, immobilize all enemies in a group using sleep or another form of crowd control before entering Archwing to guarantee accurate headshots.
    • Use a silenced weapon.
    • Itzal and Amesha are recommended Archwings, as they can respectively use Penumbra and Benevolent Decoy to avoid/deflect incoming damage. Odonata can also use Energy Shell to protect from damage, but bear in mind it only protects from frontal attacks.
    • Headshots on grounded Condrocs count towards this challenge, as they generally stay in one place unless disturbed, but avoid Kuakas due to their erratic movement.
Sustain a 6x melee combo multiplier for 30 seconds.
  • Modifiers include having either a Sentinel, Kubrow or Kavat for the duration, while alone/in Solo mode, having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • Equipping Mod TT 20px Body Count, Mod TT 20px Drifting Contact and Mod TT 20px Gladiator Rush together on a melee weapon can sustain the combo counter for over 30 seconds to more easily complete the challenge. Hit 6x melee combo multiplier once and just wait for the seconds to go by. Alternatively, using VenkaPrime Venka Prime or an Extinguished Dragon Key may also make the challenge easier, especially in tandem with the above suggestions.
  • It is possible to attack a Kuva Fortress Fortress Scanner to rack up a combo, as they are invulnerable, and provide progress in combo counts. Kuva Siphons can also be used for this, as is Profit-Taker Orb resting on top of Enrichment Labs.
  • Another recommended target for this challenge is Lieutenant Lech Kril found on Mars, since he starts off invincible and cannot take damage until his coolant tank is destroyed, which makes it easy to stack combos on him.
  • The passive 'Power Spike' from the Naramon focus school helps a lot in maintaining a high combo counter even while no enemies are nearby. Pair this with slash weapons and the mod 'Relentless Combination' to make this challenge trivial.
  • Blocking with your melee weapon is a safe way to stack and maintain combo.
  • The Xoris Xoris makes this challenge trivial due to its infinite combo duration.
Synthesize a Simaris target without using traps or abilities while having a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped.
  • Modifiers include not taking damage, not using any abilities, being alone/in Solo Mode.
  • The Hobbled Dragon Key only affects running and sprinting speed, and does not affect sliding or parkour. NezhaIcon272 Nezha's passive allows him to slide faster than he would move while running.
  • If Solo mode is not one of the requirements, this has been found possible even with the No Damage modifier with a team-mate set to the same scan target and the team-mate does the scan while the Riven-holder stays at the spawn point, and the team-mate taking damage will not fail the challenge
  • Simaris targets are vulnerable to knockdown effects, including ground slams.
  • Activating IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Prowl130xWhite Prowl or RhinoIcon272 Rhino's IronSkin130xWhite Iron Skin before the target spawns (such as at the start of the mission) and keeping it active until you reach the target to scan them does not fail the challenge.
  • LimboIcon272 Limbo's passive does not fail the "not using any abilities" modifier
  • The synthesis target that you synthesize during the second mission in The New Strange quest will count towards the challenge.
Complete an incursion.
Challenge Retired.
  • Modifiers include being alone, taking no damage, and having a Dragon Key equipped.
  • Note that Incursions in the Plains of Eidolon occur only during day time.
  • Incursions have been removed from the game in Update 24.4 (2019-03-08).
Kill X wild animals with a fishing spear.
Challenge Retired.
  • Any wild animals outside Landscapes (e.g. Feral Kubrows and Feral Kavats) cannot count towards this challenge.
  • Fish do not count either.
  • This is best completed in the Plains of Eidolon as wild animals spawn naturally as opposed to the Orb Vallis.
  • This challenge is quite easy as IvaraIcon272 Ivara, LokiIcon272 Loki, or AshIcon272 Ash as being cloaked allows for careful aiming and even kill multiple animals with one throw
  • KhoraIcon272 Khora can use Ensnare130xWhite Ensnare to not only immobilize wild animals, but also to pull in nearby animals and stun them as well.
  • Explosion kills from MolecularPrime130xWhite Molecular Prime also count towards this challenge, as long as they were initiated with a fishing spear. Molecular Prime also has the added benefit of slowing down animals, making them much easier to hit.
Kill 3 airborne Condrocs within 5 seconds.
Challenge Retired.
  • Modifiers include not dying/becoming downed, having an active pet.
  • Ash's Blade Storm simplifies this greatly, but only works with Condrocs found on the ground. Mark them and wait for them to take flight before triggering.
  • It appears that each time you enter the Plains, 4 airborne Condrocs can be found at "Er-Phryah's Vigil". This can simplify the mission further.
  • Using an Odonata can trivialize this challenge. Getting close to a group and using Repulse, you can kill many Condrocs at once. You can use Energy Amplifier to broaden the area Repulse covers.
View Riven Challenge Complications List
Complication Internal Name
while undetected /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/Undetected
while sliding /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/Sliding
while Aim Glide /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/AimGliding
without taking damage /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnDamageTaken
without dying or becoming downed /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnDowned
with an active pet present /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/PetPresent
with an active sentinel present /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/SentinelPresent
, while alone or in Solo Mode /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/SoloPlayer
without failing a mission /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnMissionFailure
without raising any alarms /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnAlarmRaised
without being disrupted by a <DT_MAGNETIC>Magnetic Damage /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnDisrupt
without getting afflicted by a Status Effect /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnProc
without an ally becoming downed /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnAllyDowned
while invisible /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/Invisible
with an Extinguished Dragon Key equipped /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/EquippedDamageDebuffKey
with a Bleeding Dragon Key equipped /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/EquippedHealthDebuffKey
with a Decaying Dragon Key equipped /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/EquippedShieldDebuffKey
with a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/EquippedSpeedDebuffKey
without using ciphers /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnGearCipher
without using air support /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnGearAirSupport
without using health consumables /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnGearHealthRestores
without using shield-restoring consumables /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnGearShieldRestores
without using ammo consumables /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnGearAmmoRestores
without using energy consumables /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnGearEnergyRestores
in one day /Lotus/Types/Challenges/Complications/ResetOnNewDay



A Latron Latron Riven mod.

Rivens are distinct from regular mods in that they are inconsistent in polarity (chosen between Madurai Pol, Naramon Pol, or Vazarin Pol), Mastery Rank requirement (chosen between MR8-16), attributes, and have between two and four attributes.[1] These attributes can be positive or negative values.


Riven mods draw their names from a size pool of 31, indicated by the randomized/rerolled attributes that the new mod has. Names consist of a prefix and/or a core and suffix and follow "Prefix-CoreSuffix" or "CoreSuffix" pattern.

  • Whether a stat is shown as a prefix, core or suffix is determined by the magnitude of the randomized modifier on that stat. The prefix and core are determined by the stats with the highest and second highest randomized modifier, respectively. The suffix is always the stat with the lowest randomized modifier.
    • For example, Vectis Sati-critaata has Multishot as the highest stat, Critical Chance as the second highest stat, and Base Damage as the lowest stat.

Attribute Value Formula[]

The actual stat values for a riven are randomly chosen between 90% and 110% of the base value, multiplied by the weapon's Riven Disposition, and then multiplied by the following weighted bonus or malus values.

Type of Stats Bonus Malus/Negative/Curse
2 Bonus, 0 Malus 0.99 0
2 Bonus, 1 Malus 1.2375 -0.495
3 Bonus, 0 Malus 0.75 0
3 Bonus, 1 Malus 0.9375 -0.75

Base Values[]

“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Missing prefix and suffix for "Chance to not gain Combo Count"

The 31 attributes and their base values are as follows.

Attributes and their base value[2]
Effect Prefix Suffix Rifle Shotgun Pistol Archgun Melee
Additional Combo Count Chance Laci Nus 58.77%
Chance to not gain Combo Count ? ? 104.85%
Ammo Maximum Ampi Bin 49.95% 90% 90% 99.9%
Damage vs. IconCorpusOn Corpus Manti Tron 45% 45% 45% 45% 45%
Damage vs. IconGrineerOn Grineer Argi Con 45% 45% 45% 45% 45%
Damage vs. Infestation w Infested Pura Ada 45% 45% 45% 45% 45%
DmgColdSmall64 Cold Damage† Geli Do 90% 90% 90% 119.7% 90%
Combo Duration Tempi Nem 8.1s
Critical Chance Crita Cron 149.99% 90% 149.99% 99.9% 180%
Critical Chance on Slide Attack Pleci Nent 120%
Critical Damage Acri Tis 120% 90% 90% 80.1% 90%
Base Damage Visi Ata 165% 164.7% 219.6% 99.9% 164.7%
Melee Damage† Visi Ata 165% 164.7% 219.6% 99.9% 164.7%
DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity Damage† Vexi Tio 90% 90% 90% 119.7% 90%
DmgFireSmall64 Heat Damage† Igni Pha 90% 90% 90% 119.7% 90%
Finisher Damage Exi Cta 119.7%
Fire Rate / Attack Speed Croni Dra 60.03% 89.1% 74.7% 60.03% 54.9%
Projectile Speed Conci Nak 90% 89.1% 90%
Initial Combo Para Um 24.5
DmgImpactSmall64 Impact Damage Magna Ton 119.97% 119.97% 119.97% 90% 119.7%
Magazine Capacity Arma Tin 50% 50% 50% 60.3%
Heavy Attack Efficiency Forti Us 73.44%
Multishot Sati Can 90% 119.7% 119.7% 60.3%
DmgToxinSmall64 Toxin Damage† Toxi Tox 90% 90% 90% 119.7% 90%
Punch Through Lexi Nok 2.7m 2.7m 2.7m 2.7m
DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture Damage Insi Cak 119.97% 119.97% 119.97% 90% 119.7%
Reload Speed Feva Tak 50% 49.45% 50% 99.9%
Range Locti Tor 1.94m
DmgSlashSmall64 Slash Damage Sci Sus 119.97% 119.97% 119.97% 90% 119.7%
Status Chance Hexa Dex 90% 90% 90% 60.3% 90%
Status Duration Deci Des 99.99% 99% 99.99% 99.99% 99%
Recoil Zeti Mag 90% 90% 90% 90%
Zoom Hera Lis 59.99% 80.1% 59.99%

†Positive values only (i.e. these attributes will never be a negative trait)

Sentinel weapons use the base values of their associated weapon class (e.g. Deconstructor Deconstructor = Melee, Sweeper Sweeper = Shotgun, etc.).


Modifies the performance of an equipped Riven mod. More dots indicates stronger stats.
—In-game Description

The randomized attributes for Riven mods are affected by Disposition, a stat multiplier provided by the system that collates the usage popularity of a given weapon by players of high Mastery Rank and internal rankings based on the "strength" of a weapon.[3] Disposition strength controls the range of the attributes available for each weapon. Disposition can be any value between 0.5 and 1.55, but in-game this is simplified to 5 categories:

  • ●●●●● (1.31-1.55): Strong: Assigned to the least frequently-used weapons. Rivens with this disposition provide the greatest attributes.
  • ●●●●○ (1.11-1.3): This Disposition is assigned to less popular weapons, Riven mods provide above-average attributes.
  • ●●●○○ (0.9-1.1): Neutral: Weapons that see average usage within the player base, resulting in average attributes.
  • ●●○○○ (0.7-0.89): Slightly more popular weapons, these will yield a below-average attributes.
  • ●○○○○ (0.5-0.69): Faint: Assigned to the most frequently-used weapons, Rivens with this disposition provide the most restrained attributes. All newly released weapons start with this disposition.[4]

Disposition is not necessarily shared between all variants of a single weapon. For example, the TelosBoltor Telos Boltor shares the same disposition with its BoltorPrime Prime variant at 1.20. However, the standard Boltor Boltor has a different disposition at 1.30.

For Modular Weapons, the disposition is tied to the Main Component of the weapon, i.e. the Strike for a Zaw, and the Chamber for a Kitgun Secondary or Primary. For Kitguns, the Disposition of the Chamber can be different for Secondary and Primary versions.

Disposition changes every three months, aligned with every new Prime Access. If a weapon's disposition is changed, the attributes on already unveiled Rivens for the weapon will be automatically adjusted to match the new disposition.

A weapon's Disposition can be seen in the Arsenal under the Upgrade tab, but only when a riven which can be equipped to that weapon is currently owned.

Weapon Disposition List[]

Below is a list of Weapons, Zaw Strikes and Kitgun Chambers by Disposition:

This section is transcluded from Riven Mods/Weapon Dispos . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
View Weapon Disposition List

Cycling (Rerolling)[]

Another unique aspect of a Riven mod's attributes is their ability to cycle (reroll) the attributes via the Cycle function in the Mods segment in the Orbiter. A Riven mod is cycled after spending Kuva, found through Kuva Siphon objectives on planets close to the Kuva Fortress or as an uncommon reward for completing Bounties.

Cycling a Riven mod affects the number of attributes, as well as the final numerical attribute, but not the current weapon designation, mod rank, polarity or Mastery Rank requirement. Dispositions belong to the weapons and not the mods, and thus a cycled riven will not have attributes outside its own range of values.

After cycling a mod, both the old version of the mod and the new version are displayed, and players can choose to keep the version they prefer.

Cycling a Riven mod starts off with Kuva 900 Kuva for the first cycle and increases on subsequent cycles of the same mod, capped at Kuva 3500 Kuva. The number of cycles is indicated by a clockwise arrow at the bottom right of the Riven mod.

Cycle Cost Cumulative Cost Approx. # Kuva Siphon Runs Cumulative Runs
1 900 900 1.4 1.4
2 1,000 1,900 1.6 3.0
3 1,200 3,100 1.9 5.0
4 1,400 4,500 2.2 7.2
5 1,700 6,200 2.7 9.9
6 2,000 8,200 3.2 13.1
7 2,350 10,550 3.8 16.9
8 2,750 13,300 4.4 21.3
9 3,150 16,450 5.1 26.4
10+ 3,500 19,950 5.8 32.2

The total Kuva cost to cycle a Riven the first 9 times is Kuva 16,450. Cycling the same Riven another 9 times will cost an additional Kuva 31,500. Therefore players could potentially save Kuva 15,050 if they then use a different, unrolled Riven.


If a player has excess Rivens and are comfortable with doing away with several of them, a RivenTransmuter Riven Transmuter allows them to sacrifice four Rivens in their inventory for a new, veiled Riven mod.

The Riven Transmuter is a drop acquired from the Eidolon Hydrolyst, consuming four Riven mods to transmute them into a new, veiled one. The new Riven will always be of the same type as one of the transmuted Rivens. As a consequence, if four of the same type are transmuted (e.g. only rifle Rivens), then the new mod will be of the same weapon class.

Upon transmutation, the four selected Riven mods and the Riven Transmuter will be consumed.

Trade Data[]

Digital Extremes exposes in-game Riven Mods trade data through their website for third-party use, which is automatically updated weekly on Monday 00:00 UTC based on the prior week's trades.[5] Note that this data only tracks Riven Mod and Platinum trades greater than Platinum64 1.

Players can access this data from the following websites:


  • "itemType" {string} Riven Mod type
  • "compatibility" {string} Name of item/family of items it can be equipped on in all capital case
  • "rerolled" {boolean} Whether or not this particular Riven Mod type is rerolled or not
  • "avg" {float} Average Platinum traded for this particular Riven Mod type in the past week (as in traded between players, not the same as price listings in chat)
  • "stddev" {float} Standard deviation of Platinum traded for this particular Riven Mod type in the past week
  • "min" {int} Minimum Platinum traded for this particular Riven Mod type in the past week
  • "max" {int} Maximum Platinum traded for this particular Riven Mod type in the past week
  • "pop" {int} Popularity or ranking of this Riven Mod type being traded in relation to the most popular Riven Mod type in the list (value between 1 to 100 inclusive)
  • "median" {float} Median Platinum traded for this particular Riven Mod type in the past week

Sample entry for Braton Braton Riven Mods that have been rerolled at least once:

		"itemType" : "Rifle Riven Mod",
		"compatibility" : "BRATON",
		"rerolled" : true,
		"avg" : 287.85,
		"stddev" : 635.15,
		"min" : 10,
		"max" : 2400,
		"pop" : 1,
		"median" : 34


  • Riven mods are not saved in a player's Codex.
  • It is possible to complete multiple Riven mod challenges within a single mission, assuming the player qualifies for them simultaneously.
  • While it is possible to equip a veiled Riven mod onto Robotic Weapons, the challenge will not appear for the player.
  • Typing [Riven mod] in the in-game chat and selecting the mod will let other players in the same chat channel see its bonuses.
    • Typing out the name of the actual Riven mod is an alternative way of representing the player's mod in chat.
    • Players cannot link Riven mods that they do not own
  • Base (unranked) Endo value of Riven mods is affected by the Mastery Rank requirement, weapon type, and number of cycles.
  • A Riven Mod's chosen weapon is determined upon its unveiling; thus a Riven mod can be obtained, saved, and unveil a weapon that did not exist when the Riven mod itself was rewarded/obtained.
  • Riven mods can be used on variants of a particular weapon, including MK1, Prime, Vandal, Wraith, Dex, Prisma, Mara, and Syndicate variants.
  • Riven mods will not generate for Exalted Weapons.
  • If a Riven mod includes multiple elemental damage bonuses, the elements listed are applied in the reversed order.
    • This means that any other elemental damage mod installed directly before the Riven mod will interact with the last element listed as opposed to the first element listed. Placing an elemental damage mod directly after said Riven mod instead will not affect the Riven mod's combined damage.
    • For example, if a DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage mod is placed directly before a Riven mod that grants DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity and DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage (and thus, DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage), it will create DmgBlastSmall64 Blast and DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage as opposed to DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation and DmgColdSmall64 Cold damage. Putting said DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage mod directly after the Riven mod will keep the DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage intact.
  • Currently, the lowest Mastery Rank requirement to equip, trade, or sell a Riven mod is 8, and the highest is 16.
  • The total Endo gain from dissolving a Riven mod is equal to the following formula:
    (100 × (Mastery Rank - 8)) + ⌊22.5 × 2Mod Rank⌋ + (200 × Rerolls) - 7.
    • For example, the base value for an unranked, unrolled mod with a Mastery Rank requirement of 13 would be: (100 × (13 − 8)) + ⌊22.5 × 2^0⌋ + (200 × 0) - 7 = 515.
  • Since Hotfix 23.8.2 (2018-09-19), trading Rivens requires mastery rank 8 or more.
  • As of Update 24.8 (2019-04-24) veiled Archgun Rivens can be purchased from Arbitrations Honors for 35 Vitus Essence.
    • Archgun Rivens can be equipped and unveiled with Atmospheric Archguns.


  • Riven mods feature a dynamic image, which constantly shifts between the images of the bonuses. For example, a Riven Rifle mod that affects Critical chance and Critical damage (positively or negatively) will shift between Mod TT 20px Point Strike's image and Mod TT 20px Vital Sense's image.
  • Riven is the past participle of the Middle English verb Rive, which means "to violently tear apart".
  • Riven mods for Companion weapons were made unobtainable in Update 24.0 (2018-11-08) but were brought back as Cephalon Simaris' offerings in Update 25.7 (2019-08-29) for ReputationLarge 100,000 each. This was done to reduce reward pool dilution for Sortie-rewarded Riven Mods.
    • Prior to this, in Hotfix 19.10.1 (2017-02-14), Artax Artax Riven mods were made unobtainable from Sorties. Given the short 5-day period between the weapon's introduction and the hotfix and the low chance of getting a specific Riven mod, Rivens for Artax were the rarest ones in circulation.
  • Taking into account the existence of 24 possible positive effects, the possibility of one negative effect, and that elemental damage and punch through cannot be negative attributes, also the fact that effects don't fall into the same category nor does order matter: there are 5,083 possible Riven mod stat combinations that have two positive effects and one or zero negative effects, and 35,673 possible Riven mod stat combinations that have three positive effects and one or zero negative effects, making a total of 40,756 different combinations for a single Rifle, Shotgun, or Pistol Riven.
  • Prior to the removal of Channeling, the following stats used these prefix/core and suffix:
Effect Prefix/Core Suffix
Channeling Damage Tori Bo
Channeling Efficiency Uti Tia


  • If you complete the objectives of 2 different Riven Mods in the same mission they can cancel each other and not open at all, but rather reset to the state they were in before the mission started.
  • If a Riven mod is unveiled while already being on the weapon it turns out to be for, it will remain on the weapon but not drain any mod points. This also allows weapons to reach negative mod point values.


For more examples of Riven mods, see here


  1. Steelwrecker (2023, April 3). This honestly feels worse than just getting an objective downgrade when cycling. Reddit. Accessed 2023-04-03. Archived from the original on 2023-04-03. Example of two Riven mods with the same name having different stats.
  2. ExportUpgrades_en.json file from Public Export
  3. Neumann, Connor (2022, March 28). Riven Disposition Guidelines. Warframe Forums. Accessed 2022-03-28. Archived from the original on 2022-03-28.
  4. Neumann, Connor (2020, June 8). Riven Disposition Procedure for New Weapons. Accessed 2022-04-18. Archived from the original on 2022-04-18.
  5. Ford, Rebecca (2019, March 29). Riven Trading & Toolbuilders: Phase 1. Warframe Forums. Accessed 2021-01-10. Archived from the original on 2023-06-29.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 38.0.3 (2024-12-16)

  • Fixed Rivens that give weapons negative Puncture Damage causing Melee Doughty’s Critical Multiplier to increase beyond intended amounts.

Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers - check the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1409184-august-2024-riven-dispositions/

Hotfix 36.0.3 (2024-06-20)

  • Fixed Duplicate Config failing to copy an equipped Riven to the new config, and instead equipping a Veiled Riven.
    • You will need to either manually swap out the Riven Mod or duplicate the Config again for the correct Riven to replace the unintended Veiled Riven.

Hotfix 35.5.8 (2024-04-24)

  • Fixed parrying attacks with Melee causing the “reset on Status Effect” Riven Mod challenges to fail.

Hotfix 35.5.1 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed being unable to trade newly Unveiled Rivens.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed Voca pickups not counting towards the “Find X Syndicate Medallions” Riven Challenge.
  • Newly Unveiled Rivens will now appear first in the Mod screen when sorting by “Recent”.
  • Updated the following Riven Challenges descriptions to better explain what is needed to complete it:
    • “Get a Headshot kill while Aim Glide” is now “Get a Headshot kill during Aim Glide”
  • Fixed Status Effects negated by Qorvex’s Disometric Guard still causing the Riven Challenges with the “without getting afflicted by a Status Effect” condition to fail.
  • Fixed “Catch X fish without missing a throw” Riven challenges resetting after each throw if attempted with Qorvex.
  • Fixed returning to the Dojo from a mission after successfully Unveiled Rivens not revealing the Riven until players go to their Orbiter.
    • Now the Riven will be revealed upon returning to the Dojo!

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Adjusted Riven type drop rates in Sorties, Archon Hunts, Steel Path Circuit, Nihil’s Oubliette and Acrithis’ and Pallidino’s Veiled Riven Offerings to be more proportional to weapon ratios.
    • In all Riven sources other than Sorties and Archon Hunts, each Riven type has had an equal chance of being rewarded, meaning you are as likely to get a Kitgun Riven as you are a Melee Riven, despite Kitgun Rivens having 6 possible weapons and Melee having well over 100. Now, Kitguns and Zaws are the least likely to be rolled, followed by (in ascending order) Shotguns, Rifle, Pistol, and Melee. This order is applied to both guaranteed and drop table Rivens:
    • Drop rates for guaranteed Rivens (Acrithis, Pallidino, and Nihil’s Oubliette):
      • Kitgun 3.5%
      • Zaw 3.5%
      • Shotgun 8%
      • Rifle 25%
      • Pistol 25%
      • Melee 35%
    • Drop rates for each type have been adjusted in places where Rivens are only a portion of the drop tables (Sorties, Archon Hunt, Duviri Steel Path Circuit). The total chance for a Riven remains the same (ex: Sorties still have a total 28% chance of rewarding a Riven). For full details, visit the public drop tables.
  • Fixed Riven Challenge descriptions in the Challenges screen being cut short.

Hotfix 35.0.9 (2024-01-17)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers - check the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1380863-january-2024-riven-dispositions/

Hotfix 35.0.3 (2023-12-18)

  • Fixed receiving a defective blank Riven (no stats or compatibility) after activating a stackable Riven and then immediately using a Riven Cipher on it or sometimes after returning to your Orbiter after completing the unlock challenge.
    • Any existing "blank" Riven Mods you had before this hotfix should resolve themselves to their intended state on login or mission completion.

Hotfix 35.0.2 (2023-12-14)

  • Temporarily replaced the “Kill X Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground” Riven challenge with “Kill X Enemies with Headshots”.
    • There is a bug that prevents this challenge from gaining progress (as reported here), so we have replaced it while we continue to investigate.

Hotfix 34.0.7 (2023-11-02)

  • Fixed getting a “Reconfiguration could not be completed. Your account has not been charged. Please try again later” error when quickly cycling a Riven back to back.

Hotfix 34.0.5 (2023-10-26)

  • Fixed crash caused by chat linking an Unveiled Riven in chat.

Hotfix 34.0.4 (2023-10-24)

  • We have temporarily removed Riven Challenges with reset conditions from Riven generation, as we continue to investigate the issue of them continuously resetting even after completion (read more on that in the respective PSA). Any existing Unveiled Rivens with these challenges have had them replaced with their non-conditional version, for example: “Kill X enemies without being detected” is now “Kill X enemies”. The following two challenges in particular had their own unique issues, and have both been replaced with “Get X headshots”.
    • Get X headshots in a single aim glide.
    • Get X kills in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor.
  • Added sound effect when unveiling a Riven.

Hotfix 34.0.3 (2023-10-20)

  • Fixed being able to earn way too much Affinity from certain Riven Challenges that got missed in yesterday’s hotfix.

Hotfix 34.0.2 (2023-10-19)

  • TEMPORARY: Completing Riven challenges will no longer grant Affinity.
    • This temporary change fixes a bug that caused various issues for Riven Challenges -- allowing them to be infinitely completed, or not completed at all in certain cases. The real fix that preserves this Code so it will come in our next Cert Build.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers, but we have taken a different approach for this update and have postponed Disposition decreases - check the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1368075-october-2023-riven-dispositions/

  • Added new Reward Options to the Steel Path Circuit Reward Path: Rivens!
    • With Drifter Opportunity Intrinsics at Rank 9, you will be presented with reward options of a Veiled Riven in addition to the weekly Incarnon rotation for your Circuit Reward Path!
    • Just like the Incarnon Geneses, the order you pick these rewards will determine what Rank you need to complete in the Circuit to earn them.
General Fixes:
  • Fixed a UI-only numbers rounding issue on Rivens with the Initial Combo bonus stat.

Hotfix 33.6.1 (2023-07-31)

  • Increased the Larkspur Prime Riven disposition from 0.5 to 0.6.
    • As mentioned in our Riven Disposition changes post -- it simply missed the update!

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers, but we have taken a different approach for this update and have postponed Disposition decreases - check the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361177-july-2023-riven-dispositions/

Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)

  • Fixed several Riven Challenge descriptions appearing as file paths in the “Challenge Progress” screen.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed being unable to chat link Pistol Riven Mods.

Hotfix 32.3.7 (2023-03-16)

  • Fixed several of yesterday’s hotfix Riven Disposition changes not applying as intended/announced in the March 2023 Riven Dispositions post:
    • Afentis: 0.85 (from 0.8)
    • Afuris Prime: 0.7 (from 0.5)
    • Aegrit: 0.65 (from 0.6)
    • Tatsu Prime: 0.7 (from 0.65)

Hotfix 32.3.6 (2023-03-15)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers, check the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1342518-march-2023-riven-dispositions/

Learn more about our Riven Disposition Guidelines here:


Hotfix 32.3.4 (2023-02-23)

  • Fixed new and old stats on rerolled Riven Mods appearing the same when cycling through weapons with multiple variants (for example: Braton, Braton Prime, Braton Vandal).

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed weapons with negative damage values (mainly through Riven Mods providing a negative damage value ie. -50.6% impact) unintentionally doing massive amounts of damage during the Archon fight in Archon Hunts.
  • Fixed a very rare crash that would occur when rolling a Riven Mod.

Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers, check the full details here:


Learn more about our Riven Disposition Guidelines here:


Hotfix 32.2.3 (2022-12-01)

  • Fixed black screen occurring when attempting to purchase Riven Mods in Iron Wake.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Earning a Riven via Riven Transmutation will no longer take an inventory slot in your overall Riven count.
    • Veiled Rivens from Transmutations only take a slot in your inventory once equipped on a weapon, following the Riven Capacity changes from Update 32: Veilbreaker.

Hotfix 32.0.7 (2022-09-28)

  • Fixed Riven pop-out being completely blank when hovering over it in the world state window (Sorties, Archon Hunts, etc.).

Hotfix 32.0.3 (2022-09-14)

  • Fixed indistinct Rivens only being able to be equipped on Secondary and not Primary Kitguns.

Hotfix 32.0.2 (2022-09-08)

  • Fixed PH tags appearing in Riven Mod descriptions.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


Those familiar with Rivens may be aware that they come in two states: Veiled and Unveiled. Both of these kinds of Rivens take up Riven Slots and can be equipped to weapons.

After many years in the case of Riven collectors vs. database restrictions, we've added a third state to Rivens that allows them to be stackable and not take up Riven Slots. All newly acquired Rivens will be in this indistinct state, identified by ‘???’ in place of ‘Veiled’ in their Mod label and a new Mod Icon, meaning you will be able to continue to earn Rivens as rewards beyond your Riven Slot capacity.

In this new, these Mods will not show Riven Challenges or take up a Riven Slot until they are equipped onto a weapon. The Mod description for this new Mod type explains this mechanic as well.

Here is a breakdown of the three Riven states for clarity:

‘???’ Rivens

  • All new Rivens obtained via Rewards, Palladino, etc.
  • Stackable and will not take up Riven Slots
  • Riven Type (Archgun, Rifle, etc.) is revealed, but not the Challenge
  • Tradeable


  • What an Indistinct Riven becomes once equipped to a Weapon
  • Challenge Revealed
  • Takes up Riven Slots
  • Tradeable


  • Challenge Completed
  • Stats are revealed and can be cycled via Kuva
  • Tradeable

Since the only number we have to track with this new Riven state is the quantity owned, the database load is greatly diminished, and you can keep as many as you want! Only once a mod of this type is equipped onto a weapon does the challenge reveal itself, making the Riven apply to your account cap. This is a particularly useful change for Sorties, as you will no longer be locked out of playing them if you are at your maximum Riven cap.

A confirmation screen will appear after attempting to equip the Riven, and will display the amount of Riven slots you have available before you commit to equipping it and using up a slot.

Acquisition of new Riven mods from Vendors and other reward drops now give Indistinct Rivens.

  • Reduced the number of Syndicate Medallions required to complete the Riven Challenge from 12-16 to 8-12.
  • Updated the icons on Riven Mod packs in the in-game Market and in the Daily Tribute options.

Hotfix 31.7.2 (2022-08-17)


As an additional lateral change, Riven Challenges for Syndicate Medallion collecting have been changed to be Solo specific and the amount reduced to 8-12 instead of 12-16. Already existing Rivens won’t adopt this change but will instead lose any complicated conditions and just be “Find X Medallions”.

Hotfix 31.6.2 (2022-06-15)

  • Fixed the ‘Catch X Fish Without Missing a Throw’ Riven challenge resetting on each throw, even when making contact with a fish.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Voidplume pickups will now count towards the Syndicate Medallion Riven challenge.
  • Chat linked Rivens now support showing more than 1024 rerolls.
  • Fixed Aeolak’s Riven disposition being 1.25 instead of 0.5.

Hotfix 31.5.10 (2022-05-17)

  • Fixed Unveiled Riven mods in Trade preview showing an incorrect Veiled version.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Players who are over their Riven Capacity can now offer a Riven mod for Trade.  
    • Previously, you were unable to offer any Rivens for Trade if you were over capacity. Now, you can offer a Riven mod when at capacity, but will continue to not be able to receive a Riven via trade when at capacity as it cannot be exceeded.

Update 31.3 (2022-03-28)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers. See the full Disposition changes here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1303791-march-2022-riven-dispositions/

And read about our Riven Disposition Guidelines here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1303780-riven-disposition-guidelines/

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Reduced Riven challenge condition for "Kill X enemies with headshots from at least 100m away" to 75m away.

Hotfix 30.5.5 (2021-07-29)

  • Updated respective Riven Challenge descriptions to indicate “Shield Restore consumables” as opposed to “Shield consumables”.

Hotfix 30.5.3 (2021-07-09)

  • Fixed Rivens not being generated for the Cadus.
    • After looking into this issue we saw that some Bo Rivens out in the wild can be equipped on the Cadus. This fixes both the missing Cadus Riven generation AND that some Rivens were generated that could be equipped to both the Bo and Cadus. Please be advised that this fix will correct any existing Bo Riven Mods so that they cannot be equipped on your Cadus.

Hotfix 30.5.2 (2021-07-07)

  • Fixed no longer being able to click the desired Riven after Cycling it (only the arrows would work).

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

Riven Disposition Changes:

As with each round of Prime Access come updated Riven Disposition numbers. See the full Disposition changes here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1265139-may-2021-riven-disposition-updates/

Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)

  • Fixed ability to Transmute Veiled Riven Mods which lead to a broken screen when playing in non-English.

Hotfix 29.10.5 (2021-03-24)

  • When linking an owned Veiled Riven Mod it will now be displayed as ‘Veiled [type] Riven Mod’ to distinguish it from linking the base Riven Mod type.

Hotfix 29.10.4 (2021-03-23)

  • Fixed ability to obtain the Verglas Sentinel Riven from a Rifle Riven Mod as opposed to the intended Companion Weapon Riven Mod.

Update 29.8 (2021-02-11)

  • Fixed Fire Rate curse from a Heavy Weapon Riven affecting your equipped Primary Bow.

Hotfix 29.5.7 (2020-12-10)

  • Fixed rare issues with inability to Trade a Riven with the +30 Riven Mod Slots from Mastery Rank 30.

Hotfix (2020-09-10)

  • Fixed inability to Chat Link Rivens.

Hotfix 28.2.1 (2020-08-01)

  • Fixed incorrect Riven Dispositions for Panthera Prime and Karyst Prime. They are both at the correct Riven Disposition of 0.5.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

Riven Disposition Changes:

When we introduced separate Dispositions for each weapon variant back in November 2019, we planned to give new weapons a Disposition of 1 (the “average”), or matching the lowest member of the weapon family if it already had a Disposition lower than 1. Unfortunately, this meant that powerful new weapons (like the Kuva Lich collection) might have Rivens that start too strong, forcing reductions in accordance with our balance methodology.

In order to prevent this situation, we will be changing this policy: going forward, all new weapons will be released with the minimum Riven Disposition of 0.5. For The Deadlock Protocol, this includes the Dispositions on newly added Primary Kitguns, in addition to regular weapons (secondary Kitgun Dispositions will remain as-is.)

Full details can be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1199009-riven-disposition-procedure-for-new-weapons/

General Changes:
  • Increased the Riven Capacity limit from 120 to 150.

Hotfix 27.5.6 (2020-05-26)

  • Fixed incorrect Riven Disposition displaying when viewing a Chat linked Zaw/Kitgun Riven.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Added Riven compatible items component to Riven Unveil screen when Unveiling a Riven and when viewing a Riven via Chat Link!

Hotfix 27.3.11 (2020-04-09)

  • Fixed and disabled Exalted Weapon Rivens from generation. Any of these will be re-rolled on login.

Hotfix 27.3.10 (2020-04-08)

  • Fixed Client Mercy kills not counting towards Riven ‘Finisher kills’ challenges.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • You can now equip Veiled Kitgun Rivens on your Primary!
    • This feature is in preparation for Primary Kitguns coming in the Scarlet Spear update!
  • Fixed Riven challenges requiring "without being afflicted by a status effect" resetting when the status effect is blocked by immunity from sources such as Nezha’s Warding Halo.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Removed Riven Mods from the Codex Mod section.
    • There were a few issues present here: 1) the Codex Mod section not display all of your Rivens Mods, and, 2) the Riven Mods that it did show would point their acquisition to Cephalon Simaris, which only applies to Companion Weapon Rivens. Considering the extensive amount of Rivens possible, this option in the Codex does not function properly, as it would need to look up unique information.

Update 27.0 (2019-12-13)

Riven Disposition Changes

Christmas has come early! Initially these changes were planned for the release of Ivara Prime, but it has snuck into Empyrean so we’re rolling with it! For those that missed our previous Riven Workshop, this is our first time balancing Dispositions per weapon instead of per weapon family, as this functionality was added with The Old Blood update. Check out the Dev Workshop on how we’ve chosen to undergo these changes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1151402-december-2019-riven-disposition-updates/

View Primaries List

Acceltra: 1->0.8

Argonak: 1.2->1.25

Boar: 1.34->1.4

Boltor: 1.05->1.2
Telos Boltor: 1.05->1.1
Boltor Prime: 1.05->1.1

Braton: 1.2->1.3
MK1-Braton: 1.2->1.35
Braton Vandal: 1.2->1.25

Burston: 1.3->1.4

Cernos: 1.15->1.25
Rakta Cernos: 1.15->1.2
Cernos Prime: 1.15->1.2

Daikyu: 1.3->1.25

Dera: 1.3->1.35

Dread: 1.2->1.25

Fulmin: 0.8->0.65

Glaxion: 1.25->1.3

Gorgon: 1.3->1.4
Gorgon Wraith: 1.3->1.35

Grakata: 1.15->1.25
Prisma Grakata: 1.15->1.2

Grinlok: 1.25->1.3

Hek: 0.95->1.1
Vaykor Hek: 0.95->1

Hema: 1.25->1.3

Ignis: 0.55->0.6

Karak: 1.28->1.35

Komorex: 1->1.1

Lanka: 0.8->0.9

Latron: 1.3->1.4
Latron Wraith: 1.3->1.35

Lenz: 0.9->0.95

Nagantaka: 1.2->1.25

Opticor Vandal: 1.05->1

Paris: 1.3->1.35
MK1-Paris: 1.3->1.4

Penta: 1.3->1.35

Quanta: 1.35->1.4

Rubico: 0.65->0.7

Simulor: 1.1->1.2
Synoid Simulor: 1.1->1.15

Snipetron: 1.25->1.3

Soma: 0.85->1
Soma Prime: 0.85->0.95

Stradavar: 1->1.05

Strun: 1.35->1.4
MK1-Strun: 1.35->1.45

Supra Vandal: 0.8->0.85

Sybaris: 1.05->1.2
Dex Sybaris: 1.05->1.15
Sybaris Prime: 1.05->1.1

Tenora: 1.05->1.1

Tetra: 1.45->1.5

Tiberon: 0.85->0.9

Tigris: 0.55->0.65
Sancti Tigris: 0.55->0.6

Vectis: 0.8->0.95
Vectis Prime: 0.8->0.85

Vulkar: 1.4->1.45

Zhuge: 1.15->1.2

View Secondaries List

Afuris: 1.39->1.45

Akbolto: 0.8->0.95
Telos Akbolto: 0.8->0.9
Akbolto Prime: 0.8->0.85

Akbronco: 1.25->1.35
Akbronco Prime: 1.25->1.3

Akjagara: 0.9->0.95
Akjagara Prime: 0.9->0.85

Aklex: 0.8->0.9

Aksomati: 1.2->1.25

Akstilletto: 0.5->0.6
Akstilletto Prime: 0.5->0.55

Akvasto: 1.2->1.25

Angstrum: 1.3->1.35

Arca Scisco: 1->1.05

Ballistica: 1.1->1.2
Rakta Ballistica: 1.1->1.15
Ballistica Prime: 1.1->1.15

Bronco: 1.35->1.4

Castanas: 1.35->1.4

Cyanex: 0.85->0.8

Cycron: 1.15->1.2

Detron: 1->1.1

Dual Cestra: 1.3->1.35

Dual Toxocyst: 1.3->1.35

MK1-Furis: 1.35->1.4

Gammacor: 0.95->1.05
Synoid Gammacor: 0.95->1

Gaze: 1->0.9

Hikou: 1.05->1.2
Hikou Prime:1.05->1.15

Hystrix: 1.1->1.15

Knell: 1.2->1.25

Kulstar: 1.25->1.3

Lato: 1.35->1.4

Lex: 1.05->1.15
Lex Prime: 1.05->1.1

Marelok: 0.95->1.05
Vaykor Marelok: 0.95->1

Ocucor: 1.1->1.15

Pandero: 1->1.05

Plinx: 1.1->1.15

Pyrana: 0.65->0.7
Pyrana Prime: 0.65->0.6

Rattleguts: 0.75->0.7

Sicarus Prime: 1.1->1.2

Sonicor: 1->1.05

Spectra Vandal: 1.46->1.4

Spira: 1.15->1.2

Stubba: 1.3->1.35

Tombfinger: 0.7->0.65

Prisma Twin Gremlins: 1.2->1.15

Twin Vipers: 1.41->1.45

Tysis: 1.51->1.45

Vasto: 1.35->1.4

Viper: 1.35->1.4

Update 26.1 (2019-11-22)

  • Doubled the amount of Critical Chance on Melee Rivens and gave the Critical Chance 2x for Heavy Melee.
  • Fixed ‘Chance to not gain combo count’ Riven curse not applying at all. This Riven curse has been reworded to ‘% chance to gain Combo Count’ for further clarification.

Hotfix 26.0.8 (2019-11-19)

  • Clarified Melee Rivens that have the negative attribute of ‘Chance to not gain combo counter’ by replacing that line with ‘Additional Combo Count Chance’ that is seen on other Mods.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • All Riven Challenges related to Channeling have been changed to reflect ‘Combo Counter’. For example, Riven Mods can now have a + / - to not gain Combo Points on hit.
  • Going forward, weapon dispositions will be tuned per weapon, instead of per weapon family. For instance, this means a Kohm Riven will have a disposition of 1.4 on a regular Kohm, but only a disposition of 1 when applied to a Kuva Kohm. Source
  • The Riven Cycle screen now gives you the option to view the Riven stats on every owned variant of said weapon. For example, I can now select either my normal Lex or my Lex Prime to view it’s said Stats. https://gfycat.com/tepidmeatycrow

Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

  • With the addition of this new Prime Access comes the next wave of Riven Disposition changes! Please read our Dev Workshop post for all the changes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1131603-october-2019-riven-disposition-updates/
  • Veiled Sentinel weapon Riven Mods can now be equipped on any Sentinel weapon type instead of a specific type (e.g. shotgun). All Veiled Sentinel Riven Mods are now "Companion Weapon Riven Mod".

Hotfix 25.7.7 (2019-09-26)

  • Sentinel Rivens will no longer get the ‘with an active pet’ requirement. Existing Rivens with this requirement have been changed to ‘without dying or becoming downed’.

Hotfix 25.7.6 (2019-09-18)

  • Fixed chat linked Veiled Rivens not showing the unveiling challenge information.
  • Fixed Veiled Companion Weapon Rivens issues when chatlinking.

Hotfix 25.7.2 (2019-08-30)

  • Companion Weapon Rivens have been added back to Simaris’ Offerings! This time they will unveil for the proper weapon.

Hotfix 25.7.1 (2019-08-30)

  • Temporarily removed Companion Weapon Rivens from Simaris’ Offerings due to being unveiled for the incorrect weapon type. They will be added back once we make a permanent fix.
    • We’re working on a script to refund the Simaris Standing to those who were able to purchase the Rivens. Script has completed! Please relog if you don't see the refunded Simaris Standing.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Riven Additions and Changes:

  • Your total max Riven Slots is now 120 (up from 90)! Should you wish to purchase more Slots, you may now do so (up to 120)!
  • Companion Weapon Rivens are available from Simaris’ Offerings for Standing (The War Within completion required), and yes, this includes the Artax!
    • If you recall back in Update 24.0 we removed Sentinel Weapon Rivens from the pool due to being lackluster in comparison to more applicable weapons. Adding Companion Weapon Rivens to Simaris’ Offerings allows players to freely choose these Rivens if they desire, and leaving it out of the general Riven Mod generation pool for those who don’t want them.
    • The follow Riven challenges now count towards Sentinel kills:
      • Kill X enemies
      • Kill X enemies that are on a dropship
      • Kill X enemies in a row while wall dashing/clinging without touching the ground

General Changes:

  • Changed the Dargyn Bow Riven challenge description to specific that it must be Dargyns in flight, not ones parked on the ground.


  • Fixed having a negative capacity if you cycle a Riven Mod then Fuse it with Endo while it is equipped.

Update 25.5 (2019-07-31)

  • Added the ability to view a list of items you own that a Riven fits into. This way you can know which stats you want, without having to flip-flop between the Arsenal to check.
  • Your chosen UI Theme is now applied to the Riven reroll screen!
  • Fixed a functionality loss when attempting to purchase Riven capacity via the Riven Slot purchase pop up prompt.

Hotfix 25.4.3 (2019-07-26)

  • Fixed Client's inability to progress the "Find X Syndicate Medallions" Riven requirement.

Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)

  • Fixed Rivens that are capable of hitting negative Damage via Critical Multiplier resulting in insta-killing enemies that have innate Damage resistance (Amalgam Alkonost). They will now properly take 0 Damage from a negative Critical Multiplier weapon, the same way regular enemies do.

Hotfix (2019-04-02)

  • As mentioned in our previous Riven Workshop, the Equinox Prime Access which just released brings with it the first in a series of regular Riven disposition tweaks! A full breakdown of the Riven disposition changes can be found in the Developer Workshop:

Hotfix 24.5.5 (2019-03-25)

  • Removed all wildlife killing Riven Mod Challenges. All existing Rivens with wildlife killing Challenges will be retroactively updated with a new Challenge. This change is in preparation for the upcoming Plains Conservation!

Hotfix 24.2.6 (2018-12-20)

  • Updated Riven Mods to have proper names for Zaw and Kitguns, instead of using Melee and Pistol in names.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Many non-melee riven dispositions were shifted up to +/- one pip.
  • Sentinel weapons were removed from the generation pool. Existing mods remain, but no new sentinel rivens will be generated.
  • Kitgun Riven Mods introduced.

Hotfix 23.8.2 (2018-09-19)

  • A Mastery Rank of 8+ is now required to trade Rivens. This echoes the minimum possible Mastery Rank requirement of Rivens overall as well as generally follows our trading rules with restricted gear.

Update 22.16 (2018-03-15)

  • Reduced the requirements for "Kill X Dargyns with a Bow" Riven challenge to bring the intended difficulty and time commitment in line with other Riven challenges.
    • Existing Rivens with this challenge are unaffected

Hotfix 22.13.4 (2018-02-22)

  • Removed the “while sliding” and “undetected” requirement for the "Kill X Dargyns with a Bow" Riven challenge to alleviate some frustrations. Any existing challenges with this requirement will revert into one without it.

Update 21.6 (2017-08-29)

  • Riven Slot capacity limit has increased from 60 to 90.

Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Melee Rivens added.

Hotfix 19.5.6 (2017-01-04)

  • Fixed (for real this time) negative Status Duration from Rivens resulting in infinite status.

Hotfix 19.5.5 (2017-01-03)

  • Fixed a crash with certain weapons caused by Rivens with worse than -100% Multishot.
  • Fixed Corrosive Status Effects being cancelled due to -100% status duration.
  • Fixed -100% Reload Speed making weapons reload instantly.
  • Fixed another case of negative Ammo Capacity Rivens leading to infinite Ammo.
  • Fixed a few problems that would occur from using a Riven with Fire-Rate worse than -100%.

Hotfix 19.5.4 (2017-01-03)

  • Fixed Secondary Riven mod Fusion cost being lower than intended.
  • Fixed negative Status Duration from Rivens resulting in infinite status.
  • Fixed negative Ammo Capacity Rivens leading to infinite Ammo.
  • Fixed negative Damage Rivens healing enemies. Also fixes negative Crit Multiplier doing the same.
  • Fixed Status Effects visually (i.e Corrosive green electricity-like substance) lasting forever as a result of having 0% Status Duration.

Update 19.5 (2016-12-22)

  • Shotgun and secondary Rivens added.

Update 19.4 (2016-12-16)

  • Kuva Cycle cost now capped at 3,500.

Hotfix 19.3.2 (2016-12-14)

  • For those of you who have reached the max Riven Capacity, you can now increase your Riven Capacity by purchasing additional Slots. Visit the market to get a bundle of three slots for 60 Platinum. The maximum capacity is still capped at 60 Riven Slots total for technical reasons.
  • Cycle will now prompt you to choose on next login if you crash while choosing.
  • A player cannot be traded a Riven if they are already at max capacity.
  • Cycling can now be done repeatedly without the need to close & open again.
  • Fixed bug when trying to dissolve a Veiled Riven mod.
  • Fixed getting locked in Riven reveal screen when pressing esc/back too early.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an auto-ban for selling a Riven.
  • Rivens will now show the reveal screen on next login if you crash before returning to your Landing Craft.

Hotfix 19.0.6 (2016-11-18)

  • Riven Disposition (Faint, Neutral, and Strong) has been added. Riven Disposition stats on Rifles will be visible if there's at least one equitable Riven mod for said Rifle.
  • Existing Rivens have been automatically rebalanced to fit this Riven Disposition
  • When Cycling a Riven with Kuva, you can now choose to "Accept" or "Decline" a Cycle result using the arrow and Confirm button presented.
  • You will only have to Unveil a Riven mod one time: on first discovery. Cycling no longer Veils Riven mods.
  • Adjusted Endo return when dissolving Riven mods:
    • +100 Endo for every Mastery Rank requirement above the minimum of 8
    • +200 Endo for every Cycle performed on the Mod
  • Chat Linked Riven mods now contain correct challenge progress/requirement info, as well as Cycles.
  • Kuva Cycling costs have been reduced significantly.
    • Before: 900 - 1000 - 1300 - 1800 - 2500 - 3400 - 4500 - 5800 - 7300 - 9000 - Continues each Cycle, no cap.
    • After: 900 - 1000 - 1200 - 1400 - 1700 - 2000 - 2350 - 2750 - 3200 - 3600 - Continues each Cycle, no cap.
  • Tweaked the Cycling diorama to include Samodeus and updated Riven mod Cycle and transition sounds!
  • Fixed Veiled Riven mods unequipping themselves due to not meeting the Mastery Rank requirement.

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
