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Ricochet is a property of some hitscan weapons that allows a bullet hit on enemy to ricochet and hit another enemy.

Unlike Bounce, ricochet does not happen with projectile weapons.


When a weapon capable of ricocheting hits an enemy, the ricochet will hit one or more enemy instantly, as long as it is within the specified range.

Unlike Bounce, Ricochet triggers per hit, not per shot.

  • If multiple enemies are hit via Punch Through, each individual hit can trigger a separate instance of ricochet.
  • Likewise, each hit from multishot can trigger a ricochet once.
  • Ricocheting only happens when an enemy is hit. If the terrain is hit, ricocheting does not happen.

Weapons that can Ricochet[]

Secondary Weapons with Ricochet
Weapon(s) Ricochet Range Notes
Bronco Bronco family's Incarnon Form 8m BroncoIncarnonGenesis Bronco Incarnon Genesis
Lato Lato family's Incarnon Form 9m LatoIncarnonGenesis Lato Incarnon Genesis
