
Resource Caches are special Grineer or Corpus lockers that can appear in certain missions, that contain uncommon or rare rewards not found in normal lockers, like Mods. Identified by their white glow instead of the normal green of normal lockers, Resource Caches are usually located in hard-to-access or hidden locations, sometimes in secret rooms not shown on the minimap. These caches will also emit a distinct audible hum that can be used to determine if a cache is nearby, and can be located using Thief's Wit; they will appear on the minimap using the same icon as regular crates.

Missions with Resource Caches will always have three caches present, with each subsequent cache opened either guaranteed or giving a chance at giving better reward. Unlike normal pickups, items rewarded by a Resource Cache are automatically rewarded to all players in a squad regardless of proximity, and does not need to be physically picked up by players. While Resource Caches give their rewards upon being opened, the rewards are only identified at the end-of-mission summary screen, denoted by the "Identified" tag.

Finally, the Lotus will inform players of the presence of the caches at the beginning of a mission if there are any present, and will provide a counter indicating how many Resource Caches are remaining.


Resource Caches were first introduced in Operation Gate Crash, and were present in all of its missions. Currently, the following missions are guaranteed to have Resource Caches present:

On Orokin Sabotage missions, the 2nd Cache opened will provide a random Rare Resource, while the 3rd Cache opened can reward an item from the Orokin Sabotage drop table, which can include Prime parts. Orokin Derelict versions will use the Orokin Derelict drop table instead.

On Earth Sabotage missions, the Resource Caches reward items based off the Earth Sabotage drop table, which can include Clan Research resources.

The Halloween 2014 Alert also featured Resource Caches, however the lockers found in the alert were visually modified to be surrounded by jack-o-lanterns, and have orange lights instead of white.


  • Earth Sabotage missions featured on Alerts may have resource caches that do not provide their special rewards, acting only as normal lockers.
  • Earth Sabotage missions may also lack a tracker for the number of caches available, though the Lotus will inform you when you have found all three.


See Also
