The Redeemer is a gunblade that merges the functions of a shotgun and a melee weapon. Apart from its normal melee abilities, the Redeemer can also fire off a charged shotgun blast to hit enemies at range.
- This weapon deals primarily Slash damage with swinging attacks and Blast damage with gunblade shots.
- Stance slot has polarity, matching Bullet Dance and High Noon stance.
- Gunblade shots functions similarly to a shotgun, firing out 10 pellets at once.
- Shots have innate Blast damage.
- Shots have a chance to either stagger or knockdown enemies.
- Firing within 4 meters of an enemy will ragdoll them.
- Shots do not use ammo.
- Shots have innate punch through.
- Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 16.67% from 10m to 20m target distance (distances are affected by Projectile Speed, for melee weapons only via Jet Stream).
- Zero Impact damage - cannot benefit from Shattering Impact.
- Alarming.
Advantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- No numerical advantages.
- Ranged Attack (wiki attack index 2)
- Above average total damage (300)
- High average number of crits per shot (1)
- High average number of procs per shot (10.66)
Disadvantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Lowest critical chance, critical multiplier, status chance, and attack speed of all gunblades.
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- Very low crit chance (10.00%)
- Below average total damage (180)
- Very low attack speed (0.83x animation speed)
- Low attack range (2.00 m)
- Below average status chance (22.00%)
- Below average disposition (●●●○○ (1.05x))
- Below average crit multiplier (1.80x)
- Ranged Attack (wiki attack index 2)
- Very low active falloff slope (12.0m/%)
- Very low crit chance (10.00%)
- Low maximum falloff distance (20.0 m)
- Very low status chance (6.60%)
- Low crit multiplier (1.80x)
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
- Redeemer (Ranged Attack), compared to Redeemer Prime (Ranged Attack):
- Lower base damage per projectile (30.00 vs. 80.00)
- Lower Blast damage ( 30 vs. 80)
- Lower total damage (300 vs. 800)
- Lower base critical chance (10.00% vs. 24.00%)
- Lower base critical multiplier (1.80x vs. 2.20x)
- Lower base status chance (6.60% vs. 9.00%)
- Higher attack speed (1.00x animation speed vs. 0.92x animation speed)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (4 vs. 10)
- Higher disposition (●●●○○ (1.05x) vs. ●○○○○ (0.60x))
- Lower base damage per projectile (30.00 vs. 80.00)
The Redeemer's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
20,000 |
Vasto 1 |
Dual Skana 1 |
Argon Crystal 2 |
Time: 12 Hour(s) | |
Rush: 35 | |||||
Market Price: 175 | Blueprints Price:20,000 |
This weapon can be sold for 5,000.
- Shattering Impact cannot be triggered by charged shots.
- Shots have innate punch through when firing through enemies and non-terrain objects, e.g. Grineer Blunts.
- Blocking is possible while charging a shot.
- Charged shots are affected by the following:
- Heavy Attack mods, such as Life Strike.
- Stealth melee damage multiplier.
- Melee Combo Counter.
- Each target hit provides 1 hit to the counter. Multiple pellets striking a single target will only count as 1 hit.
- Attack speed mods.
- Warframe abilities.
- Pellets are unaffected by Magnetize.
- Charged shot will prevent Warframe from moving at the moment of firing.
- Firing the shotgun does not invalidate the "The Sword Alone" and "The 8-fold Path" Achievements.
- Charged shots do not pass through Frost's Snow Globe if players are standing outside the globe.
- The Blast area of effect will destroy cracked windows on Corpus ships.
- Missed shots do not influence the accuracy rating in the mission progress table. Shots that hit, however, do.
- Jumping cannot be done until the charge shot animation has ended.
- Finishers on enemies have silenced and unsilenced variants, depending on the enemy type and position the finisher was initiated on. On humanoid enemies, stealth finishers from behind will result in a blade slash and be silent, however finishers from the front will discharge the shotgun blast and alert nearby enemies. Finishers on enemies who are knocked down will also discharge the weapon in a similar manner so if stealth is preferred, always go for rear finishers.
- Despite shots alarming enemies, they won't break Ivara's Prowl.
- The charged shot can be chained, even while sliding, by pressing and holding the attack button with the right timing (rather than making a first melee attack followed by a shot).
- Energy Channel gives a flat +200 increase to the base damage of a single pellet, however this works only for 1 of the 10 pellets per shot meaning that the maximum base damage per shot is 500.
- If players stand too close to their target, only 1 pellet will hit. Staying more than 2 meters away when firing will help players avoid this.
- The concept of a sword integrated with a gun is based off the real life concept of the Pistol Sword, although the Redeemer uses a shotgun instead of a pistol.
- In particular, the Redeemer's grip stance with the blade parallel to the user's arm is reminiscent of the concept of the Indian Dagger Katar.
- The Redeemer is the first weapon that requires two different weapons – the Vasto and the Dual Skana – as crafting materials.
- The in-game description does not match the crafting requirements. It says it has an in-built shotgun, but the gun used to build it is a Vasto, which is a revolver. This could be a reference to the Pistol Sword that the Redeemer is based on.
- On the other hand, some revolvers can shoot shotgun shells such as the .410 bore.
- The shotgun on the Redeemer also consists of two barrels – one on each side of the blade – fitted to a drum-like clip akin to that of the Vasto.
- The in-game description does not match the crafting requirements. It says it has an in-built shotgun, but the gun used to build it is a Vasto, which is a revolver. This could be a reference to the Pistol Sword that the Redeemer is based on.
- It is stated in the design council that the Redeemer's design is based on the design of the Tigris shotgun.
- Unlike most weapons, the Redeemer is twirled through the air into the players' hands and back when equipped and unequipped rather than simply being drawn and sheathed.
- The Redeemer's design is based on that of the Tigris and Akjagara.
- All three weapons can be purchased from the Razor Gunplay Bundle.
- Redeemer is the first gunblade introduced into the game, followed by Sarpa.
- It is also the first gunblade to get a Primed variant.
- The Mortuus Shoulder Guard features a Redeemer stabbed through a Corpus helmet.
- Charging the blast with quick-melee and then jumping to cancel it will result in the Redeemer being held in combination with your current weapon.
- The Redeemer is not properly aligned with the hands of some, if not all Warframe models, causing the already thin handle to clip into the user's hand, giving the appearance that the Redeemer is 'floating'.
- If a weapon is fired until the magazine is fully depleted, the charged shot and reloading will sometimes happen concurrently. This is most visible with the Tigris, but has also been noted with other primaries.
Redeemer Skins
Patch History[]
Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)
- Fixed the Redeemer’s final shot not firing in the same direction as the rest of the melee attack combo.
Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)
- Increased Status Chance for the Gunblade type weapons to match new Shotgun Status Chance values.
- (Undocumented) Increased status chance per projectile for heavy attack from 2.2% to 6.6%.
- Fall Off increased from 20-40m to 10-20m.
Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)
- Fixed ugly and busted blast FX for the Redeemer.
Hotfix 27.0.10 (2020-01-11)
- Fixed the Redeemer weapon series appearing to deal 10x Damage than it actually was.
- This affected Arsenal stats only, in missions it did the correct damage.
Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)
Actual patch notes made a mistake on new range.
- Damage increased from 60 to 180.
- Range increased from 0.5 to 2.
- Status Chance increased from 10% to 22%.
- Critical Chance increased from 5% to 10%.
- Critical Damage increased from 1.5x to 1.8x.
- Slam Attack increased from 120 to 540.
- Slide Attack increased from 180 to 360.
- Parry Angle set to 45.
Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)
- Tweaked the Redeemer and Redeemer Primes equipped position so it sits more in Warframes' hand.
- Fixed incoming fire interrupting Gunblade charge attacks.
- Fixed Ash’s Rising Storm combo building much faster than intended due to an interaction with Relentless Combo and a Gunblade weapon.
Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)
- Fixed issue where Redeemer and Redeemer Prime charged attacks had no Critical Chance.
Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)
- Fixed getting knocked down while firing a Gunblade weapon (Sarpa, Redeemer, etc) resulting in the weapon no longer firing rounds and the firing audio being incorrect.
Hotfix 22.12.1 (2018-02-10)
- Updated sounds to the Redeemer.
Update 22.9 (2018-01-17)
- Redeemer trace distance reduced to 300m to match the rest of the non-sniper weapons.
Update 22.6 (2017-12-07)
- Fixed Bullet Dance Stance Lead Tango combo not playing properly with the Redeemer causing it to loop gunfire repeatedly.
Hotfix 20.2.4 (2017-04-20)
- Fixed the Redeemer not properly alerting enemies when fired.
Hotfix 19.9.3 (2017-02-07)
- Fixed a case of players sliding/teleporting really far when performing a ground finisher on enemies (notably with the Redeemer).
Update 19.7 (2017-01-18)
- Reduced the firing sounds of the Redeemer when fired by other players.
Hotfix: The Silver Grove 4 (2016-08-25)
- Fixed the Redeemer unintentionally having a slower charge shot.
Hotfix: The Silver Grove 2 (2016-08-22)
- Fixed unintended reduced charged shot speed on the Redeemer.
Update 17.2.4 (2015-08-26)
- Fixed an issue with the Redeemer's first hit not doing damage to enemies unless you were inside them.
Hotfix 17.0.3 (2015-08-04)
- Fixed Redeemer charge attacks not working if you had a Fury mod equipped.
Hotfix 15.5.2 (2014-11-27)
- Added in stealth takedown sounds for the Redeemer when used on enemies frozen via the Glaxion.
Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)
- Introduced.
Last updated: Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)
See also[]
- Redeemer Prime, the Prime variant of this weapon.
- Dual Skana, the dual wield melee used to craft this weapon.
- Vasto, the revolver used to craft this weapon.
- Sarpa, another gunblade weapon.