RallyPointModx256 RallyPoint130xWhite
Rally Point

Draw enemy attention to Styanax. His resolve uplifts nearby allies, regenerating the squad’s energy over time. Styanax and his allies also regenerate shields for every kill assist they contribute.

Introduced in Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:20 / 30 / 40 / 50 SP (shields per kill)
3 EP/s (energy regen)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:30 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:30 m

Misc: Threat level priority


  • Styanax expends EnergyOrb75 energy to stand his ground and sound a gallant call, increasing his Threat Level while raising his own and his allies' morale within AbilityRangeBuff30 meters. Rally Point grants affected Warframes and Companions AbilityStrengthBuff3 Energy points regeneration per second, with each kill or assisted kill by rallied allies restoring their personal Shield pool by AbilityStrengthBuff20 / 30 / 40 / 50 shield points, which overflow into Overshields. Once cast, Rally Point persists on affected allies, lasting for AbilityDurationBuff30 seconds.
    • The amount of energy regenerated and shields restored are affected by Ability Strength.
    • Energy regeneration does not occur during channeled abilities.
    • If Styanax himself is the caster, shields per kill and energy regen values are displayed as an ability Buff icon beside Styanax's hitpoint indicators.
      • Rally Point from another Styanax displays only the shields per kill and remaining duration timer on the ability buff icon.
    • When Rally Point expires, a war-time drumbeat sound effect plays to alert all rallied players.
  • Can be recast while active to refresh duration to full and buff new allies in range.
  • If there are multiple Styanax players in a squad, the highest buff value will take effect and cannot be overriden by lower valued buffs, unless the timer has less than 10 seconds remaining.
  • Casting Rally Point is a full-body animation that interrupts Styanax's grounded movement and other actions.
    • When cast while airborne, it is a one-handed animation that still allows shooting and movement.
  • Styanax and rallied allies visually pulse with energy lines, while enveloped by a shield-like form-fitting barrier. When a direct kill or kill assist occurs on an enemy by a rallied ally, a wisp of Void energy bursts from the enemy and rapidly flies to that ally to replenish shields.
    • Void wisps are affected by the chosen energy colors on each individual rallied ally.
    • Multiple Void wisps can appear from an enemy when kill-assisted by multiple rallied allies.

Tips & Tricks

    • Rally Point builds up Styanax's shields into Overshields to fuel his passive Hoplite weapon Critical Chance bonus.
    • Energy regen recovers the low costs of AxiosJavelin130xWhite Axios Javelin and TharrosStrike130xWhite Tharros Strike quickly.
    • Axios Javelin's vortex assists in grouping enemies and Tharros Strike's defense reduction cripples them for rapid shield recovery to Styanax and rallied allies on kills/assists.
    • FinalStand130xWhite Final Stand's javelin barrage rapidly inflicts damage to secure kills/assists to strengthen Styanax's shields.


See Also[]
