ProwlModx256 Prowl130xWhite

Become invisible and steal loot from unsuspecting enemies or take out prey with deadly headshots.

Introduced in Update 18.0 (2015-12-03)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10% / 20% / 30% / 40% (headshot bonus)
100% (loot chance)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 / 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 s (steal time)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:2 / 2 / 3 / 4 m (steal range)

Misc: -50% (movement speed penalty)


  • Ivara activates her cloak, turning transparent and rendering her invisible to enemies. While active, Ivara gains AbilityStrengthBuff10% / 20% / 30% / 40% bonus damage on headshots at the cost of -50% Movement Speed. Ivara also becomes capable of pickpocketing enemies: if standing beside an enemy with Prowl active, rays of light will shine on an enemy within AbilityRangeBuff2 / 2 / 3 / 4 meters for AbilityDurationBuff4 / 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 seconds with a AbilityStrengthBuff100% chance of releasing a random item from that enemy's drop table.
    • The damage buff is a multiplier that is applied to Ivara's total weapon damage on headshots, but stacks additively with other headshot bonuses. (e.g., with a maxed Mod TT 20px Intensify and a weapon that inflicts 500 total damage on headshots, a rank-3 Prowl will increase that headshot damage to 500 × (1 + 0.4 × 1.3) = 760).
    • Movement Speed penalty is multiplicative to other sources of movement speed.
    • The steal time uses the following expression:
      Modified Steal Time = Steal Time ÷ (1 + Ability Duration)
      • With a maxed Mod TT 20px Continuity, a rank-3 Prowl will have a steal time equal to 2.5 ÷ 1.3 = 1.9231 seconds.
    • The steal light must shine on the enemy for the duration of the steal time uninterrupted for the pickpocketing to succeed.
    • Pickpocketing can only be done once per enemy. Only a single enemy can be pickpocketed at a time.
    • Loot chance is capped at 100%. Reducing AbilityStrengthBuff Ability Strength reduces the chance for an item to drop. If the attempt was unsuccessful, it will attempt to try again.
    • Additional loot retrieval stacks with other loot abilities that loot while petrified (AtlasIcon272 Atlas's Mod TT 20px Ore Gaze), loot on death (HydroidIcon272 Hydroid's Mod TT 20px Pilfering Swarm, KhoraIcon272 Khora's Mod TT 20px Pilfering Strangledome, and WukongIcon272 Wukong's Monkey Luck passive), and loot corpse (NekrosIcon272 Nekros's Desecrate130xWhite Desecrate and Chesa Kubrow's Mod TT 20px Retrieve).
  • Prowl expends EnergyOrb25 energy to activate. It then drains EnergyOrbAbilityDurationBuff1 point of energy per second while stationary and drains EnergyOrbAbilityDurationBuff3 energy per second while walking. Additionally, melee attacks consume EnergyOrb2 energy per hit, and taking damage consumes EnergyOrb10 energy per hit. Prowl will end if Ivara runs out of energy, if certain maneuvers are performed that break the cloak, or if deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 3 ).
  • Most maneuvers do not interfere with Prowl. However, Sprinting, Sliding, and Bullet Jumping will break the cloak. Ivara will not re-cloak until the ability is used again.
    • More specifically, the cloak will be exited when the corresponding keys for Sprinting, Sliding and Bullet Jumping are pressed, not when the maneuvers are actually executed.
    • Rolling will increase the energy drain to its maximum value, even if no directional keys are used.
    • Prowl does not suffer movement speed penalties when moving on ziplines; sprinting or sliding on zip lines will not break Prowl's cloak.
  • Firing a non-silent weapon (i.e., weapons with an "alarming" noise level) will temporarily break the cloak. Ivara will re-cloak shortly after firing the weapon.
    • The Javlok Javlok's alt-fire throw attack is regarded as "silent" and will not break the cloak when thrown.
    • Despite being regarded as "alarming", the Nagantaka Nagantaka's alt-fire and the Redeemer Redeemer's shotgun will not break the cloak, though they will still alarm enemies.
    • Changing a weapon's noise level from "alarming" to "silent" with a max ranked Mod TT 20px Hush, Mod TT 20px Suppress, or Mod TT 20px Silent Battery will prevent the weapon from breaking cloak when fired.
    • Despite the cloak being disabled, Prowl itself is not, and will continue draining energy and remains capable of pickpocketing enemies.
    • The re-cloak delay is affected by the weapon's Fire Rate.
    • Will not disrupt Shade's Mod TT 20px Ghost, Huras Kubrow's Mod TT 20px Stalk, or WukongIcon272 Wukong's Mod TT 20px Enveloping Cloud.
  • Prowl is a one-handed ability and can be used while performing various maneuvers and actions without interruption.


Main article: Infiltrate

Infiltrate is a Warframe Augment Mod for IvaraIcon272 Ivara that allows her to pass through Laser Barriers unharmed, and increases her Movement Speed while Prowl130xWhite Prowl is active.


Tips & Tricks

  • Can be used to safely bypass most enemies.
  • Your energy levels can be maintained through the constant theft of energy orbs.
  • Rolling is actually a viable alternative to Sprinting, allowing you to move quickly without breaking your invisibility. Keep in mind, however, that if you press Shift , (or whichever key you have bound to activate Sprinting with), it will immediately deactivate Prowl.
  • Combining Prowl with silenced, high-damage, single-shot weapons, or certain types of appropriately-modded melee weapons, can be an effective play style for higher level missions which require stealth.
    • Some melee weapons well-suited for this method of hunting would be among the following:
      • A Sword with the Mod TT 20px Crimson Dervish stance (due to the stealth finisher for that stance being a very fast animation).
      • A Hammer weapon with the Mod TT 20px Finishing Touch mod equipped. Hammers already have the highest damage multiplier for stealth finishers, so this mod makes it even more powerful: the damage-multiplier of hammers used for stealth-finishers goes from 2400% weapon damage to 3840% weapon damage.
      • Any Dagger weapon with the Mod TT 20px Covert Lethality mod equipped.
  • Firing a non-silent weapon will allow the use of the otherwise not permitted Maneuvers like Bullet Jumping during the brief uncloaked time window without deactivating Prowl.
  • Note that breaking the invisibility with non-silent weapons does not remove the headshot multiplier you get from Prowl.
  • Combining Prowl with a melee weapon equipped with Mod TT 20px Dispatch Overdrive will allow for a large increase in movement speed if you are able to kill the enemy with a Heavy Attack.
  • Void Sling can be used to cover a great distance in a short amount of time without deactivating or breaking Prowl.
  • Repeatedly performing the backspring maneuver is the fastest way to move without breaking Prowl besides dashwire jumping.
  • Firing gunblades, e.g. Redeemer Redeemer or Sarpa Sarpa, will alarm nearby enemies but it won't break Prowl's invisibility.
    • Ivara can use this to distract enemies, similar to using Noise arrow.
    • Take caution as some enemies, e.g. Kuva Lich and Grineer's Rampart, will blindly shoot at the origin point of the noise.
  • Be cautious when using Prowl during Disruption missions as Ivara's energy could be drained quickly under some conditions.
    • Energy drain and health drain have similar effect to taking damage, draining extra energy every time the effect ticks.
    • Electrifying conduit can deplete Ivara's energy within a few seconds as it rapidly ticks damage.
  • True to Ivara's role as a silent huntress, Prowi is an ideal skill for Conservation missions in Landscapes such as the Orb Vallis, as the Tranq Rifle is a silent weapon and will not break her invisibility, and thus wildlife will remain unalerted in case she misses her shots.
    • Do note that using an Echo-Lure breaks Ivara's invisibility, potentially spooking other wildlife that may be nearby or, worse, attracting the attention of enemy patrols and making them attack the target wildlife.
      • Ivara's Prowl is also temporarily broken when throwing items such as lures and Pharoma into the water while fishing, but not when hurling the fishing spear. The splash made by the spear entering the water does attract patrolling enemies, but they'll otherwise not attack.
    • Compared to LokiIcon272 Loki's Invisibility130xWhite Invisibility and AshIcon272 Ash's SmokeScreen130xWhite Smoke Screen which are active skills (and thus may suddenly disable at crucial moments during the hunt), Prowl is a toggled ability and thus can be sustained at will and far longer with high Ability Duration builds.
  • Prowl also allows Ivara a chance to steal Power Cells from a Power Carrier, which makes Excavation missions with Ivara much easier as it doubles the number of Power Cells on the field at once, especially after killing Power Carriers for an extra Power Cell.
  • Mod TT 20px Streamline in conjunction with Mod TT 20px Fleeting Expertise results in 190% Ability Efficiency which is over the 175% maximum but offsets the impact of 40% Ability Duration on drain.
    • Specifically:
    • 175% Efficiency and 100% Duration = 0.25 Energy per second
    • 190% Efficiency and 100% Duration = 0.10 Energy per second, but capped at 0.25
    • 190% Efficiency and 40% Duration = 0.25 Energy per second
    • 175% Efficiency and 40% Duration = 0.63 Energy per second


This calculator feature is sunsetted on the wiki. It may not see further updates, but will be present on articles for the time being since some people still find use for them. See User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators for more details.
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