The Prisma Tetra is the Prisma variant of the Tetra, featuring higher damage, fire rate, status and critical stats.
- This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage.
- Can use the Tetra-exclusive Focused Acceleration and Kinetic Ricochet mods.
Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- Above average magazine (60)
- Above average ammo max (540)
- Above average fire rate (7.08 attacks/sec)
- Very high disposition (●●●●● (1.45x))
Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Projectiles have travel time.
- Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
- Very low crit chance (10.00%)
- Below average total damage (38)
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
- Prisma Tetra (Normal Attack), compared to Tetra (Normal Attack):
- Higher base damage per projectile (38.00 vs. 32.00)
- Higher total damage (38 vs. 32)
- Higher base critical chance (10.00% vs. 4.00%)
- Higher base critical multiplier (2.00x vs. 1.50x)
- Higher base status chance (24.00% vs. 20.00%)
- Higher average damage per tap (41.8 vs. 32.64)
- Higher burst DPS (295.94 vs. 217.70)
- Higher sustained DPS (239.43 vs. 178.10)
- Higher fire rate (7.08 attacks/sec vs. 6.67 attacks/sec)
- Higher Mastery Rank required (4 vs. 3)
- Lower disposition (●●●●● (1.45x) vs. ●●●●● (1.50x))
- Prisma Tetra (Normal Attack), compared to Tenet Tetra (Normal Attack):
- Lower base damage per projectile (38.00 vs. 60.00) (excluding any Progenitor bonus)
- Lower total damage (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (38 vs. 96)
- Lower base critical chance (10.00% vs. 28.00%)
- Lower base critical multiplier (2.00x vs. 2.20x)
- Lower base status chance (24.00% vs. 30.00%)
- Lower average damage per tap (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (41.8 vs. 128.25)
- Lower burst DPS (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (295.94 vs. 641.28)
- Lower sustained DPS (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (239.43 vs. 563.76)
- Higher fire rate (7.08 attacks/sec vs. 5.00 attacks/sec)
- Smaller magazine (60 vs. 80)
- Larger max ammo capacity (540 vs. 480)
- Larger ammo pickup count (80 vs. 40)
- Faster reload time (2.00 s vs. 2.20 s)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (4 vs. 16)
- Higher disposition (●●●●● (1.45x) vs. ●●●●○ (1.20x))
The Prisma Tetra is potentially sold by Baro Ki'Teer in the Concourse section of the Tenno Relay for 50,000 and 400. Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance, and this weapon may not be available on a succeeding appearance.
The weapon can be traded, but only for unranked copies without Forma and Orokin Catalyst installed. The trading recipient must also have a Mastery Rank of at least 4.
- With a large portion (80%) of its total damage relying on Puncture, it is somewhat more viable to equip Piercing Caliber than with most weapons.
- Similarly, due to the fact that the Tetra has no Slash damage, Sawtooth Clip and Fanged Fusillade are completely useless.
- The Prisma Tetra is the first Corpus weapon to have the "Prisma" prefix.
- Fourth lowest fire rate of all fully automatic rifles, after Tetra, Buzlok, and Panthera.
Prisma Tetra Skins
Patch History[]
Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)
- Damage increased from 35 to 38.
- Status chance increased from 15% to 24%.
- Decreased recoil while aiming.
- Increased accuracy while aiming.
See Also[]
- Tetra, the normal variant.
- Tenet Tetra, the Tenet variant.
- Prisma, the Void-touched items sold by Baro Ki'Teer.