
I expected it to be... bigger.
Lotus, mistaking Popcorn for the Jackal

Popcorn is a Test MOA that was crushed by the Jackal during its introduction cutscene, but was later saved and relocated to Iron Wake as Clem's new friend. Similar to Clem and John Prodman, Popcorn has her roots as a meme within the WARFRAME community.


On June 10, 2020, WARFRAME's official Twitter, PlayWarframe, tweeted a preview of the remastered Jackal. A user named Corpusbonds asked if they could adopt the MOA and name it "Popcorn", but PlayWarframe replied that it may be too late for Popcorn.[1] Shortly after, PlayWarframe tweeted again with the tag "#SavePopcorn", which quickly became popular across the community.

The remastered Jackal and Popcorn were added in Update 28.0 (2020-06-11) on June 11, 2020. On the same day, Hotfix 28.0.1 (2020-06-11) rolled in, adding Popcorn to Iron Wake next to Clem's Blunt Fort.


  1. @corpusbonds (2020, June 10). Tweet. Twitter. Accessed 2022-04-18. Archived from the original on 2022-04-18.