
Phobos has always been a highly contest area. Skirmishes between the tireless Grineer and Corpus factions occur in orbit and on the Martian moon surface. Unanswered questions about this natural satellite still remain as all research is endlessly delayed by war.
—Phobos Fragment

Phobos is a moon under Corpus control.

Phobos becomes accessible by defeating the Specter in the Phobos Junction on Mars after completing the required tasks.

The Assassination Target for Phobos is The Sergeant, located in the mission Iliad. The Sergeant drops the component blueprints parts for the Mag Warframe.

Phobos does not have a Tenno Relay. 


Invasion Missions: The Corpus will appear as a "Sideable or Opposing" faction while the Infested will always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions.

Spy Missions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions.

Survival Missions: The following lists below do not apply to Survival missions.

Corpus Grineer Infested Wild




  • None of Phobos's default missions use a surface tileset, possibly because Phobos itself is a small rock only a few miles across.


  • Phobos contains high drop rates of both Rubedo and Morphics.
  • Sentinels have a very slim chance of surviving during these levels as constant bombardments from Hellions can easily destroy them regardless of how durable they may be.


  • Phobos is named after the Greek personification of fear and one of the sons of Ares, who is Mars's Greek equivalent. It has a twin moon called Deimos (strife), the latter currently is not available in Warframe and there are no plans on adding it.
    • In contrast to how Phobos is depicted in-game, in real life, it is irregular in shape. It is widely believed to be a captured asteroid.
    • The nodes on Phobos are named after actual named geological features of Phobos. Other than Monolith and Iliad, those in turn are named either after astronomers (e.g. Asaph Hall, who discovered Phobos) or after characters in Gulliver's Travels (as its author, Jonathan Swift, predicted the existence of Mars's moons).
    • The boss level, Iliad, is named after an ancient Greek epic poem, which tells of the battles and events during the weeks quarrel between the King Agamemnon and the Warrior Achilles.
  • This planet was unlocked as a reward for the community completing the Arid Fear Event. Much of the event involved the Grineer and the Corpus trying to hide Phobos' existence from the Tenno.
  • Up until The Gradivus Dilemma Phobos was the third planet in the game that was completely under the control of a given faction (besides the indigenous species), following the (then) Infested-controlled planets of Eris and Jupiter.
  • Phobos is the first planet to have an Assassination mission involving more than one entity, the second being the first phase of Lephantis.
  • Looking into the distance from the extraction point, one will be able to see what looks like a Fomorian ship on its side in the far background.
  • Phobos's geology appears to resemble Mars in reality, having a reddish appearance to the soil and a desert like environment.
  • Phobos is the only planet in which Research components do not drop.

