
Pax Seeker is an Arcane Enhancement for kitguns that, on headshot kill, releases homing projectiles that inflicts 50% DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and 50% DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage.


Rank Bolts
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4


Can be bought from Rude Zuud for ReputationLarge 10,000 per arcane upon reaching the rank of Old Mate with Solaris United. Like all arcanes, Pax arcanes come fully built at Rank 0.


  • In order to activate the effect of Pax Seeker, the enemy must be headshot killed by the Kitgun, and not any damage-over-time status effect such as DmgSlashSmall64 Slash.
  • These homing projectiles deal a considerable amount of damage, which can help in killing a group of enemies.
  • A projectile can be controlled using IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Navigator130xWhite Navigator.
  • Kills made by these projectiles count as Pistol kills, which can be used to complete Nightwave Tasks.
    • The projectiles also aims for the head, which can be used for Riven Challenges and Nightwave Tasks.
  • Homing projectiles can target and damage enemies across the material plane and Rift Plane.
  • Because the projectiles aim for enemies' head dealing a large amount of damage, Pax Seeker can easily trigger Primary Deadhead/Secondary Deadhead and Mod TT 20px Galvanized Scope/Mod TT 20px Galvanized Crosshairs.
  • Each projectile guarantees an DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc, which can benefit from the Mod TT 20px Internal Bleeding/Mod TT 20px Hemorrhage.
  • Status chance mods affect the projectiles, which can proc DmgSlashSmall64 Slash, DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture, and any status the modded weapon may inflict.
  • The projectiles will disappear if they hit a wall or ceiling; this combined with their upwards emergence and slow homing can make the projectiles struggle to hit enemies in tight interior spaces.


  • As Pax Seeker's projectiles always aim for the head, it greatly benefits from HarrowIcon272 Harrow's Covenant130xWhite Covenant, which grants a x4 critical chance bonus for headshots (additive 200% flat critical chance at maximum).
    • However, headshot kills by Pax Seeker's projectiles won't count for Mod TT 20px Lasting Covenant.
    • HarrowIcon272 Harrow's Thurible130xWhite Thurible also gains energy from projectiles' kills as if they're non-headshot.


Patch History[]

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Fixed Titania’s Razorflies triggering the effect of the Pax Seeker Arcanes.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)


We’ve adjusted the values of older Arcanes with the goal of making lower rank Arcanes more viable, and more desirable while collecting as a result. In short, there are three stats that each Arcane tends to have (speaking generally) -- for example, a percentage chance, a stat buff, and the duration of the buff.

Certain Arcanes increase all of these stats per rank (making them scale exponentially), but we are changing it so that only one stat is affected by rank (making it scale linearly). The other stats will now be at the max-rank value regardless of the Arcane Rank, thereby buffing lower-rank Arcanes as a result.

Pax Seeker

On Headshot Kill: 100% (was 25%) chance for 1/4 projectiles burst from the enemy and seek the heads of nearby enemies.

  • Now that the chance is guaranteed, the new description is “On Headshot Kill: 1/4 projectiles burst from the enemy and seek the heads of nearby enemies.”

Hotfix 28.2.1 (2020-08-01)

  • Fixed Pax Seeker not triggering on equipped Primary Kitguns.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Fixed Pax Seeker being able to be activated by weapons/abilities other than the Kitgun it's installed on (sometimes resulting in a script error).

Hotfix 25.1.1 (2019-06-06)

  • Fixed Pax Seeker bolts appearing default Energy colour for Clients.

Hotfix 24.1.2 (2018-11-29)

  • Fixed Pax Seeker activating on Warframe Exalted Ability Weapons (i.e. Titania Razorwing, Mesa Regulators).
  • Fixed Pax Seeker projectiles and Phantasma’s Alt Fire ignoring Nullifier bubbles.

Update 24.1 (2018-11-22)

  • Changed the Pax Seeker Arcane projectile from 100% Impact Damage to 50% Puncture/50% Slash. This also fixes the Pax Seeker's projectile taking Damage Mods into account twice.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Update 24.7 (2019-04-10)
