AladVPortrait d
ā€œYou're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!ā€
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Orphix is a Empyrean mission type where Tenno must fight against Sentient Orphix boarding Corpus Ships using Necramechs. It is derived from the events of Operation: Orphix Venom.

Players must complete The War Within to play in Orphix missions.


Enemy Scaling
Orphix # Orphix/Enemy Level
Venus (Vesper Strait) Neptune (Mammon's Prospect) Pluto (Khufu Envoy) Veil (Erato)
1 21 31 35 54
2 23 33 37 56
3 26 36 40 59
4 29 39 43 62
5 33 43 47 66
6 36 46 50 69
7 39 49 53 72
8 43 53 57 76
9 46 56 60 79
10 50 60 64 83
11 54 64 68 87
12 58 68 72 91
13 62 72 76 95
14 66 76 80 99
15 71 81 85 104
16 76 86 90 109
17 80 90 94 113
18 85 95 99 118
19 91 101 105 124
20 96 106 110 129
21 101 111 115 134
22 107 117 121 140
23 113 123 127 146
24 119 129 133 152
25 126 136 140 159
26 132 142 146 165
27 139 149 153 172
28 146 156 160 179
29 153 163 167 186
30 161 171 175 194
31 169 179 184 200
32 177 187 191 200
33 185 195 199 200
34 194 200 200 200
35 200 200 200 200
36 200 200 200 200

These missions are divided into two sections: Railjack objectives and a modified Survival mission that require players to defeat Orphix in a timely manner in order to survive.

Orphix Spawns[]

Orphix spawns are not random and occur once every minute, cycling through three distinct tile locations. The following diagram shows how the Orphix spawn locations are laid out in a linear fashion.

A šŸ”† B šŸ”†(C)


(C)šŸ”† B šŸ”† A
 šŸ”…       šŸ”‡
 C šŸ”„ B šŸ”„ A


(C)šŸ”† A šŸ”† B
 šŸ”…       šŸ”‡
 C šŸ”„ A šŸ”„ B

Example Orhpix spawns

The Orphix spawn pattern starts with Tile A, Tile B and then Tile C. After the 3rd Orphix, it changes to use the spawn pattern CBA-ABC or CAB-BAC. Note that spawning tiles will be adjacent but not necessarily in linear arrangement and probably have branch paths that lead to dead ends.

Fighting the Orphix[]

Orphix radiate a pulse field that disables Warframes and dispels any buffs and active abilities. Crossing into the pulse field with the Warframe will force the player into Operator mode to rely on their Necramechs via Necramech Summon. If the player does not own a Necramech, there will be fallen Necramechs to use Transference into, which are rank 30 and equipped with a Mausolon Mausolon but are unmodded.

There are two distinct phases when fighting an Orphix: destroying Orphix Resonators and weakening the Orphix.

Possible Orphix Enemy Wave SpawnsConfirmation needed
4-5 Brachiolysts 4-5
3 Brachiolysts, 1 Aerolyst/Battalyst/Conculyst/Symbilyst 3 + 0/1/2/3
2 Brachiolysts, 2 Symbilysts 8
2 Brachiolysts, 1 Battalyst, 1 Conculyst 5
Summulysts, Choralysts, Ortholysts

The Orphix is protected by multiple Orphix Resonators near it and can only be damaged when all Resonators are destroyed, opening up its center blue cavity to spawn more Sentient troops to help defend it. In ascending order of frequency, Orphix can spawn Aerolysts, Summulysts, Choralysts, Ortholysts, Symbilysts, Conculysts, Battalysts, and Brachiolysts. At 50% health, the Orphix will close up its cavity to respawn Resonators. Once the Orphix is dead, all Sentient enemies spawned by that Orphix will disappear. The Sentient control meter will also decrease by 8% upon defeating an Orphix.

After successfully destroying three Orphix, players may extract or continue destroying more Orphix, up to a maximum of 36. Orphix will continue to spawn even if one is active; if Orphix are left active for 100 seconds (100% Sentient control), players cannot continue and are forced to extract. A mission failure will result if Sentient control reaches 100% when the player has not destroyed three Orphix.

Orphix Damage Resistance[]

This section is transcluded from Orphix Ā§ Damage Resistance. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Orphix possess DR that scales depending on your weapon's DPS excluding Critical Hits. DPS is calculated by:

Critical Hits are applied after DR is calculated. Additionally, the average DPS is calculated using Health Modifiers and is quantized.


Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Venus Proxima Vesper Strait Corpus 3,000 41,250 VenusProximaOrphix 21 - 24 Free Space
Neptune Proxima Mammon's Prospect Corpus 4,000 68,750 NeptuneProximaOrphix 31 - 34 Free Space
Pluto Proxima Khufu Envoy Corpus 4,400 80,000 PlutoProximaOrphix 35 - 38 Free Space
Veil Proxima Erato Corpus 6,300 143,750 VeilProximaOrphix 54 - 58 Free Space
There are a total of 4 Orphix Missions

Mission Rewards[]

The mission reward rotation is AABC. Every three destroyed Orphix serves as a rotation and will reward an item from the rotation table.

This section is transcluded from Orphix (Mission)/Rewards . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Endo Endo x100 28.57% Endo Endo x150 27.27% ArcaneConsequence Arcane Consequence 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Engines Mk I 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk I 13.64% ArcaneIce Arcane Ice 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Plating Mk I 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk I 13.64% ArcaneMomentum Arcane Momentum 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Reactor Mk I 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk I 13.64% ArcaneNullifier Arcane Nullifier 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Shield Array Mk I 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk I 13.64% ArcaneTempo Arcane Tempo 10.34%
LithRelicIntact Lith G10 4.76% LithRelicIntact Lith A6 4.55% ArcaneWarmth Arcane Warmth 10.34%
LithRelicIntact Lith N15 4.76% LithRelicIntact Lith C12 4.55% ArcaneAcceleration Arcane Acceleration 6.9%
LithRelicIntact Lith P9 4.76% LithRelicIntact Lith G12 4.55% ArcaneResistance Arcane Resistance 6.9%
LithRelicIntact Lith W4 4.55% ArcaneStrike Arcane Strike 6.9%
ArcaneVictory Arcane Victory 6.9%
ArcaneAegis Arcane Aegis 3.45%
ArcanePrecision Arcane Precision 3.45%
ArcanePulse Arcane Pulse 3.45%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x200 28.57% Endo Endo x300 27.27% ArcaneConsequence Arcane Consequence 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Engines Mk II 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk II 13.64% ArcaneIce Arcane Ice 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Plating Mk II 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk II 13.64% ArcaneMomentum Arcane Momentum 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Reactor Mk II 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk II 13.64% ArcaneNullifier Arcane Nullifier 10.34%
Blueprint2 Lavan Shield Array Mk II 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk II 13.64% ArcaneTempo Arcane Tempo 10.34%
MesoRelicIntact Meso F5 4.76% MesoRelicIntact Meso A7 4.55% ArcaneWarmth Arcane Warmth 10.34%
MesoRelicIntact Meso H7 4.76% MesoRelicIntact Meso B9 4.55% ArcaneAwakening Arcane Awakening 6.9%
MesoRelicIntact Meso V9 4.76% MesoRelicIntact Meso N17 4.55% ArcaneGuardian Arcane Guardian 6.9%
MesoRelicIntact Meso W4 4.55% ArcaneHealing Arcane Healing 6.9%
ArcaneTrickery Arcane Trickery 6.9%
ArcaneFury Arcane Fury 3.45%
ArcaneRage Arcane Rage 3.45%
ArcaneUltimatum Arcane Ultimatum 3.45%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x300 28.57% Endo Endo x450 27.27% ArcaneConsequence Arcane Consequence 10%
Blueprint2 Lavan Engines Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk III 13.64% ArcaneIce Arcane Ice 10%
Blueprint2 Lavan Plating Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk III 13.64% ArcaneMomentum Arcane Momentum 10%
Blueprint2 Lavan Reactor Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk III 13.64% ArcaneNullifier Arcane Nullifier 10%
Blueprint2 Lavan Shield Array Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk III 13.64% ArcaneTempo Arcane Tempo 10%
NeoRelicIntact Neo G7 4.76% NeoRelicIntact Neo A13 4.55% ArcaneWarmth Arcane Warmth 10%
NeoRelicIntact Neo M5 4.76% NeoRelicIntact Neo B9 4.55% ArcaneAgility Arcane Agility 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z11 4.76% NeoRelicIntact Neo E4 4.55% ArcaneDeflection Arcane Deflection 6.67%
NeoRelicIntact Neo P7 4.55% ArcaneEruption Arcane Eruption 6.67%
ArcanePhantasm Arcane Phantasm 6.67%
ArcaneVelocity Arcane Velocity 6.67%
ArcaneArachne Arcane Arachne 3.33%
ArcaneAvenger Arcane Avenger 3.33%

Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.

Endo Endo x400 28.57% Endo Endo x600 27.27% ArcaneAcceleration Arcane Acceleration 5.63%
Blueprint2 Vidar Engines Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Zetki Engines Mk III 13.64% ArcaneAgility Arcane Agility 5.63%
Blueprint2 Vidar Plating Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Zetki Plating Mk III 13.64% ArcaneAwakening Arcane Awakening 5.63%
Blueprint2 Vidar Reactor Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Zetki Reactor Mk III 13.64% ArcaneDeflection Arcane Deflection 5.63%
Blueprint2 Vidar Shield Array Mk III 14.29% Blueprint2 Zetki Shield Array Mk III 13.64% ArcaneEruption Arcane Eruption 5.63%
AxiRelicIntact Axi A18 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi A17 4.55% ArcaneGuardian Arcane Guardian 5.63%
AxiRelicIntact Axi G11 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi L6 4.55% ArcaneHealing Arcane Healing 5.63%
AxiRelicIntact Axi O6 4.76% AxiRelicIntact Axi S16 4.55% ArcanePhantasm Arcane Phantasm 5.63%
AxiRelicIntact Axi S17 4.55% ArcaneResistance Arcane Resistance 5.63%
ArcaneStrike Arcane Strike 5.63%
ArcaneTrickery Arcane Trickery 5.63%
ArcaneVelocity Arcane Velocity 5.63%
ArcaneVictory Arcane Victory 5.63%
ArcaneAegis Arcane Aegis 2.82%
ArcaneArachne Arcane Arachne 2.82%
ArcaneAvenger Arcane Avenger 2.82%
ArcaneFury Arcane Fury 2.82%
ArcanePrecision Arcane Precision 2.82%
ArcanePulse Arcane Pulse 2.82%
ArcaneRage Arcane Rage 2.82%
ArcaneUltimatum Arcane Ultimatum 2.82%
ArcaneBarrier Arcane Barrier 1.41%
ArcaneEnergize Arcane Energize 1.41%
ArcaneGrace Arcane Grace 1.41%


Drop tables outdated? Readers can update Module:DropTables/data and cross reference with official drop tables on https://www.warframe.com/droptables.


  • Necramech Summon has a 1 minute cooldown to revive the Necramech.
  • Players must hit the glowing blue cavity of Orphix with a direct hit to deal damage with area of effect weapons. Radial damage alone will not damage Orphix and is only applied to direct hit attacks.
  • Orphix Resonators have 3,000 Object health.
  • Destroying Resonators will decrease Sentient control by 5%.
  • The event missions count towards challenges that involve survival missions, such as weekly Nightwave Acts.
  • Tenno Specters will be killed instantly if affected by the Orphix pulse field.


  • Early in the mission, Orphix Resonators can be instantly destroyed with the Operator's Amp or Necramech's Melee, Slide, and Slam Attack.
  • While there are free Necramechs for use, their unmodded state means they won't get very far with the higher leveled enemies.
  • Fluctus Fluctus and Zenith Zenith have infinite punch through and can damage the Orphix Resonators from everywhere.
    • Alternatively, loading Mod TT 20px Sabot Rounds on whatever Arch-gun the Necramech uses gives it a better chance at hitting these resonators.
    • While the Grattler Grattler and the KuvaGrattler Kuva Grattler do not have innate punch through, the explosions upon impact do, giving them a decent chance at destroying the resonators.
  • The Mausolon Mausolon's alt fire and Arquebex Arquebex deal massive damage to all enemies and the Orphix.
  • The Ironbride Ironbride is capable of damaging the Orphix from any angle.
  • Warframes can still use their abilities outside the pulse field. The following abilities can continuously generate energy for Necramechs:
  • Use Voidrig Voidrig's NechramechShock Storm Shroud and Bonewidow Bonewidow's ThanomechGrab Meathook and ThanomechShield Shield Maiden to stay alive.
  • The VizierPredasite Vizier Predasite's Mod TT 20px Iatric Mycelium can heal Necramechs in a substantial amount.
  • FocusLensVazarin b Vazarin's FocusProtectiveSling Protective Sling can heal Necramechs for 500 health over 5 seconds.
  • Building for DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation will allow for maximum damage against the armored Orphix and Sentients
  • The Battalyst's omni-directional laser makes it arguably the deadliest enemy, dealing a lot of damage very quickly to multiple Necramechs at long range. The Bonewidow's Meathook can instantly interrupt its attack and render it out of commission.


  • Despite this mission type becoming available once The War Within is completed, Natah's transmissions can still occur despite the Lotus will not return to the Sentient's side until The Sacrifice, due to the mission itself being directly carried over from Orphix Venom.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 36.0.5 (2024-07-20)

  • Fixed a crash in Orphix Railjack missions.

Hotfix 31.7.2 (2022-08-17)

  • Fixed Octaviaā€™s Resonator spawning behind locked areas in the Orphix tileset.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Fixed Orphix Resonators spawning in hidden rooms on the Corpus Ship tileset.

Hotfix 31.0.3 (2021-12-17)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur when playing Orphix missions.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Formally introduced to the game.

Hotfix 29.6.7 (2021-01-13)

  • Fixed Operation exploit (and disqualified scores that had been earned with it.)

Hotfix 29.6.6 (2021-01-12)

  • Fixed another Operation exploit related to slow connection Hosts.
  • Fixed losing Affinity for Necramech weapons if a Host migration occurred while piloting a Necramech with their ultimate Ability active. This also fixes a script error occurring when Reviving after the Host migration.

Hotfix 29.6.5 (2021-01-09)

  • Removed Solaris prisoners in the Operation tileset as no Granum related activities are meant to be present in the respective tileset.
  • Fixed another Host migration related scoring exploit.
  • Fixed an End of Mission crash when an Orphix attempts to spawn.
  • Fixed rare cases where Resonators would spawn behind locked puzzle doors in the tileset.
    • It is unlikely that this should come up again, but if it does, it is essential that you take a screenshot with the in-game tool using the F6 key and send the unedited file to Support; screenshots taken this way have special embedded data that will help us find out why the game chose to place the Resonator where it shouldnā€™t be. Thanks!
  • Fixed having Voidrigs Storm Shroud run out on your personal Necramech while youā€™re in a rent-a-Mech resulting in your personal Necramech becoming invincible.
  • Fixed Extraction countdown being reset by enemies/Pets entering the Extraction zone (also occurs in normal Survival missions).

Hotfix 29.6.4 (2021-01-06)

  • Over the course of the Holiday break, the team continued to track and fix Operation exploits. Any scores that were determined to be achieved with these exploits have been (and will continue to be) removed from the Leaderboards, and temporary or full suspensions have been issued where appropriate.
  • Fixed proper AABC reward not being given when achieving the Endurance max 36th Orphix.
  • Fixed an issue where Affinity collected in a Necramech wouldn't propagate to your Arch Gun if you Transferenced in from the Operator.
  • Fixed second Necramech death resulting in a functionality loss as the Operator until Operator respawns.
  • Fixed having the same Archwing Weapon equipped in the Heavy Weapon slot and the Necramech Primary slot resulting in receiving double Affinity for the weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the player's inventory can end up with two instances of the Necramech's gun, which resulted in losing earned Affinity when Reviving as your Warframe.
  • Fixed missing Extraction UI if a Host migration occurs after killing the 36th Orphix.
  • Fixed Focus gained by the Necramech not being saved at End of Mission.

Hotfix 29.6.3 (2020-12-22)

  • Fixed players being prevented from summoning Necramechs if they are too far away (applies to the Operation and Landscapes).
  • Fixed an issue where Leaderboard scores were not appearing if you had a higher score before they were added. Your score shown on Profile from before the Leaderboard went live will not appear on the Leaderboard. This change just means that you can now set a Leaderboard score if itā€™s lower than what your Profile shows.

Hotfix 29.6.2 (2020-12-22)
With this Hotfix comes the enabling of Operation: Orphix Venom Leaderboards and Clan Trophies!

You can find links here to view the Leaderboards outside of game:

Human Readable:


Bot & Tool Readable:


Full Operation and Clan Trophy Details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1241211-operation-orphix-venom-live-on-pc/

Operation: Orphix Venom Changes & Fixes:
  • Reduced the bright screen range from the Orphix death to 25 meter range (from 120 meter).
  • We now show your current amount of Phasic Cells in Fatherā€™s Operation shop in the Necralisk
  • Operation Orphix will now sort higher on Navigationā€™s list of current events than fissures or ghouls
  • Optimized the behaviour that when casting Voidrigā€™s Guard Mode with exactly 50 energy, you just jam your guns and go through the animations without actually being able to use the ability. You can no longer cast when youā€™re at exactly 50 energy.
  • Changed the height threshold for Necramechs to do the ā€˜hard landingā€™ behaviour to be much higher. This change was made because often youā€™d just hop on a flat floor and be stuck in the ā€˜hard landingā€™ behaviour animations which would disrupt flow.
  • Fixed a case where youā€™d be unable to use Abilities in your Necramech if you resummoned it and its last position was inside an Nullifier.
  • Fixed some erroneous ā€˜Up/Downā€™ actions visible for players in a Necramech.
  • Fixed being able to damage an Orphix before it spawned (i.e slashing empty air).

Hotfix 29.6.1 (2020-12-18)

  • Fixed several crashes related to Operation: Orphix Venom.
  • Fixed two players being able to occupy the same Necramech in Operation: Orphix Venom.
  • Fixed a crash associated with Equinox abilities on Orphix Venom.
  • Fixed an issue where Orphix would not be destroyed even if their health was at 0.

Update 29.6 (2020-12-18)

  • Introduced.