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Psychic attacks make Nyx a dangerous foe. She reaches into enemy consciousness to provide crowd control and turn their attacks back on them. Such manipulation can turn the tide of battle.

This is Nyx, manipulator of minds.

On her own or with a group, Nyx can turn the tide of battle in her favor.

Release Date: January 29th, 2013

Scramble the enemy's psyche with her subliminal touch, turning friend into foe as chaos ensues. Manipulate the mind as Nyx to dominate their will, cripple their defenses, and reflect their collective strikes with her psychic prowess. Nyx infiltrated the enemy's ranks in Update 6.0 (2013-01-29).


Nyx's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Nyx's component blueprints can be obtained from defeating Phorid on assassination missions that appear during an Infested Invasion.
Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Phorid Manifestation 38.72% ~ 2 Kills 14 ± 4 Kills
Systems Systems Blueprint Phorid Manifestation 22.56% ~ 4 Kills 27 ± 9 Kills
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Phorid Manifestation 38.72% ~ 2 Kills 14 ± 4 Kills

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.

Alternatively, upon completion of The Duviri Paradox, Nyx's main and component blueprints can be earned from The Circuit. By selecting her on the rotating week she is available, players can earn her blueprints after reaching Tier 2 (Neuroptics), 5 (Chassis), 8 (Systems), and 10 (Main) rewards.


Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 225 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: Credits25,000
Nyx Neuroptics Blueprint
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
PolymerBundle Polymer Bundle
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Nyx Chassis Blueprint
Morphics Morphics
Ferrite Ferrite
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Nyx Systems Blueprint
ControlModule Control Module
Morphics Morphics
Salvage Salvage
Plastids Plastids
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25



Prototype Nyx


Screenshot of the Prototype/Menticide icon bug.

  • Nyx will receive a "light rework" along with Trinity when 1999 releases.
  • Nyx is the name of the Greek goddess of the night, the offspring of chaos.
    • During development, Nyx originally went by the name of "Jade".
  • Apart from the helmet and gender, Nyx's overall design is almost identical to ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur. This was the result of a scrapped attempt to create alternative genders to the Warframes during the pre-alpha stages of the game.
    • This prototype Nyx was practically identical to Excalibur, with the only major difference being the body shape. Prototype-Nyx's base helmet (which was no different from Excalibur's base helmet design-wise) would occasionally reveal itself in earlier builds of the game, replacing the icon of the Menticide Helmet blueprint during extraction.
    • For a long time, the silhouette Chaos130xWhite Chaos projected in front of affected enemies also used prototype-Nyx's helmet, rather than her current base helmet. This was eventually corrected in Update 12.4 (2014-03-05).
  • Nyx is similar in design to Nadia Sudek's Nemesis armor from Dark Sector.
    • The Nyx Nemesis Skin further reveals the fact that Nyx was most likely based on Nemesis.
    • This makes Nyx the second-oldest known Warframe design.
  • Oddly, Nyx's default color scheme has three separate energy colors, the first being the deep blue energy seen within her Warframe such as the lights upon her helmet, the second being on minor effects within abilities and along her wrists and the last being for major power effects, a bright orange glow as seen around enemies within MindControl130xWhite Mind Control.
    • All of these will be set to one custom color if her energy color is changed.
  • When using MindControl130xWhite Mind Control on an enemy, the Tenno script that appears and floats around the enemy says "Obey".

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Infiltrate the minds of your enemies with Nyx Prime. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.

Release Date: September 23rd, 2014

Nyx Prime is the Primed variant of NyxIcon272 Nyx, possessing higher shield, armor, sprint speed, as well as an additional Vazarin Pol polarity. Nyx Prime was released alongside HikouPrime Hikou Prime and ScindoPrime Scindo Prime.


Unlike most Prime gear, Nyx Prime is permanently unvaulted, with relics being obtainable through Abandoned Derelict Caches in Corpus Railjack missions.

Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic
Nyx Prime's Relic Drops
Chassis Blueprint Systems Blueprint Nyx PrimeIcon272 Blueprint Neuroptics Blueprint
AxiRelicIntact Axi S8 Uncommon
NeoRelicIntact Neo N1 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo R1 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith C7 Uncommon
AxiRelicIntact Axi S3 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo S2 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo V9 Common
LithRelicIntact Lith B4 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith S2 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo V1 Common (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso N11 Rare
MesoRelicIntact Meso N1 Rare (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso N6 Rare (V)


  • On August 9th, 2016, it was announced that Nyx Prime, alongside HikouPrime Hikou Prime and ScindoPrime Scindo Prime, would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the reward tables on August 23rd, 2016. Any preexisting components, relics or fully-built frames will remain as is.
  • Nyx Prime, alongside HikouPrime Hikou Prime, ScindoPrime Scindo Prime, Rhino PrimeIcon272 Rhino Prime, BoltorPrime Boltor Prime, and AnkyrosPrime Ankyros Prime, resurfaced from the Prime Vault, and was accessible from July 24th, 2018 to September 25th, 2018.
  • Nyx Prime resurfaced again together with the same line-up from July 16th, 2019 to September 3rd, 2019.
  • Nyx Prime resurfaced again together with the same line-up from August 12th, 2021 to November 16th, 2021 and January 11th, 2022 to February, 15th, 2022 (gap was due to Prime Resurgence).


Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: N/A
Nyx Prime Neuroptics Blueprint
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
Salvage Salvage
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Nyx Prime Chassis Blueprint
Gallium Gallium
NanoSpores Nano Spores
Rubedo Rubedo
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Nyx Prime Systems Blueprint
ControlModule Control Module
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Ferrite Ferrite
Circuits Circuits
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25


  • Nyx Prime, compared to NyxIcon272 Nyx:
    • Higher Shields (365/465 vs. 270/370)
    • Higher Armor (135 vs. 105)
    • Higher Starting Energy (150 vs. 100)
    • Higher Sprint Speed (1.125 vs. 1.1)
    • Additional Vazarin Pol Polarity (Madurai PolNaramon PolVazarin Pol vs. Madurai PolNaramon Pol)
  • As with any other Prime Warframe, moving close to the location of an Orokin Void Death Orb will restore a pulse of 250 Energy to nearby allies, even if that Death Orb is inactive, destroyed, or non-present. This effect can only occur once per orb.


  • Nyx Prime was the first Prime Warframe to have two enhanced stats, at the time she received increased Armor and Sprint speed over her normal version. When Update 17.0 (2015-07-31) launched she received an additional boost in Shields.
  • Enemies affected by Nyx Prime's Chaos130xWhite Chaos now show a Nyx Prime holding a BratonPrime Braton Prime instead of a regular NyxIcon272 Nyx holding a standard Braton Braton.


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Enemies have 20% reduced Accuracy when targeting NyxIcon272 Nyx (except while Absorb130xWhite Absorb is active).


View Maximization
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This section is transcluded from Mind Control . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
MindControlModx256 MindControl130xWhite
Mind Control

Nyx invades the psyche of a target, confusing enemies and making them fight for the Tenno cause.

Introduced in Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:N/A
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:15 / 20 / 25 / 45 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:20 / 40 / 50 / 60 m

Misc: 3 s (stun duration)
100 % (damage immunity)
4 s (damage conversion duration)
1 (max target limit)

Subsumable to Helminth
This section is transcluded from Psychic Bolts . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
PsychicBoltsModx256 PsychicBolts130xWhite
Psychic Bolts

Nyx launches a cluster of force bolts at enemies, using telekinesis to adjust flight paths and seek nearby targets. Hits strip some enemy defenses.

Introduced in Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:20 / 40 / 60 / 80 % (defense reduction)
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 % (Infested speed penalty)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:5 / 7 / 9 / 11 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (number of bolts)
60 m (targeting range)
100 % (aura nullification)
100 % (defense reduction cap)

This section is transcluded from Chaos . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
ChaosModx256 Chaos130xWhite

With a powerful psychic blast, Nyx causes mass hysteria on the battlefield by confusing all enemies to attack random factions.

Introduced in Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:N/A
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:15 / 20 / 22 / 25 m
This section is transcluded from Absorb . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
AbsorbModx256 Absorb130xWhite

Nyx absorbs all incoming damage and channels that collected energy into an explosive radial discharge. Nyx's Weapon damage is buffed based on incoming absorbed damage when the Ability ends.

Introduced in Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:160 / 170 / 180 / 200 (passive DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage gain)
800 / 900 / 1000 / 1500 (minimum DmgMagneticSmall64 Magnetic damage)
0.025% (damage converted to weapon damage bonus)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:8 s (Weapon Damage bonus)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 / ? / ? / 15 m

Strength Mods


Duration Mods


Range Mods


Nyx Mind Control2 Nyx Mind Control2
Nyx Psychic Bolts2 Nyx Psychic Bolts2
Nyx Chaos Nyx Chaos
Nyx Absorb Nyx Absorb Nyx Absorb

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Patch History

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

Line Of Sight Improvements

As a continuation of our efforts to improve LOS systems within Warframe, which have been ongoing since Dante Unbound, we’ve made further strides towards improving how we handle these checks.

From a technical standpoint, we’ve improved the consistency and performance of the underlying LOS systems within the game by handling how we detect unrendered targets, in addition to improvements we’ve made in recent hotfixes.

Abilities that use LOS checks already have been updated to this improved technology! Additionally, with these improvements, we can now easily shift over any Warframe Ability that relies on LOS checks to be seamlessly migrated to this new, more accurate system, meaning we’re able to act faster on any outlying offenders that may arise.

To name a few Warframe abilities that benefit from this with Jade Shadows:

  • Nyx’s Psychic Bolts
General Changes
  • Defense missions will no longer be unnecessarily extended whenever enemies are affected by Nyx’s “Mind Control.” Instead, they’ll work similarly to Revenant’s Thralls, where invulnerable enemies don’t count towards the remaining enemy tally required to progress to the next wave.
  • Fixed Zephyr and Nyx being unable to acquire Decrees in Duviri while using Absorb.

Hotfix 35.5.7 (2024-04-17)

  • Fixed Nyx’s “Pacifying Bolts” Augment Mod not throwing an additional 3 force Psychic Bolts as intended.

Hotfix 35.5.2 (2024-03-28)

  • Fixed a script error caused by Nyx’s Psychic Bolts ability.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Psychic Bolts may cease to apply non-damage effects to targets after playing for a short time for Clients.

Hotfix 35.0.9 (2024-01-17)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Chaos Sphere ring VFX appearing as a very thin line.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Base vs Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul

If you’ve spent any time invested in the deeper nuances of Modding, you may be familiar with “Warframe Math” - math that upon first glance doesn’t really make sense, but once you learn the inner workings of the game, it all comes together. While we can appreciate the value that complex systems offer to a certain subsect of players, there are other aspects of the game that should have clear and understandable outcomes. Namely: Shield, Health, Energy, and Armor Modding.

Pop quiz: what is 300 + 440%? If you answered 740, you may just be an Excalibur player.

Vitality (+440% Heath), Redirection (+440% Shields), Flow (+150% Energy), and Steel Fiber (+110% Armor) come with large modifier values that don’t seem to match their outcome in-game. This is because these Mods apply their multiplier to the base stats of the Warframe - i.e., the stats you have at Rank 0. In the Excalibur example, a Rank 30 Excalibur’s Health stat of 300 earns an additional 440 Health from max rank Vitality (+440% Heath) since it applies to his base rank Health stat of 100, resulting in 740 total health.

In this update, we have removed this obfuscation by having Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods apply to the stats of Warframes at their current rank. Continuing our Excalibur example, instead of Vitality always applying to Excalibur’s base rank 100 Health, it would apply to his Health stat based on his rank - namely, the stat you can actually see in your Arsenal. If your Excalibur were Rank 30, his Health stat would be 300, which means Vitality’s multiplier would be calculated off of 300.

With previous Health and Mod values, additional adjustments are needed to make this revision work while maintaining game balance. By only changing where the multiplier applies, a Rank 30 Excalibur would receive an extra 1,320 Health from max rank Vitality, resulting in a total health stat of 1,600. This outcome is a significant buff, which is not the intention of this system change.

To remedy this, we approached this problem in two ways:

1 - We reduced the overall multiplier for Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods.
Since these now affect Max Rank Warframe stats, these Mods need to scale differently to maintain the status quo. Additionally, we wanted these new values to be as clear and understandable to all players as possible! Here are a few examples of these value changes:

  • Vitality: Reduced from +440% to +100% Health
  • Redirection: Reduced from +440% to +100% Shield Capacity
  • Steel Fiber: Reduced from +110% to +100% Armor
  • Flow: Reduced from +150% to +100% Energy Max

Note: These are not all of the Mods affected by this change. We share the comprehensive list further down in this section of the update notes.

Doing some quick math, this means that a Rank 30 Excalibur (300 Health) with a reworked Vitality Mod (+100% Health, applied to the final Health stat) would receive 300 extra Health, for a total of 600. That, in contrast, is a nerf, which we also don’t want to do.

So, our next step:

2 - We adjusted Warframe Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor values to keep the end result of the revised Mods as close to the original values as possible.

With this change, Excalibur’s Rank 30 Health stat is 370. With +100% Health from a max Vitality Mod, his resulting Health stat would be 740, which matches what it was originally.

While this path to the same result may seem a little complicated, the outcome matches our intention: we want players to be able to look at their Health, Shield, and Armor Mods, and be able to understand how they affect the stats they see in their Arsenal.

In addition to everything above, we also increased the base stat values for Warframes so that these revised Mods offer similar value for lower-ranked Frames. To do so, we reduced the amount of Health/Shield/Energy that Warframes earn per rank in half, and transferred the sum of that value to their base stats.

For Armor, this is the one stat that does not increase with your Warframe’s level (with some exceptions). Armor values across the board have been slightly increased to compensate for the Mod changes.

Not to beat a dead Kaithe, but Mods will now be applying to the Max Rank stat instead of the Base Rank. You may look at these numbers and think “nerf” or “buff” depending, but the outcome is that total Modded values are the same, if not a little higher in some cases.

Warframe Stat Changes:

Health: Base Rank - 270 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 270 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 270 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 365 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

While there may be significant changes to Warframe Stats and Mod values as a part of this overhaul, the end result is that your Builds should mostly stay the same. The key difference is the added clarity of what your Health / Shield / Energy / Armor Mods do in your Upgrade screens!

Top Fixes:
  • Fixed Styanax’s Intrepid Stand Augment Mod unintentionally granting mind control immunity to Nyx’s mind-controlled enemies.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb not absorbing damage.

Hotfix 32.0.7 (2022-09-28)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Psychic Bolts (with 125%+ Ability Strength) not removing all Shields from Steel Path enemies.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)


Nyx’s Pacifying Bolts

  • Was: Affected enemies will be confused for 10 seconds.
  • Now: Core Augment function unchanged. Creates an additional 3 Bolts on cast.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Fixed Nyx being able to Mind Control stationary turrets in the Plains of Eidolon and the Orb Vallis, causing them to teleport to her when she gets far enough away.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Psychic Bolts not removing enemy defenses or stunning them if the Pacifying Bolts Augment mod is equipped.
  • Fixed bug where hopping on K-Drive with Nyx Absorb active causing her to be ragdolled off.

Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

  • Fixed Mind Controlling a Thrall as Nyx preventing it from being killed by a melee finisher.

Hotfix 30.9.3 (2021-11-12)

  • Fixed inability to roll while using Nyx’s Assimilate Augment on controller or a custom roll keybind.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)


Mind Control

The thinking behind these changes are fueled by the amount of investment towards this single Target, and having that pay off more in your favor.

  • Base 500 percent Damage increase to the Target itself that you then feed into with your weapons DPS.
  • Increased base Duration to 45 seconds at maximum rank.
  • Mind Controlled Target now teleports to keep up! This acts similar to other allies (Wukong’s twin, etc).

Psychic Bolts

While this change is minor and provides more of a visual cue, the goal here was to provide a better presentation / feedback when Psychic Bolts connect with a Target.

  • Added a minor one-time stagger to targets bit by Psychic Bolts.


  • Increased base Range to 15m at max rank.
  • Scaling Range is now capped at 50m (solving for an exploit), ensuring Damage is balanced by Energy Capacity.
  • Nyx’s Assimilate Augment now allows you to roll, similar to Mesa’s Waltz!
  • Nyx’s Absorb stat screen now shows max explosion radius value.
  • Absorbs additive weapon damage bonus now applies to the player's equipped Melee weapon.
  • Minor tweak to the GPU particles to clean them up!

Hotfix 30.7.6 (2021-09-23)

  • Fixed an issue where you could still do a Mercy kill on a Mind Controlled enemy, except the damage from it was delayed meaning you could perform it over and over.

Hotfix 29.2.1 (2020-10-01)

  • Fixed a script error when casting Nyx’s Psychic Bolts ability.

Hotfix 27.4.4 (2020-05-07)

  • Enemy summons can now be mind-controlled by abilities. Previously, there was a mechanic where 'owned' NPCs would not be affected by mind control, but now this only applies to allied owned NPCs (Sentinels, Pets, followers) so that there's no misleading things happening with Mind Control abilities.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Nyx Ability videos have been added to their respective Arsenals!

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Armor Change:
    • Nyx: 15 to 100
    • Nyx Prime: 50 to 125
    • Why: The conversation surrounding Arcane Guardian led to a significant review of Armor stats on Warfarmes. The Majority of Warframes received an increase in the Armor stat to increase survivability. Compounded with Shield Gating and the numerous other changes covered, we expect a much more fair feeling playing field for all Warframes.

Hotfix 25.6.3 (2019-08-14)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb consuming more than its base of 4 Energy per second even when not being attacked.

Hotfix 25.1.2 (2019-06-12)

  • Fixed Nyx’s armband Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nyx Prime / Nyx Immortal Skins forearm Energy color persisting as default.

Hotfix 25.0.6 (2019-05-29)

  • Fixed Impact Status and ragdolling breaking enemies out of Nyx’s Pacify effect before its Duration is up.

Hotfix 24.7.2 (2019-04-17)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Psychic Bolts ability sometimes going silent.

Hotfix (2019-04-10)

  • Nyx’s Psychic Bolts now have an instant recast which simply selects 6 new targets and despells on older targets automatically.

Hotfix 24.2.9 (2019-01-18)

  • Adding sounds to Psychic Bolts deactivate hold and end - you can dispell this ability by holding '2' by default!
  • Improved Psychic Bolts disabled FX.


  • Nyx Absorb explosion radius increases based on the Damage Absorbed (capped Nyx to 75m max).
  • Absorb now has 'lingering Absorption' - Nyx's Absorb now converts a % of the Absorbed Damage into a self Damage buff when the ability ends for a limited time, dispelled on recast.
    • Added +400% Damage cap to Nyx Absorb Damage buff.

Hotfix 24.2.7 (2018-01-09)

  • Lowered Nyx’s Abilities volume for less fatigue while using Abilities repeatedly.
  • Fixed Corpus Ospreys not following you closely anymore when under Nyx’s Mind Control ability.

Hotfix 24.2.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Updated Nyx's Mind Control + Psychic Bolts and Titania's Lantern ability descriptions to better reflect their recent ability changes.

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)
Nyx Changes:
Nyx is the master of psychic manipulation - her abilities are now capable of Debuffing, CC'ing or dealing damage directly through means of psychic energy and manipulation!

Nyx's abilities have received an audio refresh - new sounds have been added to her powers!


  • Nyx's Passive now causes enemies to miss her more often.
  • Nyx's last Passive was to randomly disarm enemies when hit by powers. Since her revisited kit depends on enemies effectively hitting each other, we changed the passive to make Nyx simply harder to hit.
  • Nyx’s passive ability to make enemies miss will be deactivated when she is using Absorb, meaning no shot will be wasted!

Mind Control:

  • Mind Control has a 4 second wind up at the start where incoming damage will cause the target's damage output to increase. The stronger your weaponry, the deadlier the output of your victim!
    • Reminder: All damage inflicted to the target will apply once Nyx deactivates Mind Control, or when the Duration runs out.
  • Better 'follow Nyx and attack enemies' AI pass.
  • Mind Control can now be cast while moving, and no longer halts Nyx in her tracks!
  • The cast time for Mind Control has been decreased, so you can better use the 4-second window to ‘power up’ your new minion!

Psychic Bolts:

  • No longer deals any damage and will temporarily disable Armor & Shield, slow down Infested units, and disable Ancients' Auras.
  • Psychic Bolts can be cast once on up to 6 targets. Kill these targets before you can cast again, OR hold '2' to reset targets and cast again!


  • Absorb damage type is now based on the damage types it absorbs.

Update 23.2 (2018-08-02)

  • Fixed Nyx Mind Controlled Shield Ospreys spawned from Corpus Tech and Attack Drones spawned from Fusion Moas not being friendly.

Hotfix 21.7.1 (2017-09-12)

  • Fixed casting Nyx’s Absorb when hitting an enemy with a "grappling hook weapon" allowing you to move around.

Update 21.7 (2017-09-09)

  • Nyx Nemesis Skin has received the PBR treatment!
  • Fixed the Edo Chest Piece sticking out on the Nyx Carnifex Skin.
  • Fixed the Pakal right shoulder Armor clipping into Nyx’s arm.
  • Fixed the Embolist chest piece clipping into the Nyx Immortal, Saikou, Athena, and Carnifex Skins.

Hotfix 21.3.1 (2017-08-04)

  • Fixed Nyx being able to sometimes cast Chaos on Mobile Defense terminals, causing it to spin around.

Hotfix 21.1.1 (2017-07-20)

  • Fixed enemies affected by Nyx’s Chaos, as well as Radiation procs, not taking increased damage from faction damage Mods.

Hotfix 21.0.9 (2017-07-17)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control FX lingering on Ramparts.

Hotfix 21.0.8 (2017-07-13)

  • The Stalker can no longer apply Nyx's passive to disarm enemies hit with Absorb due to being so powerful it crashed your game. Stalker pls.

Hotfix 21.0.7 (2017-07-13)

  • Fixed a script error when casting Nyx’s Psychic Bolts.

Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Fixed ghostly Rampart remaining on an enemy if they exit the Rampart while under Nyx’s Mind Control.

Hotfix 20.4.5 (2017-05-09)

  • Fixed an issue with Scavenger Ospreys manipulated by Nyx consuming loot (they ignore it now when ‘under the influence’).

Update 20.4 (2017-05-04)

  • Augment: Fixed becoming invincible after casting Nyx’s Absorb with Mod TT 20px Assimilate equipped and then Transferring to the Operator.

Hotfix 20.2.3 (2017-04-19)

  • Augment: Nyx's Mod TT 20px Assimilate no longer Absorbs Friendly Fire.
  • Fixed HUD buffs trying to show 1,000,000 as 1e+03K instead of 1M (e.g. Nyx Absorb when full).

Hotfix 20.0.7 (2017-03-30)

  • Fixed the Mucusk Syandana not sitting properly on Nyx and any of her Skins.

Update 20.0 (2017-03-24)

  • Conclave: Nyx's Psychic Daggers now only seek target under reticule. If no target is found, they will fire off in a random direction in Conclave.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control not properly affecting Shield Drones, and resulted in the Drones wandering off on their own.

Update 19.13 (2017-03-09)

  • Augment: Fixed Nyx’s Mod TT 20px Assimilate not allowing teammates to charge you up by fire absorption.

Hotfix 19.11.5 (2017-02-28)

  • Improved visibility during Nyx's Absorb ability.

Hotfix 19.11.4 (2017-02-22)

  • Conclave: Fixed Nyx's Mind Control being cast without a target in Conclave refunding energy.

Hotfix 19.11.2 (2017-02-17)

  • Augment: Fixed screen blur & color correction remaining when you use Transference while in Nyx’s Absorb with Mod TT 20px Assimilate equipped.
  • Fixed pixelated/jagged textures on the Nyx Saikou Skin and Helmet.

Hotfix 19.10.1 (2017-02-14)

  • Energy will now be refunded when the target dies between cast and effect on Nyx's Mind Control ability.
  • Fixed script error with Nyx’s Absorb ability FX.

Hotfix: The Index Preview 4 (2016-10-25)

  • Prime: Fixed a script error related to Nyx Prime’s Chaos ability.

Hotfix: The Index Preview 3 (2016-10-21)

  • Fixed Nyx’ Chaos causing a script error upon cast.

Update: The Index Preview (2016-10-20)

  • Conclave: Increased visibility of Nyx's psychic daggers in Conclave.
  • Fixed large frame-time spikes caused by Nyx’ Chaos.

Hotfix: The Vacuum Within 3 (2016-10-13)

  • Moved Nyx’ Absorb damage counter up to the buff notification area (like Equinox' Maim damage counter).

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 2 (2016-08-22)

  • Augment: Fixed being able to roll with Nyx’s Mod TT 20px Assimilate active by binding a dedicated roll key (not sprint/roll).
  • Fixed getting stuck in Nyx’s Absorb bubble while the ability is deactivated.

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 1.4 (2016-09-09)

  • Adjusted the Porta Armor positions on Nyx’s Nemesis skin.

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 2 (2016-08-22)

  • Augment:
    • Fixed being able to jump/crouch/slide with Nyx’s Mod TT 20px Assimilate active by switching to your melee weapon.
    • Fixed getting stuck on ziplines with Nyx’s Mod TT 20px Assimilate. You can now cast/decast the augment while ziplining!
  • Prime: Adjusted the position and scale of the Edo Chest Plate on Nyx Prime to match Nyx (was too big on Nyx Prime).

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Augment: Absorb - Mod TT 20px Assimilate: Nyx can move at 50% speed while using Absorb, but the area is reduced by half.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb camera FX remaining after a host migration.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.11 (2016-07-19)

  • Fixed all pole arms and some staff weapons clipping through Nyx and Nyx Prime's chest when equipped.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Conclave:
    • Nyx's Absorb ability can now only be activated at 100 energy in Conclave.
    • Nyx’s Mind Control duration reduced in Conclave.
    • Increased minimum explosive damage of Nyx’s Absorb in Conclave.

Hotfix: Lunaro 5 (2016-06-23)

  • Prime: Fixed incorrect Nyx Prime textures.

Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

  • Passive: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ).
  • Fixed dots on the back of Nyx’s Nemesis skin not reflecting energy color.

Hotfix 18.10.6 (2016-05-06)

  • Prime: Restored more detail in Nyx Prime’s textures.

Hotfix 18.10.5 (2016-05-04)

  • Prime: Restored more detail in Nyx Prime's textures.

Hotfix 18.10.4 (2016-05-02)

  • Prime: Restored detail in Nyx Prime's textures.

Update 18.10 (2016-04-29)

  • Prime: We've added PBR Upgrades on Nyx Prime.

Update 18.9 (2016-04-20)

  • Fixed Clients seeing the Host cast Nyx’s Absorb on the ground when she is actually in mid-air.
  • Fixed Clients seeing no hit effect when shooting into the Host’s Absorb bubble.
  • Fixed Client projectiles not registering in certain areas on larger Nyx Absorb bubbles.

Update 18.8 (2016-04-06)

  • Conclave: Nyx can no longer alt fire while in Absorb in Conclave.

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • Nyx’s Mind Control and Chaos now have diminishing returns against boss-type enemies.

Hotfix 18.4.7 (2016-02-04)

  • Fixed enemies under the influence of Nyx's Mind Control taking less damage at the end then they would take outside of it.

Update 18.4 (2016-01-22)

  • Fixed enemies affected by Nyx's Mind Control taking less damage at the end.

Update 18.3 (2016-01-13)

  • Conclave: Nyx's Mind Control Ability no longer requires a target to activate in Conclave, encouraging greater accuracy and less button spam.

Hotfix 18.0.6 (2015-12-09)

  • Fixed an inconsistent visual FX from the explosion created by Nyx's Absorb.

Update 18.0 (2015-12-03)

  • Conclave: Increased the damage of Nyx's Psychic Bolts in PvP.

Hotfix 17.5.5 (2015-10-05)

  • Fixed holograms created by Nyx’s Chaos becoming frozen.

Hotfix 17.5.3 (2015-10-02)

Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

  • Conclave: Nyx will now drop the Cephalon when using Absorb.
  • Nyx’s Chaos no longer has a cooldown, and enemies affected by Chaos cannot be stunned by additional casts.
  • Nyx's Psychic Bolts now have a chance to Radiation Proc enemies.

Hotfix 17.4.2 (2015-09-11)

  • Fixed players being unable to detonate grenade weapons while in Nyx’s Absorb.

Update 17.3 (2015-09-02)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb not shielding Sentinels from AoE damage occurring from within the Absorb bubble.

Update 17.2.4 (2015-08-26)

  • Fixed an issue where Nyx can walk while in an Absorb button in certain Solo mission scenarios.

Hotfix 17.2.2 (2015-08-21)

  • Fixed an issue preventing some abilities (such as Nyx’s Absorb) from being deactivated using the Power Menu.

Update 17.2 (2015-08-19)

  • Fixed enemies under Nyx’s Mind Control or Chaos not properly attributing their kills to Nyx and Shared Experience to Nyx’s Squadmates.

Update 17.1 (2015-08-12)

  • Conclave:
    • Increased the energy drain of Nyx’s Absorb in Pvp.
    • Nyx’s Mind Control no longer causes players to drop the Cephalon in Capture the Cephalon.
    • Increased the energy drain of Nyx’s Absorb in PvP.

Hotfix 17.0.4 (2015-08-06)

  • Fixed some AI behavioral problems caused by using Nyx’s Mind Control.

Hotfix 17.0.3 (2015-08-04)

  • Conclave:
    • Reduced the range of Nyx’s Mind control in PvP.
    • Reduced duration of Nyx’s Mind Control in PvP

Update 17.0 (2015-07-31)

  • Conclave:
    • Nyx's Psychic Bolts speed has been increased and lifetime decreased in PvP.
    • Targets under Nyx’s mind control can no longer damage her in PvP.
    • Nyx’s mind control duration and range reduced in PvP.
    • Nyx's Absorb damage has been increased in PvP.
  • Prime:
    • Nyx Prime base shield increased from 100 to 125.
    • Nyx Prime base armor increased from 15 to 50.
  • All Alternate Helmets that had Stamina-related effects have been given new abilities: Arcane Menticide Helmet - This helmet is worn by Nyx, increases velocity of parkour maneuvers with a drain on Shields.

Update 16.7 (2015-06-04)

Hotfix 16.6.1 (2015-05-28)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control removing armor from enemies.

Update 16.6 (2015-05-27)

Update 16.5 (2015-05-12)

  • Conclave: Players under control of Nyx’s Mind Control or Chaos will no longer see the FX on their Warframe.
  • Updated some textures on the Nemesis Nyx skin.

Hotfix 16.4.4 (2015-04-28)

  • Conclave: Added a stagger to Nyx’s Mind Control and Chaos ability in PvP.

Update 16.4 (2015-04-23)

  • Conclave:
    • Augment: Absorb - Mod TT 20px Singularity
    • Nyx and Nyx Prime are now usable in PvP.

Update 16.3 (2015-04-09)

  • Fixed an error that would occur when using Nyx’s Absorb.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Chaos sometimes ending early when a target under Chaos dies.

Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)

  • Fixed incorrect armor locations on Nyx Prime.

Hotfix 15.7.2 (2014-12-19)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Chaos causing Hives in Hive Infestation to become invincible one Chaos expires.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control causing Brood Mother Maggots to attack enemies after Mind Control ends.

Update 15.6 (2014-12-11)

Hotfix 15.5.8 (2014-12-05)

  • Players can no longer gain energy from Trinity's Energy Vampire while in Nyx’s Absorb.

Hotfix 15.5.5 (2014-12-01)

  • Nyx’s Mind Control is now a toggable ability.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Psychic Bolts affecting enemies that are immune to Tenno abilities.

Hotfix 15.3.1 (2014-11-20)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Absorb not playing the end explosion animation.

Update 15.3 (2014-11-20)

  • Capture targets are now immune to Nyx’s Mind Control.

Update 15.2 (2014-11-13)

  • Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Augment: Psychic Bolts - Mod TT 20px Pacifying Bolts
  • Fixed an issue with Buzlok Rifle shots not adding damage to an ally using Nyx's Absorb.

Hotfix 14.8.1 (2014-09-25)

  • Added Nyx Prime to the Codex (in place of ol' goldless Nyx).

Update 14.8 (2014-09-24)

  • Introduced Nyx Prime.

Update 14.6 (2014-09-11)

  • Fixed an issue with Nyx’s Absorb not properly costing 7/6/5/4 energy a second.

Hotfix 14.5.2 (2014-09-03)

  • Fixed an issue with Nyx ability Mods not being properly granted after buying/crafting the frame.
  • Fixed an issue with Nyx's Absorb being useable during bleedout.

Update 14.5 (2014-08-28)

  • Nyx’s Absorb has had it’s passive energy drain significantly reduced from 10 energy per second to 4 energy per second, and instead now has an energy drain based on incoming damage. This drain is 8 energy per 1000 damage. These drainage values are affected with the use of mods.

Hotfix 14.2.3 (2014-08-21)

  • Fixed an issue with Nyx's Absorb ability blocking Codex scans.

Hotfix 14.1.4 (2014-08-06)

  • Tweaked the sound effects on Nyx's Absorb.

Hotfix 14.0.6 (2014-07-22)

  • Fixed an issue with the Illiac Chest piece clipping into the Nyx frame.

Hotfix 14.0.2 (2014-07-19)

  • Fixed Nyx's toggle-able power being broken by pause menu.

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Fixed a case in Nyx's Mind Control that could cause power-in-use on clients.

Hotfix 13.9.2 (2014-07-09)

  • Fixed Nyx being able to absorb inordinate amounts of damage by toggling Absorb extremely quickly.

Hotfix 13.9.1 (2014-07-02)

  • Fixed an issue with Client's getting stuck in Nyx's Absorb pose while in pre-death.

Update 13.9 (2014-06-25)

  • Fixed an issue with the alt fire on the Mutalist Quanta being duplicated by Nyx's Absorb ability.

Hotfix 13.8.5 (2014-06-24)

  • Fixed lingering Absorb effects after Nyx has bled-out.
  • Fixed a script error with Nyx's Chaos that would cause a power-in-use bug.

Hotfix 13.8.4 (2014-06-23)

  • Fixed an instance of Client's playing as Nyx being able to run around with Absorb active, if the power was activated right at the moment the player was knocked down.
  • Fixed an issue with Nyx's Absorb visual effects not disappearing for other players if Nyx dies while casting and then bleeds out.

Hotfix 13.7.2 (2014-06-13)

  • Made Nyx's absorb resist magnetic damage so that you can't generate endless damage by chaining absorbs.

Hotfix 13.6.1 (2014-06-06)

  • Fixes self-inflicted death wounds being caused by throwing Glaives through Volt or Nyx's energy shields/bubbles.

Update 13.6 (2014-06-04)

  • Tweaked a number of armor offsets on the Nyx Warframe.

Update 13.5 (2014-05-28)

  • Adjusted the positioning of Chest Armor on Nyx.

Update 13.3 (2014-05-14)

  • Absorb: Players can now toggle Absorb on or off.
    • Toggling changes to Nyx will give players more freedom instead of being locked in place while the rest of your team runs around. It should also add a nice element of resource management to the Warframe, rather than being stuck in place at the cost of X energy.
  • Increased the visual effects limit for Nyx's Absorb ability to account for duration extending Mods.
  • Fixed an issue with players being able to move around while using Nyx's Absorb ability under certain circumstances.

Hotfix 13.0.2 (2014-04-10)

  • Fixed clipping issues Nyx's Noble rifle idle animation.

Update 12.6 (2014-03-26)

  • Added a HUD damage counter and countdown timer to Nyx's Absorb ability.
  • Fixed projectiles passing through Nyx's Absorb ability.

Update 12.4 (2014-03-05)

  • Nyx's Chaos ability deco uses the correct helmet.

Update 12.0 (2014-02-05)

  • Improved sounds for Nyx’s Psychic Bolts.

Update 11.3 (2013-12-12)

  • Updated effects on Nyx’s Mind Control ability.

Hotfix 11.2.1 (2013-12-06)

  • Fixed issues where damage inflicted by clients would not power up Nyx’s Absorb.

Update 11.2 (2013-12-04)

  • Nyx has received a buff to her Armor stat: Buffed to 15 (from 10).
  • Fixed Nyx being vulnerable to Procs from Disruptor and others when Absorb is active.

Hotfix 11.1.2 (2013-11-29)

  • Nyx’s Absorb will now go affect enemies behind walls or cover.
  • Fixed Nyx’s absorb not doing damage to Infested Crawlers and Chargers.

Hotfix 11.0.3 (2013-11-22)

  • Fixed Nyx being immune to Shield Damage after using Absorb.

Hotfix 11.0.2 (2013-11-20)

  • Injury Immunity fixes for Nyx when in Absorb.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Fixed some issues related to Nyx’s Mind Control ability where brainwashed AI didn’t always attack enemies as intended.

Hotfix 10.7.1 (2013-11-08)

  • Fixed Torid and Nyx’s Absorb causing a game hang.

Update 10.6 (2013-10-30)

  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Control and Chaos abilities making the targets not behave in a proper manner. Mind Control was not having enemies aggressively attack their own, and Chaos was making the player a target over enemies. The affected targets will now properly perceive their targets.
  • Fixed Sentinels hitting themselves when firing inside Nyx's Absorb bubble.

Update 10.3 (2013-10-09)

  • Fixed issue where enemy Shield Osprey drones would shield friendly enemies controlled by Nyx or Nekros.

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

  • Added idle FX to Nyx.

Update 9.8 (2013-09-03)

  • Psychic Bolts: Projectiles now seek and fly faster, more in line with other Warframes.
  • Absorb: Ability now has higher base damage and should attract more attention.

Hotfix 9.6.1 (2013-08-23)

  • Nyx's Chaos now only stuns bosses, not make them murder their subordinates.

Update 9.5 (2013-08-09)

  • Prevent being able to revive enemy capture target while he is being affected by Nyx's mind control.
  • Fixed HUD breaking when reviving capture target affected with Nyx's mind control.

Update 9.4 (2013-08-02)

  • Fix for HUD breaking when reviving capture target affected with Nyx’s “Mind Control”.

Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

  • Fixed ability effects for Nyx to be consistent on host/client both in terms of what is created and what colour it is.

Update 8.2 (2013-06-28)

  • Fixed ammo not being consumed on some weapons when shooting Nyx’s absorb.

Hotfix 8.1.3 (2013-06-19)

  • Fixed shields not replenishing if damaged while using Nyx's Absorb.

Update 8.1 (2013-06-07)

  • Fix for Nyx absorb being interrupted by Nauseous crawlers.

Hotfix 8.0.7 (2013-06-06)

  • Fix for Nyx Power in Use bug (maybe time for a Livestream rematch!).

Hotfix 8.0.5 (2013-05-29)

  • Fixed Nyx Psychic Bolts not functioning correctly on clients.

Hotfix 8.0.3 (2013-05-24)

  • Fixed Nyx Absorb not working, resulting in "Power in Use" bug.

Update 7.10 (2013-05-03)

  • Nyx's Chaos power now has a timer.

Update 7.9 (2013-04-26)

  • Fixed Apex particles that would remain on ragdolls after using Nyx's Mind Control power.
  • Fixed Nyx's armband FX showing up with projectors.

Update 7.0 (2013-03-18)

  • Fixed an issue with Nyx Mind Control being flagged as "in use" if target dies.

Update 6.5 (2013-02-22)

  • Excalibur Radial Javelin + Nyx Absorb no longer kills nearby Clients.
  • Log file should no longer receive error spam when using Nyx.

Hotfix 6.4.1 (2013-02-22)

  • Removed unwanted background sound effect attached to Nyx.

Update 6.3 (2013-02-14)

  • Nyx's mind control visual effect now lasts the same duration as the power itself.

Hotfix 6.1.2 (2013-02-05)

  • Nyx Alt Helmet changes.

Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

  • Introduced.

Edit Tab

Ability SFX



Post-Update 24

Post-Update 15

Pre-Update 15
