
Wield the power of Dante's chronicles. Customize Noctua with Tome Mods that enhance Warframe Abilities and reward strategic combat. Primary attack releases pages that tear into lethal pieces on hits. Its alternate attack releases a wave with infinite Punch Through.

Noctua is DanteIcon272 Dante's Exalted Tome, summoned by activating the ability Noctua130xWhite Noctua. Arcane energies from its primary fire split and seek nearby enemies, while its Alternate Fire throws a large wave.

Refer to the weapon's ability page for a list of mods that affect the weapon.


  • This weapon deals pure DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage on its primary fire and primarily DmgRadiationSmall64 Radiation damage on its Alternate Fire.
  • Primary fire hurls fully automatic arcane energies.
    • On impact with an enemy, the shot splits into 4 fragments that seek enemies within 20 meters at a 60 degree angle. Multiple fragments may target the same enemy if there are fewer than 4 enemies within seeking range.
      • One set of 4 fragments will be generated for each main hit caused by Multishot, but number of fragments per set is not affected by multishot; e.g. with a multishot of 2, a total of 8 fragments will be generated per shot, not 16. Additional fragment sets generated due to multishot will generally target the same enemies; e.g. the 8 fragments in the above example will usually target 4 enemies, hitting each with 2 fragments.
      • Fragment damage and other stats appear to be identical to the main projectile, and appear to inherit mod effects (including modded elements) and inflict status effects and critical hits as usual.
  • Alternate Fire hurls a wide projectile.
    • Requires a fully filled meter beneath the reticle in order to fire. The meter takes 60 seconds to completely recharge. Hitting enemies with the primary fire reduces recharge time by 1 second per hit. Picking up secondary or universal ammo reduces recharge time by 10 seconds.
    • Has Infinite Body Punch Through and 1.4 meter Punch Through against surfaces.


  • Has infinite ammo and does not need to reload.
  • Has no equip restriction on Tome Mods.
  • Kills from Noctua passively scan enemies into the Codex. Noctua also gains 50% Status Chance against enemies that have been fully scanned.



  • As an Exalted Weapon, this weapon comes with an OrokinCatalyst Orokin Catalyst pre-installed.
  • Being a tome, Noctua can use the exclusive tome mods in addition to standard Secondary Weapon mods.
    • Unlike the Grimoire Grimoire, Noctua ignores the one Canticle Mod and one Invocation Mod limit and can equip all Tome Mods simultaneously.
  • Tome Mods with on-kill conditions do not require Noctua to make the killing blow. Noctua only has to damage the enemy once to mark it with Tome effects, then be equipped as the held weapon when the marked enemies are killed by other sources, such as Warframe abilities.


  • Noctua is the second Exalted Weapon after HildrynIcon272 Hildryn's BalefireCharger Balefire Charger to be channeled by the Warframe's first ability instead of the fourth.

Noctua (Weapon) Skins


Patch History[]

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]

  • Noctua130xWhite Noctua, the ability that summons the weapon.
  • DanteIcon272 Dante, the weapon's user.