
The Mutagen is one of the crafting components used to create Vulpaphyla and Predasite companions through Son in the Necralisk. This component affects the resistances and visual appearance of the companion.

Vulpaphyla Mutagens

Mutagen Resistance Effect
Adra Adapts the Infestation to grant Proto Shield resistances None observed
Elsa Adapts the Infestation to grant Alloy Armor resistances Tail manifests a chitinous shell
Zarim Adapts the Infestation to grant Cloned Flesh resistances Tail mutates into a tentacle mass
Phijar Adapts the Infestation to grant Robotic resistances Tail skin recedes, leaving exposed flesh

Predasite Mutagens

Mutagen Resistance Effect
Leptosam Adapts the Infestation to grant Proto Shield resistances None observed
Chiten Adapts the Infestation to grant Alloy Armor resistances Tail grows rigid scales
Arioli Adapts the Infestation to grant Cloned Flesh resistances Infestation grows through the tail
Monachod Adapts the Infestation to grant Robotic resistances Cartilage exoskeleton

See Also

  • Antigen, the second component needed to revivify a Predasite or Vulpaphyla.