
Momentous Bond is a Companion mod that causes Eximus kills to grant the companion a random Elemental Damage bonus for 30 seconds and reduce the companion recovery timer.


Rank Bonus Damage Recovery Timer Reduction Cost
0 +20% -3s 4
1 +40% -6s 5
2 +60% -9s 6
3 +80% -12s 7
4 +100% -15s 8
5 +120% -18s 9


The mod can be bought from The Business for ReputationLarge 20,000 after reaching Rank 3 - Doer with Solaris United.


  • Elemental bonus can be triggered by the player or companion killing Eximus enemies.
  • Bonus damage that can be triggered includes the 4 base elementals and 6 combined elemental types.
  • The elements from the buff do not combine with existing elements on the companion's weapon.
  • The buff can be stacked multiple times, and it is possible to have all elemental buffs active at the same time. Each buff has its own timer that will be hidden by new triggers.
  • Bonus only applies on companion's normal attack. Does not work with special abilities like Viral Quills.
  • Elements gained by this mod count for Manifold Bond, since they are applied to the weapon.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 34.0.2 (2023-10-19)

  • Fixed case where Hounds would not attack or move if they had any of the new Bond Mods equipped.
  • Fixed getting some small one-time Affinity popups when first loading into a mission with certain Bond Mods equipped.
  • Fixed script errors in Momentus Bond.

Hotfix 34.0.1 (2023-10-18)

  • Fixed Momentous Bond’s bonus damage sometimes not applying correctly for Clients.
  • Fixed several script errors with the new Bond Mods while Null Audit is also equipped.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • Introduced.