Issues or concerns about the wiki's drop tables on Module:DropTables/data can be made here.
Lua Disruption Update[]
DisruptionLua = {
Alias = "DisruptionLua", Link = "Disruption", Name = "Lua Disruption", Rewards = { A = { { "Neo F2", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Neo T7", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Neo K5", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Neo D7", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Neo C4", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Neo L3", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Neo N23", "Relic", 14.29 } }, B = { { "Axi H6", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Axi A16", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Axi G10", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Axi B6", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Axi K11", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Axi W3", "Relic", 14.29 }, { "Axi H7", "Relic", 14.29 } }, C = { { "Axi H6", "Relic", 12.42 }, { "Axi A16", "Relic", 12.42 }, { "Axi G10", "Relic", 12.42 }, { "Lua Lens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8.05 }, { "Universal Medallion", "Resource", 5.03 }, { "Axi B6", "Relic", 12.42 }, { "Axi K11", "Relic", 12.42 }, { "Axi W3", "Relic", 12.42 }, { "Axi H7", "Relic", 12.42 } } }, Tier = "Lua", Type = "Disruption"
Mandonel sources[]
According to the drop tables, rotation B for all endless missions are different.
Alchemy has Mandonel Barrel in B, and Mandonel Receiver and Mandonel Stock in C. Mirror defense has Mandonel Receiver in B, and Mandonel Barrel and Mandonel Stock in C. Survival has Mandonel Stock in B, and Mandonel Barrel and Mandonel Receiver in C.
But in the wiki survival has one errors
It says in B:
{ "Mandonel Receiver", "Blueprint", 17.50 },
It should be replaced with this instead:
EntratiSurvival = { Alias = "EntratiSurvival", InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/MissionDecks/EntratiMissionRewards/EntratiSurvivalRewards", Link = "Survival", Name = "Deimos Entrati Survival", Rewards = { A = { { "Credits Cache", "Credits", 40.00, 5000 }, { "Endo", "Resource", 20.00, 600 }, { "Entrati Obols", "Resource", 10.00, 150 }, { "Necracoil", "Resource", 6.67, 15 }, { "Meso P14", "Relic", 3.33 }, { "Meso G5", "Relic", 3.33 }, { "Meso M4", "Relic", 3.33 }, { "Meso P13", "Relic", 3.33 }, { "Meso B8", "Relic", 3.33 }, { "Meso W3", "Relic", 3.33 }, { "Meso C9", "Relic", 3.33 } }, B = { { "Credits Cache", "Credits", 25.00, 7500 }, { "Mandonel Stock", "Blueprint", 17.50 }, { "Neo F2", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Neo Z10", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Neo D8", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Neo S18", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Neo K6", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Neo K7", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Neo N23", "Relic", 7.50 }, { "Entrati Lanthorn", "Resource", 5.00 } }, C = { { "Endo", "Resource", 20.00, 1200 }, { "Mandonel Barrel", "Blueprint", 15.00 }, { "Mandonel Receiver", "Blueprint", 15.00 }, { "Eidolon Madurai Lens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10.00 }, { "Eidolon Vazarin Lens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10.00 }, { "Eidolon Zenurik Lens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10.00 }, { "Eidolon Naramon Lens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10.00 }, { "Eidolon Unairu Lens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10.00 } } }, Tier = "Entrati", Type = "Survival" },
- User:Headbox8424 fixed it, thanks. -Cephalon Scientia (talk) 22:27, 24 December 2023 (UTC)
Mandonel hotfix 35.0.7 droprate[]
In the 35.0.7 update, droprate for the Mandonel Barrel and Receiver in Entrati Survival rota C was changed from 15% to 25%. The Eidolon Lens Blueprint was changed as well to 30%.
Wolf of Saturn Six drop rates[]
The drop rates for the Wolf Sledge from the Wolf of Saturn Six were increased in the Jade Shadows update, but the drop data does not yet reflect that.
Obol Crossing, Pluto Proxima, Rotation A rewards have wrong percentages[]
Pluto Proxima/Rewards defense tab Rotation A. Relics Neo G7, Neo M5 & Neo Z11 are listed as having a chance of 4,35% each, while Official Drop-tables say they're 6,67% each. Volvo, please fix.