
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Weapons/data/dev/doc

-- If adding a new weapon entry that has not been released yet, please add _IgnoreEntry = true to their entry.
-- TODO: Move Reload key to attack tables? Nagantaka and Ambassador have two different reload times depending on attack.
-- ^ attacks should probably serve as overrides to the weapon stats anyway
-- TODO: Since we are splitting this database into 8 separate ones, add support for a new Name key that has a table value of
-- localized names like so:
Name = {
	en = "Acceltra",
	de = "Acceltra",
	es = "Acceltra",
	fr = "Acceltra",
	it = "Acceltra",
	ja = "Acceltra",
	ko = "Acceltra",
	pl = "Acceltra",
	pt = "Acceltra",
	ru = "Акцельтра",
	tc = "迅发电浆炮",
	th = "Acceltra",
	tr = "Acceltra",
	uk = "Аксельтра",
	zh = "迅發電漿炮"
local inf = math.huge

local WeaponData = {
	Weapons = {
		Acceltra = {
			Accuracy = 23.5,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 35 },
					FireRate = 12,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
					AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Puncture = 35.2, Slash = 8.8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Acceltra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/SapientPrimary/SapientPrimaryWeapon",
			Introduced = "25.7",
			Link = "Acceltra",
			Magazine = 48,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 96,
			Name = "Acceltra",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Ack & Brunt"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.9, Puncture = 14.9, Slash = 119.2 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 70,
			Class = "Sword and Shield",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 745,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 596,
			HeavySlamAttack = 596,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Ack&Brunt.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerTylAxeAndBoar/RegorAxeShield",
			Introduced = "17",
			Link = "Ack & Brunt",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Ack & Brunt",
			SlamAttack = 447,
			SlamRadialDmg = 149,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 149,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Tyl Regor", "Gorth" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Acrid = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Toxin = 35 },
					FireRate = 6.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 65,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.33,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Acrid2.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Bio/AcidDartPistol",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Acrid",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Acrid",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Afuris = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 3, Puncture = 14, Slash = 3 },
					FireRate = 12.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Afuris",
			Image = "Afuris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkimboAutoPistols",
			Introduced = "5.3",
			Link = "Afuris",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Afuris",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Valkyr Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Agkuza = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 65.4, Puncture = 305.2, Slash = 65.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "ArchHookSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/ArchSwordHook/ArchHookSwordWeapon",
			Introduced = "Update: Specters of the Rail",
			Link = "Agkuza",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 142.5,
			Name = "Agkuza",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akarius = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0.12,
					BurstFireRate = 4.33,
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 68 },
					FireRate = 4.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Rocket Detonation",
					BurstCount = 2,
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Blast = 419 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7.2, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7.2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Akarius.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SapientPistol/SapientPistol",
			Introduced = "25.7",
			Link = "Akarius",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 20,
			Name = "Akarius",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 3.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			Users = {  },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Akaten = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Puncture = 76, Slash = 76 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Akaten.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetMeleeWeaponPS",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Akaten",
			Magazine = 6,
			Name = "Akaten",
			Slot = "Hound",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akbolto = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 36 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 75,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.022 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Akbolto",
			Image = "Akbolto.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkimboBolto",
			Introduced = "6.0",
			Link = "Akbolto",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akbolto",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2.6,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Akbolto Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.36,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.2, Puncture = 27.52, Slash = 1.28 },
					FireRate = 7,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Akbolto",
			Image = "MirageAkboltoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeAkbolto/PrimeAkBoltoWeapon",
			Introduced = "22.7",
			Link = "Akbolto Prime",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akbolto Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akbronco = {
			Accuracy = 3.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 32, Puncture = 4, Slash = 4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 14, Reduction = 0.75, StartRange = 7 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.0314 
			Class = "Dual Shotguns",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Akbronco",
			Image = "Dual Broncos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkimboShotGun",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Akbronco",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akbronco",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.25,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Akbronco Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 3.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Puncture = 5, Slash = 5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 18, Reduction = 0.75, StartRange = 9 },
					FireRate = 4.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1286 
			Class = "Dual Shotguns",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Akbronco",
			Image = "DEPrimeDualBroncos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/PrimeAkimboShotGun",
			Introduced = "12.4",
			Link = "Akbronco Prime",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akbronco Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.25,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akjagara = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 8.333,
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.5, Puncture = 4.5, Slash = 21 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Akjagara",
			Image = "TnoBladedPistols.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TigrisRedeemerSetPistol/TnoBladedPistols",
			Introduced = "15.13",
			Link = "Akjagara",
			Magazine = 36,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akjagara",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.25,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Akjagara Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.6, Puncture = 3.6, Slash = 28.8 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.2,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Akjagara",
			Image = "AkjagaraPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeAkjagara/AkJagaraPrime",
			Introduced = "24.2.2",
			Link = "Akjagara Prime",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 320,
			Name = "Akjagara Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Aklato = {
			Accuracy = 11.1,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.5, Puncture = 7.5, Slash = 18 },
					FireRate = 7.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.52,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Aklato.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkimboPistol",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Aklato",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Aklato",
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Aklex = {
			Accuracy = 9.8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 13, Puncture = 104, Slash = 13 },
					FireRate = 1.58,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Aklex",
			Image = "DEAklex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkLexPistols",
			Introduced = "11.1",
			Link = "Aklex",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Aklex",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Maroo" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Aklex Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, Puncture = 120, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Aklex",
			Image = "Aklex Prime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkLexPrimePistols",
			Introduced = "19.8.1",
			Link = "Aklex Prime",
			Magazine = 16,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Aklex Prime",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akmagnus = {
			Accuracy = 11.1,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 34.2, Puncture = 20.9, Slash = 20.9 },
					FireRate = 6.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "DEAkmagnus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/DualMagnus",
			Introduced = "11.9",
			Link = "Akmagnus",
			Magazine = 16,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akmagnus",
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Aksomati = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.8, Puncture = 7.2, Slash = 9 },
					FireRate = 12.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Aksomati",
			Image = "AkimboSomaPistols.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SomaSidearm/AkimboSomaPistols",
			Introduced = "16.3",
			Link = "Aksomati",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 420,
			Name = "Aksomati",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Spool = 6,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Aksomati Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 2, Puncture = 8, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 13.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Aksomati",
			Image = "AksomatiPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeAksomati/PrimeAksomati",
			Introduced = "27.0.4",
			Link = "Aksomati Prime",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 880,
			Name = "Aksomati Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Spool = 11,
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akstiletto = {
			Accuracy = 23.5,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 16.8, Puncture = 2.8, Slash = 8.4 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Akstiletto",
			Image = "TennoUzi.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TennoUzi/TennoUzi",
			Introduced = "12.0",
			Link = "Akstiletto",
			Magazine = 28,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akstiletto",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Akstiletto Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 23.5,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 21.6, Puncture = 3.6, Slash = 10.8 },
					FireRate = 7.08,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Akstiletto",
			Image = "PrimeAkstiletto.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeAkstiletto/PrimeAkstiletto",
			Introduced = "18.12",
			Link = "Akstiletto Prime",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Akstiletto Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akvasto = {
			Accuracy = 11.1,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.5, Puncture = 14.5, Slash = 29 },
					FireRate = 8.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Akvasto",
			Image = "Dual vastos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/DualVastos",
			Introduced = "9.7",
			Link = "Akvasto",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akvasto",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Torment" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Akvasto Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.9, Puncture = 9.9, Slash = 46.2 },
					FireRate = 6.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Akvasto",
			Image = "AkvastoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeVasto/AkPrimeVasto/AkPrimeVastoPistol",
			Introduced = "24.0.6",
			Link = "Akvasto Prime",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Akvasto Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Akzani = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.8, Puncture = 8.4, Slash = 1.8 },
					FireRate = 20,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.52,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Akzani.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/HarlequinGun/HarlequinPistols",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "Akzani",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Akzani",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ambassador = {
			Accuracy = 111.1,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 24 },
					FireRate = 13.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AmmoCost = 48,
					AttackName = "Charge",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 600 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.32,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Charged AoE",
					ChargeTime = 0.65,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 800 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Ambassador.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpArSniper/CrpArSniperRifle",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Ambassador",
			Magazine = 96,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 960,
			Name = "Ambassador",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 2.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Amphis = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 1.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 91, Puncture = 19.5, Slash = 19.5 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 650,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 520,
			HeavySlamAttack = 520,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Amphis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/GrnStaff",
			Introduced = "6.5",
			Link = "Amphis",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Amphis",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 390,
			SlamRadialDmg = 130,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 130,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Dok Thul", "Guardsman", "Prosecutor" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Amprex = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 22 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 18,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.8,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "ChainLightningGunEdit.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/ChainLightningGun/ChainLightningRifle",
			Introduced = "13.1",
			Link = "Amprex",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 700,
			Name = "Amprex",
			Reload = 2.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "M-W.A.M." },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Angstrum = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Single Rocket Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 200 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					AttackName = "Single Rocket Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 250 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Angstrum",
			FireRate = 2,
			Image = "CorpusHandRocket.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpHandRL/CorpusHandRocketLauncher",
			Introduced = "13.3",
			Link = "Angstrum",
			Magazine = 3,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 18,
			Name = "Angstrum",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Comba", "Scrambus", "Pelna Cade", "Jad Teran" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Anku = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 25.5, Puncture = 136, Slash = 8.5 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.46,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1020,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 850,
			HeavySlamAttack = 850,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "ParisScythe.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Scythe/ParisScythe/ParisScythe",
			Introduced = "16.7",
			Link = "Anku",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Anku",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 510,
			SlamRadialDmg = 170,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 340,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Valkyr Specter" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ankyros = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 63, Puncture = 13.5, Slash = 13.5 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.5,
			Family = "Ankyros",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 450,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 360,
			HeavySlamAttack = 360,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Ankyros.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gauntlet/Gauntlet",
			Introduced = "7.8",
			Link = "Ankyros",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Ankyros",
			SlamAttack = 270,
			SlamRadialDmg = 90,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 270,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ankyros Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 89.6, Puncture = 19.2, Slash = 19.2 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			Family = "Ankyros",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 640,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 512,
			HeavySlamAttack = 512,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "AnkyrosPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gauntlet/PrimeAnkyros/PrimeAnkyros",
			Introduced = "12.4",
			Link = "Ankyros Prime",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Ankyros Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 384,
			SlamRadialDmg = 128,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 384,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Apoc = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 88.2, Slash = 37.8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/AutoCannon",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Apoc",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Apoc MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 158.9, Slash = 68.1 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/AutoCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Apoc MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Apoc MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 270.2, Slash = 115.8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/AutoCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Apoc MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Apoc MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 432.6, Slash = 185.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/AutoCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Apoc MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Arca Plasmor"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Radiation = 600 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = -2,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 1.1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Arca Plasmor",
			Image = "CrpShotgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpShotgun/CrpShotgun",
			Introduced = "21.7",
			Link = "Arca Plasmor",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 48,
			Name = "Arca Plasmor",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Terra Plasmor Crewman", "Amalgam Arca Kucumatz" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Arca Scisco"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Puncture = 36, Slash = 24 },
					FireRate = 4.667,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "CrpScopePistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/SniperPistol/CrpScopeGun",
			Introduced = "21.7",
			Link = "Arca Scisco",
			Magazine = 36,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 288,
			Name = "Arca Scisco",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "2.0x", "4.0x" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Arca Titron"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 234, Slash = 126 },
					FireRate = 0.733,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.38 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 2160,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1800,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1800,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "CrpHammer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Hammer/CorpusHammerWeapon",
			Introduced = "21.7",
			Link = "Arca Titron",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Arca Titron",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 1080,
			SlamRadialDmg = 360,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 720,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Users = { "Amalgam Arca Heqet" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Argonak = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 24.51, Puncture = 6.27, Slash = 26.22 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
					Accuracy = 28.6,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 24.51, Puncture = 6.27, Slash = 26.22 },
					FireRate = 4.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.19,
					Traits = { "Grineer" },
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "LaserAimRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/LaserAimRifle/LaserAimRifle",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Argonak",
			Magazine = 43,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 473,
			Name = "Argonak",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Arquebex = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 10 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Blast = 9000, Heat = 3000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Arquebex",
			Image = "ArquebexFixed.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Enemies/Orokin/Entrati/EntratiTech/NechroTech/ExaltedArtilleryWeapon",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Arquebex",
			Magazine = 10,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Arquebex",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Artax = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Cold" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.03 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "SentinelArtax.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/Gremlin",
			Introduced = "19.10",
			Link = "Artax",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Artax",
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Artemis Bow"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Base Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 33.6, Puncture = 192, Slash = 14.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Base Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 33.6, Puncture = 192, Slash = 14.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Concentrated Arrow Shot",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 33.6, Puncture = 192, Slash = 14.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Concentrated Arrow Headshot Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.75,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			Conclave = true,
			Image = "EWArtemisBow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Ranger/ExaltedBow",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Artemis Bow (Weapon)",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Artemis Bow",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.9,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Ivara", "Ivara Prime" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Arum Spinosa"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 35.64, Puncture = 59.4, Slash = 201.96 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "First Heavy Attack - Toxic Spines",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 17.5, Puncture = 28, Slash = 57.75, Toxin = 71.75 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 18,
					Range = 35,
					ShotSpeed = 49,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Second Heavy Attack - Toxic Spines",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 35, Puncture = 56, Slash = 115.5, Toxin = 143.5 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 9,
					Range = 35,
					ShotSpeed = 49,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Warfan",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Arum Spinosa",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1188,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 297,
			HeavySlamAttack = 297,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "ArumSpinosa.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfWarfan/InfWarfanWeapon",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Arum Spinosa",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Arum Spinosa",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 594,
			SlamRadialDmg = 297,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 297,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Astilla = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Slug Impact",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 70 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 60, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 30 },
					FireRate = 4.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Glass Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Puncture = 42, Slash = 78 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.4, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Astilla",
			Image = "GlassShotgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnGlassShotgun/TnGlassShotgunGun",
			Introduced = "22.0",
			Link = "Astilla",
			Magazine = 16,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 112,
			Name = "Astilla",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Astilla Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Slug Impact",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 60, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 30 },
					FireRate = 4.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Glass Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Puncture = 49, Slash = 91 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.4, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Astilla",
			Image = "AstillaPrime-Arsenal.webp",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeAstilla/AstillaPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "30.3",
			Link = "Astilla Prime",
			Magazine = 24,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Astilla Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Athodai = {
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 48, Puncture = 22 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 88 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					Range = 13,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Athodai.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnJetTurbine/TnJetTurbinePistolWeapon",
			Introduced = "28.2.1",
			Link = "Athodai",
			Magazine = 24,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 48,
			Name = "Athodai",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Atomos = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.7,
					Damage = { Heat = 29 },
					FireRate = 8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "GrnHeatGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/HeatGun/GrnHeatGun",
			Introduced = "16.5",
			Link = "Atomos",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 350,
			Name = "Atomos",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Atterax = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 6.45, Puncture = 6.45, Slash = 116.1 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 581,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 452,
			HeavySlamAttack = 451.5,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Atterax.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerWhip/GrineerWhip",
			Introduced = "14.7",
			Link = "Atterax",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Atterax",
			SlamAttack = 387,
			SlamRadialDmg = 129,
			SlamRadialElement = "Slash",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 258,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Attica = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 60, Slash = 16 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.415,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "TnoPrmryXbow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnoPrmryXbow/TnoPrmryXbowWeapon",
			Introduced = "13.0",
			Link = "Attica",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Attica",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.83,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Azima = {
			Accuracy = 22.2,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2, Puncture = 5, Slash = 13 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
					AmmoCost = 75,
					AttackName = "Launch Turret",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 75 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "SundialPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SundialGun/SundialPistol",
			Introduced = "18.5",
			Link = "Azima",
			Magazine = 75,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 525,
			Name = "Azima",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Balefire Charger"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Shields",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 500 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Uncharged AoE",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 2,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1000 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot AoE",
					ChargeTime = 2,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "BalefireCharger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/IronFrame/BlastWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.4",
			Link = "Balefire Charger",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Balefire Charger",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Hildryn" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Balla = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Balla Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.2, Puncture = 134.4, Slash = 78.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Dagger / Staff",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			Image = "ZawStrikeBalla.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee01/Tip/TipOne",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Balla",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Balla",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ballistica = {
			Accuracy = 4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 80, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Burst Shot",
					BurstCount = 4,
					BurstDelay = 0.05,
					BurstFireRate = 6.667,
					CritChance = 0.0375,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.5, Puncture = 20, Slash = 2.5 },
					FireRate = 11.43,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.075 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Ballistica",
			Image = "DEBallistica.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/AutomaticHandCrossbow/AutoCrossBow",
			Introduced = "10.4",
			Link = "Ballistica",
			Magazine = 16,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Ballistica",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ballistica Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 4,
					AttackName = "Normal Shot",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2, Puncture = 22, Slash = 16 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 4,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.8, Puncture = 41.8, Slash = 30.4 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 4,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 140,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Ballistica",
			Image = "PrimeBallistica.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeBallistica/PrimeBallistica",
			Introduced = "21.6",
			Link = "Ballistica Prime",
			Magazine = 32,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Ballistica Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Basmu = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 39 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.29,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 19 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.7, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
					Accuracy = 3,
					AttackName = "Held",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 4.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 12 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Held" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "BasmuA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/SentRifleNewWar/SentRifleNewWarGun",
			Introduced = "27.3",
			Link = "Basmu",
			Magazine = 21,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Basmu",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			ReloadDelay = 0.2,
			ReloadDelayEmpty = 2,
			ReloadRate = 42,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Batoten = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 76, Puncture = 76 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Batoten.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetMeleeWeaponIP",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Batoten",
			Magazine = 6,
			Name = "Batoten",
			Slot = "Hound",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Battacor = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 25,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0.08,
					BurstFireRate = 2.5,
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 42, Puncture = 24 },
					FireRate = 3.57,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Secondary Fire",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.34,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Radiation = 208 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.08,
					Trigger = "Auto Charge" 
					AttackName = "Beam AoE",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Radiation = 208 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.4, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Battacor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpSentExperimentRifle/CrpSentExperimentRifle",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Battacor",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 720,
			Name = "Battacor",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Baza = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.76, Puncture = 6.72, Slash = 3.52 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 34, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 22 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Baza",
			Image = "Baza.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnSMG/TnSMGWeapon",
			Introduced = "22.4",
			Link = "Baza",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 800,
			Name = "Baza",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Baza Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.76, Puncture = 6.72, Slash = 3.52 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 60, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 30 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Baza",
			Image = "BazaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeBaza/PrimeBazaGun",
			Introduced = "27.0.4",
			Link = "Baza Prime",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 840,
			Name = "Baza Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.1,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Bo = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.125,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 126, Puncture = 14 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Bo",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 700,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 560,
			HeavySlamAttack = 560,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Bo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/Staff",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Bo",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Bo",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 420,
			SlamRadialDmg = 140,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 140,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Bo Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 158.4, Puncture = 17.6 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.32 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Bo",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 880,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 704,
			HeavySlamAttack = 704,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "BoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/PrimeBo/PrimeBoWeapon",
			Introduced = "13.7",
			Link = "Bo Prime",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Bo Prime",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 528,
			SlamRadialDmg = 176,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 176,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Boar = {
			Accuracy = 5,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.1, Puncture = 3.3, Slash = 6.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.075 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Boar",
			Image = "Boar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Shotgun/FullAutoShotgun",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Boar",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Boar",
			Reload = 2.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "New Loka Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Boar Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 5,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 6, Slash = 8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 18 },
					FireRate = 4.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1125 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.34,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Boar",
			Image = "FixedPrimeBoar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Shotgun/PrimeBoar",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Boar Prime",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Boar Prime",
			Reload = 2.75,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Boltace = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 17.6, Puncture = 140.8, Slash = 17.6 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Tonfa",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Boltace",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 704,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 704,
			HeavySlamAttack = 704,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Boltace.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Tonfa/Boltonfa/Boltonfa",
			Introduced = "16.5",
			Link = "Boltace",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Boltace",
			SlamAttack = 352,
			SlamRadialDmg = 176,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 352,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Loki Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Bolto = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 36 },
					FireRate = 6.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 75,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.022 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.51,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Bolto",
			Image = "Bolto.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/CrossBow",
			Introduced = "5.3",
			Link = "Bolto",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Bolto",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 1.3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Boltor = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.5, Puncture = 20, Slash = 2.5 },
					FireRate = 8.75,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 85,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Boltor",
			Image = "Boltor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/BoltoRifle",
			Introduced = "6.0",
			Link = "Boltor",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Boltor",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Equinox Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Boltor Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.6, Puncture = 41.4 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Boltor",
			Image = "DEPrimeBoltor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeBoltor/PrimeBoltor",
			Introduced = "12.4",
			Link = "Boltor Prime",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Boltor Prime",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Brakk = {
			Accuracy = 7.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9, Puncture = 5, Slash = 6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 22, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 11 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.051 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Brakk",
			Image = "DEGrineerHandShotgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrineerHandShotgun/GrineerHandCannon",
			Introduced = "10.6",
			Link = "Brakk",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Brakk",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.05,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Braton = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.92, Puncture = 7.92, Slash = 8.16 },
					FireRate = 8.75,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Braton",
			Image = "Braton.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/Rifle",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Braton",
			Magazine = 45,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Braton",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Braton Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.75, Puncture = 12.25, Slash = 21 },
					FireRate = 9.58,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Braton",
			Image = "PrimeBraton.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/BratonPrime",
			Introduced = "9",
			Link = "Braton Prime",
			Magazine = 75,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 600,
			Name = "Braton Prime",
			Reload = 2.15,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Braton Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.25, Puncture = 1.75, Slash = 21 },
					FireRate = 7.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Braton",
			Image = "BratonVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/VIPRifle",
			Introduced = "6.3.1",
			Link = "Braton Vandal",
			Magazine = 50,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 550,
			Name = "Braton Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.75,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Excalibur Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Broken Scepter"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 125.3, Puncture = 17.9, Slash = 35.8 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 895,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 716,
			HeavySlamAttack = 716,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "BrokenScepter.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnQueenSceptre/GrnQueenSceptreWeapon",
			Introduced = "19.0",
			Link = "Broken Scepter",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Broken Scepter",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 537,
			SlamRadialDmg = 179,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 179,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Users = { "Grineer Queens" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Broken War"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.7, Puncture = 18.7, Slash = 149.6 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 935,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 748,
			HeavySlamAttack = 748,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "BrokenWar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/StalkerTwo/StalkerTwoSmallSword",
			Introduced = "18.0",
			Link = "Broken War",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Broken War",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 561,
			SlamRadialDmg = 187,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 187,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Bronco = {
			Accuracy = 3.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 32, Puncture = 4, Slash = 4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 14, Reduction = 0.75, StartRange = 7 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.0943 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Bronco",
			Image = "Bronco.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/HandShotGun",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Bronco",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Bronco",
			Reload = 1.05,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Bronco Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 3.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Puncture = 5, Slash = 5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 18, Reduction = 0.74, StartRange = 9 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1286 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Bronco",
			Image = "PrimeBronco.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/BroncoPrime",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Bronco Prime",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Bronco Prime",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Bubonico = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 2, Puncture = 13, Slash = 19, Toxin = 7 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 41, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 19 },
					FireRate = 3.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 57,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.0929,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Burst",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.23,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 9 },
					FireRate = 3.37,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.57,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Viral = 143 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.37,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.57 
			Class = "Arm Cannon",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Bubonico",
			Image = "Bubonico.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfArmCannon/InfArmCannon",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Bubonico",
			Magazine = 27,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Bubonico",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.1,
			ReloadDelay = 0.5,
			ReloadRate = 16.875,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Burst Laser"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstDelay = 0.4,
					BurstFireRate = 1.5,
					CritChance = 0.025,
					CritMultiplier = 1.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 0.7, Puncture = 6, Slash = 0.3 },
					FireRate = 1.607,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			Family = "Burst Laser",
			Image = "DESentinelBurstLaser.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/BurstLaserPistol",
			Introduced = "7.0",
			Link = "Burst Laser",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Burst Laser",
			Reload = 0.01,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Burston = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.061,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 10, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 7.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Burston",
			Image = "Burston.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/BurstRifle",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Burston",
			Magazine = 45,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Burston",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			Users = { "Loki Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Burston Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.04,
					BurstFireRate = 10,
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 10.8, Puncture = 10.8, Slash = 14.4 },
					FireRate = 13.64,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Burston",
			Image = "PrimeBurston.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeBurston/PrimeBurston",
			Introduced = "11.5",
			Link = "Burston Prime",
			Magazine = 45,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Burston Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Buzlok = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 30, Puncture = 24, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 6.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
					Accuracy = 16.7,
					AttackName = "Beacon",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Puncture = 3 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "GrnGorgSniperRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnGorgSniperRifle/GrnGorgSniperRifle",
			Introduced = "14.7",
			Link = "Buzlok",
			Magazine = 50,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Buzlok",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Harkonar" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cadus = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 60, Impact = 70 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.29,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 850,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 680,
			HeavySlamAttack = 680,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Cadus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/SingleStaff",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Cadus",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Cadus",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 510,
			SlamRadialDmg = 170,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 170,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cantic Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 1460 },
					FireRate = 4.88,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 100,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "CanticPrism.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Barrel/CorpAmpSet1BarrelPartA",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Cantic Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cantic Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cantic Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					CritChance = 0.34,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Void = 1460 },
					FireRate = 4.88,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 100,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "CanticPrism.png",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Cantic Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cantic Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Carcinnox = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 35, Toxin = 45 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/Blaster",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Carcinnox",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Carcinnox MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 57, Toxin = 87 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Carcinnox MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Carcinnox MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 102, Toxin = 143 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Carcinnox MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Carcinnox MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 130, Toxin = 262 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Carcinnox MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Carmine Penta"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 75 },
					FireRate = 2.7,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 20,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 350 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.7,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Penta",
			Image = "PentaCarmine.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/GrenadeLauncher/CarminePenta",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Carmine Penta",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 40,
			Name = "Carmine Penta",
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Cassowar = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 41.36, Puncture = 63.92, Slash = 82.72 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1128,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 940,
			HeavySlamAttack = 940,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Cassowar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/TnHalberdPolearm/TnHalberdPolearmWeapon",
			Introduced = "22.4",
			Link = "Cassowar",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Cassowar",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 564,
			SlamRadialDmg = 188,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 376,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Castanas = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 160 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Castanas",
			Image = "TaserStar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/StickyBomb/StickyBombs",
			Introduced = "12.2",
			Link = "Castanas",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 18,
			Name = "Castanas",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Catabolyst = {
			Accuracy = 6.3,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Primary",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 53 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 19, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 9 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.9,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.43,
					Trigger = "Held" 
					AttackName = "Partial Reload Impact",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 11 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.43 
					AttackName = "Partial Reload Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 203 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.43 
					AttackName = "Reload From Empty Impact",
					CritChance = 0.31,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 11 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.9,
					Reload = 2.1,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.59 
					AttackName = "Reload From Empty Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.31,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 1997 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.59 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Catabolyst",
			Image = "Catabolyst.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfBeamPistol/InfBeamPistol",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Catabolyst",
			Magazine = 31,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 155,
			Name = "Catabolyst",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Catchmoon = {
			Accuracy = 5.9,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Heat = 0, Impact = 0 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = -2,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 16, Reduction = 0.9375, StartRange = 8 },
					FireRate = 0,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 20,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberCatchmoon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/SolarisUnited/Secondary/SUModularSecondarySet1/Barrel/SUModularSecondaryBarrelAPart",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Catchmoon",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 70,
			Name = "Catchmoon (Secondary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Catchmoon (Primary)"] = {
			Accuracy = 22.2,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Heat = 0, Impact = 0 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = -2,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 40, Reduction = 0.9416, StartRange = 20 },
					FireRate = 0,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 42,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberCatchmoon.png",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Catchmoon",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 70,
			Name = "Catchmoon (Primary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Caustacyst = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 103, Impact = 17, Puncture = 71, Slash = 69 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Corrosive Wave",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 192 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 35, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Blind" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 35,
					ShotSpeed = 10,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Corrosive Pool",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 5 },
					EffectDuration = 4,
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Blind" },
					IsSilent = true,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1560,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1300,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1300,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "EmbolistScythe.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfEmbolistScythe/InfestedScythe",
			Introduced = "Update: The Index Preview",
			Link = "Caustacyst",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Caustacyst",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 780,
			SlamRadialDmg = 260,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 520,
			SlideElement = "Corrosive",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cedo = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AdditionalNotes = {
				"Primary fire deals 60% bonus damage per unique status effect on target.",
				"Alt-fire glaive can proc {{D|Toxin}}, {{D|Electricity}}, {{D|Cold}}, and {{D|Heat}} also." 
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Puncture = 30 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 52, Reduction = 0.9667, StartRange = 26 },
					FireRate = 3.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.003,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					Accuracy = 80,
					AmmoCost = 0,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire Glaive",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Slash = 20 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					AmmoCost = 0,
					AttackName = "Glaive Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Blast = 10 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Cedo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnAlchemistShotgun/TnAlchemistShotgun",
			Introduced = "29.6",
			Link = "Cedo",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 200,
			Name = "Cedo",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Centaur = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 37.6, Puncture = 75.2, Slash = 263.2 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Archswordandshield.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/Archswordandshield/ArchSwordShield",
			Introduced = "15.7.2",
			Link = "Centaur",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 142.5,
			Name = "Centaur",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ceramic Dagger"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 14, Puncture = 126 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.43,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 280,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 560,
			HeavySlamAttack = 560,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "CeramicDagger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Dagger/CeramicDagger",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Ceramic Dagger",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 1.8,
			Name = "Ceramic Dagger",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 280,
			SlamRadialDmg = 140,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 280,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cerata = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 19, Puncture = 36, Slash = 52, Toxin = 76 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 33, Puncture = 39, Slash = 52, Toxin = 77 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 34,
					ShotSpeed = 35,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Toxin = 333 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Toxin = 666 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Toxin", "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 46, Puncture = 80, Slash = 114, Toxin = 162 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Toxin", "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 34,
					ShotSpeed = 45,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Toxin = 666 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Toxin = 1318 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Toxin", "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.36,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 732,
			HeavySlamAttack = 732,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Cerata.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/Glaives/PunctureGlaive/PunctureGlaiveWeapon",
			Introduced = "17.9",
			Link = "Cerata",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Cerata",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 549,
			SlamRadialDmg = 183,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 366,
			SlideElement = "Toxin",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		Cernos = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.36,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 171, Puncture = 9.5, Slash = 9.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.18,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.36,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 342, Puncture = 19, Slash = 19 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.18,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Cernos",
			Image = "DECernos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/AntlerBow/AntlerBow",
			Introduced = "11.1",
			Link = "Cernos",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Cernos",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Cernos Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Horizontal/Vertical Shot",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 82.8, Puncture = 4.6, Slash = 4.6 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Horizontal/Vertical Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 165.6, Puncture = 9.2, Slash = 9.2 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 95,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Cernos",
			Image = "CernosPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/PrimeCernos/PrimeCernos",
			Introduced = "19.0.7",
			Link = "Cernos Prime",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Cernos Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.65,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Cestra = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.2, Puncture = 20.8 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.52,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "CorpusMinigun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CorpusMinigun/CorpusMinigun",
			Introduced = "11.0",
			Link = "Cestra",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 420,
			Name = "Cestra",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ceti Lacera"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 100, Impact = 12, Puncture = 38, Slash = 66 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Blade and Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			Family = "Lacera",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 864,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1080,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1080,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "CetiLacera.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/StalkerMios/OperationsLacera",
			Introduced = "27.3",
			Link = "Ceti Lacera",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Ceti Lacera",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 648,
			SlamRadialDmg = 216,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 216,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cobra & Crane"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 207.2, Puncture = 88.8 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			BlockAngle = 70,
			Class = "Sword and Shield",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1480,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1184,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1184,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Cobra&Crane.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/SwordsAndBoards/PacifistShieldAndSword/PacifistShieldSword",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Cobra & Crane",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Cobra & Crane",
			SlamAttack = 888,
			SlamRadialDmg = 296,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 296,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Convectrix = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.2, Puncture = 1.2, Slash = 9.6 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0.6,
					Range = 30,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.45 
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 0.9, Puncture = 0.9, Slash = 7.2 },
					FireRate = 16,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0.6,
					Range = 30,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.45 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.46,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "CrpSplitRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpSplitLaser/CrpSplitLaser",
			Introduced = "17.5",
			Link = "Convectrix",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 700,
			Name = "Convectrix",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Terra Jailer", "Terra Overtaker" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Corinth = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Buckshot",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 25.2, Puncture = 37.8, Slash = 27 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 36, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 18 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
					AttackName = "Air Burst Projectile",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Air Burst Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Blast = 404 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9.4, Reduction = 0.9, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Corinth",
			Image = "TnHeavyShotgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnHeavyShotgun/TnHeavyShotgunGun",
			Introduced = "22.8",
			Link = "Corinth",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 132,
			Name = "Corinth",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.3,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Corinth Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Buckshot",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 25.2, Puncture = 37.8, Slash = 27 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 36, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 18 },
					FireRate = 1.42,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AmmoCost = 4,
					AttackName = "Air Burst Projectile",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					AmmoCost = 4,
					AttackName = "Air Burst Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Blast = 2200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9.8, Reduction = 0.9, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Corinth",
			Image = "CorinthPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeCorinth/PrimeCorinth",
			Introduced = "27.3.6",
			Link = "Corinth Prime",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Corinth Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cortege = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Held",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Heat = 90 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.4 
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 10 },
					FireRate = 0.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.167,
					Trigger = "Active" 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Blast = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.167 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "Cortege.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ThanoTechArchGun/ThanoTechArchGun",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Cortege",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cortege",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cortege (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Held",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Heat = 90 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.4 
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 10 },
					FireRate = 0.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.167,
					Trigger = "Active" 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Blast = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.167 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			Image = "Cortege.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ThanoTechArchGun/ThanoTechArchGun",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Cortege",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 300,
			Name = "Cortege (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Corvas = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Heat = 240, Impact = 200 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 400,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Heat = 480, Impact = 400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1200, StartRange = 600 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 400,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Image = "ArchLaunchGrenade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/LaunchGrenade/ArchCannon",
			Introduced = "15.0",
			Link = "Corvas",
			Magazine = 25,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Corvas",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 8,
			ReloadDelay = 3,
			ReloadRate = 5,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Corvas (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 32, Puncture = 4, Slash = 4 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 11,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.013 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 64, Puncture = 8, Slash = 8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 120, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 60 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 11,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.013 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Image = "ArchLaunchGrenade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/LaunchGrenade/ArchCannon",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Corvas",
			Magazine = 25,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 100,
			Name = "Corvas (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Cronus = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 31.8, Puncture = 15.9, Slash = 58.3 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.48,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 530,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 424,
			HeavySlamAttack = 424,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Cronus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/CronusSword/CronusLongSword",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Cronus",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Cronus",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 318,
			SlamRadialDmg = 106,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 106,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cryophon = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 972 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterShotgun",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cryophon",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cryophon MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1750 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cryophon MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cryophon MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 2975 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cryophon MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cryophon MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 4760 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/BlasterShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cryophon MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cryotra = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 10 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "Cryotra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetComponents/CryoxionWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Cryotra",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cryotra",
			Reload = 4,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cyanex = {
			Accuracy = 1.8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 50 },
					FireRate = 4.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 24,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
					AttackName = "Projectile Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Gas = 41 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 0.7, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
					Accuracy = 80,
					AttackName = "Burst Mode",
					BurstDelay = 0.08,
					BurstFireRate = 4.667,
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.9, Puncture = 30.2, Slash = 38.9 },
					FireRate = 10.05,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.32,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Cyanex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpSentAmalgPistol/CrpSentAmalgPistol",
			Introduced = "25.0",
			Link = "Cyanex",
			Magazine = 11,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Cyanex",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Burst",
			Users = { "Amalgam Machinist" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cyath = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Cyath Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 46, Puncture = 11.5, Slash = 172.5 },
					FireRate = 0.92,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Machete / Polearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			Image = "ZawStrikeCyath.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee01/Tip/TipFour",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Cyath",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Cyath",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cycron = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Puncture = 8, Radiation = 10, Slash = 5 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 24,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Cycron",
			Image = "Cycron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpChargeGun/CrpChargeGun",
			Introduced = "20.3",
			Link = "Cycron",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cycron",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 40,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Cyngas = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.06,
					BurstFireRate = 6.667,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 39.6, Puncture = 39.6, Slash = 40.8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3000, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 1500 },
					FireRate = 9.09,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 220,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Image = "ArchBurstGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchBurstGun/ArchBurstGun",
			Introduced = "Update: Specters of the Rail",
			Link = "Cyngas",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Cyngas",
			Reload = 1.25,
			ReloadDelay = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Cyngas (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.06,
					BurstFireRate = 6.667,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Puncture = 40, Slash = 40 },
					FireRate = 9.09,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Image = "ArchBurstGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchBurstGun/ArchBurstGun",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Cyngas",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 480,
			Name = "Cyngas (Atmosphere)",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Daikyu = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.34,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 210, Puncture = 280, Slash = 210 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 3,
					ShotSpeed = 140,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.46,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "AsymmetricBow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/AsymetricalBow/AsymetricalBow",
			Introduced = "16.5",
			Link = "Daikyu",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Daikyu",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dakra Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.36,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 17, Puncture = 17, Slash = 136 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 850,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 680,
			HeavySlamAttack = 680,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "DakraPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/CronusSword/PrimeCronusLongSword",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Dakra Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dakra Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 510,
			SlamRadialDmg = 170,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 170,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Dargyn = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					Damage = { Impact = 150, Puncture = 150, Slash = 150 },
					FireRate = 9.03,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 300,
					ShotType = "Projectile" 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "GrnSkiffMissile.png",
			Introduced = "22.12",
			Link = "Dargyn",
			Magazine = 75,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Dargyn",
			Reload = 1.8,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 41.7,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Vehicle",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Dargyn Pilot" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dark Dagger"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 58, Radiation = 60, Slash = 36 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Dark Dagger",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 308,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 616,
			HeavySlamAttack = 616,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "DarkDagger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Dagger/DarkDagger",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Dark Dagger",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Dark Dagger",
			SlamAttack = 308,
			SlamRadialDmg = 154,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 308,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dark Split-Sword (Dual Swords)"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 56, Radiation = 32, Slash = 28 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 464,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 464,
			HeavySlamAttack = 464,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DarkSplitSwordDualIcon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/DarkSword/DarkSwordDaggerHybridWeapon",
			Introduced = "18.14",
			Link = "Dark Split-Sword",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Dark Split-Sword (Dual Swords)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 232,
			SlamRadialDmg = 116,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 232,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade)"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 78, Radiation = 100, Slash = 52 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1380,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1150,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1150,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DarkSwordDaggerHybrid.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/DarkSword/DarkSwordDaggerHybridWeapon",
			Introduced = "18.14",
			Link = "Dark Split-Sword",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 690,
			SlamRadialDmg = 230,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 460,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dark Sword"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 120, Radiation = 80, Slash = 60 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.48,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1300,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1040,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1040,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "DarkSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/DarkSword/DarkLongSword",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Dark Sword",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dark Sword",
			SlamAttack = 780,
			SlamRadialDmg = 260,
			SlamRadialElement = "Toxin",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 260,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Deconstructor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "First Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Impact = 50 },
					FireRate = 1.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Second Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Puncture = 50 },
					FireRate = 1.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Third Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Slash = 50 },
					FireRate = 1.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Glaive",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Deconstructor",
			Image = "SentinelGlaiveWeapon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/SentGlaiveWeapon",
			Introduced = "12.5",
			Link = "Deconstructor",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Deconstructor",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Deconstructor Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "First Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Impact = 75 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Second Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Puncture = 75 },
					FireRate = 1.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Third Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Slash = 75 },
					FireRate = 1.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Glaive",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Deconstructor",
			Image = "DeconstructorPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/DeconstructorPrime/PrimeHeliosGlaiveWeapon",
			Introduced = "19.11.5",
			Link = "Deconstructor Prime",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Deconstructor Prime",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Dehtat = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Dehtat Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.4, Puncture = 112, Slash = 89.6 },
					FireRate = 0.92,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Rapier / Polearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Image = "ZawStrikeDehtat.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee01/Tip/TipFive",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Dehtat",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Dehtat",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Dera = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 22.5, Slash = 1.5 },
					FireRate = 11.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Dera",
			Image = "CorpusEnergyRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/EnergyRifle",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Dera",
			Magazine = 45,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Dera",
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Crewman", "Corrupted Lancer", "Ranger" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dera Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 6.4, Puncture = 24, Slash = 1.6 },
					FireRate = 11.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Dera",
			Image = "DeraVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/DeraVandal",
			Introduced = "16.5",
			Link = "Dera Vandal",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Dera Vandal",
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Desert Wind"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 250 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 3750,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 100,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Desert Wind.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Pacifist/PacifistFist",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Desert Wind",
			MeleeRange = 1.2,
			Name = "Desert Wind",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 750,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Baruuk" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Despair = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.9, Puncture = 46.4, Slash = 8.7 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Despair.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/StalkerKunai",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Despair",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Despair",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.75,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Stalker" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Stalker" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Destreza = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.95, Puncture = 134.3, Slash = 19.75 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Rapier",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Destreza",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 711,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 553,
			HeavySlamAttack = 553,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Destreza.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnoRapier/TnoRapier",
			Introduced = "18.3",
			Link = "Destreza",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Destreza",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 474,
			SlamRadialDmg = 158,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 158,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Violence" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Destreza Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 20.4, Puncture = 119, Slash = 30.6 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Rapier",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.14,
			Family = "Destreza",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 765,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 595,
			HeavySlamAttack = 595,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "DestrezaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PRapier/DestrezaPrime",
			Introduced = "23.0.3",
			Link = "Destreza Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Destreza Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 510,
			SlamRadialDmg = 170,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 170,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Deth Machine Rifle"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 0.5, Puncture = 0.25, Slash = 4.25 },
					FireRate = 8.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.01 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.455,
			Family = "Deth Machine Rifle",
			Image = "DESentinelDethMachineRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/DethMachineRifle",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Deth Machine Rifle",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Deth Machine Rifle",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Deth Machine Rifle Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 0.7, Puncture = 0.35, Slash = 5.95 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.04 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.455,
			Family = "Deth Machine Rifle",
			Image = "DMR_Prime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/PrimeDethMachineRifle",
			Introduced = "25.8",
			Link = "Deth Machine Rifle Prime",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Deth Machine Rifle Prime",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Detron = {
			Accuracy = 7.1,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Radiation = 40 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 22, Reduction = 0.6231, StartRange = 13 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1286 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Detron",
			Image = "DECorpusHandCannon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CorpusHandShotgun/CorpusHandCannon",
			Introduced = "11.5.5",
			Link = "Detron",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Detron",
			Reload = 1.05,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Detron Crewman", "Scrambus", "Comba", "Pelna Cade", "Jad Teran" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dex Dakra"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.2, Puncture = 14.2, Slash = 113.6 },
					FireRate = 0.883,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 568,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 568,
			HeavySlamAttack = 568,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DexDakra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/DexTheSecond/DexTheSecond",
			Introduced = "16.1.2",
			Link = "Dex Dakra",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dex Dakra",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 284,
			SlamRadialDmg = 142,
			SlamRadialElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 284,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dex Furis"] = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.4, Puncture = 11.2, Slash = 2.4 },
					FireRate = 20,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.39,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Afuris",
			Image = "DexFuris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/DexFuris/DexFuris",
			Introduced = "12.6",
			Link = "Dex Furis",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Dex Furis",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dex Pixia"] = {
			Accuracy = 23,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 16, Puncture = 16, Slash = 128 },
					FireRate = 5.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			Conclave = true,
			Image = "EWDexPixia.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FlightPistols",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Dex Pixia",
			Magazine = 60,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Dex Pixia",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.3,
			ReloadDelay = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Titania", "Titania Prime" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dex Sybaris"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0.09,
					BurstFireRate = 3.33,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.5, Puncture = 18.75, Slash = 33.75 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Sybaris",
			Image = "DexSybaris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/DexTheThird/DexTheThird",
			Introduced = "18.6.2",
			Link = "Dex Sybaris",
			Magazine = 14,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Dex Sybaris",
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dissic Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 15 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Void = 6600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 12, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 12,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Explosive Fragments",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Void = 300 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "DissicScaffold.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Chassis/CorpAmpSet1ChassisPartB",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Dissic Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Dissic Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Dissic Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 15 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 6600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 12, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 12,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Explosive Fragments",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 300 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.37 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "DissicScaffold.png",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Dissic Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Dissic Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Diwata = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 30, Puncture = 150, Slash = 20 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 200,
			HeavySlamAttack = 200,
			HeavySlamRadius = 0,
			Image = "EWDiwata.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FlightSword",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Diwata",
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Diwata",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 200,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 429,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Titania", "Titania Prime" },
			WindUp = 0,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Dokrahm = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Dokrahm Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 46.4, Puncture = 108.1, Slash = 154.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Scythe / Heavy Blade",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			Image = "ZawStrikeDokrahm.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee02/Tip/TipEleven",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Dokrahm",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Dokrahm",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dragon Nikana"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.4, Puncture = 18.8, Slash = 159.8 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			Family = "Nikana",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 940,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 752,
			HeavySlamAttack = 752,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "DragonNikana.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/KatanaAndWakizashi/LowKatana",
			Introduced = "13.0",
			Link = "Dragon Nikana",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dragon Nikana",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 564,
			SlamRadialDmg = 188,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 376,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Drakgoon = {
			Accuracy = 1.4,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8, Puncture = 8, Slash = 24 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.063 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7, Puncture = 7, Slash = 56 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 160,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.069 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Drakgoon",
			Image = "GrineerFlakCannon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerFlakCannon/FlakCannon",
			Introduced = "11.6",
			Link = "Drakgoon",
			Magazine = 7,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Drakgoon",
			Reload = 2.3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Reth", "Kuva Heavy Gunner" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Dread = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 16.8, Puncture = 16.8, Slash = 134.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 85,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 16.8, Puncture = 16.8, Slash = 302.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2.5,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Dread2.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/StalkerBow",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Dread",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Dread",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Stalker" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Stalker" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Dual Cestra"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.2, Puncture = 20.8 },
					FireRate = 18.75,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Dual Cestra",
			Image = "DualCorpusMinigun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CorpusMinigun/DualCorpusMinigun",
			Introduced = "12.0",
			Link = "Dual Cestra",
			Magazine = 120,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 480,
			Name = "Dual Cestra",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Darvo", "Jen Dro" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Cleavers"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 23.55, Puncture = 23.55, Slash = 109.9 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Family = "Dual Cleavers",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 628,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 628,
			HeavySlamAttack = 628,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualCleavers.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerMachetteAndCleaver/DualCleaverWeapon",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Dual Cleavers",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Dual Cleavers",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 314,
			SlamRadialDmg = 157,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 314,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Butcher", "Corrupted Butcher" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Decurion"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 49.5, Puncture = 30.3, Slash = 30.2 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3000, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 1500 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 220,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Dual Decurion",
			Image = "ArchHeavyPistols.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchwingHeavyPistols/ArchHeavyPistols",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Dual Decurion",
			Magazine = 32,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Dual Decurion",
			Reload = 0.89,
			ReloadDelay = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 49.5, Puncture = 30.3, Slash = 30.2 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Image = "ArchHeavyPistols.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchwingHeavyPistols/ArchHeavyPistols",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Dual Decurion",
			Magazine = 32,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 512,
			Name = "Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)",
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Ether"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 27, Puncture = 27, Slash = 126 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 720,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 720,
			HeavySlamAttack = 720,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualEther.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualShortSword/DualEtherSword",
			Introduced = "7.7.3",
			Link = "Dual Ether",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dual Ether",
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 180,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 360,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Heat Swords"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.05, Puncture = 22.05, Slash = 102.9 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 588,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 588,
			HeavySlamAttack = 588,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualHeatSwords.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualShortSword/DualHeatSwords",
			Introduced = "6.2",
			Link = "Dual Heat Swords",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dual Heat Swords",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 294,
			SlamRadialDmg = 147,
			SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Heat" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 294,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Universal",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Red Veil" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Ichor"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 19, Puncture = 11, Slash = 45, Toxin = 47 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.16,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 488,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 488,
			HeavySlamAttack = 488,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualIchor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Axe/DualInfestedAxesWeapon",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Dual Ichor",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.3,
			Name = "Dual Ichor",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 244,
			SlamRadialDmg = 122,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 244,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Kamas"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.8, Puncture = 9.6, Slash = 81.6 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Dual Kamas",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 384,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 384,
			HeavySlamAttack = 384,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualKamas.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualKamas/DualKamas",
			Introduced = "11.1",
			Link = "Dual Kamas",
			Mastery = 1,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Dual Kamas",
			SlamAttack = 192,
			SlamRadialDmg = 96,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 192,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Kamas Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8, Puncture = 32, Slash = 120 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Family = "Dual Kamas",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 640,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 640,
			HeavySlamAttack = 640,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualKamasPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeDualKamas/PrimeDualKamas",
			Introduced = "17.6",
			Link = "Dual Kamas Prime",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Dual Kamas Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 320,
			SlamRadialDmg = 160,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 320,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Keres"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.8, Puncture = 34.5, Slash = 66.7 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Dual Keres",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 460,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 460,
			HeavySlamAttack = 460,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualKeres.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/QuillSword/QuillDualSwords",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Dual Keres",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dual Keres",
			SlamAttack = 230,
			SlamRadialDmg = 115,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 230,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Raza"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 11, Puncture = 33, Slash = 66 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 440,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 440,
			HeavySlamAttack = 440,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualRaza.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Soma/SomaDualKamas",
			Introduced = "16.3",
			Link = "Dual Raza",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Dual Raza",
			SlamAttack = 220,
			SlamRadialDmg = 110,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 220,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Rhino Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Skana"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 18, Slash = 84 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.48,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 480,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 480,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualSkana.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualShortSword/DualShortSword",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Dual Skana",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Dual Skana",
			SlamAttack = 240,
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 240,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Excalibur Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Toxocyst"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.5, Puncture = 60, Slash = 7.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "InfVomitGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfVomitGun/InfVomitGunWep",
			Introduced = "18.5",
			Link = "Dual Toxocyst",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Dual Toxocyst",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.35,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Dual Zoren"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.5, Puncture = 3.5, Slash = 63 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 280,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 280,
			HeavySlamAttack = 280,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DualZoren.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Axe/DualAxeWeapon",
			Introduced = "6.0",
			Link = "Dual Zoren",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 2.3,
			Name = "Dual Zoren",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 140,
			SlamRadialDmg = 70,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 140,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ebisu Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 10 },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "EbisuSpear.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/InfestedFishingSpearB",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Ebisu Spear",
			Name = "Ebisu Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Cambion Drift" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Embolist = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Toxin = 35 },
					FireRate = 8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.41 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "InfestedPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfestedPistol",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Embolist",
			Magazine = 33,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Embolist",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Endura = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 140, Slash = 50 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Rapier",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 900,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 700,
			HeavySlamAttack = 700,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Endura.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/ThreeLeaf/ThreeLeaf",
			Introduced = "20.6",
			Link = "Endura",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Endura",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 200,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Epitaph = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.36,
					CritChance = 0.48,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 120, Puncture = 45, Slash = 135 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.04,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Uncharged Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Puncture = 30, Slash = 30 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Uncharged AoE",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Blast = 20 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Cold" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.55,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Epitaph",
			Image = "TnWraithSidearmWeapon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnWraitheSidearm/TnWraitheSidearmWeapon",
			Introduced = "30",
			Link = "Epitaph",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 60,
			Name = "Epitaph",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Semi / Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ether Daggers"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 33.6, Puncture = 33.6, Slash = 156.8 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Dual Daggers",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.49,
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 448,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 896,
			HeavySlamAttack = 896,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "EtherDaggers.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualDagger/DualEtherDagger",
			Introduced = "7.7.3",
			Link = "Ether Daggers",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Ether Daggers",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 448,
			SlamRadialDmg = 224,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 448,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Nova Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ether Reaper"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 27, Puncture = 27, Slash = 126 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1080,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 900,
			HeavySlamAttack = 900,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "EtherScythe.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Scythe/EtherScytheWeapon",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Ether Reaper",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Ether Reaper",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 540,
			SlamRadialDmg = 180,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 360,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Misery" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ether Sword"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 28.8, Puncture = 28.8, Slash = 134.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 960,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 768,
			HeavySlamAttack = 768,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "EtherSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/LongSword/EtherSword",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Ether Sword",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Ether Sword",
			SlamAttack = 576,
			SlamRadialDmg = 192,
			SlamRadialElement = "Radiation",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Radiation", "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 192,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Euphona Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Slug",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 292.5, Puncture = 16.25, Slash = 16.25 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 500,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
					AttackName = "Buckshot",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.4, Puncture = 17.6, Slash = 66 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 12, Reduction = 0.9886, StartRange = 6 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "EuphoraPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/AllNew1hSG/AllNew1hSG",
			Introduced = "19.11.5",
			Link = "Euphona Prime",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 40,
			Name = "Euphona Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Exalted Blade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 37.5, Puncture = 37.5, Slash = 175 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 15,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 1250,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "EWExaltedBlade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/DoomSword",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Exalted Blade (Weapon)",
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Exalted Blade",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 536,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Excalibur" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Exalted Prime Blade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 37.5, Puncture = 37.5, Slash = 175 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 15,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 1250,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "ExaltedPrimeBlade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/DoomSwordPrime",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Exalted Blade (Weapon)",
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Exalted Prime Blade",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 536,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Excalibur Prime" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Exalted Umbra Blade"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 37.5, Puncture = 37.5, Slash = 175 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 15,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 1250,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "ExaltedUmbraBlade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/DoomSwordUmbra",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Exalted Blade (Weapon)",
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Exalted Umbra Blade",
			Polarities = { "U", "U" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 536,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Excalibur Umbra" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Exard Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 200 },
					FireRate = 8.26,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Void = 2600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 8.26,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "ExardScaffold.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Chassis/CorpAmpSet1ChassisPartA",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Exard Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Exard Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Exard Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 200 },
					FireRate = 8.26,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Void = 2600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 8.26,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "ExardScaffold.png",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Exard Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Exard Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Exergis = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 120, Radiation = 140, Slash = 260 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 60, Reduction = 0.508, StartRange = 30 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Exergis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpShapeBlast/CrpShapeBlastShotgun",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Exergis",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 47,
			Name = "Exergis",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 1.6,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Falcor = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Electricity = 84, Impact = 36, Puncture = 18, Slash = 92 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 110, Impact = 20, Puncture = 40, Slash = 80 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.36 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 345 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.36 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 690 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.36 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 200, Impact = 56, Puncture = 20, Slash = 230 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 35,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.38 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 690 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.38 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1380 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.38 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 920,
			HeavySlamAttack = 920,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Falcor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Glaive/CrpGlaive/CrpGlaive",
			Introduced = "23.10",
			Link = "Falcor",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 1.3,
			Name = "Falcor",
			SlamAttack = 690,
			SlamRadialDmg = 230,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 460,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		Fang = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 16.2, Puncture = 75.6, Slash = 16.2 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Dual Daggers",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.36,
			Family = "Fang",
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 216,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 432,
			HeavySlamAttack = 432,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Fang.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualDagger/DualDagger",
			Introduced = "7.0",
			Link = "Fang",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 1.65,
			Name = "Fang",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 216,
			SlamRadialDmg = 108,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 216,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Fang Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 26.7, Puncture = 124.6, Slash = 26.7 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Dual Daggers",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Fang",
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 356,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 712,
			HeavySlamAttack = 712,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "FangPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualDagger/FangPrimeDagger",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Fang Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Fang Prime",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 356,
			SlamRadialDmg = 178,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 356,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ferrox = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 35, Puncture = 245, Slash = 70 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Area Attacks",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Spear Throw",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 35, Puncture = 5, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.33,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Attraction Field",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 150 },
					FireRate = 0.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Speargun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Ferrox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/Spears/Railgun/CorpusRailgun",
			Introduced = "19.13",
			Link = "Ferrox",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Ferrox",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Derim Zahn" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Fluctus = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 50, Puncture = 25, Slash = 175 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 800 },
					FireRate = 5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 450,
					ShotSpeed = 300,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "ArchRocketCrossbow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/RocketArtillery/ArchRocketCrossbow",
			Introduced = "15.7.2",
			Link = "Fluctus",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Fluctus",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 5,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 10,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Fluctus (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 50, Puncture = 25, Slash = 175 },
					FireRate = 5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 450,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			Image = "ArchRocketCrossbow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/RocketArtillery/ArchRocketCrossbow",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Fluctus",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 160,
			Name = "Fluctus (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Flux Rifle"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 4.84, Slash = 17.16 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					Range = 30,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.55,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Flux Rifle",
			Image = "CorpusLaserRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/CrpLaserRifle",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Flux Rifle",
			Magazine = 50,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Flux Rifle",
			Reload = 2.25,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 40,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Elite Crewman" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Fragor = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 140, Puncture = 30, Slash = 30 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Family = "Fragor",
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "DEFragor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Hammer/HammerWeapon",
			Introduced = "5.4",
			Link = "Fragor",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Fragor",
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 400,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Lieutenant Lech Kril (Brokk Skin)" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Fragor Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 189, Puncture = 40.5, Slash = 40.5 },
					FireRate = 0.8,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Family = "Fragor",
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1620,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1350,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1350,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "PrimeFragor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeFragor/PrimeFragor",
			Introduced = "18.12",
			Link = "Fragor Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Fragor Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 810,
			SlamRadialDmg = 270,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Knockdown", "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 540,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Fulmin = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 111.1,
					AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 25, Puncture = 8 },
					FireRate = 9.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 400, Impact = 100 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = -2,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.6666, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Fulmin.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnWispRifle/TnWispRifle",
			Introduced = "25.0",
			Link = "Fulmin",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Fulmin",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Furax = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 94.5, Puncture = 20.3, Slash = 20.2 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.11 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.38,
			Family = "Furax",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 675,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 540,
			HeavySlamAttack = 540,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Furax.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Fist/Fist",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Furax",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Furax",
			SlamAttack = 405,
			SlamRadialDmg = 135,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 405,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Powerfist" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Furax Wraith"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 97.3, Puncture = 20.9, Slash = 20.8 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.38,
			Family = "Furax",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 695,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 556,
			HeavySlamAttack = 556,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "FuraxWraith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Fist/FuraxWraith",
			Introduced = "18.10",
			Link = "Furax Wraith",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Furax Wraith",
			SlamAttack = 417,
			SlamRadialDmg = 139,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 417,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Furis = {
			Accuracy = 22.2,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 3, Puncture = 14, Slash = 3 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Furis",
			Image = "Furis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/AutoPistol",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Furis",
			Magazine = 35,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Furis",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Fusilai = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 1.7,
					Damage = { Puncture = 30.8, Slash = 46.2 },
					FireRate = 2.83,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 30.8, Slash = 46.2 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.123,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "GlassKunai.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/GlassKunai/GlassKunaiWeapon",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Fusilai",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Fusilai",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 0.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Galatine = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.55, Puncture = 4.55, Slash = 172.9 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Family = "Galatine",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1092,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 910,
			HeavySlamAttack = 910,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Galatine.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/GreatSword/TennoGreatSword",
			Introduced = "10.2",
			Link = "Galatine",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Galatine",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 546,
			SlamRadialDmg = 182,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 364,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Galatine Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7, Puncture = 7, Slash = 266 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			Family = "Galatine",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1680,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1400,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1400,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "GalatinePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PrimeGalatine/PrimeGalatine",
			Introduced = "Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3",
			Link = "Galatine Prime",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Galatine Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 840,
			SlamRadialDmg = 280,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 560,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Galvacord = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 96, Impact = 12, Puncture = 38, Slash = 64 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 945,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 735,
			HeavySlamAttack = 735,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Galvacord.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Whips/CrpShockGrip/CrpShockGripWhipWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Galvacord",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Galvacord",
			SlamAttack = 630,
			SlamRadialDmg = 210,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 420,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Galvarc = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 375 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Galvarc",
			Image = "OrdnanceGalvarc.png",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Galvarc",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 9,
			Name = "Galvarc",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Galvarc MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 675 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Galvarc",
			Image = "OrdnanceGalvarc.png",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Galvarc",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 11,
			Name = "Galvarc MK I",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Galvarc MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 1188 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Galvarc",
			Image = "OrdnanceGalvarc.png",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Galvarc",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 15,
			Name = "Galvarc MK II",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Galvarc MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 1901 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Galvarc",
			Image = "OrdnanceGalvarc.png",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Galvarc",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 21,
			Name = "Galvarc MK III",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Gammacor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 16 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 25,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Gammacor",
			Image = "Gammacor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/Pistols/CSDroidArray",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Gammacor",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 240,
			Name = "Gammacor",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Cephalon" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Garuda's Talons"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.84, Puncture = 54.56, Slash = 173.6 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 1240,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 992,
			HeavySlamAttack = 992,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "GarudaMeleeClaws.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Garuda/GarudaClaws",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Garuda's Talons",
			MeleeRange = 2.2,
			Name = "Garuda's Talons",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 744,
			SlamRadialDmg = 248,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 744,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Garuda" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Gazal Machete"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 17.8, Puncture = 26.7, Slash = 133.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1068,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 712,
			HeavySlamAttack = 712,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DjinnMachete.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PersianMachete/DjinnMachete",
			Introduced = "Update: The Vacuum Within",
			Link = "Gazal Machete",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Gazal Machete",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 534,
			SlamRadialDmg = 178,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 356,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Gaze = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Puncture = 0, Radiation = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberGaze.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/SolarisUnited/Secondary/SUModularSecondarySet1/Barrel/SUModularSecondaryBarrelDPart",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Gaze",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Gaze (Secondary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Gaze (Primary)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Radiation = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Area of Effect",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Radiation = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberGaze.png",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Gaze",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Gaze (Primary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ghoulsaw = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 37.43, Puncture = 45.31, Slash = 114.26 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Assault Saw",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 1182,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 197,
			HeavySlamAttack = 197,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Ghoulsaw.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnGhoulSaw/GrnGhoulSawPlayer",
			Introduced = "30.7",
			Link = "Ghoulsaw",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.15,
			Name = "Ghoulsaw",
			SlamAttack = 591,
			SlamRadialDmg = 197,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 394,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Ghoul Rictus" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Glaive = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 15.75, Puncture = 15.75, Slash = 73.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 17.4, Puncture = 17.4, Slash = 81.2 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 20,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 190 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 380 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 34.65, Puncture = 34.65, Slash = 161.7 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 35,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 378 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 756 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Glaive",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 420,
			HeavySlamAttack = 420,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Glaive.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Glaives/LightGlaive/LightGlaiveWeapon",
			Introduced = "7.9",
			Link = "Glaive",
			Mastery = 1,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Glaive",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 315,
			SlamRadialDmg = 105,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 210,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		["Glaive Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 24.6, Puncture = 24.6, Slash = 114.8 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 27, Puncture = 27, Slash = 126 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Slash" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 50,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 296 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 592 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Slash" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 54, Puncture = 54, Slash = 252 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Slash" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 50,
					ShotSpeed = 55,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Blast = 592 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Blast = 1184 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Slash" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			Family = "Glaive",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 656,
			HeavySlamAttack = 656,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "GlaivePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Glaives/PrimeGlaive/PrimeGlaiveWeapon",
			Introduced = "11",
			Link = "Glaive Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Glaive Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 492,
			SlamRadialDmg = 164,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 328,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		Glaxion = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 26 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 24,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Glaxion",
			Image = "CrpFreezeRayRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpFreezeRay/CrpFreezeRayRifle",
			Introduced = "14.5",
			Link = "Glaxion",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 720,
			Name = "Glaxion",
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Corpus Target", "Armis Ulta", "Dru Pesfor", "Rana Del", "M-W.A.M." },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Glaxion Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 29 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 28,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.38 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Glaxion",
			Image = "GlaxionVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpFreezeRay/Vandal/CrpFreezeRayVandalRifle",
			Introduced = "25.0",
			Link = "Glaxion Vandal",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 1000,
			Name = "Glaxion Vandal",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Glazio MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 354, Impact = 210, Puncture = 210 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Glazio MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Glazio MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 700, Impact = 308, Puncture = 308 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Glazio MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Glazio MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.33,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1100, Impact = 503, Puncture = 503 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Glazio MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Gorgon = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.75, Puncture = 3.75, Slash = 2.5 },
					FireRate = 12.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Gorgon",
			Image = "Gorgon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/HeavyRifle",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Gorgon",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Gorgon",
			Reload = 4.2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 9,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = {
				"Lieutenant Lech Kril",
				"Heavy Gunner",
				"Corrupted Heavy Gunner",
				"Manic Bombard" 
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Gorgon Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.95, Puncture = 2.7, Slash = 1.35 },
					FireRate = 13.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Gorgon",
			Image = "WraithGorgon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/WraithGorgon/WraithGorgon",
			Introduced = "12.4",
			Link = "Gorgon Wraith",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 900,
			Name = "Gorgon Wraith",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 6,
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Grakata = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.4, Puncture = 3.7, Slash = 2.9 },
					FireRate = 20,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Grakata",
			Image = "GrineerAssaultRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerAssaultRifle/GrnAssaultRifle",
			Introduced = "7.8",
			Link = "Grakata",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 750,
			Name = "Grakata",
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Lancer", "Hellion", "Commander", "Steel Meridian Operatives", "Vay Molta" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Gram = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 24, Puncture = 24, Slash = 112 },
					FireRate = 0.95,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			Family = "Gram",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 960,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 800,
			HeavySlamAttack = 800,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Gram.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/GreatSword/GreatSword",
			Introduced = "6.2",
			Link = "Gram",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Gram",
			SlamAttack = 480,
			SlamRadialDmg = 160,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 320,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Gram Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 60, Puncture = 15, Slash = 225 },
					FireRate = 0.8,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.32 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			Family = "Gram",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1800,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1500,
			HeavySlamAttack = 300,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "GramPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PrimeGram/PrimeGram",
			Introduced = "23.9",
			Link = "Gram Prime",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Gram Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 900,
			SlamRadialDmg = 300,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 600,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Granmu Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 5,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					BurstCount = 3,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 1000 },
					FireRate = 2.07,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 1400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.5, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.07,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1BarrelC.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Barrel/SentAmpSet1BarrelPartC",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Granmu Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Granmu Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Granmu Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 5,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					BurstCount = 3,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 1000 },
					FireRate = 2.07,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 1400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.5, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.07,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1BarrelC.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Granmu Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Granmu Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Grattler = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 80, Slash = 10 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2000, StartRange = 1000 },
					FireRate = 6.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 250,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 205 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 6.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Grattler",
			Image = "GrnAntiAirGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/RepurposedGrineerAntiAircraftGun/ArchGRNAAGun",
			Introduced = "17.0",
			Link = "Grattler",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Grattler",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 10,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Spool = 4,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Grattler (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 80, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 6.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 5,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 205 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 6.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Image = "GrnAntiAirGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/RepurposedGrineerAntiAircraftGun/ArchGRNAAGun",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Grattler",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 180,
			Name = "Grattler (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Spool = 4,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Grinlok = {
			Accuracy = 44.4,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 93.5, Puncture = 18.7, Slash = 74.8 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Grinlok",
			Image = "DEGrinlok.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerLeverActionRifle/GLARifle",
			Introduced = "12.1",
			Link = "Grinlok",
			Magazine = 9,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Grinlok",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Nightwatch Lancer", "Kuva Elite Lancer", "Tusk Elite Lancer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Guandao = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 50.5, Puncture = 10.1, Slash = 141.4 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.04 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			Family = "Guandao",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1212,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1010,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1010,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Guandao.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/TnGuandaoPolearm/TnGuandaoPolearmWeapon",
			Introduced = "21.1",
			Link = "Guandao",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Guandao",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 606,
			SlamRadialDmg = 202,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 404,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Guandao Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 60, Puncture = 12, Slash = 168 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 6,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			Family = "Guandao",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1440,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1200,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1200,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "GuandaoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/PrimeGuandao/PrimeGuandaoWeapon",
			Introduced = "29.3",
			Link = "Guandao Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Guandao Prime",
			Polarities = { "D", "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 480,
			SlamElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialDmg = 240,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 480,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Gunsen = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.8, Puncture = 19.2, Slash = 128 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Warfan",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 640,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 160,
			HeavySlamAttack = 160,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Gunsen.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Warfan/WarfanWeapon",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Gunsen",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Gunsen",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 480,
			SlamRadialDmg = 160,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 160,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Halikar = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.9, Puncture = 119.2, Slash = 14.9 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.29 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 16.3, Puncture = 130.4, Slash = 16.3 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 450 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 450 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 32.7, Puncture = 261.6, Slash = 32.7 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 447 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 894 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 596,
			HeavySlamAttack = 596,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Halikar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnBoomerang/GrnBoomerang",
			Introduced = "15.0",
			Link = "Halikar",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 1.2,
			Name = "Halikar",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 447,
			SlamElement = "Magnetic",
			SlamRadialDmg = 149,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 298,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		["Halikar Wraith"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.5, Puncture = 180, Slash = 22.5 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 87.7, Puncture = 87.7, Slash = 87.7 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.39 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 329 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5.1, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 5.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.39 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 658 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5.1, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 5.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.39 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 52.7, Puncture = 421.6, Slash = 22.7 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.41 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 657 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5.1, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 5.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.41 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 1314 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5.1, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 5.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.41 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Halikar",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 900,
			HeavySlamAttack = 900,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "HalikarWraith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnBoomerang/HalikarWraithWeapon",
			Introduced = "29.10.10",
			Link = "Halikar Wraith",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 1.2,
			Name = "Halikar Wraith",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 675,
			SlamElement = "Magnetic",
			SlamRadialDmg = 225,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 450,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Wraith", "Baro" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		Harpak = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 18.2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.1,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 5, Puncture = 37.5, Slash = 7.5 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Harpoon",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Puncture = 50, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Puncture" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.55,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "GrnHarpoonGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnHarpoonGun/GrnHarpoonGun",
			Introduced = "17.0",
			Link = "Harpak",
			Magazine = 45,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Harpak",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			Users = { "Drekar Elite Lancer", "Draga" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hate = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 34.5, Puncture = 34.5, Slash = 161 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1380,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1150,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1150,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Hate.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Scythe/StalkerScytheWeapon",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Hate",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Hate",
			SlamAttack = 690,
			SlamRadialDmg = 230,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 460,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Stalker" },
			Users = { "Stalker" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Heat Dagger"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Heat = 62, Impact = 14, Puncture = 76, Slash = 56 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 416,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 832,
			HeavySlamAttack = 832,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "HeatDagger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Dagger/Dagger",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Heat Dagger",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Heat Dagger",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 416,
			SlamElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialDmg = 208,
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Heat" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 416,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Malice" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Heat Sword"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.7, Puncture = 14.7, Slash = 117.6 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.48,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 735,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 588,
			HeavySlamAttack = 588,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "HeatSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/HeatSword/HeatLongSword",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Heat Sword",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Heat Sword",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 441,
			SlamElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialDmg = 147,
			SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Heat" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 147,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Volt Specter", "Ember Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hek = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.25, Puncture = 48.75, Slash = 15 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.107 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Hek",
			Image = "Hek.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Shotgun/QuadShotgun",
			Introduced = "5.2",
			Link = "Hek",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Hek",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Vem Tabook", "Dhurnam", "Kuva Trooper" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Heliocor = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 238, Puncture = 28, Slash = 14 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Heliocor",
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1680,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1400,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1400,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "CephHammer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Cephalon/Melee/Hammer/CephHammerWeapon",
			Introduced = "Update: Specters of the Rail 1",
			Link = "Heliocor",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Heliocor",
			SlamAttack = 840,
			SlamRadialDmg = 280,
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 560,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Cephalon Simaris" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Helstrum = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 4,
					BurstDelay = 0.1,
					BurstFireRate = 0.25,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 5, Puncture = 4.5 },
					FireRate = 0.91,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 3.5, Impact = 3 },
					FireRate = 0.91,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "Helstrum.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetComponents/SwarmerWeapon",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Helstrum",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Helstrum",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hema = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.1,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Viral = 47 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "InfestedBurstRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfWFAccompanyingPri/InfestedBurstRifle",
			Introduced = "19.5",
			Link = "Hema",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Hema",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hikou = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.6, Puncture = 15.6, Slash = 7.8 },
					FireRate = 6.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Hikou",
			Image = "Hikou.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/TennoStars",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Hikou",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Hikou",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.75,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Mag Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Hikou Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.6, Puncture = 30.6, Slash = 1.8 },
					FireRate = 5.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Hikou",
			Image = "PrimeHikou.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/PrimeThrowingStar/PrimeHikou",
			Introduced = "14.8",
			Link = "Hikou Prime",
			Magazine = 26,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Hikou Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hind = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 33.33,
					AttackName = "Burst Mode",
					BurstCount = 5,
					BurstDelay = 0.12,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.5, Puncture = 7.5, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 6.25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
					Accuracy = 28.6,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 12, Puncture = 12, Slash = 36 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.42,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Hind.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/BurstRifle/GrnBurstRifle",
			Introduced = "9.6",
			Link = "Hind",
			Magazine = 65,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Hind",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Burst / Semi",
			Users = {
				"Elite Lancer",
				"Dok Thul",
				"Tusk Lancer",
				"Aerial Commander",
				"Plains Commander" 
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hirudo = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.5, Puncture = 104, Slash = 6.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.11 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sparring",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 845,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 520,
			HeavySlamAttack = 520,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Hirudo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfWFAccompanyingSparring/InfestedKogake",
			Introduced = "19.5",
			Link = "Hirudo",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Hirudo",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 390,
			SlamRadialDmg = 130,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 260,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Hystrix = {
			Accuracy = 14.3,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Poison Quill",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.2, Puncture = 31, Slash = 2.9 },
					FireRate = 7,
					ForcedProcs = { "Toxin" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Ice Quill",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.2, Puncture = 31, Slash = 2.9 },
					FireRate = 7,
					ForcedProcs = { "Cold" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Fire Quill",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.4, Puncture = 34.4, Slash = 3.2 },
					FireRate = 7,
					ForcedProcs = { "Heat" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Electric Quill",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.4, Puncture = 34.4, Slash = 3.2 },
					FireRate = 7,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Hystrix.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/QuillDartgun/QuillDartGunWeapon",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Hystrix",
			Magazine = 16,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 320,
			Name = "Hystrix",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ignis = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 33 },
					FireRate = 8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 20,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Ignis",
			Image = "GrineerFlameThrower.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Chemical/FlameThrower",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Ignis",
			Magazine = 150,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 750,
			Name = "Ignis",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Scorch", "Hyekka Master", "Zura" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ignis Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 35 },
					FireRate = 8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 27,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.55,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Ignis",
			Image = "IgnisWraith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Chemical/FlameThrowerWraith",
			Introduced = "19.12",
			Link = "Ignis Wraith",
			Magazine = 200,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 800,
			Name = "Ignis Wraith",
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Imperator = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 17.5, Slash = 12.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3000, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 1500 },
					FireRate = 16.7,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 220,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Imperator",
			Image = "ArchwingMachinegun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/FoldingMachineGun/ArchMachineGun",
			Introduced = "15.0",
			Link = "Imperator",
			Magazine = 200,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Imperator",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 5.25,
			ReloadDelay = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Imperator (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 17.5, Slash = 12.5 },
					FireRate = 16.7,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			Image = "ArchwingMachinegun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/FoldingMachineGun/ArchMachineGun",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Imperator",
			Magazine = 200,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 800,
			Name = "Imperator (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Imperator Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 17.5, Slash = 12.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3000, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 1500 },
					FireRate = 25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 220,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			Family = "Imperator",
			Image = "ImperatorVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/FoldingMachineGun/ArchMachineGunVandal",
			Introduced = "15.8",
			Link = "Imperator Vandal",
			Magazine = 300,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Imperator Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 4.25,
			ReloadDelay = 0.15,
			ReloadDelayEmpty = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 75,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Spool = 16,
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 17.5, Slash = 12.5 },
					FireRate = 25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			Image = "ImperatorVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/FoldingMachineGun/ArchMachineGunVandal",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Imperator Vandal",
			Magazine = 300,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 1200,
			Name = "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Spool = 16,
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Iron Staff"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 170, Slash = 80 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 65,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 1250,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1250,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1250,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "EWIronStaff.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/MonkeyKing/MonkeyKingStaff",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Iron Staff",
			MeleeRange = 3.5,
			Name = "Iron Staff",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 250,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Wukong", "Wukong Prime" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ironbride = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.45,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 45, Puncture = 45, Slash = 210 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1500,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 300,
			HeavySlamAttack = 300,
			HeavySlamRadius = 12,
			Image = "Ironbride.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Enemies/Orokin/Entrati/EntratiTech/NechroTech/AbilitySword/NechroTechSwordWeapon",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Ironbride",
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Ironbride",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 300,
			SlamRadius = 10,
			SlideAttack = 600,
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Users = { "Bonewidow" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Jat Kittag"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 160, Puncture = 30, Slash = 10 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "GrnJetPwrPolearm.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerJetPoweredPolearm/GrineerJetPolearm",
			Introduced = "12.0",
			Link = "Jat Kittag",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Jat Kittag",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadialElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Blast", "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 400,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Bailiff", "Vay Molta" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Jat Kusar"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 81, Impact = 79, Puncture = 13, Slash = 45 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Blade and Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 872,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 872,
			HeavySlamAttack = 872,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "JatKusar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnKusarigama/GrnKusarigamaWeapon",
			Introduced = "21.2",
			Link = "Jat Kusar",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Jat Kusar",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 654,
			SlamRadialDmg = 218,
			SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 218,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Javlok = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.3,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 160 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Projectile Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 120 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.4, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					Accuracy = 16.7,
					AttackName = "Uncharged Spear Throw Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 45, Puncture = 75, Slash = 30 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 0.6,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Uncharged Spear Throw Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 300 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					Accuracy = 16.7,
					AttackName = "Charged Spear Throw Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 45, Puncture = 75, Slash = 30 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 0.6,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Charged Spear Throw Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 300 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Speargun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "GrnFlameSpear.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnFlameSpear/GrnFlameSpear",
			Introduced = "19.4",
			Link = "Javlok",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 300,
			Name = "Javlok",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.9,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Jaw Sword"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 24, Slash = 90 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 600,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 480,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "JawSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/JawSword/JawLongSword",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Jaw Sword",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Jaw Sword",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 120,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kama = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.5, Puncture = 13.5, Slash = 63 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.47,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 540,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 360,
			HeavySlamAttack = 360,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Kama.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/DualKamas/SingleKama",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Kama",
			Mastery = 1,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Kama",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 270,
			SlamRadialDmg = 90,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 180,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Karak = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.05, Puncture = 8.7, Slash = 7.25 },
					FireRate = 11.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Karak",
			Image = "GrineerM16Rifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerM16Homage/GrineerM16Rifle",
			Introduced = "11.5",
			Link = "Karak",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Karak",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Frontier Elite Lancer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Karak Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.95, Puncture = 9.3, Slash = 7.75 },
					FireRate = 11.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.28,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Karak",
			Image = "KarakWraith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerM16Homage/KarakWraith",
			Introduced = "16.5",
			Link = "Karak Wraith",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Karak Wraith",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Nightwatch Lancer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Karyst = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 30, Puncture = 84, Slash = 72, Toxin = 87 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 546,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1092,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1092,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Karyst.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/KrisDagger/KrisDagger",
			Introduced = "14.2",
			Link = "Karyst",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Karyst",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 546,
			SlamElement = "Toxin",
			SlamRadialDmg = 273,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 546,
			SlideElement = "Toxin",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Saryn Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Karyst Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 50, Puncture = 96, Slash = 102, Toxin = 96 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Family = "Karyst",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 688,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1376,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1376,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "KarystPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PrimeKaryst/PrimeKrisDagger",
			Introduced = "28.2",
			Link = "Karyst Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 2.2,
			Name = "Karyst Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 688,
			SlamRadialDmg = 344,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 688,
			SlideElement = "Toxin",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kaszas = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.7, Puncture = 313.6, Slash = 58.7 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "ArchScythe.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/ArchScythe/ArchScythe",
			Introduced = "17.5",
			Link = "Kaszas",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 142.5,
			Name = "Kaszas",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Keratinos = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 79, Puncture = 45, Slash = 87, Viral = 33 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.29 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Claws",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Keratinos",
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 1708,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 976,
			HeavySlamAttack = 976,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Keratinos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfTransformClaw/InfTransformClawsWeapon",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Keratinos",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Keratinos",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 732,
			SlamRadialDmg = 244,
			SlamRadialElement = "Viral",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 732,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.8,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kesheg = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 96.4, Puncture = 24.1, Slash = 120.5 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.23 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1446,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1205,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1205,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Kesheg.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerHalberd/GrnHalberd",
			Introduced = "19.0",
			Link = "Kesheg",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Kesheg",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 723,
			SlamRadialDmg = 241,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 482,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Kuva Guardian" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kestrel = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 58.8, Puncture = 12.6, Slash = 12.6 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 73.6, Puncture = 9.2, Slash = 9.2 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 126 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 252 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 147.2, Puncture = 18.4, Slash = 18.4 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = true,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 252 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 504 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 336,
			HeavySlamAttack = 336,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Kestrel.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Glaives/Boomerang/BoomerangWeapon",
			Introduced = "8.1",
			Link = "Kestrel",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 1.2,
			Name = "Kestrel",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 252,
			SlamRadialDmg = 84,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 168,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		["Klamora Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 30,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Void = 600 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 13,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "KlamoraPrism.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Barrel/CorpAmpSet1BarrelPartC",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Klamora Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Klamora Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Klamora Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 30,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Void = 600 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 13,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "KlamoraPrism.png",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Klamora Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Klamora Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Klebrik Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.1,
					Damage = { Void = 320 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 25,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.04 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1ChassisC.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Chassis/SentAmpSet1ChassisPartC",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Klebrik Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Klebrik Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Klebrik Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Void = 320 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 25,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1ChassisC.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Klebrik Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Klebrik Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Knell = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 63, Puncture = 69, Slash = 18 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Knell",
			Image = "PriestPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnPriestPistolScope/TnPriestPistolWeapon",
			Introduced = "21.0",
			Link = "Knell",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 10,
			Name = "Knell",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Knell Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 75.6, Puncture = 82.8, Slash = 21.6 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Knell",
			Image = "KnellPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeKnell/PrimeKnellWeapon",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Knell Prime",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 10,
			Name = "Knell Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Knux = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 400.5, Puncture = 22.25, Slash = 22.25 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "GrnArchHand.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/GrnArchHand/GrnArchHandWeapon",
			Introduced = "17.2",
			Link = "Knux",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 142.5,
			Name = "Knux",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Tyl Regor" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kogake = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 84, Puncture = 18, Slash = 18 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sparring",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.46,
			Family = "Kogake",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 1440,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 120,
			HeavySlamAttack = 120,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Kogake.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/BrassKnuckles/BrassKnuckles",
			Introduced = "8.2",
			Link = "Kogake",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Kogake",
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 240,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kogake Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 169.4, Puncture = 36.3, Slash = 36.3 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.38 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sparring",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			Family = "Kogake",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 2904,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 968,
			HeavySlamAttack = 968,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "KogakePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeKogake/KogakePrimeKnuckles",
			Introduced = "22.7",
			Link = "Kogake Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Kogake Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 726,
			SlamRadialDmg = 242,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 484,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kohm = {
			Accuracy = 8,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Single Pellet",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.7333, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 0.734,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.75 
					AmmoCost = 4,
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.7333, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.0625 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Kohm",
			Image = "GrineerSparkGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnSpark/GrnSparkRifle",
			Introduced = "15.6",
			Link = "Kohm",
			Magazine = 245,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 960,
			Name = "Kohm",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 5,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = { "Kuva Lancer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Kohmak = {
			Accuracy = 8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Single Pellet",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 24, Reduction = 0.8333, StartRange = 12 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.69 
					AmmoCost = 1.67,
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 24, Reduction = 0.8333, StartRange = 12 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 5,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.138 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "GrnWindUpPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnKohmPistol/GrnKohmPistol",
			Introduced = "16.0",
			Link = "Kohmak",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Kohmak",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Spool = 4,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = { "Tusk Heavy Gunner" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Komorex = {
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 20,
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.7, Puncture = 36.54, Slash = 41.76 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 250,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.35,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "2x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.7, Puncture = 36.54, Slash = 41.76 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 250,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.35,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "3.5x Zoom Mode",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 17.4, Puncture = 73, Slash = 83.6 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "3.5x Zoom Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Viral = 66 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.5, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.5,
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Komorex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpSentAmlgSniper/CrpSentAmlgSniper",
			Introduced = "25.0",
			Link = "Komorex",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 40,
			Name = "Komorex",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 5,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Amalgam Heqet" },
			Zoom = {
				"2x Zoom (-50% Recoil, +2m Punch Through)",
				"3.5x Zoom (+100% Damage, +3.5m Explosion Radius, -75% Fire Rate)" 
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Kompressa = {
			Accuracy = 3.8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Viral = 2 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 4,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Viral = 42 },
					ExplosionDelay = "0.6 - 0.8",
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.4, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 4,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Kompressa.webp",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnYareliPistol/TnYareliPistolWeapon",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Kompressa",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 144,
			Name = "Kompressa",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Korrudo = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.31,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 110.01, Puncture = 5.79, Slash = 77.2 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sparring",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Korrudo",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 2065,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 772,
			HeavySlamAttack = 772,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Korrudo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnSparring/GrnSpiderSparring/GrnSpiderSparring",
			Introduced = "24.6",
			Link = "Korrudo",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Korrudo",
			SlamAttack = 579,
			SlamRadialDmg = 193,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 386,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Korumm = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 52, Puncture = 104, Slash = 104 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1560,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1300,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1300,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Korumm.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Archon/Melee/Trident/ArchonTridentPlayerWep",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Korumm",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Korumm",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 780,
			SlamRadialDmg = 260,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 520,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Users = { "Archon Boreal" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kraken = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0.05,
					BurstFireRate = 2.833,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 36.75, Puncture = 6.125, Slash = 6.125 },
					FireRate = 4.42,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			BurstCount = 2,
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.53,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Kraken",
			Image = "Kraken.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/GrineerPistol/GrnHeavyPistol",
			Introduced = "6.3",
			Link = "Kraken",
			Magazine = 14,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Kraken",
			Reload = 2.45,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			Users = { "Seeker", "Dargyn Pilot" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kreska = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 100, Impact = 30, Puncture = 15, Slash = 45 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Kreska",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1140,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 760,
			HeavySlamAttack = 760,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Kreska.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/CrpVenusHatchet/CrpVenusHatchet",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Kreska",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Kreska",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 570,
			SlamRadialDmg = 190,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 380,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Users = { "Terra Trencher" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Krohkur = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.29,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 39.1, Slash = 151.9 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Krohkur",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1085,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 868,
			HeavySlamAttack = 868,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Krohkur.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnEgyptSwd/GrnEgyptSwdWeapon",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Krohkur",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Krohkur",
			SlamAttack = 651,
			SlamRadialDmg = 217,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 217,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kronen = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 13, Puncture = 13, Slash = 104 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Tonfa",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.43,
			Family = "Kronen",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 520,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 520,
			HeavySlamAttack = 520,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Kronen.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Tonfa/TonfaContestWinner/TennoTonfa",
			Introduced = "14.5",
			Link = "Kronen",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Kronen",
			SlamAttack = 260,
			SlamRadialDmg = 130,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 260,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kronen Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 21.2, Puncture = 21.2, Slash = 169.6 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Tonfa",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			Family = "Kronen",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 848,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 848,
			HeavySlamAttack = 848,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "KronenPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Tonfa/TonfaContestWinnerPrime/TonfaContestWinnerPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "22.16.4",
			Link = "Kronen Prime",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Kronen Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 424,
			SlamRadialDmg = 212,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 424,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kronsh = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Kronsh Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 163.8, Puncture = 70.2 },
					FireRate = 0.85,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Machete / Polearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Image = "ZawStrikeKronsh.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee01/Tip/TipSix",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Kronsh",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Kronsh",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kulstar = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 200 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
					AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 300 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.9, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
					AttackName = "Cluster Bombs",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 75 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 8,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
					AttackName = "Cluster Bomb Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 90 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.9, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "GrnTorpedoPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnTorpedoPistol/GrnTorpedoPistol",
			Introduced = "17.0",
			Link = "Kulstar",
			Magazine = 3,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 15,
			Name = "Kulstar",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Darek Draga" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Kunai = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.6, Puncture = 34.5, Slash = 6.9 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.51,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Kunai2.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/Kunai",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Kunai",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Kunai",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.75,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Nova Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Ayanga"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 87, MinProgenitorBonus = 21.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2400, StartRange = 1200 },
					FireRate = 4.58,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 300,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 187, MinProgenitorBonus = 46.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.58,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "KuvaAyanga.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/HeavyWeapons/GrnHeavyGrenadeLauncher",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Ayanga",
			Magazine = 33,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Kuva Ayanga",
			Reload = 1.2,
			ReloadDelay = 0.7,
			ReloadRate = 66,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Ayanga (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 87, MinProgenitorBonus = 21.75 },
					FireRate = 4.58,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 187, MinProgenitorBonus = 46.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.58,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "KuvaAyanga.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/HeavyWeapons/GrnHeavyGrenadeLauncher",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Ayanga",
			Magazine = 33,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 165,
			Name = "Kuva Ayanga (Atmosphere)",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Brakk"] = {
			Accuracy = 7.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.29,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.85, MinProgenitorBonus = 3.25, Puncture = 3.25, Slash = 3.9 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.96, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 5.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.111 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Brakk",
			Image = "KuvaBrakk.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Secondaries/Brakk/KuvaBrakk",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Brakk",
			Magazine = 11,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 221,
			Name = "Kuva Brakk",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Bramma"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 187, MinProgenitorBonus = 46.75 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.21,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 839, MinProgenitorBonus = 209.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8.3, Reduction = 0.9, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 8.3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.21,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Cluster Bomb Contact",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 49, MinProgenitorBonus = 12.25 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.21,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Cluster Bomb Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 57, MinProgenitorBonus = 14.25 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.5, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.21,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Kuva_Bramma.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Bows/GrnBow/GrnBowWeapon",
			Introduced = "27.1",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Bramma",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 5,
			Name = "Kuva Bramma",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Chakkhurr"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 260, MinProgenitorBonus = 65 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Blast = 25, MinProgenitorBonus = 26.5, Puncture = 52, Slash = 29 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.9, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "KuvaChakkhurr.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnKuvaLichRifle/GrnKuvaLichRifleWeapon",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Chakkhurr",
			Magazine = 11,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 55,
			Name = "Kuva Chakkhurr",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 3.3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Drakgoon"] = {
			Accuracy = 1.4,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.6, MinProgenitorBonus = 5.75, Puncture = 4.6, Slash = 13.8 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 130,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.3,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.6, MinProgenitorBonus = 11.5, Puncture = 4.6, Slash = 36.8 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					ShotSpeed = 190,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Drakgoon",
			Image = "KuvaDrakgoon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Drakgoon/KuvaDrakgoon",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Drakgoon",
			Magazine = 11,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Kuva Drakgoon",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Grattler"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 5, MinProgenitorBonus = 12.5, Puncture = 40, Slash = 5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2000, StartRange = 1000 },
					FireRate = 5.55,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 250,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Blast = 155, MinProgenitorBonus = 38.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 5.55,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			Family = "Grattler",
			Image = "KuvaGrattler.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/HeavyWeapons/Grattler/KuvaGrattler",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Grattler",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Kuva Grattler",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 20,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Grattler (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 5, MinProgenitorBonus = 12.5, Puncture = 40, Slash = 5 },
					FireRate = 5.55,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 155, MinProgenitorBonus = 38.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 5.55,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			Image = "KuvaGrattler.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/HeavyWeapons/Grattler/KuvaGrattler",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Grattler",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 320,
			Name = "Kuva Grattler (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Hek"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.09,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.1, MinProgenitorBonus = 21.75, Puncture = 56.5, Slash = 17.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.828, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
					AmmoCost = 4,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.1, MinProgenitorBonus = 21.75, Puncture = 56.5, Slash = 17.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.989, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 28,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.8,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Hek",
			Image = "KuvaHek.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Hek/KuvaHekWeapon",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Hek",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Kuva Hek",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Hind"] = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, MinProgenitorBonus = 7.5, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.33,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					Accuracy = 28.6,
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto",
					CritChance = 0.37,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, MinProgenitorBonus = 22.5, Puncture = 18, Slash = 54 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.21,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Burst",
					BurstCount = 5,
					BurstDelay = 0.07,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.5, MinProgenitorBonus = 7.5, Puncture = 7.5, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 9.09,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.33,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Hind",
			Image = "KuvaHind.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Hind/KuvaHind",
			Introduced = "27.1",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Hind",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Kuva Hind",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Burst / Semi / Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Karak"] = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.1, MinProgenitorBonus = 5.75, Puncture = 6.2, Slash = 9.7 },
					FireRate = 11.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.2,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Karak",
			Image = "KuvaKarak.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Karak/KuvaKarak",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Karak",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Kuva Karak",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Kohm"] = {
			Accuracy = 8,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Single Pellet",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, MinProgenitorBonus = 5, Puncture = 4, Slash = 12 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 26, Reduction = 0.9375, StartRange = 13 },
					FireRate = 0.834,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.9 
					AmmoCost = 4,
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, MinProgenitorBonus = 5, Puncture = 4, Slash = 12 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 26, Reduction = 0.9375, StartRange = 13 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.075 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Kohm",
			Image = "KuvaKohm.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Kohm/KuvaKohm",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Kohm",
			Magazine = 209,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 836,
			Name = "Kuva Kohm",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 5,
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Kraken"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.03,
					BurstFireRate = 2.833,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 32.25, MinProgenitorBonus = 10.75, Puncture = 5.375, Slash = 5.375 },
					FireRate = 6.77,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
					Accuracy = 8.2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstDelay = 0.05,
					BurstFireRate = 4.167,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 32.25, MinProgenitorBonus = 10.75, Puncture = 5.375, Slash = 5.375 },
					FireRate = 16.28,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					Reload = 2,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.29,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Kraken",
			Image = "KuvaKraken.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Secondaries/Kraken/KuvaKraken",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Kraken",
			Magazine = 21,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Kuva Kraken",
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Nukor"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 5,
					Damage = { MinProgenitorBonus = 5.25, Radiation = 21 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 29,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Nukor",
			Image = "KuvaNukor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Secondaries/Nukor/KuvaNukor",
			Introduced = "27.1",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Nukor",
			Magazine = 77,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Kuva Nukor",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Ogris"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.9, MinProgenitorBonus = 6.75, Puncture = 8.1 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.47 
					AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 349, MinProgenitorBonus = 171.75, Puncture = 183, Slash = 155 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7.9, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.47 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.8,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Ogris",
			Image = "KuvaOgris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Ogris/KuvaOgris",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Ogris",
			Magazine = 3,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 30,
			Name = "Kuva Ogris",
			Reload = 2.1,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Quartakk"] = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Full-Auto",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, MinProgenitorBonus = 13.5, Puncture = 15.65, Slash = 18.35 },
					FireRate = 4.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.33,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					Accuracy = 90.9,
					AttackName = "Burst-Fire While Aiming",
					BurstCount = 4,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 1.5833,
					CritChance = 0.31,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, MinProgenitorBonus = 13.5, Puncture = 15.65, Slash = 18.35 },
					FireRate = 6.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.27,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Quartakk",
			Image = "KuvaQuartakk.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Quartakk/KuvaQuartakk",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Quartakk",
			Magazine = 88,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 840,
			Name = "Kuva Quartakk",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Seer"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 26.2, MinProgenitorBonus = 32.75, Puncture = 68.1, Slash = 36.7 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 500,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 69, MinProgenitorBonus = 17.25 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Seer",
			Image = "KuvaSeer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Secondaries/Seer/KuvaSeer",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Seer",
			Magazine = 9,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 27,
			Name = "Kuva Seer",
			Reload = 2.3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Shildeg"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.31,
					CritMultiplier = 2.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 75.8, MinProgenitorBonus = 51.25, Puncture = 100.5, Slash = 28.7 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1537.5,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1281.25,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1281.25,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "KuvaShildeg.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnKuvaLichScythe/GrnKuvaLichScytheWeapon",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Shildeg",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Kuva Shildeg",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 768.75,
			SlamRadialDmg = 256.25,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Knockdown", "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 512.5,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Tonkor"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { MinProgenitorBonus = 14.75, Puncture = 59 },
					FireRate = 3.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
					AttackName = "Grenade Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 302, MinProgenitorBonus = 168.5, Puncture = 168, Slash = 204 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Tonkor",
			Image = "KuvaTonkor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Tonkor/KuvaTonkor",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Tonkor",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 60,
			Name = "Kuva Tonkor",
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Lich" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Kuva Twin Stubbas"] = {
			Accuracy = 36.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.6, MinProgenitorBonus = 6.75, Puncture = 2.7, Slash = 12.7 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KuvaTwinStubbas.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Secondaries/Stubba/KuvaStubba",
			Introduced = "26",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Twin Stubbas",
			Magazine = 114,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 684,
			Name = "Kuva Twin Stubbas",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.7,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Kuva Zarr"] = {
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Projectile",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 50, MinProgenitorBonus = 12.5 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 75,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 673, MinProgenitorBonus = 168.25 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Cluster Bomb Contact",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, MinProgenitorBonus = 3.75 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 8,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Cluster Bomb Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 50, MinProgenitorBonus = 12.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 3,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					Accuracy = 4.3,
					AttackName = "Barrage Mode",
					CritChance = 0.37,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, MinProgenitorBonus = 12.5, Puncture = 25, Slash = 10 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 40, Reduction = 0.98, StartRange = 20 },
					FireRate = 2.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 1.6,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.097 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Zarr",
			Image = "KuvaZarr.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/LongGuns/Zarr/KuvaZarr",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Kuva Zarr",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 15,
			Name = "Kuva Zarr",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 4.8,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Kuva Lich" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Lacera = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 100, Impact = 12, Puncture = 38, Slash = 66 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.45 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Blade and Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.31,
			Family = "Lacera",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 864,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 864,
			HeavySlamAttack = 864,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Lacera.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/StalkerMios/StalkerMios",
			Introduced = "18.0",
			Link = "Lacera",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Lacera",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 648,
			SlamRadialDmg = 216,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 216,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Mania" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Lacerten = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 76, Slash = 76 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Lacerten.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetMeleeWeaponIS",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Lacerten",
			Magazine = 6,
			Name = "Lacerten",
			Slot = "Hound",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Laith MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 52, Slash = 52 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.045 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ShrapnelShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Laith MK I",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Laith MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 44.2, Puncture = 88.4, Slash = 88.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.064 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ShrapnelShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Laith MK II",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Laith MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 70.8, Puncture = 141.6, Slash = 141.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ShrapnelShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Laith MK III",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Lanka = {
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.33,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = inf,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 525 },
					FireRate = inf,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 5,
					ShotSpeed = 250,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "CorpusSniperRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/Railgun",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Lanka",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Lanka",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 2,
			SniperComboReset = 6,
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = {
				"Sniper Crewman",
				"The Sergeant",
				"Nullifier Crewman",
				"Corrupted Nullifier",
				"The Perrin Sequence Operatives" 
			Zoom = {
				"3x (+20% Critical Chance)",
				"5x (+30% Critical Chance)",
				"8x (+50% Critical Chance)" 
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Lanzo Fishing Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "IconFishingSpear1.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/SpearFishingSpear",
			Introduced = "22.0",
			Link = "Lanzo",
			Name = "Lanzo Fishing Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Cetus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Larkspur = {
			Accuracy = 8.3,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Radiation = 80 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 180, Impact = 140, Radiation = 100 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 400, Radiation = 400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9.6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Image = "Larkspur.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/TnShieldframeArchGun/TnShieldFrameArchGun",
			Introduced = "24.4",
			Link = "Larkspur",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Larkspur",
			Reload = 4.5,
			ReloadDelay = 2.5,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Larkspur (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 8.3,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Radiation = 80 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 180, Impact = 140, Radiation = 100 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 400, Radiation = 400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9.6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Image = "Larkspur.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/TnShieldframeArchGun/TnShieldFrameArchGun",
			Introduced = "24.4",
			Link = "Larkspur",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Larkspur (Atmosphere)",
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Laser Rifle"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.025,
					CritMultiplier = 1.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 0.8, Puncture = 6.4, Slash = 0.8 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.21,
			Family = "Laser Rifle",
			Image = "DESentinelLaserRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/LaserRifle",
			Introduced = "7.0",
			Link = "Laser Rifle",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Laser Rifle",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Lato = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.5, Puncture = 7.5, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 6.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Lato",
			Image = "Lato.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/Pistol",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Lato",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Lato",
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lato Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.8, Puncture = 9.6, Slash = 33.6 },
					FireRate = 6.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Lato",
			Image = "LatoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/LatoPrime",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Lato Prime",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Lato Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted", "Founder" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lato Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 23,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 6.9, Puncture = 11.5, Slash = 27.6 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Lato",
			Image = "DELatoVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/LatoVandal",
			Introduced = "7.0",
			Link = "Lato Vandal",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Lato Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Latron = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.25, Puncture = 38.5, Slash = 8.25 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			Family = "Latron",
			Image = "Latron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/SemiAutoRifle",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Latron",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Latron",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Clem" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Latron Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 9, Puncture = 72, Slash = 9 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Latron",
			Image = "DELatronPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/LatronPrime",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Latron Prime",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Latron Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Latron Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, Puncture = 42, Slash = 3 },
					FireRate = 5.42,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Latron",
			Image = "WraithLatron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/WraithLatron/WraithLatron",
			Introduced = "14.5",
			Link = "Latron Wraith",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Latron Wraith",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Apoc MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 170.1, Slash = 72.9 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/LavanAutoCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Apoc MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Apoc MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 289.8, Slash = 124.2 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/LavanAutoCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Apoc MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Apoc MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 463.4, Slash = 198.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/LavanAutoCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Apoc MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Carcinnox MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 57, Toxin = 98 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/LavanBlasterTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Carcinnox MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Carcinnox MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 94, Toxin = 169 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/LavanBlasterTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Carcinnox MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Carcinnox MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 163, Toxin = 257 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/LavanBlasterTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Carcinnox MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Cryophon MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1873 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/LavanBlasterShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Cryophon MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Cryophon MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 3184 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/LavanBlasterShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Cryophon MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Cryophon MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 5094 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.42 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/LavanBlasterShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Cryophon MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Glazio MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 372, Impact = 240, Puncture = 240 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Glazio MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Glazio MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 748, Impact = 350, Puncture = 350 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Glazio MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Glazio MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.33,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1237, Impact = 540, Puncture = 540 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Glazio MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Laith MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 28.6, Puncture = 57.2, Slash = 57.2 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.064 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/LavanShrapnelShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Laith MK I",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Laith MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 48.8, Puncture = 97.6, Slash = 97.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/LavanShrapnelShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Laith MK II",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Laith MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 78, Puncture = 156, Slash = 156 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.126 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/LavanShrapnelShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Laith MK III",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Photor MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 32, Puncture = 21 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/LavanRailJackBeamWeaponTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Photor MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Photor MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 63, Puncture = 27 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.065 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/LavanRailJackBeamWeaponTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Photor MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Photor MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 110, Puncture = 35 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.085 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/LavanRailJackBeamWeaponTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Photor MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Pulsar MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 146, Puncture = 86 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/LavanPulseLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Pulsar MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Pulsar MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 228, Puncture = 166 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/LavanPulseLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Pulsar MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Pulsar MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 343, Puncture = 288 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/LavanPulseLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Pulsar MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Talyn MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 108 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/LavanGatlingLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Talyn MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Talyn MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal w/ 30% Fire Rate Bonus",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 197 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 21.671,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/LavanGatlingLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Talyn MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Talyn MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal w/ 30% Fire Rate Bonus",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 316 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 21.671,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/LavanGatlingLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Talyn MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Vort MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 482 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/LavanElectricTetherCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Vort MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Vort MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 819 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/LavanElectricTetherCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Vort MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lavan Vort MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1310 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/LavanElectricTetherCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lavan Vort MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Lecta = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 56, Puncture = 20, Slash = 25 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Lecta",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 455,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 354,
			HeavySlamAttack = 353.5,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Lecta.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Whip/CorpusWhipWeapon",
			Introduced = "11.0",
			Link = "Lecta",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Lecta",
			SlamAttack = 303,
			SlamRadialDmg = 101,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 202,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Users = { "Scrambus", "Comba", "Pelna Cade", "Jad Teran" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lega Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 6,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.1,
					Damage = { Void = 600 },
					FireRate = 7.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 28,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "LegaPrism.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Barrel/CorpAmpSet1BarrelPartB",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Lega Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lega Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lega Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 6,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Void = 600 },
					FireRate = 7.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 28,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "LegaPrism.png",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Lega Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Lega Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Lenz = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 50 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Initial Burst",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 10 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7.2, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Cold" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7.2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Bubble Collapse",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 660 },
					ExplosionDelay = 1.3,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7.2, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7.2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Lenz.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Bow/Longbow/CrpBow",
			Introduced = "21.3",
			Link = "Lenz",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 6,
			Name = "Lenz",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 3 
		Lesion = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 47.4, Puncture = 11.85, Slash = 177.75 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.37 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1422,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1185,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1185,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Lesion.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/TipedoStaff/InfTipedoStaff",
			Introduced = "18.5",
			Link = "Lesion",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Lesion",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 711,
			SlamRadialDmg = 237,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 474,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Lex = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 13, Puncture = 104, Slash = 13 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Lex",
			Image = "Lex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/HeavyPistol",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Lex",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Lex",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.35,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Maroo" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Lex Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, Puncture = 120, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 2.08,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Lex",
			Image = "PrimeLex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeLex/PrimeLex",
			Introduced = "13.0",
			Link = "Lex Prime",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Lex Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.35,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["MK1-Bo"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 81, Puncture = 9 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			Family = "Bo",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 450,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 360,
			HeavySlamAttack = 360,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "MK1-Bo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Bo",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "MK1-Bo",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "MK1-Bo",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 270,
			SlamRadialDmg = 90,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 90,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["MK1-Braton"] = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.5, Puncture = 4.5, Slash = 9 },
					FireRate = 7.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Braton",
			Image = "Braton.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/StartingRifle",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "MK1-Braton",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "MK1-Braton",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["MK1-Furax"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 63, Puncture = 13.5, Slash = 13.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			Family = "Furax",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 450,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 360,
			HeavySlamAttack = 360,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "MK1-Furax.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Furax",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "MK1-Furax",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "MK1-Furax",
			SlamAttack = 270,
			SlamRadialDmg = 90,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 270,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["MK1-Furis"] = {
			Accuracy = 22.2,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.95, Puncture = 9.1, Slash = 1.95 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.01 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Furis",
			Image = "Furis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Furis",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "MK1-Furis",
			Magazine = 35,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "MK1-Furis",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["MK1-Kunai"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 30, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.025 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.51,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Kunai",
			Image = "Kunai2.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Kunai",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "MK1-Kunai",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "MK1-Kunai",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.75,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["MK1-Paris"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.75, Puncture = 86.25, Slash = 23 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.5, Puncture = 184, Slash = 34.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 85,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Paris",
			Image = "Paris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Paris",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "MK1-Paris",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "MK1-Paris",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.55,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["MK1-Strun"] = {
			Accuracy = 4,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.9, Puncture = 2.7, Slash = 5.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 2.08,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Strun",
			Image = "Strun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/MK1Series/MK1Strun",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "MK1-Strun",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "MK1-Strun",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 3.75,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Machete = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 18, Slash = 84 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			Family = "Machete",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 720,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 480,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Machete.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerMachetteAndCleaver/Machete",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Machete",
			Mastery = 1,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Machete",
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 240,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Scorpion" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Machete Wraith"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 31.65, Puncture = 31.65, Slash = 147.7 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			Family = "Machete",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1268,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 844,
			HeavySlamAttack = 844,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DEWraithMachete.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerMachetteAndCleaver/WraithMacheteWeapon",
			Introduced = "10.5",
			Link = "Machete Wraith",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Machete Wraith",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 633.3,
			SlamRadialDmg = 211,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 422,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Magistar = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 168, Puncture = 31.5, Slash = 10.5 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Magistar",
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1260,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1050,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1050,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "PaladinMace.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Maces/PaladinMace/PaladinMaceWeapon",
			Introduced = "11.5",
			Link = "Magistar",
			Mastery = 1,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Magistar",
			SlamAttack = 630,
			SlamRadialDmg = 210,
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 420,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Magnus = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 34.2, Puncture = 20.9, Slash = 20.9 },
					FireRate = 5.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.53,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Magnus",
			Image = "TennoMagnum.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/Magnum/Magnum",
			Introduced = "11.2",
			Link = "Magnus",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Magnus",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Volt Specter", "Ember Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Magnus Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 34.2, Puncture = 20.9, Slash = 20.9 },
					FireRate = 5.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Magnus",
			Image = "MagnusPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeMagnus/PrimeMagnusWeapon",
			Introduced = "30.7",
			Link = "Magnus Prime",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Magnus Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Mara Detron"] = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Radiation = 40 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.625, StartRange = 16 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1371 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Detron",
			Image = "MaraDetron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/VoidTrader/VTDetron",
			Introduced = "15.6.3",
			Link = "Mara Detron",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Mara Detron",
			Reload = 1.05,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Marelok = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 80, Puncture = 16, Slash = 64 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Marelok",
			Image = "GrineerLeverActionPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrineerLeverActionPistol/GLAPistol",
			Introduced = "12.3",
			Link = "Marelok",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Marelok",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.667,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Shik Tal", "Kuva Shield Lancer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Masseter = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 134.96, Slash = 106.04 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1446,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1205,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "Masseter.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnChiselKanabo/TnChiselKanabo",
			Introduced = "26",
			Link = "Masseter",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Masseter",
			SlamAttack = 723,
			SlamRadialDmg = 241,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 10,
			SlideAttack = 482,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Mausolon = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 50, Impact = 24, Puncture = 46 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2800, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 1400 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Auto Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 48 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.8, Reduction = 0.1, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Laser",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 500, Impact = 100, Puncture = 400 },
					FireRate = 0.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 3000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			Image = "Mausolon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ThanoTechArchLongGun/ThanoTechLongGun",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Mausolon",
			Magazine = 300,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Mausolon",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 5.5,
			ReloadDelay = 4,
			ReloadRate = 200,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Mausolon (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 50, Impact = 24, Puncture = 46 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Auto Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 48 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.8, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Laser",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 500, Impact = 100, Puncture = 400 },
					FireRate = 0.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Lifted" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 3000 },
					FireRate = 0.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			Image = "Mausolon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ThanoTechArchLongGun/ThanoTechLongGun",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Mausolon",
			Magazine = 300,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 900,
			Name = "Mausolon (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Mewan = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Mewan Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 56, Puncture = 78.4, Slash = 89.6 },
					FireRate = 0.85,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Sword / Polearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Image = "ZawStrikeMewan.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee01/Tip/TipThree",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Mewan",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Mewan",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Milati = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 900 },
					FireRate = 0.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 10,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Milati",
			Image = "OrdnanceMilati.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MultiMissileLauncherWeapon",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Milati",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 11,
			Name = "Milati",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Milati MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 1620 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 10,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Milati",
			Image = "OrdnanceMilati.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MultiMissileLauncherWeaponTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Milati",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 13,
			Name = "Milati MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Milati MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 2754 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 10,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Milati",
			Image = "OrdnanceMilati.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MultiMissileLauncherWeaponTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Milati",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 16,
			Name = "Milati MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Milati MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 4407 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 10,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Milati",
			Image = "OrdnanceMilati.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MultiMissileLauncherWeaponTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Milati",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 21,
			Name = "Milati MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Mios = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 53.1, Puncture = 44.25, Slash = 79.65 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Blade and Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 708,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 708,
			HeavySlamAttack = 708,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Mios.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/Swords/Mios/Mios",
			Introduced = "17.11",
			Link = "Mios",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Mios",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 531,
			SlamRadialDmg = 177,
			SlamRadialElement = "Toxin",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 177,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Mire = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 23, Puncture = 23, Slash = 47, Toxin = 65 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.31 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 790,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 632,
			HeavySlamAttack = 632,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Mire.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/Swords/Mire/MireSword",
			Introduced = "7.7.2",
			Link = "Mire",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Mire",
			SlamAttack = 474,
			SlamRadialDmg = 158,
			SlamRadialElement = "Toxin",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 158,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Miter = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 10, Slash = 70 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.75,
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.5, Puncture = 12.5, Slash = 225 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2.5,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "miter.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerSawbladeGun/SawBladeGun",
			Introduced = "9.5",
			Link = "Miter",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Miter",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Eviscerator" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Morgha = {
			Accuracy = 6.7,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto Burst",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 3,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 32 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Auto Burst Explosion",
					BurstCount = 2,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 164 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Blast = 1200, Impact = 600, Puncture = 800, Slash = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 20,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Image = "Morgha.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ThanoTechGrenadeLaunch/ThanoTechGrenadeLauncher",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Morgha",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Morgha",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Morgha (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 6.7,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto Burst",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 3,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 32 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstFireRate = 3,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 164 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Blast = 1200, Impact = 600, Puncture = 800, Slash = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 12, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 12,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Image = "Morgha.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ThanoTechGrenadeLaunch/ThanoTechGrenadeLauncher",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Morgha",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 160,
			Name = "Morgha (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Mote Amp"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 6,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 240 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 20,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "TrainingOperatorAmp.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/SentTrainingAmplifier/SentAmpTrainingBarrel",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Mote Amp",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Mote Amp",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Mote Amp (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 6,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 240 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 30,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "TrainingOperatorAmp.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Mote Amp",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Mote Amp (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Multron = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.125,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.25, Puncture = 3.75 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.1,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "Multron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetComponents/HextraWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Multron",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Multron",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Mutalist Cernos"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 184.5, Puncture = 10.25, Slash = 10.25 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.49,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 369, Puncture = 20.5, Slash = 20.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 85,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.49,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Toxin Cloud",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Toxin = 5 },
					EffectDuration = 10,
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.49 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Cernos",
			Image = "InfCernos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Bow/InfCernosBow/InfCernos",
			Introduced = "18.5",
			Link = "Mutalist Cernos",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Mutalist Cernos",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Mutalist Quanta"] = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.025,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.5, Puncture = 15, Slash = 7.5 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
					AmmoCost = 5,
					AttackName = "Infested Orb",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Radiation = 20 },
					EffectDuration = 9,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 5,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 1 
					Accuracy = 25,
					AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Toxin = 100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.4, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4.4,
					Reload = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "InfCrpShockSwarm.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfCrpShockSwarm/InfCrpShockSwarmRifle",
			Introduced = "13.8",
			Link = "Mutalist Quanta",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Mutalist Quanta",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Nagantaka = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 40,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.6, Puncture = 14.3, Slash = 143.1 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.39 
					Accuracy = 40,
					AttackName = "Burst Shot",
					BurstCount = 9,
					BurstDelay = 0.15,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.6, Puncture = 14.3, Slash = 143.1 },
					FireRate = 5.81,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.39 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Nagantaka",
			Image = "Nagantaka.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/GarudaCrossbow/GarudaCrossbow",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Nagantaka",
			Magazine = 9,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Nagantaka",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi / Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Nami Skyla"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.75, Puncture = 18.75, Slash = 87.5 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Nami Skyla",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 500,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 500,
			HeavySlamAttack = 500,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "NamiSkyla.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/CutlassAndPoignard/CutlassPoignardSwords",
			Introduced = "13.0",
			Link = "Nami Skyla",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Nami Skyla",
			SlamAttack = 250,
			SlamRadialDmg = 125,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 250,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Nami Skyla Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 36, Slash = 126 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Family = "Nami Skyla",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 720,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 720,
			HeavySlamAttack = 720,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "NamiSkylaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PrimeNamiSkyla/PrimeNamiSkyla",
			Introduced = "21.6",
			Link = "Nami Skyla Prime",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Nami Skyla Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 180,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 360,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Nami Solo"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 25.8, Puncture = 25.8, Slash = 120.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.43,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1032,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 688,
			HeavySlamAttack = 688,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "DENamiSolo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/CutlassAndPoignard/TennoCutlass",
			Introduced = "13.5",
			Link = "Nami Solo",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Nami Solo",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 516,
			SlamRadialDmg = 172,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 344,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Nataruk = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Quick Shot",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Puncture = 405, Slash = 45 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 648, Slash = 252 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 95,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Perfect Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.6,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Puncture = 648, Slash = 252 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = -2,
					FireRate = 0.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 95,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "OmicrusPlayerWep.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/Omicrus/OmicrusPlayerWep",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Nataruk",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Nataruk",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.05,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Nepheri = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Heat = 92, Impact = 21, Puncture = 63, Slash = 85 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Dual Daggers",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 522,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1044,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1044,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Nepheri.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Archon/Melee/DualDaggers/ArchonDualDaggersPlayerWep",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Nepheri",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 1.9,
			Name = "Nepheri",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 522,
			SlamRadialDmg = 261,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 522,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Users = { "Archon Amar" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Nikana = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.1, Puncture = 14.2, Slash = 120.7 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Family = "Nikana",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 710,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 568,
			HeavySlamAttack = 568,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Nikana.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/KatanaAndWakizashi/Katana",
			Introduced = "13.0",
			Link = "Nikana",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Nikana",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 426,
			SlamRadialDmg = 142,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 284,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Nikana Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.9, Puncture = 9.9, Slash = 178.2 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			Family = "Nikana",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 990,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 792,
			HeavySlamAttack = 792,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "NikanaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PrimeKatana/PrimeNikana",
			Introduced = "18.4.12",
			Link = "Nikana Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Nikana Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 594,
			SlamRadialDmg = 198,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 396,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ninkondi = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 100, Impact = 90 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nunchaku",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.41,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 950,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 760,
			HeavySlamAttack = 760,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Ninkondi.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Nunchaku/Nunchaku/Nunchaku",
			Introduced = "17.4",
			Link = "Ninkondi",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.31,
			Name = "Ninkondi",
			SlamAttack = 380,
			SlamRadialDmg = 190,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 380,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Ninkondi Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 90, Impact = 66, Puncture = 28, Slash = 50 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nunchaku",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Ninkondi",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 1170,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 936,
			HeavySlamAttack = 936,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "NinkondiPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeNinkondi/PrimeNikondi",
			Introduced = "25.3",
			Link = "Ninkondi Prime",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.31,
			Name = "Ninkondi Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 468,
			SlamRadialDmg = 234,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 468,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Nukor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 4,
					Damage = { Radiation = 22 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 25,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Nukor",
			Image = "GrineerMicrowaveGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrineerMicrowavegun/GrnMicrowavePistol",
			Introduced = "14.5",
			Link = "Nukor",
			Magazine = 50,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Nukor",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Nightwatch Seeker" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Obex = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 84, Puncture = 18, Slash = 18 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sparring",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Obex",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 1440,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 480,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Obex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/KickAndPunch/KickPunchWeapon",
			Introduced = "10.7",
			Link = "Obex",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Obex",
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 240,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Users = { "Jen Dro" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ocucor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Puncture = 1, Radiation = 10 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 20,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Ocucor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpSentExperimentPistol/CrpSentExperimentPistol",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Ocucor",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 300,
			Name = "Ocucor",
			Reload = 1.6,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ogris = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.3,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 100 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7.1, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Ogris",
			Image = "OgrisNew.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Chemical/RocketLauncher",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Ogris",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 20,
			Name = "Ogris",
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Bombard", "Corrupted Bombard", "Gorth", "Nightwatch Bombard" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Ohma = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 110, Impact = 76, Slash = 38 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Tonfa",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 896,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 896,
			HeavySlamAttack = 896,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Ohma.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/CrpTonfa/CrpTonfa",
			Introduced = "19.7",
			Link = "Ohma",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Ohma",
			SlamAttack = 448,
			SlamElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialDmg = 224,
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Electricity" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 448,
			SlideElement = "Electricity",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Users = { "Tia Mayn" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Okina = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7, Puncture = 63, Slash = 70 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Dual Daggers",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 280,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 560,
			HeavySlamAttack = 560,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Okina.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TennoSai/TennoSais",
			Introduced = "Update: Specters of the Rail",
			Link = "Okina",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Okina",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 280,
			SlamRadialDmg = 140,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 280,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Onorix = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 123.6, Puncture = 82.4, Slash = 206 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Archaxe.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/Archaxe/ArchAxeWeapon",
			Introduced = "15.0",
			Link = "Onorix",
			Mastery = 1,
			MeleeRange = 142.5,
			Name = "Onorix",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ooltha = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Ooltha Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.4, Puncture = 89.6, Slash = 112 },
					FireRate = 0.92,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Sword / Staff",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Image = "ZawStrikeOoltha.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee01/Tip/TipTwo",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Ooltha",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Ooltha",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Opticor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 2,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 100, Puncture = 850, Slash = 50 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Big Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot AoE",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Quick Shot",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 50, Puncture = 425, Slash = 25 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Quick Shot AoE",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Opticor",
			Image = "CrpBFG.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpBFG/CrpBFG",
			Introduced = "15.0",
			Link = "Opticor",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 200,
			Name = "Opticor",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Malice", "Ved Xol", "002-ER" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Opticor Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.6,
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Puncture = 280, Slash = 80 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Big Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot AoE",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4.6,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Quick Shot",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 140, Slash = 40 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Quick Shot AoE",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Opticor",
			Image = "OpticorVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpBFG/Vandal/VandalCrpBFG",
			Introduced = "24.4",
			Link = "Opticor Vandal",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 200,
			Name = "Opticor Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Orthos = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 27.75, Puncture = 27.75, Slash = 129.5 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Orthos",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1110,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 925,
			HeavySlamAttack = 925,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Orthos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/PolearmWeapon",
			Introduced = "8.1",
			Link = "Orthos",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Orthos",
			SlamAttack = 555,
			SlamElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialDmg = 185,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 370,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Orthos Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 35.1, Puncture = 35.1, Slash = 163.8 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			Family = "Orthos",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1404,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1170,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1170,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "OrthosPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/PrimePolearmWeapon",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Orthos Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Orthos Prime",
			SlamAttack = 702,
			SlamElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialDmg = 234,
			SlamRadialElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 468,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Orvius = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 39, Puncture = 9.75, Slash = 146.25 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 43, Puncture = 10.75, Slash = 161.25 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 35,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 293 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 586 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					ForcedProcs = { "Cold" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 85.75, Puncture = 21.5, Slash = 321.75 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 35,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Cold = 585 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Cold = 1170 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Cold" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					AttackName = "Hover Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Cold = 75 },
					EffectDuration = 3,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.6 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 780,
			HeavySlamAttack = 780,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Orvius.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Glaives/TeshinGlaive/TnTeshinGlaiveWep",
			Introduced = "19.0",
			Link = "Orvius",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 1.3,
			Name = "Orvius",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 585,
			SlamRadialDmg = 195,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 390,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Users = { "Teshin" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		Pandero = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 16,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 18, Slash = 36 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					Accuracy = 8.2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstDelay = 0.1,
					BurstFireRate = 4.167,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 18, Slash = 36 },
					FireRate = 7.69,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Pandero",
			Image = "TnBardPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnBardPistol/TnBardPistolGun",
			Introduced = "20",
			Link = "Pandero",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Pandero",
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pandero Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 26, Slash = 52 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
					Accuracy = 8.2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstDelay = 0.1,
					BurstFireRate = 4.167,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 26, Slash = 52 },
					FireRate = 7.69,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.24,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Pandero",
			Image = "PanderoPrime-Arsenal.webp",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimePandero/PanderoPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "29.9",
			Link = "Pandero Prime",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Pandero Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pangolin Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.4, Puncture = 37.2, Slash = 198.4 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Pangolin Sword",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1240,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 992,
			HeavySlamAttack = 992,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "PangolinPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PrimePangolinSword/PrimePangolinSword",
			Introduced = "27.3.6",
			Link = "Pangolin Prime",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Pangolin Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 744,
			SlamRadialDmg = 248,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 248,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pangolin Sword"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.5, Puncture = 22.5, Slash = 120 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.47,
			Family = "Pangolin Sword",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 750,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 600,
			HeavySlamAttack = 600,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "PangolinSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PangolinSword/PangolinLongSword",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Pangolin Sword",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Pangolin Sword",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 450,
			SlamRadialDmg = 150,
			SlamRadialElement = "Puncture",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Slash", "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 150,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Panthera = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 10, Slash = 70 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
					AmmoCost = 1,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 10, Slash = 80 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Panthera",
			Image = "TennoMiter.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/Miter/TnoMiter",
			Introduced = "15.10",
			Link = "Panthera",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Panthera",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Panthera Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 10, Slash = 70 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 20 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.6, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 100,
					AmmoCost = 1,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 100 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.38 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Panthera",
			Image = "PantheraPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimePanthera/PrimePanthera",
			Introduced = "28.2",
			Link = "Panthera Prime",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 320,
			Name = "Panthera Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Paracesis = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.31,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 48.8, Puncture = 17.8, Slash = 155.4 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1332,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1110,
			HeavySlamAttack = 222,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Paracesis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Orokin/BallasSword/BallasSwordWeapon",
			Introduced = "23.10",
			Link = "Paracesis",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Paracesis",
			SlamAttack = 666,
			SlamRadialDmg = 222,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 444,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Orokin" },
			Users = { "Ballas" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Paracyst = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.05,
					BurstFireRate = 8.33,
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Toxin = 33 },
					FireRate = 11.11,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 50,
					AttackName = "Infested Harpoon",
					ChargeTime = 0.25,
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Toxin = 15 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 50,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Infested Harpoon Contact",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Toxin = 15 },
					EffectDuration = 5,
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.315,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "InfQuantaRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/QuantaFullyInfested/InfQuantaRifle",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Paracyst",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Paracyst",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			Users = { "Mutalist Alad V" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Parazon = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Mercy Finisher",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { True = 1 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Parazon",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Parazon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/HackingDevices/TnHackingDevice/TnHackingDeviceWeapon",
			Introduced = "26",
			Link = "Parazon",
			Name = "Parazon",
			Slot = "Unique",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Paris = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8, Puncture = 120, Slash = 32 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 16, Puncture = 256, Slash = 48 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					ShotSpeed = 85,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Paris",
			Image = "Paris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/HuntingBow",
			Introduced = "7.0",
			Link = "Paris",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Paris",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.65,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Trinity Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Paris Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.45,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9, Puncture = 153, Slash = 18 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.45,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9, Puncture = 288, Slash = 63 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 3,
					ShotSpeed = 95,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Paris",
			Image = "PrimeBowM.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/PrimeHuntingBow",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Paris Prime",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Paris Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 0.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Pathocyst = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 57, Puncture = 55, Slash = 61, Viral = 89 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 49, Puncture = 43, Slash = 78, Viral = 118 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Viral = 393 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Viral = 786 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Viral" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 127, Puncture = 121, Slash = 135, Viral = 193 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 30,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Viral = 786 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Viral = 1572 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.9, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Viral" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1048,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1048,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Pathocyst.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/InfBoomerang/InfBoomerangWeapon",
			Introduced = "25.7.7",
			Link = "Pathocyst",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 1.3,
			Name = "Pathocyst",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 786,
			SlamRadialDmg = 262,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 524,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Users = { "Zealoid Prelate" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 5 
		["Pencha Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.1,
					Damage = { Void = 4500 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					Range = 40,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
					AttackName = "Area of Effect",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.1,
					Damage = { Void = 4500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1ChassisA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Chassis/SentAmpSet1ChassisPartA",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Pencha Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Pencha Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pencha Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Void = 4500 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2,
					Range = 40,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Area of Effect",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Void = 4500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1ChassisA.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Pencha Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Pencha Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pennant = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 140, Slash = 40 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Two-Handed Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			Family = "Pennant",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Pennant.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnRailjackGreatKatana/TnRailJackGreatKatanaWeapon",
			Introduced = "27.0",
			Link = "Pennant",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Pennant",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 400,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Penta = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 75 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 20,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 350 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Penta",
			Image = "DEPenta.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/GrenadeLauncher/GrenadeLauncher",
			Introduced = "11.3",
			Link = "Penta",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 20,
			Name = "Penta",
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			Users = { "Penta Ranger", "M-W.A.M." },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Peram Fishing Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 10 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "FishingSpearT3Peram.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/SpearFishingSpearC",
			Introduced = "22.0",
			Link = "Peram",
			Name = "Peram Fishing Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Cetus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Phaedra = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14, Puncture = 36.4, Slash = 5.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3000, Reduction = 0.6786, StartRange = 1500 },
					FireRate = 18.75,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 220,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Image = "ArchLongRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchLongRifle/ArchLongRifle",
			Introduced = "17.5",
			Link = "Phaedra",
			Magazine = 240,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Phaedra",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 5.05,
			ReloadDelay = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Spool = 11,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Phaedra (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14, Puncture = 36.4, Slash = 5.6 },
					FireRate = 18.75,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			Image = "ArchLongRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchLongRifle/ArchLongRifle",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Phaedra",
			Magazine = 240,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 960,
			Name = "Phaedra (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Spool = 11,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Phage = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Viral = 5 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 25,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.155 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.46,
			Image = "InfestedLongGunTwo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/Tentacluster/InfestedShotgun",
			Introduced = "12.0",
			Link = "Phage",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 720,
			Name = "Phage",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Phahd Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Void = 3000 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Void = 1100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.02 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet2ChassisA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set2/Chassis/SentAmpSet2ChassisPartA",
			Introduced = "23.4",
			Link = "Phahd Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Phahd Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Phahd Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.34,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Void = 3000 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.34,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Void = 1100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet2ChassisA.png",
			Introduced = "23.4",
			Link = "Phahd Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Phahd Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Phantasma = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Beam",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 5, Radiation = 10 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 20,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.222 
					AmmoCost = 2,
					AttackName = "Plasma Bomb Impact",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 15 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Plasma Bomb Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Radiation = 73 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.8, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Cluster Bombs Impact",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 3 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 5,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
					AttackName = "Cluster Bombs Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Radiation = 18 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "RevenantShotgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/RevenantShotgun/RevenantShotgun",
			Introduced = "23.5",
			Link = "Phantasma",
			Magazine = 11,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 275,
			Name = "Phantasma",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 0.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Photor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 19, Puncture = 8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.035 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/RailJackBeamWeapon",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Photor",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Photor MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 34, Puncture = 15 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.035 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/RailJackBeamWeaponTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Photor MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Photor MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 63, Puncture = 21 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.045 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/RailJackBeamWeaponTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Photor MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Photor MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 107, Puncture = 28 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/RailJackBeamWeaponTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Photor MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Plague Keewar"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Plague Keewar Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 88, Puncture = 57, Slash = 91, Viral = 70 },
					FireRate = 0.88,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Zaw Scythe / Staff",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			Image = "PlagueKeewar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMeleeInfested/Tips/InfestedTipTwo",
			Introduced = "22.3",
			Link = "Plague Keewar",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Plague Keewar",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Plague Kripath"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Plague Kripath Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 30, Puncture = 70, Slash = 49, Viral = 64 },
					FireRate = 0.95,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Rapier / Polearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			Image = "PlagueKripath.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMeleeInfested/Tips/InfestedTipOne",
			Introduced = "22.3",
			Link = "Plague Kripath",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Plague Kripath",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Plasma Sword"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 66, Impact = 34, Puncture = 12, Slash = 88 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.48,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1000,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 800,
			HeavySlamAttack = 800,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "PlasmaSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/PlasmaSword/PlasmaLongSword",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Plasma Sword",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Plasma Sword",
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Electricity", "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 200,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Plinx = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Heat = 20, Puncture = 26 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 100,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.04 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Plinx.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpSonificBlastor/CrpBlastorWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Plinx",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Plinx",
			Range = 100,
			Reload = 1.3,
			ReloadDelay = 0.8,
			ReloadRate = 20,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pox = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Spore Impact",
					CritChance = 0.01,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Toxin = 50 },
					FireRate = 2.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 30,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Poison Cloud",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Toxin = 20 },
					EffectDuration = 5,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "InfProximityStars.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfProximityStars/InfProximityStars",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
			Link = "Pox",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 20,
			Name = "Pox",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prime Laser Rifle"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.2, Puncture = 8.4, Slash = 2.4 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.21,
			Family = "Laser Rifle",
			Image = "SentinelBurstLaserPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/PrimeLaserRifle",
			Introduced = "13.7",
			Link = "Prime Laser Rifle",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Prime Laser Rifle",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Angstrum"] = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Single Rocket Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.2,
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 200 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Single Rocket Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 0.2,
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 250 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Angstrum",
			FireRate = 2,
			Image = "PrismaAngstrum.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpHandRL/PrismaAngstrum",
			Introduced = "21.7",
			Link = "Prisma Angstrum",
			Magazine = 3,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 18,
			Name = "Prisma Angstrum",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Prisma Burst Laser"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstDelay = 0.4,
					BurstFireRate = 1.5,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 1, Puncture = 8.5, Slash = 0.5 },
					FireRate = 1.607,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			Family = "Burst Laser",
			Image = "PrismaSentinelBurstLaser.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/PrismaBurstLaserPistol",
			Introduced = "17.2.2",
			Link = "Prisma Burst Laser",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Prisma Burst Laser",
			Reload = 0.01,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Prisma" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Dual Cleavers"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.3, Puncture = 13.3, Slash = 106.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Dual Cleavers",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 532,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 532,
			HeavySlamAttack = 532,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "PrismaDualCleavers.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerMachetteAndCleaver/PrismaDualCleavers",
			Introduced = "16.11.3",
			Link = "Prisma Dual Cleavers",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Prisma Dual Cleavers",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 266,
			SlamRadialDmg = 133,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 266,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Dual Decurions"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 49.5, Puncture = 30.3, Slash = 30.2 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3000, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 1500 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 300,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Dual Decurion",
			Image = "PrismaDualDecurion.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchwingHeavyPistols/Prisma/PrismaArchHeavyPistols",
			Introduced = "29.5.8",
			Link = "Prisma Dual Decurions",
			Magazine = 32,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Prisma Dual Decurions",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.89,
			ReloadDelay = 0.25,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 56.7, Puncture = 34.7, Slash = 34.6 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			Image = "PrismaDualDecurion.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/ArchwingHeavyPistols/Prisma/PrismaArchHeavyPistols",
			Introduced = "29.5.8",
			Link = "Prisma Dual Decurions",
			Magazine = 32,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 512,
			Name = "Prisma Dual Decurions (Atmosphere)",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Gorgon"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 17.25, Puncture = 3.45, Slash = 2.3 },
					FireRate = 14.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Gorgon",
			Image = "PrismaGorgon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/VoidTraderGorgon/VTGorgon",
			Introduced = "15.11.1",
			Link = "Prisma Gorgon",
			Magazine = 120,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 840,
			Name = "Prisma Gorgon",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 7,
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Grakata"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 5, Slash = 4 },
					FireRate = 21.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Grakata",
			Image = "PrismaGrakata.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/VoidTrader/PrismaGrakata",
			Introduced = "16.8.3",
			Link = "Prisma Grakata",
			Magazine = 120,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 1000,
			Name = "Prisma Grakata",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Grinlok"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 74.8, Puncture = 18.7, Slash = 93.5 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.37 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.245,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Grinlok",
			Image = "PrismaGrinlok.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerLeverActionRifle/PrismaGrinlokWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.4",
			Link = "Prisma Grinlok",
			Magazine = 21,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Prisma Grinlok",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Machete"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 28.95, Puncture = 28.95, Slash = 135.1 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.31 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			Family = "Machete",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 756,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 756,
			HeavySlamAttack = 756,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "PrismaMeleeWeapon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerMachetteAndCleaver/PrismaMachete",
			Introduced = "30.3.5",
			Link = "Prisma Machete",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Prisma Machete",
			SlamAttack = 567,
			SlamRadialDmg = 189,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 567,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Tradable = true,
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Obex"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 105, Puncture = 22.5, Slash = 22.5 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 6,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sparring",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Obex",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 1800,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 600,
			HeavySlamAttack = 600,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "PrismaObex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/KickAndPunch/PrismaObex",
			Introduced = "20.4.2",
			Link = "Prisma Obex",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Prisma Obex",
			SlamAttack = 450,
			SlamElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialDmg = 150,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 300,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Skana"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 25.5, Puncture = 25.5, Slash = 119 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Family = "Skana",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 850,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 680,
			HeavySlamAttack = 680,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "PrismaSkana.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/VoidTrader/PrismaSkana",
			Introduced = "16.6.2",
			Link = "Prisma Skana",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Prisma Skana",
			SlamAttack = 510,
			SlamRadialDmg = 170,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 170,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Tetra"] = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.6, Puncture = 30.4 },
					FireRate = 7.08,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tetra",
			Image = "PrismaTetra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CorpusUMP/PrismaCorpusUMP",
			Introduced = "17.0.5",
			Link = "Prisma Tetra",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Prisma Tetra",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Twin Gremlins"] = {
			Accuracy = 36.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.97, Puncture = 12.69, Slash = 11.34 },
					FireRate = 8.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.23 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Twin Gremlins",
			Image = "PrismaTwinGremlins.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrineerBulbousSMG/Prisma/PrismaTwinGremlinsWeapon",
			Introduced = "23.4.2",
			Link = "Prisma Twin Gremlins",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 600,
			Name = "Prisma Twin Gremlins",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 0.9,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prisma Veritux"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 59.1, Puncture = 59.1, Slash = 275.8 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Veritux",
			Image = "PrismaVerituxFix.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/VoidTraderArchsword/VTArchSwordWeapon",
			Introduced = "15.13.3",
			Link = "Prisma Veritux",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 143,
			Name = "Prisma Veritux",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Prisma" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Proboscis Cernos"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.7,
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 103.2, Puncture = 30.7, Slash = 145.1 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 45,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.43,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Appendages",
					ChargeTime = 0.7,
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Slash = 50.625, Viral = 39.375 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.43,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 0.7,
					CritChance = 0.07,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Viral = 1003 },
					ExplosionDelay = 1.7,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.43,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Cernos",
			Image = "ProboscisCernos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Bows/PrimeDerelictCernos/DerelictCernos",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Proboscis Cernos",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 15,
			MaxAmmo = 9,
			Name = "Proboscis Cernos",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 3 
		["Propa Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 40,
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 9000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 14, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 14,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "PropaScaffold.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Chassis/CorpAmpSet1ChassisPartC",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Propa Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Propa Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Propa Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 40,
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 9000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 14, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 14,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "PropaScaffold.png",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Propa Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Propa Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Prova = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 76, Impact = 52 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			Family = "Prova",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 768,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 512,
			HeavySlamAttack = 512,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Prova8point2.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/ElectroProd",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Prova",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Prova",
			SlamAttack = 384,
			SlamRadialDmg = 128,
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 256,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Users = { "Prod Crewman", "Nako Xol", "Ved Xol", "John Prodman" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Prova Vandal"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 118, Impact = 80 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.32 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Machete",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Prova",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1188,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 792,
			HeavySlamAttack = 792,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "VandalElectroProd.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/VandalElectroProd",
			Introduced = "10.5",
			Link = "Prova Vandal",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Prova Vandal",
			SlamAttack = 594,
			SlamRadialDmg = 198,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Electricity", "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 396,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pugil = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 83.3, Puncture = 83.3, Slash = 83.3 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Unique",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 250,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Pugil.png",
			Introduced = "29.0",
			Link = "Necramech",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Pugil",
			SlamAttack = 500,
			SlamRadialDmg = 500,
			SlamRadialElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Blast" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 500,
			Slot = "Nech-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pulmonars = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 193, Viral = 97 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nunchaku",
			ComboDur = 9,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			Family = "Pulmonars",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 1450,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1160,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1160,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Pulmonars.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/Nunchaku/InfNunchuck/InfNunchuck",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Pulmonars",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.51,
			Name = "Pulmonars",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 580,
			SlamRadialDmg = 290,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 580,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pulsar = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 70, Puncture = 50 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/PulseLaser",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Pulsar",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pulsar MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 132, Puncture = 84 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/PulseLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Pulsar MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pulsar MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 206, Puncture = 162 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/PulseLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Pulsar MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pulsar MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 322, Puncture = 267 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/PulseLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Pulsar MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pupacyst = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 139, Viral = 145 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1704,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1420,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1420,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Pupacyst.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/Staff/InfStaff/InfStaff",
			Introduced = "23.10",
			Link = "Pupacyst",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Pupacyst",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 852,
			SlamRadialDmg = 284,
			SlamRadialElement = "Toxin",
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 568,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Pyrana = {
			Accuracy = 5,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 2.2, Puncture = 2.2, Slash = 17.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.7273, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.025 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Pyrana",
			Image = "SawnOffShotgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/SawnOffShotgun/TennoHandShotgun",
			Introduced = "13.6",
			Link = "Pyrana",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Pyrana",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Pyrana Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 6.1,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.92, Puncture = 1.92, Slash = 20.16 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 36, Reduction = 0.75, StartRange = 18 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.036 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Pyrana",
			Image = "PyranaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimePyrana/PrimePyranaPistol",
			Introduced = "23.0.3",
			Link = "Pyrana Prime",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Pyrana Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.6,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Quanta = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Beam",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 10 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 50,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
					AttackName = "Cube (shot by player)",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 600 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Cube (direct hit)",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 100 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Cube Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 150 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0.5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Quanta",
			Image = "CrpShockRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpShockRifle/CrpShockRifle",
			Introduced = "14.1",
			Link = "Quanta",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Quanta",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Quanta Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Beam",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 13 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 50,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.45 
					AttackName = "Cube (shot by player)",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 600 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					Accuracy = 25,
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Cube (direct hit)",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 100 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Cube Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 150 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0.5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Quanta",
			Image = "QuantaVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpShockRifle/QuantaVandal",
			Introduced = "16.4",
			Link = "Quanta Vandal",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 560,
			Name = "Quanta Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Quartakk = {
			Accuracy = 90.9,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Burst-Fire",
					BurstCount = 4,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 1.5833,
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.13, Puncture = 14.21, Slash = 16.66 },
					FireRate = 6.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Quartakk",
			Image = "GrnFourBarrelRifleWeapon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnFourBarrelRifle/GrnFourBarrelRifleWeapon",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Quartakk",
			Magazine = 84,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 840,
			Name = "Quartakk",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.9,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Quassus = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 27.6, Puncture = 46, Slash = 156.4 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "First Heavy Attack - Ethereal Daggers",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 76, Slash = 114 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Slash" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 12,
					Range = 35,
					ShotSpeed = 46,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.02,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Second Heavy Attack - Ethereal Daggers",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 152, Slash = 228 },
					FireRate = 2,
					ForcedProcs = { "Slash" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 6,
					Range = 35,
					ShotSpeed = 46,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.035,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Warfan",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Quassus",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 920,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 230,
			HeavySlamAttack = 230,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Quassus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Warfan/TnBrokenFrameWarfan/TnBrokenFrameWarfanWeapon",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Quassus",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Quassus",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 690,
			SlamRadialDmg = 230,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 230,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Quatz = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 11, Impact = 9, Puncture = 2, Slash = 7 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.27 
					Accuracy = 90.9,
					AttackName = "Burst",
					BurstCount = 4,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 2.5,
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 11, Impact = 9, Puncture = 2, Slash = 7 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Quatz.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnAmphisPistol/GrnAmphisPistol",
			Introduced = "25.4.0",
			Link = "Quatz",
			Magazine = 72,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 504,
			Name = "Quatz",
			Reload = 2.7,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Quellor = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Cold = 16, Impact = 8, Puncture = 22, Slash = 12 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.38 
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Cold = 800, Impact = 600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 18, Reduction = 0.6657, StartRange = 9 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 210,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Auto Charge" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Quellor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnRailjackRifle/RailjackRifleGun",
			Introduced = "27.0",
			Link = "Quellor",
			Magazine = 300,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 900,
			Name = "Quellor",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Rabvee = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Rabvee Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 140.4, Puncture = 11.7, Slash = 81.9 },
					FireRate = 0.85,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Zaw Machete / Hammer",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Image = "ZawStrikeRabvee.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee02/Tip/TipTen",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Rabvee",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Rabvee",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Rahn Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 1000 },
					FireRate = 5.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet2BarrelA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set2/Barrel/SentAmpSet2BarrelPartA",
			Introduced = "23.4",
			Link = "Rahn Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Rahn Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Rahn Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 1000 },
					FireRate = 5.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.04 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet2BarrelA.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Rahn Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Rahn Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Rakta Ballistica"] = {
			Accuracy = 4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Burst Shot",
					BurstCount = 4,
					BurstDelay = 0.05,
					BurstFireRate = 6.667,
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.75, Puncture = 37.5, Slash = 18.75 },
					FireRate = 11.43,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.075 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, Puncture = 270, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Ballistica",
			Image = "RVBallistica.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/RedVeil/Pistols/RVBallistica",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Rakta Ballistica",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Rakta Ballistica",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Blight",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Red Veil" },
			Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
			Users = { "Red Veil Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Rakta Cernos"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 211.5, Puncture = 11.75, Slash = 11.75 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 0.25,
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 423, Puncture = 23.5, Slash = 23.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Bow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Cernos",
			Image = "SyndicateRVCernos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/RedVeil/Bows/RVCernos",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Rakta Cernos",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Rakta Cernos",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Blight",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Red Veil" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Rakta Dark Dagger"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Puncture = 88, Radiation = 96, Slash = 62 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Family = "Dark Dagger",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 492,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 984,
			HeavySlamAttack = 984,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "RaktaDarkDagger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/RedVeil/Melee/RVDarkDagger",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove 2.0",
			Link = "Rakta Dark Dagger",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Rakta Dark Dagger",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 492,
			SlamRadialDmg = 246,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 492,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Red Veil" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Rampart = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					Damage = { Impact = 66.7, Puncture = 66.7, Slash = 66.6 },
					FireRate = 13.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan" 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Rampart.png",
			Introduced = "17.0",
			Link = "Rampart",
			Magazine = 200,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Rampart",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 50,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Emplacement",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Lancer", "Elite Lancer", "Trooper", "Seeker" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Raplak Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Void = 3000 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1BarrelA.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Raplak Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Raplak Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Raplak Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Void = 3000 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1BarrelA.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Raplak Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Raplak Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Rathbone = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 360, Puncture = 67.5, Slash = 22.5 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "ArchHammer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/ArchHammer/ArchHammer",
			Introduced = "15.2",
			Link = "Rathbone",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 142,
			Name = "Rathbone",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Rattleguts = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Puncture = 0, Radiation = 0, Slash = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberRattleguts.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/SolarisUnited/Secondary/SUModularSecondarySet1/Barrel/SUModularSecondaryBarrelCPart",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Rattleguts",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 700,
			Name = "Rattleguts (Secondary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Rattleguts (Primary)"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Puncture = 0, Radiation = 0, Slash = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberRattleguts.png",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Rattleguts",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 700,
			Name = "Rattleguts (Primary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Razorflies = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 80 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Panel.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Fairy/FlightAgentGun",
			Introduced = "The Silver Grove",
			Link = "Razorwing",
			Name = "Razorflies",
			Slot = "Unique",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Titania", "Titania Prime" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Reaper Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 30, Puncture = 30, Slash = 140 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 800,
			HeavySlamAttack = 800,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "ReaperPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Scythe/ReaperWeapon",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Reaper Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Reaper Prime",
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 400,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Redeemer = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 36, Slash = 126 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					Accuracy = 0,
					AttackName = "Ranged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Blast = 30 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.8333, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 10,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.066,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Gunblade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Family = "Redeemer",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 900,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 540,
			HeavySlamAttack = 540,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Redeemer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gunblade/TnoGunblade",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Redeemer",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 2,
			Name = "Redeemer",
			SlamAttack = 540,
			SlamRadialDmg = 180,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 360,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Mesa Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Redeemer Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 21.2, Puncture = 42.4, Slash = 148.4 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 0,
					AttackName = "Ranged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 80 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.9375, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 10,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Gunblade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			Family = "Redeemer",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 3200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 636,
			HeavySlamAttack = 636,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "RedeemerPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gunblade/RedeemerPrime/RedeemerPrimeWep",
			Introduced = "24.2.2",
			Link = "Redeemer Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2,
			Name = "Redeemer Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 636,
			SlamRadialDmg = 212,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 424,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Regulators = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 25, Puncture = 12.5, Slash = 12.5 },
					FireRate = 14.8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 50,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			Conclave = true,
			Image = "EWRegulators.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Cowgirl/SlingerPistols",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Regulators",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Regulators",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Mesa", "Mesa Prime" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Ripkas = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.65, Puncture = 17.3, Slash = 147.05 },
					FireRate = 0.883,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Claws",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.38,
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 865,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 692,
			HeavySlamAttack = 692,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Ripkas.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerClaws/GrnClaws",
			Introduced = "16.0",
			Link = "Ripkas",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Ripkas",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 519,
			SlamRadialDmg = 173,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Knockdown", "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 519,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Zura", "Kuva Powerclaw", "Nightwatch Powerclaw" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Rubico = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 144, Puncture = 27, Slash = 9 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Rubico",
			Image = "FiveShotSniper.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/FiveShotSniper/FiveShotSniper",
			Introduced = "18.0",
			Link = "Rubico",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Rubico",
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 1,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "3.5x (+35% Critical multiplier)", "6x (+50% Critical multiplier)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Rubico Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 149.6, Puncture = 28.1, Slash = 9.3 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Rubico",
			Image = "RubicoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/RubicoPrime/RubicoPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "23.9",
			Link = "Rubico Prime",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Rubico Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 1,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "2.5x (+35% Critical multiplier)", "5.0x (+50% Critical multiplier)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Rumblejack = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Electricity = 180, Impact = 120 },
					FireRate = 0.67,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 600,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1200,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1200,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Rumblejack.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Operator/Melee/DrifterTazer/DrifterTazerPlayerWep",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Rumblejack",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 1.8,
			Name = "Rumblejack",
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 300,
			SlamRadius = 4,
			SlideAttack = 600,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Drifter" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sancti Castanas"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 300 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.6,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Castanas",
			Image = "NLCastanas.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/NewLoka/Pistols/NLCastanas",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Sancti Castanas",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 18,
			Name = "Sancti Castanas",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "D" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Purity",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "New Loka" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			Users = { "New Loka Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sancti Magistar"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 192, Puncture = 36, Slash = 12 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Magistar",
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1440,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1200,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1200,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "NLMagistar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/NewLoka/Melee/NLMagistar",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove 2.0",
			Link = "Sancti Magistar",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Sancti Magistar",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 720,
			SlamRadialDmg = 240,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Knockdown", "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 480,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "New Loka", "Syndicate" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sancti Tigris"] = {
			Accuracy = 6.5,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 21, Puncture = 21, Slash = 168 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.5714, StartRange = 8 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tigris",
			Image = "SyndicateNLTigris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/NewLoka/LongGuns/NLTigris",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Sancti Tigris",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Sancti Tigris",
			Polarities = { "D", "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Purity",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "New Loka" },
			Trigger = "Duplex",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sarpa = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 16, Puncture = 32, Slash = 112 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					Accuracy = 0,
					AttackName = "Ranged Attack",
					BurstCount = 5,
					ChargeTime = 0.3,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 3.5, Puncture = 10.5, Slash = 21 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 40, Reduction = 0.8571, StartRange = 20 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.28,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Gunblade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.24,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 2100,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1680,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Sarpa.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gunblade/GunbladeAutomatic/TnoGunbladeAutomatic",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove",
			Link = "Sarpa",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2,
			Name = "Sarpa",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 480,
			SlamRadialDmg = 160,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 320,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.3,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Scindo = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 20, Slash = 160 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Scindo",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1200,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Scindo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Axe/AxeWeapon",
			Introduced = "5.4",
			Link = "Scindo",
			Mastery = 2,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Scindo",
			SlamAttack = 600,
			SlamRadialDmg = 200,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 400,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Scindo Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 25, Puncture = 25, Slash = 200 },
					FireRate = 0.967,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Scindo",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1500,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1250,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1250,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "ScindoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Axe/PrimeScindo/PrimeScindoWeapon",
			Introduced = "14.8",
			Link = "Scindo Prime",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Scindo Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 500,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Scoliac = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.5, Puncture = 22.5, Slash = 105 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.29 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 675,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 525,
			HeavySlamAttack = 525,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Scoliac.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Melee/Whip/InfestedWhip/InfestedWhipWeapon",
			Introduced = "11.5",
			Link = "Scoliac",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Scoliac",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 450,
			SlamElement = "Toxin",
			SlamRadialDmg = 150,
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 300,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Scourge = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 70 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 55 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.7, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 16.7,
					AttackName = "Spear Throw Impact",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 105, Puncture = 22.5, Slash = 22.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 0.6,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Spear Throw Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 55 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Speargun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Scourge",
			Image = "PriestSpearGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnPriestSpear/TnPriestSpearGun",
			Introduced = "21.0",
			Link = "Scourge",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 200,
			Name = "Scourge",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Scourge Prime"] = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 80 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 60 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.7, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 16.7,
					AttackName = "Uncharged Spear Throw Impact",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 140, Puncture = 30, Slash = 30 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 0.6,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Uncharged Spear Throw Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 55 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 16.7,
					AttackName = "Charged Spear Throw",
					ChargeTime = 0.5,
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 210, Puncture = 45, Slash = 45 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 0.6,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Charged Spear Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 55 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Speargun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Scourge",
			Image = "ScourgePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeScourge/PrimeScourgeWeapon",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Scourge Prime",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 200,
			Name = "Scourge Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Secura Dual Cestra"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.6, Puncture = 22.4 },
					FireRate = 12.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Dual Cestra",
			Image = "PSDualCestra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/PerrinSequence/Pistols/PSDualCestra",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Secura Dual Cestra",
			Magazine = 120,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 480,
			Name = "Secura Dual Cestra",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 3.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Spool = 5,
			SyndicateEffect = "Sequence",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Perrin Sequence" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = { "The Perrin Sequence Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Secura Lecta"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 80, Puncture = 30, Slash = 66 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			Family = "Lecta",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 792,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 616,
			HeavySlamAttack = 616,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "SecuraLecta.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/PerrinSequence/Melee/PSLecta",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove 2.0",
			Link = "Secura Lecta",
			Mastery = 8,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Secura Lecta",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 528,
			SlamRadialDmg = 176,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 352,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Perrin Sequence" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Secura Penta"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 75 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 300 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Penta",
			Image = "SyndicatePSPenta.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/PerrinSequence/LongGuns/PSPenta",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Secura Penta",
			Magazine = 7,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 28,
			Name = "Secura Penta",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "D", "V" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Sequence",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Perrin Sequence" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Seer = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 33.67, Puncture = 33.67, Slash = 33.67 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 500,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Seer",
			Image = "CaptainVorPistol.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/GrineerPistol/GrnScopedPistolPlayer",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Seer",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Seer",
			Reload = 2.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Captain Vor" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sepfahn = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Sepfahn Strike (Gilded)",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 22.6, Puncture = 56.5, Slash = 146.9 },
					FireRate = 0.92,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Zaw Nikana / Staff",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			Image = "ZawStrikeSepfahn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Ostron/Melee/ModularMelee02/Tip/TipNine",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Sepfahn",
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Sepfahn",
			Slot = "Melee",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sepulcrum = {
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 22.2,
					AttackName = "Primary-Fire",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					BurstFireRate = 1.833,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.6, Puncture = 26.9, Slash = 11.5 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 46 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.6, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AttackName = "Lock-On Mode",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.2, Puncture = 53.8, Slash = 23 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
					AttackName = "Lock-On Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Heat = 480 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Sepulcrum.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Thanotech/ThanoPistol/ThanotechPistol",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Sepulcrum",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 180,
			Name = "Sepulcrum",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Serro = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 138, Slash = 96 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.38,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1404,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1170,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1170,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Serro.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Polearm/CorpusPolearm01/CorpusPolearmWeapon",
			Introduced = "13.4",
			Link = "Serro",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Serro",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 702,
			SlamRadialDmg = 234,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 468,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Shadow Claws"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 75, Puncture = 50, Slash = 125 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 2000,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "ShadowClaws-Arsenal.webp",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Wraith/ReaperMeleeWeapon",
			Introduced = "30",
			Link = "Shadow Claws",
			MeleeRange = 1.5,
			Name = "Shadow Claws",
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 500,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Sevagoth's Shadow" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Shaku = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 180 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nunchaku",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 900,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 720,
			HeavySlamAttack = 720,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Shaku.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Nunchaku/TnoNunchaku/TnoNunchaku",
			Introduced = "18.1",
			Link = "Shaku",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.21,
			Name = "Shaku",
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 180,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 360,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Equinox Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Shedu = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Heat = 71 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.23 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Electricity = 87 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6.6, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.23 
			Class = "Arm Cannon",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			Image = "Shedu.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/Shedu/SheduHeavyWeapon",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Shedu",
			Magazine = 7,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Shedu",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1.25,
			ReloadDelay = 0.4,
			ReloadDelayEmpty = 1,
			ReloadRate = 28,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Sheev = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.5, Puncture = 13.5, Slash = 243 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Dagger",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 540,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1080,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1080,
			HeavySlamRadius = 6,
			Image = "Sheev.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrineerCombatKnife/GrineerCombatKnife",
			Introduced = "14.7",
			Link = "Sheev",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Sheev",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 540,
			SlamRadialDmg = 270,
			SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 540,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Harkonar", "Nok", "Reth", "Ranged Grineer soldiers" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Shockprod Fishing Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "Shockprod.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/RobofishSpearB",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Shockprod",
			Name = "Shockprod Fishing Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Orb Vallis" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Shraksun Scaffold"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 3000 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 10,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Void = 4500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1ChassisB.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Chassis/SentAmpSet1ChassisPartB",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Shraksun Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Shraksun Scaffold",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Shraksun Scaffold (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Direct Hit",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 3000 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 10,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 4500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1ChassisB.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Shraksun Scaffold",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Shraksun Scaffold (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Shwaak Prism"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1.1,
					Damage = { Void = 3500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.54, StartRange = 16 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 32.5,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1BarrelB.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Sentients/OperatorAmplifiers/Set1/Barrel/SentAmpSet1BarrelPartB",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Shwaak Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Shwaak Prism",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Shwaak Prism (Gilded)"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Energy",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Void = 3500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.54, StartRange = 16 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 32.5,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SentAmpSet1BarrelB.png",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Shwaak Prism",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Shwaak Prism (Gilded)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5.33,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 30,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sibear = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 130, Impact = 70, Puncture = 20, Slash = 50 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1620,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1350,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1350,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "IceHammer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Hammer/IceHammer/IceHammer",
			Introduced = "18.8",
			Link = "Sibear",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Sibear",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 810,
			SlamRadialDmg = 270,
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 540,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Frost Specter" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sicarus = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.04,
					BurstFireRate = 3.5,
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 21, Puncture = 4.5, Slash = 4.5 },
					FireRate = 7.39,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Sicarus",
			Image = "Sicarus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/BurstPistol",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Sicarus",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Sicarus",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sicarus Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.04,
					BurstFireRate = 5,
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 15, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 9.38,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Sicarus",
			Image = "DESicarus Prime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeSicarus/PrimeSicarusPistol",
			Introduced = "11.0",
			Link = "Sicarus Prime",
			Magazine = 24,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Sicarus Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sigma & Octantis"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 38.28, Puncture = 27.84, Slash = 107.88 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 70,
			Class = "Sword and Shield",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 870,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 696,
			HeavySlamAttack = 696,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Sigma&Octantis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/SwordsAndBoards/SundialSwordBoard/SundialBoardSword",
			Introduced = "22.1.2",
			Link = "Sigma & Octantis",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Sigma & Octantis",
			SlamAttack = 522,
			SlamRadialDmg = 174,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 174,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Silva & Aegis"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 98 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 70,
			Class = "Sword and Shield",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			Family = "Silva & Aegis",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 490,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 392,
			HeavySlamAttack = 392,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Silva&Aegis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/SwordsAndBoards/MeleeContestWinnerOne/TennoSwordShield",
			Introduced = "14.0",
			Link = "Silva & Aegis",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Silva & Aegis",
			SlamAttack = 294,
			SlamElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialDmg = 98,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 98,
			SlideElement = "Heat",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Silva & Aegis Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 318 },
					FireRate = 0.75,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 70,
			Class = "Sword and Shield",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Silva & Aegis",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1590,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1272,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1272,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Silva&AegisPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeSilvaAegis/PrimeSilvaAegis",
			Introduced = "20.6.2",
			Link = "Silva & Aegis Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Silva & Aegis Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "D", "D" },
			SlamAttack = 954,
			SlamElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialDmg = 318,
			SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 318,
			SlideElement = "Heat",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Simulor = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Orb Launch",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 0 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 12,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Orb Merging Damage",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 100 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 12,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Simulor",
			Image = "CephPrimary.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Cephalon/Primary/CephPrimary/CephPrimary",
			Introduced = "16.10",
			Link = "Simulor",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Simulor",
			Polarities = { "D", "Bar" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Cephalon" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 3 
		Sirocco = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 2000 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 2,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Overcharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.8,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Void = 3600 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 0.5,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Amp",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "Sirocco.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Operator/Pistols/DrifterPistol",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Sirocco",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Sirocco",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Amp",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Skana = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 18, Slash = 84 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Skana",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 600,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 480,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Skana.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/LongSword/LongSword",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Skana",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Skana",
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 75,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Skana Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 31.5, Puncture = 31.5, Slash = 147 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Sword",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Family = "Skana",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1050,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 840,
			HeavySlamAttack = 840,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "SkanaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/LongSword/SkanaPrime",
			Introduced = "5.0",
			Link = "Skana Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Skana Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 630,
			SlamRadialDmg = 210,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 210,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted", "Founder" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Skiajati = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 26.25, Puncture = 12.25, Slash = 136.5 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			Family = "Skiajati",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 875,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 700,
			HeavySlamAttack = 700,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Skiajati.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/UmbraKatana/UmbraKatana",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Skiajati",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Skiajati",
			Polarities = { "U", "U" },
			SlamAttack = 525,
			SlamRadialDmg = 175,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 350,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Snipetron = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 144, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2.5,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "2.5x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 144, Slash = 18 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.3,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2.5,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					AttackName = "6x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 18, Puncture = 144, Slash = 18 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 2.5,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Snipetron",
			Image = "CorpusSniperRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/SniperRifle",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Snipetron",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Snipetron",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 3,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "2.5x (+30% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+50% Headshot Damage)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Snipetron Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 180, Slash = 10 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 3,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
					AttackName = "2.5x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 180, Slash = 10 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.2,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 3,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
					AttackName = "6x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 180, Slash = 10 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 3,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Snipetron",
			Image = "DESnipertronVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/VandalSniperRifle",
			Introduced = "8.3.2",
			Link = "Snipetron Vandal",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Snipetron Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 3,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "2.5x (+30% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+50% Headshot Damage)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Soaktron = {
			AmmoType = "Water",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 45 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 10,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "SoakTron.png",
			Introduced = "25.5.1",
			Link = "Soaktron",
			Magazine = 100,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Soaktron",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Unique",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sobek = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 52.5, Puncture = 8.75, Slash = 8.75 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 20 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 5,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.162 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.33,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "GrnDBSG.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Shotgun/DoubleBarrelShotgun",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Sobek",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 240,
			Name = "Sobek",
			Reload = 2.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Trooper", "Nok" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Soma = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.2, Puncture = 4.8, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Soma",
			Image = "U10DesignCouncilTennoAR.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/TennoAR",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Soma",
			Magazine = 100,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Soma",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 8,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = { "Rhino Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Soma Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 1.2, Puncture = 4.8, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Soma",
			Image = "PrimeSoma.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeSoma/PrimeSomaRifle",
			Introduced = "15.7",
			Link = "Soma Prime",
			Magazine = 200,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 800,
			Name = "Soma Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 4,
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sonicor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Impact = 150 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.8333, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 50 },
					FireRate = 1.25,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "CrpAirPistolArray.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpAirPistol/CrpAirPistolArray",
			Introduced = "17.5",
			Link = "Sonicor",
			Magazine = 15,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 150,
			Name = "Sonicor",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Derim Zahn" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Spari Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 10 },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "SpariSpear.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/InfestedFishingSpearA",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Spari Spear",
			Name = "Spari Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Cambion Drift" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Spectra = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 7.56, Slash = 10.44 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					Range = 18,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.49,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Spectra",
			Image = "Spectra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/CrpLaserPistol",
			Introduced = "9.0",
			Link = "Spectra",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 360,
			Name = "Spectra",
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Spectra Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 9.24, Slash = 12.76 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0.5,
					Range = 22,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Spectra",
			Image = "SpectraVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CorpusModularPistol/Vandal/CrpLaserPistolVandal",
			Introduced = "25.0",
			Link = "Spectra Vandal",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Spectra Vandal",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Spira = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.2, Puncture = 49.2, Slash = 24.6 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Spira",
			Image = "LiDagger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/LiDagger/LiDagger",
			Introduced = "17.4.5",
			Link = "Spira",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Spira",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Spira Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 48, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 70,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Spira",
			Image = "PrimeLiDagger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/PrimeLiDagger/PrimeLiDagger",
			Introduced = "18.4.12",
			Link = "Spira Prime",
			Magazine = 12,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Spira Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 0.75,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sporelacer = {
			Accuracy = 5.9,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 26, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 13 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 57,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Toxin = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4.7, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Bomblet Impact",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Toxin = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 3,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Bomblet Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Toxin = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.1, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.55,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberSporelacer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfKitGun/Barrels/InfBarrelEgg/InfModularBarrelEggPart",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Sporelacer",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 130,
			Name = "Sporelacer (Secondary)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sporelacer (Primary)"] = {
			Accuracy = 5.9,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Puncture = 0, Slash = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 16, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 8 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Toxin = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.1, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.1,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberSporelacer.png",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Sporelacer",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 130,
			Name = "Sporelacer (Primary)",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sporothrix = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.01,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 100.17, Puncture = 115.01, Slash = 155.82 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 270,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.53,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "2.7x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.01,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 100.17, Puncture = 115.01, Slash = 155.82 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 270,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.53,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "AoE",
					CritChance = 0.01,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Slash = 22, Viral = 19 },
					ExplosionDelay = 3,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.7, Reduction = 0.1, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.53 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Sporothrix.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfSniperRifle/InfSniperRifle",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Sporothrix",
			Magazine = 9,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 45,
			Name = "Sporothrix",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 3,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "2.7x Zoom (+50% Headshot Damage)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Stahlta = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.28, Puncture = 16.64, Slash = 28.08 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1.2,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.22,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					Accuracy = 25,
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire",
					ChargeTime = 1.6,
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 120, Puncture = 180, Slash = 300 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.32,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
					AttackName = "Alt-Fire AoE",
					ChargeTime = 1.6,
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Radiation = 1200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7.2, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.667,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7.2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.32,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "Stahlta.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpRubanRifle/CrpRubanRifle",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Stahlta",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 300,
			Name = "Stahlta",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Staticor = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Projectile",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Radiation = 44 },
					FireRate = 3.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Uncharged Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Radiation = 88 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.4, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AmmoCost = 5,
					AttackName = "Fully Charged Projectile",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Radiation = 44 },
					FireRate = 3.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Fully Charged Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Radiation = 106 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9.6, Reduction = 0.9, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 9.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "CrpElectroMag.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpElectroMag/CrpElectroMag",
			Introduced = "18.4.7",
			Link = "Staticor",
			Magazine = 48,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 288,
			Name = "Staticor",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 4 
		Stinger = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.025,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Toxin = 15 },
					FireRate = 3.3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 65,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.315,
			Image = "DESentinelStinger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/SentBioWeapon",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Stinger",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Stinger",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Stradavar = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 14.3,
					AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.8, Puncture = 9.8, Slash = 8.4 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					Accuracy = 28.6,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.5, Puncture = 30, Slash = 12.5 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					Polarities = { "V", "V" },
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Stradavar",
			Image = "TennoTommyGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TennoTommyGun/TennoTommyGunRifle",
			Introduced = "18.11",
			Link = "Stradavar",
			Magazine = 65,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Stradavar",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Stradavar Prime"] = {
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 25,
					AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 10.5, Puncture = 10.5, Slash = 9 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
					Accuracy = 66.7,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 8, Puncture = 24, Slash = 48 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Stradavar",
			Image = "StradavarPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeStradavar/PrimeStradavarGun",
			Introduced = "24.5.8",
			Link = "Stradavar Prime",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Stradavar Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Stropha = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 61.6, Puncture = 74.8, Slash = 83.6 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					Accuracy = 0,
					AttackName = "Ranged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 700 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 12, Reduction = 0.99, StartRange = 6 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 17,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Gunblade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 2800,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 880,
			HeavySlamAttack = 880,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Stropha.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Gunblade/CrpGunBlade/CrpGunbladeWeapon",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Stropha",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2,
			Name = "Stropha",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 660,
			SlamRadialDmg = 220,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 440,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Strun = {
			Accuracy = 4,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.75, Puncture = 3.75, Slash = 7.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 12 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Strun",
			Image = "Strun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Shotgun/Shotgun",
			Introduced = "Vanilla",
			Link = "Strun",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Strun",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 3.75,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Corrupted Crewman" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Strun Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.8, Puncture = 6.6, Slash = 17.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 52, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 26 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 12,
					PunchThrough = 0.8,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.0667 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Strun",
			Image = "StrunPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeStrun/PrimeStrunWeapon",
			Introduced = "30.7",
			Link = "Strun Prime",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Strun Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 4.6,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Strun Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 6.7,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 6, Slash = 8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 30, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 15 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Strun",
			Image = "WraithStrun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Shotgun/ShotgunVandal",
			Introduced = "9.7.2",
			Link = "Strun Wraith",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Strun Wraith",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 5,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Invasion Reward", "Wraith" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Stubba = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.19, Puncture = 3.3, Slash = 15.51 },
					FireRate = 6.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "GrnUziWeapon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnUzi/GrnUziWeapon",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Stubba",
			Magazine = 57,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 399,
			Name = "Stubba",
			Reload = 1.3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Stug = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Blob Impact",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 4 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 35,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Blob Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 75 },
					ExplosionDelay = 1.5,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 0.3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 0.3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.48,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "GrineerCrossbowGooGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrineerCrossbow/GrineerGooGun",
			Introduced = "11.5",
			Link = "Stug",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Stug",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			Users = { "Artificer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 5 
		["Stunna Fishing Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "Stunna.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/RobofishSpearC",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Stunna",
			Name = "Stunna Fishing Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Orb Vallis" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Supra = {
			Accuracy = 14.3,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 30, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 12.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Supra",
			Image = "CorpusMachineGun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/CrpHeavyRifle",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Supra",
			Magazine = 180,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 1080,
			Name = "Supra",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			Users = { "Corpus Tech", "M-W.A.M." },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Supra Vandal"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 30, Slash = 6 },
					FireRate = 12.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Supra",
			Image = "SupraVandal.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/Machinegun/SupraVandal",
			Introduced = "20.4",
			Link = "Supra Vandal",
			Magazine = 300,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 1600,
			Name = "Supra Vandal",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 4,
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sweeper = {
			Accuracy = 3.3,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 5.95, Puncture = 0.35, Slash = 0.7 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.0233 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Sweeper",
			Image = "DESentinelSweeper.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/SentShotgun",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Sweeper",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Sweeper",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.3,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sweeper Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 3.3,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.5, Puncture = 0.5, Slash = 1 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.025 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Sweeper",
			Image = "SentinelSweeperPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/PrimeSentShotgun",
			Introduced = "16.11",
			Link = "Sweeper Prime",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Sweeper Prime",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sybaris = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0.105,
					BurstFireRate = 3.33,
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 26.4, Puncture = 26.4, Slash = 27.2 },
					FireRate = 3.98,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Sybaris",
			Image = "TnoLeverActionRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnoLeverAction/TnoLeverActionRifle",
			Introduced = "13.3",
			Link = "Sybaris",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Sybaris",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Sybaris Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0.062,
					BurstFireRate = 3.33,
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 29.04, Puncture = 29.04, Slash = 29.92 },
					FireRate = 4.72,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Sybaris",
			Image = "Sybaris_Prime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeSybaris/PrimeSybarisRifle",
			Introduced = "20.6.2",
			Link = "Sybaris Prime",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Sybaris Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Sydon = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.25, Puncture = 213.75 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Sydon",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1350,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1125,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1125,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Sydon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnTrident/GrnTridentWeapon",
			Introduced = "18.2",
			Link = "Sydon",
			Mastery = 5,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Sydon",
			SlamAttack = 675,
			SlamElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialDmg = 225,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 450,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Shock Draga" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Synapse = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.39,
					CritMultiplier = 2.7,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 20 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.2,
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 27,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.315,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "U10InfPrimary.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfestedRifle",
			Introduced = "10.0",
			Link = "Synapse",
			Magazine = 70,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Synapse",
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Synoid Gammacor"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 20 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 40,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Gammacor",
			Image = "SynoidGammacor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/Pistols/CSSynoidGammacor",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Synoid Gammacor",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Synoid Gammacor",
			Polarities = { "D", "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Entropy",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Cephalon Suda" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			Users = { "Cephalon Suda Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Synoid Heliocor"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 238, Puncture = 28, Slash = 14 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Heliocor",
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1680,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1400,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1400,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "CSHeliocor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/Melee/CSHeliocor",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove 2.0",
			Link = "Synoid Heliocor",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Synoid Heliocor",
			SlamAttack = 840,
			SlamRadialDmg = 280,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Knockdown", "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 560,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Cephalon Suda" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Synoid Simulor"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Orb Launch",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 12,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Orb Merging Damage",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 125 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 240 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Singularity",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Magnetic = 50 },
					EffectDuration = 20,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Simulor",
			Image = "SyndicateCSSimulor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/LongGuns/CSSimulor",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Synoid Simulor",
			Magazine = 16,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 96,
			Name = "Synoid Simulor",
			Polarities = { "V", "D", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Entropy",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Cephalon Suda", "Cephalon" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 3 
		Talons = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 120 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Puncture", "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Thrown",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.44,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "U18throwingknives.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/U18ThrowingKnives/U18throwingknives",
			Introduced = "18.0",
			Link = "Talons",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 12,
			Name = "Talons",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Active",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Talyn MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 108 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/GatlingLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Talyn MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Talyn MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 184 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/GatlingLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Talyn MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Talyn MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 295 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/GatlingLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Talyn MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tatsu = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 20, Puncture = 54, Radiation = 72, Slash = 68 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Two-Handed Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Tatsu",
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1284,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1070,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1070,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Tatsu.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/TnTwoHandedKatana/TnTwoHandedKatana",
			Introduced = "24.4",
			Link = "Tatsu",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Tatsu",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 642,
			SlamRadialDmg = 214,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 428,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tazicor = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 6 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "Taxicor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetComponents/TazronWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Tazicor",
			Magazine = 4,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Tazicor",
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tekko = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 32, Puncture = 16, Slash = 112 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			Family = "Tekko",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 800,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 640,
			HeavySlamAttack = 640,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Tekko.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Gauntlet/BrawlerKnuckles/BrawlerKnuckles",
			Introduced = "17.5",
			Link = "Tekko",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 1.25,
			Name = "Tekko",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 480,
			SlamRadialDmg = 160,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 480,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tekko Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 39.6, Puncture = 25.2, Slash = 115.2 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Fist",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Tekko",
			FollowThrough = 0.9,
			HeavyAttack = 900,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 720,
			HeavySlamAttack = 720,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "TekkoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeTekko/PrimeTekko",
			Introduced = "25.8",
			Link = "Tekko Prime",
			Mastery = 12,
			MeleeRange = 1.35,
			Name = "Tekko Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 540,
			SlamRadialDmg = 180,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 540,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Telos Akbolto"] = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.7, Puncture = 42.3 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 75,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Akbolto",
			Image = "AHAkbolto.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/ArbitersOfHexis/Pistols/AHAkbolto",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Telos Akbolto",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Telos Akbolto",
			Polarities = { "D", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2.6,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Truth",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Arbiters of Hexis Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Telos Boltace"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 21, Puncture = 178.5, Slash = 10.5 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.35 
					AttackName = "Stormpath Slide Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 42, Puncture = 357, Slash = 21 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					ForcedProcs = { "Lifted" },
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Tonfa",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Family = "Boltace",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 840,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 840,
			HeavySlamAttack = 840,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "TelosBoltace.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/ArbitersOfHexis/Melee/AHBoltace",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove 2.0",
			Link = "Telos Boltace",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Telos Boltace",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 420,
			SlamRadialDmg = 210,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 420,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Telos Boltor"] = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 3, Puncture = 27 },
					FireRate = 9.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Boltor",
			Image = "SyndicateAHBoltor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/ArbitersOfHexis/LongGuns/AHBoltor",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Telos Boltor",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Telos Boltor",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Truth",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Agendus"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 140, Impact = 120, MinProgenitorBonus = 65 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
					AttackName = "Energy Disk",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 2880, MinProgenitorBonus = 720 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.9305, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 40,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.28,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Sword and Shield",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1040,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1040,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1040,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "TenetAgendus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/ShieldAndSword/CrpHammerShield/CrpHammerShield",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Agendus",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Tenet Agendus",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 780,
			SlamElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialDmg = 260,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 260,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Arca Plasmor"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { MinProgenitorBonus = 190, Radiation = 760 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = -2,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 36, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 18 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 36,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Arca Plasmor",
			Image = "TenetArcaPlasmor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/BoardExec/Primary/CrpBEArcaPlasmor/CrpBEArcaPlasmor",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Arca Plasmor",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 16,
			MaxAmmo = 40,
			Name = "Tenet Arca Plasmor",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Cycron"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Heat = 22, MinProgenitorBonus = 5.5 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 28,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Cycron",
			Image = "TenetCycron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/BoardExec/Secondary/CrpBECycron/CrpBECycron",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Cycron",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Tenet Cycron",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 40,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Detron"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { MinProgenitorBonus = 6.5, Radiation = 26 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 40, Reduction = 0.55, StartRange = 28 },
					FireRate = 3.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Burst Shot",
					BurstDelay = 0.125,
					BurstFireRate = 2,
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { MinProgenitorBonus = 6.5, Radiation = 26 },
					FireRate = 4.8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 150,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Detron",
			Image = "TenetDetron.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/BoardExec/Secondary/CrpBEDetron/CrpBEDetron",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Detron",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 16,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Tenet Detron",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 1.05,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Diplos"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.36,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.2, MinProgenitorBonus = 7, Puncture = 9, Slash = 7.8 },
					FireRate = 9.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotSpeed = 50,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
					AmmoCost = 2,
					AttackName = "Lock-on Mode",
					BurstCount = 2,
					BurstDelay = 0,
					CritChance = 0.36,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.2, MinProgenitorBonus = 7, Puncture = 9, Slash = 7.8 },
					FireRate = 9.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 60,
					ShotSpeed = 200,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14,
					Trigger = "Burst" 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "TenetDiplos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpBriefcaseAkimbo/CrpBriefcaseAkimboPistol",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Diplos",
			Magazine = 92,
			Mastery = 16,
			MaxAmmo = 460,
			Name = "Tenet Diplos",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Envoy"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 100, MinProgenitorBonus = 25 },
					FireRate = 0.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
					AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Cold = 640, MinProgenitorBonus = 160 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8, Reduction = 0.8, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "TenetEnvoy.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpBriefcaseLauncher/CrpBriefcaseLauncher",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Envoy",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 16,
			MaxAmmo = 24,
			Name = "Tenet Envoy",
			Reload = 4,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Tenet Exec"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 102.6, MinProgenitorBonus = 47.5, Slash = 87.4 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					AttackName = "Normal Shockwave",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 190, MinProgenitorBonus = 47.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.9, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 20,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
					AttackName = "Heavy Shockwave",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 950, MinProgenitorBonus = 237.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 20,
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			FollowThrough = 0.4,
			HeavyAttack = 1425,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1187.5,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1187.5,
			HeavySlamRadius = 4,
			Image = "TenetExec.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/CrpBigSlash/CrpBigSlash",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Exec",
			Mastery = 16,
			MeleeRange = 2.8,
			Name = "Tenet Exec",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 712.5,
			SlamRadialDmg = 237.5,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 4,
			SlideAttack = 475,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Flux Rifle"] = {
			Accuracy = 200,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { MinProgenitorBonus = 5.5, Puncture = 4.8, Slash = 17.2 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.8,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Flux Rifle",
			Image = "TenetFluxRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/BoardExec/Primary/CrpBEFluxRifle/CrpBEFluxRifle",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Flux Rifle",
			Magazine = 120,
			Mastery = 16,
			MaxAmmo = 1200,
			Name = "Tenet Flux Rifle",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Grigori"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.1, MinProgenitorBonus = 57, Puncture = 82.1, Slash = 136.8 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.38 
					AttackName = "Energy Disk",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 1360, MinProgenitorBonus = 1020, Puncture = 1360, Slash = 1360 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 10,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.38,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			FollowThrough = 0.35,
			HeavyAttack = 1710,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1425,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1425,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "TenetGrigori.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/CrpBriefcaseScythe/CrpBriefcaseScythe",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Grigori",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Tenet Grigori",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 855,
			SlamRadialDmg = 285,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 581.25,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Livia"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.9, MinProgenitorBonus = 49.5, Puncture = 9.9, Slash = 178.2 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.28 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Two-Handed Nikana",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.6,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 1485,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 990,
			HeavySlamAttack = 990,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "TenetLivia.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/CrpBriefcase2HKatana/CrpBriefcase2HKatana",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Livia",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Tenet Livia",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 742.5,
			SlamRadialDmg = 247.5,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 495,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Spirex"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AdditionalNotes = {
				"Landing a successful headshot grants the Bullseye Reload buff, increasing reload speed by 25% and can stack up to 2 times to a total of 50%. The buff lasts 4 seconds and can be refreshed on subsequent headshots." 
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Slug Impact",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Heat = 60, Impact = 40, MinProgenitorBonus = 30, Puncture = 20 },
					FireRate = 2.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 260,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.4 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Heat = 80, MinProgenitorBonus = 20 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2, Reduction = 0.2, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 2.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.7,
			Image = "TenetSpirex.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpIgniterPistol/CrpIgniterPistol",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Spirex",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 80,
			Name = "Tenet Spirex",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.4,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenet Tetra"] = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.2, MinProgenitorBonus = 15, Puncture = 33.6, Slash = 13.2 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AmmoCost = 80,
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 200, MinProgenitorBonus = 50 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Reload = 1.8,
					ShotSpeed = 60,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AmmoCost = 80,
					AttackName = "Grenade AoE",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Blast = 1000, MinProgenitorBonus = 250 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8, Reduction = 0.6, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tetra",
			Image = "TenetTetra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/BoardExec/Primary/CrpBETetra/CrpBETetra",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsLichWeapon = true,
			Link = "Tenet Tetra",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 16,
			MaxAmmo = 480,
			Name = "Tenet Tetra",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus", "Tenet" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tenora = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7.2, Puncture = 9.6, Slash = 7.2 },
					FireRate = 11.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Charged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.34,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 48, Puncture = 144, Slash = 48 },
					FireRate = 10,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.11,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tenora",
			Image = "TnBardRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnBardRifle/TnBardRifle",
			Introduced = "20.0",
			Link = "Tenora",
			Magazine = 150,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 900,
			Name = "Tenora",
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 9,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tenora Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.4, Puncture = 11.2, Slash = 8.4 },
					FireRate = 12.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Charged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.8,
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 56, Puncture = 168, Slash = 56 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tenora",
			Image = "TenoraPrime-Arsenal.webp",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeTenora/TenoraPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "29.9",
			Link = "Tenora Prime",
			Magazine = 200,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 1000,
			Name = "Tenora Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Spool = 9,
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tetra = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.04,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 6.4, Puncture = 25.6 },
					FireRate = 6.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.5,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tetra",
			Image = "DETetra.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CorpusUMP/CorpusUMP",
			Introduced = "11.8",
			Link = "Tetra",
			Magazine = 60,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Tetra",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Nako Xol", "Terra Provisor", "Terra Elite Crewman" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tiberon = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.06,
					BurstFireRate = 6.667,
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 11, Puncture = 22, Slash = 11 },
					FireRate = 9.09,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.16 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Tiberon",
			Image = "Tiberon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/DrakeRifle/DrakeRifle",
			Introduced = "14.9",
			Link = "Tiberon",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Tiberon",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.26,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tiberon Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.16,
					CritMultiplier = 2.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.8, Puncture = 18.4, Slash = 13.8 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 3.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.8, Puncture = 18.4, Slash = 13.8 },
					FireRate = 6,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Burst",
					BurstCount = 3,
					BurstDelay = 0.08,
					BurstFireRate = 6,
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 13.8, Puncture = 18.4, Slash = 13.8 },
					FireRate = 7.38,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Tiberon",
			Image = "TiberonPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeTiberon/PrimeTiberonRifle",
			Introduced = "22.16.4",
			Link = "Tiberon Prime",
			Magazine = 42,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Tiberon Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Burst / Semi / Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tigris = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 21, Puncture = 21, Slash = 168 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.5238, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 5,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.168 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Tigris",
			Image = "DETigris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/DoubleBarrelShotgun/TennoDoubleBarrelShotgun",
			Introduced = "11.0",
			Link = "Tigris",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Tigris",
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Duplex",
			Users = { "Frost Specter" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tigris Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.5, Puncture = 19.5, Slash = 156 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.4872, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1125 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Tigris",
			Image = "PrimeTigris342.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeTigris/PrimeTigris",
			Introduced = "Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3",
			Link = "Tigris Prime",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Tigris Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Duplex",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tipedo = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.4, Puncture = 12.4, Slash = 99.2 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.31,
			Family = "Tipedo",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 620,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 496,
			HeavySlamAttack = 496,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Tipedo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/MonkSpade/TnoMonkStaff",
			Introduced = "15.9",
			Link = "Tipedo",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Tipedo",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			SlamAttack = 372,
			SlamRadialDmg = 124,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 124,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Mag Specter" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tipedo Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 17, Puncture = 17, Slash = 136 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Staff",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			Family = "Tipedo",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 850,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 680,
			HeavySlamAttack = 680,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "TipedoPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/TipedoPrime/TipedoPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.5.8",
			Link = "Tipedo Prime",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Tipedo Prime",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 510,
			SlamRadialDmg = 170,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 163,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Unairu",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tombfinger = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Puncture = 0, Radiation = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 180,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Radiation = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.9, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberTombfinger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/SolarisUnited/Secondary/SUModularSecondarySet1/Barrel/SUModularSecondaryBarrelBPart",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Tombfinger",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Tombfinger (Secondary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tombfinger (Primary)"] = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Radiation = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Quick Shot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Radiation = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.7, Reduction = 0.25, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Radiation = 0 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6.2, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6.2,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.9,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberTombfinger.png",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Tombfinger",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Tombfinger (Primary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tonbo = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.4, Puncture = 27.6, Slash = 138 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.38,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1104,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 920,
			HeavySlamAttack = 920,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Tonbo.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/FlowerPowerPolearm/FlowerPowerPolearmWep",
			Introduced = "15.15",
			Link = "Tonbo",
			Mastery = 3,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Tonbo",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 552,
			SlamRadialDmg = 184,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 368,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tonkor = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 75 },
					FireRate = 3.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
					AttackName = "Grenade Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 650 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 7, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 3.17,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 7,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Tonkor",
			Image = "GrnGrenadeLauncher.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnGrenadeLauncher/GrnGrenadeLauncher",
			Introduced = "16.4",
			Link = "Tonkor",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 30,
			Name = "Tonkor",
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Napalm", "Nightwatch Reaver", "Aerial Commander" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Torid = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Toxin = 100 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.23 
					AttackName = "Poison Cloud",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Toxin = 40 },
					EffectDuration = 10,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.23 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "GrineerGrenadeLauncher.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Bio/BioWeapon",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Torid",
			Magazine = 5,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 60,
			Name = "Torid",
			Reload = 1.7,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Trumna = {
			Accuracy = 200,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 53, Impact = 29 },
					FireRate = 4.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
					AttackName = "Auto AoE",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Heat = 50 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1.6, Reduction = 0.15, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 4.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 1.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					Accuracy = 9.1,
					AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 100 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.5,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Grenade Bounce AoE",
					CritChance = 0.38,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Heat = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.4, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.8,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Trumna",
			Image = "Trumna.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Thanotech/ThanoRifle/ThanotechRifle",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Trumna",
			Magazine = 200,
			Mastery = 13,
			MaxAmmo = 400,
			Name = "Trumna",
			Polarities = {  },
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Entrati" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tulok Fishing Spear"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 10 },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Unique",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Fishing Spear",
			Image = "IconFishingSpear2.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Restoratives/Consumable/SpearFishingSpearB",
			Introduced = "22.0",
			Link = "Tulok",
			Name = "Tulok Fishing Spear",
			Range = 20,
			Slot = "Gear",
			Traits = { "Cetus" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tunguska Cannon"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Dome Charge",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					ChargeTime = 4,
					CritChance = 3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 5650, Puncture = 48025, Slash = 2825 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = inf,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Image = "TunguskaCannon.png",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Tunguska Cannon",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 2,
			Name = "Tunguska Cannon",
			Reload = 1,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Basolk"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 85, Impact = 55, Puncture = 15, Slash = 55 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.4 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 840,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 840,
			HeavySlamAttack = 840,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "TwinBasolk.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnDualFireAxe/GrnDualFireAxe",
			Introduced = "17.8",
			Link = "Twin Basolk",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 2.4,
			Name = "Twin Basolk",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 420,
			SlamRadialDmg = 210,
			SlamRadialElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 420,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Flameblade", "Garesh" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Grakatas"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 2,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 4, Puncture = 3.33, Slash = 2.67 },
					FireRate = 20,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.165 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Akgrakata.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerAssaultRifle/TwinGrakatas",
			Introduced = "17.0",
			Link = "Twin Grakatas",
			Magazine = 120,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 1200,
			Name = "Twin Grakatas",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Clem" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Gremlins"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 12.33, Puncture = 12.33, Slash = 12.33 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Twin Gremlins",
			Image = "Gremlin.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/GrineerPistol/GrineerAkimboPistol",
			Introduced = "9.5",
			Link = "Twin Gremlins",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Twin Gremlins",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1.1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Kohmak"] = {
			Accuracy = 5.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Single Pellet",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 24, Reduction = 0.8333, StartRange = 12 },
					FireRate = 1.334,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1.5,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.69 
					AmmoCost = 1.67,
					AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 6, Puncture = 6, Slash = 18 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 24, Reduction = 0.8333, StartRange = 12 },
					FireRate = 6.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 5,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.138 
			Class = "Dual Shotguns",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Image = "DualKohmak.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnDWUniques/GrnTwinKohmaks",
			Introduced = "16.0",
			Link = "Twin Kohmak",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 240,
			Name = "Twin Kohmak",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Spool = 11,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Twin Krohkur"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 1.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 30, Puncture = 45, Slash = 175 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Dual Swords",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			Family = "Twin Krohkur",
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 1000,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "TwinKrohkur.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GrnEgyptSwd/DualGrnEgyptSwdWeapon",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Twin Krohkur",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 2.5,
			Name = "Twin Krohkur",
			SlamAttack = 500,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 500,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Users = { "Tusk Predator" },
			WindUp = 0.7,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Rogga"] = {
			Accuracy = 8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 18.8, Puncture = 23.5, Slash = 4.7 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 20, Reduction = 0.7872, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 15,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.066 
			Class = "Dual Shotguns",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "GrnQueenGuardDualPistols.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/GrnQueenGuardDualPistol/GrnQueenGuardDualPistols",
			Introduced = "19.0",
			Link = "Twin Rogga",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Twin Rogga",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.5,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Kuva Guardian" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Vipers"] = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 10.2, Puncture = 1.7, Slash = 5.1 },
					FireRate = 25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.11 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Twin Vipers",
			Image = "Viper, dual.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkimboViperPistols",
			Introduced = "7.7.3",
			Link = "Twin Vipers",
			Magazine = 28,
			Mastery = 5,
			MaxAmmo = 420,
			Name = "Twin Vipers",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Twin Vipers Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 11.1,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.4, Puncture = 1.8, Slash = 1.8 },
					FireRate = 25,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Dual Pistols",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.41,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Twin Vipers",
			Image = "DEWraithTwinVipers.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/WraithTwinVipers/WraithTwinVipers",
			Introduced = "11.5",
			Link = "Twin Vipers Wraith",
			Magazine = 40,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 440,
			Name = "Twin Vipers Wraith",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tycho Seeker"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 8000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 15, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Tycho Seeker",
			Image = "OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MissleLauncherWeapon",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Tycho Seeker",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 13,
			Name = "Tycho Seeker",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tycho Seeker MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 14400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 15, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Tycho Seeker",
			Image = "OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MissleLauncherWeaponTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Tycho Seeker",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 16,
			Name = "Tycho Seeker MK I",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tycho Seeker MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.4,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 24480 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 15, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Tycho Seeker",
			Image = "OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MissleLauncherWeaponTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Tycho Seeker",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 21,
			Name = "Tycho Seeker MK II",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Tycho Seeker MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Munition",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Blast = 39168 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 15, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 15,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Ordnance",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Tycho Seeker",
			Image = "OrdnanceTychoSeeker.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Missiles/MissleLauncherWeaponTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Tycho Seeker",
			Magazine = 1,
			MaxAmmo = 31,
			Name = "Tycho Seeker MK III",
			Reload = 5,
			Slot = "Railjack Ordnance",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Tysis = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.03,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Corrosive = 81, Impact = 9, Puncture = 23, Slash = 17 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 75,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "DETysis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfestedDartPistol/InfestedDartPistol",
			Introduced = "11.7",
			Link = "Tysis",
			Magazine = 11,
			Mastery = 9,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Tysis",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Unarmed = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 24.5, Puncture = 5.3, Slash = 5.2 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Unique",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 0,
			HeavySlamAttack = 0,
			HeavySlamRadius = 0,
			Image = "Blank.png",
			Introduced = "11",
			Link = "Unarmed",
			MeleeRange = 0.5,
			Name = "Unarmed",
			SlamAttack = 70,
			SlamRadialDmg = 0,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 140,
			Slot = "Unique",
			WindUp = 0,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Valkyr Talons"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 83.3, Puncture = 83.3, Slash = 83.3 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Exalted Weapon",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			FollowThrough = 1,
			HeavyAttack = 2083,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1000,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1000,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "EWValkyrTalons.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Berserker/BerserkerMelee",
			Introduced = "23.0",
			Link = "Valkyr Talons",
			MeleeRange = 1.7,
			Name = "Valkyr Talons",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar", "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 750,
			Slot = "Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Valkyr", "Valkyr Prime" },
			WindUp = 0.5,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Vastilok = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 1.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 19.53, Puncture = 25.11, Slash = 234.36 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					StatusChance = 0.31 
					Accuracy = 0,
					AttackName = "Ranged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 0.4,
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 1.7,
					Damage = { Impact = 8.97, Puncture = 10.35, Slash = 49.68 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 49, StartRange = 24 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 9,
					PunchThrough = 1.3,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1033,
					Trigger = "Charge" 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Gunblade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.75,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 2484,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 279,
			HeavySlamAttack = 279,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Vastilok.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Melee/GunBlade/GrnGunBlade/GrnGunblade",
			Introduced = "30.5.4",
			Link = "Vastilok",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 1,
			Name = "Vastilok",
			SlamAttack = 837,
			SlamRadialDmg = 279,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 5,
			SlideAttack = 558,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Vasto = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.5, Puncture = 14.5, Slash = 29 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.08 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Vasto",
			Image = "Vasto.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistol/RevolverPistol",
			Introduced = "9.3",
			Link = "Vasto",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Vasto",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vasto Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 16,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.9, Puncture = 9.9, Slash = 46.2 },
					FireRate = 5.42,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Vasto",
			Image = "PrimeVasto.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeVasto/PrimeVastoPistol",
			Introduced = "15.7",
			Link = "Vasto Prime",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Vasto Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Vaulted" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vaykor Hek"] = {
			Accuracy = 9.1,
			AmmoType = "Shotgun",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.25, Puncture = 48.75, Slash = 15 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 25, Reduction = 0.7333, StartRange = 10 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 7,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.107 
			Class = "Shotgun",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Hek",
			Image = "SyndicateSMHek.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/SteelMeridian/LongGuns/SMHek",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Vaykor Hek",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 12,
			MaxAmmo = 120,
			Name = "Vaykor Hek",
			Polarities = { "D", "V" },
			Reload = 2.25,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Justice",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Steel Meridian" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vaykor Marelok"] = {
			Accuracy = 10,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 96, Puncture = 16, Slash = 48 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Marelok",
			Image = "SMMarelok.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/SteelMeridian/Pistols/SMMarelok",
			Introduced = "15.5",
			Link = "Vaykor Marelok",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Vaykor Marelok",
			Polarities = { "V", "D" },
			Reload = 1.667,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			SyndicateEffect = "Justice",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Steel Meridian" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Steel Meridian Operatives" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vaykor Sydon"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 10.65, Puncture = 202.35 },
					FireRate = 1.08,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Polearm",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Sydon",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1278,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1065,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1065,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "VaykorSydon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/SteelMeridian/Melee/SMSydon",
			Introduced = "Update: The Silver Grove 2.0",
			Link = "Vaykor Sydon",
			Mastery = 11,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Vaykor Sydon",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 639,
			SlamElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialDmg = 213,
			SlamRadialElement = "Blast",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 426,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Syndicate", "Steel Meridian" },
			WindUp = 0.9,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Vectis = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 90, Puncture = 78.75, Slash = 56.25 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "3x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 90, Puncture = 78.75, Slash = 56.25 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.3,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "4.5x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 90, Puncture = 78.75, Slash = 56.25 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.5,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Vectis",
			Image = "DEVectis.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/TennoSniperRifle",
			Introduced = "10.6",
			Link = "Vectis",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 2,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Vectis",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 1,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Saryn Specter" },
			Zoom = { "3x Zoom (+30% Headshot Damage)", "4.5x Zoom (+50% Headshot Damage)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Vectis Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 140, Puncture = 157.5, Slash = 52.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "3.5x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 140, Puncture = 157.5, Slash = 52.5 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.4,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "6x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 140, Puncture = 157.5, Slash = 52.5 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.6,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2.67,
					ForcedProcs = { "Stagger" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Vectis",
			Image = "VectisPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeVectis/PrimeVectisRifle",
			Introduced = "16.11",
			Link = "Vectis Prime",
			Magazine = 2,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Vectis Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.85,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 5,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = { "3.5x (+40% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+60% Headshot Damage)" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Veldt = {
			Accuracy = 32,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.2,
					Damage = { Impact = 23.4, Puncture = 23.4, Slash = 43.2 },
					FireRate = 3.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Veldt",
			Image = "Veldt.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/TnRevolverRifle/TnRevolverRifleGun",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Veldt",
			Magazine = 26,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 546,
			Name = "Veldt",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 1.8,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Velocitus = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 150, Magnetic = 150, Puncture = 150, Slash = 150 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 500,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.6,
					CritMultiplier = 3.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 400, Magnetic = 400, Puncture = 400, Slash = 400 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 5,
					ShotSpeed = 500,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Arch-Gun",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Image = "ArchRailgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/Railgun/ArchRailgun",
			Introduced = "15.2",
			Link = "Velocitus",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Velocitus",
			Reload = 1.4,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 25,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
			Slot = "Arch-Gun",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Velocitus (Atmosphere)"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Heavy",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 150, Magnetic = 150, Puncture = 150, Slash = 150 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "Charged Shot",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.6,
					CritMultiplier = 3.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 400, Magnetic = 400, Puncture = 400, Slash = 400 },
					FireRate = 5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 5,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			Image = "ArchRailgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/Railgun/ArchRailgun",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			Link = "Velocitus",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 60,
			Name = "Velocitus (Atmosphere)",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Velox = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.32, Puncture = 8.16, Slash = 11.52 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.22,
					Trigger = "Auto" 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Velox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnOdaliskSmg/TnOdaliskSmgPistol",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Velox",
			Magazine = 62,
			Mastery = 8,
			MaxAmmo = 434,
			Name = "Velox",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			Reload = 2.6,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Venato = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.27,
					CritMultiplier = 2.1,
					Damage = { Impact = 33, Puncture = 110, Slash = 77 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			BlockAngle = 90,
			Class = "Scythe",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1320,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 880,
			HeavySlamAttack = 880,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Venato.png",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Venato",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 2.7,
			Name = "Venato",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 660,
			SlamRadialDmg = 220,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 440,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
			Traits = { "Tenno", "Sentient" },
			WindUp = 1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Venka = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 7, Puncture = 35, Slash = 98 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Claws",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			Family = "Venka",
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 700,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 560,
			HeavySlamAttack = 560,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "Venka.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Claws/TennoClaws",
			Introduced = "13.9",
			Link = "Venka",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 1.75,
			Name = "Venka",
			SlamAttack = 420,
			SlamRadialDmg = 140,
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 420,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Users = { "Violence" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Venka Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.32,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.4, Puncture = 37.6, Slash = 141 },
					FireRate = 1.05,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Claws",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 0.8,
			Family = "Venka",
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 940,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 752,
			HeavySlamAttack = 752,
			HeavySlamRadius = 7,
			Image = "VenkaPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeVenKa/PrimeVenkaClaws",
			Introduced = "19.0.7",
			Link = "Venka Prime",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 1.8,
			Name = "Venka Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 564,
			SlamRadialDmg = 188,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 564,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime", "Never Vaulted" },
			WindUp = 0.6,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Verdilac = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 21.3, Puncture = 85.2, Slash = 106.5 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.21 
					AttackName = "Energy Wave",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Toxin = 213 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			BlockAngle = 45,
			Class = "Whip",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.5,
			FollowThrough = 0.5,
			HeavyAttack = 959,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 745,
			HeavySlamAttack = 745,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Verdilac.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Archon/Melee/Whip/ArchonWhipPlayerWep",
			Introduced = "31",
			Link = "Verdilac",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 3,
			Name = "Verdilac",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 639,
			SlamRadialDmg = 213,
			SlamRadius = 7,
			SlideAttack = 426,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Users = { "Archon Nira" },
			WindUp = 0.4,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Verglas = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 26 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.3,
			Family = "Verglas",
			Image = "SentinelFreezeRayRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/SentinelFreezeRayRifle",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Verglas",
			Magazine = 80,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Verglas",
			Reload = 2.2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Veritux = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 70.5, Puncture = 70.5, Slash = 329 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Arch-Melee",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Veritux",
			Image = "ArchSword.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Melee/Archsword/ArchSwordWeapon",
			Introduced = "15.0",
			Link = "Veritux",
			Mastery = 0,
			MeleeRange = 143,
			Name = "Veritux",
			Polarities = { "D" },
			Slot = "Arch-Melee",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Vermisplicer = {
			Accuracy = 5.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Puncture = 0, Slash = 0, Toxin = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 5,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberVermisplicer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfKitGun/Barrels/InfBarrelBeam/InfModularBarrelBeamPart",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Vermisplicer",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 226,
			Name = "Vermisplicer (Secondary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vermisplicer (Primary)"] = {
			Accuracy = 80,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 0.5,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Puncture = 0, Slash = 0, Toxin = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
					AttackName = "Tendril",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 0,
					Damage = { Impact = 0, Puncture = 0, Slash = 0, Toxin = 0 },
					FireRate = 0,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0 
			Class = "Kitgun Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.85,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "KitgunChamberVermisplicer.png",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			Link = "Vermisplicer",
			Magazine = 0,
			MaxAmmo = 226,
			Name = "Vermisplicer (Primary)",
			Reload = 0,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Apoc MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 14.3,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 158.9, Slash = 68.1 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/VidarAutoCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Apoc MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Apoc MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 14.3,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 270.2, Slash = 115.8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/VidarAutoCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Apoc MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Apoc MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 14.3,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 432.6, Slash = 185.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/VidarAutoCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Apoc MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Carcinnox MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 57, Toxin = 87 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/VidarBlasterTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Carcinnox MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Carcinnox MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 102, Toxin = 143 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/VidarBlasterTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Carcinnox MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Carcinnox MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 130, Toxin = 262 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.24 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/VidarBlasterTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Carcinnox MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Cryophon MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1750 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/VidarBlasterShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Cryophon MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Cryophon MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 2975 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/VidarBlasterShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Cryophon MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Cryophon MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 150,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 4760 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/VidarBlasterShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Cryophon MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Glazio MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 354, Impact = 210, Puncture = 210 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Glazio MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Glazio MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.33,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 700, Impact = 308, Puncture = 308 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Glazio MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Glazio MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.47,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1100, Impact = 503, Puncture = 503 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Glazio MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Laith MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 26, Puncture = 52, Slash = 52 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.064 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/VidarShrapnelShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Laith MK I",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Laith MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.28,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 44.2, Puncture = 88.4, Slash = 88.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.064 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/VidarShrapnelShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Laith MK II",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Laith MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 50,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.39,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 70.8, Puncture = 141.6, Slash = 141.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/VidarShrapnelShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Laith MK III",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Photor MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 34, Puncture = 15 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.035 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/VidarRailJackBeamWeaponTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Photor MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Photor MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 63, Puncture = 21 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.045 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/VidarRailJackBeamWeaponTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Photor MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Photor MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 107, Puncture = 28 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.06 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/VidarRailJackBeamWeaponTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Photor MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Pulsar MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 132, Puncture = 84 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/VidarPulseLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Pulsar MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Pulsar MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 206, Puncture = 162 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.13 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/VidarPulseLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Pulsar MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Pulsar MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 10,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 322, Puncture = 267 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.19 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/VidarPulseLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Pulsar MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Talyn MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 108 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/VidarGatlingLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Talyn MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Talyn MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal w/ 30% Heat Bonus",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 239.2 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/VidarGatlingLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Talyn MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Talyn MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 8,
					AttackName = "Normal w/ 30% Heat Bonus",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 383.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/VidarGatlingLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Talyn MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Vort MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 450 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/VidarElectricTetherCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Vort MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Vort MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 765 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/VidarElectricTetherCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Vort MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vidar Vort MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1224 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/VidarElectricTetherCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vidar Vort MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Viper = {
			Accuracy = 15.4,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 10.2, Puncture = 1.7, Slash = 5.1 },
					FireRate = 14.38,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.11 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Viper",
			Image = "Viper.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/GrineerPistol/GrineerLightPistol",
			Introduced = "7.0",
			Link = "Viper",
			Magazine = 14,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 420,
			Name = "Viper",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.7,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			Users = { "Shield Lancer", "Seeker" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Viper Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.19,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 14.4, Puncture = 1.8, Slash = 1.8 },
					FireRate = 14.38,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Viper",
			Image = "ViperWraith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/Pistols/WraithSingleViper/WraithSingleViper",
			Introduced = "22.8.4",
			Link = "Viper Wraith",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 4,
			MaxAmmo = 420,
			Name = "Viper Wraith",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Grineer", "Wraith", "Baro" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Vitrica = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 99.9, Puncture = 99.9, Slash = 133.2 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Glass Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.23,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 299.7, Puncture = 299.7, Slash = 399.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6, Reduction = 0.9, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 60,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 10,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.95,
			Family = "Vitrica",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1998,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1665,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1665,
			HeavySlamRadius = 4,
			Image = "Vitrica.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/NWIIIOrokinSword/NWOrokinSword",
			Introduced = "29.3",
			Link = "Vitrica",
			Mastery = 13,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Vitrica",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 999,
			SlamRadialDmg = 333,
			SlamRadius = 4,
			SlideAttack = 666,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Orokin" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Volnus = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 1.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 48.4, Puncture = 70.4, Slash = 101.2 },
					FireRate = 1.2,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.35,
			Family = "Volnus",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1320,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1100,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1100,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "GlassHammer.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Hammer/GlassHammer/GlassHammer",
			Introduced = "22",
			Link = "Volnus",
			Mastery = 9,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Volnus",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 660,
			SlamRadialDmg = 220,
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 440,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Volnus Prime"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 55, Puncture = 80, Slash = 115 },
					FireRate = 1.2,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.34 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Family = "Volnus",
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1500,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1250,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1250,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "VolnusPrime-Arsenal.webp",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/PrimeVolnus/VolnusPrimeWeapon",
			Introduced = "30.3",
			Link = "Volnus Prime",
			Mastery = 14,
			MeleeRange = 2.9,
			Name = "Volnus Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadius = 10,
			SlideAttack = 500,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vort MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 450 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.12 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ElectricTetherCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vort MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vort MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 765 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ElectricTetherCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vort MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Vort MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1224 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.17 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ElectricTetherCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vort MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Vulcax = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Charged Attack",
					ChargeTime = 1,
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Heat = 35 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			Image = "Vulcax.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetComponents/ThermocorMoaWeapon",
			Introduced = "24.0",
			Link = "Vulcax",
			Magazine = 1,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vulcax",
			Reload = 6,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			Trigger = "Charge",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Vulkar = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 180, Puncture = 33.8, Slash = 11.2 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "2.5x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 180, Puncture = 33.8, Slash = 11.2 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.35,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "4x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 180, Puncture = 33.8, Slash = 11.2 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.55,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "8x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 180, Puncture = 33.8, Slash = 11.2 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.7,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.45,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Vulkar",
			Image = "Vulkar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerSniperRifle/GrnSniperRifle",
			Introduced = "8.0",
			Link = "Vulkar",
			Magazine = 6,
			Mastery = 3,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Vulkar",
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 2,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Ballista", "Grineer Warden", "Harkonar" },
			Zoom = {
				"2.5x zoom (+35% Headshot Damage)",
				"4x zoom (+55% Headshot Damage)",
				"8x zoom (+70% Headshot Damage)" 
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Vulkar Wraith"] = {
			Accuracy = 13.3,
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Unzoomed",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 245.7, Puncture = 27.3 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "2.5x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 245.7, Puncture = 27.3 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.35,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "4x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 245.7, Puncture = 27.3 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.55,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
					AttackName = "8x Zoom",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 245.7, Puncture = 27.3 },
					ExtraHeadshotDmg = 0.7,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 600, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 400 },
					FireRate = 2,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 1,
					Range = 1000,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.4,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Vulkar",
			Image = "VulkarWraith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerSniperRifle/VulkarWraith",
			Introduced = "18.4.1",
			Link = "Vulkar Wraith",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 72,
			Name = "Vulkar Wraith",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			SniperComboMin = 2,
			SniperComboReset = 2,
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Wraith", "Baro", "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Zoom = {
				"2.5x zoom (+35% Headshot Damage)",
				"4x zoom (+55% Headshot Damage)",
				"8x zoom (+70% Headshot Damage)" 
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Vulklok = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "None",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Electricity = 85 },
					FireRate = 0.15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 100,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.25 
			Class = "Sniper Rifle",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.245,
			Image = "SentinelElectricRailgun.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelWeapons/SentElecRailgun",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Vulklok",
			Magazine = 10,
			Mastery = 0,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Vulklok",
			Reload = 2,
			Slot = "Robotic",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		War = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2.6,
					Damage = { Impact = 120, Puncture = 60, Slash = 70 },
					FireRate = 0.917,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.05,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1500,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1250,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1250,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "War.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Swords/StalkerTwo/StalkerTwoGreatSword",
			Introduced = "18.0",
			Link = "War",
			Mastery = 10,
			MeleeRange = 3.2,
			Name = "War",
			Polarities = { "Bar" },
			SlamAttack = 750,
			SlamRadialDmg = 250,
			SlamRadialElement = "Impact",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 500,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Vazarin",
			Traits = { "Sentient" },
			Users = { "Shadow Stalker" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Wolf Sledge"] = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 132.1, Puncture = 7.8, Slash = 119.1 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Impact = 396.3, Puncture = 23.4, Slash = 357.3 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 40,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
					AttackName = "Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 1.9,
					Damage = { Blast = 777 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Ragdoll" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.33 
			BlockAngle = 50,
			Class = "Hammer",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			FollowThrough = 0.8,
			HeavyAttack = 1036,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1295,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1295,
			HeavySlamRadius = 10,
			Image = "Wolf_Sledge_Image.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Hammer/ThrowingHammer",
			Introduced = "24.3",
			Link = "Wolf Sledge",
			Mastery = 7,
			MeleeRange = 3.1,
			Name = "Wolf Sledge",
			SlamAttack = 777,
			SlamRadialDmg = 259,
			SlamRadius = 9,
			SlideAttack = 518,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Users = { "Wolf of Saturn Six" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Xoris = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 24, Puncture = 40.8, Slash = 55.2 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Throw",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 24, Puncture = 40.8, Slash = 55.2 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 22,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Throw Bounce Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 250 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Throw Recall Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.17,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Impact = 48, Puncture = 81.6, Slash = 110.4 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 22,
					ShotSpeed = 25,
					ShotType = "Thrown",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Bounce Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 500 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0.7, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Charged Throw Recall Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.2,
					CritChance = 0.22,
					CritMultiplier = 2.4,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1000 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 9, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact", "Electricity" },
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 9,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Glaive",
			ComboDur = inf,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 0.65,
			FollowThrough = 0.7,
			HeavyAttack = 0,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 480,
			HeavySlamAttack = 480,
			HeavySlamRadius = 8,
			Image = "Xoris.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Melee/Glaive/CrpGhostCatcherGlaive/CrpGhostCatcherGlaive",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Xoris",
			Mastery = 4,
			MeleeRange = 1.3,
			Name = "Xoris",
			Polarities = {  },
			SlamAttack = 360,
			SlamRadialDmg = 120,
			SlamRadialElement = "Electricity",
			SlamRadialProcs = { "Impact" },
			SlamRadius = 6,
			SlideAttack = 240,
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Naramon",
			Traits = { "Corpus" },
			WindUp = 1.2,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 7 
		Zakti = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Dart Impact",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 12, Puncture = 18 },
					FireRate = 5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
					AttackName = "Gas Cloud",
					CritChance = 0.02,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Gas = 80 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.5, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.5,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Zakti",
			Image = "Zakti.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/TnGuandoPistol/TnGuandoPistolGun",
			Introduced = "21.1",
			Link = "Zakti",
			Magazine = 3,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Zakti",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" },
			Reload = 0.8,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Zakti Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 26.7,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 1,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Impact = 12, Puncture = 18 },
					FireRate = 5,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 140,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.42,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Gas Cloud",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 1.8,
					Damage = { Gas = 100 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.8, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.8,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.42 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Zakti",
			Image = "ZaktiPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/PrimeZakti/PrimeZaktiPistol",
			Introduced = "29.3",
			Link = "Zakti Prime",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Zakti Prime",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		Zarr = {
			AmmoType = "Sniper",
			Attacks = {
					Accuracy = 100,
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Projectile",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 25 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 40,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 175 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0.5, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
					AttackName = "Cannon Mode Cluster Bombs",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Blast = 50 },
					FireRate = 1.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 8,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.048 
					Accuracy = 1.4,
					AttackName = "Barrage Mode",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 24, Puncture = 40, Slash = 16 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 10,
					PunchThrough = 1.6,
					Range = 10,
					ShotSpeed = 120,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.087 
			Class = "Launcher",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Zarr",
			Image = "GrineerCannon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrnCannon/GrnCannonWeapon",
			Introduced = "19",
			Link = "Zarr",
			Magazine = 3,
			Mastery = 7,
			MaxAmmo = 84,
			Name = "Zarr",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.25,
			ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Grineer" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 4 
		Zenistar = {
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 150, Impact = 80, Slash = 68 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Attacks While Disc Deployed",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 13, Puncture = 13, Slash = 104 },
					FireRate = 0.833,
					IsSilent = true,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
					AttackName = "Disc Impact",
					ChargeTime = 1.1,
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 75 },
					FireRate = 0.909,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 9,
					StatusChance = 0.15 
					AttackName = "Disc Explosion",
					ChargeTime = 1.1,
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Heat = 350 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 0.909,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
					AttackName = "Disc Aura",
					CritChance = 0,
					CritMultiplier = 1,
					Damage = { Heat = 50 },
					EffectDuration = 10,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4, Reduction = 0, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.2,
					IsSilent = true,
					Range = 4,
					StatusChance = 0.5 
			BlockAngle = 55,
			Class = "Heavy Blade",
			ComboDur = 5,
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			FollowThrough = 0.6,
			HeavyAttack = 1788,
			HeavyRadialDmg = 1490,
			HeavySlamAttack = 1490,
			HeavySlamRadius = 9,
			Image = "Zenistar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/SunDialAxe/SundialAxeWeapon",
			Introduced = "Update: Specters of the Rail 1",
			Link = "Zenistar",
			Mastery = 6,
			MeleeRange = 2.6,
			Name = "Zenistar",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			SlamAttack = 894,
			SlamElement = "Heat",
			SlamRadialDmg = 298,
			SlamRadius = 8,
			SlideAttack = 260,
			SlideElement = "Heat",
			Slot = "Melee",
			StancePolarity = "Madurai",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			WindUp = 1.1,
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Zenith = {
			Accuracy = 33.33,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 4.5, Puncture = 6, Slash = 19.5 },
					FireRate = 10.83,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.34 
					AmmoCost = 3,
					AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 15, Puncture = 120, Slash = 15 },
					FireRate = 3,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 99999,
					Range = 300,
					Reload = 1.4,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.08,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
			Class = "Rifle",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.1,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "SundialRifle.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/LoginPrimary/SundialRifle",
			Introduced = "20.2",
			Link = "Zenith",
			Magazine = 90,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Zenith",
			Polarities = { "Bar", "V" },
			Reload = 1.6,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 2 
		["Zetki Apoc MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 18,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 192.5, Slash = 82.5 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/ZektiAutoCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Apoc MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Apoc MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 18,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.21,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 327.6, Slash = 140.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/ZektiAutoCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Apoc MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Apoc MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 12.5,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 18,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 523.6, Slash = 224.4 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 0.6667, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 8.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Apoc",
			Image = "TurretApoc.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/MassDriver/AutoCannon/ZektiAutoCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Apoc",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Apoc MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Carcinnox MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 11,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 80, Toxin = 107 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.18 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/ZektiBlasterTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Carcinnox MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Carcinnox MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 11,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.09,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 110, Toxin = 209 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/ZektiBlasterTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Carcinnox MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Carcinnox MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 11,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.13,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 217, Toxin = 293 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 15,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.36 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Carcinnox",
			Image = "TurretCarcinnox.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/ZektiBlasterTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Carcinnox",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Carcinnox MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Cryophon MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 250,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 2275 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.23 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/ZektiBlasterShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Cryophon MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Cryophon MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 250,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 3868 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.32 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/ZektiBlasterShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Cryophon MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Cryophon MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 250,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Cold = 6188 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 1,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.45 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Cryophon",
			Image = "TurretCryophon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Blaster/ZektiBlasterShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Cryophon",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Cryophon MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Glazio MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 80,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 607, Impact = 200, Puncture = 200 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Glazio MK I",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Glazio MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 80,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.35,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 911, Impact = 400, Puncture = 400 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Glazio MK II",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Glazio MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 80,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.5,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Cold = 1538, Impact = 600, Puncture = 600 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 1.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Glazio",
			Image = "TurretGlazio.png",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Glazio",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Glazio MK III",
			Reload = 3,
			ReloadDelay = 1,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Laith MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 60,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 33.8, Puncture = 67.6, Slash = 67.6 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.068 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ZektiShrapnelShotgunTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Laith MK I",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Laith MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 60,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 57.4, Puncture = 114.8, Slash = 114.8 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.096 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ZektiShrapnelShotgunTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Laith MK II",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Laith MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 20,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 60,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.24,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 92, Puncture = 184, Slash = 184 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 1400, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 700 },
					FireRate = 2.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 8,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.135 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Laith",
			Image = "TurretLaith.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ShrapnelShotgun/ZektiShrapnelShotgunTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Laith",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Laith MK III",
			Reload = 4,
			ReloadDelay = 2,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Photor MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 18,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.11,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 40, Puncture = 19 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.055 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/ZektiRailJackBeamWeaponTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Photor MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Photor MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 18,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.14,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 80, Puncture = 21 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/ZektiRailJackBeamWeaponTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Photor MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Photor MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 18,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 110, Puncture = 52 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 5000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2500 },
					FireRate = 12,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 2,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Discharge",
					StatusChance = 0.09 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Photor",
			Image = "TurretPhotor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/Beam/ZektiRailJackBeamWeaponTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Photor",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Photor MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Held",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Pulsar MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 161, Puncture = 120 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.14 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/ZektiPulseLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Pulsar MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Pulsar MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 279, Puncture = 199 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.2 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/ZektiPulseLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Pulsar MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Pulsar MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 20,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.17,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 443, Puncture = 323 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 7.41,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 5500,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.29 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Pulsar",
			Image = "TurretPulsar.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/PulseLaser/ZektiPulseLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "27",
			Link = "Pulsar",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Pulsar MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto Burst",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Talyn MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 108 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 16.67,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.15 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/ZektiGatlingLaserTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Talyn MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Talyn MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal w/ 30% Fire Rate Bonus",
					CritChance = 0.12,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 239 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 21.671,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.21 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/ZektiGatlingLaserTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Talyn MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Talyn MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 12,
					AttackName = "Normal w/ 30% Fire Rate Bonus",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Heat = 384 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 6000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 3000 },
					FireRate = 21.671,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Talyn",
			Image = "TurretTalyn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/Laser/GatlingLaser/ZektiGatlingLaserTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Talyn",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Talyn MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Spool = 5,
			Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Vort MK I"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 30,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.06,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 585 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.05 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ZektiElectricTetherCannonTierA",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Vort MK I",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Vort MK II"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 30,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.18,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 995 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.07 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ZektiElectricTetherCannonTierB",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Vort MK II",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zetki Vort MK III"] = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AmmoType = "Heat Accretion",
			Attacks = {
					AmmoCost = 30,
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Electricity = 1592 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 4000, Reduction = 1, StartRange = 2000 },
					FireRate = 5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = "?",
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.1 
			Class = "Turret",
			Conclave = false,
			Family = "Vort",
			Image = "TurretVort.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/CrewShip/ElectricTether/ZektiElectricTetherCannonTierC",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Vort",
			Magazine = 1000,
			MaxAmmo = inf,
			Name = "Zetki Vort MK III",
			Reload = 2,
			ReloadDelay = 0,
			ReloadRate = 500,
			ReloadStyle = "Regenerate/Cooldown",
			Slot = "Railjack Turret",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Zhuge = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 5, Puncture = 75, Slash = 20 },
					FireRate = 4.17,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 90,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.35 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.2,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Zhuge",
			Image = "RepeatingCrossbow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/RepeatingCrossbow/RepeatingCrossbow",
			Introduced = "18.6",
			Link = "Zhuge",
			Magazine = 20,
			Mastery = 10,
			MaxAmmo = 540,
			Name = "Zhuge",
			Polarities = { "V" },
			Reload = 2.5,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		["Zhuge Prime"] = {
			Accuracy = 40,
			AmmoType = "Rifle",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Arrow Impact",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 10, Puncture = 22.5, Slash = 17.5 },
					FireRate = 5.5,
					IsSilent = true,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 80,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Arrow Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.26,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 11.2, Puncture = 4, Slash = 24.8 },
					ExplosionDelay = 0.6,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 2.6, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 5.5,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 2.6,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Crossbow",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Family = "Zhuge",
			Image = "ZhugePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeZhuge/PrimeZhugeCrossbow",
			Introduced = "25.3",
			Link = "Zhuge Prime",
			Magazine = 30,
			Mastery = 14,
			MaxAmmo = 270,
			Name = "Zhuge Prime",
			Polarities = { "V", "V", "V" },
			Reload = 3,
			Slot = "Primary",
			Traits = { "Prime" },
			Trigger = "Auto",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Zylok = {
			Accuracy = 23.5,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.08,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 44.8, Puncture = 16.8, Slash = 78.4 },
					FireRate = 1.8,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 300,
					ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
					StatusChance = 0.26 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = true,
			Disposition = 1.25,
			ExilusPolarity = "Madurai",
			Image = "Zylok.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Pistols/ConclaveLeverPistol/ConclaveLeverPistol",
			Introduced = "23.6",
			Link = "Zylok",
			Magazine = 8,
			Mastery = 6,
			MaxAmmo = 210,
			Name = "Zylok",
			Reload = 1.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Tradable = true,
			Traits = { "Tenno" },
			Trigger = "Duplex",
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 1 
		Zymos = {
			Accuracy = 9.8,
			AmmoType = "Pistol",
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Normal Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Impact = 9.2, Puncture = 13.8 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotSpeed = 79,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					Trigger = "Semi-Auto" 
					AttackName = "Radial Attack",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Toxin = 61 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Headshot Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Toxin = 953 },
					ExplosionDelay = 1.1,
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Knockdown" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 1,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.5 
					AttackName = "Homing Spore Contact",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Puncture = 11.5, Slash = 11.5 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					ForcedProcs = { "Impact" },
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					ShotType = "Projectile",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
					AttackName = "Homing Spore Explosion",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 2.3,
					Damage = { Toxin = 333 },
					Falloff = { EndRange = 3.3, Reduction = 0.3, StartRange = 0 },
					FireRate = 1.33,
					IsSilent = false,
					Multishot = 6,
					PunchThrough = 0,
					Range = 3.3,
					ShotType = "AoE",
					StatusChance = 0.3 
			Class = "Pistol",
			Conclave = false,
			Disposition = 1.15,
			ExilusPolarity = "Naramon",
			Family = "Zymos",
			Image = "Zymos.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/Infested/Pistols/InfUzi/InfUziWeapon",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Zymos",
			Magazine = 17,
			Mastery = 11,
			MaxAmmo = 51,
			Name = "Zymos",
			Polarities = { "V", "Bar" },
			Reload = 3.2,
			Slot = "Secondary",
			Traits = { "Infested" },
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			Users = { "Zealot Proselytizer" },
			_TooltipAttackDisplay = 3 

return WeaponData