Void/page creates infoboxes, message boxes, and drop tables for Void Relic pages. On this Wiki, Void/page is used in:
Since all individual Void Relic articles follow the same format and require frequent updates to its drop locations whenever a new Prime Access is released (every fiscal quarter), we can port their contents to a Lua module for semi-automation based on changes to Module:DropTables/data, Module:Void/data (Void Relic rewards), Module:Missions/data (mission nodes and mission types), Module:Warframes/data (Prime Warframes), Module:Weapons/data (Prime weapons), Module:Companions/data (Prime companions), and Module:Resources/data (misc resources like Forma) data stores. This allows scaling of content generation without the help of a bot editor and allows for consistency in how content are structured. Message localization is also possible if done this way, but is not fully implemented.
Normally editors wouldn't need to edit this module but beware of script errors occurring if one decides to update how Void Relic articles are formatted. The module's main function p.buildRelicPage()
outputs the wikitext that is used to render the article's content. You can view the raw wikitext/HTML output by invoking the function on Special:ExpandTemplates.
In template: {{#invoke:Void/infobox|buildRelicPage}}
In articles: {{RelicPage}}
- Successor of Template:RelicInfobox, Template:RelicTable, and Template:RelicTable/Check; saves around 0-0.1 seconds and 3-6 MB of memory of Lua scripts running on relic pages
- If you want to edit the wikitext output, go to
Package items
(function)- Builds relic infobox, adds a message box (if needed), and the categories.
- Parameter:
Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name (table) - Returns: Wikitext of infobox (string)
(function)- Builds relic drop table as seen on Template:RelicTable.
- Parameter:
Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name (table) - Returns: Wikitext of wikitable (string)
(function)- Returns the missions and sources where the relic itself can be dropped from.
- Parameter:
Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name (table) - Returns: Wikitext of mission wikitable and other text (string)
(function)- Builds a relic page, adding an infobox, a message box (if needed), the relic's drop table, and update category.
- Parameter:
Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name (table) - Returns: Wikitext of the entire relic page (string)
- Created with Docbunto
See Also
--- '''Void/page''' creates infoboxes, message boxes, and drop tables for [[Void Relic]] pages.
-- On this Wiki, Void/page is used in:
-- * [[Template:RelicPage]]
-- @module void
-- @alias p
-- @author [[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
-- @attribution [[User:Flaicher|Flaicher]] ([[MediaWiki:RelicTable.js]])
-- @image VoidProjectionsIronD.png
-- @require [[Module:Void/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Weapons/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Warframes/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Resources/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Companions/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Vendors/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Void]]
-- @require [[Module:Version]]
-- @require [[Module:DropTables]]
-- @require [[Module:InfoboxBuilder]]
-- @require [[MediaWiki:RelicTable.js]] (script for relic refinement buttons)
-- @release stable
-- <nowiki>
local p = {}
local VoidData = mw.loadData('Module:Void/data')
local WeaponData = require('Module:Weapons/data')
local WarframeData = mw.loadData('Module:Warframes/data')['Warframes']
local ArchwingData = mw.loadData('Module:Warframes/data')['Archwings']
local ResourceData = mw.loadData('Module:Resources/data')['Resources']
local CompanionData = mw.loadData('Module:Companions/data')['Companions']
local ModData = mw.loadData('Module:Mods/data')['Mods']
local VendorsData = mw.loadData('Module:Vendors/data')['Vendors']
local Math = require('Module:Math')
local RelicData = VoidData['RelicData']
local PrimeData = VoidData['PrimeData']
local Void = require('Module:Void')
local Version = require('Module:Version')
local DropTable = require('Module:DropTables')
local InfoboxBuilder = require('Module:InfoboxBuilder')
-- Note that this table ID is used by [[MediaWiki:RelicTable.js]] to change rarity
-- drop chance elements for different refinements of relics (e.g. Intact vs. Radiant relics).
-- This is used in p.buildRelicDropTable(frame)
local RELIC_TABLE_ID = '72656C6963table'
local ICON_SIZE = '38' -- Used in getRelicDrops(relic); icon size in pixels
local IMAGE_MAP = {
Lith = 'LithRelicIntact.png',
Meso = 'MesoRelicIntact.png',
Neo = 'NeoRelicIntact.png',
Axi = 'AxiRelicIntact.png',
Requiem = 'RequiemRelicIntact.png',
--- Returns relic's Prime Resurgence(Varzia) status.
-- @function isVarzia
-- @param {string} relicName Name of the relic
-- @return {boolean} true or false
local function isVarzia(relicName)
for _, offer in ipairs(VendorsData['Varzia'].Offerings) do
if offer[1] == relicName then
return true
return false
--- Returns the appropriate message box for relic page.
-- @function getMessageBox
-- @param {table} relic Relic entry in /data
-- @return {string} Wikitext of message box
local function getMessageBox(relic)
if relic['IsBaro'] then
return [=[
| image = Voidtraderplaceholderthumb.png
| link = Baro Ki'Teer
| quote = Maybe next time.
| type = This [[Void Relic]] is exclusive to the [[Baro Ki'Teer|Void Trader's]] offerings and may not be available for purchase at this time. Players can still [[Trading|trade]] for it, however.
elseif isVarzia(relic.Name) then
return [=[
| image = Varzia.png
| link = Prime Resurgence
| quote = Rumours were true. The vault of history is open.
| type = This [[Void Relic]] is obtainable from [[Prime Resurgence]] offerings for a limited time. Players can still [[Trading|trade]] for it, however.
elseif relic['Vaulted'] then
-- TODO: Can't we just return "{{Vaulted}}" instead? The module will preprocesses the frame so it should still render properly
return [=[
| image = AladVPortrait_d.png
| link = Alad V
| quote = Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die.
| type = This [[Void Relic]] is no longer obtainable from the [[Drop Tables]]. However, vaulted relics can still be opened or [[Trading|traded]] if they are in player inventories.
return ''
--- Returns the relic status.
-- @function getRelicStatus
-- @param {table} relic Relic entry in /data
-- @return {string} Wikitext of infobox image caption
local function getRelicStatus(relic)
if relic['IsBaro'] then
return [=[<div style="text-align:center;">'''[[Baro Ki'Teer|Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive]]'''</div>]=]
elseif isVarzia(relic.Name) then
return [=[<div style="text-align:center;">'''[[Prime Resurgence|Prime Resurgence Available]]'''</div>]=]
elseif relic['Vaulted'] then
return [=[<div style="text-align:center;">'''{{text|red|VAULTED}}'''</div>]=]
return [=[<div style="text-align:center;">'''{{text|green|AVAILABLE}}'''</div>]=]
--- Returns the relic's related categories.
-- @function getRelicCategories
-- @param {table} relic Relic entry in /data
-- @return {string} Wikitext of category links
local function getRelicCategories(relic)
local categories = { '[[Category:Relic]]' }
if relic['Vaulted'] then
table.insert(categories, '[[Category:Vaulted Relics]]')
if relic['IsBaro'] then
table.insert(categories, '[[Category:Baro_Ki\'Teer_Offering]][[Category:Removed]]')
if isVarzia(relic.Name) then
table.insert(categories, '[[Category:Prime Resurgence Offering]]')
table.insert(categories, '[[Category:'..relic['Tier']..']]')
table.insert(categories, Version._getVersionCategory(relic['Introduced']))
return table.concat(categories)
--- Returns interwiki links to wikias with separate relic pages
-- @function getnterwikiLinks
-- @param {table} relic Relic entry in /data
-- @return {string} Wikitext containing interwiki links
local function getInterwikiLinks(relic)
--returns nothing if RelicData contains not enough data
if type(relic.Name) ~= 'string' or type(relic.Tier) ~= 'string' or
not relic.Name:find(' %w') then
return ''
--separating Tier from Name
local relicName = relic.Name:gsub('.+ ','')
local interwikis = {}
local iTemplate = '[[%s:%s %s]]'
-- TODO: Could move localization to [[MediaWiki:Custom-VoidRelics/i18n.json]]
local eligibleWikias = {
--true value for wikias with identical relic page names
fr = true,
es = true,
ja = true,
--tables value for wikias with localised relic page names
['ru'] = {
Lith = 'Лит',
Meso = 'Мезо',
Neo = 'Нео',
Axi = 'Акси',
Requiem = 'Реквием',
['uk'] = {
Lith = 'Літ',
Meso = 'Мезо',
Neo = 'Нео',
Axi = 'Аксі',
Requiem = 'Реквієм',
--generating interwiki links
for lang, translate in pairs(eligibleWikias) do
if translate == true then
table.insert(interwikis, iTemplate:format(lang,relic.Tier, relicName))
elseif type(translate) == 'table' and translate[relic.Tier] then
table.insert(interwikis, iTemplate:format(lang,translate[relic.Tier], relicName))
return table.concat(interwikis)
--- Builds relic infobox, adds a message box (if needed), and the categories.
-- @function p.buildRelicInfobox
-- @param {table} frame Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name
-- @return {string} Wikitext of infobox
function p.buildRelicInfobox(frame)
assert(frame and frame.args ~= nil, 'p.buildRelicInfobox(frame): empty frame arguments')
local relicName = frame.args['name']
local relic = RelicData[relicName]
assert(relic ~= nil, 'p.buildRelicInfobox(frame): "'..relicName..'" does not exist in [[Module:Void/data]]')
local Infobox = InfoboxBuilder('WARFRAME Wiki:L10n/general.json', 'WARFRAME Wiki:L10n/meta.json')
:tag('image'):attr('source', 'Image')
:caption('relic-status', getRelicStatus(relic))
:caption('tradable', '[[File:TradableIcon.png|x32px|class=icon dark-invert]] [[Trading|{{text|green|%s}}]][[Category:Tradeable]]', 'tradable')
:group():header('%s', 'general-information')
:row('release-date', '%s', Version._getVersionLink(relic['Introduced']), 'introduced')
:row('latest-vaulting', '%s', relic['Vaulted'] ~= nil and Version._getVersionLink(relic['Vaulted']) or '', 'latest-vaulting')
:group():header('%s', 'official-drop-tables')
:caption('official-drop-tables', 'https://www.warframe.com/droptables', 'official-drop-tables')
:group():header('%s', 'update-infobox-data')
:caption('update-infobox-data', '[[Module:Void/data]] / [[Module:DropTables/data]]', 'update-infobox-data')
return frame:preprocess(getMessageBox(relic)..tostring(Infobox))..getRelicCategories(relic)..getInterwikiLinks(relic)
--- Returns a table of the images, links, and ducat values of drops from a relic.
-- @function getRelicDrops
-- @param {table} relic Relic entry in /data
-- @return {table} Table containing image, links, and ducat values of each item corresponding by index
local function getRelicDrops(relic)
-- Index will correspond to the entries; i.e. prime part represented by
-- ImageLinks[1] will have the corresponding ducat value in DucatValues[1]
local relicDrops = { ImageLinks = {}, DucatValues = {} }
-- Assuming drops are in order of rarity (common to rare)
for _, drop in pairs(relic['Drops']) do
local itemName = drop['Item']
local imageName
local itemCount = drop['ItemCount'] and Math.formatnum(drop['ItemCount'])..' X ' or ''
-- TODO: Should fetch these image names from a appropriate data store instead of hardcoding them here
-- (e.g. M:Resources/data or M:Companions/data)
if itemName == 'Kavasa Prime' then
imageName = 'KavasaPrimeKubrowCollar.png'
imageName = WeaponData[itemName] and WeaponData[itemName]['Image'] or
WarframeData[itemName] and WarframeData[itemName]['Image'] or
ArchwingData[itemName] and ArchwingData[itemName]['Image'] or
ResourceData[itemName] and ResourceData[itemName]['Image'] or
CompanionData[itemName] and CompanionData[itemName]['Image'] or
ModData[itemName] and ModData[itemName]['Image'] or
local itemImageAndLink = string.format('[[File:%s|%spx]] %s[[%s|%s %s]]',
table.insert(relicDrops['ImageLinks'], itemImageAndLink)
table.insert(relicDrops['DucatValues'], PrimeData[drop['Item']]['Parts'][drop['Part']]['DucatValue'])
return relicDrops
--- Builds relic drop table as seen on [[Template:RelicTable]].
-- @function p.buildRelicDropTable
-- @param {table} frame Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name
-- @return {string} Wikitext of wikitable
function p.buildRelicDropTable(frame)
assert(frame and frame.args ~= nil, 'p.buildRelicDropTable(frame): empty frame arguments')
local relicName = frame.args['name']
local relic = RelicData[relicName]
assert(relic ~= nil, 'p.buildRelicInfobox(frame): "'..relicName..'" does not exist in [[Module:Void/data]]')
local relicDrops = getRelicDrops(relic)
-- Note that if you want to add % signs in the below string, you have to add %%
local resultTable = string.format([=[
The '''%s''' [[Relic]] contains the following [[Prime]] components and blueprints:
{| class="wikitable" id="%s" style="text-align: center;"
! style="width:60%%;"| Component
! style="width:20%%;"| Ducat Value
! style="width:20%%;"| Rarity (Chance)
| style="padding:0 5px 0 0; height: 32px;"| %s
| {{dc|%d}}
| rowspan="3" style="position:relative;"| [[File:IconCommon.png|class=icon]]Common<br /><span id="relic-common-percentage">(25.33%%)</span><div id="relic-common-bar" style="position:absolute; padding: 0; height:5px; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; background-image:linear-gradient(to right, #61d4d4 76%%, #2d2d2d 0%%);"></div>
| style="padding:0 5px 0 0; height: 32px;"| %s
| {{dc|%d}}
| style="padding:0 5px 0 0; height: 32px;"| %s
| {{dc|%d}}
| style="padding:0 5px 0 0; height: 32px;"| %s
| {{dc|%d}}
| rowspan="2" style="position:relative;"| [[File:IconUncommon.png|class=icon]]Uncommon<br /><span id="relic-uncommon-percentage">(11%%)</span><div id="relic-uncommon-bar" style="position:absolute; padding: 0; height:5px; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; background-image:linear-gradient(to right, #61d4d4 22%%, #2d2d2d 0%%);"></div>
| style="padding:0 5px 0 0; height: 32px;"| %s
| {{dc|%d}}
| style="padding:0 5px 0 0; height: 32px;"| %s
| {{dc|%d}}
| style="position:relative;"| [[File:IconRare.png|class=icon]]Rare <span id="relic-rare-percentage">(2%%)</span><div id="relic-rare-bar" style="position:absolute; padding: 0; height:5px; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; background-image:linear-gradient(to right, #61d4d4 2%%, #2d2d2d 0%%);"></div>
| colspan=3 | <span class="button" id="relic-intact-button">Intact</span> <span class="button" id="relic-exceptional-button">Exceptional</span> <span class="button" id="relic-flawless-button">Flawless</span> <span class="button" id="relic-radiant-button">Radiant</span>
-- drops in order of 3 common, 2 uncommon, and 1 rare
relicDrops['ImageLinks'][1], -- first drop image and link
relicDrops['DucatValues'][1], -- first drop ducat value
return frame:preprocess(resultTable)
--- Returns the missions and sources where the relic itself can be dropped from.
-- @function p.buildRelicDropLocations
-- @param {table} frame Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name
-- @return {string} Wikitext of mission wikitable and other text
function p.buildRelicDropLocations(frame)
assert(frame and frame.args ~= nil, 'p.buildRelicDropLocations(frame): empty frame arguments')
local relicName = frame.args['name']
local relic = RelicData[relicName]
assert(relic ~= nil, 'p.buildRelicDropLocations(frame): "'..relicName..'" does not exist in [[Module:Void/data]]')
local missionData = 'None'
local otherSources = ''
-- If relic is not vaulted and is not a Baro-exclusive, add a mission table
-- on where players can get it below relic drop table
if relic['IsBaro'] then
otherSources = [=[
*May be available as a random [[Baro Ki'Teer]] offering during one of his biweekly visits to [[Relay]]s
elseif isVarzia(relicName) then
otherSources = "*Offered by [[Varzia]] at the cost of 1 [[Aya]]."
elseif relic['Vaulted'] then
otherSources = "*This relic is presently vaulted and does not drop in game\n"
missionData = DropTable.getSingleRelicByLocation(frame)
if relic['Tier'] == 'Requiem' then
otherSources = "*[[Kuva Thrall]]s and [[Hound]]s have a 5% chance to drop a Requiem relic. The type of Requiem relic that is dropped is equally distributed."
otherSources = [=[
*[[Void Relic#Acquisition|Relic Packs]]
** Exceptions: [[Lith C7]], [[Meso N11]], [[Neo V9]], [[Axi S8]], [[Axi V10]] obtained from Empyrean [[Abandoned Derelict Caches]]
*Endless [[Void Fissure]] missions every fifth rotation reward
return ([=[
==Mission Drop Locations==
==Other Sources==
*[[Trading]] with other players
]=]):format(missionData, otherSources)
--- Builds a relic page, adding an infobox, a message box (if needed),
-- the relic's drop table, and update category.
-- @function p.buildRelicPage
-- @param {table} frame Frame object with 'name' argument for relic name
-- @return {string} Wikitext of the entire relic page
function p.buildRelicPage(frame)
return p.buildRelicInfobox(frame)..
-- Modifying the frame passed in so Void.relicsTable(frame) displays all unvaulted relics
-- TODO: This is kinda hacky, may need to break up Void.relicsTable(frame) into two functions, one for #invoke
-- and one for module use
Void.relicsTable((function() frame.args[1] = nil; return frame end)())
return p