Database of NPC vendor offerings. Items sold through the Market not included.
- Last updated: Sun, 06 Oct 2024 17:05:32 +0000 (UTC) by User:Headbox8424
General Offerings Schema[]
{ "Synthesis Scanner", "Gear", { Credits = 5000 }, 25 },
{ "Kinetic Siphon Trap", "Gear", { Credits = 5000 }, 10 },
{ "Cephalon Simaris Sigil", "Sigil", 25000 },
{ "Madurai Transmute Core", "Mod", 5000 },
{ "Vazarin Transmute Core", "Mod", 5000 },
{ "Naramon Transmute Core", "Mod", 5000 },
{ "Exilus Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Natah (Quest)" },
{ "Color Key Scene", "Captura", 100000 },
{ "Orokin Derelict Scene", "Captura", 100000 },
{ "Sanctuary Conduit Scene", "Captura", 100000 },
{ "Orvius Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The War Within" },
- First element in each table element will be the item's name as a string (required)
- Second element in each table element will represent item type as a string (required)
- Possible values include
"Mod", "Blueprint", "Relic", "Endo", "Resource", "Arcane", "Item", "Sigil", "Cosmetic", "Captura", "Item", "Gear", and more
- Possible values include
- Third element in each table element will be the cost of item as an integer or a table of currencies mapped to its values (required)
- Fourth element in each table element will represent item quantity (optional)
- Optional named fields:
- If item is time-locked after purchasing, type in number of seconds before item is restocked in vendorPrereq
- Represents the numerical Syndicate rank it is locked behind or a string containing prerequisite content required to be completed
Vendor Entry Schema[]
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
Currency |
String | ❌ | For vendors that only use one currency, the name of the currency used to purchase items | "Standing"
Link |
String | ✔️ | Page/article link to the vendor on the wiki | "Vox Solaris (Syndicate)"
Name |
String | ✔️ | Name of vendor | "Necraloid"
Offerings |
Table (of table entries) | ✔️ | A table of items that can be purchased from the vendor | See #General Offerings Schema |
Ranks |
Table (array-like, 0 indexed) | ❌ | An array of Syndicate rank names in the order of progression | { [0] = "Neutral", "Glinty", "Whozit", "Proper Felon", "Primo", "Logical" }
Type |
String | ✔️ | Type of vendor | "Syndicate"
Vendor Data[]
-- TODO: Since we do not want to store image data here, updating this database is blocked -- by creation of new databases for Sigils, Captura Scenes, Decorations, and other items (relic packs, specters, emotes) -- unless we standardize how we name image files on the wiki so we can construct image file names just by using -- item's name return { Vendors = { ["Acrithis"] = { Currency = "Pathos Clamp", Link = "Acrithis", Name = "Acrithis", Offerings = { { "Orokin Reactor", "Item", 20, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Orokin Catalyst", "Item", 20, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Exilus Warframe Adapter", "Item", 20, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Primary Arcane Adapter", "Item", 25, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Secondary Arcane Adapter", "Item", 25, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Forma Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Melee Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Pistol Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Rifle Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Kitgun Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Riven Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Zaw Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Shotgun Riven Mod", "Mod", 15, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Companion Weapon Riven Mod", "Mod", 20, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Kuva", "Resource", 10, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Akimbo Slip Shot", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Arcane Intention", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Arcane Power Ramp", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Arcane Reaper", "Arcane", 20, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Longbow Sharpshot", "Arcane", 20, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Magus Aggress", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Primary Blight", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Primary Exhilarate", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Primary Obstruct", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Secondary Outburst", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Secondary Shiver", "Arcane", 20, 1, Timer = 86400 }, { "Shotgun Vendetta", "Arcane", 10, 1, Timer = 86400 } -- Capturas' currencies change everyday -- { "Amphitheater Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Archarbor Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Castle Town Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Mainland Hamlets Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Netherbarrow Region Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Orowyrm Arena Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Teshin's Cave Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Undercroft Opera Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Undercroft Park Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 }, -- { "Upperhaven Scene", "Captura", 0, 1, Timer = 86400 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Ambulas Reborn"] = { Currency = "Animo Nav Beacon", Link = "Operation: Ambulas Reborn", Name = "Ambulas Reborn", Offerings = { { "Avenging Truth", "Mod", 75 }, { "Entropy Detonation", "Mod", 75 }, { "Stockpiled Blight", "Mod", 75 }, { "Voltage Sequence", "Mod", 75 }, { "Neutralizing Justice", "Mod", 75 }, { "Disarming Purity", "Mod", 75 }, { "Aviator", "Mod", 75 }, { "Sacrifice", "Mod", 75 }, { "Fulmination", "Mod", 75 }, { "Ambulas Reborn Emblem", "Cosmetic", 25 }, { "Ambulas Reborn Sigil", "Sigil", 25 }, { "Noggle Statue - Ambulas", "Decoration", 25 } }, Type = "Event" }, ["Arbiters of Hexis"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Arbiters of Hexis", Name = "Arbiters of Hexis", Offerings = { { "Arbiters of Hexis Sigil", "Sigil", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Corrupted Lancer Specter", "Gear", 2500, 5, Prereq = 1 }, { "Guiding Path Sigil", "Sigil", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Bending Will Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Discipline Sigil", "Sigil", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Abyssal Beacon", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Will Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Choice Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Decurion Barrel", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Phaedra Barrel", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Corvas Barrel", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Grasp Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Potential Sigil", "Sigil", 17000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cyngas Barrel", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Centaur Aegis", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Squad Energy Restore (Large) Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Gilded Truth", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Blade of Truth", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Avenging Truth", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Stinging Truth", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Succession Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Surpassing Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Medallion Sculpture", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Seeking Shuriken", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Smoke Shadow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fatal Teleport", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rising Storm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Elusive Retribution", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Endless Lullaby", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Reactive Storm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Duality", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Calm & Frenzy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Peaceful Provocation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Energy Transfer", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Surging Dash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Radiant Finish", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Furious Javelin", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chromatic Blade", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Warrior's Rest", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shattered Storm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mending Splinters", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Spectrosiphon", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mach Crash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Thermal Transfer", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Coil Recharge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cathode Current", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tribunal", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Warding Thurible", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lasting Covenant", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Desiccation's Curse", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Elemental Sandstorm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Negation Armor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rift Haven", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rift Torrent", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cataclysmic Continuum", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Savior Decoy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Damage Decoy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hushed Invisibility", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Safeguard Switch", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Irradiating Disarm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hall of Malevolence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Explosive Legerdemain", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Total Eclipse", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mind Freak", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pacifying Bolts", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chaos Sphere", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Assimilate", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Repair Dispensary", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Temporal Artillery", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Temporal Erosion", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Axios Javelineers", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Intrepid Stand", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shock Trooper", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shocking Speed", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Transistor Shield", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Capacitance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Celestial Stomp", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Enveloping Cloud", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Primal Rage", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Truth Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Telos Akbolto", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Telos Boltor", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Telos Boltace", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Telos Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiter's Tribunal Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lua Nursery Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lua Containment Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiters of Hexis Stencil", "Decoration", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiters Combat Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiters Engineering Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiters Gunnery Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiters Piloting Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Arbiters Endurance Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hexis Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zanuka Arena Simulacrum", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vosfor", "Resource,", 30000, 200, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Initiation", "Principled", "Authentic", "Lawful", "Crusader", "Maxim" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Arbitration Honors"] = { Currency = "Vitus Essence", Link = "Arbitration Honors", Name = "Arbitration Honors", Offerings = { { "Vitus Emblem", "Cosmetic", 5 }, { "Vitus Illumina", "Decoration", 15 }, { "Ayatan Amber Star Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10 }, { "Arbitration Statue", "Decoration", 15 }, { "Scars Of Arbitration Sigil", "Sigil", 20 }, { "Sharpshooter", "Mod", 20 }, { "Cautious Shot", "Mod", 20 }, { "Power Donation", "Mod", 20 }, { "Vigorous Swap", "Mod", 20 }, { "Preparation", "Mod", 30 }, { "Aerial Ace", "Mod", 30 }, { "Mending Shot", "Mod", 30 }, { "Energizing Shot", "Mod", 30 }, { "Amprex Telos Skin", "Cosmetic", 15 }, { "Atomos Telos Skin", "Cosmetic", 15 }, { "Atterax Telos Skin", "Cosmetic", 15 }, { "Bleeding Body Ephemera Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30 }, { "Blazing Step Ephemera Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30 }, { "Judicial Coils", "Cosmetic", 30 }, { "Judicial Oculus", "Cosmetic", 30 }, { "Ayatan Zambuka Sculpture", "Ayatan Sculpture", 50 }, { "Kuva", "Resource", 25, 10000 }, { "Archgun Riven Mod", "Mod", 35 }, { "Illumina Judicium", "Emote", 35 }, { "Grendel Chassis Locator", "Key", 25 }, { "Grendel Neuroptics Locator", "Key", 25 }, { "Grendel Systems Locator", "Key", 25 }, { "Vitus Essence Decoration", "Decoration", 15 }, { "Galvanized Savvy", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Acceleration", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Hell", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Aptitude", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Chamber", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Crosshairs", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Shot", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Diffusion", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Scope", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Steel", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Reflex", "Mod", 20 }, { "Galvanized Elementalist", "Mod", 20 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Archimedean Supplies"] = { Currency = "Voidplume Pinion", Link = "Archimedean Yonta", Name = "Archimedean Supplies", Offerings = { { "Voidplume Down Ornament", "Decoration", 1, 1 }, { "Voidplume Vane Ornament", "Decoration", 1, 1 }, { "Kuva", "Resource", 5, 35000, Timer = 604800 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Archimedean Yonta"] = { Currency = "Lua Thrax Plasm", Link = "Archimedean Yonta", Name = "Archimedean Yonta", Offerings = { { "Voruna Blueprint", "Blueprint", 125, 1 }, { "Voruna Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75, 1 }, { "Voruna Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75, 1 }, { "Voruna Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75, 1 }, { "Sarofang Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100, 1 }, { "Sarofang Blade", "Item", 50, 1 }, { "Sarofang Handle", "Item", 50, 1 }, { "Perigale Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100, 1 }, { "Perigale Barrel", "Item", 50, 1 }, { "Perigale Receiver", "Item", 50, 1 }, { "Perigale Stock", "Item", 50, 1 }, { "Arcane Blessing", "Arcane", 15, 1 }, { "Arcane Rise", "Arcane", 15, 1 }, { "Primary Frostbite", "Arcane", 15, 1 }, { "Conjunction Voltage", "Arcane", 15, 1 }, { "Lua Circulus Scene", "Captura", 250 } }, Type = "Store" }, ['Belly of the Beast'] = { Currency = "Volatile Motes", Link = "Operation: Belly of the Beast", Name = "Belly of the Beast", Offerings = { { "Aspirus Ephemera", "Cosmetic", 40 }, { "Aspirus Emergent Ephemera", "Cosmetic", 40 }, { "Aspirus Apex Ephemera", "Cosmetic", 40 }, { "Low Guardian Chest Plate", "Cosmetic", 40 }, { "Belly Of The Beast Sigil", "Sigil", 15 }, { "Krios Signa", "Cosmetic", 10 }, { "Prominence Wisp Totem", "Decoration", 15 }, { "Fluctus Rahk Skin", "Cosmetic", 30 }, { "Ceti Lacera Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15 }, { "Basmu Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15 }, { "Stance Forma Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15 }, { "The Ballroom Simulacrum", "Key", 15 }, { "Arcane Tempo", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Consequence", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Momentum", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Ice", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Nullifier", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Warmth", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Resistance", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Healing", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Deflection", "Arcane", 1 }, { "Arcane Victory", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Strike", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Awakening", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Guardian", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Phantasm", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Eruption", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Agility", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Acceleration", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Trickery", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Velocity", "Arcane", 3 }, { "Arcane Precision", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Pulse", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Ultimatum", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Aegis", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Arachne", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Rage", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Fury", "Arcane", 5 }, { "Arcane Avenger", "Arcane", 5 }, --Clan Contributions { "Enlightened Hate Skin", "Cosmetic", 100 }, { "Gilded Clan Sigil", "Sigil", 15 }, { "Glyphed Clan Sigil", "Sigil", 15 }, { "Phased Clan Sigil", "Sigil", 15 }, { "Arcane Energize", "Arcane", 46 }, { "Arcane Grace", "Arcane", 46 }, { "Arcane Barrier", "Arcane", 46 }, { "Belly of the Beast Emblem", "Cosmetic", 45 } }, Type = "Event" }, ["Bird 3"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Bird 3", Name = "Bird 3", Offerings = { { "Cavia Assistant Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Cavia Researcher Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Cavia Colleague Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Cavia Scholar Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cavia Illuminate Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Melee Retaliation", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Melee Fortification", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Melee Exposure", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Melee Influence", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Melee Animosity", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Melee Vortex", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Melee Arcane Adapter", "Resource", 50000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Blitz", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Enemy Sense", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Deflection", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Slipstream", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Aviator", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Fury", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Reach", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necramech Redirection", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Augur", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Rebuke", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Rage", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Hydraulics", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Repair", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Steel Fiber", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Continuity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Stretch", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Seismic Wave", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Streamline", "Mod", 28000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Necramech Thrusters", "Mod", 28000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Helminth Coalescent Segment Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Grimore Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Qorvex Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Qorvex Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Qorvex Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Qorvex Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ekhein Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Albrecht's Archive Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Albrecht's Bureau Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sanctum Anatomica Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fragmented Gorge Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fabrica Anatomica Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eidolon Zenurik Lens", "Resource", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eidolon Naramon Lens", "Resource", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eidolon Unairu Lens", "Resource", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eidolon Vazarin Lens", "Resource", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eidolon Madurai Lens", "Resource", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Assistant", "Researcher", "Colleague", "Scholar", "Illuminate" }, Type = "Store" }, Cavalero = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Cavalero", Name = "Cavalero", Offerings = { { "Holdfasts Fallen Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Holdfasts Watcher Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Holdfasts Guardian Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Holdfasts Seraph Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Holdfasts Angel Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Laetum Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Innodem Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Eternal Eradicate", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Cascadia Accuracy", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Fractalized Reset", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Molt Vigor", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Emergence Savior", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Phenmor Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Eternal Onslaught", "Arcane", 5500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Cascadia Flare", "Arcane", 5500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Felarx Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cascadia Empowered", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Molt Efficiency", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Emergence Renewed", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Praedos Blueprint", "Blueprint", 9000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Molt Reconstruct", "Arcane", 8500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Eternal Logistics", "Arcane", 8500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cascadia Overcharge", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Emergence Dissipate", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Molt Augmented", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Amp Arcane Adapter", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Raptwing Ephemera Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Seraphayre Ephemera Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Fallen", "Watcher", "Guardian", "Seraph", "Angel" }, Type = "Weapon Vendor" }, ["Cephalon Simaris"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Cephalon Simaris", Name = "Cephalon Simaris", Offerings = { { "Synthesis Scanner", "Gear", { Credits = 5000 }, 25 }, { "Kinetic Siphon Trap", "Gear", { Credits = 5000 }, 10 }, { "Cephalon Simaris Sigil", "Sigil", 25000 }, { "Madurai Transmute Core", "Mod", 5000 }, { "Vazarin Transmute Core", "Mod", 5000 }, { "Naramon Transmute Core", "Mod", 5000 }, { "Data-Parse Widget", "Misc", 25000 }, { "Cross-Matrix Widget", "Misc", 50000 }, { "Sol-Battery Widget", "Misc", 50000 }, { "Vector-Thread Widget", "Misc", 50000 }, { "Looter", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Detect Vulnerability", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Reawaken", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Negate", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Ambush", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Energy Generator", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Botanist", "Mod", 75000 }, { "Energy Conversion", "Mod", 100000 }, { "Health Conversion", "Mod", 100000 }, { "Astral Autopsy", "Mod", 100000 }, { "Simulacrum Access Key", "Key", 50000 }, { "Simaris Helios Skin", "Cosmetic", 100000 }, { "Simulor Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000 }, { "Heliocor Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000 }, { "Exilus Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Natah (Quest)" }, { "Color Key Scene", "Captura", 100000 }, { "Orokin Derelict Scene", "Captura", 100000 }, { "Sanctuary Conduit Scene", "Captura", 100000 }, { "Orvius Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The War Within" }, { "Ludoplex", "Decoration", 50000 }, { "Happy Zephyr", "Misc", 25000 }, { "Wyrmius", "Misc", 25000 }, { "Simaris Offerings Console", "Decoration", 75000 }, { "Simaris Research Console", "Decoration", 75000 }, { "Companion Weapon Riven Mod", "Mod", 100000 }, { "Gara Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Saya's Vigil" }, { "Limbo Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "The Limbo Theorem" }, { "Limbo Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "The Limbo Theorem" }, { "Limbo Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "The Limbo Theorem" }, { "Chroma Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The New Strange" }, { "Chroma Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Neptune Junction" }, { "Chroma Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Uranus Junction" }, { "Chroma Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Pluto Junction" }, { "Mirage Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Hidden Messages" }, { "Mirage Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Hidden Messages" }, { "Mirage Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Hidden Messages" }, { "Harrow Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Chains of Harrow" }, { "Yareli Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Waverider" }, { "Inaros Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Sands of Inaros" }, { "Inaros Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Sands of Inaros" }, { "Inaros Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Sands of Inaros" }, { "Inaros Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Sands of Inaros" }, { "Titania Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Silver Grove" }, { "Titania Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "The Silver Grove" }, { "Titania Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "The Silver Grove" }, { "Titania Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = "The Silver Grove" }, { "Nidus Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Glast Gambit" }, { "Octavia Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Octavia's Anthem" }, { "Atlas Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Jordas Precept" }, { "Broken Scepter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The War Within" }, { "Odonata Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Archwing (Quest)" }, { "Odonata Harness Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Archwing (Quest)" }, { "Odonata Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Archwing (Quest)" }, { "Odonata Wings Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Archwing (Quest)" }, { "Imperator Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Archwing (Quest)" }, { "Veritux Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Archwing (Quest)" }, { "Revenant Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Mask of the Revenant" }, { "Garuda Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Vox Solaris (Quest)" }, { "Protea Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Deadlock Protocol" }, { "Sevagoth Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Call of the Tempestarii" }, { "Xaku Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Heart of Deimos" }, { "Mandachord", "Item", 25000, 1, Prereq = "Octavia's Anthem" }, { "Shedu", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Erra (Quest)" }, { "Umbral Vitality", "Mod", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Sacrifice" }, { "Umbral Fiber", "Mod", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Sacrifice" }, { "Umbral Intensify", "Mod", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Sacrifice" }, { "Sacrificial Pressure", "Mod", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Sacrifice" }, { "Sacrificial Steel", "Mod", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Sacrifice" }, { "Xoris Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The Deadlock Protocol" }, { "Xoris Blade", "Item", 15000, 1, Prereq = "The Deadlock Protocol" }, { "Xoris Core", "Item", 15000, 1, Prereq = "The Deadlock Protocol" }, { "Xoris Handle", "Item", 15000, 1, Prereq = "The Deadlock Protocol" }, { "Ether Daggers Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Stolen Dreams" }, { "Zenistar Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Daily Tribute" }, { "Azima Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Daily Tribute" }, { "Zenith Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Daily Tribute" }, { "Sigma & Octantis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Daily Tribute" }, { "Vitrica Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1, Prereq = "Defeat Glassmaker" }, { "Machete Blueprint", "Blueprint", 100000, 1 }, { "War Hilt", "Item", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Second Dream" }, { "War Blade", "Item", 50000, 1, Prereq = "The Second Dream" }, { "Paracesis Sheath", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = "Chimera Prologue" }, { "Nataruk", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The New War" }, { "Sirocco", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The New War" }, { "Rumblejack", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = "The New War" } }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Cephalon Suda"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Cephalon Suda", Name = "Cephalon Suda", Offerings = { { "Cephalon Suda Sigil", "Sigil", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Shield Osprey Specter", "Gear", 2500, 5, Prereq = 1 }, { "Query Sigil", "Sigil", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Searching Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Pattern Match Sigil", "Sigil", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Abyssal Beacon", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Atomic Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Manifold Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Decurion Receiver", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Velocitus Barrel", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Corvas Receiver", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Fractal Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Multivariate Sigil", "Sigil", 17000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cyngas Receiver", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Fluctus Barrel", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Squad Shield Restore (Large) Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Entropy Spike", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Entropy Flight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Entropy Detonation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Entropy Burst", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Labyrinth Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Hexan Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Datum Sculpture", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Sonic Fracture", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Resonance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Savage Silence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Resonating Quake", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Afterburn", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Everlasting Ward", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vexing Retaliation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Guardian Armor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Guided Effigy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Freeze Force", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ice Wave Impedance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chilling Globe", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Icy Avalanche", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Biting Frost", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Balefire Surge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blazing Pillage", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Aegis Gale", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Viral Tempest", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tidal Impunity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rousing Plunder", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pilfering Swarm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Empowered Quiver", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Piercing Navigator", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Infiltrate", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Concentrated Arrow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rift Haven", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rift Torrent", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cataclysmic Continuum", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hall of Malevolence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Explosive Legerdemain", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Total Eclipse", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pyroclastic Flow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Reaping Chakram", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Safeguard", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Divine Retribution", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Controlled Slide", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Neutron Star", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Antimatter Absorb", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Escape Velocity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Molecular Fission", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Partitioned Mallet", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Conductor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Wrecking Wall", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Thrall Pact", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mesmer Shield", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blinding Reave", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shadow Haze", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Dark Propagation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tesla Bank", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Repelling Bastille", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Photon Repeater", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fused Reservoir", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Critical Surge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vampiric Grasp", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "The Relentless Lost", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Merulina Guardian", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Loyal Merulina", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Surging Blades", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Oracle Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Synoid Gammacor", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Synoid Simulor", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Synoid Heliocor", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Synoid Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Suda's Datascape Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hunhow's Datascape Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Corpus Ice Planet Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chamber of the Lotus Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cephalon Suda Stencil", "Decoration", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cephalon Suda Combat Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cephalon Suda Engineering Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cephalon Suda Gunnery Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cephalon Suda Piloting Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cephalon Suda Endurance Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Suda Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Orokin Derelict Simulacrum", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vosfor", "Resource,", 30000, 200, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Initiation", "Competent", "Intriguing", "Intelligent", "Wise", "Genius" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, Conclave = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Conclave", Name = "Conclave", Offerings = { { "Awakening Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Perception Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Awareness Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Revelation Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Loose Magazine", "Mod", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Full Capacity", "Mod", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Loose Hatch", "Mod", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Maximum Capacity", "Mod", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Loose Chamber", "Mod", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Loaded Capacity", "Mod", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Air Thrusters", "Mod", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Adept Surge", "Mod", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Rising Skill", "Mod", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Calculated Spring", "Mod", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Tempered Bound", "Mod", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "No Current Leap", "Mod", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Anticipation", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Scarlet Hurricane", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Piercing Fury", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Biting Piranha", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Dividing Blades", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Quaking Hand", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Celestial Nightfall", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Crashing Havoc", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Noble Cadence", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Fateful Truth", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Rending Wind", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Mafic Rain", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Argent Scourge", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vicious Approach", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Cunning Aspect", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Shadow Harvest", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Crashing Timber", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Last Herald", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Rising Steel", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Tainted Hydra", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Star Divide", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Lashing Coil", "Mod", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Night Stalker", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Apex Predator", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Bounty Hunter", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Reflex Draw", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Twitch", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Soft Hands", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Overcharge Detectors", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Meteor Munitions", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Impaler Munitions", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Razor Munitions", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Comet Rounds", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ripper Rounds", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Serrated Rounds", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Crash Shot", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Shred Shot", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Flak Shot", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Counterweight", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Serrated Edges", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Sharpened Blade", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Spry Sights", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Agile Aim", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Snap Shot", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Air Recon", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Overview", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Broad Eye", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Riv Min-Guard Arm", "Cosmetic", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Riv Min-Guard Chest", "Cosmetic", 30000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Riv Min-Guard Leg", "Cosmetic", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vigilance Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Prudence Sigil", "Sigil", 14000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Discretion Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Anti-Flak Plating", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Armored Acrobatics", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Armored Evade", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Armored Recovery", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Follow Through", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Eject Magazine", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Tactical Reload", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Lock and Load", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Explosive Demise", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Surplus Diverters", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Gun Glide", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Double-Barrel Drift", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Strafing Slide", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Martial Fury", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Relentless Assault", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Heartseeker", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Impenetrable Offense", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Sword Alone", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Lie In Wait", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Riv Comp-Guard Arm", "Cosmetic", 30000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Riv Comp-Guard Chest", "Cosmetic", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Riv Comp-Guard Leg", "Cosmetic", 30000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ambition Sigil", "Sigil", 13000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Volition Sigil", "Sigil", 14000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Freedom Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Afterburn", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Rumbled", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Push & Pull", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Deceptive Bond", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Prism Guard", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Discharge Strike", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ward Recovery", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Antimatter Mine", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Power of Three", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Mesa's Waltz", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Purging Slash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Signal Flare", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ice Wave Impedance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Sapping Reach", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Shield Overload", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Singularity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Iron Shrapnel", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Kinetic Collision", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Recharge Barrier", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Hysterical Fixation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Purifying Flames", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Defiled Reckoning", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Tear Gas", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Recuperate", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Calculated Victory", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Recover", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Vanquished Prey", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Momentary Pause", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Prize Kill", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Stand Ground", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Quick Charge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Overcharged", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Spring-Loaded Broadhead", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Voltaic Lance", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Searing Leap", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Rime Vault", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Venomous Rise", "Mod", 30000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Enlightenment Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Discovery Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Accord Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Riv Elite-Guard Arm", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Riv Elite-Guard Chest", "Cosmetic", 120000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Riv Elite-Guard Leg", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Celestia Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Braton Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Gorgon Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Latron Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ack & Brunt Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Dragon Nikana Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Nikana Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Skana Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Dual Skana Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Angstrum Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vasto Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Akvasto Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Viper Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Twin Vipers Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sybaris Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Strun Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Daikyu Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Furax Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kronen Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lato Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Aklato Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lex Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Grinlok Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tonkor Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Jat Kittag Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Marelok Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Opticor Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Soma Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Karak Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kraken Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Akstiletto Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Glaive Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tipedo Conclave Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mag", "Warframe", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Volt", "Warframe", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Excalibur", "Warframe", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Insight Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Empathy Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Unity Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Conclave Loadout Slot", "Misc", 35000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Teshin's Refuge Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lunaro Arena Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { "Mistral", "Whirlwind", "Tempest", "Hurricane", "Typhoon" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, Daughter = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Daughter", Name = "Daughter", Offerings = { { "Spari Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Cryptosuctus Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Barbisteo Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Kymaeros Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Amniophysi Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Lobotriscid Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Glutinox Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ostimyr Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vitreospina Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Chondricord Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Duroid Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ebisu Spear", "Gear", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Processed Fass Residue", "Gear", 300, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Aquapulmo Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Flagellocanth Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Processed Vome Residue", "Gear", 400, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Myxostomata Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Stranger", "Acquaintance", "Associate", "Friend", "Family" }, Type = "Fishing Vendor" }, ["Dog Days"] = { Currency = "Nakak Pearl", Link = "Dog Days", Name = "Dog Days", Offerings = { { "Beach Color Picker", "Color", 70 }, { "Dog Days Emblem", "Cosmetic", 105 }, { "Dog Days Ephemera", "Cosmetic", 1 }, { "Electromagnetic Shielding", "Mod", 140 }, { "Vulcan Blitz", "Mod", 140 }, { "Hunter's Bonesaw", "Mod", 140 }, { "Rift Strike", "Mod", 140 }, { "Nightwatch Napalm", "Mod", 140 }, { "Harkonar Scope", "Mod", 140 }, { "Fomorian Accelerant", "Mod", 140 }, { "Acid Shells", "Mod", 140 }, { "Medi-Ray", "Mod", 140 }, { "Energizing Shot", "Mod", 30 }, { "Rucksack Roller Floof", "Decoration", 210 }, { "Roller Floof", "Decoration", 280 }, { "Sunrise Roller Floof", "Decoration", 350 }, { "Carnival Roller Floof", "Decoration", 350 }, { "Tropical Roller Floof", "Decoration", 350 }, { "Dog Days Sigil", "Sigil", 420 }, { "Dog Days Scene", "Captura", 700 }, { "Soaktron Rifle Skin", "Cosmetic", 490 } }, Type = "Event" }, ["Enigma Archives"] = { Currency = "Enigma Gyrum", Link = "Acrithis#Enigma Archives", Name = "Enigma Archives", Offerings = { { "Watchful Paragrimm", "Decoration", 50 }, { "Duviri Mortis Stela", "Decoration", 40 }, { "Duviri Fainting Couch", "Decoration", 35 }, { "Duviri Theater Seat", "Decoration", 35 }, { "Duviri Repast Table", "Decoration", 20 }, { "Duviri Modesty Screen", "Decoration", 15 }, { "Duviri Hand Spa", "Decoration", 10 }, { "Senate Seat", "Decoration", 10 }, { "Duviri Hay Bale", "Decoration", 10 }, { "Duviri Lectern", "Decoration", 10 }, { "Duviri Clerical Desk", "Decoration", 10 }, { "Duviri Calculum", "Decoration", 5 }, { "Duviri Scales", "Decoration", 5 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Ergo Glast Merchandise"] = { Currency = "Corrupted Holokey", Link = "Ergo Glast", Name = "Ergo Glast Merchandise", Offerings = { { "Tenet Grigori", "Weapon", 40, 1, Timer = 345600 }, { "Tenet Livia", "Weapon", 40, 1, Timer = 345600 }, { "Tenet Exec", "Weapon", 40, 1, Timer = 345600 }, { "Tenet Agendus", "Weapon", 40, 1, Timer = 345600 } }, Type = "Rotating Store" }, Father = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Father", Name = "Father", Offerings = { { "Vermisplicer Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Sporelacer Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Macro Arcroid Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Thymoid Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Palmaris Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ulnaris Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Keratinos Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Keratinos Blade Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Keratinos Gauntlet Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Macro Thymoid Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Arcroid Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zymos Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zymos Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zymos Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Sepulcrum Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Sepulcrum Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Sepulcrum Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Lavos Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Trumna Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Trumna Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Trumna Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Trumna Stock Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Lavos Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Lavos Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Lavos Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Damzav-Vati", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zazvat-Kar", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Bhisaj-Bal", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Hata-Satya", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cedo Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cedo Barrel", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cedo Receiver", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cedo Stock", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Stranger", "Acquaintance", "Associate", "Friend", "Family" }, Type = "Weapon Vendor" }, ["Fisher Hai-Luk"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Fisher Hai-Luk", Name = "Fisher Hai-Luk", Offerings = { { "Lanzo Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tulok Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Peram Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Peppered Bait", "Gear", 50, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Luminous Dye", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Twilight Bait", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Mawfish Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Khut-Khut Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Yogwun Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Charc Eel Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Goopolla Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Murkray Bait", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Tralok Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Mortus Lungfish Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Norg Bait", "Gear", 300, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Sharrac Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Karkina Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Pharoma", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cuthol Bait", "Gear", 400, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Murkray Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Norg Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cuthol Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Boot Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Glappid Bait", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Glappid Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 12500, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Goopolla Glyph", "Glyph", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Offworlder", "Visitor", "Trusted", "Surah", "Kin" }, Type = "Fishing Vendor" }, Hok = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Hok", Name = "Hok", Offerings = { { "Ruhang Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Jai Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Peye Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Seekalla Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Laka Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Jayap Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kwath Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kroostra Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Korb Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Shtung Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Balla Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ooltha Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kronsh Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Dehtat Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Mewan Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Cyath Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Sepfahn Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Rabvee Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Dokrahm Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ruhang II Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Jai Ii Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vargeet Ruhang Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ekwana Ruhang Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vargeet Jai Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ekwana Jai Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vargeet II Ruhang Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ekwana II Ruhang Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vargeet II Jai Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ekwana II Jai Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vargeet Ruhang II Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Ekwana Ruhang II Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Vargeet Jai II Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Ekwana Jai II Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Exodia Brave", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exodia Valor", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exodia Might", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exodia Triumph", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exodia Hunt", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exodia Force", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ostron Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Butcher's Revelry", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Offworlder", "Visitor", "Trusted", "Surah", "Kin" }, Type = "Weapon Vendor" }, Hombask = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Hombask", Name = "Hombask", Offerings = { { "Zariman Container (Small)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Crate (Large)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Crate (Large, Open)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Crate Lid (Large)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Crate", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Crate (Open)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Crate Lid", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Container (Tall)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Container (Tall, Open)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Container Lid", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Box (Slim)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Box (Slim, Open)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Storage Box Lid (Slim)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Gas Cylinder Storage", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Gas Cylinder Storage (Empty)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Extractor Unit", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Foot Locker", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Foot Locker (Open)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Foot Locker Lid", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Stacking Locker (Small)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Stacking Locker (Large)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Fuel Cylinder", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Waste Receptacle (Standing)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Monitoring Cube", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Inward)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Outward)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Inward, 90 Degrees)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Outward, 90 Degrees)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Bench (Single)", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Hallway Divider", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Wall Panel", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Zariman Stationary Globe Light", "Decoration", 8500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Globe Light", "Decoration", 8500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Tube Light", "Decoration", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Flushmount Light", "Decoration", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Portable Generator", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Generator Light", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Pre-Orokin Lua Globe", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Globe Base", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Locker (Low, Long)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Cabinet (Low, Long)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Cabinet (Low, Short)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Wall Locker (Long)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Wall Locker (Short)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Wall Cabinet (Short)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Wall Locker (Tall)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Wall Cabinet (Tall)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Chair", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Desk", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Table (Large)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Side Table", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Wall Planter", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Green Plant", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Hydro Planter", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Hydro Planter Door Panel", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Bench (Straight, Long)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Inward, Long)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Inward, Long, 60 Degrees)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Outward, Long, 60 Degrees)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Inward, Long, 90 Degrees)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Bench (Curved Outward, Long, 90 Degrees)", "Decoration", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Beverage Dispenser", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Food Container", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Food Can", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Tumbler Cup", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Cup", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Bottle", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Kitchen Knife", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Food Pouch", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Spoon", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Lunch Tray", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Waste Extractors (3)", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Kitchen Boiler", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube Warmer", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube Steamer", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube Blender", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube Hydrator", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Tea Steeper", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube Maker", "Decoration", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Brick (Protein)", "Decoration", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube (Carbohydrate)", "Decoration", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube (Fiber)", "Decoration", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube (Fat)", "Decoration", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube (Vitamins)", "Decoration", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Food Tray", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Nutrition Cube Processor", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Fry Pan", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Salad Spinner", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Sterilizer", "Decoration", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Zariman Lunaro Hanging Banner (Short)", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Lunaro Hanging Banner (Long)", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Park Sign", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Rug", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Rug (Wrinkled)", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Floor Pad", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Planets Mobile (Saturn)", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Planets Mobile (Jupiter)", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Test Tube Station", "Decoration", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Beaker Set", "Decoration", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Boiling Flask", "Decoration", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Plinth", "Decoration", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Tool Case", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Wall Panel (Double)", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Wall Panel (Quintuple)", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman Wall Panel (Large, Single)", "Decoration", 40000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zariman School Crafts", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Biology Class Crafts", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Horse Poster", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Classroom Helix Artwork", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Origin System Poster", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Illustration", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman School Crafts Collage", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Poster Arrangement", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman School Art Display", "Decoration", 3500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Child)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Lunaro Child)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Colonist Woman)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Colonist Man)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Athlete)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Drummer)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Meditating)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue (Executor Tuvul)", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Statue Plinth", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Zariman Albrecht Entrati Painting", "Decoration", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Yonta Portrait", "Decoration", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Ballas Portrait", "Decoration", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Shoes", "Decoration", 6500, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Trophy (Lunaro)", "Decoration", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Trophy (Lunaro Goal)", "Decoration", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Trophy (Lunaro Ball)", "Decoration", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Verd-Ie Sentinel Skin", "Cosmetic", 60000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Verd-Ie Sentinel Mask", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Verd-Ie Sentinel Tail", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Verd-Ie Sentinel Wings", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vista Suite Key", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tarnished Morphics", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ayatan Elegance", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "White Sun Veneer", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Homestead Twill", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Cephalon Adornment", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zariman Amphitheatre Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Dormizone Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Cargo Bay Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Brig Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Agri-Zone Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Hall Of Legems Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Habitation Zone Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Lunaro Court Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Albrecht Park Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Serenity Levels Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Angel Roost Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Chrysalith Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Schoolyard Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Docking Bay Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Zariman Reliquary Drive Scene", "Captura", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Fallen", "Watcher", "Guardian", "Seraph", "Angel" }, Type = "Decoration Vendor" }, ["Kahl's Garrison"] = { Currency = "Stock (Kahl)", Link = "Kahl's Garrison", Name = "Kahl's Garrison", Offerings = { { "Styanax Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 60, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Slaytra Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Styanax Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 60, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Archon Continuity", "Mod", 40, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Archon Stretch", "Mod", 40, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Archon Intensify", "Mod", 40, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Archon Vitality", "Mod", 40, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Archon Flow", "Mod", 40, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Styanax Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 60, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Aegrit Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Styanax Blueprint", "Blueprint", 90, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Skaut", "Landing Craft", 120, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Afentis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 60, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fog Of War Ephemera", "Ephemera", 45, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Amber Archon Shard", "Item", 90, 1, Prereq = 5, Timer = 1814400 }, { "Azure Archon Shard", "Item", 90, 1, Prereq = 5, Timer = 1814400 }, { "Crimson Archon Shard", "Item", 90, 1, Prereq = 5, Timer = 1814400 }, { "Shard Hex Ephemera", "Ephemera", 45, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shard Bane Ephemera", "Ephemera", 45, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { "Shelter", "Encampment", "Fort", "Settlement", "Home" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Koumei's Shrine"] = { Currency = "Fate Pearl", Link = "Koumei's Shrine", Name = "Koumei's Shrine", Offerings = { { "Koumei Blueprint", "Blueprint", 165 }, { "Koumei Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 55 }, { "Koumei Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 55 }, { "Koumei Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 55 }, { "Higasa Blueprint", "Blueprint", 135 }, { "Higasa Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45 }, { "Higasa Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45 }, { "Higasa Stock Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45 }, { "Amanata Blueprint", "Blueprint", 135 }, { "Amanata Blade Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45 }, { "Amanata Handle Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45 }, { "Amanata Pressure", "Mod", 150 }, { "Higasa Serration", "Mod", 150 }, { "Koumei Prex", "Decoration", 200 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Kullervo's Archive"] = { Currency = "Kullervo's Bane", Link = "Acrithis#Kullervo's Archive", Name = "Kullervo's Archive", Offerings = { { "Kullervo Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15 }, { "Kullervo Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 9 }, { "Kullervo Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 9 }, { "Kullervo Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 9 }, { "Rauta Blueprint", "Blueprint", 12 }, { "Rauta Barrel", "Item", 6 }, { "Rauta Receiver", "Item", 6 }, { "Rauta Stock", "Item", 6 }, { "Credits", "Credits", 15, 100000 } }, Type = "Store" }, Legs = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Legs", Name = "Legs", Offerings = { { "Drimper Bracket Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tian Bracket Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Para Moa Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Drex Core Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Trux Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Lambeo Moa Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Krisys Core Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Jonsin Bracket Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Harpen Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Oloro Moa Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Alcrom Core Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Gauth Bracket Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Aegron Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Nychus Moa Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Munit Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Hona Bracket Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Hextra Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Lehan Core Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Phazor Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Atheca Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Tyli Gyro Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cryotra Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tazicor Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vulcax Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Helstrum Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Outworlder", "Rapscallion", "Doer", "Cove", "Old Mate" }, Type = "Companion Vendor" }, ["Master Teasonai"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Master Teasonai", Name = "Master Teasonai", Offerings = { --Browse Wares { "Kuaka Echo-Lure", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kuaka Pheromone Oota", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Condroc Echo-Lure", "Gear", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Condroc Pheromone Oota", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Mergoo Echo-Lure", "Gear", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Mergoo Pheromone Oota", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vasca Kavat Echo-Lure", "Gear", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vasca Kavat Pheromone Oota", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vasca Curative", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Restorative Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Manifold Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Covert Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Mystic Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Tandem Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Common Condroc Glyph", "Glyph", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, --Trade Tags { "Plains Kuaka Floof", "Decoration", { ["Plains Kuaka Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ashen Kuaka Floof", "Decoration", { ["Ashen Kuaka Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ghost Kuaka Floof", "Decoration", { ["Ghost Kuaka Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Common Condroc Floof", "Decoration", { ["Common Condroc Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Rogue Condroc Floof", "Decoration", { ["Rogue Condroc Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Emperor Condroc Floof", "Decoration", { ["Emperor Condroc Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Coastal Mergoo Floof", "Decoration", { ["Coastal Mergoo Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Woodland Mergoo Floof", "Decoration", { ["Woodland Mergoo Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Splendid Mergoo Floof", "Decoration", { ["Splendid Mergoo Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ostia Vasca Kavat Floof", "Decoration", { ["Ostia Vasca Kavat Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Bau Vasc Kavat Floof", "Decoration", { ["Bau Vasc Kavat Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Nephil Vasca Kavat Floof", "Decoration", { ["Nephil Vasca Kavat Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Plains Of Eidolon Conservation Emblem", "Emblem", { ["Plains Kuaka Tag"] = 1, ["Ashen Kuaka Tag"] = 1, ["Ghost Kuaka Tag"] = 1, ["Common Condroc Tag"] = 1, ["Rogue Condroc Tag"] = 1, ["Emperor Condroc Tag"] = 1, ["Coastal Mergoo Tag"] = 1, ["Woodland Mergoo Tag"] = 1, ["Splendid Mergoo Tag"] = 1, }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Elusive Posture", "Mod", { ["Plains Kuaka Tag"] = 3, ["Ashen Kuaka Tag"] = 3, ["Ghost Kuaka Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Balanced Posture", "Mod", { ["Coastal Mergoo Tag"] = 3, ["Ashen Kuaka Tag"] = 3, }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Loyal Retriever", "Mod", { ["Plains Kuaka Tag"] = 1, ["Common Condroc Tag"] = 1, ["Ostia Vasca Kavat Tag"] = 1, ["Coastal Mergoo Tag"] = 1 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Precision Conditioning", "Mod", { ["Splendid Mergoo Tag"] = 3, ["Bau Vasca Kavat Tag"] = 3, }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Cull the Weak", "Mod", { ["Rogue Condroc Tag"] = 5, ["Emperor Condroc Tag"] = 5, }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Bloodthirst", "Mod", { ["Ostia Vasca Kavat Tag"] = 3, ["Nephil Vasca Kavat Tag"] = 3, }, 1, Prereq = 0 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Offworlder", "Visitor", "Trusted", "Surah", "Kin" }, Type = "Conservation Vendor" }, Necraloid = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Necraloid", Name = "Necraloid", Offerings = { { "Voidrig Casing Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Voidrig Engine Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Voidrig Capsule Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Voidrig Weapon Pod Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Necraloid Agnesis Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Casing", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Engine", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Pod", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Weapon Barrel", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Damaged Necramech Weapon Stock", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Voidrig Necramech Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bonewidow Casing Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bonewidow Engine Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bonewidow Capsule Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bonewidow Weapon Pod Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Cortege Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Cortege Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Cortege Stock Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Morgha Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Morgha Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Morgha Stock Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Vitality", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necramech Refuel", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bonewidow In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Voidrig In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Necraloid Modus Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bonewidow Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cortege Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Morgha Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Intensify", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Pressure Point", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Efficiency", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Drift", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Friction", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necramech Flow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Deimos Chamber Scene", "Captura", 70000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Loid Sentinel Skin", "Cosmetic", 30000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Loid Sentinel Mask", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Loid Sentinel Tail", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Loid Sentinel Wing", "Cosmetic", 10000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ayatan Kitha Sculpture", "Ayatan Sculpture", 50000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Necraloid Odima Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 } }, Ranks = { "Clearance: Agnesis", "Clearance: Modus", "Clearance: Odima" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["New Loka"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "New Loka", Name = "New Loka", Offerings = { { "New Loka Sigil", "Sigil", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ancient Healer Specter", "Gear", 2500, 5, Prereq = 1 }, { "Sacrifice Sigil", "Sigil", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Seed Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Rebirth Sigil", "Sigil", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Abyssal Beacon", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Growth Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Clarity Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Onorix Blade", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Phaedra Stock", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Rathbone Head", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bloom Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Purity Sigil", "Sigil", 17000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Agkuza Blade", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Centaur Handle", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Squad Health Restore (Large) Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Winds of Purity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Disarming Purity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Bright Purity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Lasting Purity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Gaia Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Bounty Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Seed Sculpture", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Elusive Retribution", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Endless Lullaby", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Reactive Storm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Duality", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Calm & Frenzy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Peaceful Provocation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Energy Transfer", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shattered Storm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mending Splinters", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Spectrosiphon", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Viral Tempest", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tidal Impunity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rousing Plunder", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pilfering Swarm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Wrath of Ukko", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Swift Bite", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Valence Formation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Greedy Pull", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magnetized Discharge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Counter Pulse", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fracturing Crush", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mind Freak", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pacifying Bolts", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chaos Sphere", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Assimilate", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Smite Infusion", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hallowed Eruption", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Phoenix Renewal", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hallowed Reckoning", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Partitioned Mallet", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Conductor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Spellbound Harvest", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Beguiling Lantern", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Razorwing Blitz", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ironclad Flight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Axios Javelineers", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Intrepid Stand", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pool of Life", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vampire Leech", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Abating Link", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Champion's Blessing", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Swing Line", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eternal War", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Prolonged Paralysis", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hysterical Assault", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Enraged", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fused Reservoir", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Critical Surge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Target Fixation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Airburst Rounds", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Jet Stream", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Funnel Clouds", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Anchored Glide", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Celestial Stomp", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Enveloping Cloud", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Primal Rage", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Merulina Guardian", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Loyal Merulina", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Surging Blades", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Intrepid Stand", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Humanity Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sancti Castanas", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sancti Tigris", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sancti Magistar", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sancti Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Amaryn's Retreat Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Grineer Shipyards Manufactory Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Silver Grove Shrine Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "New Loka Stencil", "Decoration", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "New Loka Combat Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "New Loka Engineering Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "New Loka Piloting Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "New Loka Endurance Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lokan Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Moonlit Courtyard Simulacrum", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vosfor", "Resource,", 30000, 200, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Initiation", "Humane", "Bountiful", "Benevolent", "Pure", "Flawless" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Nights of Naberus"] = { Currency = "Mother Token", Link = "Nights of Naberus", Name = "Nights of Naberus", Offerings = { { "Naberus Ephemera", "Ephemera", 45 }, { "Gram Day of the Dead Skin", "Cosmetic", 90 }, { "Basmu Day of the Dead Skin", "Cosmetic", 90 }, { "Basmu", "Weapon", 125 }, { "Ceti Lacera", "Weapon", 125 }, { "Ballroom Simulacrum", "Key", 55 }, { "Stinkeye Naberus Glyph", "Glyph", 20 }, { "Rotting Naberus Glyph", "Glyph", 20 }, { "Grapeskull Naberus Glyph", "Glyph", 20 }, { "Hallow's Eve Color Palette", "Color", 125 }, { "Voidrig Day of the Dead Skin", "Cosmetic", 100 }, { "Grim Grin Naberus Sigil", "Sigil", 5 }, { "Noggle Statue - Stalker", "Decoration", 25 }, { "Whispering Naberus Mobile", "Decoration", 100 }, { "Spinneret Ephemera", "Ephemera", 150 }, { "Nyctalus Ephemera", "Ephemera", 200 }, { "Sheev Blueprint", "Blueprint", 125 }, { "Revenant Vania Helmet Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25 }, { "Keratose Sugatra", "Cosmetics", 35 }, { "Revenant In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 25 }, { "Haunted Interior Decorations", "Decoration", 100 }, { "Jack o'Naut Statue", "Decoration", 25 }, { "Sheev Hilt", "Item", 25 }, { "Sheev Blade", "Item", 25 }, { "Sheev Heatsink", "Item", 25 }, { "Plague Akwin Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75 }, { "Plague Keewar Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75 }, { "Plague Bokwin Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25 }, { "Plague Kripath Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25 }, { "Exodia Contagion", "Arcane", 50 }, { "Exodia Epidemic", "Arcane", 50 } }, Type = "Event" }, Nightwave = { Currency = "Nora's Mix Vol. 6 Cred", Link = "Nightwave", Name = "Nightwave", Offerings = { { "Nitain Extract", "Resource", 15, 5 }, { "Kuva", "Resource", 50, 10000 }, { "Orokin Catalyst", "Item", 75, 1 }, { "Orokin Reactor", "Item", 75, 1 }, { "Vauban Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25, 1 }, { "Vauban Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25, 1 }, { "Vauban Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25, 1 }, { "Wolf Beacon", "Gear", 50, 1 }, { "Ceramic Dagger Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Dark Dagger Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Dark Sword Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Glaive Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Heat Dagger Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Heat Sword Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Jaw Sword Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Pangolin Sword Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Plasma Sword Blueprint", "Blueprint", 50 }, { "Dead Eye", "Mod", 20 }, { "Energy Siphon", "Mod", 20 }, { "Rifle Amp", "Mod", 20 }, { "Steel Charge", "Mod", 20 }, { "EMP Aura", "Mod", 20 }, { "Infested Impedance", "Mod", 20 }, { "Rejuvenation", "Mod", 20 }, { "Physique", "Mod", 20 }, { "Corrosive Projection", "Mod", 20 }, { "Enemy Radar", "Mod", 20 }, { "Loot Detector", "Mod", 20 }, { "Pistol Scavenger", "Mod", 20 }, { "Rifle Scavenger", "Mod", 20 }, { "Shield Disruption", "Mod", 20 }, { "Shotgun Scavenger", "Mod", 20 }, { "Sniper Scavenger", "Mod", 20 }, { "Holster Amp", "Mod", 20 }, { "Sprint Boost", "Mod", 20 }, { "Ambush Optics", "Mod", 20 }, { "Brain Storm", "Mod", 20 }, { "Directed Convergence", "Mod", 20 }, { "Double Tap", "Mod", 20 }, { "Focused Acceleration", "Mod", 20 }, { "Shrapnel Rounds", "Mod", 20 }, { "Skull Shots", "Mod", 20 }, { "Spring-Loaded Broadhead", "Mod", 20 }, { "Deceptive Bond", "Mod", 20 }, { "Purging Slash", "Mod", 20 }, { "Purifying Flames", "Mod", 20 }, { "Power of Three", "Mod", 20 }, { "Prism Guard", "Mod", 20 }, { "Recharge Barrier", "Mod", 20 }, { "Rumbled", "Mod", 20 }, { "Singularity", "Mod", 20 } }, Type = "Nightwave" }, ["Old Man Suumbaat"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Old Man Suumbaat", Name = "Old Man Suumbaat", Offerings = { { "Nosam Cutter", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tear Azurite x10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Pyrotic Alloy x20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Esher Devar x10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Coprite Alloy x20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ostron Offworlder Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Focused Nosam Cutter", "Gear", 750, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Marquise Veridos x10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Fersteel Alloy x20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ostron Vistor Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Star Crimzian x6 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Auroxium Alloy x20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ostron Trusted Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Advanced Nosam Cutter", "Gear", 1000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Radian Sentirum x3 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Heart Nyth x3 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cracked Jug", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Wide Fruit Basket", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Modest Fruit Basket", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Bountiful Fruit Basket", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Red Spices", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Iradite Nugget", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Ostron Surah Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Plains of Eidolon Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cetus Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blue Spices", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blue Cetus Sign", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Red Cetus Sign", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Green Cetus Sign", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fishing Boot", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Veridos Glyph", "Glyph", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ostron Kin Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Offworlder", "Visitor", "Trusted", "Surah", "Kin" }, Type = "Mining Vendor" }, ["Operational Supply"] = { Currency = { "Standing", "Credits" }, Link = "Operational Supply", Name = "Operational Supply", Offerings = { { "Fosfor Blau (x20) Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 500, Standing = 250 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Fosfor Rahd (x20) Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 500, Standing = 250 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Plague Star Emblem", "Cosmetic", { Credits = 1000, Standing = 500 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Cetus Wisp", "Resource", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 750 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Radian Sentirum", "Resource", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 750 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Heart Nyth", "Resource", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 750 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Murkray Liver", "Resource", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 750 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Norg Brain", "Resource", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 750 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Cuthol Tendrils", "Resource", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 750 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Fulmination", "Mod", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 1500 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Sacrifice", "Mod", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 1500 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Forma", "Resource", { Credits = 5000, Standing = 3000 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Eidolon Phylaxis (x5) Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 4000, Standing = 2000 }, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Snipetron Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 5000, Standing = 3000 }, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ether Daggers Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 5000, Standing = 3000 }, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Exodia Contagion", "Arcane", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 5000 }, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Exodia Epidemic", "Arcane", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 5000 }, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ghoulsaw Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 1500, Standing = 4000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ghoulsaw Blade Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 4000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ghoulsaw Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 4000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ghoulsaw Engine Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 4000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ghoulsaw Grip Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 4000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Butcher's Revelry", "Mod", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 3000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Plague Akwin Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 2000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Plague Keewar Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 2000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Plague Bokwin Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 2000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Plague Kripath Blueprint", "Blueprint", { Credits = 3500, Standing = 2000 }, 1, Prereq = 3 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Collaborator", "Defender", "Champion" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Orphix Venom"] = { Currency = "Phasic Cells", Link = "Operation: Orphix Venom", Name = "Orphix Venom", Offerings = { { "Ceti Lacera Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000 }, { "Basmu Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500 }, { "Stance Forma Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000 }, { "The Ballroom Simulacrum", "Key", 1000 }, { "Phased Clan Sigil", "Sigil", 200 }, { "Glyphed Clan Sigil", "Sigil", 200 }, { "Gilded Clan Sigil", "Sigil", 200 }, { "Arcane Tempo", "Arcane", 200 }, { "Arcane Consequence", "Arcane", 200 }, { "Arcane Momentum", "Arcane", 200 }, { "Arcane Ice", "Arcane", 200 }, { "Arcane Nullifier", "Arcane", 200 }, { "Arcane Warmth", "Arcane", 200 }, { "Arcane Resistance", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Healing", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Deflection", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Victory", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Strike", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Awakening", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Guardian", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Phantasm", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Eruption", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Agility", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Acceleration", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Trickery", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Velocity", "Arcane", 300 }, { "Arcane Precision", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Pulse", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Ultimatum", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Aegis", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Arachne", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Rage", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Fury", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Avenger", "Arcane", 400 }, { "Arcane Energize", "Arcane", 800 }, { "Arcane Grace", "Arcane", 800 }, { "Arcane Barrier", "Arcane", 800 }, { "Lavos Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500 }, { "Lavos Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000 }, { "Lavos Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000 }, { "Lavos Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000 }, { "Lavos Cordatus Helmet", "Cosmetic", 1500 }, { "Cedo Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500 }, { "Cedo Barrel", "Item", 1000 }, { "Cedo Receiver", "Item", 1000 }, { "Cedo Stock", "Item", 1000 }, { "Cryptanaut Necramech Helmet", "Cosmetic", 750 }, { "Cortege Supulchrax Skin", "Cosmetic", 750 }, { "Morgha Supulchrax Skin", "Cosmetic", 750 }, { "Necramech Deflection", "Mod", 500 }, { "Necramech Rebuke", "Mod", 500 }, { "Necramech Repair", "Mod", 500 }, { "Necramech Enemy Sense", "Mod", 500 }, { "Necramech Augur", "Mod", 500 }, { "Necramech Rage", "Mod", 500 }, { "Necramech Aviator", "Mod", 500 }, { "Lavos In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 100 } }, Type = "Event" }, Otak = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Otak", Name = "Otak", Offerings = { { "Faceted Tiametrite X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Purged Dagonic X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Adramal Alloy X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tempered Bapholite X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Purified Heciphron X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Devolved Namalon X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Stellated Necrathene X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Thaumic Distillate X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Trapezium Xenorhast X3 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cabochon Embolos X3 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8000, 1, Prereq = 3 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Stranger", "Acquaintance", "Associate", "Friend", "Family" }, Type = "Mining Vendor" }, Palladino = { Currency = "Riven Sliver", Link = "Palladino", Name = "Palladino", Offerings = { { "Veiled Riven Mod", "Mod", 10, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Credits", "Resource", 5, 150000, Timer = 604800 }, { "Kuva", "Resource", 10, 35000, Timer = 604800 }, { "Veiled Riven Mod", "Mod", 10, 1, Timer = 604800 } }, Type = "Rotating Store" }, ["Red Veil"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Red Veil", Name = "Red Veil", Offerings = { { "Red Veil Sigil", "Sigil", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Charger Specter", "Gear", 2500, 5, Prereq = 1 }, { "Blades Sigil", "Sigil", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Cull Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Threat Sigil", "Sigil", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Abyssal Beacon", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Maelstrom Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Lesion Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Kaszas Blade", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Velocitus Stock", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Rathbone Head", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ruin Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Viscera Sigil", "Sigil", 17000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Agkuza Handle", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Fluctus Limb", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Squad Ammo Restore (Large) Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Gleaming Blight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Eroding Blight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Stockpiled Blight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Toxic Blight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Malevolent Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Covert Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Mark Sculpture", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Seeking Shuriken", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Smoke Shadow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fatal Teleport", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rising Storm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Path of Statues", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tectonic Fracture", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ore Gaze", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Titanic Rumbler", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rubble Heap", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Recrystalize", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Spectral Spirit", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fireball Frenzy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Immolated Radiance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Healing Flame", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exothermic", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Warrior's Rest", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Dread Ward", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blood Forge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blending Talons", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Gourmand", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hearty Nourishment", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Catapult", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Gastro", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tribunal", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Warding Thurible", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Lasting Covenant", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Accumulating Whipclaw", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Venari Bodyguard", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pilfering Strangledome", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Swift Bite", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Valence Formation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Savior Decoy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Damage Decoy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hushed Invisibility", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Safeguard Switch", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Irradiating Disarm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ballistic Bullseye", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Staggering Shield", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Muzzle Flash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mesa's Waltz", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Soul Survivor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Creeping Terrify", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Despoil", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shield of Shadows", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Venom Dose", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Revealing Spores", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Regenerative Molt", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Contagion Cloud", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Spellbound Harvest", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Beguiling Lantern", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Razorwing Blitz", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ironclad Flight", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shock Trooper", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shocking Speed", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Transistor Shield", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Capacitance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Prey of Dynar", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ulfrun's Endurance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Target Fixation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Airburst Rounds", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Jet Stream", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Funnel Clouds", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Anchored Glide", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Assassin Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rakta Ballistica", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rakta Cernos", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rakta Dark Dagger", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Asita Rakta Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Veil's Binding Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Harrow's Temple Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Infested Ship Bridge Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hunhow's Chamber Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Red Veil Stencil", "Decoration", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Red Veil Engineering Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Red Veil Piloting Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Red Veil Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Red Veil Temple Simulacrum", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vosfor", "Resource,", 30000, 200, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Initiation", "Respected", "Honored", "Esteemed", "Revered", "Exalted" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Release Vestigial Motes"] = { Currency = "Vestigial Motes", Link = "Ordis#Jade Shadows", Name = "Release Vestigal Motes", Offerings = { { "Jade Blueprint", "Blueprint", 450 }, { "Jade Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 150 }, { "Jade Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 150 }, { "Jade Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 150 }, { "Evensong Blueprint", "Blueprint", 150 }, { "Cantare Blueprint", "Blueprint", 150 }, { "Harmony Blueprint", "Blueprint", 150 }, { "Arcane Ice Storm", "Arcane", 10 }, { "Secondary Surge", "Arcane", 10 }, { "Arcane Battery", "Arcane", 10 }, { "Secondary Fortifier", "Arcane", 10 }, { "Melee Afflictions", "Arcane", 10 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Research Dante"] = { Currency = "Vessel Capillaries", Link = "Loid (Original)#Research Dante", Name = "Research Dante", Offerings = { { "Dante Blueprint", "Blueprint", 270, 1 }, { "Dante Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 90, 1 }, { "Dante Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 90, 1 }, { "Dante Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 90, 1 }, { "Onos Blueprint", "Blueprint", 360, 1 }, { "Ruvox Blueprint", "Blueprint", 180, 1 }, { "Ruvox Blade Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45, 1 }, { "Ruvox Glove Blueprint", "Blueprint", 45, 1 }, { "Riven Transmuter", "Resource", 180, 1 }, { "Dante's Retreat Scene", "Captura", 100 }, { "The Abandoned Vessel Scene", "Captura", 100 }, { "Sanctum SImulacrum", "Key", 75, 1 }, { "Credits", "Credits", 180, 100000 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Rude Zuud"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Rude Zuud", Name = "Rude Zuud", Offerings = { { "Catchmoon Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tombfinger Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Rattleguts Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Gaze Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Ramble Blueprint", "Blueprint", 750, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Lovetap Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Deepbreath Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Slap Blueprint", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Haymaker Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Gibber Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Bellows Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Zip Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Steadyslam Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bashrack Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Slapneedle Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Sparkfire Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Swiftfire Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Stitch Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zipneedle Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Thunderdrum Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zipfire Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Splat Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Killstream Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Ramflare Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Flutterfire Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Pax Soar", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pax Charge", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pax Bolt", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pax Seeker", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Solaris Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Outworlder", "Rapscallion", "Doer", "Cove", "Old Mate" }, Type = "Weapon Vendor" }, ["Scarlet Spear"] = { Currency = "Scarlet Credits", Link = "Operation: Scarlet Spear", Name = "Scarlet Spear", Offerings = { { "OpLink", "Gear", { Credits = 1000 } }, { "Ceti Lacera Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 20000 } }, { "Basmu Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 15000 } }, { "Stance Forma Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 5000 } }, { "The Ballroom Simulacrum", "Key", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 5000 } }, { "Phased Clan Sigil", "Sigil", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Glyphed Clan Sigil", "Sigil", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Gilded Clan Sigil", "Sigil", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Murex Console", "Decoration", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 5000 } }, { "Earth Console", "Decoration", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 5000 } }, { "Arcane Tempo", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1000 } }, { "Arcane Consequence", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1000 } }, { "Arcane Momentum", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1000 } }, { "Arcane Ice", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1000 } }, { "Arcane Nullifier", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1000 } }, { "Arcane Warmth", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1000 } }, { "Arcane Resistance", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Healing", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Deflection", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Victory", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Strike", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Awakening", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Guardian", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Phantasm", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Eruption", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Agility", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Acceleration", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Trickery", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Velocity", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 1500 } }, { "Arcane Precision", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Pulse", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Ultimatum", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Aegis", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Arachne", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Rage", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Fury", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Avenger", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 2000 } }, { "Arcane Energize", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 4000 } }, { "Arcane Grace", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 4000 } }, { "Arcane Barrier", "Arcane", { ["Scarlet Credits"] = 4000 } } }, Type = "Event" }, Smokefinger = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Smokefinger", Name = "Smokefinger", Offerings = { { "Sunpoint Plasma Drill", "Gear", 2500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Smooth Phasmin X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Travocyte Alloy X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Heart Noctrul X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Axidrol Alloy X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Goblite Tears X10 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Venerdo Alloy X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Solaris United Outworlder Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Star Amarast X6 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Hespazym Alloy X20 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Solaris United Rapscallion Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Radiant Zodian X3 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 8000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Solaris United Doer Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Marquise Thyst X3 Blueprint", "Blueprint", 12000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Solaris United Cove Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Orb Vallis Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fortuna Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sunpoint Plasma Drill Range Widget", "Item", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sunpoint Plasma Drill Silencer Widget", "Item", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Goblite Glyph", "Glyph", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Solaris United Old Mate Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Outworlder", "Rapscallion", "Doer", "Cove", "Old Mate" }, Type = "Mining Vendor" }, Son = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Son", Name = "Son", Offerings = { --Browse Wares { "Cryptilex Echo-Lure", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Cryptilex Pheromone Gland", "Gear", 150, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Tranq Rifle", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Purple Velocipod K-Drive Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Green Velocipod K-Drive Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "White Velocipod K-Drive Skin", "Cosmetic", 50000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vulpaphyla Echo-Lure", "Gear", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vulpaphyla Pheromone Gland", "Gear", 150, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Predasite Echo-Lure", "Gear", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Predasite Pheromone Gland", "Gear", 150, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Desus Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1250, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Iranon Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1250, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Adra Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1250, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Leptosam Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1250, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Entrati Stranger Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Avichaea Echo-Lure", "Gear", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Avichaea Pheromone Gland", "Gear", 150, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Virox Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Elasmun Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Elsa Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Chiten Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Entrati Acquaintance Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Undazoa Echo-Lure", "Gear", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Undazoa Pheromone Gland", "Gear", 150, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Plagen Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ibexan Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Zarim Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Arioli Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Helminth Segment Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Entrati Associate Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vicious Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Seismic Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Contagious Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Duplex Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Helminth Invigoration Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Poxi Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Tethron Antigen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Phijar Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Monachod Mutagen Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Martyr Symbiosis", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Volatile Parasite", "Mod", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Entrati Friend Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Deimos Cambion Drift Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Invigoration Segment Blueprint", "Blueprint", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Entrati Family Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, --Trade Tags { "Sunny Pobber Floof", "Decoration", { ["Sunny Pobber Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Delicate Pobber Floof", "Decoration", { ["Delicate Pobber Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Subterranean Pobber Floof", "Decoration", { ["Subterranean Pobber Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "White-Breasted Virmink Floof", "Decoration", { ["White-Breasted Virmink Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Dusky-Headed Virmink Floof", "Decoration", { ["Dusky-Headed Virmink Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Red-Crested Virmink Floof", "Decoration", { ["Red-Crested Virmink Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Flossy Sawgaw Floof", "Decoration", { ["Flossy Sawgaw Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Alpine Monitor Floof", "Decoration", { ["Alpine Monitor Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Frogmouthed Sawgaw Floof", "Decoration", { ["Frogmouthed Sawgaw Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Spotted Bolarola Floof", "Decoration", { ["Spotted Bolarola Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Black-Banded Bolarola Floof", "Decoration", { ["Black-Banded Bolarola Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Thorny Bolarola Floof", "Decoration", { ["Thorny Bolarola Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Dappled Horrasque Floof", "Decoration", { ["Dappled Horrasque Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Swimmer Horrasque Floof", "Decoration", { ["Swimmer Horrasque Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Stormer Horrasque Floof", "Decoration", { ["Stormer Horrasque Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Sentinel Stover Floof", "Decoration", { ["Sentinel Stover Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Fuming Dax Stover Floof", "Decoration", { ["Fuming Dax Stover Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Fire-Veined Stover Floof", "Decoration", { ["Fire-Veined Stover Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Brindle Kubrodon Floof", "Decoration", { ["Brindle Kubrodon Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vallis Kubrodon Floof", "Decoration", { ["Vallis Kubrodon Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Incarnadine Floof", "Decoration", { ["Kubrodon Incarnadine Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Deimos Conservation Emblem", "Emblem", { ["Burrowing Cryptilex Tag"] = 1, ["Septic Cryptilex Tag"] = 1, ["Caustic Cryptilex Tag"] = 1, ["Sly Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 1, ["Crescent Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 1, ["Panzer Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 1, ["Common Avichaea Tag"] = 1, ["Sporule Avichaea Tag"] = 1, ["Viscid Avichaea Tag"] = 1, ["Vizier Predasite Tag"] = 1, ["Pharaoh Predasite Tag"] = 1, ["Medjay Predasite Tag"] = 1, ["Purple Velocipod Tag"] = 1, ["Green Velocipod Tag"] = 1, ["White Velocipod Tag"] = 1 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Resourceful Retriever", "Mod", { ["Sly Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 1, ["Purple Velocipod Tag"] = 1, ["Burrowing Cryptilex Tag"] = 1, ["Common Avichaea Tag"] = 1, ["Amethyst Nexifera Tag"] = 1, ["Vizier Predasite Tag"] = 1, ["Umber Undazoa Tag"] = 1, }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Sepsis Claws", "Mod", { ["Pharaoh Predasite Tag"] = 3, ["Caustic Cryptilex Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Frenzied Posture", "Mod", { ["Sly Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 3, ["Crescent Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 3, ["Panzer Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Magnetic Strike", "Mod", { ["Panzer Vulpaphyla Tag"] = 3, ["Sporule Avichaea Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Immunity Resistance", "Mod", { ["Amethyst Nexifera Tag"] = 1, ["Scarlet Nexifera Tag"] = 1 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Bell Ringer", "Mod", { ["Purple Velocipod Tag"] = 3, ["White Velocipod Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Stranger", "Acquaintance", "Associate", "Friend", "Family" }, Type = "Conservation Vendor" }, ["Star Days"] = { Link = "Star Days", Name = "Star Days", Offerings = { { "Eros Wings Ephemera", "Ephemera", { ["Training Debt-Bond"] = 35 } }, { "Cherub Color Palette", "Color", { ["Familial Debt-Bond"] = 25 } }, { "Ticker Floof", "Decoration", { ["Familial Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Neon Eros Wings", "Decoration", { ["Familial Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Star Days Deimos Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Medical Debt-Bond"] = 15 } }, { "Star Days Gauss Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = 5 } }, { "Star Days Helminth Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Star Days Lavos Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Star Days Necramech Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Eros Arrow Skin", "Cosmetic", { ["Training Debt-Bond"] = 1 } }, { "Snipetron Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Advances Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Ignis Wraith Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Advances Debt-Bond"] = 25 } }, { "Star Days Grineer Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Star Days Yareli Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Shelter Debt-Bond"] = 10 } }, { "Star Days Ordis Glyph", "Glyph", { ["Medical Debt-Bond"] = 15 } }, { "Acceltra Solstice Skin", "Cosmetic", { ["Medical Debt-Bond"] = 5 } }, { "Skiajati Solstice Skin", "Cosmetic", { ["Medical Debt-Bond"] = 5 } }, { "Kuva Solstice Cloak", "Cosmetic", { ["Medical Debt-Bond"] = 5 } }, { "Frostfall Ephemera", "Ephemera", { ["Medical Debt-Bond"] = 5 } } }, Type = "Event" }, ["Steel Meridian"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Steel Meridian", Name = "Steel Meridian", Offerings = { { "Steel Meridian Sigil", "Sigil", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Roller Specter", "Gear", 2500, 5, Prereq = 1 }, { "Defiance Sigil", "Sigil", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Armada Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vigilance Sigil", "Sigil", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Abyssal Beacon", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Uprising Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Protectorate Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Kaszas Handle", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Velocitus Receiver", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Corvas Stock", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Freedom Fighter Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Armored Sigil", "Sigil", 17000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Agkuza Guard", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Fluctus Stock", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Squad Health Restore (Large) Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Scattered Justice", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Justice Blades", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Neutralizing Justice", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Shattering Justice", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Rebellion Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Unyielding Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Insignia Sculpture", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Path of Statues", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tectonic Fracture", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ore Gaze", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Titanic Rumbler", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Rubble Heap", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Recrystalize", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fireball Frenzy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Immolated Radiance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Healing Flame", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exothermic", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Surging Dash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Radiant Finish", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Furious Javelin", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chromatic Blade", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Freeze Force", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ice Wave Impedance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chilling Globe", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Icy Avalanche", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Biting Frost", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Dread Ward", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blood Forge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blending Talons", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Gourmand", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hearty Nourishment", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Catapult", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Gastro", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Accumulating Whipclaw", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Venari Bodyguard", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pilfering Strangledome", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ballistic Bullseye", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Wrath of Ukko", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ballistic Bullseye", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Staggering Shield", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Muzzle Flash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mesa's Waltz", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pyroclastic Flow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Reaping Chakram", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Safeguard", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Divine Retribution", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Controlled Slide", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Teeming Virulence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Larva Burst", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Parasitic Vitality", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Insatiable", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Abundant Mutation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Neutron Star", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Antimatter Absorb", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Escape Velocity", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Molecular Fission", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Smite Infusion", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hallowed Eruption", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Phoenix Renewal", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hallowed Reckoning", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Wrecking Wall", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ironclad Charge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Iron Shrapnel", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Piercing Roar", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Reinforcing Stomp", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Venom Dose", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Revealing Spores", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Regenerative Molt", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Contagion Cloud", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Prey of Dynar", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ulfrun's Endurance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vampiric Grasp", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "The Relentless Lost", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Champion Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vaykor Marelok", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vaykor Hek", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vaykor Sydon", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vaykor Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cressa's Garrison Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Grineer Settlement Reactor Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kuva Throne Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Steel Meridian Stencil", "Decoration", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Steel Meridian Combat Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Steel Meridian Gunnery Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Steel Meridian Piloting Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Steel Meridian Endurance Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Meridian Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Grineer Asteroid Simulacrum", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vosfor", "Resource,", 30000, 200, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Initiation", "Brave", "Valiant", "Defender", "Protector", "General" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["The Business"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "The Business", Name = "The Business", Offerings = { --Browse Wares { "Tranq Rifle", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Pobbers Echo-Lure", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Pobbers Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Shockprod Fishing Spear", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Broad-Spectrum Bait", "Gear", 50, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Virmink Echo-Lure", "Gear", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Virmink Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Kriller Bait", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Narrow-Spectrum Bait", "Gear", 100, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Sapcaddy Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Echowinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Brickie Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Scrubber Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Tink Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Sawgaw Echo-Lure", "Gear", 2000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Sawgaw Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Mirewinder Bait", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Longwinder Bait", "Gear", 200, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Eye-Eye Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Kriller Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Recaster Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Bolarola Echo-Lure", "Gear", 4000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Bolarola Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 300, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Reinforced Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Aerial Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Momentous Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Tenacious Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Astral Bond", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Tromyzon Bait", "Gear", 300, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Charamote Bait", "Gear", 300, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Stunna Fishing Spear", "Gear", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Mirewinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Longwinder Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 6000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Synathid Bait", "Gear", 400, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Horrasque Echo-Lure", "Gear", 8000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Horrasque Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 400, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Stover Echo-Lure", "Gear", 8000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Stover Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 400, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Charamote Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 9000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Tromyzon Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 9000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Boot Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Kubrodon Echo-Lure", "Gear", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kubrodon Pheromone Synthesizer", "Gear", 500, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Synathid Trophy Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Oxylus Blueprint", "Blueprint", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sapcaddy Glyph", "Glyph", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Delicate Pobber Glyph", "Glyph", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, --Trade Tags { "Sunny Pobber Floof", "Decoration", { ["Sunny Pobber Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Delicate Pobber Floof", "Decoration", { ["Delicate Pobber Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Subterranean Pobber Floof", "Decoration", { ["Subterranean Pobber Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "White-Breasted Virmink Floof", "Decoration", { ["White-Breasted Virmink Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Dusky-Headed Virmink Floof", "Decoration", { ["Dusky-Headed Virmink Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Red-Crested Virmink Floof", "Decoration", { ["Red-Crested Virmink Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Flossy Sawgaw Floof", "Decoration", { ["Flossy Sawgaw Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Alpine Monitor Floof", "Decoration", { ["Alpine Monitor Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Frogmouthed Sawgaw Floof", "Decoration", { ["Frogmouthed Sawgaw Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Spotted Bolarola Floof", "Decoration", { ["Spotted Bolarola Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Black-Banded Bolarola Floof", "Decoration", { ["Black-Banded Bolarola Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Thorny Bolarola Floof", "Decoration", { ["Thorny Bolarola Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Dappled Horrasque Floof", "Decoration", { ["Dappled Horrasque Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Swimmer Horrasque Floof", "Decoration", { ["Swimmer Horrasque Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Stormer Horrasque Floof", "Decoration", { ["Stormer Horrasque Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Sentinel Stover Floof", "Decoration", { ["Sentinel Stover Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Fuming Dax Stover Floof", "Decoration", { ["Fuming Dax Stover Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Fire-Veined Stover Floof", "Decoration", { ["Fire-Veined Stover Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Brindle Kubrodon Floof", "Decoration", { ["Brindle Kubrodon Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vallis Kubrodon Floof", "Decoration", { ["Vallis Kubrodon Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Incarnadine Floof", "Decoration", { ["Kubrodon Incarnadine Tag"] = 5 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Orb Vallis Conservation Emblem", "Emblem", { ["Sunny Pobber Tag"] = 1, ["Delicate Pobber Tag"] = 1, ["Subterranean Pobber Tag"] = 1, ["White-Breasted Virmink Tag"] = 1, ["Dusky-Headed Virmink Tag"] = 1, ["Red-Crested Virmink Tag"] = 1, ["Spotted Bolarola Tag"] = 1, ["Black-Banded Bolarola Tag"] = 1, ["Thorny Bolarola Tag"] = 1, ["Brindle Kubrodon Tag"] = 1, ["Vallis Kubrodon Tag"] = 1, ["Kubrodon Incarnadine Tag"] = 1 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vallis Beast And Bird Emblem", "Emblem", { ["Flossy Sawgaw Tag"] = 1, ["Alpine Monitor Sawgaw Tag"] = 1, ["Frogmouthed Sawgaw Tag"] = 1, ["Dappled Horrasque Tag"] = 1, ["Swimmer Horrasque Tag"] = 1, ["Horrasque Stormer Tag"] = 1, ["Sentinel Stover Tag"] = 1, ["Fuming Dax Stover Tag"] = 1, ["Fire-Veined Stover Tag"] = 1 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Assassin Posture", "Mod", { ["Brindle Kubrodon Tag"] = 3, ["Vallis Kubrodon Tag"] = 3, ["Kubrodon Incarnadine Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Protector Posture", "Mod", { ["Spotted Bolarola Tag"] = 3, ["Black-Banded Bolarola Tag"] = 3, ["Thorny Bolarola Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Persistent Posture", "Mod", { ["Dappled Horrasque Tag"] = 3, ["Swimmer Horrasque Tag"] = 3, ["Horrasque Stormer Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Shocking Claws", "Mod", { ["Delicate Pobber Tag"] = 5, ["Horrasque Stormer Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Chilling Claws", "Mod", { ["Alpine Monitor Sawgaw Tag"] = 3, ["Red-Crested Virmink Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Burning Claws", "Mod", { ["Fuming Dax Stover Tag"] = 5, ["Fire-Veined Stover Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Disabling Conditioning", "Mod", { ["Black-Banded Bolarola Tag"] = 3, ["Thorny Bolarola Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Brute Conditioning", "Mod", { ["Vallis Kubrodon Tag"] = 3, ["Kubrodon Incarnadine Tag"] = 3 }, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Prosperous Retriever", "Mod", { ["Sunny Pobber Tag"] = 1, ["White-Breasted Virmink Tag"] = 1, ["Flossy Sawgaw Tag"] = 1, ["Spotted Bolarola Tag"] = 1, ["Dappled Horrasque Tag"] = 1, ["Sentinel Stover Tag"] = 1, ["Brindle Kubrodon Tag"] = 1 }, 1, Prereq = 0 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Outworlder", "Rapscallion", "Doer", "Cove", "Old Mate" }, Type = "Fishing and Conservation Vendor" }, ["The Perrin Sequence"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "The Perrin Sequence", Name = "The Perrin Sequence", Offerings = { { "Perrin Sequence Sigil", "Sigil", 1000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "MOA Specter", "Gear", 2500, 5, Prereq = 1 }, { "Progress Sigil", "Sigil", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Opportunity Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Calculating Sigil", "Sigil", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Relic Pack (3x Random Void Relics)", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Abyssal Beacon", "Item", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Synergy Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Directives Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Onorix Handle", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Phaedra Receiver", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Strategy Sigil", "Sigil", 12000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Tessilations Sigil", "Sigil", 17000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Centaur Blade", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Cyngas Stock", "Item", 20000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Squad Energy Restore (Large) Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Toxic Sequence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Deadly Sequence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Voltage Sequence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Sequence Burn", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Optimum Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Capital Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Quittance Sculpture", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Sonic Fracture", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Resonance", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Savage Silence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Resonating Quake", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Afterburn", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Everlasting Ward", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vexing Retaliation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Guardian Armor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Guided Effigy", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Spectral Spirit", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mach Crash", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Thermal Transfer", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Coil Recharge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cathode Current", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Balefire Surge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blazing Pillage", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Aegis Gale", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Desiccation's Curse", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Elemental Sandstorm", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Negation Armor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Empowered Quiver", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Piercing Navigator", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Infiltrate", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Concentrated Arrow", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Greedy Pull", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magnetized Discharge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Counter Pulse", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Fracturing Crush", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Soul Survivor", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Creeping Terrify", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Despoil", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shield of Shadows", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Teeming Virulence", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Larva Burst", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Parasitic Vitality", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Insatiable", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Abundant Mutation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Repair Dispensary", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Temporal Artillery", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Temporal Erosion", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Thrall Pact", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mesmer Shield", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Blinding Reave", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ironclad Charge", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Iron Shrapnel", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Piercing Roar", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Reinforcing Stomp", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Pool of Life", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vampire Leech", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Abating Link", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Champion's Blessing", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Swing Line", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Eternal War", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Prolonged Paralysis", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hysterical Assault", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Enraged", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Tesla Bank", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Repelling Bastille", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Photon Repeater", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Shadow Haze", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Dark Propagation", "Mod", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Chairman Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Secura Dual Cestra", "Weapon", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Secura Penta", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Secura Lecta", "Weapon", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Secura Syandana", "Cosmetic", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ergo's Boardroom Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Corpus Gas City Conduit Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Mycona Colony Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "The Perrin Sequence Stencil", "Decoration", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint", "Blueprint", 75000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Perrin Piloting Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Perrin Endurance Emote", "Emote", 70000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Perrin Armor Set", "Cosmetic", 125000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ambulas Arena Simulacrum", "Key", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vosfor", "Resource,", 30000, 200, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Initiation", "Associate", "Senior Associate", "Executive", "Senior Executive", "Partner" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["The Quills"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "The Quills", Name = "The Quills", Offerings = { { "Mote Amp", "Weapon", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Exceptional Sentient Core Conversion", "Blueprint", 500, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Raplak Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Pencha Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Clapkra Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ceno Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ceno Apparel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vahd Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vahd Apparel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Magus Vigor", "Arcane", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Virtuos Null", "Arcane", 2500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Quills Mote Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Shwaak Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Shraksun Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Juttni Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ceno Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vahd Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Magus Husk", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Virtuos Tempo", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Quills Observer Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Granmu Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Klebrik Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Lohrin Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Virtuos Fury", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ceno Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vahd Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 1000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Quills Adherent Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Rahn Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Phahd Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Anspatha Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 2500, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Cloud", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Virtuos Strike", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Ceno Helmet Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Vahd Helmet Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Cadence", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Replenish", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Glowing Sentient Core", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Eidolon Relic", "Decoration", 50000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Quills Instrument Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Virtuos Shadow", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Virtuos Ghost", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Elevate", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Nourish", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Cetus Wisp", "Resource", 2000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Agkani Stone", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hood Display Black", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hood Display Teal", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Hood Display Grey", "Decoration", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Onkko's Command Post Scene", "Captura", 100000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Quills Architect Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Operative", "Agent", "Hand", "Instrument", "Shadow" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["The Steel Path Honors"] = { Currency = "Steel Essence", Link = "The Steel Path", Name = "The Steel Path Honors", Offerings = { { "Veiled Riven Cipher", "Item", 20, 1, Timer = 604800 }, { "Bishamo Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15 }, { "Bishamo Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25 }, { "Bishamo Helmet Blueprint", "Blueprint", 20 }, { "Bishamo Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25 }, { "Kuva", "Resource", 15, 10000 }, { "Primary Arcane Adapter", "Item", 15 }, { "Secondary Arcane Adapter", "Item", 15 }, { "Relic Pack", "Item", 15 }, { "Stance Forma Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10 }, { "Trio Orbit Ephemera", "Ephemera", 3 }, { "Crania Ephemera", "Ephemera", 85 }, { "Counterbalance", "Mod", 35 }, { "Noggle Statue - Teshin", "Decoration", 35 }, { "Gauss In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 15 }, { "Grendel In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 15 }, { "Protea In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 15 }, { "Orokin Tea Set", "Decoration", 15 }, { "Xaku In Action Glyph", "Glyph", 15 } }, Type = "Store" }, ["Unearth Citrine"] = { Currency = { "Rania Crystal Fragment", "Belric Crystal Fragment" }, Link = "Otak#Unearth_Citrine", Name = "Unearth Citrine", Offerings = { { "Citrine Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 500, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 500 }, 1}, { "Citrine Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 350, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 350 }, 1}, { "Citrine Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 350, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 350 }, 1}, { "Citrine Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 350, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 300 }, 1}, { "Corufell Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 500, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 300 }, 1}, { "Corufell Barrel", "Item", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 250, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 150 }, 1}, { "Corufell Receiver", "Item", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 250, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 150 }, 1}, { "Corufell Handle", "Item", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 250, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 150 }, 1}, { "Steflos Blueprint", "Blueprint", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 300, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 500 }, 1}, { "Steflos Barrel", "Item", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 150, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 250 }, 1}, { "Steflos Receiver", "Item", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 150, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 250 }, 1}, { "Steflos Stock", "Item", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 150, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 250 }, 1}, { "Arcane Steadfast", "Arcane", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 60, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 60 }, 1}, { "Primary Plated Round", "Arcane", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 60, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 60 }, 1}, { "Arcane Double Back", "Arcane", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 60, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 60 }, 1}, { "Secondary Encumber", "Arcane", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 60, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 60 }, 1}, { "Secondary Kinship", "Arcane", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 60, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 60 }, 1}, { "Cirtrine Prex", "Decoration", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 100, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 100 }, 1}, { "Cirtrine's Last Wish Factory Scene", "Captura", { ["Rania Crystal Fragment"] = 1000, ["Belric Crystal Fragment"] = 1000 }, 1} }, Type = "Store" }, Varzia = { Currency = "Aya", Link = "Varzia", Name = "Varzia", Offerings = { -- Nezha Prime & Octavia Prime { "Lith G7", "Relic", 1 }, { "Lith O3", "Relic", 1 }, { "Meso N15", "Relic", 1 }, { "Meso Z5", "Relic", 1 }, { "Neo T8", "Relic", 1 }, { "Axi P5", "Relic", 1 }, -- Mag Prime & Frost Prime { "Lith L4", "Relic", 1 }, { "Lith M8", "Relic", 1 }, { "Meso F4", "Relic", 1 }, { "Neo B8", "Relic", 1 }, { "Axi D4", "Relic", 1 }, -- Evergreen Items { "Burston Prime", "Weapon", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Braton Prime", "Weapon", { ["Regal Aya"] = 1 } }, { "Fang Prime", "Weapon", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Lex Prime", "Weapon", { ["Regal Aya"] = 1 } }, { "Filigree Prime Decoration", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 1 } }, { "Avia Prime Armor Set", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Operator Vayas Prime Accessories", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Spektaka Prime Sugatra", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 1 } }, { "Avia Prime Syandana", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Vistapa Prime Syandana", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Spektaka Prime Syandana", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 2 } }, { "Static Reactor Prime Sigil", "Cosmetic", { ["Regal Aya"] = 1 } }, { "Liset Spektaka Skin", "Cosmetic", 10 }, { "Apis Syandana", "Cosmetic", 10 }, { "Necraloid Bundle", "Cosmetic", 10 }, { "Orokin Ducats", "Resource", 1, 5 }, { "Void Traces", "Resource", 1, 5 } }, Type = "Store" }, Ventkids = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Ventkids", Name = "Ventkids", Offerings = { { "Bad Baby Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Coldfusor Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Beaky Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Twin Kavats Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vent Pobber Ventkid Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vent Pobber Ventkid Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vent Pobber Ventkid Mask Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vent Pobber Ventkid Apparel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Vent Pobber Ventkid Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Ventkid Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Ventkid Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Ventkid Mask Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Ventkid Apparel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Kubrodon Ventkid Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Air Time", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Trail Blazer", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Mag Locks", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Rail Guards", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Ventkids Glinty Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Flatbelly Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Arc Twelve Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Wingnut Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Step Tens Blueprint", "Blueprint", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Poppin' Vert", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Pop Top", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Perfect Balance", "Mod", 7500, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Ventkids Whozit Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Kinetic Friction", "Mod", 12500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Venerdo Hoverdrive", "Mod", 12500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Inertia Dampeners", "Mod", 12500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Slay Board", "Mod", 12500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Ventkids Proper Felon Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Needlenose Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Hothead Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Dink-A-Donk Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Fatboys Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Cold Arrival", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Mad Stack", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Quick Escape", "Mod", 15000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Ventkids Primo Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Runaway Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Highbrow Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Two-Sloops Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Thugs Blueprint", "Blueprint", 15000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Sonic Boost", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Extreme Velocity", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Nitro Boost", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Thrash Landing", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ventkids Clubhouse Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vapor Trail", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Primo Flair", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Juice", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Bomb The Landin'", "Mod", 20000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kompressa Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kompressa Barrel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Kompressa Receiver Blueprint", "Blueprint", 25000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Ventkids Logical Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Glinty", "Whozit", "Proper Felon", "Primo", "Logical" }, Type = "Syndicate" }, ["Vox Solaris"] = { Currency = "Standing", Link = "Vox Solaris (Syndicate)", Name = "Vox Solaris", Offerings = { { "Haztech Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Haztech Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Haztech Mask Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Haztech Apparel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Haztech Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Smelter Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Smelter Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Smelter Mask Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Smelter Apparel Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Smelter Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 0 }, { "Outrider Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Outrider Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Outrider Mask Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Outrider Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vent Rat Pauldrons Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vent Rat Cuirass Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vent Rat Mask Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vent Rat Greaves Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Vox Solaris Operative Sigil", "Sigil", 5000, 1, Prereq = 1 }, { "Cantic Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Exard Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Sao Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Virtuos Surge", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Virtuos Spike", "Arcane", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Baruuk Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Hildryn Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Vox Solaris Agent Sigil", "Sigil", 10000, 1, Prereq = 2 }, { "Lega Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Dissic Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Plaga Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Baruuk Chassis Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Baruuk Neuroptics Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Baruuk Systems Blueprint", "Blueprint", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Virtuos Forge", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Virtuos Trojan", "Arcane", 7500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Gyromag Systems", "Resource", 1000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Atmo Systems", "Resource", 2500, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Repeller Systems", "Resource", 5000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Vox Solaris Hand Sigil", "Sigil", 15000, 1, Prereq = 3 }, { "Klamora Prism Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Propa Scaffold Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Certus Brace Blueprint", "Blueprint", 3000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Anomaly", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Destruct", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Lockdown", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Firewall", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Drive", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Vox Solaris Instrument Sigil", "Sigil", 20000, 1, Prereq = 4 }, { "Magus Repair", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Melt", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Overload", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Accelerant", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Glitch", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Magus Revert", "Arcane", 10000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Praghasa Throne Room Scene", "Captura", 130000, 1, Prereq = 5 }, { "Vox Solaris Shadow Sigil", "Sigil", 30000, 1, Prereq = 5 } }, Ranks = { [0] = "Neutral", "Operative", "Agent", "Hand", "Instrument", "Shadow" }, Type = "Syndicate" } } }