Official wiki

Vendors stores offerings data from vendors and NPCs.



local Vendor = require('Module:Vendors')


Package items

vendors._buildVendorSourceStrings(name) (function)
Builds lists of sources with vendors where an item can be purchased from. Used in infobox builders such as Module:Mods/infobox
Parameter: name Name of item (string)
Returns: List of vendor sources in wikitext (string)
vendors.offeringsList(frame) (function)
Builds a list of offerings sold by a particular NPC vendor. (Not stable and unfinished)
Parameter: frame Frame object with first argument being the name of vendor as stored in M:Vendors/data (table)
Returns: Wikitext of resultant list (string)
vendors.varziaOfferings(Frame) (function)
Builds a list of Varzia relics offerings for display on her page and on Aya. At the time of writing this function is merely an excuse to put Varzia's relics somewhere into Lua so that it can be queried later on the relic own page. Ideally, this should handle all the offerings, but as the comment at the top of Module:Vendors/data alludes, that is blocked on creating a sort of database for the offerings images. So maybe some other time.
Parameter: Frame object with no extra requirements (table)
Returns: Wikitext of the resultant list (string)

Created with Docbunto

See Also


---	'''Vendors''' stores offerings data from vendors and NPCs.<br />
--	@module		vendors
--	@alias		p
--	@author			[[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Falterfire|Falterfire]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Flaicher|Flaicher]]
--	@image			
--	@require		[[Module:Vendors/data]]
--	@require		[[Module:Tooltips]]
--	@release		stable
--	<nowiki>

--	in VendorData["Vendors"]["Vendor Name"].Offerings
local OFFERING_NAME_COL = 1	-- Name of the offering
local OFFERING_TYPE_COL = 2	-- Type of offering
local OFFERING_COST_COL = 3	-- The reputation cost for the offering
local OFFERING_QUANTITY_COL = 4	-- The item quantity in a single purchase

local p = {}

local VendorData = mw.loadData('Module:Vendors/data').Vendors
local Tooltip = require('Module:Tooltips')
local Lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

---	Builds lists of sources with vendors where an item can be purchased from.
--	Used in infobox builders such as [[Module:Mods/infobox]]
--	@function		p._buildVendorSourceStrings
--	@param			{string} name Name of item
--	@return			{string} List of vendor sources in wikitext
function p._buildVendorSourceStrings(name)
	local vendors, vendorList = {}, {}
	for _, vendorEntry in pairs(VendorData) do
		for _, offering in ipairs(vendorEntry.Offerings) do
			if offering[OFFERING_NAME_COL] == name then
				local rankReq = offering['Prereq']
				rankReq = vendorEntry['Ranks'] and
						'Rank '..rankReq..': '..vendorEntry['Ranks'][rankReq] or nil	-- Name of syndicate rank
				local quantity = offering[OFFERING_QUANTITY_COL] or 1
				local cost = offering[OFFERING_COST_COL]
				-- If there are multiple currencies required to purchase an item
				-- of if item uses a different currency than rest of vendor's offerings
				if (type(cost) == 'table') then
					local temp = {}
					for currencyName, amount in pairs(cost) do
						table.insert(temp, Tooltip.icon(currencyName, 'Resources')..' '..amount)
					cost = table.concat(temp, ', ')
					cost = Tooltip.icon(vendorEntry.Currency, 'Resources')..' '..cost
						Name = vendorEntry.Name,
						Link = vendorEntry.Link,
						Cost = cost,
						Quantity = quantity,
						Rank = rankReq
					} )
				break	-- Can break early b/c we assume no vendor will sell the same item at different prices

	table.sort(vendors, function(a, b)
			if a.Cost == b.Cost then return a.Name < b.Name end
			return a.Cost < b.Cost

	for _, vendor in ipairs(vendors) do
		table.insert(vendorList, ('[[%s|%s]]%s&nbsp;%s for x%s')
				:format(vendor.Link, vendor.Name, vendor.Rank and ' ('..vendor.Rank..')' or '', vendor.Cost, vendor.Quantity)
	return table.concat(vendorList, '<br />')

---	Builds a list of offerings sold by a particular NPC vendor. (Not stable and unfinished)
--	@function		p.offeringsList
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object with first argument being the name of vendor as stored in M:Vendors/data
--	@return			{string} Wikitext of resultant list
function p.offeringsList(frame)
	local vendorName = frame.args[1]
	-- TODO: May use T:SynOfferBox after custom mobile spreadsheets are available so these match
	-- desktop view's styling
	local parentDiv = '<gallery spacing="small">' -- '<div class="flex-container" style="justify-content: space-evenly;">'
	local offeringsList = { parentDiv }
	local vendor = VendorData[vendorName]
	local vendorOfferings = vendor.Offerings
	local vendorRanks = vendor.Ranks
	local primaryCurrency = vendor.Currency	-- Unused for now; will eventually move away from T:SynOfferBox
	for _, offering in pairs(vendorOfferings) do
		local name = offering[OFFERING_NAME_COL]
		local rankReq = offering['Prereq']
		rankReq = rankReq and 'Rank '..rankReq..': '..vendorRanks[rankReq] or ''
		-- TODO: Either standardize image file names so we can construct them from just item name
		-- or use M:Tooltips to pull the image name from the database corresponding to the item's item type
		-- TODO: May use T:SynOfferBox after custom mobile spreadsheets are available so these match
		-- desktop view's styling
		-- local offeringBox = string.format('{{SynOfferBox|%s.png|%s|%s|%s|%s|blueprint=%s}}', 
		-- 		name:gsub('%s+', ''),
		-- 		name,
		-- 		name,	-- Link to article
		-- 		offering[OFFERING_COST_COL],	-- Cost
		-- 		rankReq,
		-- 		(offering[OFFERING_TYPE_COL] == 'Blueprint') and 't' or ''
		-- 	)
		local offeringBox = string.format('%s.png|link=%s|[[%s|%s]]%s<br />%s<br />(%s)',
				name:gsub('%s+', ''),
				(offering[OFFERING_TYPE_COL] == 'Blueprint') and ' Blueprint' or '',
		table.insert(offeringsList, offeringBox)
	table.insert(offeringsList, '</gallery>')-- '</div>')
	return frame:preprocess(table.concat(offeringsList, '\n'))

---	Builds a list of [[Varzia]] relics offerings for display on her page and on [[Aya]].
--	At the time of writing this function is merely an excuse to put Varzia's relics *somewhere* into Lua 
--	so that it can be queried later on the relic own page.
--	Ideally, this should handle all the offerings, but as the comment at the top of [[Module:Vendors/data]]
--	alludes, that is blocked on creating a sort of database for the offerings images. So maybe some other time.
--	@function	p.varziaOfferings
--	@param		{table} Frame object with no extra requirements
--	@return		{string} Wikitext of the resultant list
function p.varziaRelicOfferings(frame)
	local offerings = VendorData["Varzia"].Offerings
	-- Put them into temporary tables first for negligible performance gain
	local relics = {}
	for _, offer in ipairs(offerings) do
		if offer[OFFERING_TYPE_COL] == "Relic" then
			table.insert(relics, string.format("*{{Relic|%s}}", offer[OFFERING_NAME_COL]) )
	local out = table.concat(relics, "<br />\n")
	return frame:preprocess(out)

return p