Database of TennoGen items.
TennoGen Item Schema[]
["Item Name"] = {
Artists = { "Artist 1", "Artist 2" }, -- artist names in a table
ConsolePrice = "100", -- in platinum
Image = "Panel.png", -- image file name as stored on the wiki
Link = "Page name",
Name = "Item name",
PcPrice = "$5.99", -- include currency sign
Round = "12", -- TennoGen round number or name
SteamLink = "", -- entire URL of Steam workshop page
Type = "Syandana" -- cosmetic type
Key/Column Name | Data Type | Required? | Explanation/Description | Example(s) |
Artists |
Table (of strings) | ✔️ | Name of artists who contributed | { "malaya", "Cobalt" }
ConsolePrice |
String | ✔️ | Price in Platinum on consoles | "200"
Image |
String | ✔️ | Image file name of the item as uploaded to the wiki | "SWR18ArmalystSyandana.png"
InternalName |
String | ❌ | The full unique name of item formatted as a file path | "/Lotus/Upgrades/Skins/Anima/SWDivisaHelmet"
Link |
String | ✔️ | Page/article link to the item on the wiki | "Armalyst Syandana"
Name |
String | ✔️ | Name of TennoGen item | "Armalyst Syandana"
PcPrice |
String | ✔️ | Price in US dollars on PC | "$5.99"
Round |
String | ✔️ | TennoGen round number or name | "12"
SteamLink |
String | ✔️ | Entire URL of Steam workshop page | ""
Type |
String | ✔️ | Cosmetic type | "Syandana"
return { ["Ak-Sura Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Cobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveAk-SuraScarf.png", Link = "Ak-Sura Syandana", Name = "Ak-Sura Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Akmagnus Dakila Skin"] = { Artists = { "MaaYuu" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "AkmagnusDakilaSkin.png", Link = "Akmagnus Dakila Skin", Name = "Akmagnus Dakila Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Akmagnus Hivelight Skin"] = { Artists = { "Verifitas" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "AkmagnusHivelightSkin.png", Link = "Akmagnus Hivelight Skin", Name = "Akmagnus Hivelight Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Alchemist Chemtank Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Erneix" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAlchemistChemtankSyandana.png", Link = "Alchemist Chemtank Syandana", Name = "Alchemist Chemtank Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Aquiros Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwoAquirosScarf.png", Link = "Aquiros Syandana", Name = "Aquiros Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Arashi Heavy Blade Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox", "ValentinaPaz" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWArashiHeavyBladeSkin.png", Link = "Arashi Heavy Blade Skin", Name = "Arashi Heavy Blade Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Arashi Rapier Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWArashiRapierSkin.png", Link = "Arashi Rapier Skin", Name = "Arashi Rapier Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Arcturus Syandana"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRSevenArcturusScarf.png", Link = "Arcturus Syandana", Name = "Arcturus Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Armalyst Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "Debbysheen" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWR18ArmalystSyandana.png", Link = "Armalyst Syandana", Name = "Armalyst Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Aropanex Syandana"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAropanexSyandana.png", Link = "Aropanex Syandana", Name = "Aropanex Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Asakage Blade of the Lotus Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAsakageBladeoftheLotusShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Asakage Blade of the Lotus Shoulder Armor", Name = "Asakage Blade of the Lotus Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$2.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Ash Bai Hu Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSevenAshBaiHuSkin.png", Link = "Ash Bai Hu Skin", Name = "Ash Bai Hu Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ash Carabid Helmet"] = { Artists = { "artarrwen" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRSixAshCarabidHelmet.png", Link = "Ash Carabid Helmet", Name = "Ash Carabid Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Ash Ichneumon Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWR19AshIchneumonSkin.png", Link = "Ash Ichneumon Skin", Name = "Ash Ichneumon Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ash Ryuga Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWAshRyugaSkin.png", Link = "Ash Ryuga Skin", Name = "Ash Ryuga Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ash Tsukuyomi Skin"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineAshTsukuyomiSkin.png", Link = "Ash Tsukuyomi Skin", Name = "Ash Tsukuyomi Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Asteria Chest Armor"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAsteriaChestArmor.png", Link = "Asteria Chest Armor", Name = "Asteria Chest Armor", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Atlas Arhat Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFiveAtlasArhatHelmet.png", Link = "Atlas Arhat Helmet", Name = "Atlas Arhat Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAtlasBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Atlas Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTenAtlasGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Atlas Graxx Skin", Name = "Atlas Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Atlas Monolith Skin"] = { Artists = { "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineAtlasMonolithSkin.png", Link = "Atlas Monolith Skin", Name = "Atlas Monolith Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Atlas Telamon Helmet"] = { Artists = { "artarrwen" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRSixAtlasTelamonHelmet.png", Link = "Atlas Telamon Helmet", Name = "Atlas Telamon Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Aures Diadem"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HariPear" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAuresFace.png", Link = "Aures Diadem", Name = "Aures Diadem", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Aures Earpiece"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HariPear" }, ConsolePrice = "35", Image = "SWAuresEarpiece.png", Link = "Aures Earpiece", Name = "Aures Earpiece", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Avyrdi Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "lex182" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAvyrdiShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Avyrdi Shoulder Armor", Name = "Avyrdi Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$2.49", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Axonnak Hammer Skin"] = { Artists = { "Erneix" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWAxonnakHammerSkin.png", Link = "Axonnak Hammer Skin", Name = "Axonnak Hammer Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Ayla Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Cobalt", "malaya" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourAylaScarf.png", Link = "Ayla Syandana", Name = "Ayla Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenBansheeBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Banshee Dominia Helmet"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTenBansheeDominiaHelmet.png", Link = "Banshee Dominia Helmet", Name = "Banshee Dominia Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Banshee Echo Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRSixBansheeEchoHelmet.png", Link = "Banshee Echo Helmet", Name = "Banshee Echo Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Banshee Sonority Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenBansheeSonoritySkin.png", Link = "Banshee Sonority Skin", Name = "Banshee Sonority Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Baruuk Bedouin Skin"] = { Artists = { "Erneix", "karu" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWR18BaruukBedouinSkin.png", Link = "Baruuk Bedouin Skin", Name = "Baruuk Bedouin Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWBaruukBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Baruuk Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWBaruukGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Baruuk Graxx Skin", Name = "Baruuk Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Baruuk Shiraan Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWBaruukShiraanSkin.png", Link = "Baruuk Shiraan Skin", Name = "Baruuk Shiraan Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Baruuk Zamariu Skin"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWBaruukZamariuSkin.png", Link = "Baruuk Zamariu Skin", Name = "Baruuk Zamariu Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Blaze Oculus"] = { Artists = { "blazingcobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWBlazeOculus.png", Link = "Blaze Oculus", Name = "Blaze Oculus", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Bodo Syandana"] = { Artists = { "luchafurel" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRSevenBodoScarf.png", Link = "Bodo Syandana", Name = "Bodo Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Boltara Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "Scharkie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFiveBoltaraScarf.png", Link = "Boltara Syandana", Name = "Boltara Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Caerulea Oculus"] = { Artists = { "Awk'Q-Luz", "blazingcobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWCaeruleaOculus.png", Link = "Caerulea Oculus", Name = "Caerulea Oculus", PcPrice = "$2.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Chroma Drevni Skin"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWRFiveChromaDrevniSkin.png", Link = "Chroma Drevni Skin", Name = "Chroma Drevni Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Chroma Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveChromaGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Chroma Graxx Skin", Name = "Chroma Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Chroma Kaiju Helmet"] = { Artists = { "[k a z]" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRTwoChromaKaijuHelmet.png", Link = "Chroma Kaiju Helmet", Name = "Chroma Kaiju Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Chroma Morkai Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourteenChromaMorkaiSkin.png", Link = "Chroma Morkai Skin", Name = "Chroma Morkai Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Chroma Tarrasque Helmet"] = { Artists = { "artarrwen" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRTwoChromaTarrasqueHelmet.png", Link = "Chroma Tarrasque Helmet", Name = "Chroma Tarrasque Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Chroma Thyrus Skin"] = { Artists = { "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveChromaThyrusSkin.png", Link = "Chroma Thyrus Skin", Name = "Chroma Thyrus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Chroma Vojnik Skin"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRSixChromaVojnikSkin.png", Link = "Chroma Vojnik Skin", Name = "Chroma Vojnik Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Corail Diadem"] = { Artists = { "HariPear", "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWCorailDiadem.png", Link = "Corail Diadem", Name = "Corail Diadem", PcPrice = "$2.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Corona Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenCoronaScarf.png", Link = "Corona Syandana", Name = "Corona Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Covenant Syandana"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightCovenantScarf.png", Link = "Covenant Syandana", Name = "Covenant Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Cryona Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenCryonaScarf.png", Link = "Cryona Syandana", Name = "Cryona Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Dagger Crubbak Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox", "Scharkie" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourteenCrubbakDaggerSkin.png", Link = "Dagger Crubbak Skin", Name = "Dagger Crubbak Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Deru Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFiveDeruScarf.png", Link = "Deru Syandana", Name = "Deru Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Despot Cape Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi", "Sab531" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveDespotScarf.png", Link = "Despot Cape Syandana", Name = "Despot Cape Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Diablillo Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi", "SabtheRobot" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWDiablilloScarf.png", Link = "Diablillo Syandana", Name = "Diablillo Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Disconnect Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourDisconnectScarf.png", Link = "Disconnect Syandana", Name = "Disconnect Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Diva Chest Plate"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "45", Image = "SWDivaChestPlate.png", Link = "Diva Chest Plate", Name = "Diva Chest Plate", PcPrice = "$2.49", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin"] = { Artists = { "Felix Leonhart" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWDogmaTwo-HandedNikanaSkin.png", Link = "Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin", Name = "Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Dominus Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "jaeon009" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWDominusSyandana.png", Link = "Dominus Syandana", Name = "Dominus Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Draugen Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Goosmo" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWDraugenSyandana.png", Link = "Draugen Syandana", Name = "Draugen Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Dual Zoren Combustion Skin"] = { Artists = { "ming1345" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "CombustionDualZoren.png", Link = "Dual Zoren Combustion Skin", Name = "Dual Zoren Combustion Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Dual Zoren Kuberus Skin"] = { Artists = { "ZeroJackdaw" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "KuberusDualZoren.png", Link = "Dual Zoren Kuberus Skin", Name = "Dual Zoren Kuberus Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Due Volpi Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi", "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveDueVolpiScarf.png", Link = "Due Volpi Syandana", Name = "Due Volpi Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Eklis Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Goosmo" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWEklisSyandana.png", Link = "Eklis Syandana", Name = "Eklis Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Eklypsa Staff Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWR19EklypsaStaffSkin.png", Link = "Eklypsa Staff Skin", Name = "Eklypsa Staff Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Ember Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSixEmberGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Ember Graxx Skin", Name = "Ember Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ember Ignition Skin"] = { Artists = { "Kaiceps" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWREightEmberIgnitionSkin.png", Link = "Ember Ignition Skin", Name = "Ember Ignition Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ember Magesty Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen", "Cheshire" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWREightEmberMagestySkin.png", Link = "Ember Magesty Skin", Name = "Ember Magesty Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Equinox Divisa Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourteenDivisaSkin.png", Link = "Equinox Divisa Skin", Name = "Equinox Divisa Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Equinox Insomnia Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineEquinoxInsomniaSkin.png", Link = "Equinox Insomnia Skin", Name = "Equinox Insomnia Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Equinox Megaera Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourteenMegaeraSkin.png", Link = "Equinox Megaera Skin", Name = "Equinox Megaera Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Eucyon Chest Plate"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie", "Awk'Q-Luz" }, ConsolePrice = "45", Image = "SWR18EucyonArmorC.png", Link = "Eucyon Chest Plate", Name = "Eucyon Chest Plate", PcPrice = "$2.49", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Excalibur Apex Skin"] = { Artists = { "A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWRFourExcaliburApexSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Apex Skin", Name = "Excalibur Apex Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Excalibur Arturius Helmet"] = { Artists = { "[k a z]" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRPolyExcaliburArturiusHelmet.png", Link = "Excalibur Arturius Helmet", Name = "Excalibur Arturius Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Excalibur Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWR19ExcaliburBotLSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Excalibur Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Caduto Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourExcaliburCadutoSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Caduto Skin", Name = "Excalibur Caduto Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Corpra Skin"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenExcaliburCorpraSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Corpra Skin", Name = "Excalibur Corpra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Exaltation Skin"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenExcaliburExaltationSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Exaltation Skin", Name = "Excalibur Exaltation Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourExcaliburGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Graxx Skin", Name = "Excalibur Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Ion Skin"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWExcaliburIonSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Ion Skin", Name = "Excalibur Ion Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Isurus Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Coridium" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRPolyExcaliburIsurusHelmet.png", Link = "Excalibur Isurus Helmet", Name = "Excalibur Isurus Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Excalibur Ogrant Helmet"] = { Artists = { "lokimonkeye" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRPolyExcaliburOgrantHelmet.png", Link = "Excalibur Ogrant Helmet", Name = "Excalibur Ogrant Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Excalibur Ronin Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenExcaliburRoninSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Ronin Skin", Name = "Excalibur Ronin Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Excalibur Sentient Slayer Skin"] = { Artists = { "CommanderApocalypse" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwoExcaliburSentientSlayerSkin.png", Link = "Excalibur Sentient Slayer Skin", Name = 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Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Frost Ion Skin"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWIonFrostSkin.png", Link = "Frost Ion Skin", Name = "Frost Ion Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Frost Jotun Helmet"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourFrostJotunHelmet.png", Link = "Frost Jotun Helmet", Name = "Frost Jotun Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Frost Manta-Z Helmet"] = { Artists = { "jocz" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWMantaZHelmet.png", Link = "Frost Manta-Z Helmet", Name = "Frost Manta-Z Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Frost Strigid Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWFrostStrigidSkin.png", Link = "Frost Strigid Skin", Name = "Frost Strigid Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Frost 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"105", Image = "SWR18GarudaSakhuraHelmet.png", Link = "Garuda Sakhura Helmet", Name = "Garuda Sakhura Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Garuda Successor Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWGarudaSuccessorSkin.png", Link = "Garuda Successor Skin", Name = "Garuda Successor Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Garuda Tengushin Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWR19GarudaTengushinSkin.png", Link = "Garuda Tengushin Skin", Name = "Garuda Tengushin Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Garuda Tiamat Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWR18GarudaTiamatSkin.png", Link = "Garuda Tiamat Skin", Name = "Garuda Tiamat Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Gauss Agito Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image 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"SWRThirteenHammerOgun.png", Link = "Hammer Ogun Skin", Name = "Hammer Ogun Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Harrow Algalyst Skin"] = { Artists = { "Goosmo" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWHarrowAlgalystSkin.png", Link = "Harrow Algalyst Skin", Name = "Harrow Algalyst Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Harrow Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "Faven_LTD" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenHarrowGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Harrow Graxx Skin", Name = "Harrow Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Harrow Hieropha Helmet"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenHarrowHierophaHelmet.png", Link = "Harrow Hieropha Helmet", Name = "Harrow Hieropha Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Harrow Veles Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWHarrowVelesSkin.png", Link = "Harrow Veles Skin", Name = "Harrow Veles Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Heavy Blade Dogma Skin"] = { Artists = { "Felix Leonhart" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWHeavyBladeDogmaSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Dogma Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Dogma Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Grimstone Cleaver Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWHeavyBladeGrimstoneCleaverSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Grimstone Cleaver Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Grimstone Cleaver Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Ion Skin"] = { Artists = { "Yatus", "IgnusDei" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourteenIonGreatswordSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Ion Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Ion Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Karv'r Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "Scharkie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourteenKarvrGreatswordSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Karv'r Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Karv'r Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Kilzorath Skin"] = { Artists = { "Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenKilzorathHeavyBlade.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Kilzorath Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Kilzorath Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenMithraHeavyBlade.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Mithra Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Mizar Skin"] = { Artists = { "Girtan" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWR18HeavyBladeMizarSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Mizar Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Mizar Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Obanakk Skin"] = { Artists = { "VoidPunch" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWHeavyBladeObanakkSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Obanakk Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Obanakk Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Suprema Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWR18HeavyBladeSupremaSkin.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Suprema Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Suprema Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Heavy Blade Tengoken Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenTengokenHeavyBlade.png", Link = "Heavy Blade Tengoken Skin", Name = "Heavy Blade Tengoken Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Hildryn Sigrun Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie", "Awk'Q-Luz" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = 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"75", Image = "SWRSevenHydroidRorqualHelmet.png", Link = "Hydroid Rorqual Helmet", Name = "Hydroid Rorqual Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Icarius Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenIcariusScarf.png", Link = "Icarius Syandana", Name = "Icarius Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Inaros Horus Skin"] = { Artists = { "....A" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenInarosHorusSkin.png", Link = "Inaros Horus Skin", Name = "Inaros Horus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Inaros Kephri Helmet"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenInarosKephriHelmet.png", Link = "Inaros Kephri Helmet", Name = "Inaros Kephri Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Inaros Ozymandias Skin"] = { Artists = { "matzan481" }, 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"165", Image = "SWIvaraAstreaSkin.png", Link = "Ivara Astrea Skin", Name = "Ivara Astrea Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ivara Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWR18IvaraGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Ivara Graxx Skin", Name = "Ivara Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin"] = { Artists = { "Erneix" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWIvaraKuvaelHuntressSkin.png", Link = "Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin", Name = "Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ivara Youkai Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWREightIvaraYoukaiSkin.png", Link = "Ivara Youkai Skin", Name = "Ivara Youkai Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Ivara Zamariu Skin"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWR18IvaraZamariuSkin.png", Link = "Ivara Zamariu Skin", Name = "Ivara Zamariu Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Jat Kittag Noxious Hammer Skin"] = { Artists = { "Clyptic" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRPolyNoxiousJatKittag.png", Link = "Jat Kittag Noxious Hammer Skin", Name = "Jat Kittag Noxious Hammer Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Jattuk Mantle"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwoJattukMantle.png", Link = "Jattuk Mantle", Name = "Jattuk Mantle", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Jotunheim Oculus"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "35", Image = "SWJotunheimEye.png", Link = "Jotunheim Oculus", Name = "Jotunheim Oculus", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Jotunheim Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWJotunheimSyandana.png", Link = "Jotunheim Syandana", Name = "Jotunheim Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWJotunheim’sMusicShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor", Name = "Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$2.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Jotunheim’s Music Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWJotunheim’sMusicSyandana.png", Link = "Jotunheim’s Music Syandana", Name = "Jotunheim’s Music Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Kalynex Polearm Skin"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWKalynexPolearmSkin.png", Link = "Kalynex Polearm Skin", Name = "Kalynex Polearm Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Khora Fiera Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Debbysheen", "Crackle2012" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWKhoraFieraHelmet.png", Link = "Khora Fiera Helmet", Name = "Khora Fiera Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Khora Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWKhoraGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Khora Graxx Skin", Name = "Khora Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Khora Laveau Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi", "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWLaveauHelmet.png", Link = "Khora Laveau Helmet", Name = "Khora Laveau Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Khora Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWKhoraMithraSkin.png", Link = "Khora Mithra Skin", Name = "Khora Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Khora Miyabi Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Awk'Q-Luz" }, ConsolePrice = 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"Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRTwoKronenArit.png", Link = "Kronen Arit Skin", Name = "Kronen Arit Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Ksara Two-Handed Nikana Skin"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWKsaraTwo-HandedNikanaSkin.png", Link = "Ksara Two-Handed Nikana Skin", Name = "Ksara Two-Handed Nikana Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Kunshu Syandana"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenKunshuScarf.png", Link = "Kunshu Syandana", Name = "Kunshu Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Kuther Machete Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HEILAH" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWKutherMacheteSkin.png", Link = "Kuther Machete Skin", Name = "Kuther Machete Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Lamassu Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "LostEpoch" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWLamassuShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Lamassu Shoulder Armor", Name = "Lamassu Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Laprosys Syandana"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWLaprosysSyandana.png", Link = "Laprosys Syandana", Name = "Laprosys Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin"] = { Artists = { "Erneix" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWLavosKuvaelAlchemistSkin.png", Link = "Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin", Name = "Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Limbo Aureolus Helmet"] = { Artists = { "artarrwen" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRSevenLimboAureolusHelmet.png", Link = "Limbo Aureolus Helmet", Name = "Limbo Aureolus Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Limbo Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourteenLimboGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Limbo Graxx Skin", Name = "Limbo Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Limbo Vasiona Skin"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWREightLimboVasionaSkin.png", Link = "Limbo Vasiona Skin", Name = "Limbo Vasiona Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Limbo Venari Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi", "Sab531" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTenLimboVenariHelmet.png", Link = "Limbo Venari Helmet", Name = "Limbo Venari Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Limbo Vistyxio Skin"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "Hydroxate" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTenLimboVistyxioSkin.png", Link = "Limbo Vistyxio Skin", Name = "Limbo Vistyxio Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Liset Hellkite Skin"] = { Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "LisetHellkiteSkin.png", Link = "Liset Hellkite Skin", Name = "Liset Hellkite Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "1", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Liset Maltzur Oculus Skin"] = { Artists = { "Cobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "LisetMaltzurOculusSkin.png", Link = "Liset Maltzur Oculus Skin", Name = "Liset Maltzur Oculus Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Liset Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "LisetMithraSkin.png", Link = "Liset Mithra Skin", Name = "Liset Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Liset Protege Skin"] = { Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "LisetProtegeSkin.png", Link = "Liset Protege Skin", Name = "Liset Protege Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Liset Quilate Skin"] = { Artists = { "Polygonmonster" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "LisetQuilateSkin.png", Link = "Liset Quilate Skin", Name = "Liset Quilate Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "1", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Liset Vammatar Skin"] = { Artists = { "Ventralhound" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "LisetVammatarSkin.png", Link = "Liset Vammatar Skin", Name = "Liset Vammatar Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Loki Erebus Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveLokiErebusSkin.png", Link = "Loki Erebus Skin", Name = "Loki Erebus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Loki Ersatz Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourLokiErsatzHelmet.png", Link = "Loki Ersatz Helmet", Name = "Loki Ersatz Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Loki Incubus Skin"] = { 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"SWRFiveLokiRogueHelmet.png", Link = "Loki Rogue Helmet", Name = "Loki Rogue Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Longsword Arit Skin"] = { Artists = { "Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightSkanaArit.png", Link = "Longsword Arit Skin", Name = "Longsword Arit Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Longsword Dero Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenDeroSword.png", Link = "Longsword Dero Skin", Name = "Longsword Dero Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Longsword Eisen Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenLongswordEisen.png", Link = "Longsword Eisen Skin", Name = "Longsword Eisen Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Longsword Insidia Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWLongswordInsidiaSkin.png", Link = "Longsword Insidia Skin", Name = "Longsword Insidia Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Longsword Tengushen Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourteenTengushenSwordSkin.png", Link = "Longsword Tengushen Skin", Name = "Longsword Tengushen Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Lumis Earpiece"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "35", Image = "SWLumisEar.png", Link = "Lumis Earpiece", Name = "Lumis Earpiece", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Lumis Oculus"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWLumisEye.png", Link = "Lumis Oculus", Name = "Lumis Oculus", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Mag Alata Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThreeMagAlataSkin.png", Link = "Mag Alata Skin", Name = "Mag Alata Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mag Anthro Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Pior" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRPolyMagAnthroHelmet.png", Link = "Mag Anthro Helmet", Name = "Mag Anthro Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Mag Corpra Skin"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWMagCorpraSkin.png", Link = "Mag Corpra Skin", Name = "Mag Corpra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mag Ferro Skin"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveMagFerroSkin.png", Link = "Mag Ferro Skin", Name = "Mag Ferro Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mag Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineMagGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Mag Graxx Skin", Name = "Mag Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mag Induction Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Pior" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRPolyMagInductionHelmet.png", Link = "Mag Induction Helmet", Name = "Mag Induction Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Mag Knaita Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWROneMagKnaitaSkin.png", Link = "Mag Knaita Skin", Name = "Mag Knaita Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "1", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Mag Orbit Skin"] = { Artists = { "drawingyourdreams" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwoMagOrbitSkin.png", Link = "Mag Orbit Skin", Name = "Mag Orbit Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mag Toroidal Helmet"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRPolyMagToroidalHelmet.png", Link = "Mag Toroidal Helmet", Name = "Mag Toroidal Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Magnus Dakila Skin"] = { Artists = { "MaaYuu" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "DakilaMagnus.png", Link = "Magnus Dakila Skin", Name = "Magnus Dakila Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Magnus Hivelight Skin"] = { Artists = { "Verifitas" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "MagnusHivelightSkin.png", Link = "Magnus Hivelight Skin", Name = "Magnus Hivelight Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Maharliqa Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourMaharliqaScarf.png", Link = "Maharliqa Syandana", Name = "Maharliqa Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Mantis Lilieae Skin"] = { Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWMantisLilieaeSkin.png", Link = "Mantis Lilieae Skin", Name = "Mantis Lilieae Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Landing Craft" }, ["Mesa Dead Eye Helmet"] = { Artists = { "NotYou" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRThreeMesaDeadEyeHelmet.png", Link = "Mesa Dead Eye Helmet", Name = "Mesa Dead Eye Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Mesa Devil Ranger Skin"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTenMesaDevilRangerSkin.png", Link = "Mesa Devil Ranger Skin", Name = "Mesa Devil Ranger Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mesa Falcon Helmet"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRTwoMesaFalconHelmet.png", Link = "Mesa Falcon Helmet", Name = "Mesa Falcon Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Mesa Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSevenMesaGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Mesa Graxx Skin", Name = "Mesa Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mesa Insomnia Skin"] = { Artists = { "Goosmo" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWMesaInsomniaSkin.png", Link = "Mesa Insomnia Skin", Name = "Mesa Insomnia Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mesa Kudegra Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Xtygian" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWMesaKudegraSkin.png", Link = "Mesa Kudegra Skin", Name = "Mesa Kudegra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mesa Marlet Skin"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire", "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveMesaMarletSkin.png", Link = "Mesa Marlet Skin", Name = "Mesa Marlet Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mesa Mesnificent Skin"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWMesaMesnificentSkin.png", Link = "Mesa Mesnificent Skin", Name = "Mesa Mesnificent Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mirage Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "90", 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"165", Image = "SWRElevenMirageMithraSkin.png", Link = "Mirage Mithra Skin", Name = "Mirage Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mirage Morgaine Skin"] = { Artists = { "artarrwen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSevenMirageMorgaineSkin.png", Link = "Mirage Morgaine Skin", Name = "Mirage Morgaine Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Mirage Sigyn Skin"] = { Artists = { "novadragon01" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourMirageSigynSkin.png", Link = "Mirage Sigyn Skin", Name = "Mirage Sigyn Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Mithra Syandana"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveMithraScarf.png", Link = "Mithra Syandana", Name = "Mithra Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Mushussu Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveMushussuScarf.png", Link = "Mushussu Syandana", Name = "Mushussu Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Naru Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRNineNaruScarf.png", Link = "Naru Syandana", Name = "Naru Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Nekros Charon Helmet"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourteenCharonHelmet.png", Link = "Nekros Charon Helmet", Name = "Nekros Charon Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nekros Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenNekrosGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Nekros Graxx Skin", Name = "Nekros Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nekros Ion Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenNekrosIonHelmet.png", Link = "Nekros Ion Helmet", Name = "Nekros Ion Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nekros Lazarus Helmet"] = { Artists = { "[k a z]" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRTwoNekrosLazarusHelmet.png", Link = "Nekros Lazarus Helmet", Name = "Nekros Lazarus Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nezha Devine Skin"] = { Artists = { "Polygonmonster" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWRNineNezhaDevineSkin.png", Link = "Nezha Devine Skin", Name = "Nezha Devine Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Nezha Dracun Skin"] = { Artists = { "Novabjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenNezhaDracunSkin.png", Link = "Nezha Dracun Skin", Name = "Nezha Dracun Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nezha Yaksha Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "SilverBones" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTenNezhaYakshaSkin.png", Link = "Nezha Yaksha 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"SWNightHunterSyandana.png", Link = "Night Hunter Syandana", Name = "Night Hunter Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Nikana Khatuun Skin"] = { Artists = { "VoidPunch" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWNikanaKhatuunSkin.png", Link = "Nikana Khatuun Skin", Name = "Nikana Khatuun Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Nikana Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWNikanaMithraSkin.png", Link = "Nikana Mithra Skin", Name = "Nikana Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Nikana Shinigami Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWNikanaShinigamiSkin.png", Link = "Nikana Shinigami Skin", Name = "Nikana Shinigami Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Nikana Ungulata Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWUngulataSkin.png", Link = "Nikana Ungulata Skin", Name = "Nikana Ungulata Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Nova Corpra Skin"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenNovaCorpraSkin.png", Link = "Nova Corpra Skin", Name = "Nova Corpra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nova Cygni Skin"] = { Artists = { "Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRTwoNovaCygniSkin.png", Link = "Nova Cygni Skin", Name = "Nova Cygni Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Nova Device Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRThreeNovaDeviceSkin.png", Link = "Nova Device Skin", Name = "Nova Device Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Nova Fusion Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Coridium" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourNovaFusionHelmet.png", Link = "Nova Fusion Helmet", Name = "Nova Fusion Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nova Gnova Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRThreeNovaGnovaSkin.png", Link = "Nova Gnova Skin", Name = "Nova Gnova Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Nova Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineNovaGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Nova Graxx Skin", Name = "Nova Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nova Lamia Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Wei-Zi", "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRThreeNovaLamiaHelmet.png", Link = "Nova Lamia Helmet", Name = "Nova Lamia Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nova Lamia Skin"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWRThreeNovaLamiaSkin.png", Link = "Nova Lamia Skin", Name = "Nova Lamia Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Nova Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWR19NovaMithraSkin.png", Link = "Nova Mithra Skin", Name = "Nova Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nova Stinger Skin"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThreeNovaStingerSkin.png", Link = "Nova Stinger Skin", Name = "Nova Stinger Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Nova Tachyon Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThreeNovaTachyonHelmet.png", Link = "Nova Tachyon Helmet", Name = "Nova Tachyon Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nova Visage Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThreeNovaVisageSkin.png", Link = "Nova Visage Skin", Name = "Nova Visage Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nsaru Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwoNsaruScarf.png", Link = "Nsaru Syandana", Name = "Nsaru Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "2", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Nyx Ampulex Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightNyxAmpulexHelmet.png", Link = "Nyx Ampulex Helmet", Name = "Nyx Ampulex Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Nyx Ascophilia Skin"] = { Artists = { "Erneix" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourteenAscophiliaSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Ascophilia Skin", Name = "Nyx Ascophilia Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Athena Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourNyxAthenaSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Athena Skin", Name = "Nyx Athena Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Aurelia Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveNyxAureliaSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Aurelia Skin", Name = "Nyx Aurelia Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Aures Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HariPear" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWAuresSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Aures Skin", Name = "Nyx Aures Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Carnifex Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineNyxCarnifexSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Carnifex Skin", Name = "Nyx Carnifex Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSixNyxGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Graxx Skin", Name = "Nyx Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Saikou Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSevenNyxSaikouSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Saikou Skin", Name = "Nyx Saikou Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Nyx Technopsyche Skin"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWTechnopsycheSkin.png", Link = "Nyx Technopsyche Skin", Name = "Nyx Technopsyche Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenOberonBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Oberon Destrier Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFiveOberonDestrierHelmet.png", Link = "Oberon Destrier Helmet", Name = "Oberon Destrier Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Oberon Ferosh Helmet"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "The_Grimmrock" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenOberonFeroshHelmet.png", Link = "Oberon Ferosh Helmet", Name = "Oberon Ferosh Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Oberon Taurus Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenOberonTaurusHelmet.png", Link = "Oberon Taurus Helmet", Name = "Oberon Taurus Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Oberon Wendigo Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenOberonWendigoSkin.png", Link = "Oberon Wendigo Skin", Name = "Oberon Wendigo Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Oberon Youkai Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWR18OberonYoukaiSkin.png", Link = "Oberon Youkai Skin", Name = "Oberon Youkai Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Octavia Diva Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenOctaviaDivaSkin.png", Link = "Octavia Diva Skin", Name = "Octavia Diva Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Octavia Giocoso Helmet"] = { Artists = { "blazingcobalt", "Fari" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWOctaviaGiocosoHelmet.png", Link = "Octavia Giocoso Helmet", Name = "Octavia Giocoso Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Octavia Mandachoralyst Skin"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWOctaviaMandachoralystSkin.png", Link = "Octavia Mandachoralyst Skin", Name = "Octavia Mandachoralyst Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Octavia Youkai Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWOctaviaYoukaiSkin.png", Link = "Octavia Youkai Skin", Name = "Octavia Youkai Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Officium Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Operative Shift" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFiveOfficiumScarf.png", Link = "Officium Syandana", Name = "Officium Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Opticor Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "50", Image = "OpticorMithraSkin.png", Link = "Opticor Mithra Skin", Name = "Opticor Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Optima Oculus"] = { Artists = { "DeadNexus_", "Swanky Swaggernaut" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWOptimaEye.png", Link = "Optima Oculus", Name = "Optima Oculus", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Orthos Magesty Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFiveMagestyOrthos.png", Link = "Orthos Magesty Skin", Name = "Orthos Magesty Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Papillon Oculus"] = { Artists = { "HariPear", "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPapillonOculus.png", Link = "Papillon Oculus", Name = "Papillon Oculus", PcPrice = "$2.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Paxis Chest Plate"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "45", Image = "SWPaxisChestPlate.png", Link = "Paxis Chest Plate", Name = "Paxis Chest Plate", PcPrice = "$2.49", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Paxis Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPaxisShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Paxis Shoulder Armor", Name = "Paxis Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Paxis Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWPaxisSyandana.png", Link = "Paxis Syandana", Name = "Paxis Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Piercing Eye Chest Armor"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3", "HAROHARO" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPiercingEyeChestArmor.png", Link = "Piercing Eye Chest Armor", Name = "Piercing Eye Chest Armor", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Piercing Eye Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3", "HAROHARO" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPiercingEyeShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Piercing Eye Shoulder Armor", Name = "Piercing Eye Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Pistris Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenPistrisScarf.png", Link = "Pistris Syandana", Name = "Pistris Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Polearm Aphria Skin"] = { Artists = { "Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenPolearmAphria.png", Link = "Polearm Aphria Skin", Name = "Polearm Aphria Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Polearm Diva 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"lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveLympharisPolearm.png", Link = "Polearm Lympharis Skin", Name = "Polearm Lympharis Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Polearm Osiris Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPolearmOsirisSkin.png", Link = "Polearm Osiris Skin", Name = "Polearm Osiris Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Polearm Phorcys Skin"] = { Artists = { "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenPhorcysPolearm.png", Link = "Polearm Phorcys Skin", Name = "Polearm Phorcys Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Polearm Skopos Skin"] = { Artists = { "Girtan" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWSkoposPolearmSkin.png", Link = "Polearm Skopos Skin", Name = "Polearm Skopos Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Polearm Ulcerated Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPolearmUlceratedSkin.png", Link = "Polearm Ulcerated Skin", Name = "Polearm Ulcerated Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Praesidum Mask"] = { Artists = { "HariPear", "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWPraesidumMask.png", Link = "Praesidum Mask", Name = "Praesidum Mask", PcPrice = "$2.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Protea Kollapsar Skin"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWProteaKollapsarSkin.png", Link = "Protea Kollapsar Skin", Name = "Protea Kollapsar Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Protea Technochron Skin"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWProteaTechnochronSkin.png", Link = "Protea Technochron Skin", Name = "Protea Technochron Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Raigo Chest Armor"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "lex182" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRaigoChestArmor.png", Link = "Raigo Chest Armor", Name = "Raigo Chest Armor", PcPrice = "$2.49", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Raiji Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightRaijiScarf.png", Link = "Raiji Syandana", Name = "Raiji Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Ranulyst Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRanulystSyandana.png", Link = "Ranulyst Syandana", Name = "Ranulyst Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Rapier Ferita Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourteenFeritaRapierSkin.png", Link = "Rapier Ferita Skin", Name = "Rapier Ferita Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Rapier Ni'Duhl Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourteenNiDuhlRapierSkin.png", Link = "Rapier Ni'Duhl Skin", Name = "Rapier Ni'Duhl Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Repala Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightRepalaScarf.png", Link = "Repala Syandana", Name = "Repala Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Revenant Ahriman Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRevenantAhrimanSkin.png", Link = "Revenant Ahriman Skin", Name = "Revenant Ahriman Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Revenant Draugen Skin"] = { Artists = { "Goosmo" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRevenantDraugenSkin.png", Link = "Revenant Draugen Skin", Name = "Revenant Draugen Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "20 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Revenant Immortuos Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFifteenImmortuosHelmet.png", Link = "Revenant Immortuos Helmet", Name = "Revenant Immortuos Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Revenant Tenebrus Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Awk'Q-Luz", "malaya" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRevenantTenebrusHelmet.png", Link = "Revenant Tenebrus Helmet", Name = "Revenant Tenebrus Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenRhinoBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Rhino Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWRFourRhinoGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Rhino Graxx Skin", Name = "Rhino Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Rhino Ion Skin"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRhinoIonSkin.png", Link = "Rhino Ion Skin", Name = "Rhino Ion Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Rhino Mastodon Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenRhinoMastodonSkin.png", Link = "Rhino Mastodon Skin", Name = "Rhino Mastodon Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Rhino Scarab Sect Skin"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveRhinoScarabSectSkin.png", Link = "Rhino Scarab Sect Skin", Name = "Rhino Scarab Sect Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Rhino Teutonic Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRSevenRhinoTeutonicHelmet.png", Link = "Rhino Teutonic Helmet", Name = "Rhino Teutonic Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Rhino Vojnik Skin"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi" }, ConsolePrice = "90", Image = "SWRFourRhinoVojnikSkin.png", Link = "Rhino Vojnik Skin", Name = "Rhino Vojnik Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Rhino Warlust Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Stenchfury" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightRhinoWarlustHelmet.png", Link = "Rhino Warlust Helmet", Name = "Rhino Warlust Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Rota Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWROneRotaScarf.png", Link = "Rota Syandana", Name = "Rota Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "1", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sari Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRSixSariScarf.png", Link = "Sari Syandana", Name = "Sari Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sarva Harness Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenSarvaHarness.png", Link = "Sarva Harness Syandana", Name = "Sarva Harness Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Saryn Amalgama Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRNineSarynAmalgamaSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Amalgama Skin", Name = "Saryn Amalgama Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Belladonna Helmet"] = { Artists = { "malaya" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightSarynBelladonnaHelmet.png", Link = "Saryn Belladonna Helmet", Name = "Saryn Belladonna Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Saryn Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWSarynBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Saryn Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "15", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSixSarynGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Graxx Skin", Name = "Saryn Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "6", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Integra Skin"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSevenSarynIntegraSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Integra Skin", Name = "Saryn Integra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Ion Skin"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWSarynIonSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Ion Skin", Name = "Saryn Ion Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Napellus Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenSarynNapellusSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Napellus Skin", Name = "Saryn Napellus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Night Hunter Skin"] = { Artists = { "Mz-3" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWSarynNightHunterSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Night Hunter Skin", Name = "Saryn Night Hunter Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Saryn Nita's Moda Skin"] = { Artists = { "Volkovyi" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenSarynNita'sModaSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Nita's Moda Skin", Name = "Saryn Nita's Moda Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Saryn Velenosa Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenSarynVelenosaSkin.png", Link = "Saryn Velenosa Skin", Name = "Saryn Velenosa Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Scapulis Syandana"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRNineScapulisScarf.png", Link = "Scapulis Syandana", Name = "Scapulis Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "9", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sciathin Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourSciathinScarf.png", Link = "Sciathin Syandana", Name = "Sciathin Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Scindo Combustion Skin"] = { Artists = { "ming1345" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "CombustionScindo.png", Link = "Scindo Combustion Skin", Name = "Scindo Combustion Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Scindo Kuberus Skin"] = { Artists = { "ZeroJackdaw" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "KuberusScindo.png", Link = "Scindo Kuberus Skin", Name = "Scindo Kuberus Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Sclera Oculus"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "35", Image = "SWR18OperatorScleraOculus.png", Link = "Sclera Oculus", Name = "Sclera Oculus", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Scylla Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWScyllaSyandana.png", Link = "Scylla Syandana", Name = "Scylla Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Senvictis Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWSenvictisScarf.png", Link = "Senvictis Syandana", Name = "Senvictis Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Seraphim Chest Plate"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "jaeon009" }, ConsolePrice = "45", Image = "SWR18SeraphimArmorC.png", Link = "Seraphim Chest Plate", Name = "Seraphim Chest Plate", PcPrice = "$2.49", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Seraphim Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "jaeon009" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenSeraphimScarf.png", Link = "Seraphim Syandana", Name = "Seraphim Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sethar Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "Kevin Glint" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWR18SetharSyandana.png", Link = "Sethar Syandana", Name = "Sethar Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Setka Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThreeSetkaScarf.png", Link = "Setka Syandana", Name = "Setka Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "3", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Shiroku Blade of the Lotus Syandana"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWShirokuBladeoftheLotusSyandana.png", Link = "Shiroku Blade of the Lotus Syandana", Name = "Shiroku Blade of the Lotus Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Shurihoshi Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenShurihoshiScarf.png", Link = "Shurihoshi Syandana", Name = "Shurihoshi Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sildarg Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenSildargScarf.png", Link = "Sildarg Syandana", Name = "Sildarg Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Skana Infested Skin"] = { Artists = { "Dencio Aggression" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRPolyInfestedSkana.png", Link = "Skana Infested Skin", Name = "Skana Infested Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Solida Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenSolidaScarf.png", Link = "Solida Syandana", Name = "Solida Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sovereign Syandana"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTwelveSovereignScarf.png", Link = "Sovereign Syandana", Name = "Sovereign Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Styx Syandana"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWStyxSyandana.png", Link = "Styx Syandana", Name = "Styx Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Sybaris Overload Skin"] = { Artists = { "Reisen.Udonge" }, ConsolePrice = "50", Image = "SybarisOverloadSkin.png", Link = "Sybaris Overload Skin", Name = "Sybaris Overload Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "1", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Sydeko Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRThirteenSydekoScarf.png", Link = "Sydeko Syandana", Name = "Sydeko Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Tenui Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "Justified114" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWTenuiSyanana.png", Link = "Tenui Syandana", Name = "Tenui Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Teplo Syandana"] = { Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourTeploScarf.png", Link = "Teplo Syandana", Name = "Teplo Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Titania Lympharis Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourteenLympharisSkin.png", Link = "Titania Lympharis Skin", Name = "Titania Lympharis Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Titania Pixialyst Skin"] = { Artists = { "kakarrot2812" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWTitaniaPixialystSkin.png", Link = "Titania Pixialyst Skin", Name = "Titania Pixialyst Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Titania Unseelie Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTenTitaniaUnseelieSkin.png", Link = "Titania Unseelie Skin", Name = "Titania Unseelie Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Titania Viraji Helmet"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "blazingcobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWTitaniaVirajiHelmet.png", Link = "Titania Viraji Helmet", Name = "Titania Viraji Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Tonaca Syandana"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenTonacaScarf.png", Link = "Tonaca Syandana", Name = "Tonaca Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Tonfa Ba'geth Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "Scharkie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRElevenBa'GethTonfa.png", Link = "Tonfa Ba'geth Skin", Name = "Tonfa Ba'geth Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "11 [Batch 3]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Tonfa Hades Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie", "Jadie" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRFourteenHadesTonfaSkin.png", Link = "Tonfa Hades Skin", Name = "Tonfa Hades Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "14", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Trinity Ancyra Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWREightTrinityAncyraHelmet.png", Link = "Trinity Ancyra Helmet", Name = "Trinity Ancyra Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRThirteenTrinityBladeoftheLotusSkin.png", Link = "Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin", Name = "Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "13", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Trinity Knightess Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenTrinityKnightessSkin.png", Link = "Trinity Knightess Skin", Name = "Trinity Knightess Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Trinity Messiah Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFiveTrinityMessiahHelmet.png", Link = "Trinity Messiah Helmet", Name = "Trinity Messiah Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Trinity Nightingale Skin"] = { Artists = { "matzan481" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWTrinityNightingaleSkin.png", Link = "Trinity Nightingale Skin", Name = "Trinity Nightingale Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Tsujinasa Syandana"] = { Artists = { "BeastBuster" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWTsujinasaSyandana.png", Link = "Tsujinasa Syandana", Name = "Tsujinasa Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin"] = { Artists = { "Lubox" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWR18TwoHandedNikanaArashiSkin.png", Link = "Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin", Name = "Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "18", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Udjyat's Serpent Machete Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWUdjyat'sSerpentMacheteSkin.png", Link = "Udjyat's Serpent Machete Skin", Name = "Udjyat's Serpent Machete Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "20 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Undercutter Nikana Skin"] = { Artists = { "Felix Leonhart" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWR19NikanaUndercutterSkin.png", Link = "Undercutter Nikana Skin", Name = "Undercutter Nikana Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Valesti Syandana"] = { Artists = { "led2012", "Xtygian" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWValestiSyandana.png", Link = "Valesti Syandana", Name = "Valesti Syandana", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "19 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Syandana" }, ["Valkyr Cheetah Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRFiveValkyrCheetahHelmet.png", Link = "Valkyr Cheetah Helmet", Name = "Valkyr Cheetah Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "5", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Valkyr Delusion Skin"] = { Artists = { "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTenValkyrDelusionSkin.png", Link = "Valkyr Delusion Skin", Name = "Valkyr Delusion Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Valkyr Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourValkyrGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Valkyr Graxx Skin", Name = "Valkyr Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Valkyr Ion Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Yatus" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRTenValkyrIonHelmet.png", Link = "Valkyr Ion Helmet", Name = "Valkyr Ion Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "10", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Valkyr Leonessa Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hitsu San" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWLeonessaSkin.png", Link = "Valkyr Leonessa Skin", Name = "Valkyr Leonessa Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Valkyr Mithra Skin"] = { Artists = { "lukinu_u" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWValkyrMithraSkin.png", Link = "Valkyr Mithra Skin", Name = "Valkyr Mithra Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "16", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Vauban Bonaparte Skin"] = { Artists = { "Hydroxate", "Debbysheen" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWVaubanBonaparteSkin.png", Link = "Vauban Bonaparte Skin", Name = "Vauban Bonaparte Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "22 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Vauban Chapelon Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRFourVaubanChapelonHelmet.png", Link = "Vauban Chapelon Helmet", Name = "Vauban Chapelon Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Vauban Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven", "Faven_LTD" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRElevenVaubanGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Vauban Graxx Skin", Name = "Vauban Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "11 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Vauban Suppressor Skin"] = { Artists = { "Cheshire", "prosetisen" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRSevenVaubanSuppressorSkin.png", Link = "Vauban Suppressor Skin", Name = "Vauban Suppressor Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "7", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Vectis Sharpshooter Skin"] = { Artists = { "StratoS117" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "VectisSharpshooterSkin.png", Link = "Vectis Sharpshooter Skin", Name = "Vectis Sharpshooter Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Vectis Silferer Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "40", Image = "VectisSilfererSkin.png", Link = "Vectis Silferer Skin", Name = "Vectis Silferer Skin", PcPrice = "40", Round = "Weapons Skin Contest", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Vikasa Shoulder Armor"] = { Artists = { "blazingcobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWVikasaShoulderArmor.png", Link = "Vikasa Shoulder Armor", Name = "Vikasa Shoulder Armor", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Armor" }, ["Volt Amp Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven_PS" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWROneVoltAMPSkin.png", Link = "Volt Amp Skin", Name = "Volt Amp Skin", PcPrice = "$4.99", Round = "1", SteamLink = "", Type = "Warframe" }, ["Volt Arrester Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "75", Image = "SWRPolyVoltArresterHelmet.png", Link = "Volt Arrester Helmet", Name = "Volt Arrester Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Volt Capacitor Skin"] = { Artists = { "Del" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWREightVoltCapacitorSkin.png", Link = "Volt Capacitor Skin", Name = "Volt Capacitor Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Volt Fulgursor Skin"] = { Artists = { "Vulbjorn" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRTwelveVoltFulgursorSkin.png", Link = "Volt Fulgursor Skin", Name = "Volt Fulgursor Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "12", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Volt Graxx Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWRFourVoltGraxxSkin.png", Link = "Volt Graxx Skin", Name = "Volt Graxx Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "4", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Volt Relay Helmet"] = { Artists = { "DespicableCheese" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWRPolyVoltRelayHelmet.png", Link = "Volt Relay Helmet", Name = "Volt Relay Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Volt Technoshock Skin"] = { Artists = { "Master Noob" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWVoltTechnoshockSkin.png", Link = "Volt Technoshock Skin", Name = "Volt Technoshock Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "22 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Volt Thales Helmet"] = { Artists = { "Arsenal" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWRPolyVoltThalesHelmet.png", Link = "Volt Thales Helmet", Name = "Volt Thales Helmet", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "Polycount", SteamLink = "", Type = "Helmet" }, ["Volt Zener Skin"] = { Artists = { "Rekkou" }, ConsolePrice = "165", Image = "SWREightVoltZenerSkin.png", Link = "Volt Zener Skin", Name = "Volt Zener Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "8", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Vuoto Oculus"] = { Artists = { "Oh_Shimmy" }, ConsolePrice = "35", Image = "SWVuotoEye.png", Link = "Vuoto Oculus", Name = "Vuoto Oculus", PcPrice = "$1.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Operator" }, ["Whip Wuush Skin"] = { Artists = { "Faven" }, ConsolePrice = "105", Image = "SWWhipWuushSkin.png", Link = "Whip Wuush Skin", Name = "Whip Wuush Skin", PcPrice = "$5.99", Round = "17", SteamLink = "", Type = "Weapon" }, ["Wisp Celestis Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "Awk'Q-Luz" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWWispCelestistSkin.png", Link = "Wisp Celestis Skin", Name = "Wisp Celestis Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "21 [Batch 1]", SteamLink = "", Type = "Deluxe" }, ["Wisp Coven Skin"] = { Artists = { "malaya", "blazingcobalt" }, ConsolePrice = "N/A", Image = "SWWispCovenSkin.png", Link = "Wisp Coven Skin", Name = "Wisp Coven Skin", PcPrice = "$6.99", Round = "21 [Batch 2]", SteamLink = 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