Official wiki

Database of TennoGen items.

TennoGen Item Schema[]

["Item Name"] = {
	Artists = { "Artist 1", "Artist 2" },  -- artist names in a table
	ConsolePrice = "100",  -- in platinum
	Image = "Panel.png",  -- image file name as stored on the wiki
    Link = "Page name",
    Name = "Item name",
	PcPrice = "$5.99",  -- include currency sign
	Round = "12",  -- TennoGen round number or name
	SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1266378613",  -- entire URL of Steam workshop page
	Type = "Syandana"   -- cosmetic type
Key/Column Name Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Artists Table (of strings) ✔️ Name of artists who contributed { "malaya", "Cobalt" }
ConsolePrice String ✔️ Price in Platinum on consoles "200"
Image String ✔️ Image file name of the item as uploaded to the wiki "SWR18ArmalystSyandana.png"
InternalName String The full unique name of item formatted as a file path "/Lotus/Upgrades/Skins/Anima/SWDivisaHelmet"
Link String ✔️ Page/article link to the item on the wiki "Armalyst Syandana"
Name String ✔️ Name of TennoGen item "Armalyst Syandana"
PcPrice String ✔️ Price in US dollars on PC "$5.99"
Round String ✔️ TennoGen round number or name "12"
SteamLink String ✔️ Entire URL of Steam workshop page "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1266378613"
Type String ✔️ Cosmetic type "Syandana"

return {
	["Ak-Sura Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Cobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveAk-SuraScarf.png",
		Link = "Ak-Sura Syandana",
		Name = "Ak-Sura Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1266378613",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Akmagnus Dakila Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "MaaYuu" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "AkmagnusDakilaSkin.png",
		Link = "Akmagnus Dakila Skin",
		Name = "Akmagnus Dakila Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Akmagnus Hivelight Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Verifitas" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "AkmagnusHivelightSkin.png",
		Link = "Akmagnus Hivelight Skin",
		Name = "Akmagnus Hivelight Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Alchemist Chemtank Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAlchemistChemtankSyandana.png",
		Link = "Alchemist Chemtank Syandana",
		Name = "Alchemist Chemtank Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2763822731",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Aquiros Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwoAquirosScarf.png",
		Link = "Aquiros Syandana",
		Name = "Aquiros Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=616760969",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Arashi Heavy Blade Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox", "ValentinaPaz" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWArashiHeavyBladeSkin.png",
		Link = "Arashi Heavy Blade Skin",
		Name = "Arashi Heavy Blade Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2593701929",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Arashi Rapier Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWArashiRapierSkin.png",
		Link = "Arashi Rapier Skin",
		Name = "Arashi Rapier Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2159817565",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Arcturus Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRSevenArcturusScarf.png",
		Link = "Arcturus Syandana",
		Name = "Arcturus Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=839641825",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Armalyst Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "Debbysheen" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18ArmalystSyandana.png",
		Link = "Armalyst Syandana",
		Name = "Armalyst Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1835807920",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Aropanex Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAropanexSyandana.png",
		Link = "Aropanex Syandana",
		Name = "Aropanex Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2106249846",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Asakage Blade of the Lotus Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAsakageBladeoftheLotusShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Asakage Blade of the Lotus Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Asakage Blade of the Lotus Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396103963",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Ash Bai Hu Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenAshBaiHuSkin.png",
		Link = "Ash Bai Hu Skin",
		Name = "Ash Bai Hu Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770606387",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ash Carabid Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRSixAshCarabidHelmet.png",
		Link = "Ash Carabid Helmet",
		Name = "Ash Carabid Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=764959221",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Ash Ichneumon Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19AshIchneumonSkin.png",
		Link = "Ash Ichneumon Skin",
		Name = "Ash Ichneumon Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2128408238",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ash Ryuga Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWAshRyugaSkin.png",
		Link = "Ash Ryuga Skin",
		Name = "Ash Ryuga Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1835445270",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ash Tsukuyomi Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineAshTsukuyomiSkin.png",
		Link = "Ash Tsukuyomi Skin",
		Name = "Ash Tsukuyomi Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935399710",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Asteria Chest Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAsteriaChestArmor.png",
		Link = "Asteria Chest Armor",
		Name = "Asteria Chest Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2773584411",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Atlas Arhat Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveAtlasArhatHelmet.png",
		Link = "Atlas Arhat Helmet",
		Name = "Atlas Arhat Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759498343",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAtlasBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Atlas Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396199993",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Atlas Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTenAtlasGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Atlas Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Atlas Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113079910",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Atlas Monolith Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineAtlasMonolithSkin.png",
		Link = "Atlas Monolith Skin",
		Name = "Atlas Monolith Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=931059338",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Atlas Telamon Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRSixAtlasTelamonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Atlas Telamon Helmet",
		Name = "Atlas Telamon Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775833354",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Aures Diadem"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HariPear" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAuresFace.png",
		Link = "Aures Diadem",
		Name = "Aures Diadem",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1535304359",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Aures Earpiece"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HariPear" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWAuresEarpiece.png",
		Link = "Aures Earpiece",
		Name = "Aures Earpiece",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1504352519",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Avyrdi Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "lex182" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAvyrdiShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Avyrdi Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Avyrdi Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2591666569",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Axonnak Hammer Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWAxonnakHammerSkin.png",
		Link = "Axonnak Hammer Skin",
		Name = "Axonnak Hammer Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2594274397",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Ayla Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Cobalt", "malaya" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourAylaScarf.png",
		Link = "Ayla Syandana",
		Name = "Ayla Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727826440",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenBansheeBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Banshee Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194217647",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Banshee Dominia Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTenBansheeDominiaHelmet.png",
		Link = "Banshee Dominia Helmet",
		Name = "Banshee Dominia Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1112559237",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Banshee Echo Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRSixBansheeEchoHelmet.png",
		Link = "Banshee Echo Helmet",
		Name = "Banshee Echo Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786870120",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Banshee Sonority Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenBansheeSonoritySkin.png",
		Link = "Banshee Sonority Skin",
		Name = "Banshee Sonority Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194802271",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Baruuk Bedouin Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix", "karu" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWR18BaruukBedouinSkin.png",
		Link = "Baruuk Bedouin Skin",
		Name = "Baruuk Bedouin Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1964300973",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWBaruukBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Baruuk Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396203449",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Baruuk Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWBaruukGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Baruuk Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Baruuk Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1824768158",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Baruuk Shiraan Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWBaruukShiraanSkin.png",
		Link = "Baruuk Shiraan Skin",
		Name = "Baruuk Shiraan Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171447250",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Baruuk Zamariu Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWBaruukZamariuSkin.png",
		Link = "Baruuk Zamariu Skin",
		Name = "Baruuk Zamariu Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2384828375",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Blaze Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "blazingcobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWBlazeOculus.png",
		Link = "Blaze Oculus",
		Name = "Blaze Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2132901223",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Bodo Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "luchafurel" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRSevenBodoScarf.png",
		Link = "Bodo Syandana",
		Name = "Bodo Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=816335327",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Boltara Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "Scharkie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveBoltaraScarf.png",
		Link = "Boltara Syandana",
		Name = "Boltara Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759305634",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Caerulea Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "Awk'Q-Luz", "blazingcobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWCaeruleaOculus.png",
		Link = "Caerulea Oculus",
		Name = "Caerulea Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2651582567",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Chroma Drevni Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRFiveChromaDrevniSkin.png",
		Link = "Chroma Drevni Skin",
		Name = "Chroma Drevni Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759374533",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Chroma Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveChromaGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Chroma Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Chroma Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1307968380",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Chroma Kaiju Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "[k a z]" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRTwoChromaKaijuHelmet.png",
		Link = "Chroma Kaiju Helmet",
		Name = "Chroma Kaiju Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619969541",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Chroma Morkai Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenChromaMorkaiSkin.png",
		Link = "Chroma Morkai Skin",
		Name = "Chroma Morkai Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1389682852",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Chroma Tarrasque Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRTwoChromaTarrasqueHelmet.png",
		Link = "Chroma Tarrasque Helmet",
		Name = "Chroma Tarrasque Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619296731",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Chroma Thyrus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveChromaThyrusSkin.png",
		Link = "Chroma Thyrus Skin",
		Name = "Chroma Thyrus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1334300436",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Chroma Vojnik Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRSixChromaVojnikSkin.png",
		Link = "Chroma Vojnik Skin",
		Name = "Chroma Vojnik Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735868453",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Corail Diadem"] = {
		Artists = { "HariPear", "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWCorailDiadem.png",
		Link = "Corail Diadem",
		Name = "Corail Diadem",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2595381436",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Corona Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenCoronaScarf.png",
		Link = "Corona Syandana",
		Name = "Corona Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194837467",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Covenant Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightCovenantScarf.png",
		Link = "Covenant Syandana",
		Name = "Covenant Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=891464944",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Cryona Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenCryonaScarf.png",
		Link = "Cryona Syandana",
		Name = "Cryona Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=860937578",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Dagger Crubbak Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox", "Scharkie" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourteenCrubbakDaggerSkin.png",
		Link = "Dagger Crubbak Skin",
		Name = "Dagger Crubbak Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1493669632",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Deru Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveDeruScarf.png",
		Link = "Deru Syandana",
		Name = "Deru Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757237861",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Despot Cape Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi", "Sab531" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveDespotScarf.png",
		Link = "Despot Cape Syandana",
		Name = "Despot Cape Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335644908",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Diablillo Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi", "SabtheRobot" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWDiablilloScarf.png",
		Link = "Diablillo Syandana",
		Name = "Diablillo Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617361399",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Disconnect Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourDisconnectScarf.png",
		Link = "Disconnect Syandana",
		Name = "Disconnect Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=700564195",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Diva Chest Plate"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "45",
		Image = "SWDivaChestPlate.png",
		Link = "Diva Chest Plate",
		Name = "Diva Chest Plate",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843075078",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Felix Leonhart" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWDogmaTwo-HandedNikanaSkin.png",
		Link = "Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin",
		Name = "Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2394233895",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Dominus Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "jaeon009" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWDominusSyandana.png",
		Link = "Dominus Syandana",
		Name = "Dominus Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1616333967",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Draugen Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Goosmo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWDraugenSyandana.png",
		Link = "Draugen Syandana",
		Name = "Draugen Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396418848",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Dual Zoren Combustion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "ming1345" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "CombustionDualZoren.png",
		Link = "Dual Zoren Combustion Skin",
		Name = "Dual Zoren Combustion Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Dual Zoren Kuberus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "ZeroJackdaw" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "KuberusDualZoren.png",
		Link = "Dual Zoren Kuberus Skin",
		Name = "Dual Zoren Kuberus Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Due Volpi Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi", "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveDueVolpiScarf.png",
		Link = "Due Volpi Syandana",
		Name = "Due Volpi Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1282112343",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Eklis Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Goosmo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWEklisSyandana.png",
		Link = "Eklis Syandana",
		Name = "Eklis Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2257745097",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Eklypsa Staff Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19EklypsaStaffSkin.png",
		Link = "Eklypsa Staff Skin",
		Name = "Eklypsa Staff Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171913232",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Ember Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSixEmberGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Ember Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Ember Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=771866750",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ember Ignition Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Kaiceps" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWREightEmberIgnitionSkin.png",
		Link = "Ember Ignition Skin",
		Name = "Ember Ignition Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=878893922",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ember Magesty Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen", "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWREightEmberMagestySkin.png",
		Link = "Ember Magesty Skin",
		Name = "Ember Magesty Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=891894398",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Equinox Divisa Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenDivisaSkin.png",
		Link = "Equinox Divisa Skin",
		Name = "Equinox Divisa Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1489475843",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Equinox Insomnia Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineEquinoxInsomniaSkin.png",
		Link = "Equinox Insomnia Skin",
		Name = "Equinox Insomnia Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950871547",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Equinox Megaera Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenMegaeraSkin.png",
		Link = "Equinox Megaera Skin",
		Name = "Equinox Megaera Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1503279452",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Eucyon Chest Plate"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie", "Awk'Q-Luz" },
		ConsolePrice = "45",
		Image = "SWR18EucyonArmorC.png",
		Link = "Eucyon Chest Plate",
		Name = "Eucyon Chest Plate",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973347538",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Excalibur Apex Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRFourExcaliburApexSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Apex Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Apex Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=705011721",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Excalibur Arturius Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "[k a z]" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRPolyExcaliburArturiusHelmet.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Arturius Helmet",
		Name = "Excalibur Arturius Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=564035039",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Excalibur Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19ExcaliburBotLSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1972908267",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Caduto Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourExcaliburCadutoSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Caduto Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Caduto Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=700038065",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Corpra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenExcaliburCorpraSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Corpra Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Corpra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1193024927",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Exaltation Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenExcaliburExaltationSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Exaltation Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Exaltation Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951099563",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourExcaliburGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=684165198",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Ion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWExcaliburIonSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Ion Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Ion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1452420758",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Isurus Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Coridium" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRPolyExcaliburIsurusHelmet.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Isurus Helmet",
		Name = "Excalibur Isurus Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566805069",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Excalibur Ogrant Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "lokimonkeye" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRPolyExcaliburOgrantHelmet.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Ogrant Helmet",
		Name = "Excalibur Ogrant Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565801927",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Excalibur Ronin Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenExcaliburRoninSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Ronin Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Ronin Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1276820730",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Excalibur Sentient Slayer Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "CommanderApocalypse" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwoExcaliburSentientSlayerSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Sentient Slayer Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Sentient Slayer Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557791900",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Excalibur Vespula Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Polygonmonster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWROneExcaliburVespulaSkin.png",
		Link = "Excalibur Vespula Skin",
		Name = "Excalibur Vespula Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=542663464",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Fei Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWFeiSyandana.png",
		Link = "Fei Syandana",
		Name = "Fei Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2487600066",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Fhan'Epak Chest Plate"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "45",
		Image = "SWFhan'EpakChestPlate.png",
		Link = "Fhan'Epak Chest Plate",
		Name = "Fhan'Epak Chest Plate",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1840271987",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Frost Emperor Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSixFrostEmperorSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Emperor Skin",
		Name = "Frost Emperor Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727935543",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Frost Grost Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThreeFrostGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Grost Skin",
		Name = "Frost Grost Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=657212084",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Frost Hailstorm Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThreeFrostHailstormSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Hailstorm Skin",
		Name = "Frost Hailstorm Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=590630820",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Frost Himavat Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "VoidPunch" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTenFrostHimavatHelmet.png",
		Link = "Frost Himavat Helmet",
		Name = "Frost Himavat Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1123277509",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Frost Hisame Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "AMO_017" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWFrostHisameSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Hisame Skin",
		Name = "Frost Hisame Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1802551758",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Frost Ion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWIonFrostSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Ion Skin",
		Name = "Frost Ion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1392432715",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Frost Jotun Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourFrostJotunHelmet.png",
		Link = "Frost Jotun Helmet",
		Name = "Frost Jotun Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=715598237",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Frost Manta-Z Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "jocz" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWMantaZHelmet.png",
		Link = "Frost Manta-Z Helmet",
		Name = "Frost Manta-Z Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1545234418",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Frost Strigid Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWFrostStrigidSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Strigid Skin",
		Name = "Frost Strigid Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171275613",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Frost Summit Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThreeFrostSummitHelmet.png",
		Link = "Frost Summit Helmet",
		Name = "Frost Summit Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625288203",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Frost Vojnik Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRThreeFrostVojnikSkin.png",
		Link = "Frost Vojnik Skin",
		Name = "Frost Vojnik Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665327123",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Frost Zastruga Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRThreeFrostZastrugaHelmet.png",
		Link = "Frost Zastruga Helmet",
		Name = "Frost Zastruga Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=657002153",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Galatine Claymire Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "novadragon01" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRPolyClaymireGalatine.png",
		Link = "Galatine Claymire Skin",
		Name = "Galatine Claymire Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565165703",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Galatine Magesty Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenMagestyGalatine.png",
		Link = "Galatine Magesty Skin",
		Name = "Galatine Magesty Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194800565",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Gara Adora Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "That1Cactus", "blazingcobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWGaraAdoraHelmet.png",
		Link = "Gara Adora Helmet",
		Name = "Gara Adora Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2788726296",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Gara Rouen Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Hydroxate" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWGaraRouenHelmet.png",
		Link = "Gara Rouen Helmet",
		Name = "Gara Rouen Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1809140963",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Gara Silica Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveGaraSilicaHelmet.png",
		Link = "Gara Silica Helmet",
		Name = "Gara Silica Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335701043",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Gara Zamariu Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenZamariuSkin.png",
		Link = "Gara Zamariu Skin",
		Name = "Gara Zamariu Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1470139066",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Garasu Diadem"] = {
		Artists = { "Ixe", "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWGarasuFace.png",
		Link = "Garasu Diadem",
		Name = "Garasu Diadem",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1713539991",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Garasu Earpiece"] = {
		Artists = { "Ixe", "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWGarasuEarpiece.png",
		Link = "Garasu Earpiece",
		Name = "Garasu Earpiece",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1713536953",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Garasu Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "Ixe", "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWRFourteenGarasuEyepiece.png",
		Link = "Garasu Oculus",
		Name = "Garasu Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1502550278",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Garuda Sakhura Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18GarudaSakhuraHelmet.png",
		Link = "Garuda Sakhura Helmet",
		Name = "Garuda Sakhura Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1974004508",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Garuda Successor Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWGarudaSuccessorSkin.png",
		Link = "Garuda Successor Skin",
		Name = "Garuda Successor Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1616792573",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Garuda Tengushin Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19GarudaTengushinSkin.png",
		Link = "Garuda Tengushin Skin",
		Name = "Garuda Tengushin Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2097100860",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Garuda Tiamat Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWR18GarudaTiamatSkin.png",
		Link = "Garuda Tiamat Skin",
		Name = "Garuda Tiamat Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973543755",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Gauss Agito Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWGaussAgitoSkin.png",
		Link = "Gauss Agito Skin",
		Name = "Gauss Agito Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973149960",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Gauss Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWGaussGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Gauss Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Gauss Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2028544239",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Graxx Spitefire Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRSixSpitefireScarf.png",
		Link = "Graxx Spitefire Syandana",
		Name = "Graxx Spitefire Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773024183",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Grendel Moloch Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWGrendelMolochSkin.png",
		Link = "Grendel Moloch Skin",
		Name = "Grendel Moloch Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2086311664",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Hammer Ogun Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenHammerOgun.png",
		Link = "Hammer Ogun Skin",
		Name = "Hammer Ogun Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335038499",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Harrow Algalyst Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Goosmo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWHarrowAlgalystSkin.png",
		Link = "Harrow Algalyst Skin",
		Name = "Harrow Algalyst Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2257731063",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Harrow Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "Faven_LTD" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenHarrowGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Harrow Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Harrow Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1183636450",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Harrow Hieropha Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenHarrowHierophaHelmet.png",
		Link = "Harrow Hieropha Helmet",
		Name = "Harrow Hieropha Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1120164958",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Harrow Veles Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWHarrowVelesSkin.png",
		Link = "Harrow Veles Skin",
		Name = "Harrow Veles Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1844198623",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Heavy Blade Dogma Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Felix Leonhart" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWHeavyBladeDogmaSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Dogma Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Dogma Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2595150555",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Grimstone Cleaver Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWHeavyBladeGrimstoneCleaverSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Grimstone Cleaver Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Grimstone Cleaver Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2087399352",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Ion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus", "IgnusDei" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourteenIonGreatswordSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Ion Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Ion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1530474819",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Karv'r Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "Scharkie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourteenKarvrGreatswordSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Karv'r Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Karv'r Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1446787169",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Kilzorath Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenKilzorathHeavyBlade.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Kilzorath Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Kilzorath Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1191419789",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenMithraHeavyBlade.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1120051045",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Mizar Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Girtan" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18HeavyBladeMizarSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Mizar Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Mizar Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973995846",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Obanakk Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "VoidPunch" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWHeavyBladeObanakkSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Obanakk Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Obanakk Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171856580",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Suprema Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18HeavyBladeSupremaSkin.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Suprema Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Suprema Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1896664300",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Heavy Blade Tengoken Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenTengokenHeavyBlade.png",
		Link = "Heavy Blade Tengoken Skin",
		Name = "Heavy Blade Tengoken Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194272521",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Hildryn Sigrun Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie", "Awk'Q-Luz" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWHildrynSigrunSkin.png",
		Link = "Hildryn Sigrun Skin",
		Name = "Hildryn Sigrun Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2025059434",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Hydroid Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineHydroidGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Hydroid Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Hydroid Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=939775413",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Hydroid Karkinos Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Crackle2012", "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWKarkinosHelmet.png",
		Link = "Hydroid Karkinos Helmet",
		Name = "Hydroid Karkinos Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1620316780",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Hydroid Poseidon Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenHydroidPoseidonSkin.png",
		Link = "Hydroid Poseidon Skin",
		Name = "Hydroid Poseidon Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1188456944",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Hydroid Rorqual Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRSevenHydroidRorqualHelmet.png",
		Link = "Hydroid Rorqual Helmet",
		Name = "Hydroid Rorqual Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=803753173",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Icarius Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenIcariusScarf.png",
		Link = "Icarius Syandana",
		Name = "Icarius Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1346542404",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Inaros Horus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "....A" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenInarosHorusSkin.png",
		Link = "Inaros Horus Skin",
		Name = "Inaros Horus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1185454865",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Inaros Kephri Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenInarosKephriHelmet.png",
		Link = "Inaros Kephri Helmet",
		Name = "Inaros Kephri Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122658693",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Inaros Ozymandias Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "matzan481" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWInarosOzymandiasSkin.png",
		Link = "Inaros Ozymandias Skin",
		Name = "Inaros Ozymandias Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2079578690",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Incognito Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWRFourteenIncognitoEyepiece.png",
		Link = "Incognito Oculus",
		Name = "Incognito Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1484318505",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Incubus Ribbon Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightIncubusRibbon.png",
		Link = "Incubus Ribbon Syandana",
		Name = "Incubus Ribbon Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=839762184",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Inflatable Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "CERF" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWInflatableShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Inflatable Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Inflatable Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542585784",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Ion Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus", "HugoPolo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWIonShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Ion Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Ion Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2362054333",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Ion Sword Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus", "HugoPolo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWIonSwordSkin.png",
		Link = "Ion Sword Skin",
		Name = "Ion Sword Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2362055028",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Irya Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19IryaOculus.png",
		Link = "Irya Oculus",
		Name = "Irya Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1898005439",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Ivara Arcuata Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWREightIvaraArcuataSkin.png",
		Link = "Ivara Arcuata Skin",
		Name = "Ivara Arcuata Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1496765280",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ivara Astrea Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWIvaraAstreaSkin.png",
		Link = "Ivara Astrea Skin",
		Name = "Ivara Astrea Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=856242744",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ivara Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWR18IvaraGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Ivara Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Ivara Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1938206311",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWIvaraKuvaelHuntressSkin.png",
		Link = "Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin",
		Name = "Ivara Kuvael Huntress Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843174920",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ivara Youkai Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWREightIvaraYoukaiSkin.png",
		Link = "Ivara Youkai Skin",
		Name = "Ivara Youkai Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893248390",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Ivara Zamariu Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWR18IvaraZamariuSkin.png",
		Link = "Ivara Zamariu Skin",
		Name = "Ivara Zamariu Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1825712913",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Jat Kittag Noxious Hammer Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Clyptic" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRPolyNoxiousJatKittag.png",
		Link = "Jat Kittag Noxious Hammer Skin",
		Name = "Jat Kittag Noxious Hammer Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=563773487",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Jattuk Mantle"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwoJattukMantle.png",
		Link = "Jattuk Mantle",
		Name = "Jattuk Mantle",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618955744",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Jotunheim Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWJotunheimEye.png",
		Link = "Jotunheim Oculus",
		Name = "Jotunheim Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845132003",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Jotunheim Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWJotunheimSyandana.png",
		Link = "Jotunheim Syandana",
		Name = "Jotunheim Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1711328911",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWJotunheim’sMusicShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2395066822",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Jotunheim’s Music Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWJotunheim’sMusicSyandana.png",
		Link = "Jotunheim’s Music Syandana",
		Name = "Jotunheim’s Music Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2389503649",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Kalynex Polearm Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKalynexPolearmSkin.png",
		Link = "Kalynex Polearm Skin",
		Name = "Kalynex Polearm Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2707343839",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Khora Fiera Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Debbysheen", "Crackle2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKhoraFieraHelmet.png",
		Link = "Khora Fiera Helmet",
		Name = "Khora Fiera Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2299460596",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Khora Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKhoraGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Khora Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Khora Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2289022506",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Khora Laveau Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi", "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWLaveauHelmet.png",
		Link = "Khora Laveau Helmet",
		Name = "Khora Laveau Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1616272035",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Khora Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWKhoraMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Khora Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Khora Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1420061655",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Khora Miyabi Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Awk'Q-Luz" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19KhoraMiyabiSkin.png",
		Link = "Khora Miyabi Skin",
		Name = "Khora Miyabi Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171730758",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Kiritsune Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "Actionman" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKiritsuneEye.png",
		Link = "Kiritsune Oculus",
		Name = "Kiritsune Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1499993022",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Kishikami Blade of the Lotus Chest Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKishikamiBladeoftheLotusChestArmor.png",
		Link = "Kishikami Blade of the Lotus Chest Armor",
		Name = "Kishikami Blade of the Lotus Chest Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2395797920",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Konvalyst Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWKonvalystEye.png",
		Link = "Konvalyst Oculus",
		Name = "Konvalyst Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843095298",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Kronen Arit Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRTwoKronenArit.png",
		Link = "Kronen Arit Skin",
		Name = "Kronen Arit Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=584953114",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Ksara Two-Handed Nikana Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKsaraTwo-HandedNikanaSkin.png",
		Link = "Ksara Two-Handed Nikana Skin",
		Name = "Ksara Two-Handed Nikana Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2500078680",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Kunshu Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenKunshuScarf.png",
		Link = "Kunshu Syandana",
		Name = "Kunshu Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194262289",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Kuther Machete Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HEILAH" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWKutherMacheteSkin.png",
		Link = "Kuther Machete Skin",
		Name = "Kuther Machete Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396821316",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Lamassu Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "LostEpoch" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWLamassuShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Lamassu Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Lamassu Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2762183874",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Laprosys Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWLaprosysSyandana.png",
		Link = "Laprosys Syandana",
		Name = "Laprosys Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2390682469",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWLavosKuvaelAlchemistSkin.png",
		Link = "Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin",
		Name = "Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2763804733",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Limbo Aureolus Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRSevenLimboAureolusHelmet.png",
		Link = "Limbo Aureolus Helmet",
		Name = "Limbo Aureolus Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=812269448",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Limbo Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenLimboGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Limbo Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Limbo Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1478822739",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Limbo Vasiona Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWREightLimboVasionaSkin.png",
		Link = "Limbo Vasiona Skin",
		Name = "Limbo Vasiona Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=888978193",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Limbo Venari Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi", "Sab531" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTenLimboVenariHelmet.png",
		Link = "Limbo Venari Helmet",
		Name = "Limbo Venari Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124234959",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Limbo Vistyxio Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "Hydroxate" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTenLimboVistyxioSkin.png",
		Link = "Limbo Vistyxio Skin",
		Name = "Limbo Vistyxio Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=949840128",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Liset Hellkite Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "LisetHellkiteSkin.png",
		Link = "Liset Hellkite Skin",
		Name = "Liset Hellkite Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=547150985",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Liset Maltzur Oculus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Cobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "LisetMaltzurOculusSkin.png",
		Link = "Liset Maltzur Oculus Skin",
		Name = "Liset Maltzur Oculus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=592362462",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Liset Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "LisetMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Liset Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Liset Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2171902467",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Liset Protege Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "LisetProtegeSkin.png",
		Link = "Liset Protege Skin",
		Name = "Liset Protege Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335933403",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Liset Quilate Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Polygonmonster" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "LisetQuilateSkin.png",
		Link = "Liset Quilate Skin",
		Name = "Liset Quilate Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=546468929",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Liset Vammatar Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Ventralhound" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "LisetVammatarSkin.png",
		Link = "Liset Vammatar Skin",
		Name = "Liset Vammatar Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2728016393",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Loki Erebus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveLokiErebusSkin.png",
		Link = "Loki Erebus Skin",
		Name = "Loki Erebus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1311948853",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Loki Ersatz Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourLokiErsatzHelmet.png",
		Link = "Loki Ersatz Helmet",
		Name = "Loki Ersatz Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714112819",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Loki Incubus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kaz", "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenLokiIncubusSkin.png",
		Link = "Loki Incubus Skin",
		Name = "Loki Incubus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=809097861",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Loki Jotunheim Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWLokiJotunheimSkin.png",
		Link = "Loki Jotunheim Skin",
		Name = "Loki Jotunheim Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1711318464",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Loki Kodama Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenLokiKodamaSkin.png",
		Link = "Loki Kodama Skin",
		Name = "Loki Kodama Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1270875131",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Loki Lupu Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourteenLupuHelmet.png",
		Link = "Loki Lupu Helmet",
		Name = "Loki Lupu Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1387974742",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Loki Rogue Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveLokiRogueHelmet.png",
		Link = "Loki Rogue Helmet",
		Name = "Loki Rogue Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759810107",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Longsword Arit Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightSkanaArit.png",
		Link = "Longsword Arit Skin",
		Name = "Longsword Arit Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=888729508",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Longsword Dero Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenDeroSword.png",
		Link = "Longsword Dero Skin",
		Name = "Longsword Dero Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1190101192",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Longsword Eisen Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenLongswordEisen.png",
		Link = "Longsword Eisen Skin",
		Name = "Longsword Eisen Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1321987012",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Longsword Insidia Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWLongswordInsidiaSkin.png",
		Link = "Longsword Insidia Skin",
		Name = "Longsword Insidia Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1819885862",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Longsword Tengushen Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourteenTengushenSwordSkin.png",
		Link = "Longsword Tengushen Skin",
		Name = "Longsword Tengushen Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1321960465",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Lumis Earpiece"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWLumisEar.png",
		Link = "Lumis Earpiece",
		Name = "Lumis Earpiece",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494935193",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Lumis Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWLumisEye.png",
		Link = "Lumis Oculus",
		Name = "Lumis Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494952919",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Mag Alata Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThreeMagAlataSkin.png",
		Link = "Mag Alata Skin",
		Name = "Mag Alata Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=593971754",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mag Anthro Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Pior" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRPolyMagAnthroHelmet.png",
		Link = "Mag Anthro Helmet",
		Name = "Mag Anthro Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=562615890",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Mag Corpra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWMagCorpraSkin.png",
		Link = "Mag Corpra Skin",
		Name = "Mag Corpra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845247834",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mag Ferro Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveMagFerroSkin.png",
		Link = "Mag Ferro Skin",
		Name = "Mag Ferro Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1328282882",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mag Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineMagGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Mag Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Mag Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=949823903",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mag Induction Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Pior" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRPolyMagInductionHelmet.png",
		Link = "Mag Induction Helmet",
		Name = "Mag Induction Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566809319",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Mag Knaita Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWROneMagKnaitaSkin.png",
		Link = "Mag Knaita Skin",
		Name = "Mag Knaita Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548916770",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Mag Orbit Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "drawingyourdreams" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwoMagOrbitSkin.png",
		Link = "Mag Orbit Skin",
		Name = "Mag Orbit Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=595493362",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mag Toroidal Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRPolyMagToroidalHelmet.png",
		Link = "Mag Toroidal Helmet",
		Name = "Mag Toroidal Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566141259",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Magnus Dakila Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "MaaYuu" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "DakilaMagnus.png",
		Link = "Magnus Dakila Skin",
		Name = "Magnus Dakila Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Magnus Hivelight Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Verifitas" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "MagnusHivelightSkin.png",
		Link = "Magnus Hivelight Skin",
		Name = "Magnus Hivelight Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Maharliqa Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourMaharliqaScarf.png",
		Link = "Maharliqa Syandana",
		Name = "Maharliqa Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726034842",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Mantis Lilieae Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWMantisLilieaeSkin.png",
		Link = "Mantis Lilieae Skin",
		Name = "Mantis Lilieae Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1974391135",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Mesa Dead Eye Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "NotYou" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRThreeMesaDeadEyeHelmet.png",
		Link = "Mesa Dead Eye Helmet",
		Name = "Mesa Dead Eye Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=654460112",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Mesa Devil Ranger Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTenMesaDevilRangerSkin.png",
		Link = "Mesa Devil Ranger Skin",
		Name = "Mesa Devil Ranger Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1122269051",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mesa Falcon Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRTwoMesaFalconHelmet.png",
		Link = "Mesa Falcon Helmet",
		Name = "Mesa Falcon Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=621106478",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Mesa Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenMesaGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Mesa Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Mesa Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=840571139",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mesa Insomnia Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Goosmo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWMesaInsomniaSkin.png",
		Link = "Mesa Insomnia Skin",
		Name = "Mesa Insomnia Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2775138959",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mesa Kudegra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Xtygian" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWMesaKudegraSkin.png",
		Link = "Mesa Kudegra Skin",
		Name = "Mesa Kudegra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1610830980",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mesa Marlet Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire", "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveMesaMarletSkin.png",
		Link = "Mesa Marlet Skin",
		Name = "Mesa Marlet Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335287684",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mesa Mesnificent Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWMesaMesnificentSkin.png",
		Link = "Mesa Mesnificent Skin",
		Name = "Mesa Mesnificent Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523005441",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mirage Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRFourMirageGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Mirage Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Mirage Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668259721",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Mirage Jolli Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourMirageJolliHelmet.png",
		Link = "Mirage Jolli Helmet",
		Name = "Mirage Jolli Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=707862636",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Mirage Kitsune Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812", "Skyeraikes" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWMirageKitsuneSkin.png",
		Link = "Mirage Kitsune Skin",
		Name = "Mirage Kitsune Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1959181297",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mirage Kuvael Jester Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWMirageKuvaelJesterSkin.png",
		Link = "Mirage Kuvael Jester Skin",
		Name = "Mirage Kuvael Jester Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552756160",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mirage Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenMirageMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Mirage Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Mirage Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=901583786",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mirage Morgaine Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenMirageMorgaineSkin.png",
		Link = "Mirage Morgaine Skin",
		Name = "Mirage Morgaine Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=840006948",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Mirage Sigyn Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "novadragon01" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourMirageSigynSkin.png",
		Link = "Mirage Sigyn Skin",
		Name = "Mirage Sigyn Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726038473",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Mithra Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveMithraScarf.png",
		Link = "Mithra Syandana",
		Name = "Mithra Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1259052812",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Mushussu Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveMushussuScarf.png",
		Link = "Mushussu Syandana",
		Name = "Mushussu Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1334762963",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Naru Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRNineNaruScarf.png",
		Link = "Naru Syandana",
		Name = "Naru Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951073654",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Nekros Charon Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourteenCharonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nekros Charon Helmet",
		Name = "Nekros Charon Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=603334774",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nekros Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenNekrosGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Nekros Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Nekros Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1332765500",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nekros Ion Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenNekrosIonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nekros Ion Helmet",
		Name = "Nekros Ion Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194900696",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nekros Lazarus Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "[k a z]" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRTwoNekrosLazarusHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nekros Lazarus Helmet",
		Name = "Nekros Lazarus Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1503767380",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nezha Devine Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Polygonmonster" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRNineNezhaDevineSkin.png",
		Link = "Nezha Devine Skin",
		Name = "Nezha Devine Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=885067890",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Nezha Dracun Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Novabjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenNezhaDracunSkin.png",
		Link = "Nezha Dracun Skin",
		Name = "Nezha Dracun Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124342482",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nezha Yaksha Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "SilverBones" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTenNezhaYakshaSkin.png",
		Link = "Nezha Yaksha Skin",
		Name = "Nezha Yaksha Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1115192059",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nidus Kuvael Scrounger Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWNidusKuvaelScroungerSkin.png",
		Link = "Nidus Kuvael Scrounger Skin",
		Name = "Nidus Kuvael Scrounger Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2160922960",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nidus Night Hunter Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWNidusNightHunterSkin.png",
		Link = "Nidus Night Hunter Skin",
		Name = "Nidus Night Hunter Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1478708783",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nidus Technocyst Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWNidusTechnocystSkin.png",
		Link = "Nidus Technocyst Skin",
		Name = "Nidus Technocyst Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2382558368",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Night Hunter Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWNightHunterSyandana.png",
		Link = "Night Hunter Syandana",
		Name = "Night Hunter Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1478716861",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Nikana Khatuun Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "VoidPunch" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWNikanaKhatuunSkin.png",
		Link = "Nikana Khatuun Skin",
		Name = "Nikana Khatuun Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1794814744",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Nikana Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWNikanaMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Nikana Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Nikana Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617347738",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Nikana Shinigami Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWNikanaShinigamiSkin.png",
		Link = "Nikana Shinigami Skin",
		Name = "Nikana Shinigami Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1615576826",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Nikana Ungulata Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWUngulataSkin.png",
		Link = "Nikana Ungulata Skin",
		Name = "Nikana Ungulata Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1687855678",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Nova Corpra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenNovaCorpraSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Corpra Skin",
		Name = "Nova Corpra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1336089681",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nova Cygni Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRTwoNovaCygniSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Cygni Skin",
		Name = "Nova Cygni Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=611832310",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Nova Device Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaDeviceSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Device Skin",
		Name = "Nova Device Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665832288",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Nova Fusion Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Coridium" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourNovaFusionHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nova Fusion Helmet",
		Name = "Nova Fusion Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619984194",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nova Gnova Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaGnovaSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Gnova Skin",
		Name = "Nova Gnova Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=657022855",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Nova Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineNovaGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Nova Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=940327168",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nova Lamia Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Wei-Zi", "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaLamiaHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nova Lamia Helmet",
		Name = "Nova Lamia Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=633328841",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nova Lamia Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaLamiaSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Lamia Skin",
		Name = "Nova Lamia Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665324732",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Nova Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19NovaMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Nova Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1444451582",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nova Stinger Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaStingerSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Stinger Skin",
		Name = "Nova Stinger Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665788330",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Nova Tachyon Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaTachyonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nova Tachyon Helmet",
		Name = "Nova Tachyon Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665215216",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nova Visage Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThreeNovaVisageSkin.png",
		Link = "Nova Visage Skin",
		Name = "Nova Visage Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=665040825",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nsaru Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwoNsaruScarf.png",
		Link = "Nsaru Syandana",
		Name = "Nsaru Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=591556001",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Nyx Ampulex Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightNyxAmpulexHelmet.png",
		Link = "Nyx Ampulex Helmet",
		Name = "Nyx Ampulex Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=880325359",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Nyx Ascophilia Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Erneix" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourteenAscophiliaSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Ascophilia Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Ascophilia Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1479350181",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Athena Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourNyxAthenaSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Athena Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Athena Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725268258",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Aurelia Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveNyxAureliaSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Aurelia Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Aurelia Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1329001809",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Aures Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u", "HariPear" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWAuresSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Aures Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Aures Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617367226",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Carnifex Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineNyxCarnifexSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Carnifex Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Carnifex Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=941418087",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSixNyxGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=765450169",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Saikou Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenNyxSaikouSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Saikou Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Saikou Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=795693336",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Nyx Technopsyche Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWTechnopsycheSkin.png",
		Link = "Nyx Technopsyche Skin",
		Name = "Nyx Technopsyche Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1712960940",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenOberonBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Oberon Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194231399",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Oberon Destrier Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveOberonDestrierHelmet.png",
		Link = "Oberon Destrier Helmet",
		Name = "Oberon Destrier Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=751322424",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Oberon Ferosh Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "The_Grimmrock" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenOberonFeroshHelmet.png",
		Link = "Oberon Ferosh Helmet",
		Name = "Oberon Ferosh Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180097255",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Oberon Taurus Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenOberonTaurusHelmet.png",
		Link = "Oberon Taurus Helmet",
		Name = "Oberon Taurus Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1166007445",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Oberon Wendigo Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenOberonWendigoSkin.png",
		Link = "Oberon Wendigo Skin",
		Name = "Oberon Wendigo Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1192548835",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Oberon Youkai Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWR18OberonYoukaiSkin.png",
		Link = "Oberon Youkai Skin",
		Name = "Oberon Youkai Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843793574",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Octavia Diva Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenOctaviaDivaSkin.png",
		Link = "Octavia Diva Skin",
		Name = "Octavia Diva Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162252618",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Octavia Giocoso Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "blazingcobalt", "Fari" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWOctaviaGiocosoHelmet.png",
		Link = "Octavia Giocoso Helmet",
		Name = "Octavia Giocoso Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2215918898",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Octavia Mandachoralyst Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWOctaviaMandachoralystSkin.png",
		Link = "Octavia Mandachoralyst Skin",
		Name = "Octavia Mandachoralyst Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2593100067",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Octavia Youkai Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWOctaviaYoukaiSkin.png",
		Link = "Octavia Youkai Skin",
		Name = "Octavia Youkai Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149504902",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Officium Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Operative Shift" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveOfficiumScarf.png",
		Link = "Officium Syandana",
		Name = "Officium Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735750664",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Opticor Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "50",
		Image = "OpticorMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Opticor Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Opticor Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1495531927",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Optima Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "DeadNexus_", "Swanky Swaggernaut" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWOptimaEye.png",
		Link = "Optima Oculus",
		Name = "Optima Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1500717075",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Orthos Magesty Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFiveMagestyOrthos.png",
		Link = "Orthos Magesty Skin",
		Name = "Orthos Magesty Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728136853",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Papillon Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "HariPear", "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPapillonOculus.png",
		Link = "Papillon Oculus",
		Name = "Papillon Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2574751544",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Paxis Chest Plate"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "45",
		Image = "SWPaxisChestPlate.png",
		Link = "Paxis Chest Plate",
		Name = "Paxis Chest Plate",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845166460",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Paxis Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPaxisShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Paxis Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Paxis Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2772749709",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Paxis Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWPaxisSyandana.png",
		Link = "Paxis Syandana",
		Name = "Paxis Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1833615473",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Piercing Eye Chest Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3", "HAROHARO" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPiercingEyeChestArmor.png",
		Link = "Piercing Eye Chest Armor",
		Name = "Piercing Eye Chest Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2774888603",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Piercing Eye Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3", "HAROHARO" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPiercingEyeShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Piercing Eye Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Piercing Eye Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2774892141",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Pistris Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenPistrisScarf.png",
		Link = "Pistris Syandana",
		Name = "Pistris Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=948291507",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Polearm Aphria Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenPolearmAphria.png",
		Link = "Polearm Aphria Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Aphria Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1329854436",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Diva Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenDivaPolearm.png",
		Link = "Polearm Diva Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Diva Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843075078",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Ion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus", "HugoPolo" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18PolearmIonSkin.png",
		Link = "Polearm Ion Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Ion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973979416",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Jotunheim Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18PolearmJotunheimSkin.png",
		Link = "Polearm Jotunheim Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Jotunheim Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843567594",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Lahnss Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWPolearmLahnssSkin.png",
		Link = "Polearm Lahnss Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Lahnss Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1824770631",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Lympharis Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveLympharisPolearm.png",
		Link = "Polearm Lympharis Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Lympharis Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238379904",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Osiris Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPolearmOsirisSkin.png",
		Link = "Polearm Osiris Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Osiris Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1961891445",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Phorcys Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenPhorcysPolearm.png",
		Link = "Polearm Phorcys Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Phorcys Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1188494609",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Skopos Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Girtan" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWSkoposPolearmSkin.png",
		Link = "Polearm Skopos Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Skopos Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1685841629",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Polearm Ulcerated Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPolearmUlceratedSkin.png",
		Link = "Polearm Ulcerated Skin",
		Name = "Polearm Ulcerated Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2774266643",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Praesidum Mask"] = {
		Artists = { "HariPear", "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWPraesidumMask.png",
		Link = "Praesidum Mask",
		Name = "Praesidum Mask",
		PcPrice = "$2.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396823430",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Protea Kollapsar Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWProteaKollapsarSkin.png",
		Link = "Protea Kollapsar Skin",
		Name = "Protea Kollapsar Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2385876180",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Protea Technochron Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWProteaTechnochronSkin.png",
		Link = "Protea Technochron Skin",
		Name = "Protea Technochron Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2590625920",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Raigo Chest Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "lex182" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRaigoChestArmor.png",
		Link = "Raigo Chest Armor",
		Name = "Raigo Chest Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2393715509",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Raiji Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightRaijiScarf.png",
		Link = "Raiji Syandana",
		Name = "Raiji Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858577212",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Ranulyst Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRanulystSyandana.png",
		Link = "Ranulyst Syandana",
		Name = "Ranulyst Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2157235904",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Rapier Ferita Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San", "Reil" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourteenFeritaRapierSkin.png",
		Link = "Rapier Ferita Skin",
		Name = "Rapier Ferita Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1503084865",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Rapier Ni'Duhl Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourteenNiDuhlRapierSkin.png",
		Link = "Rapier Ni'Duhl Skin",
		Name = "Rapier Ni'Duhl Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1478147348",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Repala Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightRepalaScarf.png",
		Link = "Repala Syandana",
		Name = "Repala Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=888942789",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Revenant Ahriman Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRevenantAhrimanSkin.png",
		Link = "Revenant Ahriman Skin",
		Name = "Revenant Ahriman Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2760985117",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Revenant Draugen Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Goosmo" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRevenantDraugenSkin.png",
		Link = "Revenant Draugen Skin",
		Name = "Revenant Draugen Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396432431",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Revenant Immortuos Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFifteenImmortuosHelmet.png",
		Link = "Revenant Immortuos Helmet",
		Name = "Revenant Immortuos Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1554287438",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Revenant Tenebrus Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Awk'Q-Luz", "malaya" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRevenantTenebrusHelmet.png",
		Link = "Revenant Tenebrus Helmet",
		Name = "Revenant Tenebrus Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2665289953",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenRhinoBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Rhino Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194210547",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Rhino Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRFourRhinoGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Rhino Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Rhino Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668182548",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Rhino Ion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRhinoIonSkin.png",
		Link = "Rhino Ion Skin",
		Name = "Rhino Ion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552083671",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Rhino Mastodon Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenRhinoMastodonSkin.png",
		Link = "Rhino Mastodon Skin",
		Name = "Rhino Mastodon Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1193843655",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Rhino Scarab Sect Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveRhinoScarabSectSkin.png",
		Link = "Rhino Scarab Sect Skin",
		Name = "Rhino Scarab Sect Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1334920012",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Rhino Teutonic Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRSevenRhinoTeutonicHelmet.png",
		Link = "Rhino Teutonic Helmet",
		Name = "Rhino Teutonic Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=793996762",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Rhino Vojnik Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRFourRhinoVojnikSkin.png",
		Link = "Rhino Vojnik Skin",
		Name = "Rhino Vojnik Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=706304997",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Rhino Warlust Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Stenchfury" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightRhinoWarlustHelmet.png",
		Link = "Rhino Warlust Helmet",
		Name = "Rhino Warlust Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=824149208",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Rota Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWROneRotaScarf.png",
		Link = "Rota Syandana",
		Name = "Rota Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548723656",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sari Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRSixSariScarf.png",
		Link = "Sari Syandana",
		Name = "Sari Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=771585391",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sarva Harness Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenSarvaHarness.png",
		Link = "Sarva Harness Syandana",
		Name = "Sarva Harness Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083532271",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Saryn Amalgama Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRNineSarynAmalgamaSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Amalgama Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Amalgama Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838241236",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Belladonna Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightSarynBelladonnaHelmet.png",
		Link = "Saryn Belladonna Helmet",
		Name = "Saryn Belladonna Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884388372",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Saryn Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWSarynBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "15",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1502953820",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSixSarynGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "6",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=778586481",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Integra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenSarynIntegraSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Integra Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Integra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=840335854",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Ion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWSarynIonSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Ion Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Ion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1711994225",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Napellus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenSarynNapellusSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Napellus Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Napellus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1183411980",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Night Hunter Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWSarynNightHunterSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Night Hunter Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Night Hunter Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973295985",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Saryn Nita's Moda Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Volkovyi" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenSarynNita'sModaSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Nita's Moda Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Nita's Moda Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1192679413",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Saryn Velenosa Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenSarynVelenosaSkin.png",
		Link = "Saryn Velenosa Skin",
		Name = "Saryn Velenosa Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194891968",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Scapulis Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRNineScapulisScarf.png",
		Link = "Scapulis Syandana",
		Name = "Scapulis Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "9",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=811501984",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sciathin Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourSciathinScarf.png",
		Link = "Sciathin Syandana",
		Name = "Sciathin Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727875983",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Scindo Combustion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "ming1345" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "CombustionScindo.png",
		Link = "Scindo Combustion Skin",
		Name = "Scindo Combustion Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Scindo Kuberus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "ZeroJackdaw" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "KuberusScindo.png",
		Link = "Scindo Kuberus Skin",
		Name = "Scindo Kuberus Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Sclera Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWR18OperatorScleraOculus.png",
		Link = "Sclera Oculus",
		Name = "Sclera Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1965915790",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Scylla Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWScyllaSyandana.png",
		Link = "Scylla Syandana",
		Name = "Scylla Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2031465132",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Senvictis Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWSenvictisScarf.png",
		Link = "Senvictis Syandana",
		Name = "Senvictis Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1559902487",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Seraphim Chest Plate"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "jaeon009" },
		ConsolePrice = "45",
		Image = "SWR18SeraphimArmorC.png",
		Link = "Seraphim Chest Plate",
		Name = "Seraphim Chest Plate",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1842785937",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Seraphim Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "jaeon009" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenSeraphimScarf.png",
		Link = "Seraphim Syandana",
		Name = "Seraphim Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1391720886",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sethar Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "Kevin Glint" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18SetharSyandana.png",
		Link = "Sethar Syandana",
		Name = "Sethar Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1789861119",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Setka Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThreeSetkaScarf.png",
		Link = "Setka Syandana",
		Name = "Setka Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "3",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=619687499",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Shiroku Blade of the Lotus Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWShirokuBladeoftheLotusSyandana.png",
		Link = "Shiroku Blade of the Lotus Syandana",
		Name = "Shiroku Blade of the Lotus Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2396202016",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Shurihoshi Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenShurihoshiScarf.png",
		Link = "Shurihoshi Syandana",
		Name = "Shurihoshi Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1284268152",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sildarg Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenSildargScarf.png",
		Link = "Sildarg Syandana",
		Name = "Sildarg Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1307198461",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Skana Infested Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Dencio Aggression" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRPolyInfestedSkana.png",
		Link = "Skana Infested Skin",
		Name = "Skana Infested Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565667639",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Solida Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenSolidaScarf.png",
		Link = "Solida Syandana",
		Name = "Solida Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194751657",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sovereign Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTwelveSovereignScarf.png",
		Link = "Sovereign Syandana",
		Name = "Sovereign Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194252668",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Styx Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWStyxSyandana.png",
		Link = "Styx Syandana",
		Name = "Styx Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1503779007",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Sybaris Overload Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Reisen.Udonge" },
		ConsolePrice = "50",
		Image = "SybarisOverloadSkin.png",
		Link = "Sybaris Overload Skin",
		Name = "Sybaris Overload Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=541655548",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Sydeko Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRThirteenSydekoScarf.png",
		Link = "Sydeko Syandana",
		Name = "Sydeko Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1332984210",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Tenui Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "Justified114" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWTenuiSyanana.png",
		Link = "Tenui Syandana",
		Name = "Tenui Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1489879938",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Teplo Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourTeploScarf.png",
		Link = "Teplo Syandana",
		Name = "Teplo Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727041133",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Titania Lympharis Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenLympharisSkin.png",
		Link = "Titania Lympharis Skin",
		Name = "Titania Lympharis Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238386447",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Titania Pixialyst Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWTitaniaPixialystSkin.png",
		Link = "Titania Pixialyst Skin",
		Name = "Titania Pixialyst Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2343014724",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Titania Unseelie Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTenTitaniaUnseelieSkin.png",
		Link = "Titania Unseelie Skin",
		Name = "Titania Unseelie Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1107304083",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Titania Viraji Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "blazingcobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWTitaniaVirajiHelmet.png",
		Link = "Titania Viraji Helmet",
		Name = "Titania Viraji Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1963935162",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Tonaca Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenTonacaScarf.png",
		Link = "Tonaca Syandana",
		Name = "Tonaca Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1095795621",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Tonfa Ba'geth Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "Scharkie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRElevenBa'GethTonfa.png",
		Link = "Tonfa Ba'geth Skin",
		Name = "Tonfa Ba'geth Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 3]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1183522931",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Tonfa Hades Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Scharkie", "Jadie" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRFourteenHadesTonfaSkin.png",
		Link = "Tonfa Hades Skin",
		Name = "Tonfa Hades Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1503773671",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Trinity Ancyra Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightTrinityAncyraHelmet.png",
		Link = "Trinity Ancyra Helmet",
		Name = "Trinity Ancyra Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858032817",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenTrinityBladeoftheLotusSkin.png",
		Link = "Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Trinity Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194223859",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Trinity Knightess Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenTrinityKnightessSkin.png",
		Link = "Trinity Knightess Skin",
		Name = "Trinity Knightess Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1194612896",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Trinity Messiah Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFiveTrinityMessiahHelmet.png",
		Link = "Trinity Messiah Helmet",
		Name = "Trinity Messiah Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=759777125",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Trinity Nightingale Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "matzan481" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWTrinityNightingaleSkin.png",
		Link = "Trinity Nightingale Skin",
		Name = "Trinity Nightingale Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1616477554",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Tsujinasa Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWTsujinasaSyandana.png",
		Link = "Tsujinasa Syandana",
		Name = "Tsujinasa Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973983539",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Lubox" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18TwoHandedNikanaArashiSkin.png",
		Link = "Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin",
		Name = "Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1972334531",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Udjyat's Serpent Machete Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWUdjyat'sSerpentMacheteSkin.png",
		Link = "Udjyat's Serpent Machete Skin",
		Name = "Udjyat's Serpent Machete Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2221454674",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Undercutter Nikana Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Felix Leonhart" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWR19NikanaUndercutterSkin.png",
		Link = "Undercutter Nikana Skin",
		Name = "Undercutter Nikana Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2170282300",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Valesti Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "Xtygian" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWValestiSyandana.png",
		Link = "Valesti Syandana",
		Name = "Valesti Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2170736183",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Valkyr Cheetah Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRFiveValkyrCheetahHelmet.png",
		Link = "Valkyr Cheetah Helmet",
		Name = "Valkyr Cheetah Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=728072721",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Valkyr Delusion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTenValkyrDelusionSkin.png",
		Link = "Valkyr Delusion Skin",
		Name = "Valkyr Delusion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124165204",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Valkyr Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourValkyrGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Valkyr Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Valkyr Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714015109",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Valkyr Ion Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Yatus" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRTenValkyrIonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Valkyr Ion Helmet",
		Name = "Valkyr Ion Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "10",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1110892377",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Valkyr Leonessa Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWLeonessaSkin.png",
		Link = "Valkyr Leonessa Skin",
		Name = "Valkyr Leonessa Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1590544946",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Valkyr Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWValkyrMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Valkyr Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Valkyr Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617339914",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Vauban Bonaparte Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hydroxate", "Debbysheen" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWVaubanBonaparteSkin.png",
		Link = "Vauban Bonaparte Skin",
		Name = "Vauban Bonaparte Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2571611378",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Vauban Chapelon Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourVaubanChapelonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Vauban Chapelon Helmet",
		Name = "Vauban Chapelon Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699138660",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Vauban Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven", "Faven_LTD" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenVaubanGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Vauban Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Vauban Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1183635289",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Vauban Suppressor Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Cheshire", "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRSevenVaubanSuppressorSkin.png",
		Link = "Vauban Suppressor Skin",
		Name = "Vauban Suppressor Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "7",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786772953",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Vectis Sharpshooter Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "StratoS117" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "VectisSharpshooterSkin.png",
		Link = "Vectis Sharpshooter Skin",
		Name = "Vectis Sharpshooter Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Vectis Silferer Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "40",
		Image = "VectisSilfererSkin.png",
		Link = "Vectis Silferer Skin",
		Name = "Vectis Silferer Skin",
		PcPrice = "40",
		Round = "Weapons Skin Contest",
		SteamLink = "https://forums.warframe.com/topic/313983-weapon-skins-contest-final-results/",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Vikasa Shoulder Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "blazingcobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWVikasaShoulderArmor.png",
		Link = "Vikasa Shoulder Armor",
		Name = "Vikasa Shoulder Armor",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2729906267",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Volt Amp Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven_PS" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWROneVoltAMPSkin.png",
		Link = "Volt Amp Skin",
		Name = "Volt Amp Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "1",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=544746211",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Volt Arrester Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRPolyVoltArresterHelmet.png",
		Link = "Volt Arrester Helmet",
		Name = "Volt Arrester Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=566475141",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Volt Capacitor Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Del" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWREightVoltCapacitorSkin.png",
		Link = "Volt Capacitor Skin",
		Name = "Volt Capacitor Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=878334024",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Volt Fulgursor Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwelveVoltFulgursorSkin.png",
		Link = "Volt Fulgursor Skin",
		Name = "Volt Fulgursor Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "12",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1262456931",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Volt Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourVoltGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Volt Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Volt Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699760707",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Volt Relay Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "DespicableCheese" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRPolyVoltRelayHelmet.png",
		Link = "Volt Relay Helmet",
		Name = "Volt Relay Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565180799",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Volt Technoshock Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Master Noob" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWVoltTechnoshockSkin.png",
		Link = "Volt Technoshock Skin",
		Name = "Volt Technoshock Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2773971192",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Volt Thales Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Arsenal" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWRPolyVoltThalesHelmet.png",
		Link = "Volt Thales Helmet",
		Name = "Volt Thales Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "Polycount",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=565547113",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Volt Zener Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWREightVoltZenerSkin.png",
		Link = "Volt Zener Skin",
		Name = "Volt Zener Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890868264",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Vuoto Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "Oh_Shimmy" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWVuotoEye.png",
		Link = "Vuoto Oculus",
		Name = "Vuoto Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845793673",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Whip Wuush Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWWhipWuushSkin.png",
		Link = "Whip Wuush Skin",
		Name = "Whip Wuush Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1835456310",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Wisp Celestis Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Awk'Q-Luz" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWWispCelestistSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Celestis Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Celestis Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2471915572",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wisp Coven Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "blazingcobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWWispCovenSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Coven Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Coven Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2530124117",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wisp Damas Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWWispDamasHelmet.png",
		Link = "Wisp Damas Helmet",
		Name = "Wisp Damas Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1832943485",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Wisp Delusion Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWR18WispDelusionSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Delusion Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Delusion Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973807926",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wisp Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWWispGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1824768987",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wisp Raevuz Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Xtygian" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWWispRaevusSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Raevuz Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Raevuz Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "22 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503260348",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wisp Sycorax Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Vulbjorn" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWWispSycoraxSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Sycorax Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Sycorax Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2580380949",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wisp Zamariu Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWWispZamariuSkin.png",
		Link = "Wisp Zamariu Skin",
		Name = "Wisp Zamariu Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2585528267",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wukong Auman Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRElevenWukongAumanSkin.png",
		Link = "Wukong Auman Skin",
		Name = "Wukong Auman Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "11 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1118959551",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wukong Mithra Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWWukongMithraSkin.png",
		Link = "Wukong Mithra Skin",
		Name = "Wukong Mithra Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "16",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1127390225",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wukong Piercing Eye Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Mz-3" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWWukongPiercingEyeSkin.png",
		Link = "Wukong Piercing Eye Skin",
		Name = "Wukong Piercing Eye Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2594029119",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Wukong Xingzhe Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "Rekkou" },
		ConsolePrice = "75",
		Image = "SWRFiveWukongXingzheHelmet.png",
		Link = "Wukong Xingzhe Helmet",
		Name = "Wukong Xingzhe Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "5",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=740966643",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Xiphos Lilieae Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "MaceMadunusus" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWXiphosLilieaeSkin.png",
		Link = "Xiphos Lilieae Skin",
		Name = "Xiphos Lilieae Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "21 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2595993786",
		Type = "Landing Craft"
	["Xulatu Chest Armor"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWXulatuChestArmor.png",
		Link = "Xulatu Chest Armor",
		Name = "Xulatu Chest Armor",
		PcPrice = "$2.49",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2167813896",
		Type = "Armor"
	["Yamex Tonfa Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "kakarrot2812" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWYamexTonfaSkin.png",
		Link = "Yamex Tonfa Skin",
		Name = "Yamex Tonfa Skin",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "20 [Batch 2]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2293658914",
		Type = "Weapon"
	["Yureilyst Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "lukinu_u" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWYureilystEye.png",
		Link = "Yureilyst Oculus",
		Name = "Yureilyst Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "17",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1843081945",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Zaikhya Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "malaya", "Cobalt" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWREightZaikhyaScarf.png",
		Link = "Zaikhya Syandana",
		Name = "Zaikhya Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "8",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=873451087",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Zamariu Syandana"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "105",
		Image = "SWR18ZamariuSyandana.png",
		Link = "Zamariu Syandana",
		Name = "Zamariu Syandana",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "18",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1832616113",
		Type = "Syandana"
	["Zenoriu Earpiece"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWZenoriuEar.png",
		Link = "Zenoriu Earpiece",
		Name = "Zenoriu Earpiece",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494797974",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Zenoriu Mask"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWZenoriuMask.png",
		Link = "Zenoriu Mask",
		Name = "Zenoriu Mask",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494803201",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Zenoriu Oculus"] = {
		Artists = { "led2012", "daemonstar" },
		ConsolePrice = "35",
		Image = "SWZenoriuEye.png",
		Link = "Zenoriu Oculus",
		Name = "Zenoriu Oculus",
		PcPrice = "$1.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494801018",
		Type = "Operator"
	["Zephyr Blade of the Lotus Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "BeastBuster" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWZephyrBotLSkin.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		Name = "Zephyr Blade of the Lotus Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "19 [Batch 1]",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1973982041",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Zephyr Graxx Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Faven" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRFourteenZephyrGraxxSkin.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Graxx Skin",
		Name = "Zephyr Graxx Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "14",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1309153880",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Zephyr Hagoromo Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "Hitsu San" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRTwoZephyrHagoromoSkin.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Hagoromo Skin",
		Name = "Zephyr Hagoromo Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=610659722",
		Type = "Deluxe"
	["Zephyr Migisi Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "FrellingHazmot" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRFourZephyrMigisiHelmet.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Migisi Helmet",
		Name = "Zephyr Migisi Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "4",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=709549507",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Zephyr Monsoon Helmet"] = {
		Artists = { "artarrwen" },
		ConsolePrice = "N/A",
		Image = "SWRTwoZephyrMonsoonHelmet.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Monsoon Helmet",
		Name = "Zephyr Monsoon Helmet",
		PcPrice = "$5.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605985394",
		Type = "Helmet"
	["Zephyr Skeiron Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "novadragon01" },
		ConsolePrice = "90",
		Image = "SWRTwoZephyrSkeironSkin.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Skeiron Skin",
		Name = "Zephyr Skeiron Skin",
		PcPrice = "$4.99",
		Round = "2",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=609371624",
		Type = "Warframe"
	["Zephyr Strafe Skin"] = {
		Artists = { "prosetisen" },
		ConsolePrice = "165",
		Image = "SWRThirteenZephyrStrafeSkin.png",
		Link = "Zephyr Strafe Skin",
		Name = "Zephyr Strafe Skin",
		PcPrice = "$6.99",
		Round = "13",
		SteamLink = "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1335057061",
		Type = "Deluxe"