Table is an extension of the table
STL, containing additional functionality and support.
Table can only be used within other modules. It is not recommended to invoke these functions within articles or templates.
All table STL objects can be accessed directly, e.g. table.concat()
local p = {}
local table = require('Module:Table')
local function func(t)
return table.size(t)
On this Wiki, Table is used in:
Package items
table.invertIndex(t, keyName)
(function)- Inverts a table to be indexed by a specified first-depth key.
- { t1 = { Value = "Some value", NestedTable = { NestedValue = "Another value" } } } becomes the following if using Value as inverted key { ["Some value"] = { Value = "Some value", NestedTable = { NestedValue = "Another value" } }
- Parameters:
Input table with table values or keys that map to table values (unmodified) (string)keyName
Name of key to use as inverted index (string)
- Returns: Resultant table (table)
(function)- Loads a copy of a data table. Being a copy, it is no longer readonly.
- Parameter:
Location of data table ([[Module:<Module>/data]] usually) (string) - Returns: Copy of data table (table)
table.sort(t, f)
(function)- Sorts an array.
- Parameters:
Array-like table to be sorted (table)f
Comparator function that takes in two arguments and returns a boolean; if omitted, uses default less-than operation when comparing two values (function; optional)
- Returns: Sorted table for function chaining or tail call (table)
table.copyKeyValues(targetTable, refTable, keyTable)
(function)- Copying key-value pairs to target table from reference table. Assumes that tables only contain table entries. Keys that are already in target table will not be overrided with data from reference table.
- Parameters:
Table to be modified (table)refTable
Reference table (table)keyTable
Table of key names to copy within each table entry (table)
- Returns: Modified target table (table)
table.skpairs(t, sortType)
(function)- Iterator sorted by keys.
For example, a table that looked something like
data = {["Cat"] = 5, ["Bat"] = 4, ["Hat"] = 7 }
for k, v in skpairs(data) do
would loop through:
k="Bat" v=4;
k="Cat" v=5;
k="Hat" v=7
redone by user:gigamicro - Parameters:
A table to be sorted (table)sortType
If true, sort by descending order; ascending otherwise; can also pass a function (boolean or function; optional)
- Returns:
- For loop initialising values (function)
- Two element table with table values, the first maps keys to their array index and the second is an array of key names (table)
- Starting key (string)
(function)- Returns the number of elements/entries in a table. If you want to only get the number of number indexed elements use the '#' operator or table.indexCount().
- Parameter:
A table with no explicit nil values (table) - Returns: The size of table, ignoring keys with nil values and nil values themselves (number)
(function)- Returns the number of number indexed elements in a table as well as the highest number index.
- Parameter:
A table with no explicit nil values (table) - Returns:
- The number of indexed elements in a table; if table is not of type 'table' then return nil (number)
- Largest index (not necessarily the same as count since tables can be non-contiguous arrays) (number)
table.tableSort(t, sortCol, sortAscend)
(function)- Sorts a table based on the listed column.
- Parameters:
Table to be sorted (table)sortCol
Name of column to be sorted by (string)sortAscend
If true, sorts in ascending order by specified column; false otherwise (boolean)
- Returns: Sorted table (table)
table.contains(t, item, ignoreCase)
(function)- Checks if a string value is in a table, acting as an array.
- Parameters:
A table to be searched through (table)item
The element that is being searched for (string)ignoreCase
If false, search is case-sensitive; true otherwise (boolean)
- Returns:
- True if element exists in table, false otherwise (boolean)
- The found element's index; nil if element is not found (number)
- Value that is found, same as item; nil if element is not found (string)
table.filter(t, search)
(function)- Filters tables into subsets.
auth: User:gigamicro - Parameters:
table in which to search (table)search
String to search in table's keys (string or function)
- Returns: A subset of the original table where search(k, v, t) is true (table)
(function)- Stores multiple return values into a table, similar to
table. pack
in Lua 5.2 - Parameter:
Any number of returned values regardless of type (...) - Returns: An array-like table containing the passed in arguments in the order that they are returned (table)
- Created with Docbunto
See Also
--- '''Table''' is an extension of the <code>table</code> STL, containing additional functionality
-- and support.<br/ >
-- Table can only be used within other modules. It is not recommended to invoke
-- these functions within articles or templates.
-- All table STL objects can be accessed directly, e.g. <code>table.concat()</code>.
-- @module table
-- @alias p
-- @author Various
-- @author [[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
-- @attribution [[User:Cephalon Scientia|User:Cephalon Scientia]]
-- @attribution [[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
-- @image ModuleTable.png
-- @release beta
-- <nowiki>
-- TODO: May implement some useful functions from
-- TODO: Add reverse mapping function for simple key-value pairs, returning a
-- new table with key-value pairs reversed? This is to allow two-way lookup,
-- assuming values are unique.
local function clone(t1)
local t2 = {}
for k, v in ipairs(t1) do
if type(v) == "table" then t2[k] = clone(v)
else t2[k] = v end
-- TODO: Why is there two loops for cloning?
for k, v in pairs(t1) do
if type(v) == "table" then t2[k] = clone(v)
else t2[k] = v end
return t2
local table = {
-- All Table STL functions ----------------------------------------------------
__concat = table.concat, -- concatenate indexed values
__insert = table.insert, -- add element, increment higher keys
__remove = table.remove, -- delete item, move higher keys
__maxn = table.maxn, -- deprec?, largest number key
__sort = table.sort, -- modified merge sort
-- Depreciated functions:
-- table.foreach() - use for loop with pairs() instead
-- table.foreachi() - use for loop with ipairs() instead
-- table.getn() - use length operator (#) instead or Table.size() for tables loaded through mw.loadData()
concat = table.concat,
insert = table.insert,
remove = table.remove,
-- sort = table.sort, -- Overridden to support function chaining/tail calls
unpack = unpack,
deepCopy = function(t1)
local mt = getmetatable(t1)
if mt and mt.mw_loadData then
return clone(t1)
return mw.clone(t1)
shallowCopy = function(t) return clone(t) end
--- Inverts a table to be indexed by a specified first-depth key.
-- <pre>
-- {
-- t1 = {
-- Value = "Some value",
-- NestedTable = {
-- NestedValue = "Another value"
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- becomes the following if using Value as inverted key
-- {
-- ["Some value"] = {
-- Value = "Some value",
-- NestedTable = {
-- NestedValue = "Another value"
-- }
-- }
-- </pre>
-- @function p.invertIndex
-- @param {string} t Input table with table values or keys that map to table values (unmodified)
-- @param {string} keyName Name of key to use as inverted index
-- @return {table} Resultant table
function table.invertIndex(t, keyName)
assert(type(t) == 'table', 'table.invertIndex(t, keyName): t must be a table')
local temp = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
local keyValue = v[keyName]
if (keyValue ~= nil) then
if (temp[keyValue] == nil) then
temp[keyValue] = {}
table.insert(temp[keyValue], v)
return temp
--- Loads a copy of a data table. Being a copy, it is no longer readonly.
-- @function p.loadData
-- @param {string} t Location of data table ([[Module:<Module>/data]] usually)
-- @return {table} Copy of data table
function table.loadData(t)
return table.deepCopy(mw.loadData(t))
--- Sorts an array.
-- @function p.sort
-- @param {table} t Array-like table to be sorted
-- @param[opt] {function} f Comparator function that takes in two arguments and returns a boolean;
-- if omitted, uses default less-than operation when comparing two values
-- @return {table} Sorted table for function chaining or tail call
function table.sort(t, f)
table.__sort(t, f)
return t
--- Copying key-value pairs to target table from reference table.
-- Assumes that tables only contain table entries. Keys that are already in target table
-- will not be overrided with data from reference table.
-- @function p.copyKeyValues
-- @param {table} targetTable Table to be modified
-- @param {table} refTable Reference table
-- @param {table} keyTable Table of key names to copy within each table entry
-- @return {table} Modified target table
function table.copyKeyValues(targetTable, refTable, keyTable)
assert(type(targetTable) == 'table' and type(refTable) == 'table' and type(keyTable) == 'table',
'table.copyKeyValues(targetTable, refTable, keyTable): all arguments must be table types')
for k, v in pairs(targetTable) do
local targetTableEntry = targetTable[k]
local refTableEntry = refTable[k]
for _, key in ipairs(keyTable) do
if (targetTable[key] == nil) then
if (type(refTableEntry[key]) == 'table') then
targetTableEntry[key] = table.deepCopy(refTableEntry[key])
targetTableEntry[key] = refTableEntry[key]
return targetTable
--- Iterator sorted by keys.<br />
-- For example, a table that looked something like<br />
-- `data = {["Cat"] = 5, ["Bat"] = 4, ["Hat"] = 7 }`<br />
-- then<br />
-- `for k, v in skpairs(data) do`<br />
-- would loop through:<br />
-- k="Bat" v=4;<br />
-- k="Cat" v=5;<br />
-- k="Hat" v=7 <br />
-- redone by [[user:gigamicro]]
-- @function table.skpairs
-- @param {table} t A table to be sorted
-- @param[opt] {boolean or function} sortType If true, sort by descending order; ascending otherwise; can also pass a function
-- @return {function} For loop initialising values
-- @return {table} Two element table with table values, the first maps keys to their array index and the second is an array of key names
-- @return {string} Starting key
function table.skpairs(t, sortType)
if type(t) ~= 'table' then error('table.skpairs(t[, sortTable]): t must be a table',2) end
local keys = {}
for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys + 1] = k end
if type(sortType) == 'function' then
table.sort(keys, sortType)--custom sort (always applied to keys)
elseif sortType then--descending
table.sort(keys, function(a, b) return a > b end)
table.sort(keys)--implicit <, function(a, b) return a < b end)>
local keysIndex = {}
for i, k in ipairs(keys) do
keysIndex[k] = i
return function(t, k)
local key = t.k[ (t.i[k] or 0)+1 ]
return key, t.t[key]
end, {i=keysIndex, k=keys, t=t}, startingkey
--- Returns the number of elements/entries in a table.
-- If you want to only get the number of number indexed elements use the '#'
-- operator or table.indexCount().
-- @function table.size
-- @param {table} table A table with no explicit nil values
-- @return {number} The size of table, ignoring keys with nil values and
-- nil values themselves
function table.size(t)
assert(type(t) == 'table', 'table.size(t): t must be a table')
local count = 0
for k, v in pairs(t) do
count = count + 1
return count
--- Returns the number of number indexed elements in a table as well as the highest number index.
-- @function table.indexCount
-- @param {table} t A table with no explicit nil values
-- @return {number} The number of indexed elements in a table;
-- if table is not of type 'table' then return nil
-- @return {number} Largest index (not necessarily the same as count since tables can be non-contiguous arrays)
function table.indexCount(t)
assert(type(t) == 'table', 'table.indexCount(t): t must be a table')
local count, max = 0, nil
for i in ipairs(t) do count, max = count + 1, i end
return count, max
--- Sorts a table based on the listed column.
-- @function table.tableSort
-- @param {table} t Table to be sorted
-- @param {string} sortCol Name of column to be sorted by
-- @param {boolean} sortAscend If true, sorts in ascending order by specified column; false otherwise
-- @return {table} Sorted table
function table.tableSort(t, sortCol, sortAscend)
assert(type(t) == 'table', 'table.tableSort(t, sortCol, sortAscend): t must be a table')
return table.sort(t,
and function(a, b) return a[sortCol] < b[sortCol] end
or function(a, b) return a[sortCol] > b[sortCol] end
--- Checks if a string value is in a table, acting as an array.
-- @function table.contains
-- @param {table} t A table to be searched through
-- @param {string} item The element that is being searched for
-- @param {boolean} ignoreCase If false, search is case-sensitive; true otherwise
-- @return {boolean} True if element exists in table, false otherwise
-- @return {number} The found element's index; nil if element is not found
-- @return {string} Value that is found, same as item; nil if element is not found
function table.contains(t, item, ignoreCase)
assert(type(t) == 'table', 'table.contains(t, item, ignoreCase): t must be a table')
if (t == nil or item == nil) then
return false
for k, value in pairs(t) do
if (value == item) or (ignoreCase and string.upper(value) == string.upper(item)) then
return true, k, value
return false
--- Filters tables into subsets.
-- <br/>auth: [[User:gigamicro]]
-- @function table.filter
-- @param {table} t table in which to search
-- @param {string or function} search String to search in table's keys
-- @return {table} A subset of the original table where search(k, v, t) is true
function table.filter(t, search)
assert(type(t) == 'table', 'table.filter(t, search): t must be a table')
search = ({
string = function(k)
--if type(k)~='string' then error('Key '..type(k)..' not string') end
return string.find(k, search) and true or false
number = nil and function(k, v, t)
table = nil and function(k, v, t)
})[type(search)] or search
if type(search) ~= 'function' then return end
local out = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if search(k, v, t) then
out[k] = v
return out
--- Stores multiple return values into a table, similar to <code>table.pack</code> in Lua 5.2
-- @function table.pack
-- @param {...} ... Any number of returned values regardless of type
-- @return {table} An array-like table containing the passed in arguments in the order that they are returned
function table.pack(...)
return { n = select("#", ...), ... }
return table