Official wiki

String is an extension of the string STL which provides operations on string values.

String can be invoked directly ({{#invoke:String|function|...}}), invoked from a template ({{template|function|...}}), or used within other modules.

For additional functions that operate on strings, you can look into the mw.ustring and mw.text libraries that comes with Scribunto:

On this Wiki, String is used in:



local p = {}
local String = require('Module:String')

local function func(input)
    -- ...
    -- input -> stuff
    -- ...
    return String.titleCase(stuff)


Package items

string.contains(str, search, ignoreCase) (function)
Performs a case-sensitive check if a string is a substring of a string.
  • str A string (string)
  • search The element that is being searched for (string)
  • ignoreCase If false, search is case-sensitive; true otherwise; defaults to false (boolean; optional)
Returns: True if element exists in List, false otherwise (boolean)
string.split(str, sep) (function)
Splits a string into substrings based on a separating character. For example, split('Lith V1 Relic', '%s') would return { 'Lith', 'V1', 'Relic' }
  • str Input string (string)
  • sep A string separator using Lua's character sequences; default '%s', note that separator will be trimmed of whitespace (string; optional)
Returns: A table with substrings of inputstr (table)
string.startsWith(str, start, ignoreCase) (function)
Checks if a string begins with a certain substring. For example calling startsWith ("Lith V1 Relic", "Lith") would return true.
  • str String to be checked (string)
  • start Potential starting substring of str (string)
  • ignoreCase If false, search is case-sensitive; true otherwise; defaults to false (boolean)
Returns: True if a string begins with start, false otherwise (boolean)
string.trim(str) (function)
Trims leading and trailing whitespace of a string. Source: http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringTrim
Parameter: str Input string (string)
Returns: Trimed string (string)
string.titleCase(str) (function)
Returns a string in title casing format. Originally from Module:VoidByReward written by User:NoBrainz. Reworked on 11/9/2020 by User:Gigamicro.
Parameter: str Input string (string)
Returns: Trimmed resultant string in title casing format (string)
string.newLinesToBreaks(str) (function)
Converts newlines to HTML line breaks.
Parameter: str Input string (string)
Returns: A string that has its carriage returns and newlines replaced with break tag (string)
Mapping unprintable characters (1 byte) to printable ones (2 bytes). Mapping control characters U+0000 to U+001F with Cyrillic characters U+0400 to U+041F. Mapping U+007F to U+00FF with Cyrillic characters U+0420 to U+0482 and U+048A to U+04A7 (skipping accent marks) Any characters between \127 and \255 inclusive are not printable to debug console for some reason which is why this map is needed.
string.escape(str) (function)
Escapes any unprintable characters to its Lua 3-digit encoding equivalent (e. g. embedded zeroes are "\000")
Parameter: str Input string (string)
Returns: A string with unprintable characters escaped (string)
string.hexquad (table)
Mapping hex chars to equivalent 4b binary strings octal is a little slower but cuts this table, just use ('%O'):format()
string.integerToBinary(x) (function)
Returns the binary representation of an unsigned integer, ignoring any decimal places (no padded zeros and in big-endian).
Parameter: x Input number (string|number)
Returns: The binary representation of unsigned integer (string)
string.charToBinary(x) (function)
Returns the binary representation of a character (no padded zeros and in big-endian).
Parameter: x Input string (string)
Returns: The binary representation of character (string)
string.stringToBinary(x) (function)
Returns the binary representation of a string (with padded zeroes and in big-endian) with each character separated by a space.
Parameter: x Input string (string)
Returns: The binary representation of string (string)

Created with Docbunto

See Also


---	'''String''' is an extension of the string STL which provides operations on 
--	string values.<br />
--	 String can be invoked directly (`&#123;{#invoke:String|function|...}}`), 
--	 invoked from a template (`&#123;{template|function|...}}`), or used
--	 within other modules.<br />
--	For additional functions that operate on strings, you can look into the mw.ustring and mw.text 
--	libraries that comes with Scribunto:<br />
--	* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Ustring_library
--	* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Text_library
--	On this Wiki, String is used in:
--	* [[Module:Shared]]
--	@module		string
--	@alias		p
--	@attribution  [[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution  [[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
--	@attribution  [[User:NoBrainz|NoBrainz]]
--	@image		Panel.png
--	@require	[[Module:Arguments]]
--	@require	[[Module:Entrypoint]]
--	@require	[[Module:UserError]]
--	@release	stable
--	<nowiki>

local p = {};

--  Module dependencies  -------------------------------------------------------
local args		 = require('Module:Arguments');
local entrypoint = require('Module:Entrypoint');
local userError  = require('Module:UserError');

-- Local functions  ------------------------------------------------------------
---	For getting frame or parent arguments. Extends args.getArgs() with
--	additional arguments other than the ones listed [https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/Global_Lua_Modules/Arguments here].
--	@function		p.getArgs
--	@param			{table} frame The input arguments
--	@param			{table} options Options for getting the args
--					* {boolean} noNil If true, does not replace empty strings, 
--								strings with only spaces/newlines with nil; default false
--	@return			{table} The arguments
local function getArgs(frame, options)
	if type(frame[1]) == 'table' and table.getn(frame) < 2 then frame = frame[1]; end
	if type(options) ~= 'table' then options = {options}; end
	local args = args.getArgs(frame, options);
	local tempArgs = {};
	local j = 1;
	tempArgs = {};
	if options.noNil then
		for i = 1, math.max(#frame, #args) do
			if type(args[i]) ~= 'number' then tempArgs[i] = args[i] or frame[i];
			elseif not(tempArgs[i]) and type(args[i]) ~= 'number' and frame.args then tempArgs[i] = frame.args[i];
			elseif args[i] then tempArgs[j] = args[i]; j = j + 1; end
		args = tempArgs;
	return args;

-- Member functions  -----------------------------------------------------------
---	Performs a case-sensitive check if a string is a substring of a string.
--	@function		p.contains
--	@param			{string} str A string
--	@param			{string} search The element that is being searched for
--	@param[opt]		{boolean} ignoreCase If false, search is case-sensitive; true otherwise; defaults to false
--	@return			{boolean} True if element exists in List, false otherwise
function p.contains(...)
	local args = getArgs({...});
	local str = args[1];
	local search = args[2];
	local ignoreCase = args[3];
	assert(str and search, 'String.contains(str, search [, ignoreCase]): not enough arguments');

	if ignoreCase then
		if type(str) == 'table' then
			for i = 1, #str do
				str[i] = string.lower(str[i]);
			str = string.lower(str);
		search = string.lower(search);
	local isSubstring;
	if type(str) == 'table' then
		for i = 1, #str do
			isSubstring = string.find(str[i], search);
			if isSubstring then
				return true;
		isSubstring = string.find(str, search);
	return isSubstring ~= nil;

---	Splits a string into substrings based on a separating character.
--	For example, split('Lith V1 Relic', '%s') would return { 'Lith', 'V1', 'Relic' }
--	@function		p.split
--	@param			{string} str Input string
--	@param[opt]		{string} sep A string separator using Lua's character sequences; default '%s', 
--								 note that separator will be trimmed of whitespace
--	@return			{table} A table with substrings of inputstr
function p.split(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, { noNil = true });
	local str = args[1];
	local sep = args[2];
	assert(str ~= nil, 'String.split(str [, sep]): not enough arguments')
	if sep == nil then sep = '%s'; end
	local t = {};
	if sep == '' then
		-- Extracting all characters from string
		str:gsub(".", function(c) table.insert(t, c) end);
		for substr in string.gmatch(str, '([^'..sep..']+)') do
			table.insert(t, substr);
	return t;

---	Checks if a string begins with a certain substring.
--	For example calling startsWith ("Lith V1 Relic", "Lith") would return true.
--	@function		p.startsWith
--	@param			{string} str String to be checked
--	@param			{string} start Potential starting substring of str
--	@param			{boolean} ignoreCase If false, search is case-sensitive; true otherwise; defaults to false
--	@return			{boolean} True if a string begins with start, false otherwise
function p.startsWith(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, { noNil = true });
	local str = args[1];
	local start = args[2];
	local ignoreCase = args[3];
	assert(str and start, 'String.startsWith(str, start): not enough arguments');
	-- Technically all strings start with an empty string
	if start == "" then return true; end
	if ignoreCase then
		str = string.lower(str);
		start = string.lower(start);
	return string.sub(str, 1, string.len(start)) == start;

-- TODO: Can just be a wrapper function around mw.text.trim()
---	Trims leading and trailing whitespace of a string.
--	Source: http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringTrim
--	@function		p.trim
--	@param			{string} str Input string
--	@return			{string} Trimed string
function p.trim(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, { noNil = true });
	local str = args[1];
	assert(str ~= nil, 'String.trim(str): not enough arguments');
	-- Replaces "^%s*(.-)%s*$" with "%1" in str
	-- ^%s*(.-)%s*$ matches:
	-- ^:beginning of string
	-- %s*:any number of spaces
	-- (.-):any number of any character, minimum possible, saved to %1
	-- %s* again
	-- $: end of string
	-- %1 inserts the content of the parentheses
	return str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1");

---	Returns a string in title casing format.
--	Originally from [[Module:VoidByReward]] written by [[User:NoBrainz]].
--	Reworked on 11/9/2020 by [[User:Gigamicro]].
--	@function		p.titleCase
--	@param			{string} str Input string
--	@return			{string} Trimmed resultant string in title casing format
function p.titleCase(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, { noNil = true });
	local str = args[1];
	assert(str ~= nil, 'String.titleCase(str): not enough arguments');
	assert(type(str)=='string', 'String.titleCase: expected string, got '..type(s));
	return ({ 
			function(h,t) return h:upper()..t:lower() end 

-- functions above this point use getArgs{...} while those below do not

---	Converts newlines to HTML line breaks.
--	@function		p.newLinesToBreaks
--	@param			{string} str Input string
--	@return			{string} A string that has its carriage returns and newlines replaced with break tag
function p.newLinesToBreaks(str)
	assert(str ~= nil, 'String.newLinesToBreaks(str): not enough arguments');
	return (str:gsub('\r?\n', '<br />'));

-- TODO: Programmatically create this table
---	Mapping unprintable characters (1 byte) to printable ones (2 bytes).
--	Mapping control characters U+0000 to U+001F with Cyrillic characters U+0400 to U+041F.
--	Mapping U+007F to U+00FF with Cyrillic characters U+0420 to U+0482 and U+048A to U+04A7 (skipping accent marks)
--	Any characters between \127 and \255 inclusive are not printable to debug console for some reason
--	which is why this map is needed.
	[0] = 'Ѐ',
	[1] = 'Ё',
	[2] = 'Ђ',
	[3] = 'Ѓ',
	[4] = 'Є',
	[5] = 'Ѕ',
	[6] = 'І',
	[7] = 'Ї',
	[8] = 'Ј',
	[9] = 'Љ',
	[10] = 'Њ',
	[11] = 'Ћ',
	[12] = 'Ќ',
	[13] = 'Ѝ',
	[14] = 'Ў',
	[15] = 'Џ',
	[16] = 'А',
	[17] = 'Б',
	[18] = 'В',
	[19] = 'Г',
	[20] = 'Д',
	[21] = 'Е',
	[22] = 'Ж',
	[23] = 'З',
	[24] = 'И',
	[25] = 'Й',
	[26] = 'К',
	[27] = 'Л',
	[28] = 'М',
	[29] = 'Н',
	[30] = 'О',
	[31] = 'П',
	[127] = 'Р',	-- Delete character
	[128] = 'С',
	[129] = 'Т',
	[130] = 'У',
	[131] = 'Ф',
	[132] = 'Х',
	[133] = 'Ц',
	[134] = 'Ч',
	[135] = 'Ш',
	[136] = 'Щ',
	[137] = 'Ъ',
	[138] = 'Ы',
	[139] = 'Ь',
	[140] = 'Э',
	[141] = 'Ю',
	[142] = 'Я',
	[143] = 'а',
	[144] = 'б',
	[145] = 'в',
	[146] = 'г',
	[147] = 'д',
	[148] = 'е',
	[149] = 'ж',
	[150] = 'з',
	[151] = 'и',
	[152] = 'й',
	[153] = 'к',
	[154] = 'л',
	[155] = 'м',
	[156] = 'н',
	[157] = 'о',
	[158] = 'п',
	[159] = 'р',
	[160] = 'с',
	[161] = 'т',
	[162] = 'у',
	[163] = 'ф',
	[164] = 'х',
	[165] = 'ц',
	[166] = 'ч',
	[167] = 'ш',
	[168] = 'щ',
	[169] = 'ъ',
	[170] = 'ы',
	[171] = 'ь',
	[172] = 'э',
	[173] = 'ю',
	[174] = 'я',
	[175] = 'ѐ',
	[176] = 'ё',
	[177] = 'ђ',
	[178] = 'ѓ',
	[179] = 'є',
	[180] = 'ѕ',
	[181] = 'і',
	[182] = 'ї',
	[183] = 'ј',
	[184] = 'љ',
	[185] = 'њ',
	[186] = 'ћ',
	[187] = 'ќ',
	[188] = 'ѝ',
	[189] = 'ў',
	[190] = 'џ',
	[191] = 'Ѡ',
	[192] = 'ѡ',
	[193] = 'Ѣ',
	[194] = 'ѣ',
	[195] = 'Ѥ',
	[196] = 'ѥ',
	[197] = 'Ѧ',
	[198] = 'ѧ',
	[199] = 'Ѩ',
	[200] = 'ѩ',
	[201] = 'Ѫ',
	[202] = 'ѫ',
	[203] = 'Ѭ',
	[204] = 'ѭ',
	[205] = 'Ѯ',
	[206] = 'ѯ',
	[207] = 'Ѱ',
	[208] = 'ѱ',
	[209] = 'Ѳ',
	[210] = 'ѳ',
	[211] = 'Ѵ',
	[212] = 'ѵ',
	[213] = 'Ѷ',
	[214] = 'ѷ',
	[215] = 'Ѹ',
	[216] = 'ѹ',
	[217] = 'Ѻ',
	[218] = 'ѻ',
	[219] = 'Ѽ',
	[220] = 'ѽ',
	[221] = 'Ѿ',
	[222] = 'ѿ',
	[223] = 'Ҁ',
	[224] = 'ҁ',
	[225] = '҂',
	[226] = 'Ҋ',
	[227] = 'ҋ',
	[228] = 'Ҍ',
	[229] = 'ҍ',
	[230] = 'Ҏ',
	[231] = 'ҏ',
	[232] = 'Ґ',
	[233] = 'ґ',
	[234] = 'Ғ',
	[235] = 'ғ',
	[236] = 'Ҕ',
	[237] = 'ҕ',
	[238] = 'Җ',
	[239] = 'җ',
	[240] = 'Ҙ',
	[241] = 'ҙ',
	[242] = 'Қ',
	[243] = 'қ',
	[244] = 'Ҝ',
	[245] = 'ҝ',
	[246] = 'Ҟ',
	[247] = 'ҟ',
	[248] = 'Ҡ',
	[249] = 'ҡ',
	[250] = 'Ң',
	[251] = 'ң',
	[252] = 'Ҥ',
	[253] = 'ҥ',
	[254] = 'Ҧ',
	[255] = 'ҧ',

---	Escapes any unprintable characters to its Lua 3-digit encoding equivalent
--	(e.g. embedded zeroes are "\000")
--	@function		p.escape
--	@param			{string} str Input string
--	@return			{string} A string with unprintable characters escaped
function p.escape(str)
	local result = {};
	local escapeChars = {
		[92] = true,	-- Backslash, also used to escape characters so should also be escaped to reduce confusion
	for i = 1, #str do
		local character = str:sub(i, i);
		local code = string.byte(character);	-- ASCII number in decimal
		-- Only escape unprintable characters. ASCII 0 is null char
		-- and ASCII 31 is unit separator (control characters). Any characters between
		-- \127 and \255 inclusive are not printable to debug console for some reason.
		if (code >= 0 and code <= 31) or (code >= 127) or escapeChars[code] then
			character = "\\"..string.format("%03d", code)
		table.insert(result, character);
	return table.concat(result, '');

---	Mapping hex chars to equivalent 4b binary strings
--	octal is a little slower but cuts this table, just use ('%O'):format()
--	@table		p.hexquad
p.hexquad = {

---	Returns the binary representation of an unsigned integer,
--	ignoring any decimal places (no padded zeros and in big-endian).
--	@function		p.integerToBinary
--	@param			{string|number} x Input number
--	@return			{string} The binary representation of unsigned integer
function p.integerToBinary(x)
	x = tonumber(x) or error('p.integerToBinary(x): x could not be coerced into a number (is '..type(x)..')')
	if x < 0 then
		error('p.integerToBinary(x): Only accept unsigned integers')
		--could allow; would lead to 64bit 2s complement or w/e
	return (('%X'):format(x):gsub('%x',p.hexquad):gsub('^00?0?',''))

---	Returns the binary representation of a character (no padded zeros and in big-endian).
--	@function		p.charToBinary
--	@param			{string} x Input string
--	@return			{string} The binary representation of character
function p.charToBinary(x)
	if type(x) ~= 'string' or #x ~= 1 then
		error('p.charToBinary(x): Only accept a single character');
	return p.integerToBinary(x:byte())

---	Returns the binary representation of a string (with padded zeroes and in big-endian)
--	with each character separated by a space.
--	@function		p.stringToBinary
--	@param			{string} x Input string
--	@return			{string} The binary representation of string
function p.stringToBinary(x)
	if type(x) ~= 'string' then
		error('p.charToBinary(x): Only accept strings');
	return x:gsub('.',function(char)
		return ('%X'):format(char:byte()):gsub('%x',p.hexquad)

--  All String STL functions  --------------------------------------------------
-- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#String_library
p.byte = string.byte;
p.char = string.char;
p.dump = string.dump;
p.find = string.find;
p.format = string.format;
p.gmatch = string.gmatch;
p.gsub = string.gsub;
p.len = string.len;
p.lower = string.lower;
p.match = string.match;
p.rep = string.rep;
p.reverse = string.reverse;
p.sub = string.sub;
p.ulower = string.ulower;
p.upper = string.upper;
p.uupper = string.uupper;

p.__main = entrypoint(p);
return p;