
StatObject helps create a unified interface for fetching raw, computed, derived, and formatted data from this wiki's /data subpages. Mostly used for avatar and weapon stats that are stored on this wiki's /data databases.


local StatObject = require('Module:StatObject')

StatObject.default = {
	-- Getter functions:
	-- Arrays of default values and format strings
	key = { 'Default Value', '%.2f format' },
	-- Can generate values/formatting with functions
	-- 'val, ...' is the return from map[1]
	key = { function(obj) end, function(self, val, ...) end },
	-- If format is a table the return values will be passed to each function/format string
	-- in the same order they are returned (nil is a pass-through)
	key = {
		function(obj) return a, b, c, d end,
		{ function(self, val) return val end, '%s', nil, '%d', sep = '' }
	-- Can omit second entry, can omit table
	key = 'Default Value',
	-- nil means default get (same as omitting)
	key = nil,
    -- Add additional key-value pairs below to define raw getters and format getter functions for data
    -- To use the getters use StatObject.statRead(dataEntry, key) and StatObject.statFormat(dataEntry, key)

local ModData = mw.loadData('Module:Mods/data')		-- Importing sample database

StatObject.statRead(ModData['Serration'], 'Name')	-- Example of getting the raw Name value of Serration mod entry
StatObject.statFormat(ModData['Serration'], 'Name')	-- Example of getting the formatted Name value of Serration mod entry
-- Can also use StatObject.default to define computed/derived fields from raw data


Package items

StatObject.default (table)
Map of getter functions to specific attributes of an object. Includes string formatting info for displaying stats to readers.
StatObject.cacheIn(obj, key, val) (function)
Memoization of calculated value; value is passed through.
Returns: Value that is memorized (...)
StatObject.ucachein(obj, key, val) (function)
Memoization of calculated value; value assumed to be a table and will return unpacked.
  • obj Object entry (table)
  • key Key name (string)
  • val Value to be memorized (table)
Returns: Table value that is memorized but unpacked (...)
StatObject.pucacheIn(obj, key, val, obj, key, val, obj, k) (function)
Memoization of calculated values; values will be memorized as a table and are passed through as is.
  • obj Object entry (table)
  • key Key name (string)
  • val Values to be memorized (...)
  • obj Object entry (table)
  • key Key name (string)
  • val Values to be memorized (...)
  • obj (table)
  • k Key (any)
  • Table value that is memorized but unpacked (...)
  • Table value that is memorized but unpacked (...)
  • The value associated with k key local function get(obj, k) return obj[k] end (...)
StatObject.statRead(obj, k) (function)
Main getter function to access any raw/computed attribute/column/key of an object entry. See default table in M:Weapons for examples.
Returns: Return value from the appropriate attribute-getting function (...)
StatObject.statFormat(obj, k, ...) (function)
Main getter function to access any formatted attribute/column/key of a Object entry. See default table in Module:Weapons for examples.
  • obj Object entry (table)
  • k Key name (string)
  • ... Additional arguments (...; optional)
Returns: Format function (function)
StatObject.meta (table)
Contains metafunctions to return functions with certain parameters for getter maps[1].
StatObject.meta.gets(k) (function)
Returns a getter function that returns the value of a particular key from an object table entry in the data.
Parameter: k Key name (string)
Returns: Getter function (function)
StatObject.meta.unpacks(k) (function)
Returns a function that unpacks a table value of a particular key.
Parameter: k Key name (string)
Returns: Unpacking function (function)
StatObject.meta.ors(...) (function)
Returns a getter function that looks through multiple keys/columns/attributes until a non-nil value is found. ors('Key1', 'Key2')(obj) == get(obj,'Key1') or get(obj,'Key2')
Parameter: ... Names of keys stored in default table to search through (string)
Returns: Getter function that returns the first non-nil value out of multiple keys in default table (function)
StatObject.meta.indexes(k, index) (function)
Returns a getter function that gets a single element from a table value or tuple (return statements with multiple values). indexes('Key', 2)(obj) == get(obj, 'Key')[2]
Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table or tuple value (function)
StatObject.meta.selects(k, index) (function)
Tuples only (also returns elements after that selected)
Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value (function)
StatObject.meta.selects1(k, index) (function)
Tuples only (only returns one)
Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value (function)
StatObject.meta.tindexes(k, index) (function)
Tables only
Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table value (function)
StatObject.meta.passes(func) (function)
Wrapper function to match definition of maps[2] functions created by makeFormat(). This helps standardizes how all format functions are called by p.statFormat() regardless of whether or not they are created in makeFormat().
Parameter: func Function to be wrapped (function)
Returns: Returns the contents of the called function (function)
StatObject.meta.percent() (function)
Formats decimal value as a percentage.
Returns: Formatted value as a percentage rounded to two decimal places (string)
StatObject.meta.percents(s) (function)
More customizable percentage formatting.
Parameter: s Format string (string)
Returns: Returns formatted value as a percentage based on format string (function)
StatObject.getObjects(data, validateFunc, sortFunc) (function)
Returns a subset of data based on a validation function.
  • data Data table to search (table)
  • validateFunc Function with which to filter (default: all but _IgnoreEntry) (function; optional)
  • sortFunc Custom comparison function; false to leave unsorted; defaults to ascending order by Name (function; optional)
Returns: Table entries as seen in /data (table)
StatObject.getStruct[... N23] (function)
Returns a structure that gets a value from any input table, in the reverse order passed. (i.e. getStruct3(a, b, c)[k] == (c[k] or b[k] or a[k]))
Parameter: ... Data tables to retrieve data from (table)
Returns: The structure (table)
StatObject.objIter(data, validateFunc) (function)
Iterates through a subset of data based on a validation function. (e.g. for k,obj in p.objIter(data) do end)
  • data Data table to search (table)
  • validateFunc Function with which to filter (default: all but _IgnoreEntry, true -> all) (function; optional)
Returns: Table entries as seen in /data (table)
StatObject.shortLinkList(objs, variant, linkdisplay) (function)
Builds a list of objects, with variants being next to base object name inside parentheses (e. g. Braton Braton (Braton MK1, BratonPrime Prime)). (WIP)
  • objs Table of objects to list (table)
  • variant A function which takes an object and returns its variant (string), base name (string), and full name (string) (function)
  • linkdisplay A function which takes an object's full name, a display string, and the object, and returns wikitext displaying the object (function)
Returns: Wikitext of resultant list (string)

Created with Docbunto

See Also


---	'''StatObject''' helps create a unified interface for fetching raw, computed,
--	derived, and formatted data from this wiki's /data subpages.
--	Mostly used for avatar and weapon stats that are stored on this wiki's /data
--	databases.
--	@module			StatObject
--	@alias			p
--	@author			[[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
--	@image		Panel.png
--	@release	stable
--	<nowiki>

local p = {}
table.unpack = table.unpack or unpack -- also applies to any module that require()s this module

---	Map of getter functions to specific attributes of an object.
--	Includes string formatting info for displaying stats to readers.
--	@table		p.default
p.default = {}--set this in your module

-- use after calc functions that might be repeated (cache[obj][key])
local cache = {}

--- Memoization of calculated value; value is passed through.
--	@function		p.cacheIn
--	@param			{table} obj Object entry
--	@param			{string} key Key name
--	@param			{number|string|table} val Value to be memorized
--	@return			{...} Value that is memorized
function p.cacheIn(obj, key, val)
	cache[obj] = cache[obj] or {Name={obj.Name}}
	cache[obj][key] = val or cache[obj][key]
	return cache[obj][key]
-- TODO: What is the distinction between p.ucacheIn(...) and p.ucacheIn(obj, key, val)?
-- Don't see the reason why to make this function a vararg b/c it is limited by p.cacheIn's code
---	Memoization of calculated value; value assumed to be a table and will return unpacked.
--	@function		p.ucachein
--	@param			{table} obj Object entry
--	@param			{string} key Key name
--	@param			{table} val Value to be memorized
--	@return			{...} Table value that is memorized but unpacked
function p.ucacheIn(...)
	return table.unpack(p.cacheIn(...))
---	Memoization of calculated values; values will be memorized as a table and are passed through
--	as is.
--	@function		p.pucacheIn
--	@param			{table} obj Object entry
--	@param			{string} key Key name
--	@param			{...} val Values to be memorized
--	@return			{...} Table value that is memorized but unpacked
function p.pucacheIn(obj, key, ...)
	return table.unpack(p.cacheIn(obj, key, {...}))
--[[local function cacheOut(obj, key)
	return (cache[obj]or{})[key]

--	Trivial getter.
--	@function		get
--	@param			{table} obj
--	@param			{any} k Key
--	@return			{...} The value associated with k key
-- local function get(obj, k) return obj[k] end

---	Main getter function to access any raw/computed attribute/column/key of an object entry.
--	See default table in M:Weapons for examples.
--	@function		p.statRead
--	@param			{table} obj Object entry
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@return			{...} Return value from the appropriate attribute-getting function
function p.statRead(obj, k)
	if not obj then error('p.statRead(obj,k): obj cannot be nil',2) end
	local c = (cache[obj]or{})[k]--cacheOut(obj, k)
	if c then
		if type(c) ~= 'table' then
			error(k..' cache is '..mw.dumpObject(c))
		return table.unpack(c)
	if not k then k = 'Name' end
	if type(p.default[k]) ~= 'table' then
		p.default[k] = {p.default[k]}
	-- local map, format = table.unpack(p.default[k])
	local map = p.default[k][1]
	p.default[k][1] = false
		or type(map) == 'function' and map 
		or type(map) == 'nil' and get 
		-- or function(...) return get(...) or map end
		or function(t, k) return t[k] or map end

	return p.default[k][1](obj, k)

---	Checks to see if a table has the format function.
--	@function		hasFormat
--	@param			{table} v Table value
--	@return			{boolean} If true, table has a format function; false otherwise
--	@return			{function} Format function or nil if v is not a table or v doesn't have format()
local function hasFormat(v)
	local noErrors, result = pcall(function() return v.format end)
	return noErrors and result

---	Creates a format function.
--	@function		makeFormat
--	@param			{table} maps Getter function definition;
--							2nd element will contain format string; if 2nd element is nil/false
--							then makeFormat() will define a default format function
--	@return			{function} Format function
local function makeFormat(maps)
	local format = maps[2]
	--[[if hasFormat(format) then
		return maps[2]
	else]]if not format then
		maps.format = function(self,...)
			-- trimming
			return (table.concat({...}, ' '):gsub('(%d%.%d%d)%d+', '%1'))
		maps[2] = maps
		return maps[2]
	elseif type(format) == 'function' then
		-- first param using : is the table being indexed, so that's going to be the map
		-- prob completely unnecessary tbh
		maps.format = format
		maps[2] = maps
		return maps[2]
	elseif type(format) == 'table' and (format[1] or format.sep) then
		maps.format = function(self, ...)
			local t = {}
			for i, v in pairs{...} do -- ipairs can't deal with skips
				local w = format[i]
				if type(w) == 'function' then
					t[i] = w(format, v)
				elseif w == '' then -- omit
				elseif type(w) == 'string' then
					t[i] = v and w:format(v) or (w:gsub('%%%a', 'N/A'))
					t[i] = v
			return table.concat(t, format.sep or ' ')
		maps[2] = maps
		return maps[2]
		-- map[2] is not: a table with a 'format' key/a string, a function, nil/false, or an array
		-- this should never happen
		error('Invalid map: '..mw.dumpObject(maps)..debug.traceback())

---	Main getter function to access any formatted attribute/column/key of a Object entry.
--	See default table in [[Module:Weapons]] for examples.
--	@function		p.statFormat
--	@param			{table} obj Object entry
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@param[opt]		{...} ... Additional arguments
--	@return			{function} Format function
function p.statFormat(obj, k, ...)
	local value = { p.statRead(obj, k) }
	if not hasFormat(p.default[k][2]) then
		p.default[k][2] = makeFormat(p.default[k])
	return p.default[k][2]:format(table.unpack(value))

---	Contains metafunctions to return functions with certain parameters for getter maps[1].
--	@table			p.meta
p.meta = {}

---	Returns a getter function that returns the value of a particular key from an 
--	object table entry in the data.
--	@function		p.meta.gets
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@return			{function} Getter function
function p.meta.gets(k)
	return function(obj)
		-- return get(obj, k)
		return obj[k]

---	Returns a function that unpacks a table value of a particular key.
--	@function		p.meta.unpacks
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@return			{function} Unpacking function
function p.meta.unpacks(k)
	return function(obj)
		-- local v = get(obj, k) or {}
		local v = obj[k] or {}
		-- return type(v) ~= 'table' and v or table.unpack(v)
		return table.unpack(v)

---	Returns a getter function that looks through multiple keys/columns/attributes until
--	a non-nil value is found.
--	ors('Key1', 'Key2')(obj) == get(obj,'Key1') or get(obj,'Key2')
--	@function		p.meta.ors
--	@param			{string} ... Names of keys stored in default table to search through
--	@return			{function} Getter function that returns the first non-nil value out of multiple keys in default table
function p.meta.ors(...)
	local t = {...}
	t = #t > 1 and t or t[1]
	return function(obj, self)
		local val
		for _, v in pairs(t) do
			if v == nil then
			elseif type(v) == 'string' then
				-- val = get(obj, v) or (self ~= v and p.statRead(obj, v)) or nil
				val = obj[v] or (self ~= v and p.statRead(obj, v)) or nil
			elseif type(v) == 'function' then
				val = v(obj, t)
				return v
			if val ~= nil then return val end
		val = t[#t]
		return type(val) ~= 'function' and val or nil

---	Returns a getter function that gets a single element from a table value or tuple (return statements with multiple values).
--	indexes('Key', 2)(obj) == get(obj, 'Key')[2]
--	@function		p.meta.indexes
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@param			{number|string} index Number or key index
--	@return			{function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table or tuple value
function p.meta.indexes(k, index)
	return function(obj, self)
		-- local v = (self == index) and { get(obj, k) } or { p.statRead(obj, k) }
		local v = (self == index) and { obj[k] } or { p.statRead(obj, k) }
		if (#v <= 1) then v = v[1] end
		if type(v) == 'function' then
			error(mw.dumpObject{ k=k, index=index, obj=obj, self=self, v=v })
		-- v = #v>1 and v or v[1]
		return type(v)=='table' and v[index] or 
			error('indexes(k, index) return function given '..mw.dumpObject(v)..', asked for ['..index..']')
---	Tuples only (also returns elements after that selected)
--	@function		p.meta.selects
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@param			{number|string} index Number or key index
--	@return			{function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value
function p.meta.selects(k, index)
	return function(obj)--, self)
		-- if self == index then
		-- 	-- return select(index, get(obj, k))
		-- 	return select(index, obj[k])
		-- else
			return select(index, p.statRead(obj, k))
		-- end
---	Tuples only (only returns one)
--	@function		p.meta.selects1
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@param			{number|string} index Number or key index
--	@return			{function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value
function p.meta.selects1(k, index)
	return function(obj)--, self)
		-- if self == index then
		-- 	-- return (select(index, get(obj, k)))
		-- 	return (select(index, obj[k]))
		-- else
			return (select(index, p.statRead(obj, k)))
		-- end
---	Tables only
--	@function		p.meta.tindexes
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@param			{number|string} index Number or key index
--	@return			{function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table value
function p.meta.tindexes(k, index)
	return function(obj, self)
		if self == index then
			-- return get(obj, k)[index]
			return obj[k][index]
			return p.statRead(obj, k)[index]

-- Formatting functions for getter maps[2]

---	Wrapper function to match definition of maps[2] functions created by makeFormat().
--	This helps standardizes how all format functions are called by p.statFormat()
--	regardless of whether or not they are created in makeFormat().
--	@function		p.meta.passes
--	@param			{function} func Function to be wrapped
--	@return			{function} Returns the contents of the called function
function p.meta.passes(func)
	return function(self, ...)
		return func(...)

---	Formats decimal value as a percentage.
--	@function		p.meta.percent
--	@return			{string} Formatted value as a percentage rounded to two decimal places
function p.meta.percent(self, v)
	return ('%.2f%%'):format(100 * (v or self))

---	More customizable percentage formatting.
--	@function		p.meta.percents
--	@param			{string} s Format string
--	@return			{function} Returns formatted value as a percentage based on format string
function p.meta.percents(s)
	return function(self, v, ...)
		return s:format(100 * v, ...)

---	Returns a subset of data based on a validation function.
--	@function		p.getObjects
--	@param			{table} data Data table to search
--	@param[opt]		{function} validateFunc Function with which to filter (default: all but _IgnoreEntry)
--	@param[opt]		{function} sortFunc Custom comparison function; false to leave unsorted; defaults to ascending order by <code>Name</code>
--	@returns		{table} Table entries as seen in <code>/data</code>
function p.getObjects(data, validateFunc, sortFunc)
	local objs = {}
	validateFunc=validateFunc or function(obj) return not obj._IgnoreEntry end
	for _, obj in pairs(data) do
		if validateFunc(obj) then
			table.insert(objs, obj)
	if sortFunc~=false then
		sortFunc=sortFunc or function(a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end
		table.sort(objs, sortFunc)
	return objs

---	Returns a structure that gets a value from any input table, in the reverse order passed. (i.e. getStruct3(a, b, c)[k] == (c[k] or b[k] or a[k]))
--	@function		p.getStruct[N23]
--	@param			{table} ... Data tables to retrieve data from
--	@returns		{table} The structure
function p.getStructN(first, ...)
	local struct = setmetatable({},{__index=first})
	for _, nth in ipairs{...} do
		local t = struct--for upvalue
		struct = setmetatable({}, { __index=function(self, i) return nth[i] or t[i] end })
	return struct
function p.getStruct1(first)
	if not first then error 'p.getStruct1(): first is nil' end
	return setmetatable({}, { __index=first })
function p.getStruct2(first, second)
	if not first  then error 'p.getStruct2(): first is nil' end
	if not second then error 'p.getStruct2(): second is nil' end
	return setmetatable({}, { __index=function(self, i) return second[i] or first[i] end })
function p.getStruct3(first, second, third)
	if not first  then error 'p.getStruct3(): first is nil' end
	if not second then error 'p.getStruct3(): second is nil' end
	if not third  then error 'p.getStruct3(): third is nil' end
	return setmetatable({}, { __index=function(self, i) return third[i] or second[i] or first[i] end })

---	Iterates through a subset of data based on a validation function. (e.g. <code>for k,obj in p.objIter(data) do end</code>)
--	@function		p.objIter
--	@param			{table} data Data table to search
--	@param[opt]		{function} validateFunc Function with which to filter (default: all but _IgnoreEntry, true -> all)
--	@returns		{table} Table entries as seen in <code>/data</code>
function p.objIter(data, validateFunc)
	if not validateFunc then
		validateFunc = function(obj) return not obj._IgnoreEntry end
	elseif validateFunc == true then
		validateFunc = function() return true end
	return function(t,k)
		for k, obj in t[1], t[2], k do
			if validateFunc(obj) then
				return k,obj
	end, {pairs(data)}, nil

-- TODO: Don't think this function is within the scope of this module in terms of functionality;
-- this module doesn't deal with outputing wikitext necessarily.
---	Builds a list of objects, with variants being next to base object name inside parentheses
--	(e.g. {{Weapon|Braton}} ({{Weapon|MK1-Braton|MK1}}, {{Weapon|Braton Prime|Prime}})).
--	(WIP)
--	@function		p.shortLinkList
--	@param			{table} objs Table of objects to list
--	@param			{function} variant A function which takes an object and returns its variant (string), base name (string), and full name (string)
--	@param			{function} linkdisplay A function which takes an object's full name, a display string, and the object, and returns wikitext displaying the object
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant list
function p.shortLinkList(objs, variant, linkdisplay)
	local baseNames = {}
	for key, obj in pairs(objs) do
		local varName, baseName, fullName = variant(obj)
		if varName == '' then varName='Base' end--reverse?
		if not baseNames[baseName] then baseNames[baseName] = {} end
		if varName=='Base' then
			baseNames[baseName].hasBase = true
		-- else
			table.insert(baseNames[baseName], {var=varName,full=fullName,obj=obj})

	local link = linkdisplay or 
	function(full, disp)
		disp=disp or full
		return disp~=full and '[['..full..'|'..disp..']]' or '[['..full..']]'
	if type(linkdisplay)=='string' then
		local Tooltips = require[[Module:Tooltips]]
		link = function(full, disp, obj) return Tooltips.icontext{full, linkdisplay, obj, r = disp} end

	local result = {}
	for baseName, variants in require[[Module:Table]].skpairs(baseNames) do
		local thisRow = {}
		for _, metaobj in ipairs(variants) do
			if metaobj.var ~= 'Base' then
				table.insert(thisRow, link(metaobj.full, variants.hasBase and metaobj.var))
		local bn = variants.hasBase and link(baseName) or ''
		local vars = #thisRow > 0 and (variants.hasBase and ' (%s)' or '%s'):format(table.concat(thisRow, ', ')) or ''
		table.insert(result, variants.hasBase and link(baseName)..vars or vars)
	return result

-- Adding function aliases
for k, v in pairs(p) do p['_'..k] = v end

return p