StatObject helps create a unified interface for fetching raw, computed, derived, and formatted data from this wiki's /data subpages. Mostly used for avatar and weapon stats that are stored on this wiki's /data databases.
local StatObject = require('Module:StatObject')
StatObject.default = {
-- Getter functions:
-- Arrays of default values and format strings
key = { 'Default Value', '%.2f format' },
-- Can generate values/formatting with functions
-- 'val, ...' is the return from map[1]
key = { function(obj) end, function(self, val, ...) end },
-- If format is a table the return values will be passed to each function/format string
-- in the same order they are returned (nil is a pass-through)
key = {
function(obj) return a, b, c, d end,
{ function(self, val) return val end, '%s', nil, '%d', sep = '' }
-- Can omit second entry, can omit table
key = 'Default Value',
-- nil means default get (same as omitting)
key = nil,
-- Add additional key-value pairs below to define raw getters and format getter functions for data
-- To use the getters use StatObject.statRead(dataEntry, key) and StatObject.statFormat(dataEntry, key)
local ModData = mw.loadData('Module:Mods/data') -- Importing sample database
StatObject.statRead(ModData['Serration'], 'Name') -- Example of getting the raw Name value of Serration mod entry
StatObject.statFormat(ModData['Serration'], 'Name') -- Example of getting the formatted Name value of Serration mod entry
-- Can also use StatObject.default to define computed/derived fields from raw data
Package items
(table)- Map of getter functions to specific attributes of an object. Includes string formatting info for displaying stats to readers.
StatObject.cacheIn(obj, key, val)
(function)- Memoization of calculated value; value is passed through.
- Parameters:
- Returns: Value that is memorized (...)
StatObject.ucachein(obj, key, val)
(function)- Memoization of calculated value; value assumed to be a table and will return unpacked.
- Parameters:
- Returns: Table value that is memorized but unpacked (...)
StatObject.pucacheIn(obj, key, val, obj, key, val, obj, k)
(function)- Memoization of calculated values; values will be memorized as a table and are passed through as is.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
StatObject.statRead(obj, k)
(function)- Main getter function to access any raw/computed attribute/column/key of an object entry. See default table in M:Weapons for examples.
- Parameters:
- Returns: Return value from the appropriate attribute-getting function (...)
StatObject.statFormat(obj, k, ...)
(function)- Main getter function to access any formatted attribute/column/key of a Object entry. See default table in Module:Weapons for examples.
- Parameters:
- Returns: Format function (function)
(table)- Contains metafunctions to return functions with certain parameters for getter maps[1].
(function)- Returns a getter function that returns the value of a particular key from an object table entry in the data.
- Parameter:
Key name (string) - Returns: Getter function (function)
(function)- Returns a function that unpacks a table value of a particular key.
- Parameter:
Key name (string) - Returns: Unpacking function (function)
(function)- Returns a getter function that looks through multiple keys/columns/attributes until a non-nil value is found. ors('Key1', 'Key2')(obj) == get(obj,'Key1') or get(obj,'Key2')
- Parameter:
Names of keys stored in default table to search through (string) - Returns: Getter function that returns the first non-nil value out of multiple keys in default table (function)
StatObject.meta.indexes(k, index)
(function)- Returns a getter function that gets a single element from a table value or tuple (return statements with multiple values). indexes('Key', 2)(obj) == get(obj, 'Key')[2]
- Parameters:
- Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table or tuple value (function)
StatObject.meta.selects(k, index)
(function)- Tuples only (also returns elements after that selected)
- Parameters:
- Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value (function)
StatObject.meta.selects1(k, index)
(function)- Tuples only (only returns one)
- Parameters:
- Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value (function)
StatObject.meta.tindexes(k, index)
(function)- Tables only
- Parameters:
- Returns: Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table value (function)
(function)- Wrapper function to match definition of maps[2] functions created by makeFormat(). This helps standardizes how all format functions are called by p.statFormat() regardless of whether or not they are created in makeFormat().
- Parameter:
Function to be wrapped (function) - Returns: Returns the contents of the called function (function)
(function)- Formats decimal value as a percentage.
- Returns: Formatted value as a percentage rounded to two decimal places (string)
(function)- More customizable percentage formatting.
- Parameter:
Format string (string) - Returns: Returns formatted value as a percentage based on format string (function)
StatObject.getObjects(data, validateFunc, sortFunc)
(function)- Returns a subset of data based on a validation function.
- Parameters:
- Returns: Table entries as seen in
(table) StatObject.getStruct[... N23]
(function)- Returns a structure that gets a value from any input table, in the reverse order passed. (i.e. getStruct3(a, b, c)[k] == (c[k] or b[k] or a[k]))
- Parameter:
Data tables to retrieve data from (table) - Returns: The structure (table)
StatObject.objIter(data, validateFunc)
(function)- Iterates through a subset of data based on a validation function. (e.g.
for k,obj in p.objIter(data) do end
) - Parameters:
- Returns: Table entries as seen in
(table) StatObject.shortLinkList(objs, variant, linkdisplay)
(function)- Builds a list of objects, with variants being next to base object name inside parentheses (e. g. Braton ( MK1, Prime)). (WIP)
- Parameters:
Table of objects to list (table)variant
A function which takes an object and returns its variant (string), base name (string), and full name (string) (function)linkdisplay
A function which takes an object's full name, a display string, and the object, and returns wikitext displaying the object (function)
- Returns: Wikitext of resultant list (string)
- Created with Docbunto
See Also
--- '''StatObject''' helps create a unified interface for fetching raw, computed,
-- derived, and formatted data from this wiki's /data subpages.
-- Mostly used for avatar and weapon stats that are stored on this wiki's /data
-- databases.
-- @module StatObject
-- @alias p
-- @author [[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
-- @image Panel.png
-- @release stable
-- <nowiki>
local p = {}
table.unpack = table.unpack or unpack -- also applies to any module that require()s this module
--- Map of getter functions to specific attributes of an object.
-- Includes string formatting info for displaying stats to readers.
-- @table p.default
p.default = {}--set this in your module
-- use after calc functions that might be repeated (cache[obj][key])
local cache = {}
--- Memoization of calculated value; value is passed through.
-- @function p.cacheIn
-- @param {table} obj Object entry
-- @param {string} key Key name
-- @param {number|string|table} val Value to be memorized
-- @return {...} Value that is memorized
function p.cacheIn(obj, key, val)
cache[obj] = cache[obj] or {Name={obj.Name}}
cache[obj][key] = val or cache[obj][key]
return cache[obj][key]
-- TODO: What is the distinction between p.ucacheIn(...) and p.ucacheIn(obj, key, val)?
-- Don't see the reason why to make this function a vararg b/c it is limited by p.cacheIn's code
--- Memoization of calculated value; value assumed to be a table and will return unpacked.
-- @function p.ucachein
-- @param {table} obj Object entry
-- @param {string} key Key name
-- @param {table} val Value to be memorized
-- @return {...} Table value that is memorized but unpacked
function p.ucacheIn(...)
return table.unpack(p.cacheIn(...))
--- Memoization of calculated values; values will be memorized as a table and are passed through
-- as is.
-- @function p.pucacheIn
-- @param {table} obj Object entry
-- @param {string} key Key name
-- @param {...} val Values to be memorized
-- @return {...} Table value that is memorized but unpacked
function p.pucacheIn(obj, key, ...)
return table.unpack(p.cacheIn(obj, key, {...}))
--[[local function cacheOut(obj, key)
return (cache[obj]or{})[key]
-- Trivial getter.
-- @function get
-- @param {table} obj
-- @param {any} k Key
-- @return {...} The value associated with k key
-- local function get(obj, k) return obj[k] end
--- Main getter function to access any raw/computed attribute/column/key of an object entry.
-- See default table in M:Weapons for examples.
-- @function p.statRead
-- @param {table} obj Object entry
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @return {...} Return value from the appropriate attribute-getting function
function p.statRead(obj, k)
if not obj then error('p.statRead(obj,k): obj cannot be nil',2) end
local c = (cache[obj]or{})[k]--cacheOut(obj, k)
if c then
if type(c) ~= 'table' then
error(k..' cache is '
return table.unpack(c)
if not k then k = 'Name' end
if type(p.default[k]) ~= 'table' then
p.default[k] = {p.default[k]}
-- local map, format = table.unpack(p.default[k])
local map = p.default[k][1]
p.default[k][1] = false
or type(map) == 'function' and map
or type(map) == 'nil' and get
-- or function(...) return get(...) or map end
or function(t, k) return t[k] or map end
return p.default[k][1](obj, k)
--- Checks to see if a table has the format function.
-- @function hasFormat
-- @param {table} v Table value
-- @return {boolean} If true, table has a format function; false otherwise
-- @return {function} Format function or nil if v is not a table or v doesn't have format()
local function hasFormat(v)
local noErrors, result = pcall(function() return v.format end)
return noErrors and result
--- Creates a format function.
-- @function makeFormat
-- @param {table} maps Getter function definition;
-- 2nd element will contain format string; if 2nd element is nil/false
-- then makeFormat() will define a default format function
-- @return {function} Format function
local function makeFormat(maps)
local format = maps[2]
--[[if hasFormat(format) then
return maps[2]
else]]if not format then
maps.format = function(self,...)
-- trimming
return (table.concat({...}, ' '):gsub('(%d%.%d%d)%d+', '%1'))
maps[2] = maps
return maps[2]
elseif type(format) == 'function' then
-- first param using : is the table being indexed, so that's going to be the map
-- prob completely unnecessary tbh
maps.format = format
maps[2] = maps
return maps[2]
elseif type(format) == 'table' and (format[1] or format.sep) then
maps.format = function(self, ...)
local t = {}
for i, v in pairs{...} do -- ipairs can't deal with skips
local w = format[i]
if type(w) == 'function' then
t[i] = w(format, v)
elseif w == '' then -- omit
elseif type(w) == 'string' then
t[i] = v and w:format(v) or (w:gsub('%%%a', 'N/A'))
t[i] = v
return table.concat(t, format.sep or ' ')
maps[2] = maps
return maps[2]
-- map[2] is not: a table with a 'format' key/a string, a function, nil/false, or an array
-- this should never happen
error('Invalid map: '
--- Main getter function to access any formatted attribute/column/key of a Object entry.
-- See default table in [[Module:Weapons]] for examples.
-- @function p.statFormat
-- @param {table} obj Object entry
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @param[opt] {...} ... Additional arguments
-- @return {function} Format function
function p.statFormat(obj, k, ...)
local value = { p.statRead(obj, k) }
if not hasFormat(p.default[k][2]) then
p.default[k][2] = makeFormat(p.default[k])
return p.default[k][2]:format(table.unpack(value))
--- Contains metafunctions to return functions with certain parameters for getter maps[1].
-- @table p.meta
p.meta = {}
--- Returns a getter function that returns the value of a particular key from an
-- object table entry in the data.
-- @function p.meta.gets
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @return {function} Getter function
function p.meta.gets(k)
return function(obj)
-- return get(obj, k)
return obj[k]
--- Returns a function that unpacks a table value of a particular key.
-- @function p.meta.unpacks
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @return {function} Unpacking function
function p.meta.unpacks(k)
return function(obj)
-- local v = get(obj, k) or {}
local v = obj[k] or {}
-- return type(v) ~= 'table' and v or table.unpack(v)
return table.unpack(v)
--- Returns a getter function that looks through multiple keys/columns/attributes until
-- a non-nil value is found.
-- ors('Key1', 'Key2')(obj) == get(obj,'Key1') or get(obj,'Key2')
-- @function p.meta.ors
-- @param {string} ... Names of keys stored in default table to search through
-- @return {function} Getter function that returns the first non-nil value out of multiple keys in default table
function p.meta.ors(...)
local t = {...}
t = #t > 1 and t or t[1]
return function(obj, self)
local val
for _, v in pairs(t) do
if v == nil then
elseif type(v) == 'string' then
-- val = get(obj, v) or (self ~= v and p.statRead(obj, v)) or nil
val = obj[v] or (self ~= v and p.statRead(obj, v)) or nil
elseif type(v) == 'function' then
val = v(obj, t)
return v
if val ~= nil then return val end
val = t[#t]
return type(val) ~= 'function' and val or nil
--- Returns a getter function that gets a single element from a table value or tuple (return statements with multiple values).
-- indexes('Key', 2)(obj) == get(obj, 'Key')[2]
-- @function p.meta.indexes
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @param {number|string} index Number or key index
-- @return {function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table or tuple value
function p.meta.indexes(k, index)
return function(obj, self)
-- local v = (self == index) and { get(obj, k) } or { p.statRead(obj, k) }
local v = (self == index) and { obj[k] } or { p.statRead(obj, k) }
if (#v <= 1) then v = v[1] end
if type(v) == 'function' then
error(mw.dumpObject{ k=k, index=index, obj=obj, self=self, v=v })
-- v = #v>1 and v or v[1]
return type(v)=='table' and v[index] or
error('indexes(k, index) return function given '', asked for ['..index..']')
--- Tuples only (also returns elements after that selected)
-- @function p.meta.selects
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @param {number|string} index Number or key index
-- @return {function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value
function p.meta.selects(k, index)
return function(obj)--, self)
-- if self == index then
-- -- return select(index, get(obj, k))
-- return select(index, obj[k])
-- else
return select(index, p.statRead(obj, k))
-- end
--- Tuples only (only returns one)
-- @function p.meta.selects1
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @param {number|string} index Number or key index
-- @return {function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a tuple value
function p.meta.selects1(k, index)
return function(obj)--, self)
-- if self == index then
-- -- return (select(index, get(obj, k)))
-- return (select(index, obj[k]))
-- else
return (select(index, p.statRead(obj, k)))
-- end
--- Tables only
-- @function p.meta.tindexes
-- @param {string} k Key name
-- @param {number|string} index Number or key index
-- @return {function} Getter function that returns the specified indexed element from a table value
function p.meta.tindexes(k, index)
return function(obj, self)
if self == index then
-- return get(obj, k)[index]
return obj[k][index]
return p.statRead(obj, k)[index]
-- Formatting functions for getter maps[2]
--- Wrapper function to match definition of maps[2] functions created by makeFormat().
-- This helps standardizes how all format functions are called by p.statFormat()
-- regardless of whether or not they are created in makeFormat().
-- @function p.meta.passes
-- @param {function} func Function to be wrapped
-- @return {function} Returns the contents of the called function
function p.meta.passes(func)
return function(self, ...)
return func(...)
--- Formats decimal value as a percentage.
-- @function p.meta.percent
-- @return {string} Formatted value as a percentage rounded to two decimal places
function p.meta.percent(self, v)
return ('%.2f%%'):format(100 * (v or self))
--- More customizable percentage formatting.
-- @function p.meta.percents
-- @param {string} s Format string
-- @return {function} Returns formatted value as a percentage based on format string
function p.meta.percents(s)
return function(self, v, ...)
return s:format(100 * v, ...)
--- Returns a subset of data based on a validation function.
-- @function p.getObjects
-- @param {table} data Data table to search
-- @param[opt] {function} validateFunc Function with which to filter (default: all but _IgnoreEntry)
-- @param[opt] {function} sortFunc Custom comparison function; false to leave unsorted; defaults to ascending order by <code>Name</code>
-- @returns {table} Table entries as seen in <code>/data</code>
function p.getObjects(data, validateFunc, sortFunc)
local objs = {}
validateFunc=validateFunc or function(obj) return not obj._IgnoreEntry end
for _, obj in pairs(data) do
if validateFunc(obj) then
table.insert(objs, obj)
if sortFunc~=false then
sortFunc=sortFunc or function(a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end
table.sort(objs, sortFunc)
return objs
--- Returns a structure that gets a value from any input table, in the reverse order passed. (i.e. getStruct3(a, b, c)[k] == (c[k] or b[k] or a[k]))
-- @function p.getStruct[N23]
-- @param {table} ... Data tables to retrieve data from
-- @returns {table} The structure
function p.getStructN(first, ...)
local struct = setmetatable({},{__index=first})
for _, nth in ipairs{...} do
local t = struct--for upvalue
struct = setmetatable({}, { __index=function(self, i) return nth[i] or t[i] end })
return struct
function p.getStruct1(first)
if not first then error 'p.getStruct1(): first is nil' end
return setmetatable({}, { __index=first })
function p.getStruct2(first, second)
if not first then error 'p.getStruct2(): first is nil' end
if not second then error 'p.getStruct2(): second is nil' end
return setmetatable({}, { __index=function(self, i) return second[i] or first[i] end })
function p.getStruct3(first, second, third)
if not first then error 'p.getStruct3(): first is nil' end
if not second then error 'p.getStruct3(): second is nil' end
if not third then error 'p.getStruct3(): third is nil' end
return setmetatable({}, { __index=function(self, i) return third[i] or second[i] or first[i] end })
--- Iterates through a subset of data based on a validation function. (e.g. <code>for k,obj in p.objIter(data) do end</code>)
-- @function p.objIter
-- @param {table} data Data table to search
-- @param[opt] {function} validateFunc Function with which to filter (default: all but _IgnoreEntry, true -> all)
-- @returns {table} Table entries as seen in <code>/data</code>
function p.objIter(data, validateFunc)
if not validateFunc then
validateFunc = function(obj) return not obj._IgnoreEntry end
elseif validateFunc == true then
validateFunc = function() return true end
return function(t,k)
for k, obj in t[1], t[2], k do
if validateFunc(obj) then
return k,obj
end, {pairs(data)}, nil
-- TODO: Don't think this function is within the scope of this module in terms of functionality;
-- this module doesn't deal with outputing wikitext necessarily.
--- Builds a list of objects, with variants being next to base object name inside parentheses
-- (e.g. {{Weapon|Braton}} ({{Weapon|MK1-Braton|MK1}}, {{Weapon|Braton Prime|Prime}})).
-- (WIP)
-- @function p.shortLinkList
-- @param {table} objs Table of objects to list
-- @param {function} variant A function which takes an object and returns its variant (string), base name (string), and full name (string)
-- @param {function} linkdisplay A function which takes an object's full name, a display string, and the object, and returns wikitext displaying the object
-- @returns {string} Wikitext of resultant list
function p.shortLinkList(objs, variant, linkdisplay)
local baseNames = {}
for key, obj in pairs(objs) do
local varName, baseName, fullName = variant(obj)
if varName == '' then varName='Base' end--reverse?
if not baseNames[baseName] then baseNames[baseName] = {} end
if varName=='Base' then
baseNames[baseName].hasBase = true
-- else
table.insert(baseNames[baseName], {var=varName,full=fullName,obj=obj})
local link = linkdisplay or
function(full, disp)
disp=disp or full
return disp~=full and '[['..full..'|'..disp..']]' or '[['..full..']]'
if type(linkdisplay)=='string' then
local Tooltips = require[[Module:Tooltips]]
link = function(full, disp, obj) return Tooltips.icontext{full, linkdisplay, obj, r = disp} end
local result = {}
for baseName, variants in require[[Module:Table]].skpairs(baseNames) do
local thisRow = {}
for _, metaobj in ipairs(variants) do
if metaobj.var ~= 'Base' then
table.insert(thisRow, link(metaobj.full, variants.hasBase and metaobj.var))
local bn = variants.hasBase and link(baseName) or ''
local vars = #thisRow > 0 and (variants.hasBase and ' (%s)' or '%s'):format(table.concat(thisRow, ', ')) or ''
table.insert(result, variants.hasBase and link(baseName)..vars or vars)
return result
-- Adding function aliases
for k, v in pairs(p) do p['_'..k] = v end
return p