
Database for all Mods in WARFRAME (with the exception of unveiled Riven Mods). Preferably put new mods in the correct alphabetical order, but it is not necessary.

Last updated: Wed, 11 Nov 2020 16:47:40 +0000 (UTC) by User:Rngd444

Mod Entry Schema

	["Mod Name"] = {
		BaseDrain = 0,
		Conclave = false,
		Description = "Description on mod card at max rank",
		Icon = "ModName.png",
		Image = "ModNameMod.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Incompatible = { "Primed Mod Name", "Flawed Mod Name" },
		Introduced = "29",
		IsExilus = false,
		IsFlawed = false,
		Link = "Page Name",
		MaxRank = 5,
		Name = "Mod Name",
		Polarity = "Madurai",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Tradable = true,
		Transmutable = false,
		Type = "Primary",
Key/Column Name Arsenal EN L10n Public Export Equivalent Internal Equivalent Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
_IgnoreEntry N/A N/A N/A Boolean For wiki internal use, denotes entries to ignore for purposes of usage on the wiki (e.g. total mod count) and data validation true
BaseDrain N/A baseDrain BaseDrain Number (integer) ✔️ (except Exalted melee stances) Base mod capacity drain at Rank 0 2
Class N/A N/A IsImmortal, IsGalvanized String For mods with a special material on their mod card, the class name that describes these types of mods (different from rarity) "Galvanized" or "Requiem"
CodexSecret N/A codexSecret CodexSecret Boolean ✔️ Whether or not the mod has an entry in the Codex before the player acquires it; defaults to false false
CompatibilityTags N/A N/A CompatibilityTags Table (array of strings) Tags that denote item compatibility. In other words, an item with one these tags can/cannot have this particular mod installed. { "POWER_WEAPON" }
Conclave N/A N/A AvailableOnPvp Boolean Whether or not the mod can be used in Conclave false
Description N/A levelStats or/and description (some mods like auras have their in-game descriptions split between levelStats and description) LocTag String ✔️ Description of mod at max rank "+165% Damage"
Icon N/A textureLocation Icon String ✔️ Image file name of the mod image as uploaded to the wiki. Preferably using the "ModName.png" naming convention. "BattleStations.png"
Image N/A N/A N/A String ✔️ Image file name of the full mod card (with text) as uploaded to the wiki. Preferably using the "ModNameMod.png" naming convention. "BattleStationsMod.png"
Incompatible N/A N/A N/A Table Table containing the mods that cannot be equipped with at the same time { "Primed Flow", "Flawed Flow" }
IncompatibilityTags N/A N/A IncompatibilityTags Table (array of strings) Tags that denote item incompatibility. In other words, items with these tags cannot have this particular mod installed. { "POWER_WEAPON" }
InternalName N/A uniqueName TypeName String ✔️ The full unique name of a mod formatted as a file path "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod"
Introduced N/A N/A N/A String ✔️ The game version in which the mod was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
IsAbilityAugment N/A N/A IsAbilityAugment Boolean Whether or not the mod is classified as Warframe Augment Mods or augment mods for abilities (including Archwing) true
IsDefaultUpgrade N/A N/A N/A Boolean Whether or not the mod is a hidden innate upgrade to some weapons (e.g. Komorex Komorex's innate ammo mutation) true
IsExilus N/A isUtility IsUtility Boolean Whether or not the mod can be installed to the Exilus slot true
IsFlawed N/A N/A IsStarter Boolean Whether or not the mod is a Flawed mod true
IsWeaponAugment N/A N/A N/A Boolean Whether or not the mod is classified as Weapon Augments or augment mods for weapons. Note that there are exceptions like Mod TT 20px Harkonar Scope and Mod TT 20px Medi-Ray which are classified as augments b/c they drop from Kela De Thaym true
Link N/A N/A N/A String ✔️ Page/article link to the mod on the wiki "Scorch (Mod)"
MaxRank N/A fusionLimit FusionLimit Number (integer) ✔️ Maximum rank that mod can be upgraded to using Endo 10
Name N/A name LocalizeTag String ✔️ Name of mod "Scorch"
NotUpgradable N/A N/A N/A Boolean Denotes whether or not a mod can be upgraded by the player using Endo true
NumUpgradesInSet N/A numUpgradesInSet N/A Number (integer) For set bonuses, the total number of mods that are part of this set 4
Polarity N/A polarity ArtifactPolarity String ✔️ Full name of the mod's polarity "Naramon" or "Universal"
Rarity N/A rarity Rarity String ✔️ Rarity of the mod; this also determines their Endo cost to upgrade. Not required for Endo entry. "Legendary"
Set N/A modSet ModSet String For Set Mods, the name of the set that the mod belongs to "Vigilante"
Tradable N/A N/A TradeCapability Boolean ✔️ Whether or not the mod can be traded with other players true
Transmutable N/A N/A IncludeInBoosterPack Boolean ✔️ Whether or not the mod can be obtained from Transmutation true
Type N/A compatName or type ItemCompatibility and ItemCompatibilityLocTag String ✔️ The class of items that the mod can be equipped on as seen on the mod card; there may be additional information for exceptions "Rifle", "Trinity", or "Bow (non-AoE bows and crossbows)"
UpgradeTypes N/A N/A UpgradeType String Upgrade tags associated with the mod for categorization and to reflect the specific internal bonus it adds (sometimes localized description does not explain full functionality). Mods whose functionality are derived from Lua scripts (i.e. complex/unorthodox behavior) will not have this key set. This key is solely for mods that provide simple stat bonuses. GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE

Mod Images

Mod images without border styling, image filter, and description text can be sourced from Public Export. However, full mod images are NOT provided by Digital Extremes since they are generated within the engine (presumably they are modularly built to support different localizations and styling).[1][2] There are two ways to source full mod images:

  • Cropping high quality screenshot of mod from a Chat link or Trading preview
  • Ripping from the game

Programmatically Creating Mod Cards

It is possible to programmatically build mod cards using individual image assets sourced from Public Export (mod image) and Warframe Arsenal Twitch Extension (mod image frames and background). For example, see the following resources as reference for mimicking the Mod TT 20px Serration mod card:

One benefit of this method is to be flexible to different localizations that WARFRAME supports. The same mod card template can be adapted to multiple languages if the localized mod name and descriptions are stored in this data store.


Where To Find Mod Metadata

The in-game UI does not thoroughly present all the data and interactions that is provided from a mod (or any Upgrade for that matter). Here are some methods and sources to get more insight on the internal mechanics on mods:

  • Public Export's ExportUpgrades manifest
  • https://overframe.gg/ has access to more metadata than what Digital Extremes provide to the public. This JSON data is cached locally on the client in these tags: <script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json"></script>
    • For example, for more metadata on Mod TT 20px Serration, go to https://overframe.gg/items/arsenal/626/serration/ and inspect the HTML element on the page using your browser's development tools. The relevant metadata should be under the <script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json"></script> tags. If not, hard refresh the browser's cache so the underlying data is updated to reflect on the actual item.
      "data": {
          "ArtifactPolarity": "AP_ATTACK",
          "BaseDrain": "QA_MEDIUM",
          "ExcludeFromCodex": 0,
          "FusionLimit": "QA_VERY_HIGH",
          "Icon": "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Rifle/RifleDamageAmountMod.png",
          "IncludeInBoosterPack": 1,
          "ItemCompatibility": "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/LotusRifle",
          "ItemCompatibilityLocTag": "/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleCategoryName",
          "LocalizeDescTag": "",
          "LocalizeTag": "/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleModDamageAmount",
          "MarketMode": "MM_HIDDEN",
          "ProductCategory": "Upgrades",
          "Rarity": "UNCOMMON",
          "RectangleIcon": 1,
          "Slotted": 0,
          "Upgrades": [{
                  "AutoType": 1,
                  "DamageType": "DT_ANY",
                  "DisplayAsMultiplier": 0,
                  "DisplayAsPercent": 1,
                  "LocKeyWordScript": {
                      "Script": ""
                  "LocTag": "/Lotus/Language/Upgrades/WeaponDamageModDesc",
                  "OperationType": "STACKING_MULTIPLY",
                  "OverrideLocalization": 1,
                  "ReverseValueSymbol": 0,
                  "RoundTo": 0.1,
                  "RoundingMode": "RM_ROUND",
                  "SmallerIsBetter": 0,
                  "SymbolFilter": "",
                  "UpgradeObject": "",
                  "UpgradeType": "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT",
                  "ValidModifiers": [],
                  "ValidPostures": [],
                  "ValidProcTypes": [],
                  "ValidType": "",
                  "Value": 0.15000001
          "id": 626,
          "parent": "/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusArtifactUpgrades/BaseArtifactUpgrade",
          "parents": ["/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusArtifactUpgrades/BaseArtifactUpgrade", "/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusArtifactUpgrade"],
          "path": "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod",
          "storeData": {
              "Giftable": 0,
              "ProductCategory": "Upgrades",
              "SearchTags": ["/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleCategoryName"],
              "SellingPrice": 500,
              "ShowInMarket": 0,
              "TypeName": "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod"
          "storeItemType": "/Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod",
          "tag": "Mod",
          "texture": "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Rifle/RifleDamageAmountMod.jpg",
          "texture_new": "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Rifle/RifleDamageAmountMod.jpg"
    • Adding some comments for context:
      "data": {
          "ArtifactPolarity": "AP_ATTACK", -- Mod polarity as stored as an string enum
          "BaseDrain": "QA_MEDIUM", -- Base mod capacity drain as stored as a string enum
          "ExcludeFromCodex": 0, -- Boolean value as an integer (0 or 1) to determine whether to hide mod from Codex or not
          "FusionLimit": "QA_VERY_HIGH", -- Mod's max rank as stored a a string enum
          "Icon": "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Rifle/RifleDamageAmountMod.png", -- Game's internal file path to the mod image
          "IncludeInBoosterPack": 1, -- Boolean value as an integer to determine if mod is transmutable or not
          "ItemCompatibility": "/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Rifle/LotusRifle", - Mod item compatibility as location to object definition
          "ItemCompatibilityLocTag": "/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleCategoryName", -- Location of mod item compatibility localization string (e.g. "Rifle")
          "LocalizeDescTag": "",
          "LocalizeTag": "/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleModDamageAmount", -- Location of localization string of mod description
          "MarketMode": "MM_HIDDEN", -- Whether or not mod is available in in-game market as a string enum
          "ProductCategory": "Upgrades", - Item category
          "Rarity": "UNCOMMON", - Mod rarity as a string enum
          "RectangleIcon": 1, -- Boolean value as an integer to determine whether or not mod image has a dimensions of a rectangle
          "Slotted": 0, -- Boolean value as an integer to determine if mod is installed
          "Upgrades": [{ -- Array of stat modifiers that the mod provides
                  "AutoType": 1,
                  "DamageType": "DT_ANY", -- If mod's effect provides damage stat modifiers, this will determine damage type that it will apply to as a string enum
                  "DisplayAsMultiplier": 0,
                  "DisplayAsPercent": 1,
                  "LocKeyWordScript": {
                      "Script": ""
                  "LocTag": "/Lotus/Language/Upgrades/WeaponDamageModDesc", -- Location of localization string of stat modifier
                  "OperationType": "STACKING_MULTIPLY", -- How stat modifier is applied to base stat and how it interacts with other similar stat modifiers as a string enum
                  "OverrideLocalization": 1,
                  "ReverseValueSymbol": 0,
                  "RoundTo": 0.1,
                  "RoundingMode": "RM_ROUND", -- Value rounding mode as a string enum
                  "SmallerIsBetter": 0, -- Boolean value as an integer to determine if smaller stat modifier is a buff or not
                  "SymbolFilter": "", -- Search filter for any symbols present in mod description (e.g. damage icons)
                  "UpgradeObject": "",
                  "UpgradeType": "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT", -- Stat modifier as a string enum
                  "ValidModifiers": [],
                  "ValidPostures": [], -- Array of valid avatar movement states to trigger mod's effect
                  "ValidProcTypes": [], -- Array of valid status effects to trigger mod's effect
                  "ValidType": "",
                  "Value": 0.15000001 -- Value of said stat modifier as a floating-point value
          "id": 626,
          "parent": "/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusArtifactUpgrades/BaseArtifactUpgrade", -- Parent game object of mod for inheritance
          "parents": ["/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusArtifactUpgrades/BaseArtifactUpgrade", "/Lotus/Types/Game/LotusArtifactUpgrade"],
          "path": "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod", -- Unique path to mod data
          "storeData": { -- In-game market data for mod
              "Giftable": 0,
              "ProductCategory": "Upgrades",
              "SearchTags": ["/Lotus/Language/Items/RifleCategoryName"],
              "SellingPrice": 500, -- Mod's sell price in Credits
              "ShowInMarket": 0,
              "TypeName": "/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod"
          "storeItemType": "/Lotus/StoreItems/Upgrades/Mods/Rifle/WeaponDamageAmountMod",
          "tag": "Mod",
          "texture": "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Rifle/RifleDamageAmountMod.jpg",
          "texture_new": "/Lotus/Interface/Cards/Images/Rifle/RifleDamageAmountMod.jpg"

Data Validation

Checking for required keys

p.checkRequiredKeysExist(frame): There are a total of 9708 key-value errors

  1. "Abating Link" is missing BaseDrain
  2. "Abating Link" is missing Description
  3. "Abating Link" is missing Icon
  4. "Abating Link" is missing InternalName
  5. "Abating Link" is missing Introduced
  6. "Abating Link" is missing Link
  7. "Abating Link" is missing MaxRank
  8. "Abating Link" is missing Tradable
  9. "Abating Link" is missing Type
  10. "Abundant Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  11. "Abundant Mutation" is missing Description
  12. "Abundant Mutation" is missing Icon
  13. "Abundant Mutation" is missing InternalName
  14. "Abundant Mutation" is missing Introduced
  15. "Abundant Mutation" is missing Link
  16. "Abundant Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  17. "Abundant Mutation" is missing Tradable
  18. "Abundant Mutation" is missing Type
  19. "Accelerated Blast" is missing BaseDrain
  20. "Accelerated Blast" is missing Description
  21. "Accelerated Blast" is missing Icon
  22. "Accelerated Blast" is missing InternalName
  23. "Accelerated Blast" is missing Link
  24. "Accelerated Blast" is missing MaxRank
  25. "Accelerated Blast" is missing Tradable
  26. "Accelerated Blast" is missing Type
  27. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing BaseDrain
  28. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing Description
  29. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing Icon
  30. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing InternalName
  31. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing Introduced
  32. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing Link
  33. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing MaxRank
  34. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing Tradable
  35. "Accelerated Deflection" is missing Type
  36. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing BaseDrain
  37. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing Description
  38. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing Icon
  39. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing InternalName
  40. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing Introduced
  41. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing Link
  42. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing MaxRank
  43. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing Tradable
  44. "Accumulating Whipclaw" is missing Type
  45. "Acid Shells" is missing BaseDrain
  46. "Acid Shells" is missing Description
  47. "Acid Shells" is missing Icon
  48. "Acid Shells" is missing InternalName
  49. "Acid Shells" is missing Link
  50. "Acid Shells" is missing MaxRank
  51. "Acid Shells" is missing Tradable
  52. "Acid Shells" is missing Type
  53. "Acidic Spittle" is missing BaseDrain
  54. "Acidic Spittle" is missing Description
  55. "Acidic Spittle" is missing Icon
  56. "Acidic Spittle" is missing InternalName
  57. "Acidic Spittle" is missing Link
  58. "Acidic Spittle" is missing MaxRank
  59. "Acidic Spittle" is missing Tradable
  60. "Acidic Spittle" is missing Type
  61. "Adaptation" is missing BaseDrain
  62. "Adaptation" is missing Description
  63. "Adaptation" is missing Icon
  64. "Adaptation" is missing InternalName
  65. "Adaptation" is missing Introduced
  66. "Adaptation" is missing Link
  67. "Adaptation" is missing MaxRank
  68. "Adaptation" is missing Tradable
  69. "Adaptation" is missing Type
  70. "Adept Surge" is missing BaseDrain
  71. "Adept Surge" is missing Description
  72. "Adept Surge" is missing Icon
  73. "Adept Surge" is missing InternalName
  74. "Adept Surge" is missing Link
  75. "Adept Surge" is missing MaxRank
  76. "Adept Surge" is missing Tradable
  77. "Adept Surge" is missing Type
  78. "Adhesive Blast" is missing BaseDrain
  79. "Adhesive Blast" is missing Description
  80. "Adhesive Blast" is missing Icon
  81. "Adhesive Blast" is missing InternalName
  82. "Adhesive Blast" is missing Introduced
  83. "Adhesive Blast" is missing Link
  84. "Adhesive Blast" is missing MaxRank
  85. "Adhesive Blast" is missing Tradable
  86. "Adhesive Blast" is missing Type
  87. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing BaseDrain
  88. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing Description
  89. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing Icon
  90. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing InternalName
  91. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing Introduced
  92. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing Link
  93. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing MaxRank
  94. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing Tradable
  95. "Adrenaline Boost" is missing Type
  96. "Aerial Ace" is missing BaseDrain
  97. "Aerial Ace" is missing Description
  98. "Aerial Ace" is missing Icon
  99. "Aerial Ace" is missing InternalName
  100. "Aerial Ace" is missing Introduced
  101. "Aerial Ace" is missing Link
  102. "Aerial Ace" is missing MaxRank
  103. "Aerial Ace" is missing Tradable
  104. "Aerial Ace" is missing Type
  105. "Aero Agility" is missing BaseDrain
  106. "Aero Agility" is missing Description
  107. "Aero Agility" is missing Icon
  108. "Aero Agility" is missing InternalName
  109. "Aero Agility" is missing Introduced
  110. "Aero Agility" is missing Link
  111. "Aero Agility" is missing MaxRank
  112. "Aero Agility" is missing Tradable
  113. "Aero Agility" is missing Type
  114. "Aero Periphery" is missing BaseDrain
  115. "Aero Periphery" is missing Description
  116. "Aero Periphery" is missing Icon
  117. "Aero Periphery" is missing InternalName
  118. "Aero Periphery" is missing Introduced
  119. "Aero Periphery" is missing Link
  120. "Aero Periphery" is missing MaxRank
  121. "Aero Periphery" is missing Tradable
  122. "Aero Periphery" is missing Type
  123. "Aero Vantage" is missing BaseDrain
  124. "Aero Vantage" is missing Description
  125. "Aero Vantage" is missing Icon
  126. "Aero Vantage" is missing InternalName
  127. "Aero Vantage" is missing Introduced
  128. "Aero Vantage" is missing Link
  129. "Aero Vantage" is missing MaxRank
  130. "Aero Vantage" is missing Tradable
  131. "Aero Vantage" is missing Type
  132. "Aerodynamic" is missing BaseDrain
  133. "Aerodynamic" is missing Description
  134. "Aerodynamic" is missing Icon
  135. "Aerodynamic" is missing InternalName
  136. "Aerodynamic" is missing Introduced
  137. "Aerodynamic" is missing Link
  138. "Aerodynamic" is missing MaxRank
  139. "Aerodynamic" is missing Tradable
  140. "Aerodynamic" is missing Type
  141. "Affinity Amp" is missing BaseDrain
  142. "Affinity Amp" is missing Description
  143. "Affinity Amp" is missing Icon
  144. "Affinity Amp" is missing InternalName
  145. "Affinity Amp" is missing Introduced
  146. "Affinity Amp" is missing Link
  147. "Affinity Amp" is missing MaxRank
  148. "Affinity Amp" is missing Tradable
  149. "Affinity Amp" is missing Type
  150. "Afterburn" is missing BaseDrain
  151. "Afterburn" is missing Description
  152. "Afterburn" is missing Icon
  153. "Afterburn" is missing InternalName
  154. "Afterburn" is missing Introduced
  155. "Afterburn" is missing Link
  156. "Afterburn" is missing MaxRank
  157. "Afterburn" is missing Tradable
  158. "Afterburn" is missing Type
  159. "Afterburner" is missing BaseDrain
  160. "Afterburner" is missing Description
  161. "Afterburner" is missing Icon
  162. "Afterburner" is missing InternalName
  163. "Afterburner" is missing Introduced
  164. "Afterburner" is missing Link
  165. "Afterburner" is missing MaxRank
  166. "Afterburner" is missing Tradable
  167. "Afterburner" is missing Type
  168. "Agile Aim" is missing BaseDrain
  169. "Agile Aim" is missing Description
  170. "Agile Aim" is missing Icon
  171. "Agile Aim" is missing InternalName
  172. "Agile Aim" is missing Introduced
  173. "Agile Aim" is missing Link
  174. "Agile Aim" is missing MaxRank
  175. "Agile Aim" is missing Tradable
  176. "Agile Aim" is missing Type
  177. "Agility Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  178. "Agility Drift" is missing Description
  179. "Agility Drift" is missing Icon
  180. "Agility Drift" is missing InternalName
  181. "Agility Drift" is missing Link
  182. "Agility Drift" is missing MaxRank
  183. "Agility Drift" is missing Tradable
  184. "Agility Drift" is missing Type
  185. "Air Recon" is missing BaseDrain
  186. "Air Recon" is missing Description
  187. "Air Recon" is missing Icon
  188. "Air Recon" is missing InternalName
  189. "Air Recon" is missing Introduced
  190. "Air Recon" is missing Link
  191. "Air Recon" is missing MaxRank
  192. "Air Recon" is missing Tradable
  193. "Air Recon" is missing Type
  194. "Air Thrusters" is missing BaseDrain
  195. "Air Thrusters" is missing Description
  196. "Air Thrusters" is missing Icon
  197. "Air Thrusters" is missing InternalName
  198. "Air Thrusters" is missing Introduced
  199. "Air Thrusters" is missing Link
  200. "Air Thrusters" is missing MaxRank
  201. "Air Thrusters" is missing Tradable
  202. "Air Thrusters" is missing Type
  203. "Air Time" is missing BaseDrain
  204. "Air Time" is missing Description
  205. "Air Time" is missing Icon
  206. "Air Time" is missing InternalName
  207. "Air Time" is missing Introduced
  208. "Air Time" is missing Link
  209. "Air Time" is missing MaxRank
  210. "Air Time" is missing Tradable
  211. "Air Time" is missing Type
  212. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing BaseDrain
  213. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing Description
  214. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing Icon
  215. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing InternalName
  216. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing Link
  217. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing MaxRank
  218. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing Tradable
  219. "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger" is missing Type
  220. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing BaseDrain
  221. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing Description
  222. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing Icon
  223. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing InternalName
  224. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing Link
  225. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing MaxRank
  226. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing Tradable
  227. "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion" is missing Type
  228. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing BaseDrain
  229. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing Description
  230. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing Icon
  231. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing InternalName
  232. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing Link
  233. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing MaxRank
  234. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing Tradable
  235. "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired" is missing Type
  236. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing BaseDrain
  237. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing Description
  238. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing Icon
  239. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing InternalName
  240. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing Link
  241. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing MaxRank
  242. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing Tradable
  243. "Amalgam Furax Body Count" is missing Type
  244. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing BaseDrain
  245. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing Description
  246. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing Icon
  247. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing InternalName
  248. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing Link
  249. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing MaxRank
  250. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing Tradable
  251. "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp" is missing Type
  252. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing BaseDrain
  253. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing Description
  254. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing Icon
  255. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing InternalName
  256. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing Link
  257. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing MaxRank
  258. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing Tradable
  259. "Amalgam Organ Shatter" is missing Type
  260. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing BaseDrain
  261. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing Description
  262. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing Icon
  263. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing InternalName
  264. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing Link
  265. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing MaxRank
  266. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing Tradable
  267. "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel" is missing Type
  268. "Amalgam Serration" is missing BaseDrain
  269. "Amalgam Serration" is missing Description
  270. "Amalgam Serration" is missing Icon
  271. "Amalgam Serration" is missing InternalName
  272. "Amalgam Serration" is missing Link
  273. "Amalgam Serration" is missing MaxRank
  274. "Amalgam Serration" is missing Tradable
  275. "Amalgam Serration" is missing Type
  276. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing BaseDrain
  277. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing Description
  278. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing Icon
  279. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing InternalName
  280. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing Link
  281. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing MaxRank
  282. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing Tradable
  283. "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz" is missing Type
  284. "Ambush" is missing BaseDrain
  285. "Ambush" is missing Description
  286. "Ambush" is missing Icon
  287. "Ambush" is missing InternalName
  288. "Ambush" is missing Introduced
  289. "Ambush" is missing Link
  290. "Ambush" is missing MaxRank
  291. "Ambush" is missing Tradable
  292. "Ambush" is missing Type
  293. "Ambush Optics" is missing BaseDrain
  294. "Ambush Optics" is missing Description
  295. "Ambush Optics" is missing Icon
  296. "Ambush Optics" is missing InternalName
  297. "Ambush Optics" is missing Introduced
  298. "Ambush Optics" is missing Link
  299. "Ambush Optics" is missing MaxRank
  300. "Ambush Optics" is missing Tradable
  301. "Ambush Optics" is missing Type
  302. "Ammo Case" is missing BaseDrain
  303. "Ammo Case" is missing Description
  304. "Ammo Case" is missing Icon
  305. "Ammo Case" is missing InternalName
  306. "Ammo Case" is missing Introduced
  307. "Ammo Case" is missing Link
  308. "Ammo Case" is missing MaxRank
  309. "Ammo Case" is missing Tradable
  310. "Ammo Case" is missing Type
  311. "Ammo Chain" is missing BaseDrain
  312. "Ammo Chain" is missing Description
  313. "Ammo Chain" is missing Icon
  314. "Ammo Chain" is missing InternalName
  315. "Ammo Chain" is missing Link
  316. "Ammo Chain" is missing MaxRank
  317. "Ammo Chain" is missing Tradable
  318. "Ammo Chain" is missing Type
  319. "Ammo Drum" is missing BaseDrain
  320. "Ammo Drum" is missing Description
  321. "Ammo Drum" is missing Icon
  322. "Ammo Drum" is missing InternalName
  323. "Ammo Drum" is missing Introduced
  324. "Ammo Drum" is missing Link
  325. "Ammo Drum" is missing MaxRank
  326. "Ammo Drum" is missing Tradable
  327. "Ammo Drum" is missing Type
  328. "Ammo Stock" is missing BaseDrain
  329. "Ammo Stock" is missing Description
  330. "Ammo Stock" is missing Icon
  331. "Ammo Stock" is missing InternalName
  332. "Ammo Stock" is missing Link
  333. "Ammo Stock" is missing MaxRank
  334. "Ammo Stock" is missing Tradable
  335. "Ammo Stock" is missing Type
  336. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing BaseDrain
  337. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing Description
  338. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing Icon
  339. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing InternalName
  340. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing Link
  341. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing MaxRank
  342. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing Tradable
  343. "Anabolic Pollination" is missing Type
  344. "Anchored Glide" is missing BaseDrain
  345. "Anchored Glide" is missing Description
  346. "Anchored Glide" is missing Icon
  347. "Anchored Glide" is missing InternalName
  348. "Anchored Glide" is missing Introduced
  349. "Anchored Glide" is missing Link
  350. "Anchored Glide" is missing MaxRank
  351. "Anchored Glide" is missing Tradable
  352. "Anchored Glide" is missing Type
  353. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing BaseDrain
  354. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing Description
  355. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing Icon
  356. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing InternalName
  357. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing Introduced
  358. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing Link
  359. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing MaxRank
  360. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing Tradable
  361. "Ancient Fusion Core" is missing Type
  362. "Anemic Agility" is missing BaseDrain
  363. "Anemic Agility" is missing Description
  364. "Anemic Agility" is missing Icon
  365. "Anemic Agility" is missing InternalName
  366. "Anemic Agility" is missing Link
  367. "Anemic Agility" is missing MaxRank
  368. "Anemic Agility" is missing Tradable
  369. "Anemic Agility" is missing Type
  370. "Animal Instinct" is missing BaseDrain
  371. "Animal Instinct" is missing Description
  372. "Animal Instinct" is missing Icon
  373. "Animal Instinct" is missing InternalName
  374. "Animal Instinct" is missing Link
  375. "Animal Instinct" is missing MaxRank
  376. "Animal Instinct" is missing Tradable
  377. "Animal Instinct" is missing Type
  378. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing BaseDrain
  379. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing Description
  380. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing Icon
  381. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing InternalName
  382. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing Introduced
  383. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing Link
  384. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing MaxRank
  385. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing Tradable
  386. "Anti-Flak Plating" is missing Type
  387. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing BaseDrain
  388. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing Description
  389. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing Icon
  390. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing InternalName
  391. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing Introduced
  392. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing Link
  393. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing MaxRank
  394. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing Tradable
  395. "Anti-Grav Array" is missing Type
  396. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing BaseDrain
  397. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing Description
  398. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing Icon
  399. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing InternalName
  400. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing Introduced
  401. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing Link
  402. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing MaxRank
  403. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing Tradable
  404. "Anti-Grav Grenade" is missing Type
  405. "Anticipation" is missing BaseDrain
  406. "Anticipation" is missing Description
  407. "Anticipation" is missing Icon
  408. "Anticipation" is missing InternalName
  409. "Anticipation" is missing Introduced
  410. "Anticipation" is missing Link
  411. "Anticipation" is missing MaxRank
  412. "Anticipation" is missing Tradable
  413. "Anticipation" is missing Type
  414. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing BaseDrain
  415. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing Description
  416. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing Icon
  417. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing InternalName
  418. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing Introduced
  419. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing Link
  420. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing MaxRank
  421. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing Tradable
  422. "Antimatter Absorb" is missing Type
  423. "Antimatter Mine" is missing BaseDrain
  424. "Antimatter Mine" is missing Description
  425. "Antimatter Mine" is missing Icon
  426. "Antimatter Mine" is missing InternalName
  427. "Antimatter Mine" is missing Introduced
  428. "Antimatter Mine" is missing Link
  429. "Antimatter Mine" is missing MaxRank
  430. "Antimatter Mine" is missing Tradable
  431. "Antimatter Mine" is missing Type
  432. "Antitoxin" is missing BaseDrain
  433. "Antitoxin" is missing Description
  434. "Antitoxin" is missing Icon
  435. "Antitoxin" is missing InternalName
  436. "Antitoxin" is missing Introduced
  437. "Antitoxin" is missing MaxRank
  438. "Antitoxin" is missing Tradable
  439. "Antitoxin" is missing Type
  440. "Apex Predator" is missing BaseDrain
  441. "Apex Predator" is missing Description
  442. "Apex Predator" is missing Icon
  443. "Apex Predator" is missing InternalName
  444. "Apex Predator" is missing Introduced
  445. "Apex Predator" is missing Link
  446. "Apex Predator" is missing MaxRank
  447. "Apex Predator" is missing Tradable
  448. "Apex Predator" is missing Type
  449. "Arc Coil" is missing BaseDrain
  450. "Arc Coil" is missing Description
  451. "Arc Coil" is missing Icon
  452. "Arc Coil" is missing InternalName
  453. "Arc Coil" is missing Introduced
  454. "Arc Coil" is missing Link
  455. "Arc Coil" is missing MaxRank
  456. "Arc Coil" is missing Tradable
  457. "Arc Coil" is missing Type
  458. "Archgun Ace" is missing BaseDrain
  459. "Archgun Ace" is missing Description
  460. "Archgun Ace" is missing Icon
  461. "Archgun Ace" is missing InternalName
  462. "Archgun Ace" is missing Introduced
  463. "Archgun Ace" is missing Link
  464. "Archgun Ace" is missing MaxRank
  465. "Archgun Ace" is missing Tradable
  466. "Archgun Ace" is missing Type
  467. "Argent Scourge" is missing BaseDrain
  468. "Argent Scourge" is missing Description
  469. "Argent Scourge" is missing Icon
  470. "Argent Scourge" is missing InternalName
  471. "Argent Scourge" is missing Introduced
  472. "Argent Scourge" is missing Link
  473. "Argent Scourge" is missing MaxRank
  474. "Argent Scourge" is missing Tradable
  475. "Argent Scourge" is missing Type
  476. "Argon Plating" is missing BaseDrain
  477. "Argon Plating" is missing Description
  478. "Argon Plating" is missing Icon
  479. "Argon Plating" is missing InternalName
  480. "Argon Plating" is missing Introduced
  481. "Argon Plating" is missing Link
  482. "Argon Plating" is missing MaxRank
  483. "Argon Plating" is missing Tradable
  484. "Argon Plating" is missing Type
  485. "Argon Scope" is missing BaseDrain
  486. "Argon Scope" is missing Description
  487. "Argon Scope" is missing Icon
  488. "Argon Scope" is missing InternalName
  489. "Argon Scope" is missing Link
  490. "Argon Scope" is missing MaxRank
  491. "Argon Scope" is missing Tradable
  492. "Argon Scope" is missing Type
  493. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing BaseDrain
  494. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing Description
  495. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing Icon
  496. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing InternalName
  497. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing Introduced
  498. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing Link
  499. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing MaxRank
  500. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing Tradable
  501. "Armored Acrobatics" is missing Type
  502. "Armored Agility" is missing BaseDrain
  503. "Armored Agility" is missing Description
  504. "Armored Agility" is missing Icon
  505. "Armored Agility" is missing InternalName
  506. "Armored Agility" is missing Introduced
  507. "Armored Agility" is missing Link
  508. "Armored Agility" is missing MaxRank
  509. "Armored Agility" is missing Tradable
  510. "Armored Agility" is missing Type
  511. "Armored Evade" is missing BaseDrain
  512. "Armored Evade" is missing Description
  513. "Armored Evade" is missing Icon
  514. "Armored Evade" is missing InternalName
  515. "Armored Evade" is missing Introduced
  516. "Armored Evade" is missing Link
  517. "Armored Evade" is missing MaxRank
  518. "Armored Evade" is missing Tradable
  519. "Armored Evade" is missing Type
  520. "Armored Recovery" is missing BaseDrain
  521. "Armored Recovery" is missing Description
  522. "Armored Recovery" is missing Icon
  523. "Armored Recovery" is missing InternalName
  524. "Armored Recovery" is missing Introduced
  525. "Armored Recovery" is missing Link
  526. "Armored Recovery" is missing MaxRank
  527. "Armored Recovery" is missing Tradable
  528. "Armored Recovery" is missing Type
  529. "Arrow Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  530. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Description
  531. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Icon
  532. "Arrow Mutation" is missing InternalName
  533. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Introduced
  534. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Link
  535. "Arrow Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  536. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Tradable
  537. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Transmutable
  538. "Arrow Mutation" is missing Type
  539. "Assault Mode" is missing BaseDrain
  540. "Assault Mode" is missing Description
  541. "Assault Mode" is missing Icon
  542. "Assault Mode" is missing InternalName
  543. "Assault Mode" is missing Link
  544. "Assault Mode" is missing MaxRank
  545. "Assault Mode" is missing Tradable
  546. "Assault Mode" is missing Type
  547. "Assimilate" is missing BaseDrain
  548. "Assimilate" is missing Description
  549. "Assimilate" is missing Icon
  550. "Assimilate" is missing InternalName
  551. "Assimilate" is missing Introduced
  552. "Assimilate" is missing Link
  553. "Assimilate" is missing MaxRank
  554. "Assimilate" is missing Tradable
  555. "Assimilate" is missing Type
  556. "Astral Autopsy" is missing BaseDrain
  557. "Astral Autopsy" is missing Description
  558. "Astral Autopsy" is missing Icon
  559. "Astral Autopsy" is missing InternalName
  560. "Astral Autopsy" is missing Link
  561. "Astral Autopsy" is missing MaxRank
  562. "Astral Autopsy" is missing Tradable
  563. "Astral Autopsy" is missing Type
  564. "Astral Slash" is missing BaseDrain
  565. "Astral Slash" is missing Description
  566. "Astral Slash" is missing Icon
  567. "Astral Slash" is missing InternalName
  568. "Astral Slash" is missing Introduced
  569. "Astral Slash" is missing Link
  570. "Astral Slash" is missing MaxRank
  571. "Astral Slash" is missing Tradable
  572. "Astral Slash" is missing Type
  573. "Astral Twilight" is missing BaseDrain
  574. "Astral Twilight" is missing Description
  575. "Astral Twilight" is missing Icon
  576. "Astral Twilight" is missing InternalName
  577. "Astral Twilight" is missing Introduced
  578. "Astral Twilight" is missing Link
  579. "Astral Twilight" is missing MaxRank
  580. "Astral Twilight" is missing Tradable
  581. "Astral Twilight" is missing Type
  582. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing BaseDrain
  583. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing Description
  584. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing Icon
  585. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing InternalName
  586. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing Introduced
  587. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing Link
  588. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing MaxRank
  589. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing Tradable
  590. "Atlantis Vulcan" is missing Type
  591. "Auger Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  592. "Auger Strike" is missing Description
  593. "Auger Strike" is missing Icon
  594. "Auger Strike" is missing InternalName
  595. "Auger Strike" is missing Introduced
  596. "Auger Strike" is missing Link
  597. "Auger Strike" is missing MaxRank
  598. "Auger Strike" is missing Tradable
  599. "Auger Strike" is missing Type
  600. "Augur Accord" is missing BaseDrain
  601. "Augur Accord" is missing Description
  602. "Augur Accord" is missing Icon
  603. "Augur Accord" is missing InternalName
  604. "Augur Accord" is missing Introduced
  605. "Augur Accord" is missing Link
  606. "Augur Accord" is missing MaxRank
  607. "Augur Accord" is missing Tradable
  608. "Augur Accord" is missing Type
  609. "Augur Message" is missing BaseDrain
  610. "Augur Message" is missing Description
  611. "Augur Message" is missing Icon
  612. "Augur Message" is missing InternalName
  613. "Augur Message" is missing Introduced
  614. "Augur Message" is missing Link
  615. "Augur Message" is missing MaxRank
  616. "Augur Message" is missing Tradable
  617. "Augur Message" is missing Type
  618. "Augur Pact" is missing BaseDrain
  619. "Augur Pact" is missing Description
  620. "Augur Pact" is missing Icon
  621. "Augur Pact" is missing InternalName
  622. "Augur Pact" is missing Link
  623. "Augur Pact" is missing MaxRank
  624. "Augur Pact" is missing Tradable
  625. "Augur Pact" is missing Type
  626. "Augur Reach" is missing BaseDrain
  627. "Augur Reach" is missing Description
  628. "Augur Reach" is missing Icon
  629. "Augur Reach" is missing InternalName
  630. "Augur Reach" is missing Introduced
  631. "Augur Reach" is missing Link
  632. "Augur Reach" is missing MaxRank
  633. "Augur Reach" is missing Tradable
  634. "Augur Reach" is missing Type
  635. "Augur Secrets" is missing BaseDrain
  636. "Augur Secrets" is missing Description
  637. "Augur Secrets" is missing Icon
  638. "Augur Secrets" is missing InternalName
  639. "Augur Secrets" is missing Introduced
  640. "Augur Secrets" is missing Link
  641. "Augur Secrets" is missing MaxRank
  642. "Augur Secrets" is missing Tradable
  643. "Augur Secrets" is missing Type
  644. "Augur Seeker" is missing BaseDrain
  645. "Augur Seeker" is missing Description
  646. "Augur Seeker" is missing Icon
  647. "Augur Seeker" is missing InternalName
  648. "Augur Seeker" is missing Introduced
  649. "Augur Seeker" is missing Link
  650. "Augur Seeker" is missing MaxRank
  651. "Augur Seeker" is missing Tradable
  652. "Augur Seeker" is missing Type
  653. "Auto Breach" is missing BaseDrain
  654. "Auto Breach" is missing Description
  655. "Auto Breach" is missing Icon
  656. "Auto Breach" is missing InternalName
  657. "Auto Breach" is missing Introduced
  658. "Auto Breach" is missing Link
  659. "Auto Breach" is missing MaxRank
  660. "Auto Breach" is missing Polarity
  661. "Auto Breach" is missing Tradable
  662. "Auto Breach" is missing Type
  663. "Automatic Trigger" is missing BaseDrain
  664. "Automatic Trigger" is missing Description
  665. "Automatic Trigger" is missing Icon
  666. "Automatic Trigger" is missing InternalName
  667. "Automatic Trigger" is missing Introduced
  668. "Automatic Trigger" is missing Link
  669. "Automatic Trigger" is missing MaxRank
  670. "Automatic Trigger" is missing Tradable
  671. "Automatic Trigger" is missing Type
  672. "Auxiliary Power" is missing BaseDrain
  673. "Auxiliary Power" is missing Description
  674. "Auxiliary Power" is missing Icon
  675. "Auxiliary Power" is missing InternalName
  676. "Auxiliary Power" is missing Introduced
  677. "Auxiliary Power" is missing Link
  678. "Auxiliary Power" is missing MaxRank
  679. "Auxiliary Power" is missing Tradable
  680. "Auxiliary Power" is missing Type
  681. "Avenging Truth" is missing BaseDrain
  682. "Avenging Truth" is missing Description
  683. "Avenging Truth" is missing Icon
  684. "Avenging Truth" is missing InternalName
  685. "Avenging Truth" is missing Introduced
  686. "Avenging Truth" is missing Link
  687. "Avenging Truth" is missing MaxRank
  688. "Avenging Truth" is missing Tradable
  689. "Avenging Truth" is missing Type
  690. "Aviator" is missing BaseDrain
  691. "Aviator" is missing Description
  692. "Aviator" is missing Icon
  693. "Aviator" is missing InternalName
  694. "Aviator" is missing Introduced
  695. "Aviator" is missing Link
  696. "Aviator" is missing MaxRank
  697. "Aviator" is missing Tradable
  698. "Aviator" is missing Type
  699. "Balefire Surge" is missing BaseDrain
  700. "Balefire Surge" is missing Description
  701. "Balefire Surge" is missing Icon
  702. "Balefire Surge" is missing InternalName
  703. "Balefire Surge" is missing Introduced
  704. "Balefire Surge" is missing Link
  705. "Balefire Surge" is missing MaxRank
  706. "Balefire Surge" is missing Tradable
  707. "Balefire Surge" is missing Type
  708. "Ballista Measure" is missing BaseDrain
  709. "Ballista Measure" is missing Description
  710. "Ballista Measure" is missing Icon
  711. "Ballista Measure" is missing InternalName
  712. "Ballista Measure" is missing Introduced
  713. "Ballista Measure" is missing Link
  714. "Ballista Measure" is missing MaxRank
  715. "Ballista Measure" is missing Tradable
  716. "Ballista Measure" is missing Type
  717. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing BaseDrain
  718. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing Description
  719. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing Icon
  720. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing InternalName
  721. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing Introduced
  722. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing Link
  723. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing MaxRank
  724. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing Tradable
  725. "Ballistic Bullseye" is missing Type
  726. "Bane of Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  727. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Description
  728. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Icon
  729. "Bane of Corpus" is missing InternalName
  730. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Introduced
  731. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Link
  732. "Bane of Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  733. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Tradable
  734. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Transmutable
  735. "Bane of Corpus" is missing Type
  736. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  737. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Description
  738. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Icon
  739. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  740. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  741. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Link
  742. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  743. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  744. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Transmutable
  745. "Bane of Corrupted" is missing Type
  746. "Bane of Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  747. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Description
  748. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Icon
  749. "Bane of Grineer" is missing InternalName
  750. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Introduced
  751. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Link
  752. "Bane of Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  753. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Tradable
  754. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Transmutable
  755. "Bane of Grineer" is missing Type
  756. "Bane of Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  757. "Bane of Infested" is missing Description
  758. "Bane of Infested" is missing Icon
  759. "Bane of Infested" is missing InternalName
  760. "Bane of Infested" is missing Link
  761. "Bane of Infested" is missing MaxRank
  762. "Bane of Infested" is missing Tradable
  763. "Bane of Infested" is missing Transmutable
  764. "Bane of Infested" is missing Type
  765. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing BaseDrain
  766. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing Description
  767. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing Icon
  768. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing InternalName
  769. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing Link
  770. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing MaxRank
  771. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing Tradable
  772. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing Transmutable
  773. "Barrel Diffusion" is missing Type
  774. "Battering Maneuver" is missing BaseDrain
  775. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Description
  776. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Icon
  777. "Battering Maneuver" is missing InternalName
  778. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Introduced
  779. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Link
  780. "Battering Maneuver" is missing MaxRank
  781. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Tradable
  782. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Transmutable
  783. "Battering Maneuver" is missing Type
  784. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing BaseDrain
  785. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing Description
  786. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing Icon
  787. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing InternalName
  788. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing Introduced
  789. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing Link
  790. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing MaxRank
  791. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing Tradable
  792. "Beguiling Lantern" is missing Type
  793. "Berserker" is missing BaseDrain
  794. "Berserker" is missing Description
  795. "Berserker" is missing Icon
  796. "Berserker" is missing InternalName
  797. "Berserker" is missing Introduced
  798. "Berserker" is missing Link
  799. "Berserker" is missing MaxRank
  800. "Berserker" is missing Tradable
  801. "Berserker" is missing Transmutable
  802. "Berserker" is missing Type
  803. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing BaseDrain
  804. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing Description
  805. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing Icon
  806. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing InternalName
  807. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing Link
  808. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing MaxRank
  809. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing Tradable
  810. "Bhisaj-Bal" is missing Type
  811. "Bite" is missing BaseDrain
  812. "Bite" is missing Description
  813. "Bite" is missing Icon
  814. "Bite" is missing InternalName
  815. "Bite" is missing Introduced
  816. "Bite" is missing Link
  817. "Bite" is missing MaxRank
  818. "Bite" is missing Tradable
  819. "Bite" is missing Transmutable
  820. "Bite" is missing Type
  821. "Biting Piranha" is missing BaseDrain
  822. "Biting Piranha" is missing Description
  823. "Biting Piranha" is missing Icon
  824. "Biting Piranha" is missing InternalName
  825. "Biting Piranha" is missing Introduced
  826. "Biting Piranha" is missing Link
  827. "Biting Piranha" is missing MaxRank
  828. "Biting Piranha" is missing Tradable
  829. "Biting Piranha" is missing Type
  830. "Blade of Truth" is missing BaseDrain
  831. "Blade of Truth" is missing Description
  832. "Blade of Truth" is missing Icon
  833. "Blade of Truth" is missing InternalName
  834. "Blade of Truth" is missing Introduced
  835. "Blade of Truth" is missing Link
  836. "Blade of Truth" is missing MaxRank
  837. "Blade of Truth" is missing Tradable
  838. "Blade of Truth" is missing Type
  839. "Bladed Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  840. "Bladed Rounds" is missing Description
  841. "Bladed Rounds" is missing Icon
  842. "Bladed Rounds" is missing InternalName
  843. "Bladed Rounds" is missing Introduced
  844. "Bladed Rounds" is missing Link
  845. "Bladed Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  846. "Bladed Rounds" is missing Tradable
  847. "Bladed Rounds" is missing Type
  848. "Blast Shield" is missing BaseDrain
  849. "Blast Shield" is missing Description
  850. "Blast Shield" is missing Icon
  851. "Blast Shield" is missing InternalName
  852. "Blast Shield" is missing Introduced
  853. "Blast Shield" is missing Link
  854. "Blast Shield" is missing MaxRank
  855. "Blast Shield" is missing Tradable
  856. "Blast Shield" is missing Type
  857. "Blaze" is missing BaseDrain
  858. "Blaze" is missing Description
  859. "Blaze" is missing Icon
  860. "Blaze" is missing InternalName
  861. "Blaze" is missing Introduced
  862. "Blaze" is missing Link
  863. "Blaze" is missing MaxRank
  864. "Blaze" is missing Tradable
  865. "Blaze" is missing Type
  866. "Blazing Pillage" is missing BaseDrain
  867. "Blazing Pillage" is missing Description
  868. "Blazing Pillage" is missing Icon
  869. "Blazing Pillage" is missing InternalName
  870. "Blazing Pillage" is missing Introduced
  871. "Blazing Pillage" is missing Link
  872. "Blazing Pillage" is missing MaxRank
  873. "Blazing Pillage" is missing Tradable
  874. "Blazing Pillage" is missing Type
  875. "Blazing Steel" is missing BaseDrain
  876. "Blazing Steel" is missing Description
  877. "Blazing Steel" is missing Icon
  878. "Blazing Steel" is missing InternalName
  879. "Blazing Steel" is missing Introduced
  880. "Blazing Steel" is missing Link
  881. "Blazing Steel" is missing MaxRank
  882. "Blazing Steel" is missing Tradable
  883. "Blazing Steel" is missing Transmutable
  884. "Blazing Steel" is missing Type
  885. "Bleeding Edge" is missing BaseDrain
  886. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Description
  887. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Icon
  888. "Bleeding Edge" is missing InternalName
  889. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Introduced
  890. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Link
  891. "Bleeding Edge" is missing MaxRank
  892. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Tradable
  893. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Transmutable
  894. "Bleeding Edge" is missing Type
  895. "Bleeding Willow" is missing BaseDrain
  896. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Description
  897. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Icon
  898. "Bleeding Willow" is missing InternalName
  899. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Introduced
  900. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Link
  901. "Bleeding Willow" is missing MaxRank
  902. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Tradable
  903. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Transmutable
  904. "Bleeding Willow" is missing Type
  905. "Blind Justice" is missing BaseDrain
  906. "Blind Justice" is missing Description
  907. "Blind Justice" is missing Icon
  908. "Blind Justice" is missing InternalName
  909. "Blind Justice" is missing Introduced
  910. "Blind Justice" is missing Link
  911. "Blind Justice" is missing MaxRank
  912. "Blind Justice" is missing Tradable
  913. "Blind Justice" is missing Transmutable
  914. "Blind Justice" is missing Type
  915. "Blind Rage" is missing BaseDrain
  916. "Blind Rage" is missing Description
  917. "Blind Rage" is missing Icon
  918. "Blind Rage" is missing InternalName
  919. "Blind Rage" is missing Link
  920. "Blind Rage" is missing MaxRank
  921. "Blind Rage" is missing Tradable
  922. "Blind Rage" is missing Type
  923. "Blind Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  924. "Blind Shot" is missing Description
  925. "Blind Shot" is missing Icon
  926. "Blind Shot" is missing InternalName
  927. "Blind Shot" is missing Introduced
  928. "Blind Shot" is missing Link
  929. "Blind Shot" is missing MaxRank
  930. "Blind Shot" is missing Tradable
  931. "Blind Shot" is missing Type
  932. "Blinding Reave" is missing BaseDrain
  933. "Blinding Reave" is missing Description
  934. "Blinding Reave" is missing Icon
  935. "Blinding Reave" is missing InternalName
  936. "Blinding Reave" is missing Introduced
  937. "Blinding Reave" is missing Link
  938. "Blinding Reave" is missing MaxRank
  939. "Blinding Reave" is missing Tradable
  940. "Blinding Reave" is missing Type
  941. "Blood For Ammo" is missing BaseDrain
  942. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Description
  943. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Icon
  944. "Blood For Ammo" is missing InternalName
  945. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Introduced
  946. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Link
  947. "Blood For Ammo" is missing MaxRank
  948. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Polarity
  949. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Tradable
  950. "Blood For Ammo" is missing Type
  951. "Blood For Energy" is missing BaseDrain
  952. "Blood For Energy" is missing Description
  953. "Blood For Energy" is missing Icon
  954. "Blood For Energy" is missing InternalName
  955. "Blood For Energy" is missing Introduced
  956. "Blood For Energy" is missing Link
  957. "Blood For Energy" is missing MaxRank
  958. "Blood For Energy" is missing Polarity
  959. "Blood For Energy" is missing Tradable
  960. "Blood For Energy" is missing Type
  961. "Blood For Life" is missing BaseDrain
  962. "Blood For Life" is missing Description
  963. "Blood For Life" is missing Icon
  964. "Blood For Life" is missing InternalName
  965. "Blood For Life" is missing Introduced
  966. "Blood For Life" is missing Link
  967. "Blood For Life" is missing MaxRank
  968. "Blood For Life" is missing Polarity
  969. "Blood For Life" is missing Tradable
  970. "Blood For Life" is missing Type
  971. "Blood Forge" is missing BaseDrain
  972. "Blood Forge" is missing Description
  973. "Blood Forge" is missing Icon
  974. "Blood Forge" is missing InternalName
  975. "Blood Forge" is missing Introduced
  976. "Blood Forge" is missing Link
  977. "Blood Forge" is missing MaxRank
  978. "Blood Forge" is missing Tradable
  979. "Blood Forge" is missing Type
  980. "Blood Rush" is missing BaseDrain
  981. "Blood Rush" is missing Description
  982. "Blood Rush" is missing Icon
  983. "Blood Rush" is missing InternalName
  984. "Blood Rush" is missing Introduced
  985. "Blood Rush" is missing Link
  986. "Blood Rush" is missing MaxRank
  987. "Blood Rush" is missing Tradable
  988. "Blood Rush" is missing Type
  989. "Blunderbuss" is missing BaseDrain
  990. "Blunderbuss" is missing Description
  991. "Blunderbuss" is missing Icon
  992. "Blunderbuss" is missing InternalName
  993. "Blunderbuss" is missing Introduced
  994. "Blunderbuss" is missing Link
  995. "Blunderbuss" is missing MaxRank
  996. "Blunderbuss" is missing Tradable
  997. "Blunderbuss" is missing Transmutable
  998. "Blunderbuss" is missing Type
  999. "Body Count" is missing BaseDrain
  1000. "Body Count" is missing Description
  1001. "Body Count" is missing Icon
  1002. "Body Count" is missing InternalName
  1003. "Body Count" is missing Introduced
  1004. "Body Count" is missing Link
  1005. "Body Count" is missing MaxRank
  1006. "Body Count" is missing Tradable
  1007. "Body Count" is missing Type
  1008. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing BaseDrain
  1009. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing Description
  1010. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing Icon
  1011. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing InternalName
  1012. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing Link
  1013. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing MaxRank
  1014. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing Tradable
  1015. "Bomb The Landin'" is missing Type
  1016. "Bore" is missing BaseDrain
  1017. "Bore" is missing Description
  1018. "Bore" is missing Icon
  1019. "Bore" is missing InternalName
  1020. "Bore" is missing Introduced
  1021. "Bore" is missing Link
  1022. "Bore" is missing MaxRank
  1023. "Bore" is missing Tradable
  1024. "Bore" is missing Type
  1025. "Botanist" is missing BaseDrain
  1026. "Botanist" is missing Description
  1027. "Botanist" is missing Icon
  1028. "Botanist" is missing InternalName
  1029. "Botanist" is missing Introduced
  1030. "Botanist" is missing Link
  1031. "Botanist" is missing MaxRank
  1032. "Botanist" is missing Tradable
  1033. "Botanist" is missing Type
  1034. "Bounty Hunter" is missing BaseDrain
  1035. "Bounty Hunter" is missing Description
  1036. "Bounty Hunter" is missing Icon
  1037. "Bounty Hunter" is missing InternalName
  1038. "Bounty Hunter" is missing Introduced
  1039. "Bounty Hunter" is missing Link
  1040. "Bounty Hunter" is missing MaxRank
  1041. "Bounty Hunter" is missing Tradable
  1042. "Bounty Hunter" is missing Type
  1043. "Brain Storm" is missing BaseDrain
  1044. "Brain Storm" is missing Description
  1045. "Brain Storm" is missing Icon
  1046. "Brain Storm" is missing InternalName
  1047. "Brain Storm" is missing Introduced
  1048. "Brain Storm" is missing Link
  1049. "Brain Storm" is missing MaxRank
  1050. "Brain Storm" is missing Tradable
  1051. "Brain Storm" is missing Type
  1052. "Breach Loader" is missing BaseDrain
  1053. "Breach Loader" is missing Description
  1054. "Breach Loader" is missing Icon
  1055. "Breach Loader" is missing InternalName
  1056. "Breach Loader" is missing Introduced
  1057. "Breach Loader" is missing Link
  1058. "Breach Loader" is missing MaxRank
  1059. "Breach Loader" is missing Tradable
  1060. "Breach Loader" is missing Type
  1061. "Brief Respite" is missing BaseDrain
  1062. "Brief Respite" is missing Description
  1063. "Brief Respite" is missing Icon
  1064. "Brief Respite" is missing InternalName
  1065. "Brief Respite" is missing Introduced
  1066. "Brief Respite" is missing Link
  1067. "Brief Respite" is missing MaxRank
  1068. "Brief Respite" is missing Tradable
  1069. "Brief Respite" is missing Type
  1070. "Bright Purity" is missing BaseDrain
  1071. "Bright Purity" is missing Description
  1072. "Bright Purity" is missing Icon
  1073. "Bright Purity" is missing InternalName
  1074. "Bright Purity" is missing Introduced
  1075. "Bright Purity" is missing Link
  1076. "Bright Purity" is missing MaxRank
  1077. "Bright Purity" is missing Tradable
  1078. "Bright Purity" is missing Type
  1079. "Broad Eye" is missing BaseDrain
  1080. "Broad Eye" is missing Description
  1081. "Broad Eye" is missing Icon
  1082. "Broad Eye" is missing InternalName
  1083. "Broad Eye" is missing Introduced
  1084. "Broad Eye" is missing Link
  1085. "Broad Eye" is missing MaxRank
  1086. "Broad Eye" is missing Tradable
  1087. "Broad Eye" is missing Type
  1088. "Brutal Tide" is missing BaseDrain
  1089. "Brutal Tide" is missing Description
  1090. "Brutal Tide" is missing Icon
  1091. "Brutal Tide" is missing InternalName
  1092. "Brutal Tide" is missing Introduced
  1093. "Brutal Tide" is missing Link
  1094. "Brutal Tide" is missing MaxRank
  1095. "Brutal Tide" is missing Tradable
  1096. "Brutal Tide" is missing Transmutable
  1097. "Brutal Tide" is missing Type
  1098. "Bullet Dance" is missing BaseDrain
  1099. "Bullet Dance" is missing Description
  1100. "Bullet Dance" is missing Icon
  1101. "Bullet Dance" is missing InternalName
  1102. "Bullet Dance" is missing Introduced
  1103. "Bullet Dance" is missing Link
  1104. "Bullet Dance" is missing MaxRank
  1105. "Bullet Dance" is missing Tradable
  1106. "Bullet Dance" is missing Transmutable
  1107. "Bullet Dance" is missing Type
  1108. "Burdened Magazine" is missing BaseDrain
  1109. "Burdened Magazine" is missing Description
  1110. "Burdened Magazine" is missing Icon
  1111. "Burdened Magazine" is missing InternalName
  1112. "Burdened Magazine" is missing Introduced
  1113. "Burdened Magazine" is missing Link
  1114. "Burdened Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  1115. "Burdened Magazine" is missing Tradable
  1116. "Burdened Magazine" is missing Type
  1117. "Burning Wasp" is missing BaseDrain
  1118. "Burning Wasp" is missing Description
  1119. "Burning Wasp" is missing Icon
  1120. "Burning Wasp" is missing InternalName
  1121. "Burning Wasp" is missing Introduced
  1122. "Burning Wasp" is missing Link
  1123. "Burning Wasp" is missing MaxRank
  1124. "Burning Wasp" is missing Tradable
  1125. "Burning Wasp" is missing Transmutable
  1126. "Burning Wasp" is missing Type
  1127. "Bursting Mass" is missing BaseDrain
  1128. "Bursting Mass" is missing Description
  1129. "Bursting Mass" is missing Icon
  1130. "Bursting Mass" is missing InternalName
  1131. "Bursting Mass" is missing Introduced
  1132. "Bursting Mass" is missing Link
  1133. "Bursting Mass" is missing MaxRank
  1134. "Bursting Mass" is missing Tradable
  1135. "Bursting Mass" is missing Type
  1136. "Buzz Kill" is missing BaseDrain
  1137. "Buzz Kill" is missing Description
  1138. "Buzz Kill" is missing Icon
  1139. "Buzz Kill" is missing InternalName
  1140. "Buzz Kill" is missing Introduced
  1141. "Buzz Kill" is missing Link
  1142. "Buzz Kill" is missing MaxRank
  1143. "Buzz Kill" is missing Tradable
  1144. "Buzz Kill" is missing Type
  1145. "Calculated Redirection" is missing BaseDrain
  1146. "Calculated Redirection" is missing Description
  1147. "Calculated Redirection" is missing Icon
  1148. "Calculated Redirection" is missing InternalName
  1149. "Calculated Redirection" is missing Introduced
  1150. "Calculated Redirection" is missing Link
  1151. "Calculated Redirection" is missing MaxRank
  1152. "Calculated Redirection" is missing Tradable
  1153. "Calculated Redirection" is missing Type
  1154. "Calculated Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  1155. "Calculated Shot" is missing Description
  1156. "Calculated Shot" is missing Icon
  1157. "Calculated Shot" is missing InternalName
  1158. "Calculated Shot" is missing Introduced
  1159. "Calculated Shot" is missing Link
  1160. "Calculated Shot" is missing MaxRank
  1161. "Calculated Shot" is missing Tradable
  1162. "Calculated Shot" is missing Type
  1163. "Calculated Spring" is missing BaseDrain
  1164. "Calculated Spring" is missing Description
  1165. "Calculated Spring" is missing Icon
  1166. "Calculated Spring" is missing InternalName
  1167. "Calculated Spring" is missing Introduced
  1168. "Calculated Spring" is missing Link
  1169. "Calculated Spring" is missing MaxRank
  1170. "Calculated Spring" is missing Tradable
  1171. "Calculated Spring" is missing Type
  1172. "Calculated Victory" is missing BaseDrain
  1173. "Calculated Victory" is missing Description
  1174. "Calculated Victory" is missing Icon
  1175. "Calculated Victory" is missing InternalName
  1176. "Calculated Victory" is missing Introduced
  1177. "Calculated Victory" is missing Link
  1178. "Calculated Victory" is missing MaxRank
  1179. "Calculated Victory" is missing Tradable
  1180. "Calculated Victory" is missing Type
  1181. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing BaseDrain
  1182. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing Description
  1183. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing Icon
  1184. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing InternalName
  1185. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing Introduced
  1186. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing Link
  1187. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing MaxRank
  1188. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing Tradable
  1189. "Calm & Frenzy" is missing Type
  1190. "Cannonade" is missing BaseDrain
  1191. "Cannonade" is missing Description
  1192. "Cannonade" is missing Icon
  1193. "Cannonade" is missing InternalName
  1194. "Cannonade" is missing Introduced
  1195. "Cannonade" is missing Link
  1196. "Cannonade" is missing MaxRank
  1197. "Cannonade" is missing Tradable
  1198. "Cannonade" is missing Type
  1199. "Capacitance" is missing BaseDrain
  1200. "Capacitance" is missing Description
  1201. "Capacitance" is missing Icon
  1202. "Capacitance" is missing InternalName
  1203. "Capacitance" is missing Introduced
  1204. "Capacitance" is missing Link
  1205. "Capacitance" is missing MaxRank
  1206. "Capacitance" is missing Tradable
  1207. "Capacitance" is missing Type
  1208. "Carnis Carapace" is missing BaseDrain
  1209. "Carnis Carapace" is missing Description
  1210. "Carnis Carapace" is missing Icon
  1211. "Carnis Carapace" is missing InternalName
  1212. "Carnis Carapace" is missing Introduced
  1213. "Carnis Carapace" is missing Link
  1214. "Carnis Carapace" is missing MaxRank
  1215. "Carnis Carapace" is missing Tradable
  1216. "Carnis Carapace" is missing Type
  1217. "Carnis Mandible" is missing BaseDrain
  1218. "Carnis Mandible" is missing Description
  1219. "Carnis Mandible" is missing Icon
  1220. "Carnis Mandible" is missing InternalName
  1221. "Carnis Mandible" is missing Introduced
  1222. "Carnis Mandible" is missing Link
  1223. "Carnis Mandible" is missing MaxRank
  1224. "Carnis Mandible" is missing Tradable
  1225. "Carnis Mandible" is missing Type
  1226. "Carnis Stinger" is missing BaseDrain
  1227. "Carnis Stinger" is missing Description
  1228. "Carnis Stinger" is missing Icon
  1229. "Carnis Stinger" is missing InternalName
  1230. "Carnis Stinger" is missing Introduced
  1231. "Carnis Stinger" is missing Link
  1232. "Carnis Stinger" is missing MaxRank
  1233. "Carnis Stinger" is missing Tradable
  1234. "Carnis Stinger" is missing Type
  1235. "Carving Mantis" is missing BaseDrain
  1236. "Carving Mantis" is missing Description
  1237. "Carving Mantis" is missing Icon
  1238. "Carving Mantis" is missing InternalName
  1239. "Carving Mantis" is missing Introduced
  1240. "Carving Mantis" is missing Link
  1241. "Carving Mantis" is missing MaxRank
  1242. "Carving Mantis" is missing Tradable
  1243. "Carving Mantis" is missing Transmutable
  1244. "Carving Mantis" is missing Type
  1245. "Cat's Eye" is missing BaseDrain
  1246. "Cat's Eye" is missing Description
  1247. "Cat's Eye" is missing Icon
  1248. "Cat's Eye" is missing InternalName
  1249. "Cat's Eye" is missing Introduced
  1250. "Cat's Eye" is missing Link
  1251. "Cat's Eye" is missing MaxRank
  1252. "Cat's Eye" is missing Tradable
  1253. "Cat's Eye" is missing Transmutable
  1254. "Cat's Eye" is missing Type
  1255. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing BaseDrain
  1256. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing Description
  1257. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing Icon
  1258. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing InternalName
  1259. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing Introduced
  1260. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing Link
  1261. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing MaxRank
  1262. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing Tradable
  1263. "Cataclysmic Continuum" is missing Type
  1264. "Catalyzer Link" is missing BaseDrain
  1265. "Catalyzer Link" is missing Description
  1266. "Catalyzer Link" is missing Icon
  1267. "Catalyzer Link" is missing InternalName
  1268. "Catalyzer Link" is missing Introduced
  1269. "Catalyzer Link" is missing Link
  1270. "Catalyzer Link" is missing MaxRank
  1271. "Catalyzer Link" is missing Tradable
  1272. "Catalyzer Link" is missing Type
  1273. "Catapult" is missing BaseDrain
  1274. "Catapult" is missing Description
  1275. "Catapult" is missing Icon
  1276. "Catapult" is missing InternalName
  1277. "Catapult" is missing Introduced
  1278. "Catapult" is missing Link
  1279. "Catapult" is missing MaxRank
  1280. "Catapult" is missing Tradable
  1281. "Catapult" is missing Type
  1282. "Cautious Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  1283. "Cautious Shot" is missing Description
  1284. "Cautious Shot" is missing Icon
  1285. "Cautious Shot" is missing InternalName
  1286. "Cautious Shot" is missing Link
  1287. "Cautious Shot" is missing MaxRank
  1288. "Cautious Shot" is missing Tradable
  1289. "Cautious Shot" is missing Type
  1290. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing BaseDrain
  1291. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing Description
  1292. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing Icon
  1293. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing InternalName
  1294. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing Introduced
  1295. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing Link
  1296. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing MaxRank
  1297. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing Tradable
  1298. "Celestial Nightfall" is missing Type
  1299. "Celestial Stomp" is missing BaseDrain
  1300. "Celestial Stomp" is missing Description
  1301. "Celestial Stomp" is missing Icon
  1302. "Celestial Stomp" is missing InternalName
  1303. "Celestial Stomp" is missing Introduced
  1304. "Celestial Stomp" is missing Link
  1305. "Celestial Stomp" is missing MaxRank
  1306. "Celestial Stomp" is missing Tradable
  1307. "Celestial Stomp" is missing Type
  1308. "Chaos Sphere" is missing BaseDrain
  1309. "Chaos Sphere" is missing Description
  1310. "Chaos Sphere" is missing Icon
  1311. "Chaos Sphere" is missing InternalName
  1312. "Chaos Sphere" is missing Introduced
  1313. "Chaos Sphere" is missing Link
  1314. "Chaos Sphere" is missing MaxRank
  1315. "Chaos Sphere" is missing Tradable
  1316. "Chaos Sphere" is missing Type
  1317. "Charged Bullets" is missing BaseDrain
  1318. "Charged Bullets" is missing Description
  1319. "Charged Bullets" is missing Icon
  1320. "Charged Bullets" is missing InternalName
  1321. "Charged Bullets" is missing Introduced
  1322. "Charged Bullets" is missing Link
  1323. "Charged Bullets" is missing MaxRank
  1324. "Charged Bullets" is missing Tradable
  1325. "Charged Bullets" is missing Transmutable
  1326. "Charged Bullets" is missing Type
  1327. "Charged Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  1328. "Charged Chamber" is missing Description
  1329. "Charged Chamber" is missing Icon
  1330. "Charged Chamber" is missing InternalName
  1331. "Charged Chamber" is missing Link
  1332. "Charged Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  1333. "Charged Chamber" is missing Tradable
  1334. "Charged Chamber" is missing Transmutable
  1335. "Charged Chamber" is missing Type
  1336. "Charged Shell" is missing BaseDrain
  1337. "Charged Shell" is missing Description
  1338. "Charged Shell" is missing Icon
  1339. "Charged Shell" is missing InternalName
  1340. "Charged Shell" is missing Introduced
  1341. "Charged Shell" is missing Link
  1342. "Charged Shell" is missing MaxRank
  1343. "Charged Shell" is missing Tradable
  1344. "Charged Shell" is missing Transmutable
  1345. "Charged Shell" is missing Type
  1346. "Charm" is missing BaseDrain
  1347. "Charm" is missing Description
  1348. "Charm" is missing Icon
  1349. "Charm" is missing InternalName
  1350. "Charm" is missing Introduced
  1351. "Charm" is missing Link
  1352. "Charm" is missing MaxRank
  1353. "Charm" is missing Tradable
  1354. "Charm" is missing Transmutable
  1355. "Charm" is missing Type
  1356. "Chilling Globe" is missing BaseDrain
  1357. "Chilling Globe" is missing Description
  1358. "Chilling Globe" is missing Icon
  1359. "Chilling Globe" is missing InternalName
  1360. "Chilling Globe" is missing Introduced
  1361. "Chilling Globe" is missing Link
  1362. "Chilling Globe" is missing MaxRank
  1363. "Chilling Globe" is missing Tradable
  1364. "Chilling Globe" is missing Type
  1365. "Chilling Grasp" is missing BaseDrain
  1366. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Description
  1367. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Icon
  1368. "Chilling Grasp" is missing InternalName
  1369. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Introduced
  1370. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Link
  1371. "Chilling Grasp" is missing MaxRank
  1372. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Tradable
  1373. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Transmutable
  1374. "Chilling Grasp" is missing Type
  1375. "Chilling Reload" is missing BaseDrain
  1376. "Chilling Reload" is missing Description
  1377. "Chilling Reload" is missing Icon
  1378. "Chilling Reload" is missing InternalName
  1379. "Chilling Reload" is missing Introduced
  1380. "Chilling Reload" is missing Link
  1381. "Chilling Reload" is missing MaxRank
  1382. "Chilling Reload" is missing Tradable
  1383. "Chilling Reload" is missing Type
  1384. "Chromatic Blade" is missing BaseDrain
  1385. "Chromatic Blade" is missing Description
  1386. "Chromatic Blade" is missing Icon
  1387. "Chromatic Blade" is missing InternalName
  1388. "Chromatic Blade" is missing Introduced
  1389. "Chromatic Blade" is missing Link
  1390. "Chromatic Blade" is missing MaxRank
  1391. "Chromatic Blade" is missing Tradable
  1392. "Chromatic Blade" is missing Type
  1393. "Clashing Forest" is missing BaseDrain
  1394. "Clashing Forest" is missing Description
  1395. "Clashing Forest" is missing Icon
  1396. "Clashing Forest" is missing InternalName
  1397. "Clashing Forest" is missing Introduced
  1398. "Clashing Forest" is missing Link
  1399. "Clashing Forest" is missing MaxRank
  1400. "Clashing Forest" is missing Tradable
  1401. "Clashing Forest" is missing Transmutable
  1402. "Clashing Forest" is missing Type
  1403. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  1404. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Description
  1405. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Icon
  1406. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing InternalName
  1407. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Introduced
  1408. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Link
  1409. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  1410. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Tradable
  1411. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Transmutable
  1412. "Cleanse Corpus" is missing Type
  1413. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  1414. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Description
  1415. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Icon
  1416. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  1417. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  1418. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Link
  1419. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  1420. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  1421. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Transmutable
  1422. "Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Type
  1423. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  1424. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Description
  1425. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Icon
  1426. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing InternalName
  1427. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Introduced
  1428. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Link
  1429. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  1430. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Tradable
  1431. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Transmutable
  1432. "Cleanse Grineer" is missing Type
  1433. "Cleanse Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  1434. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Description
  1435. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Icon
  1436. "Cleanse Infested" is missing InternalName
  1437. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Introduced
  1438. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Link
  1439. "Cleanse Infested" is missing MaxRank
  1440. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Tradable
  1441. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Transmutable
  1442. "Cleanse Infested" is missing Type
  1443. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing BaseDrain
  1444. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Description
  1445. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Icon
  1446. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing InternalName
  1447. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Introduced
  1448. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Link
  1449. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing MaxRank
  1450. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Tradable
  1451. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Transmutable
  1452. "Cleaving Whirlwind" is missing Type
  1453. "Coaction Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  1454. "Coaction Drift" is missing Description
  1455. "Coaction Drift" is missing Icon
  1456. "Coaction Drift" is missing InternalName
  1457. "Coaction Drift" is missing Link
  1458. "Coaction Drift" is missing MaxRank
  1459. "Coaction Drift" is missing Tradable
  1460. "Coaction Drift" is missing Type
  1461. "Coiling Viper" is missing BaseDrain
  1462. "Coiling Viper" is missing Description
  1463. "Coiling Viper" is missing Icon
  1464. "Coiling Viper" is missing InternalName
  1465. "Coiling Viper" is missing Introduced
  1466. "Coiling Viper" is missing Link
  1467. "Coiling Viper" is missing MaxRank
  1468. "Coiling Viper" is missing Tradable
  1469. "Coiling Viper" is missing Transmutable
  1470. "Coiling Viper" is missing Type
  1471. "Cold Arrival" is missing BaseDrain
  1472. "Cold Arrival" is missing Description
  1473. "Cold Arrival" is missing Icon
  1474. "Cold Arrival" is missing InternalName
  1475. "Cold Arrival" is missing Introduced
  1476. "Cold Arrival" is missing Link
  1477. "Cold Arrival" is missing MaxRank
  1478. "Cold Arrival" is missing Tradable
  1479. "Cold Arrival" is missing Type
  1480. "Cold Snap" is missing BaseDrain
  1481. "Cold Snap" is missing Description
  1482. "Cold Snap" is missing Icon
  1483. "Cold Snap" is missing InternalName
  1484. "Cold Snap" is missing Introduced
  1485. "Cold Snap" is missing Link
  1486. "Cold Snap" is missing MaxRank
  1487. "Cold Snap" is missing Tradable
  1488. "Cold Snap" is missing Transmutable
  1489. "Cold Snap" is missing Type
  1490. "Collision Force" is missing BaseDrain
  1491. "Collision Force" is missing Description
  1492. "Collision Force" is missing Icon
  1493. "Collision Force" is missing InternalName
  1494. "Collision Force" is missing Introduced
  1495. "Collision Force" is missing Link
  1496. "Collision Force" is missing MaxRank
  1497. "Collision Force" is missing Tradable
  1498. "Collision Force" is missing Type
  1499. "Combat Discipline" is missing BaseDrain
  1500. "Combat Discipline" is missing Description
  1501. "Combat Discipline" is missing Icon
  1502. "Combat Discipline" is missing InternalName
  1503. "Combat Discipline" is missing Introduced
  1504. "Combat Discipline" is missing Link
  1505. "Combat Discipline" is missing MaxRank
  1506. "Combat Discipline" is missing Tradable
  1507. "Combat Discipline" is missing Type
  1508. "Combo Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  1509. "Combo Fury" is missing Description
  1510. "Combo Fury" is missing Icon
  1511. "Combo Fury" is missing InternalName
  1512. "Combo Fury" is missing Link
  1513. "Combo Fury" is missing MaxRank
  1514. "Combo Fury" is missing Tradable
  1515. "Combo Fury" is missing Type
  1516. "Combo Killer" is missing BaseDrain
  1517. "Combo Killer" is missing Description
  1518. "Combo Killer" is missing Icon
  1519. "Combo Killer" is missing InternalName
  1520. "Combo Killer" is missing Link
  1521. "Combo Killer" is missing MaxRank
  1522. "Combo Killer" is missing Tradable
  1523. "Combo Killer" is missing Type
  1524. "Combustion Beam" is missing BaseDrain
  1525. "Combustion Beam" is missing Description
  1526. "Combustion Beam" is missing Icon
  1527. "Combustion Beam" is missing InternalName
  1528. "Combustion Beam" is missing Introduced
  1529. "Combustion Beam" is missing Link
  1530. "Combustion Beam" is missing MaxRank
  1531. "Combustion Beam" is missing Tradable
  1532. "Combustion Beam" is missing Transmutable
  1533. "Combustion Beam" is missing Type
  1534. "Combustion Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  1535. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Description
  1536. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Icon
  1537. "Combustion Rounds" is missing InternalName
  1538. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Introduced
  1539. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Link
  1540. "Combustion Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  1541. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Tradable
  1542. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Transmutable
  1543. "Combustion Rounds" is missing Type
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  1545. "Comet Blast" is missing Description
  1546. "Comet Blast" is missing Icon
  1547. "Comet Blast" is missing InternalName
  1548. "Comet Blast" is missing Introduced
  1549. "Comet Blast" is missing Link
  1550. "Comet Blast" is missing MaxRank
  1551. "Comet Blast" is missing Tradable
  1552. "Comet Blast" is missing Type
  1553. "Comet Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  1554. "Comet Rounds" is missing Description
  1555. "Comet Rounds" is missing Icon
  1556. "Comet Rounds" is missing InternalName
  1557. "Comet Rounds" is missing Introduced
  1558. "Comet Rounds" is missing Link
  1559. "Comet Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  1560. "Comet Rounds" is missing Tradable
  1561. "Comet Rounds" is missing Type
  1562. "Concealed Explosives" is missing BaseDrain
  1563. "Concealed Explosives" is missing Description
  1564. "Concealed Explosives" is missing Icon
  1565. "Concealed Explosives" is missing InternalName
  1566. "Concealed Explosives" is missing Link
  1567. "Concealed Explosives" is missing MaxRank
  1568. "Concealed Explosives" is missing Tradable
  1569. "Concealed Explosives" is missing Transmutable
  1570. "Concealed Explosives" is missing Type
  1571. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing BaseDrain
  1572. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing Description
  1573. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing Icon
  1574. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing InternalName
  1575. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing Link
  1576. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing MaxRank
  1577. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing Tradable
  1578. "Concentrated Arrow" is missing Type
  1579. "Concussion Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  1580. "Concussion Rounds" is missing Description
  1581. "Concussion Rounds" is missing Icon
  1582. "Concussion Rounds" is missing InternalName
  1583. "Concussion Rounds" is missing Link
  1584. "Concussion Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  1585. "Concussion Rounds" is missing Tradable
  1586. "Concussion Rounds" is missing Transmutable
  1587. "Concussion Rounds" is missing Type
  1588. "Condition Overload" is missing BaseDrain
  1589. "Condition Overload" is missing Description
  1590. "Condition Overload" is missing Icon
  1591. "Condition Overload" is missing InternalName
  1592. "Condition Overload" is missing Introduced
  1593. "Condition Overload" is missing Link
  1594. "Condition Overload" is missing MaxRank
  1595. "Condition Overload" is missing Tradable
  1596. "Condition Overload" is missing Transmutable
  1597. "Condition Overload" is missing Type
  1598. "Conductor" is missing BaseDrain
  1599. "Conductor" is missing Description
  1600. "Conductor" is missing Icon
  1601. "Conductor" is missing InternalName
  1602. "Conductor" is missing Introduced
  1603. "Conductor" is missing Link
  1604. "Conductor" is missing MaxRank
  1605. "Conductor" is missing Tradable
  1606. "Conductor" is missing Type
  1607. "Constitution" is missing BaseDrain
  1608. "Constitution" is missing Description
  1609. "Constitution" is missing Icon
  1610. "Constitution" is missing InternalName
  1611. "Constitution" is missing Introduced
  1612. "Constitution" is missing Link
  1613. "Constitution" is missing MaxRank
  1614. "Constitution" is missing Tradable
  1615. "Constitution" is missing Type
  1616. "Contagion Cloud" is missing BaseDrain
  1617. "Contagion Cloud" is missing Description
  1618. "Contagion Cloud" is missing Icon
  1619. "Contagion Cloud" is missing InternalName
  1620. "Contagion Cloud" is missing Introduced
  1621. "Contagion Cloud" is missing Link
  1622. "Contagion Cloud" is missing MaxRank
  1623. "Contagion Cloud" is missing Tradable
  1624. "Contagion Cloud" is missing Type
  1625. "Contagious Spread" is missing BaseDrain
  1626. "Contagious Spread" is missing Description
  1627. "Contagious Spread" is missing Icon
  1628. "Contagious Spread" is missing InternalName
  1629. "Contagious Spread" is missing Link
  1630. "Contagious Spread" is missing MaxRank
  1631. "Contagious Spread" is missing Tradable
  1632. "Contagious Spread" is missing Transmutable
  1633. "Contagious Spread" is missing Type
  1634. "Contamination Casing" is missing BaseDrain
  1635. "Contamination Casing" is missing Description
  1636. "Contamination Casing" is missing Icon
  1637. "Contamination Casing" is missing InternalName
  1638. "Contamination Casing" is missing Introduced
  1639. "Contamination Casing" is missing Link
  1640. "Contamination Casing" is missing MaxRank
  1641. "Contamination Casing" is missing Tradable
  1642. "Contamination Casing" is missing Transmutable
  1643. "Contamination Casing" is missing Type
  1644. "Continuity" is missing BaseDrain
  1645. "Continuity" is missing Description
  1646. "Continuity" is missing Icon
  1647. "Continuity" is missing InternalName
  1648. "Continuity" is missing Introduced
  1649. "Continuity" is missing Link
  1650. "Continuity" is missing MaxRank
  1651. "Continuity" is missing Tradable
  1652. "Continuity" is missing Transmutable
  1653. "Continuity" is missing Type
  1654. "Continuous Misery" is missing BaseDrain
  1655. "Continuous Misery" is missing Description
  1656. "Continuous Misery" is missing Icon
  1657. "Continuous Misery" is missing InternalName
  1658. "Continuous Misery" is missing Introduced
  1659. "Continuous Misery" is missing Link
  1660. "Continuous Misery" is missing MaxRank
  1661. "Continuous Misery" is missing Tradable
  1662. "Continuous Misery" is missing Transmutable
  1663. "Continuous Misery" is missing Type
  1664. "Controlled Slide" is missing BaseDrain
  1665. "Controlled Slide" is missing Description
  1666. "Controlled Slide" is missing Icon
  1667. "Controlled Slide" is missing InternalName
  1668. "Controlled Slide" is missing Introduced
  1669. "Controlled Slide" is missing Link
  1670. "Controlled Slide" is missing MaxRank
  1671. "Controlled Slide" is missing Tradable
  1672. "Controlled Slide" is missing Type
  1673. "Convulsion" is missing BaseDrain
  1674. "Convulsion" is missing Description
  1675. "Convulsion" is missing Icon
  1676. "Convulsion" is missing InternalName
  1677. "Convulsion" is missing Introduced
  1678. "Convulsion" is missing Link
  1679. "Convulsion" is missing MaxRank
  1680. "Convulsion" is missing Tradable
  1681. "Convulsion" is missing Transmutable
  1682. "Convulsion" is missing Type
  1683. "Coolant Leak" is missing BaseDrain
  1684. "Coolant Leak" is missing Description
  1685. "Coolant Leak" is missing Icon
  1686. "Coolant Leak" is missing InternalName
  1687. "Coolant Leak" is missing Link
  1688. "Coolant Leak" is missing MaxRank
  1689. "Coolant Leak" is missing Tradable
  1690. "Coolant Leak" is missing Transmutable
  1691. "Coolant Leak" is missing Type
  1692. "Corroding Barrage" is missing BaseDrain
  1693. "Corroding Barrage" is missing Description
  1694. "Corroding Barrage" is missing Icon
  1695. "Corroding Barrage" is missing InternalName
  1696. "Corroding Barrage" is missing Introduced
  1697. "Corroding Barrage" is missing Link
  1698. "Corroding Barrage" is missing MaxRank
  1699. "Corroding Barrage" is missing Tradable
  1700. "Corroding Barrage" is missing Type
  1701. "Corrosive Projection" is missing BaseDrain
  1702. "Corrosive Projection" is missing Description
  1703. "Corrosive Projection" is missing Icon
  1704. "Corrosive Projection" is missing InternalName
  1705. "Corrosive Projection" is missing Introduced
  1706. "Corrosive Projection" is missing Link
  1707. "Corrosive Projection" is missing MaxRank
  1708. "Corrosive Projection" is missing Tradable
  1709. "Corrosive Projection" is missing Type
  1710. "Corrupt Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  1711. "Corrupt Charge" is missing Description
  1712. "Corrupt Charge" is missing Icon
  1713. "Corrupt Charge" is missing InternalName
  1714. "Corrupt Charge" is missing Introduced
  1715. "Corrupt Charge" is missing Link
  1716. "Corrupt Charge" is missing MaxRank
  1717. "Corrupt Charge" is missing Tradable
  1718. "Corrupt Charge" is missing Type
  1719. "Counter Pulse" is missing BaseDrain
  1720. "Counter Pulse" is missing Description
  1721. "Counter Pulse" is missing Icon
  1722. "Counter Pulse" is missing InternalName
  1723. "Counter Pulse" is missing Introduced
  1724. "Counter Pulse" is missing Link
  1725. "Counter Pulse" is missing MaxRank
  1726. "Counter Pulse" is missing Tradable
  1727. "Counter Pulse" is missing Type
  1728. "Counterweight" is missing BaseDrain
  1729. "Counterweight" is missing Description
  1730. "Counterweight" is missing Icon
  1731. "Counterweight" is missing InternalName
  1732. "Counterweight" is missing Introduced
  1733. "Counterweight" is missing Link
  1734. "Counterweight" is missing MaxRank
  1735. "Counterweight" is missing Tradable
  1736. "Counterweight" is missing Type
  1737. "Covert Lethality" is missing BaseDrain
  1738. "Covert Lethality" is missing Description
  1739. "Covert Lethality" is missing Icon
  1740. "Covert Lethality" is missing InternalName
  1741. "Covert Lethality" is missing Introduced
  1742. "Covert Lethality" is missing Link
  1743. "Covert Lethality" is missing MaxRank
  1744. "Covert Lethality" is missing Tradable
  1745. "Covert Lethality" is missing Transmutable
  1746. "Covert Lethality" is missing Type
  1747. "Crash Course" is missing BaseDrain
  1748. "Crash Course" is missing Description
  1749. "Crash Course" is missing Icon
  1750. "Crash Course" is missing InternalName
  1751. "Crash Course" is missing Introduced
  1752. "Crash Course" is missing Link
  1753. "Crash Course" is missing MaxRank
  1754. "Crash Course" is missing Tradable
  1755. "Crash Course" is missing Type
  1756. "Crash Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  1757. "Crash Shot" is missing Description
  1758. "Crash Shot" is missing Icon
  1759. "Crash Shot" is missing InternalName
  1760. "Crash Shot" is missing Introduced
  1761. "Crash Shot" is missing Link
  1762. "Crash Shot" is missing MaxRank
  1763. "Crash Shot" is missing Tradable
  1764. "Crash Shot" is missing Type
  1765. "Crashing Havoc" is missing BaseDrain
  1766. "Crashing Havoc" is missing Description
  1767. "Crashing Havoc" is missing Icon
  1768. "Crashing Havoc" is missing InternalName
  1769. "Crashing Havoc" is missing Introduced
  1770. "Crashing Havoc" is missing Link
  1771. "Crashing Havoc" is missing MaxRank
  1772. "Crashing Havoc" is missing Tradable
  1773. "Crashing Havoc" is missing Type
  1774. "Crashing Timber" is missing BaseDrain
  1775. "Crashing Timber" is missing Description
  1776. "Crashing Timber" is missing Icon
  1777. "Crashing Timber" is missing InternalName
  1778. "Crashing Timber" is missing Introduced
  1779. "Crashing Timber" is missing Link
  1780. "Crashing Timber" is missing MaxRank
  1781. "Crashing Timber" is missing Tradable
  1782. "Crashing Timber" is missing Type
  1783. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing BaseDrain
  1784. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing Description
  1785. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing Icon
  1786. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing InternalName
  1787. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing Introduced
  1788. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing Link
  1789. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing MaxRank
  1790. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing Tradable
  1791. "Creeping Bullseye" is missing Type
  1792. "Creeping Terrify" is missing BaseDrain
  1793. "Creeping Terrify" is missing Description
  1794. "Creeping Terrify" is missing Icon
  1795. "Creeping Terrify" is missing InternalName
  1796. "Creeping Terrify" is missing Introduced
  1797. "Creeping Terrify" is missing Link
  1798. "Creeping Terrify" is missing MaxRank
  1799. "Creeping Terrify" is missing Tradable
  1800. "Creeping Terrify" is missing Type
  1801. "Crescent Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  1802. "Crescent Charge" is missing Description
  1803. "Crescent Charge" is missing Icon
  1804. "Crescent Charge" is missing InternalName
  1805. "Crescent Charge" is missing Introduced
  1806. "Crescent Charge" is missing Link
  1807. "Crescent Charge" is missing MaxRank
  1808. "Crescent Charge" is missing Tradable
  1809. "Crescent Charge" is missing Type
  1810. "Crescent Devolution" is missing BaseDrain
  1811. "Crescent Devolution" is missing Description
  1812. "Crescent Devolution" is missing Icon
  1813. "Crescent Devolution" is missing InternalName
  1814. "Crescent Devolution" is missing Introduced
  1815. "Crescent Devolution" is missing Link
  1816. "Crescent Devolution" is missing MaxRank
  1817. "Crescent Devolution" is missing Tradable
  1818. "Crescent Devolution" is missing Type
  1819. "Crimson Dervish" is missing BaseDrain
  1820. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Description
  1821. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Icon
  1822. "Crimson Dervish" is missing InternalName
  1823. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Introduced
  1824. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Link
  1825. "Crimson Dervish" is missing MaxRank
  1826. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Tradable
  1827. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Transmutable
  1828. "Crimson Dervish" is missing Type
  1829. "Critical Deceleration" is missing BaseDrain
  1830. "Critical Deceleration" is missing Description
  1831. "Critical Deceleration" is missing Icon
  1832. "Critical Deceleration" is missing InternalName
  1833. "Critical Deceleration" is missing Introduced
  1834. "Critical Deceleration" is missing Link
  1835. "Critical Deceleration" is missing MaxRank
  1836. "Critical Deceleration" is missing Tradable
  1837. "Critical Deceleration" is missing Type
  1838. "Critical Delay" is missing BaseDrain
  1839. "Critical Delay" is missing Description
  1840. "Critical Delay" is missing Icon
  1841. "Critical Delay" is missing InternalName
  1842. "Critical Delay" is missing Link
  1843. "Critical Delay" is missing MaxRank
  1844. "Critical Delay" is missing Tradable
  1845. "Critical Delay" is missing Type
  1846. "Critical Focus" is missing BaseDrain
  1847. "Critical Focus" is missing Description
  1848. "Critical Focus" is missing Icon
  1849. "Critical Focus" is missing InternalName
  1850. "Critical Focus" is missing Introduced
  1851. "Critical Focus" is missing Link
  1852. "Critical Focus" is missing MaxRank
  1853. "Critical Focus" is missing Tradable
  1854. "Critical Focus" is missing Transmutable
  1855. "Critical Focus" is missing Type
  1856. "Crossing Snakes" is missing BaseDrain
  1857. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Description
  1858. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Icon
  1859. "Crossing Snakes" is missing InternalName
  1860. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Introduced
  1861. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Link
  1862. "Crossing Snakes" is missing MaxRank
  1863. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Tradable
  1864. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Transmutable
  1865. "Crossing Snakes" is missing Type
  1866. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing BaseDrain
  1867. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Description
  1868. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Icon
  1869. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing InternalName
  1870. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Introduced
  1871. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Link
  1872. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing MaxRank
  1873. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Tradable
  1874. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Transmutable
  1875. "Crowd Dispersion" is missing Type
  1876. "Crushing Ruin" is missing BaseDrain
  1877. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Description
  1878. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Icon
  1879. "Crushing Ruin" is missing InternalName
  1880. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Introduced
  1881. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Link
  1882. "Crushing Ruin" is missing MaxRank
  1883. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Tradable
  1884. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Transmutable
  1885. "Crushing Ruin" is missing Type
  1886. "Cryo Coating" is missing BaseDrain
  1887. "Cryo Coating" is missing Description
  1888. "Cryo Coating" is missing Icon
  1889. "Cryo Coating" is missing InternalName
  1890. "Cryo Coating" is missing Introduced
  1891. "Cryo Coating" is missing Link
  1892. "Cryo Coating" is missing MaxRank
  1893. "Cryo Coating" is missing Tradable
  1894. "Cryo Coating" is missing Transmutable
  1895. "Cryo Coating" is missing Type
  1896. "Cryo Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  1897. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Description
  1898. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Icon
  1899. "Cryo Rounds" is missing InternalName
  1900. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Introduced
  1901. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Link
  1902. "Cryo Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  1903. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Tradable
  1904. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Transmutable
  1905. "Cryo Rounds" is missing Type
  1906. "Cunning Aspect" is missing BaseDrain
  1907. "Cunning Aspect" is missing Description
  1908. "Cunning Aspect" is missing Icon
  1909. "Cunning Aspect" is missing InternalName
  1910. "Cunning Aspect" is missing Introduced
  1911. "Cunning Aspect" is missing Link
  1912. "Cunning Aspect" is missing MaxRank
  1913. "Cunning Aspect" is missing Tradable
  1914. "Cunning Aspect" is missing Type
  1915. "Cunning Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  1916. "Cunning Drift" is missing Description
  1917. "Cunning Drift" is missing Icon
  1918. "Cunning Drift" is missing InternalName
  1919. "Cunning Drift" is missing Link
  1920. "Cunning Drift" is missing MaxRank
  1921. "Cunning Drift" is missing Tradable
  1922. "Cunning Drift" is missing Type
  1923. "Curative Undertow" is missing BaseDrain
  1924. "Curative Undertow" is missing Description
  1925. "Curative Undertow" is missing Icon
  1926. "Curative Undertow" is missing InternalName
  1927. "Curative Undertow" is missing Introduced
  1928. "Curative Undertow" is missing Link
  1929. "Curative Undertow" is missing MaxRank
  1930. "Curative Undertow" is missing Tradable
  1931. "Curative Undertow" is missing Type
  1932. "Cutting Edge" is missing BaseDrain
  1933. "Cutting Edge" is missing Description
  1934. "Cutting Edge" is missing Icon
  1935. "Cutting Edge" is missing InternalName
  1936. "Cutting Edge" is missing Introduced
  1937. "Cutting Edge" is missing Link
  1938. "Cutting Edge" is missing MaxRank
  1939. "Cutting Edge" is missing Tradable
  1940. "Cutting Edge" is missing Transmutable
  1941. "Cutting Edge" is missing Type
  1942. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing BaseDrain
  1943. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Description
  1944. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Icon
  1945. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing InternalName
  1946. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Introduced
  1947. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Link
  1948. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing MaxRank
  1949. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Tradable
  1950. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Transmutable
  1951. "Cyclone Kraken" is missing Type
  1952. "Damzav-Vati" is missing BaseDrain
  1953. "Damzav-Vati" is missing Description
  1954. "Damzav-Vati" is missing Icon
  1955. "Damzav-Vati" is missing InternalName
  1956. "Damzav-Vati" is missing Link
  1957. "Damzav-Vati" is missing MaxRank
  1958. "Damzav-Vati" is missing Tradable
  1959. "Damzav-Vati" is missing Type
  1960. "Dead Eye" is missing BaseDrain
  1961. "Dead Eye" is missing Description
  1962. "Dead Eye" is missing Icon
  1963. "Dead Eye" is missing InternalName
  1964. "Dead Eye" is missing Link
  1965. "Dead Eye" is missing MaxRank
  1966. "Dead Eye" is missing Tradable
  1967. "Dead Eye" is missing Type
  1968. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing BaseDrain
  1969. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Description
  1970. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Icon
  1971. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing InternalName
  1972. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Introduced
  1973. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Link
  1974. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing MaxRank
  1975. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Tradable
  1976. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Transmutable
  1977. "Deadly Efficiency" is missing Type
  1978. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing BaseDrain
  1979. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing Description
  1980. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing Icon
  1981. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing InternalName
  1982. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing Introduced
  1983. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing Link
  1984. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing MaxRank
  1985. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing Tradable
  1986. "Deadly Maneuvers" is missing Type
  1987. "Deadly Sequence" is missing BaseDrain
  1988. "Deadly Sequence" is missing Description
  1989. "Deadly Sequence" is missing Icon
  1990. "Deadly Sequence" is missing InternalName
  1991. "Deadly Sequence" is missing Introduced
  1992. "Deadly Sequence" is missing Link
  1993. "Deadly Sequence" is missing MaxRank
  1994. "Deadly Sequence" is missing Tradable
  1995. "Deadly Sequence" is missing Type
  1996. "Deceptive Bond" is missing BaseDrain
  1997. "Deceptive Bond" is missing Description
  1998. "Deceptive Bond" is missing Icon
  1999. "Deceptive Bond" is missing InternalName
  2000. "Deceptive Bond" is missing Link
  2001. "Deceptive Bond" is missing MaxRank
  2002. "Deceptive Bond" is missing Tradable
  2003. "Deceptive Bond" is missing Type
  2004. "Decisive Judgement" is missing BaseDrain
  2005. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Description
  2006. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Icon
  2007. "Decisive Judgement" is missing InternalName
  2008. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Introduced
  2009. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Link
  2010. "Decisive Judgement" is missing MaxRank
  2011. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Tradable
  2012. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Transmutable
  2013. "Decisive Judgement" is missing Type
  2014. "Deep Freeze" is missing BaseDrain
  2015. "Deep Freeze" is missing Description
  2016. "Deep Freeze" is missing Icon
  2017. "Deep Freeze" is missing InternalName
  2018. "Deep Freeze" is missing Introduced
  2019. "Deep Freeze" is missing Link
  2020. "Deep Freeze" is missing MaxRank
  2021. "Deep Freeze" is missing Tradable
  2022. "Deep Freeze" is missing Transmutable
  2023. "Deep Freeze" is missing Type
  2024. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing BaseDrain
  2025. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing Description
  2026. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing Icon
  2027. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing InternalName
  2028. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing Introduced
  2029. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing Link
  2030. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing MaxRank
  2031. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing Tradable
  2032. "Defiled Reckoning" is missing Type
  2033. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing BaseDrain
  2034. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Description
  2035. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Icon
  2036. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing InternalName
  2037. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Introduced
  2038. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Link
  2039. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing MaxRank
  2040. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Tradable
  2041. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Transmutable
  2042. "Defiled Snapdragon" is missing Type
  2043. "Deft Tempo" is missing BaseDrain
  2044. "Deft Tempo" is missing Description
  2045. "Deft Tempo" is missing Icon
  2046. "Deft Tempo" is missing InternalName
  2047. "Deft Tempo" is missing Introduced
  2048. "Deft Tempo" is missing Link
  2049. "Deft Tempo" is missing MaxRank
  2050. "Deft Tempo" is missing Tradable
  2051. "Deft Tempo" is missing Type
  2052. "Depleted Reload" is missing BaseDrain
  2053. "Depleted Reload" is missing Description
  2054. "Depleted Reload" is missing Icon
  2055. "Depleted Reload" is missing InternalName
  2056. "Depleted Reload" is missing Link
  2057. "Depleted Reload" is missing MaxRank
  2058. "Depleted Reload" is missing Tradable
  2059. "Depleted Reload" is missing Type
  2060. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing BaseDrain
  2061. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing Description
  2062. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing Icon
  2063. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing InternalName
  2064. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing Introduced
  2065. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing Link
  2066. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing MaxRank
  2067. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing Tradable
  2068. "Desiccation's Curse" is missing Type
  2069. "Despoil" is missing BaseDrain
  2070. "Despoil" is missing Description
  2071. "Despoil" is missing Icon
  2072. "Despoil" is missing InternalName
  2073. "Despoil" is missing Introduced
  2074. "Despoil" is missing Link
  2075. "Despoil" is missing MaxRank
  2076. "Despoil" is missing Tradable
  2077. "Despoil" is missing Type
  2078. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing BaseDrain
  2079. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing Description
  2080. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing Icon
  2081. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing InternalName
  2082. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing Introduced
  2083. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing Link
  2084. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing MaxRank
  2085. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing Tradable
  2086. "Detect Vulnerability" is missing Type
  2087. "Diamond Skin" is missing BaseDrain
  2088. "Diamond Skin" is missing Description
  2089. "Diamond Skin" is missing Icon
  2090. "Diamond Skin" is missing InternalName
  2091. "Diamond Skin" is missing Introduced
  2092. "Diamond Skin" is missing Link
  2093. "Diamond Skin" is missing MaxRank
  2094. "Diamond Skin" is missing Tradable
  2095. "Diamond Skin" is missing Transmutable
  2096. "Diamond Skin" is missing Type
  2097. "Dig" is missing BaseDrain
  2098. "Dig" is missing Description
  2099. "Dig" is missing Icon
  2100. "Dig" is missing InternalName
  2101. "Dig" is missing Introduced
  2102. "Dig" is missing Link
  2103. "Dig" is missing MaxRank
  2104. "Dig" is missing Tradable
  2105. "Dig" is missing Transmutable
  2106. "Dig" is missing Type
  2107. "Directed Convergence" is missing BaseDrain
  2108. "Directed Convergence" is missing Description
  2109. "Directed Convergence" is missing Icon
  2110. "Directed Convergence" is missing InternalName
  2111. "Directed Convergence" is missing Introduced
  2112. "Directed Convergence" is missing Link
  2113. "Directed Convergence" is missing MaxRank
  2114. "Directed Convergence" is missing Tradable
  2115. "Directed Convergence" is missing Type
  2116. "Disarming Purity" is missing BaseDrain
  2117. "Disarming Purity" is missing Description
  2118. "Disarming Purity" is missing Icon
  2119. "Disarming Purity" is missing InternalName
  2120. "Disarming Purity" is missing Introduced
  2121. "Disarming Purity" is missing Link
  2122. "Disarming Purity" is missing MaxRank
  2123. "Disarming Purity" is missing Tradable
  2124. "Disarming Purity" is missing Type
  2125. "Discharge Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  2126. "Discharge Strike" is missing Description
  2127. "Discharge Strike" is missing Icon
  2128. "Discharge Strike" is missing InternalName
  2129. "Discharge Strike" is missing Introduced
  2130. "Discharge Strike" is missing Link
  2131. "Discharge Strike" is missing MaxRank
  2132. "Discharge Strike" is missing Tradable
  2133. "Discharge Strike" is missing Type
  2134. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing BaseDrain
  2135. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Description
  2136. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Icon
  2137. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing InternalName
  2138. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Introduced
  2139. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Link
  2140. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing MaxRank
  2141. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Tradable
  2142. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Transmutable
  2143. "Dispatch Overdrive" is missing Type
  2144. "Disruptor" is missing BaseDrain
  2145. "Disruptor" is missing Description
  2146. "Disruptor" is missing Icon
  2147. "Disruptor" is missing InternalName
  2148. "Disruptor" is missing Link
  2149. "Disruptor" is missing MaxRank
  2150. "Disruptor" is missing Tradable
  2151. "Disruptor" is missing Transmutable
  2152. "Disruptor" is missing Type
  2153. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing BaseDrain
  2154. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing Description
  2155. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing Icon
  2156. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing InternalName
  2157. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing Introduced
  2158. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing Link
  2159. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing MaxRank
  2160. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing Tradable
  2161. "Divebomb Vortex" is missing Type
  2162. "Dividing Blades" is missing BaseDrain
  2163. "Dividing Blades" is missing Description
  2164. "Dividing Blades" is missing Icon
  2165. "Dividing Blades" is missing InternalName
  2166. "Dividing Blades" is missing Introduced
  2167. "Dividing Blades" is missing Link
  2168. "Dividing Blades" is missing MaxRank
  2169. "Dividing Blades" is missing Tradable
  2170. "Dividing Blades" is missing Type
  2171. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  2172. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing Description
  2173. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing Icon
  2174. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing InternalName
  2175. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing Introduced
  2176. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing Link
  2177. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  2178. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing Tradable
  2179. "Dizzying Rounds" is missing Type
  2180. "Double Tap" is missing BaseDrain
  2181. "Double Tap" is missing Description
  2182. "Double Tap" is missing Icon
  2183. "Double Tap" is missing InternalName
  2184. "Double Tap" is missing Link
  2185. "Double Tap" is missing MaxRank
  2186. "Double Tap" is missing Tradable
  2187. "Double Tap" is missing Type
  2188. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  2189. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing Description
  2190. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing Icon
  2191. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing InternalName
  2192. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing Introduced
  2193. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing Link
  2194. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing MaxRank
  2195. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing Tradable
  2196. "Double-Barrel Drift" is missing Type
  2197. "Draining Bite" is missing BaseDrain
  2198. "Draining Bite" is missing Description
  2199. "Draining Bite" is missing Icon
  2200. "Draining Bite" is missing InternalName
  2201. "Draining Bite" is missing Introduced
  2202. "Draining Bite" is missing Link
  2203. "Draining Bite" is missing MaxRank
  2204. "Draining Bite" is missing Tradable
  2205. "Draining Bite" is missing Type
  2206. "Draining Gloom" is missing BaseDrain
  2207. "Draining Gloom" is missing Description
  2208. "Draining Gloom" is missing Icon
  2209. "Draining Gloom" is missing InternalName
  2210. "Draining Gloom" is missing Introduced
  2211. "Draining Gloom" is missing Link
  2212. "Draining Gloom" is missing MaxRank
  2213. "Draining Gloom" is missing Tradable
  2214. "Draining Gloom" is missing Type
  2215. "Dread Ward" is missing BaseDrain
  2216. "Dread Ward" is missing Description
  2217. "Dread Ward" is missing Icon
  2218. "Dread Ward" is missing InternalName
  2219. "Dread Ward" is missing Introduced
  2220. "Dread Ward" is missing Link
  2221. "Dread Ward" is missing MaxRank
  2222. "Dread Ward" is missing Tradable
  2223. "Dread Ward" is missing Type
  2224. "Drifting Contact" is missing BaseDrain
  2225. "Drifting Contact" is missing Description
  2226. "Drifting Contact" is missing Icon
  2227. "Drifting Contact" is missing InternalName
  2228. "Drifting Contact" is missing Introduced
  2229. "Drifting Contact" is missing Link
  2230. "Drifting Contact" is missing MaxRank
  2231. "Drifting Contact" is missing Tradable
  2232. "Drifting Contact" is missing Type
  2233. "Dual Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  2234. "Dual Rounds" is missing Description
  2235. "Dual Rounds" is missing Icon
  2236. "Dual Rounds" is missing InternalName
  2237. "Dual Rounds" is missing Introduced
  2238. "Dual Rounds" is missing Link
  2239. "Dual Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  2240. "Dual Rounds" is missing Tradable
  2241. "Dual Rounds" is missing Type
  2242. "Duality" is missing BaseDrain
  2243. "Duality" is missing Description
  2244. "Duality" is missing Icon
  2245. "Duality" is missing InternalName
  2246. "Duality" is missing Link
  2247. "Duality" is missing MaxRank
  2248. "Duality" is missing Tradable
  2249. "Duality" is missing Type
  2250. "EMP Aura" is missing BaseDrain
  2251. "EMP Aura" is missing Description
  2252. "EMP Aura" is missing Icon
  2253. "EMP Aura" is missing InternalName
  2254. "EMP Aura" is missing Introduced
  2255. "EMP Aura" is missing Link
  2256. "EMP Aura" is missing MaxRank
  2257. "EMP Aura" is missing Tradable
  2258. "EMP Aura" is missing Type
  2259. "Eagle Eye" is missing BaseDrain
  2260. "Eagle Eye" is missing Description
  2261. "Eagle Eye" is missing Icon
  2262. "Eagle Eye" is missing InternalName
  2263. "Eagle Eye" is missing Introduced
  2264. "Eagle Eye" is missing Link
  2265. "Eagle Eye" is missing MaxRank
  2266. "Eagle Eye" is missing Tradable
  2267. "Eagle Eye" is missing Type
  2268. "Efficient Beams" is missing BaseDrain
  2269. "Efficient Beams" is missing Description
  2270. "Efficient Beams" is missing Icon
  2271. "Efficient Beams" is missing InternalName
  2272. "Efficient Beams" is missing Introduced
  2273. "Efficient Beams" is missing Link
  2274. "Efficient Beams" is missing MaxRank
  2275. "Efficient Beams" is missing Tradable
  2276. "Efficient Beams" is missing Type
  2277. "Efficient Transferral" is missing BaseDrain
  2278. "Efficient Transferral" is missing Description
  2279. "Efficient Transferral" is missing Icon
  2280. "Efficient Transferral" is missing InternalName
  2281. "Efficient Transferral" is missing Introduced
  2282. "Efficient Transferral" is missing Link
  2283. "Efficient Transferral" is missing MaxRank
  2284. "Efficient Transferral" is missing Tradable
  2285. "Efficient Transferral" is missing Type
  2286. "Eject Magazine" is missing BaseDrain
  2287. "Eject Magazine" is missing Description
  2288. "Eject Magazine" is missing Icon
  2289. "Eject Magazine" is missing InternalName
  2290. "Eject Magazine" is missing Introduced
  2291. "Eject Magazine" is missing Link
  2292. "Eject Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  2293. "Eject Magazine" is missing Tradable
  2294. "Eject Magazine" is missing Type
  2295. "Electrical Resistance" is missing BaseDrain
  2296. "Electrical Resistance" is missing Description
  2297. "Electrical Resistance" is missing Icon
  2298. "Electrical Resistance" is missing InternalName
  2299. "Electrical Resistance" is missing Introduced
  2300. "Electrical Resistance" is missing Link
  2301. "Electrical Resistance" is missing MaxRank
  2302. "Electrical Resistance" is missing Tradable
  2303. "Electrical Resistance" is missing Type
  2304. "Electrified Barrel" is missing BaseDrain
  2305. "Electrified Barrel" is missing Description
  2306. "Electrified Barrel" is missing Icon
  2307. "Electrified Barrel" is missing InternalName
  2308. "Electrified Barrel" is missing Link
  2309. "Electrified Barrel" is missing MaxRank
  2310. "Electrified Barrel" is missing Tradable
  2311. "Electrified Barrel" is missing Type
  2312. "Electro Pulse" is missing BaseDrain
  2313. "Electro Pulse" is missing Description
  2314. "Electro Pulse" is missing Icon
  2315. "Electro Pulse" is missing InternalName
  2316. "Electro Pulse" is missing Introduced
  2317. "Electro Pulse" is missing Link
  2318. "Electro Pulse" is missing MaxRank
  2319. "Electro Pulse" is missing Tradable
  2320. "Electro Pulse" is missing Type
  2321. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing BaseDrain
  2322. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing Description
  2323. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing Icon
  2324. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing InternalName
  2325. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing Introduced
  2326. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing Link
  2327. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing MaxRank
  2328. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing Tradable
  2329. "Electromagnetic Shielding" is missing Type
  2330. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing BaseDrain
  2331. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing Description
  2332. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing Icon
  2333. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing InternalName
  2334. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing Introduced
  2335. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing Link
  2336. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing MaxRank
  2337. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing Tradable
  2338. "Elemental Sandstorm" is missing Type
  2339. "Eleventh Storm" is missing BaseDrain
  2340. "Eleventh Storm" is missing Description
  2341. "Eleventh Storm" is missing Icon
  2342. "Eleventh Storm" is missing InternalName
  2343. "Eleventh Storm" is missing Introduced
  2344. "Eleventh Storm" is missing Link
  2345. "Eleventh Storm" is missing MaxRank
  2346. "Eleventh Storm" is missing Tradable
  2347. "Eleventh Storm" is missing Type
  2348. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing BaseDrain
  2349. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing Description
  2350. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing Icon
  2351. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing InternalName
  2352. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing Introduced
  2353. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing Link
  2354. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing MaxRank
  2355. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing Tradable
  2356. "Embedded Catalyzer" is missing Type
  2357. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing BaseDrain
  2358. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing Description
  2359. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing Icon
  2360. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing InternalName
  2361. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing Introduced
  2362. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing Link
  2363. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing MaxRank
  2364. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing Tradable
  2365. "Emergent Aftermath" is missing Type
  2366. "Empowered Blades" is missing BaseDrain
  2367. "Empowered Blades" is missing Description
  2368. "Empowered Blades" is missing Icon
  2369. "Empowered Blades" is missing InternalName
  2370. "Empowered Blades" is missing Introduced
  2371. "Empowered Blades" is missing Link
  2372. "Empowered Blades" is missing MaxRank
  2373. "Empowered Blades" is missing Tradable
  2374. "Empowered Blades" is missing Type
  2375. "Empowered Quiver" is missing BaseDrain
  2376. "Empowered Quiver" is missing Description
  2377. "Empowered Quiver" is missing Icon
  2378. "Empowered Quiver" is missing InternalName
  2379. "Empowered Quiver" is missing Introduced
  2380. "Empowered Quiver" is missing Link
  2381. "Empowered Quiver" is missing MaxRank
  2382. "Empowered Quiver" is missing Tradable
  2383. "Empowered Quiver" is missing Type
  2384. "Endless Lullaby" is missing BaseDrain
  2385. "Endless Lullaby" is missing Description
  2386. "Endless Lullaby" is missing Icon
  2387. "Endless Lullaby" is missing InternalName
  2388. "Endless Lullaby" is missing Introduced
  2389. "Endless Lullaby" is missing Link
  2390. "Endless Lullaby" is missing MaxRank
  2391. "Endless Lullaby" is missing Tradable
  2392. "Endless Lullaby" is missing Type
  2393. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing BaseDrain
  2394. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing Description
  2395. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing Icon
  2396. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing InternalName
  2397. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing Link
  2398. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing MaxRank
  2399. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing Tradable
  2400. "Endoparasitic Vector" is missing Type
  2401. "Endurance Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  2402. "Endurance Drift" is missing Description
  2403. "Endurance Drift" is missing Icon
  2404. "Endurance Drift" is missing InternalName
  2405. "Endurance Drift" is missing Link
  2406. "Endurance Drift" is missing MaxRank
  2407. "Endurance Drift" is missing Tradable
  2408. "Endurance Drift" is missing Type
  2409. "Enduring Affliction" is missing BaseDrain
  2410. "Enduring Affliction" is missing Description
  2411. "Enduring Affliction" is missing Icon
  2412. "Enduring Affliction" is missing InternalName
  2413. "Enduring Affliction" is missing Introduced
  2414. "Enduring Affliction" is missing Link
  2415. "Enduring Affliction" is missing MaxRank
  2416. "Enduring Affliction" is missing Tradable
  2417. "Enduring Affliction" is missing Type
  2418. "Enduring Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  2419. "Enduring Strike" is missing Description
  2420. "Enduring Strike" is missing Icon
  2421. "Enduring Strike" is missing InternalName
  2422. "Enduring Strike" is missing Introduced
  2423. "Enduring Strike" is missing Link
  2424. "Enduring Strike" is missing MaxRank
  2425. "Enduring Strike" is missing Tradable
  2426. "Enduring Strike" is missing Type
  2427. "Enemy Radar" is missing BaseDrain
  2428. "Enemy Radar" is missing Description
  2429. "Enemy Radar" is missing Icon
  2430. "Enemy Radar" is missing InternalName
  2431. "Enemy Radar" is missing Introduced
  2432. "Enemy Radar" is missing Link
  2433. "Enemy Radar" is missing MaxRank
  2434. "Enemy Radar" is missing Tradable
  2435. "Enemy Radar" is missing Type
  2436. "Enemy Sense" is missing BaseDrain
  2437. "Enemy Sense" is missing Description
  2438. "Enemy Sense" is missing Icon
  2439. "Enemy Sense" is missing InternalName
  2440. "Enemy Sense" is missing Introduced
  2441. "Enemy Sense" is missing Link
  2442. "Enemy Sense" is missing MaxRank
  2443. "Enemy Sense" is missing Tradable
  2444. "Enemy Sense" is missing Transmutable
  2445. "Enemy Sense" is missing Type
  2446. "Energizing Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  2447. "Energizing Shot" is missing Description
  2448. "Energizing Shot" is missing Icon
  2449. "Energizing Shot" is missing InternalName
  2450. "Energizing Shot" is missing Introduced
  2451. "Energizing Shot" is missing Link
  2452. "Energizing Shot" is missing MaxRank
  2453. "Energizing Shot" is missing Tradable
  2454. "Energizing Shot" is missing Type
  2455. "Energy Amplifier" is missing BaseDrain
  2456. "Energy Amplifier" is missing Description
  2457. "Energy Amplifier" is missing Icon
  2458. "Energy Amplifier" is missing InternalName
  2459. "Energy Amplifier" is missing Introduced
  2460. "Energy Amplifier" is missing Link
  2461. "Energy Amplifier" is missing MaxRank
  2462. "Energy Amplifier" is missing Tradable
  2463. "Energy Amplifier" is missing Type
  2464. "Energy Channel" is missing BaseDrain
  2465. "Energy Channel" is missing Description
  2466. "Energy Channel" is missing Icon
  2467. "Energy Channel" is missing InternalName
  2468. "Energy Channel" is missing Introduced
  2469. "Energy Channel" is missing Link
  2470. "Energy Channel" is missing MaxRank
  2471. "Energy Channel" is missing Tradable
  2472. "Energy Channel" is missing Type
  2473. "Energy Conversion" is missing BaseDrain
  2474. "Energy Conversion" is missing Description
  2475. "Energy Conversion" is missing Icon
  2476. "Energy Conversion" is missing InternalName
  2477. "Energy Conversion" is missing Introduced
  2478. "Energy Conversion" is missing Link
  2479. "Energy Conversion" is missing MaxRank
  2480. "Energy Conversion" is missing Tradable
  2481. "Energy Conversion" is missing Type
  2482. "Energy Field" is missing BaseDrain
  2483. "Energy Field" is missing Description
  2484. "Energy Field" is missing Icon
  2485. "Energy Field" is missing InternalName
  2486. "Energy Field" is missing Introduced
  2487. "Energy Field" is missing Link
  2488. "Energy Field" is missing MaxRank
  2489. "Energy Field" is missing Tradable
  2490. "Energy Field" is missing Transmutable
  2491. "Energy Field" is missing Type
  2492. "Energy Generator" is missing BaseDrain
  2493. "Energy Generator" is missing Description
  2494. "Energy Generator" is missing Icon
  2495. "Energy Generator" is missing InternalName
  2496. "Energy Generator" is missing Introduced
  2497. "Energy Generator" is missing Link
  2498. "Energy Generator" is missing MaxRank
  2499. "Energy Generator" is missing Tradable
  2500. "Energy Generator" is missing Type
  2501. "Energy Inversion" is missing BaseDrain
  2502. "Energy Inversion" is missing Description
  2503. "Energy Inversion" is missing Icon
  2504. "Energy Inversion" is missing InternalName
  2505. "Energy Inversion" is missing Introduced
  2506. "Energy Inversion" is missing Link
  2507. "Energy Inversion" is missing MaxRank
  2508. "Energy Inversion" is missing Tradable
  2509. "Energy Inversion" is missing Type
  2510. "Energy Siphon" is missing BaseDrain
  2511. "Energy Siphon" is missing Description
  2512. "Energy Siphon" is missing Icon
  2513. "Energy Siphon" is missing InternalName
  2514. "Energy Siphon" is missing Introduced
  2515. "Energy Siphon" is missing Link
  2516. "Energy Siphon" is missing MaxRank
  2517. "Energy Siphon" is missing Tradable
  2518. "Energy Siphon" is missing Type
  2519. "Energy Transfer" is missing BaseDrain
  2520. "Energy Transfer" is missing Description
  2521. "Energy Transfer" is missing Icon
  2522. "Energy Transfer" is missing InternalName
  2523. "Energy Transfer" is missing Introduced
  2524. "Energy Transfer" is missing Link
  2525. "Energy Transfer" is missing MaxRank
  2526. "Energy Transfer" is missing Tradable
  2527. "Energy Transfer" is missing Type
  2528. "Enhanced Durability" is missing BaseDrain
  2529. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Description
  2530. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Icon
  2531. "Enhanced Durability" is missing InternalName
  2532. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Introduced
  2533. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Link
  2534. "Enhanced Durability" is missing MaxRank
  2535. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Tradable
  2536. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Transmutable
  2537. "Enhanced Durability" is missing Type
  2538. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing BaseDrain
  2539. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Description
  2540. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Icon
  2541. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing InternalName
  2542. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Introduced
  2543. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Link
  2544. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing MaxRank
  2545. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Tradable
  2546. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Transmutable
  2547. "Enhanced Vitality" is missing Type
  2548. "Enraged" is missing BaseDrain
  2549. "Enraged" is missing Description
  2550. "Enraged" is missing Icon
  2551. "Enraged" is missing InternalName
  2552. "Enraged" is missing Introduced
  2553. "Enraged" is missing Link
  2554. "Enraged" is missing MaxRank
  2555. "Enraged" is missing Tradable
  2556. "Enraged" is missing Type
  2557. "Entropy Burst" is missing BaseDrain
  2558. "Entropy Burst" is missing Description
  2559. "Entropy Burst" is missing Icon
  2560. "Entropy Burst" is missing InternalName
  2561. "Entropy Burst" is missing Introduced
  2562. "Entropy Burst" is missing Link
  2563. "Entropy Burst" is missing MaxRank
  2564. "Entropy Burst" is missing Tradable
  2565. "Entropy Burst" is missing Type
  2566. "Entropy Detonation" is missing BaseDrain
  2567. "Entropy Detonation" is missing Description
  2568. "Entropy Detonation" is missing Icon
  2569. "Entropy Detonation" is missing InternalName
  2570. "Entropy Detonation" is missing Introduced
  2571. "Entropy Detonation" is missing Link
  2572. "Entropy Detonation" is missing MaxRank
  2573. "Entropy Detonation" is missing Tradable
  2574. "Entropy Detonation" is missing Type
  2575. "Entropy Flight" is missing BaseDrain
  2576. "Entropy Flight" is missing Description
  2577. "Entropy Flight" is missing Icon
  2578. "Entropy Flight" is missing InternalName
  2579. "Entropy Flight" is missing Introduced
  2580. "Entropy Flight" is missing Link
  2581. "Entropy Flight" is missing MaxRank
  2582. "Entropy Flight" is missing Tradable
  2583. "Entropy Flight" is missing Type
  2584. "Entropy Spike" is missing BaseDrain
  2585. "Entropy Spike" is missing Description
  2586. "Entropy Spike" is missing Icon
  2587. "Entropy Spike" is missing InternalName
  2588. "Entropy Spike" is missing Introduced
  2589. "Entropy Spike" is missing Link
  2590. "Entropy Spike" is missing MaxRank
  2591. "Entropy Spike" is missing Tradable
  2592. "Entropy Spike" is missing Type
  2593. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing BaseDrain
  2594. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing Description
  2595. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing Icon
  2596. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing InternalName
  2597. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing Introduced
  2598. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing Link
  2599. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing MaxRank
  2600. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing Tradable
  2601. "Enveloping Cloud" is missing Type
  2602. "Equilibrium" is missing BaseDrain
  2603. "Equilibrium" is missing Description
  2604. "Equilibrium" is missing Icon
  2605. "Equilibrium" is missing InternalName
  2606. "Equilibrium" is missing Introduced
  2607. "Equilibrium" is missing Link
  2608. "Equilibrium" is missing MaxRank
  2609. "Equilibrium" is missing Tradable
  2610. "Equilibrium" is missing Transmutable
  2611. "Equilibrium" is missing Type
  2612. "Eroding Blight" is missing BaseDrain
  2613. "Eroding Blight" is missing Description
  2614. "Eroding Blight" is missing Icon
  2615. "Eroding Blight" is missing InternalName
  2616. "Eroding Blight" is missing Link
  2617. "Eroding Blight" is missing MaxRank
  2618. "Eroding Blight" is missing Tradable
  2619. "Eroding Blight" is missing Type
  2620. "Escape Velocity" is missing BaseDrain
  2621. "Escape Velocity" is missing Description
  2622. "Escape Velocity" is missing Icon
  2623. "Escape Velocity" is missing InternalName
  2624. "Escape Velocity" is missing Introduced
  2625. "Escape Velocity" is missing Link
  2626. "Escape Velocity" is missing MaxRank
  2627. "Escape Velocity" is missing Tradable
  2628. "Escape Velocity" is missing Type
  2629. "Eternal War" is missing BaseDrain
  2630. "Eternal War" is missing Description
  2631. "Eternal War" is missing Icon
  2632. "Eternal War" is missing InternalName
  2633. "Eternal War" is missing Introduced
  2634. "Eternal War" is missing Link
  2635. "Eternal War" is missing MaxRank
  2636. "Eternal War" is missing Tradable
  2637. "Eternal War" is missing Type
  2638. "Everlasting Ward" is missing BaseDrain
  2639. "Everlasting Ward" is missing Description
  2640. "Everlasting Ward" is missing Icon
  2641. "Everlasting Ward" is missing InternalName
  2642. "Everlasting Ward" is missing Introduced
  2643. "Everlasting Ward" is missing Link
  2644. "Everlasting Ward" is missing MaxRank
  2645. "Everlasting Ward" is missing Tradable
  2646. "Everlasting Ward" is missing Type
  2647. "Exalted Blade" is missing BaseDrain
  2648. "Exalted Blade" is missing Description
  2649. "Exalted Blade" is missing Icon
  2650. "Exalted Blade" is missing InternalName
  2651. "Exalted Blade" is missing Introduced
  2652. "Exalted Blade" is missing Link
  2653. "Exalted Blade" is missing MaxRank
  2654. "Exalted Blade" is missing Polarity
  2655. "Exalted Blade" is missing Rarity
  2656. "Exalted Blade" is missing Tradable
  2657. "Exalted Blade" is missing Type
  2658. "Exothermic" is missing BaseDrain
  2659. "Exothermic" is missing Description
  2660. "Exothermic" is missing Icon
  2661. "Exothermic" is missing InternalName
  2662. "Exothermic" is missing Introduced
  2663. "Exothermic" is missing Link
  2664. "Exothermic" is missing MaxRank
  2665. "Exothermic" is missing Tradable
  2666. "Exothermic" is missing Type
  2667. "Expel Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  2668. "Expel Corpus" is missing Description
  2669. "Expel Corpus" is missing Icon
  2670. "Expel Corpus" is missing InternalName
  2671. "Expel Corpus" is missing Introduced
  2672. "Expel Corpus" is missing Link
  2673. "Expel Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  2674. "Expel Corpus" is missing Tradable
  2675. "Expel Corpus" is missing Transmutable
  2676. "Expel Corpus" is missing Type
  2677. "Expel Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  2678. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Description
  2679. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Icon
  2680. "Expel Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  2681. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  2682. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Link
  2683. "Expel Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  2684. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  2685. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Transmutable
  2686. "Expel Corrupted" is missing Type
  2687. "Expel Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  2688. "Expel Grineer" is missing Description
  2689. "Expel Grineer" is missing Icon
  2690. "Expel Grineer" is missing InternalName
  2691. "Expel Grineer" is missing Introduced
  2692. "Expel Grineer" is missing Link
  2693. "Expel Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  2694. "Expel Grineer" is missing Tradable
  2695. "Expel Grineer" is missing Transmutable
  2696. "Expel Grineer" is missing Type
  2697. "Expel Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  2698. "Expel Infested" is missing Description
  2699. "Expel Infested" is missing Icon
  2700. "Expel Infested" is missing InternalName
  2701. "Expel Infested" is missing Introduced
  2702. "Expel Infested" is missing Link
  2703. "Expel Infested" is missing MaxRank
  2704. "Expel Infested" is missing Tradable
  2705. "Expel Infested" is missing Transmutable
  2706. "Expel Infested" is missing Type
  2707. "Explosive Demise" is missing BaseDrain
  2708. "Explosive Demise" is missing Description
  2709. "Explosive Demise" is missing Icon
  2710. "Explosive Demise" is missing InternalName
  2711. "Explosive Demise" is missing Introduced
  2712. "Explosive Demise" is missing Link
  2713. "Explosive Demise" is missing MaxRank
  2714. "Explosive Demise" is missing Tradable
  2715. "Explosive Demise" is missing Type
  2716. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing BaseDrain
  2717. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing Description
  2718. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing Icon
  2719. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing InternalName
  2720. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing Introduced
  2721. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing Link
  2722. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing MaxRank
  2723. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing Tradable
  2724. "Explosive Legerdemain" is missing Type
  2725. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing BaseDrain
  2726. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing Description
  2727. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing Icon
  2728. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing InternalName
  2729. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing Introduced
  2730. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing Link
  2731. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing MaxRank
  2732. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing Tradable
  2733. "Exposing Harpoon" is missing Type
  2734. "Extend" is missing BaseDrain
  2735. "Extend" is missing Description
  2736. "Extend" is missing Icon
  2737. "Extend" is missing InternalName
  2738. "Extend" is missing Introduced
  2739. "Extend" is missing Link
  2740. "Extend" is missing MaxRank
  2741. "Extend" is missing Tradable
  2742. "Extend" is missing Transmutable
  2743. "Extend" is missing Type
  2744. "Extreme Velocity" is missing BaseDrain
  2745. "Extreme Velocity" is missing Description
  2746. "Extreme Velocity" is missing Icon
  2747. "Extreme Velocity" is missing InternalName
  2748. "Extreme Velocity" is missing Introduced
  2749. "Extreme Velocity" is missing Link
  2750. "Extreme Velocity" is missing MaxRank
  2751. "Extreme Velocity" is missing Tradable
  2752. "Extreme Velocity" is missing Type
  2753. "Failsafe" is missing BaseDrain
  2754. "Failsafe" is missing Description
  2755. "Failsafe" is missing Icon
  2756. "Failsafe" is missing InternalName
  2757. "Failsafe" is missing Introduced
  2758. "Failsafe" is missing Link
  2759. "Failsafe" is missing MaxRank
  2760. "Failsafe" is missing Polarity
  2761. "Failsafe" is missing Tradable
  2762. "Failsafe" is missing Type
  2763. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing BaseDrain
  2764. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing Description
  2765. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing Icon
  2766. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing InternalName
  2767. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing Introduced
  2768. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing Link
  2769. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing MaxRank
  2770. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing Tradable
  2771. "Fanged Fusillade" is missing Type
  2772. "Fass" is missing BaseDrain
  2773. "Fass" is missing Description
  2774. "Fass" is missing Icon
  2775. "Fass" is missing InternalName
  2776. "Fass" is missing Introduced
  2777. "Fass" is missing Link
  2778. "Fass" is missing MaxRank
  2779. "Fass" is missing Polarity
  2780. "Fass" is missing Tradable
  2781. "Fass" is missing Type
  2782. "Fast Deflection" is missing BaseDrain
  2783. "Fast Deflection" is missing Description
  2784. "Fast Deflection" is missing Icon
  2785. "Fast Deflection" is missing InternalName
  2786. "Fast Deflection" is missing Introduced
  2787. "Fast Deflection" is missing Link
  2788. "Fast Deflection" is missing MaxRank
  2789. "Fast Deflection" is missing Tradable
  2790. "Fast Deflection" is missing Transmutable
  2791. "Fast Deflection" is missing Type
  2792. "Fast Hands" is missing BaseDrain
  2793. "Fast Hands" is missing Description
  2794. "Fast Hands" is missing Icon
  2795. "Fast Hands" is missing InternalName
  2796. "Fast Hands" is missing Introduced
  2797. "Fast Hands" is missing Link
  2798. "Fast Hands" is missing MaxRank
  2799. "Fast Hands" is missing Tradable
  2800. "Fast Hands" is missing Transmutable
  2801. "Fast Hands" is missing Type
  2802. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing BaseDrain
  2803. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing Description
  2804. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing Icon
  2805. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing InternalName
  2806. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing Link
  2807. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing MaxRank
  2808. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing Tradable
  2809. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing Transmutable
  2810. "Fatal Acceleration" is missing Type
  2811. "Fatal Attraction" is missing BaseDrain
  2812. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Description
  2813. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Icon
  2814. "Fatal Attraction" is missing InternalName
  2815. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Introduced
  2816. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Link
  2817. "Fatal Attraction" is missing MaxRank
  2818. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Tradable
  2819. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Transmutable
  2820. "Fatal Attraction" is missing Type
  2821. "Fatal Teleport" is missing BaseDrain
  2822. "Fatal Teleport" is missing Description
  2823. "Fatal Teleport" is missing Icon
  2824. "Fatal Teleport" is missing InternalName
  2825. "Fatal Teleport" is missing Introduced
  2826. "Fatal Teleport" is missing Link
  2827. "Fatal Teleport" is missing MaxRank
  2828. "Fatal Teleport" is missing Tradable
  2829. "Fatal Teleport" is missing Type
  2830. "Fateful Truth" is missing BaseDrain
  2831. "Fateful Truth" is missing Description
  2832. "Fateful Truth" is missing Icon
  2833. "Fateful Truth" is missing InternalName
  2834. "Fateful Truth" is missing Introduced
  2835. "Fateful Truth" is missing Link
  2836. "Fateful Truth" is missing MaxRank
  2837. "Fateful Truth" is missing Tradable
  2838. "Fateful Truth" is missing Type
  2839. "Feathered Arrows" is missing BaseDrain
  2840. "Feathered Arrows" is missing Description
  2841. "Feathered Arrows" is missing Icon
  2842. "Feathered Arrows" is missing InternalName
  2843. "Feathered Arrows" is missing Introduced
  2844. "Feathered Arrows" is missing Link
  2845. "Feathered Arrows" is missing MaxRank
  2846. "Feathered Arrows" is missing Tradable
  2847. "Feathered Arrows" is missing Type
  2848. "Ferocity" is missing BaseDrain
  2849. "Ferocity" is missing Description
  2850. "Ferocity" is missing Icon
  2851. "Ferocity" is missing InternalName
  2852. "Ferocity" is missing Introduced
  2853. "Ferocity" is missing Link
  2854. "Ferocity" is missing MaxRank
  2855. "Ferocity" is missing Tradable
  2856. "Ferocity" is missing Transmutable
  2857. "Ferocity" is missing Type
  2858. "Fetch" is missing BaseDrain
  2859. "Fetch" is missing Description
  2860. "Fetch" is missing Icon
  2861. "Fetch" is missing InternalName
  2862. "Fetch" is missing Introduced
  2863. "Fetch" is missing Link
  2864. "Fetch" is missing MaxRank
  2865. "Fetch" is missing Tradable
  2866. "Fetch" is missing Transmutable
  2867. "Fetch" is missing Type
  2868. "Fever Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  2869. "Fever Strike" is missing Description
  2870. "Fever Strike" is missing Icon
  2871. "Fever Strike" is missing InternalName
  2872. "Fever Strike" is missing Link
  2873. "Fever Strike" is missing MaxRank
  2874. "Fever Strike" is missing Tradable
  2875. "Fever Strike" is missing Transmutable
  2876. "Fever Strike" is missing Type
  2877. "Final Act" is missing BaseDrain
  2878. "Final Act" is missing Description
  2879. "Final Act" is missing Icon
  2880. "Final Act" is missing InternalName
  2881. "Final Act" is missing Introduced
  2882. "Final Act" is missing Link
  2883. "Final Act" is missing MaxRank
  2884. "Final Act" is missing Tradable
  2885. "Final Act" is missing Type
  2886. "Final Harbinger" is missing BaseDrain
  2887. "Final Harbinger" is missing Description
  2888. "Final Harbinger" is missing Icon
  2889. "Final Harbinger" is missing InternalName
  2890. "Final Harbinger" is missing Introduced
  2891. "Final Harbinger" is missing Link
  2892. "Final Harbinger" is missing MaxRank
  2893. "Final Harbinger" is missing Tradable
  2894. "Final Harbinger" is missing Transmutable
  2895. "Final Harbinger" is missing Type
  2896. "Final Tap" is missing BaseDrain
  2897. "Final Tap" is missing Description
  2898. "Final Tap" is missing Icon
  2899. "Final Tap" is missing InternalName
  2900. "Final Tap" is missing Introduced
  2901. "Final Tap" is missing Link
  2902. "Final Tap" is missing MaxRank
  2903. "Final Tap" is missing Tradable
  2904. "Final Tap" is missing Type
  2905. "Finishing Touch" is missing BaseDrain
  2906. "Finishing Touch" is missing Description
  2907. "Finishing Touch" is missing Icon
  2908. "Finishing Touch" is missing InternalName
  2909. "Finishing Touch" is missing Link
  2910. "Finishing Touch" is missing MaxRank
  2911. "Finishing Touch" is missing Tradable
  2912. "Finishing Touch" is missing Transmutable
  2913. "Finishing Touch" is missing Type
  2914. "Fire Resistance" is missing BaseDrain
  2915. "Fire Resistance" is missing Description
  2916. "Fire Resistance" is missing Icon
  2917. "Fire Resistance" is missing InternalName
  2918. "Fire Resistance" is missing Introduced
  2919. "Fire Resistance" is missing Link
  2920. "Fire Resistance" is missing MaxRank
  2921. "Fire Resistance" is missing Tradable
  2922. "Fire Resistance" is missing Type
  2923. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing BaseDrain
  2924. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing Description
  2925. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing Icon
  2926. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing InternalName
  2927. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing Introduced
  2928. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing Link
  2929. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing MaxRank
  2930. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing Tradable
  2931. "Fireball Frenzy" is missing Type
  2932. "Fired Up" is missing BaseDrain
  2933. "Fired Up" is missing Description
  2934. "Fired Up" is missing Icon
  2935. "Fired Up" is missing InternalName
  2936. "Fired Up" is missing Introduced
  2937. "Fired Up" is missing Link
  2938. "Fired Up" is missing MaxRank
  2939. "Fired Up" is missing Tradable
  2940. "Fired Up" is missing Transmutable
  2941. "Fired Up" is missing Type
  2942. "Firestorm" is missing BaseDrain
  2943. "Firestorm" is missing Description
  2944. "Firestorm" is missing Icon
  2945. "Firestorm" is missing InternalName
  2946. "Firestorm" is missing Link
  2947. "Firestorm" is missing MaxRank
  2948. "Firestorm" is missing Tradable
  2949. "Firestorm" is missing Transmutable
  2950. "Firestorm" is missing Type
  2951. "Firewalker" is missing BaseDrain
  2952. "Firewalker" is missing Description
  2953. "Firewalker" is missing Icon
  2954. "Firewalker" is missing InternalName
  2955. "Firewalker" is missing Introduced
  2956. "Firewalker" is missing Link
  2957. "Firewalker" is missing MaxRank
  2958. "Firewalker" is missing Tradable
  2959. "Firewalker" is missing Transmutable
  2960. "Firewalker" is missing Type
  2961. "Flailing Branch" is missing BaseDrain
  2962. "Flailing Branch" is missing Description
  2963. "Flailing Branch" is missing Icon
  2964. "Flailing Branch" is missing InternalName
  2965. "Flailing Branch" is missing Introduced
  2966. "Flailing Branch" is missing Link
  2967. "Flailing Branch" is missing MaxRank
  2968. "Flailing Branch" is missing Tradable
  2969. "Flailing Branch" is missing Transmutable
  2970. "Flailing Branch" is missing Type
  2971. "Flak Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  2972. "Flak Shot" is missing Description
  2973. "Flak Shot" is missing Icon
  2974. "Flak Shot" is missing InternalName
  2975. "Flak Shot" is missing Introduced
  2976. "Flak Shot" is missing Link
  2977. "Flak Shot" is missing MaxRank
  2978. "Flak Shot" is missing Tradable
  2979. "Flak Shot" is missing Type
  2980. "Flame Gland" is missing BaseDrain
  2981. "Flame Gland" is missing Description
  2982. "Flame Gland" is missing Icon
  2983. "Flame Gland" is missing InternalName
  2984. "Flame Gland" is missing Link
  2985. "Flame Gland" is missing MaxRank
  2986. "Flame Gland" is missing Tradable
  2987. "Flame Gland" is missing Type
  2988. "Flame Repellent" is missing BaseDrain
  2989. "Flame Repellent" is missing Description
  2990. "Flame Repellent" is missing Icon
  2991. "Flame Repellent" is missing InternalName
  2992. "Flame Repellent" is missing Introduced
  2993. "Flame Repellent" is missing Link
  2994. "Flame Repellent" is missing MaxRank
  2995. "Flame Repellent" is missing Tradable
  2996. "Flame Repellent" is missing Transmutable
  2997. "Flame Repellent" is missing Type
  2998. "Flechette" is missing BaseDrain
  2999. "Flechette" is missing Description
  3000. "Flechette" is missing Icon
  3001. "Flechette" is missing InternalName
  3002. "Flechette" is missing Link
  3003. "Flechette" is missing MaxRank
  3004. "Flechette" is missing Tradable
  3005. "Flechette" is missing Transmutable
  3006. "Flechette" is missing Type
  3007. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing BaseDrain
  3008. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing Description
  3009. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing Icon
  3010. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing InternalName
  3011. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing Link
  3012. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing MaxRank
  3013. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing Tradable
  3014. "Fleeting Expertise" is missing Type
  3015. "Flow" is missing BaseDrain
  3016. "Flow" is missing Description
  3017. "Flow" is missing Icon
  3018. "Flow" is missing InternalName
  3019. "Flow" is missing Introduced
  3020. "Flow" is missing Link
  3021. "Flow" is missing MaxRank
  3022. "Flow" is missing Tradable
  3023. "Flow" is missing Transmutable
  3024. "Flow" is missing Type
  3025. "Flux Overdrive" is missing BaseDrain
  3026. "Flux Overdrive" is missing Description
  3027. "Flux Overdrive" is missing Icon
  3028. "Flux Overdrive" is missing InternalName
  3029. "Flux Overdrive" is missing Introduced
  3030. "Flux Overdrive" is missing Link
  3031. "Flux Overdrive" is missing MaxRank
  3032. "Flux Overdrive" is missing Tradable
  3033. "Flux Overdrive" is missing Type
  3034. "Focus Energy" is missing BaseDrain
  3035. "Focus Energy" is missing Description
  3036. "Focus Energy" is missing Icon
  3037. "Focus Energy" is missing InternalName
  3038. "Focus Energy" is missing Introduced
  3039. "Focus Energy" is missing Link
  3040. "Focus Energy" is missing MaxRank
  3041. "Focus Energy" is missing Tradable
  3042. "Focus Energy" is missing Type
  3043. "Focused Acceleration" is missing BaseDrain
  3044. "Focused Acceleration" is missing Description
  3045. "Focused Acceleration" is missing Icon
  3046. "Focused Acceleration" is missing InternalName
  3047. "Focused Acceleration" is missing Introduced
  3048. "Focused Acceleration" is missing Link
  3049. "Focused Acceleration" is missing MaxRank
  3050. "Focused Acceleration" is missing Tradable
  3051. "Focused Acceleration" is missing Type
  3052. "Focused Defense" is missing BaseDrain
  3053. "Focused Defense" is missing Description
  3054. "Focused Defense" is missing Icon
  3055. "Focused Defense" is missing InternalName
  3056. "Focused Defense" is missing Introduced
  3057. "Focused Defense" is missing Link
  3058. "Focused Defense" is missing MaxRank
  3059. "Focused Defense" is missing Tradable
  3060. "Focused Defense" is missing Type
  3061. "Follow Through" is missing BaseDrain
  3062. "Follow Through" is missing Description
  3063. "Follow Through" is missing Icon
  3064. "Follow Through" is missing InternalName
  3065. "Follow Through" is missing Introduced
  3066. "Follow Through" is missing Link
  3067. "Follow Through" is missing MaxRank
  3068. "Follow Through" is missing Tradable
  3069. "Follow Through" is missing Type
  3070. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing BaseDrain
  3071. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing Description
  3072. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing Icon
  3073. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing InternalName
  3074. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing Link
  3075. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing MaxRank
  3076. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing Tradable
  3077. "Fomorian Accelerant" is missing Type
  3078. "Fortitude" is missing BaseDrain
  3079. "Fortitude" is missing Description
  3080. "Fortitude" is missing Icon
  3081. "Fortitude" is missing InternalName
  3082. "Fortitude" is missing Introduced
  3083. "Fortitude" is missing Link
  3084. "Fortitude" is missing MaxRank
  3085. "Fortitude" is missing Tradable
  3086. "Fortitude" is missing Type
  3087. "Four Riders" is missing BaseDrain
  3088. "Four Riders" is missing Description
  3089. "Four Riders" is missing Icon
  3090. "Four Riders" is missing InternalName
  3091. "Four Riders" is missing Introduced
  3092. "Four Riders" is missing Link
  3093. "Four Riders" is missing MaxRank
  3094. "Four Riders" is missing Tradable
  3095. "Four Riders" is missing Transmutable
  3096. "Four Riders" is missing Type
  3097. "Fracturing Crush" is missing BaseDrain
  3098. "Fracturing Crush" is missing Description
  3099. "Fracturing Crush" is missing Icon
  3100. "Fracturing Crush" is missing InternalName
  3101. "Fracturing Crush" is missing Introduced
  3102. "Fracturing Crush" is missing Link
  3103. "Fracturing Crush" is missing MaxRank
  3104. "Fracturing Crush" is missing Tradable
  3105. "Fracturing Crush" is missing Type
  3106. "Fracturing Wind" is missing BaseDrain
  3107. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Description
  3108. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Icon
  3109. "Fracturing Wind" is missing InternalName
  3110. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Introduced
  3111. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Link
  3112. "Fracturing Wind" is missing MaxRank
  3113. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Tradable
  3114. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Transmutable
  3115. "Fracturing Wind" is missing Type
  3116. "Frail Momentum" is missing BaseDrain
  3117. "Frail Momentum" is missing Description
  3118. "Frail Momentum" is missing Icon
  3119. "Frail Momentum" is missing InternalName
  3120. "Frail Momentum" is missing Introduced
  3121. "Frail Momentum" is missing Link
  3122. "Frail Momentum" is missing MaxRank
  3123. "Frail Momentum" is missing Tradable
  3124. "Frail Momentum" is missing Type
  3125. "Freeze Force" is missing BaseDrain
  3126. "Freeze Force" is missing Description
  3127. "Freeze Force" is missing Icon
  3128. "Freeze Force" is missing InternalName
  3129. "Freeze Force" is missing Introduced
  3130. "Freeze Force" is missing Link
  3131. "Freeze Force" is missing MaxRank
  3132. "Freeze Force" is missing Tradable
  3133. "Freeze Force" is missing Type
  3134. "Frigid Blast" is missing BaseDrain
  3135. "Frigid Blast" is missing Description
  3136. "Frigid Blast" is missing Icon
  3137. "Frigid Blast" is missing InternalName
  3138. "Frigid Blast" is missing Introduced
  3139. "Frigid Blast" is missing Link
  3140. "Frigid Blast" is missing MaxRank
  3141. "Frigid Blast" is missing Tradable
  3142. "Frigid Blast" is missing Type
  3143. "Frost Insulation" is missing BaseDrain
  3144. "Frost Insulation" is missing Description
  3145. "Frost Insulation" is missing Icon
  3146. "Frost Insulation" is missing InternalName
  3147. "Frost Insulation" is missing Introduced
  3148. "Frost Insulation" is missing Link
  3149. "Frost Insulation" is missing MaxRank
  3150. "Frost Insulation" is missing Tradable
  3151. "Frost Insulation" is missing Type
  3152. "Frost Jaw" is missing BaseDrain
  3153. "Frost Jaw" is missing Description
  3154. "Frost Jaw" is missing Icon
  3155. "Frost Jaw" is missing InternalName
  3156. "Frost Jaw" is missing Link
  3157. "Frost Jaw" is missing MaxRank
  3158. "Frost Jaw" is missing Tradable
  3159. "Frost Jaw" is missing Type
  3160. "Frostbite" is missing BaseDrain
  3161. "Frostbite" is missing Description
  3162. "Frostbite" is missing Icon
  3163. "Frostbite" is missing InternalName
  3164. "Frostbite" is missing Introduced
  3165. "Frostbite" is missing Link
  3166. "Frostbite" is missing MaxRank
  3167. "Frostbite" is missing Tradable
  3168. "Frostbite" is missing Type
  3169. "Full Capacity" is missing BaseDrain
  3170. "Full Capacity" is missing Description
  3171. "Full Capacity" is missing Icon
  3172. "Full Capacity" is missing InternalName
  3173. "Full Capacity" is missing Introduced
  3174. "Full Capacity" is missing Link
  3175. "Full Capacity" is missing MaxRank
  3176. "Full Capacity" is missing Tradable
  3177. "Full Capacity" is missing Type
  3178. "Full Contact" is missing BaseDrain
  3179. "Full Contact" is missing Description
  3180. "Full Contact" is missing Icon
  3181. "Full Contact" is missing InternalName
  3182. "Full Contact" is missing Introduced
  3183. "Full Contact" is missing Link
  3184. "Full Contact" is missing MaxRank
  3185. "Full Contact" is missing Tradable
  3186. "Full Contact" is missing Type
  3187. "Fulmination" is missing BaseDrain
  3188. "Fulmination" is missing Description
  3189. "Fulmination" is missing Icon
  3190. "Fulmination" is missing InternalName
  3191. "Fulmination" is missing Link
  3192. "Fulmination" is missing MaxRank
  3193. "Fulmination" is missing Tradable
  3194. "Fulmination" is missing Type
  3195. "Funnel Clouds" is missing BaseDrain
  3196. "Funnel Clouds" is missing Description
  3197. "Funnel Clouds" is missing Icon
  3198. "Funnel Clouds" is missing InternalName
  3199. "Funnel Clouds" is missing Introduced
  3200. "Funnel Clouds" is missing Link
  3201. "Funnel Clouds" is missing MaxRank
  3202. "Funnel Clouds" is missing Tradable
  3203. "Funnel Clouds" is missing Type
  3204. "Furious Javelin" is missing BaseDrain
  3205. "Furious Javelin" is missing Description
  3206. "Furious Javelin" is missing Icon
  3207. "Furious Javelin" is missing InternalName
  3208. "Furious Javelin" is missing Introduced
  3209. "Furious Javelin" is missing Link
  3210. "Furious Javelin" is missing MaxRank
  3211. "Furious Javelin" is missing Tradable
  3212. "Furious Javelin" is missing Type
  3213. "Furor" is missing BaseDrain
  3214. "Furor" is missing Description
  3215. "Furor" is missing Icon
  3216. "Furor" is missing InternalName
  3217. "Furor" is missing Introduced
  3218. "Furor" is missing Link
  3219. "Furor" is missing MaxRank
  3220. "Furor" is missing Tradable
  3221. "Furor" is missing Transmutable
  3222. "Furor" is missing Type
  3223. "Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  3224. "Fury" is missing Description
  3225. "Fury" is missing Icon
  3226. "Fury" is missing InternalName
  3227. "Fury" is missing Introduced
  3228. "Fury" is missing Link
  3229. "Fury" is missing MaxRank
  3230. "Fury" is missing Tradable
  3231. "Fury" is missing Transmutable
  3232. "Fury" is missing Type
  3233. "Fusion Core" is missing BaseDrain
  3234. "Fusion Core" is missing Description
  3235. "Fusion Core" is missing Icon
  3236. "Fusion Core" is missing InternalName
  3237. "Fusion Core" is missing Introduced
  3238. "Fusion Core" is missing Link
  3239. "Fusion Core" is missing MaxRank
  3240. "Fusion Core" is missing Tradable
  3241. "Fusion Core" is missing Transmutable
  3242. "Fusion Core" is missing Type
  3243. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing BaseDrain
  3244. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Description
  3245. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Icon
  3246. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing InternalName
  3247. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Introduced
  3248. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Link
  3249. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing MaxRank
  3250. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Tradable
  3251. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Transmutable
  3252. "Gaia's Tragedy" is missing Type
  3253. "Gale Kick" is missing BaseDrain
  3254. "Gale Kick" is missing Description
  3255. "Gale Kick" is missing Icon
  3256. "Gale Kick" is missing InternalName
  3257. "Gale Kick" is missing Introduced
  3258. "Gale Kick" is missing Link
  3259. "Gale Kick" is missing MaxRank
  3260. "Gale Kick" is missing Tradable
  3261. "Gale Kick" is missing Type
  3262. "Galvanized Blade" is missing BaseDrain
  3263. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Description
  3264. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Icon
  3265. "Galvanized Blade" is missing InternalName
  3266. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Introduced
  3267. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Link
  3268. "Galvanized Blade" is missing MaxRank
  3269. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Tradable
  3270. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Transmutable
  3271. "Galvanized Blade" is missing Type
  3272. "Gemini Cross" is missing BaseDrain
  3273. "Gemini Cross" is missing Description
  3274. "Gemini Cross" is missing Icon
  3275. "Gemini Cross" is missing InternalName
  3276. "Gemini Cross" is missing Introduced
  3277. "Gemini Cross" is missing Link
  3278. "Gemini Cross" is missing MaxRank
  3279. "Gemini Cross" is missing Tradable
  3280. "Gemini Cross" is missing Transmutable
  3281. "Gemini Cross" is missing Type
  3282. "Ghost" is missing BaseDrain
  3283. "Ghost" is missing Description
  3284. "Ghost" is missing Icon
  3285. "Ghost" is missing InternalName
  3286. "Ghost" is missing Introduced
  3287. "Ghost" is missing Link
  3288. "Ghost" is missing MaxRank
  3289. "Ghost" is missing Tradable
  3290. "Ghost" is missing Transmutable
  3291. "Ghost" is missing Type
  3292. "Gilded Truth" is missing BaseDrain
  3293. "Gilded Truth" is missing Description
  3294. "Gilded Truth" is missing Icon
  3295. "Gilded Truth" is missing InternalName
  3296. "Gilded Truth" is missing Introduced
  3297. "Gilded Truth" is missing Link
  3298. "Gilded Truth" is missing MaxRank
  3299. "Gilded Truth" is missing Tradable
  3300. "Gilded Truth" is missing Type
  3301. "Glacial Edge" is missing BaseDrain
  3302. "Glacial Edge" is missing Description
  3303. "Glacial Edge" is missing Icon
  3304. "Glacial Edge" is missing InternalName
  3305. "Glacial Edge" is missing Introduced
  3306. "Glacial Edge" is missing Link
  3307. "Glacial Edge" is missing MaxRank
  3308. "Glacial Edge" is missing Tradable
  3309. "Glacial Edge" is missing Transmutable
  3310. "Glacial Edge" is missing Type
  3311. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing BaseDrain
  3312. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing Description
  3313. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing Icon
  3314. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing InternalName
  3315. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing Introduced
  3316. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing Link
  3317. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing MaxRank
  3318. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing Tradable
  3319. "Gladiator Aegis" is missing Type
  3320. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing BaseDrain
  3321. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing Description
  3322. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing Icon
  3323. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing InternalName
  3324. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing Introduced
  3325. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing Link
  3326. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing MaxRank
  3327. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing Tradable
  3328. "Gladiator Finesse" is missing Type
  3329. "Gladiator Might" is missing BaseDrain
  3330. "Gladiator Might" is missing Description
  3331. "Gladiator Might" is missing Icon
  3332. "Gladiator Might" is missing InternalName
  3333. "Gladiator Might" is missing Introduced
  3334. "Gladiator Might" is missing Link
  3335. "Gladiator Might" is missing MaxRank
  3336. "Gladiator Might" is missing Tradable
  3337. "Gladiator Might" is missing Type
  3338. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing BaseDrain
  3339. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing Description
  3340. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing Icon
  3341. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing InternalName
  3342. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing Introduced
  3343. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing Link
  3344. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing MaxRank
  3345. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing Tradable
  3346. "Gladiator Resolve" is missing Type
  3347. "Gladiator Rush" is missing BaseDrain
  3348. "Gladiator Rush" is missing Description
  3349. "Gladiator Rush" is missing Icon
  3350. "Gladiator Rush" is missing InternalName
  3351. "Gladiator Rush" is missing Introduced
  3352. "Gladiator Rush" is missing Link
  3353. "Gladiator Rush" is missing MaxRank
  3354. "Gladiator Rush" is missing Tradable
  3355. "Gladiator Rush" is missing Type
  3356. "Gladiator Vice" is missing BaseDrain
  3357. "Gladiator Vice" is missing Description
  3358. "Gladiator Vice" is missing Icon
  3359. "Gladiator Vice" is missing InternalName
  3360. "Gladiator Vice" is missing Introduced
  3361. "Gladiator Vice" is missing Link
  3362. "Gladiator Vice" is missing MaxRank
  3363. "Gladiator Vice" is missing Tradable
  3364. "Gladiator Vice" is missing Type
  3365. "Gleaming Blight" is missing BaseDrain
  3366. "Gleaming Blight" is missing Description
  3367. "Gleaming Blight" is missing Icon
  3368. "Gleaming Blight" is missing InternalName
  3369. "Gleaming Blight" is missing Introduced
  3370. "Gleaming Blight" is missing Link
  3371. "Gleaming Blight" is missing MaxRank
  3372. "Gleaming Blight" is missing Tradable
  3373. "Gleaming Blight" is missing Type
  3374. "Gleaming Talon" is missing BaseDrain
  3375. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Description
  3376. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Icon
  3377. "Gleaming Talon" is missing InternalName
  3378. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Introduced
  3379. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Link
  3380. "Gleaming Talon" is missing MaxRank
  3381. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Tradable
  3382. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Transmutable
  3383. "Gleaming Talon" is missing Type
  3384. "Gnashing Payara" is missing BaseDrain
  3385. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Description
  3386. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Icon
  3387. "Gnashing Payara" is missing InternalName
  3388. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Introduced
  3389. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Link
  3390. "Gnashing Payara" is missing MaxRank
  3391. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Tradable
  3392. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Transmutable
  3393. "Gnashing Payara" is missing Type
  3394. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing BaseDrain
  3395. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing Description
  3396. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing Icon
  3397. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing InternalName
  3398. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing Introduced
  3399. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing Link
  3400. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing MaxRank
  3401. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing Tradable
  3402. "Gorgon Frenzy" is missing Type
  3403. "Greedy Pull" is missing BaseDrain
  3404. "Greedy Pull" is missing Description
  3405. "Greedy Pull" is missing Icon
  3406. "Greedy Pull" is missing InternalName
  3407. "Greedy Pull" is missing Introduced
  3408. "Greedy Pull" is missing Link
  3409. "Greedy Pull" is missing MaxRank
  3410. "Greedy Pull" is missing Tradable
  3411. "Greedy Pull" is missing Type
  3412. "Grim Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  3413. "Grim Fury" is missing Description
  3414. "Grim Fury" is missing Icon
  3415. "Grim Fury" is missing InternalName
  3416. "Grim Fury" is missing Introduced
  3417. "Grim Fury" is missing Link
  3418. "Grim Fury" is missing MaxRank
  3419. "Grim Fury" is missing Tradable
  3420. "Grim Fury" is missing Transmutable
  3421. "Grim Fury" is missing Type
  3422. "Grinloked" is missing BaseDrain
  3423. "Grinloked" is missing Description
  3424. "Grinloked" is missing Icon
  3425. "Grinloked" is missing InternalName
  3426. "Grinloked" is missing Introduced
  3427. "Grinloked" is missing Link
  3428. "Grinloked" is missing MaxRank
  3429. "Grinloked" is missing Tradable
  3430. "Grinloked" is missing Type
  3431. "Growing Power" is missing BaseDrain
  3432. "Growing Power" is missing Description
  3433. "Growing Power" is missing Icon
  3434. "Growing Power" is missing InternalName
  3435. "Growing Power" is missing Introduced
  3436. "Growing Power" is missing Link
  3437. "Growing Power" is missing MaxRank
  3438. "Growing Power" is missing Tradable
  3439. "Growing Power" is missing Type
  3440. "Guardian" is missing BaseDrain
  3441. "Guardian" is missing Description
  3442. "Guardian" is missing Icon
  3443. "Guardian" is missing InternalName
  3444. "Guardian" is missing Introduced
  3445. "Guardian" is missing Link
  3446. "Guardian" is missing MaxRank
  3447. "Guardian" is missing Tradable
  3448. "Guardian" is missing Transmutable
  3449. "Guardian" is missing Type
  3450. "Guardian Derision" is missing BaseDrain
  3451. "Guardian Derision" is missing Description
  3452. "Guardian Derision" is missing Icon
  3453. "Guardian Derision" is missing InternalName
  3454. "Guardian Derision" is missing Introduced
  3455. "Guardian Derision" is missing Link
  3456. "Guardian Derision" is missing MaxRank
  3457. "Guardian Derision" is missing Tradable
  3458. "Guardian Derision" is missing Transmutable
  3459. "Guardian Derision" is missing Type
  3460. "Guided Effigy" is missing BaseDrain
  3461. "Guided Effigy" is missing Description
  3462. "Guided Effigy" is missing Icon
  3463. "Guided Effigy" is missing InternalName
  3464. "Guided Effigy" is missing Introduced
  3465. "Guided Effigy" is missing Link
  3466. "Guided Effigy" is missing MaxRank
  3467. "Guided Effigy" is missing Tradable
  3468. "Guided Effigy" is missing Type
  3469. "Guided Ordnance" is missing BaseDrain
  3470. "Guided Ordnance" is missing Description
  3471. "Guided Ordnance" is missing Icon
  3472. "Guided Ordnance" is missing InternalName
  3473. "Guided Ordnance" is missing Link
  3474. "Guided Ordnance" is missing MaxRank
  3475. "Guided Ordnance" is missing Tradable
  3476. "Guided Ordnance" is missing Type
  3477. "Gun Glide" is missing BaseDrain
  3478. "Gun Glide" is missing Description
  3479. "Gun Glide" is missing Icon
  3480. "Gun Glide" is missing InternalName
  3481. "Gun Glide" is missing Link
  3482. "Gun Glide" is missing MaxRank
  3483. "Gun Glide" is missing Tradable
  3484. "Gun Glide" is missing Type
  3485. "Gunslinger" is missing BaseDrain
  3486. "Gunslinger" is missing Description
  3487. "Gunslinger" is missing Icon
  3488. "Gunslinger" is missing InternalName
  3489. "Gunslinger" is missing Link
  3490. "Gunslinger" is missing MaxRank
  3491. "Gunslinger" is missing Tradable
  3492. "Gunslinger" is missing Transmutable
  3493. "Gunslinger" is missing Type
  3494. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing BaseDrain
  3495. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing Description
  3496. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing Icon
  3497. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing InternalName
  3498. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing Introduced
  3499. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing Link
  3500. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing MaxRank
  3501. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing Tradable
  3502. "Hall of Malevolence" is missing Type
  3503. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing BaseDrain
  3504. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing Description
  3505. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing Icon
  3506. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing InternalName
  3507. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing Introduced
  3508. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing Link
  3509. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing MaxRank
  3510. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing Tradable
  3511. "Hallowed Eruption" is missing Type
  3512. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing BaseDrain
  3513. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing Description
  3514. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing Icon
  3515. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing InternalName
  3516. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing Introduced
  3517. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing Link
  3518. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing MaxRank
  3519. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing Tradable
  3520. "Hallowed Reckoning" is missing Type
  3521. "Hammer Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  3522. "Hammer Shot" is missing Description
  3523. "Hammer Shot" is missing Icon
  3524. "Hammer Shot" is missing InternalName
  3525. "Hammer Shot" is missing Link
  3526. "Hammer Shot" is missing MaxRank
  3527. "Hammer Shot" is missing Tradable
  3528. "Hammer Shot" is missing Type
  3529. "Handspring" is missing BaseDrain
  3530. "Handspring" is missing Description
  3531. "Handspring" is missing Icon
  3532. "Handspring" is missing InternalName
  3533. "Handspring" is missing Introduced
  3534. "Handspring" is missing Link
  3535. "Handspring" is missing MaxRank
  3536. "Handspring" is missing Tradable
  3537. "Handspring" is missing Transmutable
  3538. "Handspring" is missing Type
  3539. "Hard Engage" is missing BaseDrain
  3540. "Hard Engage" is missing Description
  3541. "Hard Engage" is missing Icon
  3542. "Hard Engage" is missing InternalName
  3543. "Hard Engage" is missing Introduced
  3544. "Hard Engage" is missing Link
  3545. "Hard Engage" is missing MaxRank
  3546. "Hard Engage" is missing Tradable
  3547. "Hard Engage" is missing Type
  3548. "Harkonar Scope" is missing BaseDrain
  3549. "Harkonar Scope" is missing Description
  3550. "Harkonar Scope" is missing Icon
  3551. "Harkonar Scope" is missing InternalName
  3552. "Harkonar Scope" is missing Introduced
  3553. "Harkonar Scope" is missing Link
  3554. "Harkonar Scope" is missing MaxRank
  3555. "Harkonar Scope" is missing Tradable
  3556. "Harkonar Scope" is missing Type
  3557. "Hastened Deflection" is missing BaseDrain
  3558. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Description
  3559. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Icon
  3560. "Hastened Deflection" is missing InternalName
  3561. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Introduced
  3562. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Link
  3563. "Hastened Deflection" is missing MaxRank
  3564. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Tradable
  3565. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Transmutable
  3566. "Hastened Deflection" is missing Type
  3567. "Hastened Steps" is missing BaseDrain
  3568. "Hastened Steps" is missing Description
  3569. "Hastened Steps" is missing Icon
  3570. "Hastened Steps" is missing InternalName
  3571. "Hastened Steps" is missing Introduced
  3572. "Hastened Steps" is missing Link
  3573. "Hastened Steps" is missing MaxRank
  3574. "Hastened Steps" is missing Tradable
  3575. "Hastened Steps" is missing Type
  3576. "Hata-Satya" is missing BaseDrain
  3577. "Hata-Satya" is missing Description
  3578. "Hata-Satya" is missing Icon
  3579. "Hata-Satya" is missing InternalName
  3580. "Hata-Satya" is missing Link
  3581. "Hata-Satya" is missing MaxRank
  3582. "Hata-Satya" is missing Tradable
  3583. "Hata-Satya" is missing Type
  3584. "Hawk Eye" is missing BaseDrain
  3585. "Hawk Eye" is missing Description
  3586. "Hawk Eye" is missing Icon
  3587. "Hawk Eye" is missing InternalName
  3588. "Hawk Eye" is missing Introduced
  3589. "Hawk Eye" is missing Link
  3590. "Hawk Eye" is missing MaxRank
  3591. "Hawk Eye" is missing Tradable
  3592. "Hawk Eye" is missing Transmutable
  3593. "Hawk Eye" is missing Type
  3594. "Healing Flame" is missing BaseDrain
  3595. "Healing Flame" is missing Description
  3596. "Healing Flame" is missing Icon
  3597. "Healing Flame" is missing InternalName
  3598. "Healing Flame" is missing Introduced
  3599. "Healing Flame" is missing Link
  3600. "Healing Flame" is missing MaxRank
  3601. "Healing Flame" is missing Tradable
  3602. "Healing Flame" is missing Type
  3603. "Healing Return" is missing BaseDrain
  3604. "Healing Return" is missing Description
  3605. "Healing Return" is missing Icon
  3606. "Healing Return" is missing InternalName
  3607. "Healing Return" is missing Introduced
  3608. "Healing Return" is missing Link
  3609. "Healing Return" is missing MaxRank
  3610. "Healing Return" is missing Tradable
  3611. "Healing Return" is missing Transmutable
  3612. "Healing Return" is missing Type
  3613. "Health Conversion" is missing BaseDrain
  3614. "Health Conversion" is missing Description
  3615. "Health Conversion" is missing Icon
  3616. "Health Conversion" is missing InternalName
  3617. "Health Conversion" is missing Introduced
  3618. "Health Conversion" is missing Link
  3619. "Health Conversion" is missing MaxRank
  3620. "Health Conversion" is missing Tradable
  3621. "Health Conversion" is missing Type
  3622. "Heartseeker" is missing BaseDrain
  3623. "Heartseeker" is missing Description
  3624. "Heartseeker" is missing Icon
  3625. "Heartseeker" is missing InternalName
  3626. "Heartseeker" is missing Introduced
  3627. "Heartseeker" is missing Link
  3628. "Heartseeker" is missing MaxRank
  3629. "Heartseeker" is missing Tradable
  3630. "Heartseeker" is missing Type
  3631. "Heated Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  3632. "Heated Charge" is missing Description
  3633. "Heated Charge" is missing Icon
  3634. "Heated Charge" is missing InternalName
  3635. "Heated Charge" is missing Introduced
  3636. "Heated Charge" is missing Link
  3637. "Heated Charge" is missing MaxRank
  3638. "Heated Charge" is missing Tradable
  3639. "Heated Charge" is missing Transmutable
  3640. "Heated Charge" is missing Type
  3641. "Heavy Caliber" is missing BaseDrain
  3642. "Heavy Caliber" is missing Description
  3643. "Heavy Caliber" is missing Icon
  3644. "Heavy Caliber" is missing InternalName
  3645. "Heavy Caliber" is missing Link
  3646. "Heavy Caliber" is missing MaxRank
  3647. "Heavy Caliber" is missing Tradable
  3648. "Heavy Caliber" is missing Type
  3649. "Heavy Impact" is missing BaseDrain
  3650. "Heavy Impact" is missing Description
  3651. "Heavy Impact" is missing Icon
  3652. "Heavy Impact" is missing InternalName
  3653. "Heavy Impact" is missing Introduced
  3654. "Heavy Impact" is missing Link
  3655. "Heavy Impact" is missing MaxRank
  3656. "Heavy Impact" is missing Tradable
  3657. "Heavy Impact" is missing Transmutable
  3658. "Heavy Impact" is missing Type
  3659. "Heavy Trauma" is missing BaseDrain
  3660. "Heavy Trauma" is missing Description
  3661. "Heavy Trauma" is missing Icon
  3662. "Heavy Trauma" is missing InternalName
  3663. "Heavy Trauma" is missing Link
  3664. "Heavy Trauma" is missing MaxRank
  3665. "Heavy Trauma" is missing Tradable
  3666. "Heavy Trauma" is missing Transmutable
  3667. "Heavy Trauma" is missing Type
  3668. "Heavy Warhead" is missing BaseDrain
  3669. "Heavy Warhead" is missing Description
  3670. "Heavy Warhead" is missing Icon
  3671. "Heavy Warhead" is missing InternalName
  3672. "Heavy Warhead" is missing Introduced
  3673. "Heavy Warhead" is missing Link
  3674. "Heavy Warhead" is missing MaxRank
  3675. "Heavy Warhead" is missing Tradable
  3676. "Heavy Warhead" is missing Type
  3677. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing BaseDrain
  3678. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing Description
  3679. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing Icon
  3680. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing InternalName
  3681. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing Introduced
  3682. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing Link
  3683. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing MaxRank
  3684. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing Tradable
  3685. "Heightened Reflexes" is missing Type
  3686. "Hell's Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  3687. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Description
  3688. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Icon
  3689. "Hell's Chamber" is missing InternalName
  3690. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Introduced
  3691. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Link
  3692. "Hell's Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  3693. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Tradable
  3694. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Transmutable
  3695. "Hell's Chamber" is missing Type
  3696. "Hellfire" is missing BaseDrain
  3697. "Hellfire" is missing Description
  3698. "Hellfire" is missing Icon
  3699. "Hellfire" is missing InternalName
  3700. "Hellfire" is missing Introduced
  3701. "Hellfire" is missing Link
  3702. "Hellfire" is missing MaxRank
  3703. "Hellfire" is missing Tradable
  3704. "Hellfire" is missing Transmutable
  3705. "Hellfire" is missing Type
  3706. "High Noon" is missing BaseDrain
  3707. "High Noon" is missing Description
  3708. "High Noon" is missing Icon
  3709. "High Noon" is missing InternalName
  3710. "High Noon" is missing Introduced
  3711. "High Noon" is missing Link
  3712. "High Noon" is missing MaxRank
  3713. "High Noon" is missing Tradable
  3714. "High Noon" is missing Transmutable
  3715. "High Noon" is missing Type
  3716. "High Voltage" is missing BaseDrain
  3717. "High Voltage" is missing Description
  3718. "High Voltage" is missing Icon
  3719. "High Voltage" is missing InternalName
  3720. "High Voltage" is missing Introduced
  3721. "High Voltage" is missing Link
  3722. "High Voltage" is missing MaxRank
  3723. "High Voltage" is missing Tradable
  3724. "High Voltage" is missing Type
  3725. "Hit And Run" is missing BaseDrain
  3726. "Hit And Run" is missing Description
  3727. "Hit And Run" is missing Icon
  3728. "Hit And Run" is missing InternalName
  3729. "Hit And Run" is missing Introduced
  3730. "Hit And Run" is missing Link
  3731. "Hit And Run" is missing MaxRank
  3732. "Hit And Run" is missing Polarity
  3733. "Hit And Run" is missing Tradable
  3734. "Hit And Run" is missing Type
  3735. "Hollow Point" is missing BaseDrain
  3736. "Hollow Point" is missing Description
  3737. "Hollow Point" is missing Icon
  3738. "Hollow Point" is missing InternalName
  3739. "Hollow Point" is missing Introduced
  3740. "Hollow Point" is missing Link
  3741. "Hollow Point" is missing MaxRank
  3742. "Hollow Point" is missing Tradable
  3743. "Hollow Point" is missing Type
  3744. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing BaseDrain
  3745. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Description
  3746. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Icon
  3747. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing InternalName
  3748. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Introduced
  3749. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Link
  3750. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing MaxRank
  3751. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Tradable
  3752. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Transmutable
  3753. "Hollowed Bullets" is missing Type
  3754. "Homing Fang" is missing BaseDrain
  3755. "Homing Fang" is missing Description
  3756. "Homing Fang" is missing Icon
  3757. "Homing Fang" is missing InternalName
  3758. "Homing Fang" is missing Introduced
  3759. "Homing Fang" is missing Link
  3760. "Homing Fang" is missing MaxRank
  3761. "Homing Fang" is missing Tradable
  3762. "Homing Fang" is missing Transmutable
  3763. "Homing Fang" is missing Type
  3764. "Hornet Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  3765. "Hornet Strike" is missing Description
  3766. "Hornet Strike" is missing Icon
  3767. "Hornet Strike" is missing InternalName
  3768. "Hornet Strike" is missing Introduced
  3769. "Hornet Strike" is missing Link
  3770. "Hornet Strike" is missing MaxRank
  3771. "Hornet Strike" is missing Tradable
  3772. "Hornet Strike" is missing Transmutable
  3773. "Hornet Strike" is missing Type
  3774. "Howl" is missing BaseDrain
  3775. "Howl" is missing Description
  3776. "Howl" is missing Icon
  3777. "Howl" is missing InternalName
  3778. "Howl" is missing Introduced
  3779. "Howl" is missing Link
  3780. "Howl" is missing MaxRank
  3781. "Howl" is missing Tradable
  3782. "Howl" is missing Transmutable
  3783. "Howl" is missing Type
  3784. "Hunt" is missing BaseDrain
  3785. "Hunt" is missing Description
  3786. "Hunt" is missing Icon
  3787. "Hunt" is missing InternalName
  3788. "Hunt" is missing Introduced
  3789. "Hunt" is missing Link
  3790. "Hunt" is missing MaxRank
  3791. "Hunt" is missing Tradable
  3792. "Hunt" is missing Transmutable
  3793. "Hunt" is missing Type
  3794. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing BaseDrain
  3795. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing Description
  3796. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing Icon
  3797. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing InternalName
  3798. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing Introduced
  3799. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing Link
  3800. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing MaxRank
  3801. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing Tradable
  3802. "Hunter Adrenaline" is missing Type
  3803. "Hunter Command" is missing BaseDrain
  3804. "Hunter Command" is missing Description
  3805. "Hunter Command" is missing Icon
  3806. "Hunter Command" is missing InternalName
  3807. "Hunter Command" is missing Introduced
  3808. "Hunter Command" is missing Link
  3809. "Hunter Command" is missing MaxRank
  3810. "Hunter Command" is missing Tradable
  3811. "Hunter Command" is missing Type
  3812. "Hunter Munitions" is missing BaseDrain
  3813. "Hunter Munitions" is missing Description
  3814. "Hunter Munitions" is missing Icon
  3815. "Hunter Munitions" is missing InternalName
  3816. "Hunter Munitions" is missing Introduced
  3817. "Hunter Munitions" is missing Link
  3818. "Hunter Munitions" is missing MaxRank
  3819. "Hunter Munitions" is missing Tradable
  3820. "Hunter Munitions" is missing Type
  3821. "Hunter Recovery" is missing BaseDrain
  3822. "Hunter Recovery" is missing Description
  3823. "Hunter Recovery" is missing Icon
  3824. "Hunter Recovery" is missing InternalName
  3825. "Hunter Recovery" is missing Introduced
  3826. "Hunter Recovery" is missing Link
  3827. "Hunter Recovery" is missing MaxRank
  3828. "Hunter Recovery" is missing Tradable
  3829. "Hunter Recovery" is missing Type
  3830. "Hunter Synergy" is missing BaseDrain
  3831. "Hunter Synergy" is missing Description
  3832. "Hunter Synergy" is missing Icon
  3833. "Hunter Synergy" is missing InternalName
  3834. "Hunter Synergy" is missing Introduced
  3835. "Hunter Synergy" is missing Link
  3836. "Hunter Synergy" is missing MaxRank
  3837. "Hunter Synergy" is missing Tradable
  3838. "Hunter Synergy" is missing Type
  3839. "Hunter Track" is missing BaseDrain
  3840. "Hunter Track" is missing Description
  3841. "Hunter Track" is missing Icon
  3842. "Hunter Track" is missing InternalName
  3843. "Hunter Track" is missing Introduced
  3844. "Hunter Track" is missing Link
  3845. "Hunter Track" is missing MaxRank
  3846. "Hunter Track" is missing Tradable
  3847. "Hunter Track" is missing Type
  3848. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing BaseDrain
  3849. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing Description
  3850. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing Icon
  3851. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing InternalName
  3852. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing Introduced
  3853. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing Link
  3854. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing MaxRank
  3855. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing Tradable
  3856. "Hunter's Bonesaw" is missing Type
  3857. "Hush" is missing BaseDrain
  3858. "Hush" is missing Description
  3859. "Hush" is missing Icon
  3860. "Hush" is missing InternalName
  3861. "Hush" is missing Link
  3862. "Hush" is missing MaxRank
  3863. "Hush" is missing Tradable
  3864. "Hush" is missing Transmutable
  3865. "Hush" is missing Type
  3866. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing BaseDrain
  3867. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing Description
  3868. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing Icon
  3869. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing InternalName
  3870. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing Introduced
  3871. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing Link
  3872. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing MaxRank
  3873. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing Tradable
  3874. "Hushed Invisibility" is missing Type
  3875. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing BaseDrain
  3876. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing Description
  3877. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing Icon
  3878. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing InternalName
  3879. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing Introduced
  3880. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing Link
  3881. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing MaxRank
  3882. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing Tradable
  3883. "Hydraulic Barrel" is missing Type
  3884. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  3885. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing Description
  3886. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing Icon
  3887. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing InternalName
  3888. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing Introduced
  3889. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing Link
  3890. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  3891. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing Tradable
  3892. "Hydraulic Chamber" is missing Type
  3893. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing BaseDrain
  3894. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing Description
  3895. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing Icon
  3896. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing InternalName
  3897. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing Introduced
  3898. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing Link
  3899. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing MaxRank
  3900. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing Tradable
  3901. "Hydraulic Crosshairs" is missing Type
  3902. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing BaseDrain
  3903. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing Description
  3904. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing Icon
  3905. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing InternalName
  3906. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing Introduced
  3907. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing Link
  3908. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing MaxRank
  3909. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing Tradable
  3910. "Hydraulic Gauge" is missing Type
  3911. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing BaseDrain
  3912. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing Description
  3913. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing Icon
  3914. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing InternalName
  3915. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing Link
  3916. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing MaxRank
  3917. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing Tradable
  3918. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing Transmutable
  3919. "Hyperion Thrusters" is missing Type
  3920. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing BaseDrain
  3921. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Description
  3922. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Icon
  3923. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing InternalName
  3924. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Introduced
  3925. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Link
  3926. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing MaxRank
  3927. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Tradable
  3928. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Transmutable
  3929. "Hypothermic Shell" is missing Type
  3930. "Hysteria" is missing BaseDrain
  3931. "Hysteria" is missing Description
  3932. "Hysteria" is missing Icon
  3933. "Hysteria" is missing InternalName
  3934. "Hysteria" is missing Introduced
  3935. "Hysteria" is missing Link
  3936. "Hysteria" is missing MaxRank
  3937. "Hysteria" is missing Polarity
  3938. "Hysteria" is missing Rarity
  3939. "Hysteria" is missing Tradable
  3940. "Hysteria" is missing Type
  3941. "Hysterical Assault" is missing BaseDrain
  3942. "Hysterical Assault" is missing Description
  3943. "Hysterical Assault" is missing Icon
  3944. "Hysterical Assault" is missing InternalName
  3945. "Hysterical Assault" is missing Introduced
  3946. "Hysterical Assault" is missing Link
  3947. "Hysterical Assault" is missing MaxRank
  3948. "Hysterical Assault" is missing Tradable
  3949. "Hysterical Assault" is missing Type
  3950. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing BaseDrain
  3951. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing Description
  3952. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing Icon
  3953. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing InternalName
  3954. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing Introduced
  3955. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing Link
  3956. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing MaxRank
  3957. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing Tradable
  3958. "Hysterical Fixation" is missing Type
  3959. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing BaseDrain
  3960. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing Description
  3961. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing Icon
  3962. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing InternalName
  3963. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing Link
  3964. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing MaxRank
  3965. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing Tradable
  3966. "Iatric Mycelium" is missing Type
  3967. "Ice Spring" is missing BaseDrain
  3968. "Ice Spring" is missing Description
  3969. "Ice Spring" is missing Icon
  3970. "Ice Spring" is missing InternalName
  3971. "Ice Spring" is missing Introduced
  3972. "Ice Spring" is missing Link
  3973. "Ice Spring" is missing MaxRank
  3974. "Ice Spring" is missing Tradable
  3975. "Ice Spring" is missing Type
  3976. "Ice Storm" is missing BaseDrain
  3977. "Ice Storm" is missing Description
  3978. "Ice Storm" is missing Icon
  3979. "Ice Storm" is missing InternalName
  3980. "Ice Storm" is missing Introduced
  3981. "Ice Storm" is missing Link
  3982. "Ice Storm" is missing MaxRank
  3983. "Ice Storm" is missing Tradable
  3984. "Ice Storm" is missing Type
  3985. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing BaseDrain
  3986. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing Description
  3987. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing Icon
  3988. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing InternalName
  3989. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing Introduced
  3990. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing Link
  3991. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing MaxRank
  3992. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing Tradable
  3993. "Ice Wave Impedance" is missing Type
  3994. "Icy Avalanche" is missing BaseDrain
  3995. "Icy Avalanche" is missing Description
  3996. "Icy Avalanche" is missing Icon
  3997. "Icy Avalanche" is missing InternalName
  3998. "Icy Avalanche" is missing Introduced
  3999. "Icy Avalanche" is missing Link
  4000. "Icy Avalanche" is missing MaxRank
  4001. "Icy Avalanche" is missing Tradable
  4002. "Icy Avalanche" is missing Type
  4003. "Immolated Radiance" is missing BaseDrain
  4004. "Immolated Radiance" is missing Description
  4005. "Immolated Radiance" is missing Icon
  4006. "Immolated Radiance" is missing InternalName
  4007. "Immolated Radiance" is missing Introduced
  4008. "Immolated Radiance" is missing Link
  4009. "Immolated Radiance" is missing MaxRank
  4010. "Immolated Radiance" is missing Tradable
  4011. "Immolated Radiance" is missing Type
  4012. "Impaler Munitions" is missing BaseDrain
  4013. "Impaler Munitions" is missing Description
  4014. "Impaler Munitions" is missing Icon
  4015. "Impaler Munitions" is missing InternalName
  4016. "Impaler Munitions" is missing Introduced
  4017. "Impaler Munitions" is missing Link
  4018. "Impaler Munitions" is missing MaxRank
  4019. "Impaler Munitions" is missing Tradable
  4020. "Impaler Munitions" is missing Type
  4021. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing BaseDrain
  4022. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing Description
  4023. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing Icon
  4024. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing InternalName
  4025. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing Introduced
  4026. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing Link
  4027. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing MaxRank
  4028. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing Tradable
  4029. "Impenetrable Offense" is missing Type
  4030. "Incendiary Coat" is missing BaseDrain
  4031. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Description
  4032. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Icon
  4033. "Incendiary Coat" is missing InternalName
  4034. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Introduced
  4035. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Link
  4036. "Incendiary Coat" is missing MaxRank
  4037. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Tradable
  4038. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Transmutable
  4039. "Incendiary Coat" is missing Type
  4040. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing BaseDrain
  4041. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing Description
  4042. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing Icon
  4043. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing InternalName
  4044. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing Introduced
  4045. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing Link
  4046. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing MaxRank
  4047. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing Tradable
  4048. "Inertia Dampeners" is missing Type
  4049. "Infected Clip" is missing BaseDrain
  4050. "Infected Clip" is missing Description
  4051. "Infected Clip" is missing Icon
  4052. "Infected Clip" is missing InternalName
  4053. "Infected Clip" is missing Link
  4054. "Infected Clip" is missing MaxRank
  4055. "Infected Clip" is missing Tradable
  4056. "Infected Clip" is missing Transmutable
  4057. "Infected Clip" is missing Type
  4058. "Infection Bite" is missing BaseDrain
  4059. "Infection Bite" is missing Description
  4060. "Infection Bite" is missing Icon
  4061. "Infection Bite" is missing InternalName
  4062. "Infection Bite" is missing Link
  4063. "Infection Bite" is missing MaxRank
  4064. "Infection Bite" is missing Tradable
  4065. "Infection Bite" is missing Type
  4066. "Infectious Injection" is missing BaseDrain
  4067. "Infectious Injection" is missing Description
  4068. "Infectious Injection" is missing Icon
  4069. "Infectious Injection" is missing InternalName
  4070. "Infectious Injection" is missing Introduced
  4071. "Infectious Injection" is missing Link
  4072. "Infectious Injection" is missing MaxRank
  4073. "Infectious Injection" is missing Tradable
  4074. "Infectious Injection" is missing Type
  4075. "Infested Impedance" is missing BaseDrain
  4076. "Infested Impedance" is missing Description
  4077. "Infested Impedance" is missing Icon
  4078. "Infested Impedance" is missing InternalName
  4079. "Infested Impedance" is missing Introduced
  4080. "Infested Impedance" is missing Link
  4081. "Infested Impedance" is missing MaxRank
  4082. "Infested Impedance" is missing Tradable
  4083. "Infested Impedance" is missing Type
  4084. "Infiltrate" is missing BaseDrain
  4085. "Infiltrate" is missing Description
  4086. "Infiltrate" is missing Icon
  4087. "Infiltrate" is missing InternalName
  4088. "Infiltrate" is missing Introduced
  4089. "Infiltrate" is missing Link
  4090. "Infiltrate" is missing MaxRank
  4091. "Infiltrate" is missing Tradable
  4092. "Infiltrate" is missing Type
  4093. "Insatiable" is missing BaseDrain
  4094. "Insatiable" is missing Description
  4095. "Insatiable" is missing Icon
  4096. "Insatiable" is missing InternalName
  4097. "Insatiable" is missing Introduced
  4098. "Insatiable" is missing Link
  4099. "Insatiable" is missing MaxRank
  4100. "Insatiable" is missing Tradable
  4101. "Insatiable" is missing Type
  4102. "Insulation" is missing BaseDrain
  4103. "Insulation" is missing Description
  4104. "Insulation" is missing Icon
  4105. "Insulation" is missing InternalName
  4106. "Insulation" is missing Introduced
  4107. "Insulation" is missing Link
  4108. "Insulation" is missing MaxRank
  4109. "Insulation" is missing Tradable
  4110. "Insulation" is missing Transmutable
  4111. "Insulation" is missing Type
  4112. "Intensify" is missing BaseDrain
  4113. "Intensify" is missing Description
  4114. "Intensify" is missing Icon
  4115. "Intensify" is missing InternalName
  4116. "Intensify" is missing Introduced
  4117. "Intensify" is missing Link
  4118. "Intensify" is missing MaxRank
  4119. "Intensify" is missing Tradable
  4120. "Intensify" is missing Transmutable
  4121. "Intensify" is missing Type
  4122. "Intruder" is missing BaseDrain
  4123. "Intruder" is missing Description
  4124. "Intruder" is missing Icon
  4125. "Intruder" is missing InternalName
  4126. "Intruder" is missing Link
  4127. "Intruder" is missing MaxRank
  4128. "Intruder" is missing Polarity
  4129. "Intruder" is missing Tradable
  4130. "Intruder" is missing Type
  4131. "Investigator" is missing BaseDrain
  4132. "Investigator" is missing Description
  4133. "Investigator" is missing Icon
  4134. "Investigator" is missing InternalName
  4135. "Investigator" is missing Introduced
  4136. "Investigator" is missing Link
  4137. "Investigator" is missing MaxRank
  4138. "Investigator" is missing Tradable
  4139. "Investigator" is missing Type
  4140. "Ion Infusion" is missing BaseDrain
  4141. "Ion Infusion" is missing Description
  4142. "Ion Infusion" is missing Icon
  4143. "Ion Infusion" is missing InternalName
  4144. "Ion Infusion" is missing Introduced
  4145. "Ion Infusion" is missing Link
  4146. "Ion Infusion" is missing MaxRank
  4147. "Ion Infusion" is missing Tradable
  4148. "Ion Infusion" is missing Type
  4149. "Iron Phoenix" is missing BaseDrain
  4150. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Description
  4151. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Icon
  4152. "Iron Phoenix" is missing InternalName
  4153. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Introduced
  4154. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Link
  4155. "Iron Phoenix" is missing MaxRank
  4156. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Tradable
  4157. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Transmutable
  4158. "Iron Phoenix" is missing Type
  4159. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing BaseDrain
  4160. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing Description
  4161. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing Icon
  4162. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing InternalName
  4163. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing Introduced
  4164. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing Link
  4165. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing MaxRank
  4166. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing Tradable
  4167. "Iron Shrapnel" is missing Type
  4168. "Iron Vault" is missing BaseDrain
  4169. "Iron Vault" is missing Description
  4170. "Iron Vault" is missing Icon
  4171. "Iron Vault" is missing InternalName
  4172. "Iron Vault" is missing Introduced
  4173. "Iron Vault" is missing Link
  4174. "Iron Vault" is missing MaxRank
  4175. "Iron Vault" is missing Tradable
  4176. "Iron Vault" is missing Type
  4177. "Ironclad Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  4178. "Ironclad Charge" is missing Description
  4179. "Ironclad Charge" is missing Icon
  4180. "Ironclad Charge" is missing InternalName
  4181. "Ironclad Charge" is missing Introduced
  4182. "Ironclad Charge" is missing Link
  4183. "Ironclad Charge" is missing MaxRank
  4184. "Ironclad Charge" is missing Tradable
  4185. "Ironclad Charge" is missing Type
  4186. "Ironclad Flight" is missing BaseDrain
  4187. "Ironclad Flight" is missing Description
  4188. "Ironclad Flight" is missing Icon
  4189. "Ironclad Flight" is missing InternalName
  4190. "Ironclad Flight" is missing Introduced
  4191. "Ironclad Flight" is missing Link
  4192. "Ironclad Flight" is missing MaxRank
  4193. "Ironclad Flight" is missing Tradable
  4194. "Ironclad Flight" is missing Type
  4195. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing BaseDrain
  4196. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing Description
  4197. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing Icon
  4198. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing InternalName
  4199. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing Introduced
  4200. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing Link
  4201. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing MaxRank
  4202. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing Tradable
  4203. "Irradiating Disarm" is missing Type
  4204. "Jagged Edge" is missing BaseDrain
  4205. "Jagged Edge" is missing Description
  4206. "Jagged Edge" is missing Icon
  4207. "Jagged Edge" is missing InternalName
  4208. "Jagged Edge" is missing Link
  4209. "Jagged Edge" is missing MaxRank
  4210. "Jagged Edge" is missing Tradable
  4211. "Jagged Edge" is missing Transmutable
  4212. "Jagged Edge" is missing Type
  4213. "Jahu" is missing BaseDrain
  4214. "Jahu" is missing Description
  4215. "Jahu" is missing Icon
  4216. "Jahu" is missing InternalName
  4217. "Jahu" is missing Introduced
  4218. "Jahu" is missing Link
  4219. "Jahu" is missing MaxRank
  4220. "Jahu" is missing Polarity
  4221. "Jahu" is missing Tradable
  4222. "Jahu" is missing Type
  4223. "Jet Stream" is missing BaseDrain
  4224. "Jet Stream" is missing Description
  4225. "Jet Stream" is missing Icon
  4226. "Jet Stream" is missing InternalName
  4227. "Jet Stream" is missing Link
  4228. "Jet Stream" is missing MaxRank
  4229. "Jet Stream" is missing Tradable
  4230. "Jet Stream" is missing Type
  4231. "Jolt" is missing BaseDrain
  4232. "Jolt" is missing Description
  4233. "Jolt" is missing Icon
  4234. "Jolt" is missing InternalName
  4235. "Jolt" is missing Introduced
  4236. "Jolt" is missing Link
  4237. "Jolt" is missing MaxRank
  4238. "Jolt" is missing Tradable
  4239. "Jolt" is missing Type
  4240. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing BaseDrain
  4241. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing Description
  4242. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing Icon
  4243. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing InternalName
  4244. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing Introduced
  4245. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing Link
  4246. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing MaxRank
  4247. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing Tradable
  4248. "Jugulus Barbs" is missing Type
  4249. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing BaseDrain
  4250. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing Description
  4251. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing Icon
  4252. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing InternalName
  4253. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing Introduced
  4254. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing Link
  4255. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing MaxRank
  4256. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing Tradable
  4257. "Jugulus Carapace" is missing Type
  4258. "Jugulus Spines" is missing BaseDrain
  4259. "Jugulus Spines" is missing Description
  4260. "Jugulus Spines" is missing Icon
  4261. "Jugulus Spines" is missing InternalName
  4262. "Jugulus Spines" is missing Introduced
  4263. "Jugulus Spines" is missing Link
  4264. "Jugulus Spines" is missing MaxRank
  4265. "Jugulus Spines" is missing Tradable
  4266. "Jugulus Spines" is missing Type
  4267. "Juice" is missing BaseDrain
  4268. "Juice" is missing Description
  4269. "Juice" is missing Icon
  4270. "Juice" is missing InternalName
  4271. "Juice" is missing Link
  4272. "Juice" is missing MaxRank
  4273. "Juice" is missing Tradable
  4274. "Juice" is missing Type
  4275. "Justice Blades" is missing BaseDrain
  4276. "Justice Blades" is missing Description
  4277. "Justice Blades" is missing Icon
  4278. "Justice Blades" is missing InternalName
  4279. "Justice Blades" is missing Introduced
  4280. "Justice Blades" is missing Link
  4281. "Justice Blades" is missing MaxRank
  4282. "Justice Blades" is missing Tradable
  4283. "Justice Blades" is missing Type
  4284. "Kavat's Grace" is missing BaseDrain
  4285. "Kavat's Grace" is missing Description
  4286. "Kavat's Grace" is missing Icon
  4287. "Kavat's Grace" is missing InternalName
  4288. "Kavat's Grace" is missing Introduced
  4289. "Kavat's Grace" is missing Link
  4290. "Kavat's Grace" is missing MaxRank
  4291. "Kavat's Grace" is missing Tradable
  4292. "Kavat's Grace" is missing Type
  4293. "Khra" is missing BaseDrain
  4294. "Khra" is missing Description
  4295. "Khra" is missing Icon
  4296. "Khra" is missing InternalName
  4297. "Khra" is missing Introduced
  4298. "Khra" is missing Link
  4299. "Khra" is missing MaxRank
  4300. "Khra" is missing Polarity
  4301. "Khra" is missing Tradable
  4302. "Khra" is missing Type
  4303. "Kill Switch" is missing BaseDrain
  4304. "Kill Switch" is missing Description
  4305. "Kill Switch" is missing Icon
  4306. "Kill Switch" is missing InternalName
  4307. "Kill Switch" is missing Introduced
  4308. "Kill Switch" is missing Link
  4309. "Kill Switch" is missing MaxRank
  4310. "Kill Switch" is missing Tradable
  4311. "Kill Switch" is missing Type
  4312. "Killing Blow" is missing BaseDrain
  4313. "Killing Blow" is missing Description
  4314. "Killing Blow" is missing Icon
  4315. "Killing Blow" is missing InternalName
  4316. "Killing Blow" is missing Introduced
  4317. "Killing Blow" is missing Link
  4318. "Killing Blow" is missing MaxRank
  4319. "Killing Blow" is missing Tradable
  4320. "Killing Blow" is missing Transmutable
  4321. "Killing Blow" is missing Type
  4322. "Kinetic Collision" is missing BaseDrain
  4323. "Kinetic Collision" is missing Description
  4324. "Kinetic Collision" is missing Icon
  4325. "Kinetic Collision" is missing InternalName
  4326. "Kinetic Collision" is missing Introduced
  4327. "Kinetic Collision" is missing Link
  4328. "Kinetic Collision" is missing MaxRank
  4329. "Kinetic Collision" is missing Tradable
  4330. "Kinetic Collision" is missing Type
  4331. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing BaseDrain
  4332. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing Description
  4333. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing Icon
  4334. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing InternalName
  4335. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing Introduced
  4336. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing Link
  4337. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing MaxRank
  4338. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing Tradable
  4339. "Kinetic Diversion" is missing Type
  4340. "Kinetic Friction" is missing BaseDrain
  4341. "Kinetic Friction" is missing Description
  4342. "Kinetic Friction" is missing Icon
  4343. "Kinetic Friction" is missing InternalName
  4344. "Kinetic Friction" is missing Introduced
  4345. "Kinetic Friction" is missing Link
  4346. "Kinetic Friction" is missing MaxRank
  4347. "Kinetic Friction" is missing Tradable
  4348. "Kinetic Friction" is missing Type
  4349. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing BaseDrain
  4350. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing Description
  4351. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing Icon
  4352. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing InternalName
  4353. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing Introduced
  4354. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing Link
  4355. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing MaxRank
  4356. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing Tradable
  4357. "Kinetic Ricochet" is missing Type
  4358. "Larva Burst" is missing BaseDrain
  4359. "Larva Burst" is missing Description
  4360. "Larva Burst" is missing Icon
  4361. "Larva Burst" is missing InternalName
  4362. "Larva Burst" is missing Introduced
  4363. "Larva Burst" is missing Link
  4364. "Larva Burst" is missing MaxRank
  4365. "Larva Burst" is missing Tradable
  4366. "Larva Burst" is missing Type
  4367. "Laser Deflection" is missing BaseDrain
  4368. "Laser Deflection" is missing Description
  4369. "Laser Deflection" is missing Icon
  4370. "Laser Deflection" is missing InternalName
  4371. "Laser Deflection" is missing Introduced
  4372. "Laser Deflection" is missing Link
  4373. "Laser Deflection" is missing MaxRank
  4374. "Laser Deflection" is missing Tradable
  4375. "Laser Deflection" is missing Type
  4376. "Laser Sight" is missing BaseDrain
  4377. "Laser Sight" is missing Description
  4378. "Laser Sight" is missing Icon
  4379. "Laser Sight" is missing InternalName
  4380. "Laser Sight" is missing Introduced
  4381. "Laser Sight" is missing Link
  4382. "Laser Sight" is missing MaxRank
  4383. "Laser Sight" is missing Tradable
  4384. "Laser Sight" is missing Type
  4385. "Lashing Coil" is missing BaseDrain
  4386. "Lashing Coil" is missing Description
  4387. "Lashing Coil" is missing Icon
  4388. "Lashing Coil" is missing InternalName
  4389. "Lashing Coil" is missing Introduced
  4390. "Lashing Coil" is missing Link
  4391. "Lashing Coil" is missing MaxRank
  4392. "Lashing Coil" is missing Tradable
  4393. "Lashing Coil" is missing Type
  4394. "Last Herald" is missing BaseDrain
  4395. "Last Herald" is missing Description
  4396. "Last Herald" is missing Icon
  4397. "Last Herald" is missing InternalName
  4398. "Last Herald" is missing Introduced
  4399. "Last Herald" is missing Link
  4400. "Last Herald" is missing MaxRank
  4401. "Last Herald" is missing Tradable
  4402. "Last Herald" is missing Type
  4403. "Lasting Covenant" is missing BaseDrain
  4404. "Lasting Covenant" is missing Description
  4405. "Lasting Covenant" is missing Icon
  4406. "Lasting Covenant" is missing InternalName
  4407. "Lasting Covenant" is missing Link
  4408. "Lasting Covenant" is missing MaxRank
  4409. "Lasting Covenant" is missing Tradable
  4410. "Lasting Covenant" is missing Type
  4411. "Lasting Purity" is missing BaseDrain
  4412. "Lasting Purity" is missing Description
  4413. "Lasting Purity" is missing Icon
  4414. "Lasting Purity" is missing InternalName
  4415. "Lasting Purity" is missing Introduced
  4416. "Lasting Purity" is missing Link
  4417. "Lasting Purity" is missing MaxRank
  4418. "Lasting Purity" is missing Tradable
  4419. "Lasting Purity" is missing Type
  4420. "Lasting Sting" is missing BaseDrain
  4421. "Lasting Sting" is missing Description
  4422. "Lasting Sting" is missing Icon
  4423. "Lasting Sting" is missing InternalName
  4424. "Lasting Sting" is missing Introduced
  4425. "Lasting Sting" is missing Link
  4426. "Lasting Sting" is missing MaxRank
  4427. "Lasting Sting" is missing Tradable
  4428. "Lasting Sting" is missing Transmutable
  4429. "Lasting Sting" is missing Type
  4430. "Lethal Momentum" is missing BaseDrain
  4431. "Lethal Momentum" is missing Description
  4432. "Lethal Momentum" is missing Icon
  4433. "Lethal Momentum" is missing InternalName
  4434. "Lethal Momentum" is missing Link
  4435. "Lethal Momentum" is missing MaxRank
  4436. "Lethal Momentum" is missing Tradable
  4437. "Lethal Momentum" is missing Transmutable
  4438. "Lethal Momentum" is missing Type
  4439. "Lethal Torrent" is missing BaseDrain
  4440. "Lethal Torrent" is missing Description
  4441. "Lethal Torrent" is missing Icon
  4442. "Lethal Torrent" is missing InternalName
  4443. "Lethal Torrent" is missing Link
  4444. "Lethal Torrent" is missing MaxRank
  4445. "Lethal Torrent" is missing Tradable
  4446. "Lethal Torrent" is missing Type
  4447. "Lie In Wait" is missing BaseDrain
  4448. "Lie In Wait" is missing Description
  4449. "Lie In Wait" is missing Icon
  4450. "Lie In Wait" is missing InternalName
  4451. "Lie In Wait" is missing Introduced
  4452. "Lie In Wait" is missing Link
  4453. "Lie In Wait" is missing MaxRank
  4454. "Lie In Wait" is missing Tradable
  4455. "Lie In Wait" is missing Type
  4456. "Life Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  4457. "Life Strike" is missing Description
  4458. "Life Strike" is missing Icon
  4459. "Life Strike" is missing InternalName
  4460. "Life Strike" is missing Introduced
  4461. "Life Strike" is missing Link
  4462. "Life Strike" is missing MaxRank
  4463. "Life Strike" is missing Tradable
  4464. "Life Strike" is missing Transmutable
  4465. "Life Strike" is missing Type
  4466. "Lightning Dash" is missing BaseDrain
  4467. "Lightning Dash" is missing Description
  4468. "Lightning Dash" is missing Icon
  4469. "Lightning Dash" is missing InternalName
  4470. "Lightning Dash" is missing Introduced
  4471. "Lightning Dash" is missing Link
  4472. "Lightning Dash" is missing MaxRank
  4473. "Lightning Dash" is missing Tradable
  4474. "Lightning Dash" is missing Transmutable
  4475. "Lightning Dash" is missing Type
  4476. "Lightning Rod" is missing BaseDrain
  4477. "Lightning Rod" is missing Description
  4478. "Lightning Rod" is missing Icon
  4479. "Lightning Rod" is missing InternalName
  4480. "Lightning Rod" is missing Introduced
  4481. "Lightning Rod" is missing Link
  4482. "Lightning Rod" is missing MaxRank
  4483. "Lightning Rod" is missing Tradable
  4484. "Lightning Rod" is missing Transmutable
  4485. "Lightning Rod" is missing Type
  4486. "Lingering Torment" is missing BaseDrain
  4487. "Lingering Torment" is missing Description
  4488. "Lingering Torment" is missing Icon
  4489. "Lingering Torment" is missing InternalName
  4490. "Lingering Torment" is missing Introduced
  4491. "Lingering Torment" is missing Link
  4492. "Lingering Torment" is missing MaxRank
  4493. "Lingering Torment" is missing Tradable
  4494. "Lingering Torment" is missing Transmutable
  4495. "Lingering Torment" is missing Type
  4496. "Link Armor" is missing BaseDrain
  4497. "Link Armor" is missing Description
  4498. "Link Armor" is missing Icon
  4499. "Link Armor" is missing InternalName
  4500. "Link Armor" is missing Introduced
  4501. "Link Armor" is missing Link
  4502. "Link Armor" is missing MaxRank
  4503. "Link Armor" is missing Tradable
  4504. "Link Armor" is missing Transmutable
  4505. "Link Armor" is missing Type
  4506. "Link Health" is missing BaseDrain
  4507. "Link Health" is missing Description
  4508. "Link Health" is missing Icon
  4509. "Link Health" is missing InternalName
  4510. "Link Health" is missing Introduced
  4511. "Link Health" is missing Link
  4512. "Link Health" is missing MaxRank
  4513. "Link Health" is missing Tradable
  4514. "Link Health" is missing Transmutable
  4515. "Link Health" is missing Type
  4516. "Link Shields" is missing BaseDrain
  4517. "Link Shields" is missing Description
  4518. "Link Shields" is missing Icon
  4519. "Link Shields" is missing InternalName
  4520. "Link Shields" is missing Introduced
  4521. "Link Shields" is missing Link
  4522. "Link Shields" is missing MaxRank
  4523. "Link Shields" is missing Tradable
  4524. "Link Shields" is missing Transmutable
  4525. "Link Shields" is missing Type
  4526. "Live Wire" is missing BaseDrain
  4527. "Live Wire" is missing Description
  4528. "Live Wire" is missing Icon
  4529. "Live Wire" is missing InternalName
  4530. "Live Wire" is missing Introduced
  4531. "Live Wire" is missing Link
  4532. "Live Wire" is missing MaxRank
  4533. "Live Wire" is missing Polarity
  4534. "Live Wire" is missing Tradable
  4535. "Live Wire" is missing Type
  4536. "Loaded Capacity" is missing BaseDrain
  4537. "Loaded Capacity" is missing Description
  4538. "Loaded Capacity" is missing Icon
  4539. "Loaded Capacity" is missing InternalName
  4540. "Loaded Capacity" is missing Introduced
  4541. "Loaded Capacity" is missing Link
  4542. "Loaded Capacity" is missing MaxRank
  4543. "Loaded Capacity" is missing Tradable
  4544. "Loaded Capacity" is missing Type
  4545. "Lock and Load" is missing BaseDrain
  4546. "Lock and Load" is missing Description
  4547. "Lock and Load" is missing Icon
  4548. "Lock and Load" is missing InternalName
  4549. "Lock and Load" is missing Introduced
  4550. "Lock and Load" is missing Link
  4551. "Lock and Load" is missing MaxRank
  4552. "Lock and Load" is missing Tradable
  4553. "Lock and Load" is missing Type
  4554. "Lohk" is missing BaseDrain
  4555. "Lohk" is missing Description
  4556. "Lohk" is missing Icon
  4557. "Lohk" is missing InternalName
  4558. "Lohk" is missing Introduced
  4559. "Lohk" is missing Link
  4560. "Lohk" is missing MaxRank
  4561. "Lohk" is missing Polarity
  4562. "Lohk" is missing Tradable
  4563. "Lohk" is missing Type
  4564. "Loose Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  4565. "Loose Chamber" is missing Description
  4566. "Loose Chamber" is missing Icon
  4567. "Loose Chamber" is missing InternalName
  4568. "Loose Chamber" is missing Introduced
  4569. "Loose Chamber" is missing Link
  4570. "Loose Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  4571. "Loose Chamber" is missing Tradable
  4572. "Loose Chamber" is missing Type
  4573. "Loose Hatch" is missing BaseDrain
  4574. "Loose Hatch" is missing Description
  4575. "Loose Hatch" is missing Icon
  4576. "Loose Hatch" is missing InternalName
  4577. "Loose Hatch" is missing Introduced
  4578. "Loose Hatch" is missing Link
  4579. "Loose Hatch" is missing MaxRank
  4580. "Loose Hatch" is missing Tradable
  4581. "Loose Hatch" is missing Type
  4582. "Loose Magazine" is missing BaseDrain
  4583. "Loose Magazine" is missing Description
  4584. "Loose Magazine" is missing Icon
  4585. "Loose Magazine" is missing InternalName
  4586. "Loose Magazine" is missing Introduced
  4587. "Loose Magazine" is missing Link
  4588. "Loose Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  4589. "Loose Magazine" is missing Tradable
  4590. "Loose Magazine" is missing Type
  4591. "Loot Detector" is missing BaseDrain
  4592. "Loot Detector" is missing Description
  4593. "Loot Detector" is missing Icon
  4594. "Loot Detector" is missing InternalName
  4595. "Loot Detector" is missing Introduced
  4596. "Loot Detector" is missing Link
  4597. "Loot Detector" is missing MaxRank
  4598. "Loot Detector" is missing Tradable
  4599. "Loot Detector" is missing Type
  4600. "Looter" is missing BaseDrain
  4601. "Looter" is missing Description
  4602. "Looter" is missing Icon
  4603. "Looter" is missing InternalName
  4604. "Looter" is missing Introduced
  4605. "Looter" is missing Link
  4606. "Looter" is missing MaxRank
  4607. "Looter" is missing Tradable
  4608. "Looter" is missing Type
  4609. "Loyal Companion" is missing BaseDrain
  4610. "Loyal Companion" is missing Description
  4611. "Loyal Companion" is missing Icon
  4612. "Loyal Companion" is missing InternalName
  4613. "Loyal Companion" is missing Introduced
  4614. "Loyal Companion" is missing Link
  4615. "Loyal Companion" is missing MaxRank
  4616. "Loyal Companion" is missing Tradable
  4617. "Loyal Companion" is missing Transmutable
  4618. "Loyal Companion" is missing Type
  4619. "Lucky Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  4620. "Lucky Shot" is missing Description
  4621. "Lucky Shot" is missing Icon
  4622. "Lucky Shot" is missing InternalName
  4623. "Lucky Shot" is missing Introduced
  4624. "Lucky Shot" is missing Link
  4625. "Lucky Shot" is missing MaxRank
  4626. "Lucky Shot" is missing Tradable
  4627. "Lucky Shot" is missing Type
  4628. "Mad Stack" is missing BaseDrain
  4629. "Mad Stack" is missing Description
  4630. "Mad Stack" is missing Icon
  4631. "Mad Stack" is missing InternalName
  4632. "Mad Stack" is missing Introduced
  4633. "Mad Stack" is missing Link
  4634. "Mad Stack" is missing MaxRank
  4635. "Mad Stack" is missing Tradable
  4636. "Mad Stack" is missing Type
  4637. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing BaseDrain
  4638. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing Description
  4639. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing Icon
  4640. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing InternalName
  4641. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing Introduced
  4642. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing Link
  4643. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing MaxRank
  4644. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing Tradable
  4645. "Madurai Transmute Core" is missing Type
  4646. "Mafic Rain" is missing BaseDrain
  4647. "Mafic Rain" is missing Description
  4648. "Mafic Rain" is missing Icon
  4649. "Mafic Rain" is missing InternalName
  4650. "Mafic Rain" is missing Introduced
  4651. "Mafic Rain" is missing Link
  4652. "Mafic Rain" is missing MaxRank
  4653. "Mafic Rain" is missing Tradable
  4654. "Mafic Rain" is missing Type
  4655. "Mag Locks" is missing BaseDrain
  4656. "Mag Locks" is missing Description
  4657. "Mag Locks" is missing Icon
  4658. "Mag Locks" is missing InternalName
  4659. "Mag Locks" is missing Introduced
  4660. "Mag Locks" is missing Link
  4661. "Mag Locks" is missing MaxRank
  4662. "Mag Locks" is missing Tradable
  4663. "Mag Locks" is missing Type
  4664. "Magazine Extension" is missing BaseDrain
  4665. "Magazine Extension" is missing Description
  4666. "Magazine Extension" is missing Icon
  4667. "Magazine Extension" is missing InternalName
  4668. "Magazine Extension" is missing Introduced
  4669. "Magazine Extension" is missing Link
  4670. "Magazine Extension" is missing MaxRank
  4671. "Magazine Extension" is missing Tradable
  4672. "Magazine Extension" is missing Transmutable
  4673. "Magazine Extension" is missing Type
  4674. "Magazine Warp" is missing BaseDrain
  4675. "Magazine Warp" is missing Description
  4676. "Magazine Warp" is missing Icon
  4677. "Magazine Warp" is missing InternalName
  4678. "Magazine Warp" is missing Link
  4679. "Magazine Warp" is missing MaxRank
  4680. "Magazine Warp" is missing Tradable
  4681. "Magazine Warp" is missing Transmutable
  4682. "Magazine Warp" is missing Type
  4683. "Maglev" is missing BaseDrain
  4684. "Maglev" is missing Description
  4685. "Maglev" is missing Icon
  4686. "Maglev" is missing InternalName
  4687. "Maglev" is missing Introduced
  4688. "Maglev" is missing Link
  4689. "Maglev" is missing MaxRank
  4690. "Maglev" is missing Tradable
  4691. "Maglev" is missing Transmutable
  4692. "Maglev" is missing Type
  4693. "Magma Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  4694. "Magma Chamber" is missing Description
  4695. "Magma Chamber" is missing Icon
  4696. "Magma Chamber" is missing InternalName
  4697. "Magma Chamber" is missing Introduced
  4698. "Magma Chamber" is missing Link
  4699. "Magma Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  4700. "Magma Chamber" is missing Tradable
  4701. "Magma Chamber" is missing Type
  4702. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing BaseDrain
  4703. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing Description
  4704. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing Icon
  4705. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing InternalName
  4706. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing Introduced
  4707. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing Link
  4708. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing MaxRank
  4709. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing Tradable
  4710. "Magnetized Discharge" is missing Type
  4711. "Magnum Force" is missing BaseDrain
  4712. "Magnum Force" is missing Description
  4713. "Magnum Force" is missing Icon
  4714. "Magnum Force" is missing InternalName
  4715. "Magnum Force" is missing Introduced
  4716. "Magnum Force" is missing Link
  4717. "Magnum Force" is missing MaxRank
  4718. "Magnum Force" is missing Tradable
  4719. "Magnum Force" is missing Type
  4720. "Maim" is missing BaseDrain
  4721. "Maim" is missing Description
  4722. "Maim" is missing Icon
  4723. "Maim" is missing InternalName
  4724. "Maim" is missing Introduced
  4725. "Maim" is missing Link
  4726. "Maim" is missing MaxRank
  4727. "Maim" is missing Tradable
  4728. "Maim" is missing Type
  4729. "Maiming Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  4730. "Maiming Strike" is missing Description
  4731. "Maiming Strike" is missing Icon
  4732. "Maiming Strike" is missing InternalName
  4733. "Maiming Strike" is missing Introduced
  4734. "Maiming Strike" is missing Link
  4735. "Maiming Strike" is missing MaxRank
  4736. "Maiming Strike" is missing Tradable
  4737. "Maiming Strike" is missing Type
  4738. "Malicious Raptor" is missing BaseDrain
  4739. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Description
  4740. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Icon
  4741. "Malicious Raptor" is missing InternalName
  4742. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Introduced
  4743. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Link
  4744. "Malicious Raptor" is missing MaxRank
  4745. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Tradable
  4746. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Transmutable
  4747. "Malicious Raptor" is missing Type
  4748. "Malignant Force" is missing BaseDrain
  4749. "Malignant Force" is missing Description
  4750. "Malignant Force" is missing Icon
  4751. "Malignant Force" is missing InternalName
  4752. "Malignant Force" is missing Introduced
  4753. "Malignant Force" is missing Link
  4754. "Malignant Force" is missing MaxRank
  4755. "Malignant Force" is missing Tradable
  4756. "Malignant Force" is missing Type
  4757. "Marked Target" is missing BaseDrain
  4758. "Marked Target" is missing Description
  4759. "Marked Target" is missing Icon
  4760. "Marked Target" is missing InternalName
  4761. "Marked Target" is missing Introduced
  4762. "Marked Target" is missing Link
  4763. "Marked Target" is missing MaxRank
  4764. "Marked Target" is missing Tradable
  4765. "Marked Target" is missing Transmutable
  4766. "Marked Target" is missing Type
  4767. "Martial Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  4768. "Martial Fury" is missing Description
  4769. "Martial Fury" is missing Icon
  4770. "Martial Fury" is missing InternalName
  4771. "Martial Fury" is missing Introduced
  4772. "Martial Fury" is missing Link
  4773. "Martial Fury" is missing MaxRank
  4774. "Martial Fury" is missing Tradable
  4775. "Martial Fury" is missing Type
  4776. "Master Key" is missing BaseDrain
  4777. "Master Key" is missing Description
  4778. "Master Key" is missing Icon
  4779. "Master Key" is missing InternalName
  4780. "Master Key" is missing Introduced
  4781. "Master Key" is missing Link
  4782. "Master Key" is missing MaxRank
  4783. "Master Key" is missing Polarity
  4784. "Master Key" is missing Tradable
  4785. "Master Key" is missing Type
  4786. "Master Thief" is missing BaseDrain
  4787. "Master Thief" is missing Description
  4788. "Master Thief" is missing Icon
  4789. "Master Thief" is missing InternalName
  4790. "Master Thief" is missing Introduced
  4791. "Master Thief" is missing Link
  4792. "Master Thief" is missing MaxRank
  4793. "Master Thief" is missing Tradable
  4794. "Master Thief" is missing Transmutable
  4795. "Master Thief" is missing Type
  4796. "Maul" is missing BaseDrain
  4797. "Maul" is missing Description
  4798. "Maul" is missing Icon
  4799. "Maul" is missing InternalName
  4800. "Maul" is missing Introduced
  4801. "Maul" is missing Link
  4802. "Maul" is missing MaxRank
  4803. "Maul" is missing Tradable
  4804. "Maul" is missing Transmutable
  4805. "Maul" is missing Type
  4806. "Maximum Capacity" is missing BaseDrain
  4807. "Maximum Capacity" is missing Description
  4808. "Maximum Capacity" is missing Icon
  4809. "Maximum Capacity" is missing InternalName
  4810. "Maximum Capacity" is missing Introduced
  4811. "Maximum Capacity" is missing Link
  4812. "Maximum Capacity" is missing MaxRank
  4813. "Maximum Capacity" is missing Tradable
  4814. "Maximum Capacity" is missing Type
  4815. "Measured Burst" is missing BaseDrain
  4816. "Measured Burst" is missing Description
  4817. "Measured Burst" is missing Icon
  4818. "Measured Burst" is missing InternalName
  4819. "Measured Burst" is missing Introduced
  4820. "Measured Burst" is missing Link
  4821. "Measured Burst" is missing MaxRank
  4822. "Measured Burst" is missing Tradable
  4823. "Measured Burst" is missing Type
  4824. "Mecha Empowered" is missing BaseDrain
  4825. "Mecha Empowered" is missing Description
  4826. "Mecha Empowered" is missing Icon
  4827. "Mecha Empowered" is missing InternalName
  4828. "Mecha Empowered" is missing Link
  4829. "Mecha Empowered" is missing MaxRank
  4830. "Mecha Empowered" is missing Tradable
  4831. "Mecha Empowered" is missing Type
  4832. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing BaseDrain
  4833. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing Description
  4834. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing Icon
  4835. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing InternalName
  4836. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing Introduced
  4837. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing Link
  4838. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing MaxRank
  4839. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing Tradable
  4840. "Mecha Overdrive" is missing Type
  4841. "Mecha Pulse" is missing BaseDrain
  4842. "Mecha Pulse" is missing Description
  4843. "Mecha Pulse" is missing Icon
  4844. "Mecha Pulse" is missing InternalName
  4845. "Mecha Pulse" is missing Introduced
  4846. "Mecha Pulse" is missing Link
  4847. "Mecha Pulse" is missing MaxRank
  4848. "Mecha Pulse" is missing Tradable
  4849. "Mecha Pulse" is missing Type
  4850. "Mecha Recharge" is missing BaseDrain
  4851. "Mecha Recharge" is missing Description
  4852. "Mecha Recharge" is missing Icon
  4853. "Mecha Recharge" is missing InternalName
  4854. "Mecha Recharge" is missing Introduced
  4855. "Mecha Recharge" is missing Link
  4856. "Mecha Recharge" is missing MaxRank
  4857. "Mecha Recharge" is missing Tradable
  4858. "Mecha Recharge" is missing Type
  4859. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing BaseDrain
  4860. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing Description
  4861. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing Icon
  4862. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing InternalName
  4863. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing Introduced
  4864. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing Link
  4865. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing MaxRank
  4866. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing Tradable
  4867. "Medi-Pet Kit" is missing Type
  4868. "Medi-Ray" is missing BaseDrain
  4869. "Medi-Ray" is missing Description
  4870. "Medi-Ray" is missing Icon
  4871. "Medi-Ray" is missing InternalName
  4872. "Medi-Ray" is missing Introduced
  4873. "Medi-Ray" is missing Link
  4874. "Medi-Ray" is missing MaxRank
  4875. "Medi-Ray" is missing Tradable
  4876. "Medi-Ray" is missing Type
  4877. "Melee Guidance" is missing BaseDrain
  4878. "Melee Guidance" is missing Description
  4879. "Melee Guidance" is missing Icon
  4880. "Melee Guidance" is missing InternalName
  4881. "Melee Guidance" is missing Introduced
  4882. "Melee Guidance" is missing Link
  4883. "Melee Guidance" is missing MaxRank
  4884. "Melee Guidance" is missing Tradable
  4885. "Melee Guidance" is missing Type
  4886. "Melee Prowess" is missing BaseDrain
  4887. "Melee Prowess" is missing Description
  4888. "Melee Prowess" is missing Icon
  4889. "Melee Prowess" is missing InternalName
  4890. "Melee Prowess" is missing Link
  4891. "Melee Prowess" is missing MaxRank
  4892. "Melee Prowess" is missing Tradable
  4893. "Melee Prowess" is missing Transmutable
  4894. "Melee Prowess" is missing Type
  4895. "Mending Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  4896. "Mending Shot" is missing Description
  4897. "Mending Shot" is missing Icon
  4898. "Mending Shot" is missing InternalName
  4899. "Mending Shot" is missing Introduced
  4900. "Mending Shot" is missing Link
  4901. "Mending Shot" is missing MaxRank
  4902. "Mending Shot" is missing Tradable
  4903. "Mending Shot" is missing Type
  4904. "Mending Splinters" is missing BaseDrain
  4905. "Mending Splinters" is missing Description
  4906. "Mending Splinters" is missing Icon
  4907. "Mending Splinters" is missing InternalName
  4908. "Mending Splinters" is missing Introduced
  4909. "Mending Splinters" is missing Link
  4910. "Mending Splinters" is missing MaxRank
  4911. "Mending Splinters" is missing Tradable
  4912. "Mending Splinters" is missing Type
  4913. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing BaseDrain
  4914. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing Description
  4915. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing Icon
  4916. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing InternalName
  4917. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing Introduced
  4918. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing Link
  4919. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing MaxRank
  4920. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing Tradable
  4921. "Mesa's Waltz" is missing Type
  4922. "Metal Auger" is missing BaseDrain
  4923. "Metal Auger" is missing Description
  4924. "Metal Auger" is missing Icon
  4925. "Metal Auger" is missing InternalName
  4926. "Metal Auger" is missing Link
  4927. "Metal Auger" is missing MaxRank
  4928. "Metal Auger" is missing Tradable
  4929. "Metal Auger" is missing Transmutable
  4930. "Metal Auger" is missing Type
  4931. "Metal Fiber" is missing BaseDrain
  4932. "Metal Fiber" is missing Description
  4933. "Metal Fiber" is missing Icon
  4934. "Metal Fiber" is missing InternalName
  4935. "Metal Fiber" is missing Introduced
  4936. "Metal Fiber" is missing Link
  4937. "Metal Fiber" is missing MaxRank
  4938. "Metal Fiber" is missing Tradable
  4939. "Metal Fiber" is missing Transmutable
  4940. "Metal Fiber" is missing Type
  4941. "Meteor Crash" is missing BaseDrain
  4942. "Meteor Crash" is missing Description
  4943. "Meteor Crash" is missing Icon
  4944. "Meteor Crash" is missing InternalName
  4945. "Meteor Crash" is missing Introduced
  4946. "Meteor Crash" is missing Link
  4947. "Meteor Crash" is missing MaxRank
  4948. "Meteor Crash" is missing Tradable
  4949. "Meteor Crash" is missing Type
  4950. "Meteor Munitions" is missing BaseDrain
  4951. "Meteor Munitions" is missing Description
  4952. "Meteor Munitions" is missing Icon
  4953. "Meteor Munitions" is missing InternalName
  4954. "Meteor Munitions" is missing Introduced
  4955. "Meteor Munitions" is missing Link
  4956. "Meteor Munitions" is missing MaxRank
  4957. "Meteor Munitions" is missing Tradable
  4958. "Meteor Munitions" is missing Type
  4959. "Meticulous Aim" is missing BaseDrain
  4960. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Description
  4961. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Icon
  4962. "Meticulous Aim" is missing InternalName
  4963. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Introduced
  4964. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Link
  4965. "Meticulous Aim" is missing MaxRank
  4966. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Tradable
  4967. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Transmutable
  4968. "Meticulous Aim" is missing Type
  4969. "Mind Freak" is missing BaseDrain
  4970. "Mind Freak" is missing Description
  4971. "Mind Freak" is missing Icon
  4972. "Mind Freak" is missing InternalName
  4973. "Mind Freak" is missing Introduced
  4974. "Mind Freak" is missing Link
  4975. "Mind Freak" is missing MaxRank
  4976. "Mind Freak" is missing Tradable
  4977. "Mind Freak" is missing Type
  4978. "Mischief" is missing BaseDrain
  4979. "Mischief" is missing Description
  4980. "Mischief" is missing Icon
  4981. "Mischief" is missing InternalName
  4982. "Mischief" is missing Introduced
  4983. "Mischief" is missing Link
  4984. "Mischief" is missing MaxRank
  4985. "Mischief" is missing Tradable
  4986. "Mischief" is missing Transmutable
  4987. "Mischief" is missing Type
  4988. "Mobilize" is missing BaseDrain
  4989. "Mobilize" is missing Description
  4990. "Mobilize" is missing Icon
  4991. "Mobilize" is missing InternalName
  4992. "Mobilize" is missing Introduced
  4993. "Mobilize" is missing Link
  4994. "Mobilize" is missing MaxRank
  4995. "Mobilize" is missing Tradable
  4996. "Mobilize" is missing Transmutable
  4997. "Mobilize" is missing Type
  4998. "Modified Munitions" is missing BaseDrain
  4999. "Modified Munitions" is missing Description
  5000. "Modified Munitions" is missing Icon
  5001. "Modified Munitions" is missing InternalName
  5002. "Modified Munitions" is missing Introduced
  5003. "Modified Munitions" is missing Link
  5004. "Modified Munitions" is missing MaxRank
  5005. "Modified Munitions" is missing Tradable
  5006. "Modified Munitions" is missing Transmutable
  5007. "Modified Munitions" is missing Type
  5008. "Molecular Conversion" is missing BaseDrain
  5009. "Molecular Conversion" is missing Description
  5010. "Molecular Conversion" is missing Icon
  5011. "Molecular Conversion" is missing InternalName
  5012. "Molecular Conversion" is missing Introduced
  5013. "Molecular Conversion" is missing Link
  5014. "Molecular Conversion" is missing MaxRank
  5015. "Molecular Conversion" is missing Tradable
  5016. "Molecular Conversion" is missing Type
  5017. "Molecular Fission" is missing BaseDrain
  5018. "Molecular Fission" is missing Description
  5019. "Molecular Fission" is missing Icon
  5020. "Molecular Fission" is missing InternalName
  5021. "Molecular Fission" is missing Introduced
  5022. "Molecular Fission" is missing Link
  5023. "Molecular Fission" is missing MaxRank
  5024. "Molecular Fission" is missing Tradable
  5025. "Molecular Fission" is missing Type
  5026. "Molten Impact" is missing BaseDrain
  5027. "Molten Impact" is missing Description
  5028. "Molten Impact" is missing Icon
  5029. "Molten Impact" is missing InternalName
  5030. "Molten Impact" is missing Introduced
  5031. "Molten Impact" is missing Link
  5032. "Molten Impact" is missing MaxRank
  5033. "Molten Impact" is missing Tradable
  5034. "Molten Impact" is missing Transmutable
  5035. "Molten Impact" is missing Type
  5036. "Momentary Pause" is missing BaseDrain
  5037. "Momentary Pause" is missing Description
  5038. "Momentary Pause" is missing Icon
  5039. "Momentary Pause" is missing InternalName
  5040. "Momentary Pause" is missing Introduced
  5041. "Momentary Pause" is missing Link
  5042. "Momentary Pause" is missing MaxRank
  5043. "Momentary Pause" is missing Tradable
  5044. "Momentary Pause" is missing Type
  5045. "Morphic Transformer" is missing BaseDrain
  5046. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Description
  5047. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Icon
  5048. "Morphic Transformer" is missing InternalName
  5049. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Introduced
  5050. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Link
  5051. "Morphic Transformer" is missing MaxRank
  5052. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Tradable
  5053. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Transmutable
  5054. "Morphic Transformer" is missing Type
  5055. "Mortal Conduct" is missing BaseDrain
  5056. "Mortal Conduct" is missing Description
  5057. "Mortal Conduct" is missing Icon
  5058. "Mortal Conduct" is missing InternalName
  5059. "Mortal Conduct" is missing Introduced
  5060. "Mortal Conduct" is missing Link
  5061. "Mortal Conduct" is missing MaxRank
  5062. "Mortal Conduct" is missing Tradable
  5063. "Mortal Conduct" is missing Type
  5064. "Motus Impact" is missing BaseDrain
  5065. "Motus Impact" is missing Description
  5066. "Motus Impact" is missing Icon
  5067. "Motus Impact" is missing InternalName
  5068. "Motus Impact" is missing Introduced
  5069. "Motus Impact" is missing Link
  5070. "Motus Impact" is missing MaxRank
  5071. "Motus Impact" is missing Tradable
  5072. "Motus Impact" is missing Type
  5073. "Motus Setup" is missing BaseDrain
  5074. "Motus Setup" is missing Description
  5075. "Motus Setup" is missing Icon
  5076. "Motus Setup" is missing InternalName
  5077. "Motus Setup" is missing Introduced
  5078. "Motus Setup" is missing Link
  5079. "Motus Setup" is missing MaxRank
  5080. "Motus Setup" is missing Tradable
  5081. "Motus Setup" is missing Type
  5082. "Motus Signal" is missing BaseDrain
  5083. "Motus Signal" is missing Description
  5084. "Motus Signal" is missing Icon
  5085. "Motus Signal" is missing InternalName
  5086. "Motus Signal" is missing Introduced
  5087. "Motus Signal" is missing Link
  5088. "Motus Signal" is missing MaxRank
  5089. "Motus Signal" is missing Tradable
  5090. "Motus Signal" is missing Type
  5091. "Muzzle Flash" is missing BaseDrain
  5092. "Muzzle Flash" is missing Description
  5093. "Muzzle Flash" is missing Icon
  5094. "Muzzle Flash" is missing InternalName
  5095. "Muzzle Flash" is missing Introduced
  5096. "Muzzle Flash" is missing Link
  5097. "Muzzle Flash" is missing MaxRank
  5098. "Muzzle Flash" is missing Tradable
  5099. "Muzzle Flash" is missing Type
  5100. "Nano-Applicator" is missing BaseDrain
  5101. "Nano-Applicator" is missing Description
  5102. "Nano-Applicator" is missing Icon
  5103. "Nano-Applicator" is missing InternalName
  5104. "Nano-Applicator" is missing Introduced
  5105. "Nano-Applicator" is missing Link
  5106. "Nano-Applicator" is missing MaxRank
  5107. "Nano-Applicator" is missing Tradable
  5108. "Nano-Applicator" is missing Type
  5109. "Napalm Grenades" is missing BaseDrain
  5110. "Napalm Grenades" is missing Description
  5111. "Napalm Grenades" is missing Icon
  5112. "Napalm Grenades" is missing InternalName
  5113. "Napalm Grenades" is missing Introduced
  5114. "Napalm Grenades" is missing Link
  5115. "Napalm Grenades" is missing MaxRank
  5116. "Napalm Grenades" is missing Tradable
  5117. "Napalm Grenades" is missing Type
  5118. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing BaseDrain
  5119. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing Description
  5120. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing Icon
  5121. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing InternalName
  5122. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing Introduced
  5123. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing Link
  5124. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing MaxRank
  5125. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing Tradable
  5126. "Naramon Transmute Core" is missing Type
  5127. "Narrow Barrel" is missing BaseDrain
  5128. "Narrow Barrel" is missing Description
  5129. "Narrow Barrel" is missing Icon
  5130. "Narrow Barrel" is missing InternalName
  5131. "Narrow Barrel" is missing Introduced
  5132. "Narrow Barrel" is missing Link
  5133. "Narrow Barrel" is missing MaxRank
  5134. "Narrow Barrel" is missing Tradable
  5135. "Narrow Barrel" is missing Type
  5136. "Narrow Minded" is missing BaseDrain
  5137. "Narrow Minded" is missing Description
  5138. "Narrow Minded" is missing Icon
  5139. "Narrow Minded" is missing InternalName
  5140. "Narrow Minded" is missing Link
  5141. "Narrow Minded" is missing MaxRank
  5142. "Narrow Minded" is missing Tradable
  5143. "Narrow Minded" is missing Type
  5144. "Natural Talent" is missing BaseDrain
  5145. "Natural Talent" is missing Description
  5146. "Natural Talent" is missing Icon
  5147. "Natural Talent" is missing InternalName
  5148. "Natural Talent" is missing Introduced
  5149. "Natural Talent" is missing Link
  5150. "Natural Talent" is missing MaxRank
  5151. "Natural Talent" is missing Tradable
  5152. "Natural Talent" is missing Transmutable
  5153. "Natural Talent" is missing Type
  5154. "Nebula Bore" is missing BaseDrain
  5155. "Nebula Bore" is missing Description
  5156. "Nebula Bore" is missing Icon
  5157. "Nebula Bore" is missing InternalName
  5158. "Nebula Bore" is missing Introduced
  5159. "Nebula Bore" is missing Link
  5160. "Nebula Bore" is missing MaxRank
  5161. "Nebula Bore" is missing Tradable
  5162. "Nebula Bore" is missing Type
  5163. "Necramech Blitz" is missing BaseDrain
  5164. "Necramech Blitz" is missing Description
  5165. "Necramech Blitz" is missing Icon
  5166. "Necramech Blitz" is missing InternalName
  5167. "Necramech Blitz" is missing Link
  5168. "Necramech Blitz" is missing MaxRank
  5169. "Necramech Blitz" is missing Tradable
  5170. "Necramech Blitz" is missing Type
  5171. "Necramech Continuity" is missing BaseDrain
  5172. "Necramech Continuity" is missing Description
  5173. "Necramech Continuity" is missing Icon
  5174. "Necramech Continuity" is missing InternalName
  5175. "Necramech Continuity" is missing Link
  5176. "Necramech Continuity" is missing MaxRank
  5177. "Necramech Continuity" is missing Tradable
  5178. "Necramech Continuity" is missing Type
  5179. "Necramech Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  5180. "Necramech Fury" is missing Description
  5181. "Necramech Fury" is missing Icon
  5182. "Necramech Fury" is missing InternalName
  5183. "Necramech Fury" is missing Link
  5184. "Necramech Fury" is missing MaxRank
  5185. "Necramech Fury" is missing Tradable
  5186. "Necramech Fury" is missing Type
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  5188. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing Description
  5189. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing Icon
  5190. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing InternalName
  5191. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing Link
  5192. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing MaxRank
  5193. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing Tradable
  5194. "Necramech Hydraulics" is missing Type
  5195. "Necramech Intensify" is missing BaseDrain
  5196. "Necramech Intensify" is missing Description
  5197. "Necramech Intensify" is missing Icon
  5198. "Necramech Intensify" is missing InternalName
  5199. "Necramech Intensify" is missing Link
  5200. "Necramech Intensify" is missing MaxRank
  5201. "Necramech Intensify" is missing Tradable
  5202. "Necramech Intensify" is missing Type
  5203. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing BaseDrain
  5204. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing Description
  5205. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing Icon
  5206. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing InternalName
  5207. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing Link
  5208. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing MaxRank
  5209. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing Tradable
  5210. "Necramech Pressure Point" is missing Type
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  5212. "Necramech Reach" is missing Description
  5213. "Necramech Reach" is missing Icon
  5214. "Necramech Reach" is missing InternalName
  5215. "Necramech Reach" is missing Link
  5216. "Necramech Reach" is missing MaxRank
  5217. "Necramech Reach" is missing Tradable
  5218. "Necramech Reach" is missing Type
  5219. "Necramech Redirection" is missing BaseDrain
  5220. "Necramech Redirection" is missing Description
  5221. "Necramech Redirection" is missing Icon
  5222. "Necramech Redirection" is missing InternalName
  5223. "Necramech Redirection" is missing Link
  5224. "Necramech Redirection" is missing MaxRank
  5225. "Necramech Redirection" is missing Tradable
  5226. "Necramech Redirection" is missing Type
  5227. "Necramech Refuel" is missing BaseDrain
  5228. "Necramech Refuel" is missing Description
  5229. "Necramech Refuel" is missing Icon
  5230. "Necramech Refuel" is missing InternalName
  5231. "Necramech Refuel" is missing Link
  5232. "Necramech Refuel" is missing MaxRank
  5233. "Necramech Refuel" is missing Tradable
  5234. "Necramech Refuel" is missing Type
  5235. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing BaseDrain
  5236. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing Description
  5237. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing Icon
  5238. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing InternalName
  5239. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing Link
  5240. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing MaxRank
  5241. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing Tradable
  5242. "Necramech Seismic Wave" is missing Type
  5243. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing BaseDrain
  5244. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing Description
  5245. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing Icon
  5246. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing InternalName
  5247. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing Link
  5248. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing MaxRank
  5249. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing Tradable
  5250. "Necramech Slipstream" is missing Type
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  5252. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing Description
  5253. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing Icon
  5254. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing InternalName
  5255. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing Link
  5256. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing MaxRank
  5257. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing Tradable
  5258. "Necramech Steel Fiber" is missing Type
  5259. "Necramech Streamline" is missing BaseDrain
  5260. "Necramech Streamline" is missing Description
  5261. "Necramech Streamline" is missing Icon
  5262. "Necramech Streamline" is missing InternalName
  5263. "Necramech Streamline" is missing Link
  5264. "Necramech Streamline" is missing MaxRank
  5265. "Necramech Streamline" is missing Tradable
  5266. "Necramech Streamline" is missing Type
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  5268. "Necramech Stretch" is missing Description
  5269. "Necramech Stretch" is missing Icon
  5270. "Necramech Stretch" is missing InternalName
  5271. "Necramech Stretch" is missing Link
  5272. "Necramech Stretch" is missing MaxRank
  5273. "Necramech Stretch" is missing Tradable
  5274. "Necramech Stretch" is missing Type
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  5276. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing Description
  5277. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing Icon
  5278. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing InternalName
  5279. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing Link
  5280. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing MaxRank
  5281. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing Tradable
  5282. "Necramech Thrusters" is missing Type
  5283. "Necramech Vitality" is missing BaseDrain
  5284. "Necramech Vitality" is missing Description
  5285. "Necramech Vitality" is missing Icon
  5286. "Necramech Vitality" is missing InternalName
  5287. "Necramech Vitality" is missing Link
  5288. "Necramech Vitality" is missing MaxRank
  5289. "Necramech Vitality" is missing Tradable
  5290. "Necramech Vitality" is missing Type
  5291. "Negate" is missing BaseDrain
  5292. "Negate" is missing Description
  5293. "Negate" is missing Icon
  5294. "Negate" is missing InternalName
  5295. "Negate" is missing Introduced
  5296. "Negate" is missing Link
  5297. "Negate" is missing MaxRank
  5298. "Negate" is missing Tradable
  5299. "Negate" is missing Type
  5300. "Negation Swarm" is missing BaseDrain
  5301. "Negation Swarm" is missing Description
  5302. "Negation Swarm" is missing Icon
  5303. "Negation Swarm" is missing InternalName
  5304. "Negation Swarm" is missing Introduced
  5305. "Negation Swarm" is missing Link
  5306. "Negation Swarm" is missing MaxRank
  5307. "Negation Swarm" is missing Tradable
  5308. "Negation Swarm" is missing Type
  5309. "Netra" is missing BaseDrain
  5310. "Netra" is missing Description
  5311. "Netra" is missing Icon
  5312. "Netra" is missing InternalName
  5313. "Netra" is missing Introduced
  5314. "Netra" is missing Link
  5315. "Netra" is missing MaxRank
  5316. "Netra" is missing Polarity
  5317. "Netra" is missing Tradable
  5318. "Netra" is missing Type
  5319. "Neutralize" is missing BaseDrain
  5320. "Neutralize" is missing Description
  5321. "Neutralize" is missing Icon
  5322. "Neutralize" is missing InternalName
  5323. "Neutralize" is missing Introduced
  5324. "Neutralize" is missing Link
  5325. "Neutralize" is missing MaxRank
  5326. "Neutralize" is missing Tradable
  5327. "Neutralize" is missing Transmutable
  5328. "Neutralize" is missing Type
  5329. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing BaseDrain
  5330. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing Description
  5331. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing Icon
  5332. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing InternalName
  5333. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing Introduced
  5334. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing Link
  5335. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing MaxRank
  5336. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing Tradable
  5337. "Neutralizing Justice" is missing Type
  5338. "Neutron Star" is missing BaseDrain
  5339. "Neutron Star" is missing Description
  5340. "Neutron Star" is missing Icon
  5341. "Neutron Star" is missing InternalName
  5342. "Neutron Star" is missing Introduced
  5343. "Neutron Star" is missing Link
  5344. "Neutron Star" is missing MaxRank
  5345. "Neutron Star" is missing Tradable
  5346. "Neutron Star" is missing Type
  5347. "Night Stalker" is missing BaseDrain
  5348. "Night Stalker" is missing Description
  5349. "Night Stalker" is missing Icon
  5350. "Night Stalker" is missing InternalName
  5351. "Night Stalker" is missing Introduced
  5352. "Night Stalker" is missing Link
  5353. "Night Stalker" is missing MaxRank
  5354. "Night Stalker" is missing Tradable
  5355. "Night Stalker" is missing Type
  5356. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing BaseDrain
  5357. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing Description
  5358. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing Icon
  5359. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing InternalName
  5360. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing Introduced
  5361. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing Link
  5362. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing MaxRank
  5363. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing Tradable
  5364. "Nightwatch Napalm" is missing Type
  5365. "Nitro Boost" is missing BaseDrain
  5366. "Nitro Boost" is missing Description
  5367. "Nitro Boost" is missing Icon
  5368. "Nitro Boost" is missing InternalName
  5369. "Nitro Boost" is missing Introduced
  5370. "Nitro Boost" is missing Link
  5371. "Nitro Boost" is missing MaxRank
  5372. "Nitro Boost" is missing Tradable
  5373. "Nitro Boost" is missing Type
  5374. "No Current Leap" is missing BaseDrain
  5375. "No Current Leap" is missing Description
  5376. "No Current Leap" is missing Icon
  5377. "No Current Leap" is missing InternalName
  5378. "No Current Leap" is missing Introduced
  5379. "No Current Leap" is missing Link
  5380. "No Current Leap" is missing MaxRank
  5381. "No Current Leap" is missing Tradable
  5382. "No Current Leap" is missing Type
  5383. "No Return" is missing BaseDrain
  5384. "No Return" is missing Description
  5385. "No Return" is missing Icon
  5386. "No Return" is missing InternalName
  5387. "No Return" is missing Introduced
  5388. "No Return" is missing Link
  5389. "No Return" is missing MaxRank
  5390. "No Return" is missing Tradable
  5391. "No Return" is missing Transmutable
  5392. "No Return" is missing Type
  5393. "Noble Cadence" is missing BaseDrain
  5394. "Noble Cadence" is missing Description
  5395. "Noble Cadence" is missing Icon
  5396. "Noble Cadence" is missing InternalName
  5397. "Noble Cadence" is missing Introduced
  5398. "Noble Cadence" is missing Link
  5399. "Noble Cadence" is missing MaxRank
  5400. "Noble Cadence" is missing Tradable
  5401. "Noble Cadence" is missing Type
  5402. "North Wind" is missing BaseDrain
  5403. "North Wind" is missing Description
  5404. "North Wind" is missing Icon
  5405. "North Wind" is missing InternalName
  5406. "North Wind" is missing Introduced
  5407. "North Wind" is missing Link
  5408. "North Wind" is missing MaxRank
  5409. "North Wind" is missing Tradable
  5410. "North Wind" is missing Transmutable
  5411. "North Wind" is missing Type
  5412. "Odomedic" is missing BaseDrain
  5413. "Odomedic" is missing Description
  5414. "Odomedic" is missing Icon
  5415. "Odomedic" is missing InternalName
  5416. "Odomedic" is missing Introduced
  5417. "Odomedic" is missing Link
  5418. "Odomedic" is missing MaxRank
  5419. "Odomedic" is missing Tradable
  5420. "Odomedic" is missing Type
  5421. "Ore Gaze" is missing BaseDrain
  5422. "Ore Gaze" is missing Description
  5423. "Ore Gaze" is missing Icon
  5424. "Ore Gaze" is missing InternalName
  5425. "Ore Gaze" is missing Introduced
  5426. "Ore Gaze" is missing Link
  5427. "Ore Gaze" is missing MaxRank
  5428. "Ore Gaze" is missing Tradable
  5429. "Ore Gaze" is missing Type
  5430. "Organ Shatter" is missing BaseDrain
  5431. "Organ Shatter" is missing Description
  5432. "Organ Shatter" is missing Icon
  5433. "Organ Shatter" is missing InternalName
  5434. "Organ Shatter" is missing Introduced
  5435. "Organ Shatter" is missing Link
  5436. "Organ Shatter" is missing MaxRank
  5437. "Organ Shatter" is missing Tradable
  5438. "Organ Shatter" is missing Transmutable
  5439. "Organ Shatter" is missing Type
  5440. "Out Of Sight" is missing BaseDrain
  5441. "Out Of Sight" is missing Description
  5442. "Out Of Sight" is missing Icon
  5443. "Out Of Sight" is missing InternalName
  5444. "Out Of Sight" is missing Introduced
  5445. "Out Of Sight" is missing Link
  5446. "Out Of Sight" is missing MaxRank
  5447. "Out Of Sight" is missing Polarity
  5448. "Out Of Sight" is missing Tradable
  5449. "Out Of Sight" is missing Type
  5450. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing BaseDrain
  5451. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing Description
  5452. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing Icon
  5453. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing InternalName
  5454. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing Link
  5455. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing MaxRank
  5456. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing Tradable
  5457. "Overcharge Detectors" is missing Type
  5458. "Overcharged" is missing BaseDrain
  5459. "Overcharged" is missing Description
  5460. "Overcharged" is missing Icon
  5461. "Overcharged" is missing InternalName
  5462. "Overcharged" is missing Link
  5463. "Overcharged" is missing MaxRank
  5464. "Overcharged" is missing Tradable
  5465. "Overcharged" is missing Type
  5466. "Overextended" is missing BaseDrain
  5467. "Overextended" is missing Description
  5468. "Overextended" is missing Icon
  5469. "Overextended" is missing InternalName
  5470. "Overextended" is missing Link
  5471. "Overextended" is missing MaxRank
  5472. "Overextended" is missing Tradable
  5473. "Overextended" is missing Type
  5474. "Overview" is missing BaseDrain
  5475. "Overview" is missing Description
  5476. "Overview" is missing Icon
  5477. "Overview" is missing InternalName
  5478. "Overview" is missing Introduced
  5479. "Overview" is missing Link
  5480. "Overview" is missing MaxRank
  5481. "Overview" is missing Tradable
  5482. "Overview" is missing Type
  5483. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing BaseDrain
  5484. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing Description
  5485. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing Icon
  5486. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing InternalName
  5487. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing Introduced
  5488. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing Link
  5489. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing MaxRank
  5490. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing Tradable
  5491. "Pacifying Bolts" is missing Type
  5492. "Pack Leader" is missing BaseDrain
  5493. "Pack Leader" is missing Description
  5494. "Pack Leader" is missing Icon
  5495. "Pack Leader" is missing InternalName
  5496. "Pack Leader" is missing Introduced
  5497. "Pack Leader" is missing Link
  5498. "Pack Leader" is missing MaxRank
  5499. "Pack Leader" is missing Tradable
  5500. "Pack Leader" is missing Transmutable
  5501. "Pack Leader" is missing Type
  5502. "Pain Threshold" is missing BaseDrain
  5503. "Pain Threshold" is missing Description
  5504. "Pain Threshold" is missing Icon
  5505. "Pain Threshold" is missing InternalName
  5506. "Pain Threshold" is missing Introduced
  5507. "Pain Threshold" is missing Link
  5508. "Pain Threshold" is missing MaxRank
  5509. "Pain Threshold" is missing Tradable
  5510. "Pain Threshold" is missing Type
  5511. "Panzer Devolution" is missing BaseDrain
  5512. "Panzer Devolution" is missing Description
  5513. "Panzer Devolution" is missing Icon
  5514. "Panzer Devolution" is missing InternalName
  5515. "Panzer Devolution" is missing Introduced
  5516. "Panzer Devolution" is missing Link
  5517. "Panzer Devolution" is missing MaxRank
  5518. "Panzer Devolution" is missing Tradable
  5519. "Panzer Devolution" is missing Type
  5520. "Parallax Scope" is missing BaseDrain
  5521. "Parallax Scope" is missing Description
  5522. "Parallax Scope" is missing Icon
  5523. "Parallax Scope" is missing InternalName
  5524. "Parallax Scope" is missing Link
  5525. "Parallax Scope" is missing MaxRank
  5526. "Parallax Scope" is missing Tradable
  5527. "Parallax Scope" is missing Transmutable
  5528. "Parallax Scope" is missing Type
  5529. "Paralytic Spores" is missing BaseDrain
  5530. "Paralytic Spores" is missing Description
  5531. "Paralytic Spores" is missing Icon
  5532. "Paralytic Spores" is missing InternalName
  5533. "Paralytic Spores" is missing Link
  5534. "Paralytic Spores" is missing MaxRank
  5535. "Paralytic Spores" is missing Tradable
  5536. "Paralytic Spores" is missing Type
  5537. "Parry" is missing BaseDrain
  5538. "Parry" is missing Description
  5539. "Parry" is missing Icon
  5540. "Parry" is missing InternalName
  5541. "Parry" is missing Introduced
  5542. "Parry" is missing Link
  5543. "Parry" is missing MaxRank
  5544. "Parry" is missing Tradable
  5545. "Parry" is missing Transmutable
  5546. "Parry" is missing Type
  5547. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing BaseDrain
  5548. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing Description
  5549. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing Icon
  5550. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing InternalName
  5551. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing Introduced
  5552. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing Link
  5553. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing MaxRank
  5554. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing Tradable
  5555. "Partitioned Mallet" is missing Type
  5556. "Patagium" is missing BaseDrain
  5557. "Patagium" is missing Description
  5558. "Patagium" is missing Icon
  5559. "Patagium" is missing InternalName
  5560. "Patagium" is missing Introduced
  5561. "Patagium" is missing Link
  5562. "Patagium" is missing MaxRank
  5563. "Patagium" is missing Tradable
  5564. "Patagium" is missing Transmutable
  5565. "Patagium" is missing Type
  5566. "Path of Statues" is missing BaseDrain
  5567. "Path of Statues" is missing Description
  5568. "Path of Statues" is missing Icon
  5569. "Path of Statues" is missing InternalName
  5570. "Path of Statues" is missing Introduced
  5571. "Path of Statues" is missing Link
  5572. "Path of Statues" is missing MaxRank
  5573. "Path of Statues" is missing Tradable
  5574. "Path of Statues" is missing Type
  5575. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  5576. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing Description
  5577. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing Icon
  5578. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing InternalName
  5579. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing Link
  5580. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  5581. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing Tradable
  5582. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing Transmutable
  5583. "Pathogen Rounds" is missing Type
  5584. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing BaseDrain
  5585. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing Description
  5586. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing Icon
  5587. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing InternalName
  5588. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing Introduced
  5589. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing Link
  5590. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing MaxRank
  5591. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing Tradable
  5592. "Peaceful Provocation" is missing Type
  5593. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing BaseDrain
  5594. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing Description
  5595. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing Icon
  5596. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing InternalName
  5597. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing Introduced
  5598. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing Link
  5599. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing MaxRank
  5600. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing Tradable
  5601. "Peculiar Bloom" is missing Type
  5602. "Peculiar Growth" is missing BaseDrain
  5603. "Peculiar Growth" is missing Description
  5604. "Peculiar Growth" is missing Icon
  5605. "Peculiar Growth" is missing InternalName
  5606. "Peculiar Growth" is missing Introduced
  5607. "Peculiar Growth" is missing Link
  5608. "Peculiar Growth" is missing MaxRank
  5609. "Peculiar Growth" is missing Tradable
  5610. "Peculiar Growth" is missing Type
  5611. "Perfect Balance" is missing BaseDrain
  5612. "Perfect Balance" is missing Description
  5613. "Perfect Balance" is missing Icon
  5614. "Perfect Balance" is missing InternalName
  5615. "Perfect Balance" is missing Introduced
  5616. "Perfect Balance" is missing Link
  5617. "Perfect Balance" is missing MaxRank
  5618. "Perfect Balance" is missing Tradable
  5619. "Perfect Balance" is missing Type
  5620. "Perpetual Agony" is missing BaseDrain
  5621. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Description
  5622. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Icon
  5623. "Perpetual Agony" is missing InternalName
  5624. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Introduced
  5625. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Link
  5626. "Perpetual Agony" is missing MaxRank
  5627. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Tradable
  5628. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Transmutable
  5629. "Perpetual Agony" is missing Type
  5630. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing BaseDrain
  5631. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing Description
  5632. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing Icon
  5633. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing InternalName
  5634. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing Introduced
  5635. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing Link
  5636. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing MaxRank
  5637. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing Tradable
  5638. "Phoenix Renewal" is missing Type
  5639. "Photon Repeater" is missing BaseDrain
  5640. "Photon Repeater" is missing Description
  5641. "Photon Repeater" is missing Icon
  5642. "Photon Repeater" is missing InternalName
  5643. "Photon Repeater" is missing Introduced
  5644. "Photon Repeater" is missing Link
  5645. "Photon Repeater" is missing MaxRank
  5646. "Photon Repeater" is missing Tradable
  5647. "Photon Repeater" is missing Type
  5648. "Physique" is missing BaseDrain
  5649. "Physique" is missing Description
  5650. "Physique" is missing Icon
  5651. "Physique" is missing InternalName
  5652. "Physique" is missing Introduced
  5653. "Physique" is missing Link
  5654. "Physique" is missing MaxRank
  5655. "Physique" is missing Tradable
  5656. "Physique" is missing Type
  5657. "Piercing Caliber" is missing BaseDrain
  5658. "Piercing Caliber" is missing Description
  5659. "Piercing Caliber" is missing Icon
  5660. "Piercing Caliber" is missing InternalName
  5661. "Piercing Caliber" is missing Introduced
  5662. "Piercing Caliber" is missing Link
  5663. "Piercing Caliber" is missing MaxRank
  5664. "Piercing Caliber" is missing Tradable
  5665. "Piercing Caliber" is missing Type
  5666. "Piercing Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  5667. "Piercing Fury" is missing Description
  5668. "Piercing Fury" is missing Icon
  5669. "Piercing Fury" is missing InternalName
  5670. "Piercing Fury" is missing Introduced
  5671. "Piercing Fury" is missing Link
  5672. "Piercing Fury" is missing MaxRank
  5673. "Piercing Fury" is missing Tradable
  5674. "Piercing Fury" is missing Type
  5675. "Piercing Hit" is missing BaseDrain
  5676. "Piercing Hit" is missing Description
  5677. "Piercing Hit" is missing Icon
  5678. "Piercing Hit" is missing InternalName
  5679. "Piercing Hit" is missing Introduced
  5680. "Piercing Hit" is missing Link
  5681. "Piercing Hit" is missing MaxRank
  5682. "Piercing Hit" is missing Tradable
  5683. "Piercing Hit" is missing Transmutable
  5684. "Piercing Hit" is missing Type
  5685. "Piercing Navigator" is missing BaseDrain
  5686. "Piercing Navigator" is missing Description
  5687. "Piercing Navigator" is missing Icon
  5688. "Piercing Navigator" is missing InternalName
  5689. "Piercing Navigator" is missing Link
  5690. "Piercing Navigator" is missing MaxRank
  5691. "Piercing Navigator" is missing Tradable
  5692. "Piercing Navigator" is missing Type
  5693. "Piercing Roar" is missing BaseDrain
  5694. "Piercing Roar" is missing Description
  5695. "Piercing Roar" is missing Icon
  5696. "Piercing Roar" is missing InternalName
  5697. "Piercing Roar" is missing Introduced
  5698. "Piercing Roar" is missing Link
  5699. "Piercing Roar" is missing MaxRank
  5700. "Piercing Roar" is missing Tradable
  5701. "Piercing Roar" is missing Type
  5702. "Piercing Step" is missing BaseDrain
  5703. "Piercing Step" is missing Description
  5704. "Piercing Step" is missing Icon
  5705. "Piercing Step" is missing InternalName
  5706. "Piercing Step" is missing Introduced
  5707. "Piercing Step" is missing Link
  5708. "Piercing Step" is missing MaxRank
  5709. "Piercing Step" is missing Tradable
  5710. "Piercing Step" is missing Transmutable
  5711. "Piercing Step" is missing Type
  5712. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing BaseDrain
  5713. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing Description
  5714. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing Icon
  5715. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing InternalName
  5716. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing Introduced
  5717. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing Link
  5718. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing MaxRank
  5719. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing Tradable
  5720. "Pilfering Strangledome" is missing Type
  5721. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing BaseDrain
  5722. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing Description
  5723. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing Icon
  5724. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing InternalName
  5725. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing Introduced
  5726. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing Link
  5727. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing MaxRank
  5728. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing Tradable
  5729. "Pilfering Swarm" is missing Type
  5730. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  5731. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  5732. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  5733. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  5734. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  5735. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  5736. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  5737. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  5738. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Transmutable
  5739. "Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
  5740. "Pistol Amp" is missing BaseDrain
  5741. "Pistol Amp" is missing Description
  5742. "Pistol Amp" is missing Icon
  5743. "Pistol Amp" is missing InternalName
  5744. "Pistol Amp" is missing Introduced
  5745. "Pistol Amp" is missing Link
  5746. "Pistol Amp" is missing MaxRank
  5747. "Pistol Amp" is missing Tradable
  5748. "Pistol Amp" is missing Type
  5749. "Pistol Gambit" is missing BaseDrain
  5750. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Description
  5751. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Icon
  5752. "Pistol Gambit" is missing InternalName
  5753. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Introduced
  5754. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Link
  5755. "Pistol Gambit" is missing MaxRank
  5756. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Tradable
  5757. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Transmutable
  5758. "Pistol Gambit" is missing Type
  5759. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing BaseDrain
  5760. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing Description
  5761. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing Icon
  5762. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing InternalName
  5763. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing Introduced
  5764. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing Link
  5765. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing MaxRank
  5766. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing Tradable
  5767. "Pistol Pestilence" is missing Type
  5768. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing BaseDrain
  5769. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing Description
  5770. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing Icon
  5771. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing InternalName
  5772. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing Introduced
  5773. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing Link
  5774. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing MaxRank
  5775. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing Tradable
  5776. "Pistol Scavenger" is missing Type
  5777. "Plan B" is missing BaseDrain
  5778. "Plan B" is missing Description
  5779. "Plan B" is missing Icon
  5780. "Plan B" is missing InternalName
  5781. "Plan B" is missing Introduced
  5782. "Plan B" is missing Link
  5783. "Plan B" is missing MaxRank
  5784. "Plan B" is missing Tradable
  5785. "Plan B" is missing Type
  5786. "Point Blank" is missing BaseDrain
  5787. "Point Blank" is missing Description
  5788. "Point Blank" is missing Icon
  5789. "Point Blank" is missing InternalName
  5790. "Point Blank" is missing Link
  5791. "Point Blank" is missing MaxRank
  5792. "Point Blank" is missing Tradable
  5793. "Point Blank" is missing Transmutable
  5794. "Point Blank" is missing Type
  5795. "Point Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  5796. "Point Strike" is missing Description
  5797. "Point Strike" is missing Icon
  5798. "Point Strike" is missing InternalName
  5799. "Point Strike" is missing Introduced
  5800. "Point Strike" is missing Link
  5801. "Point Strike" is missing MaxRank
  5802. "Point Strike" is missing Tradable
  5803. "Point Strike" is missing Transmutable
  5804. "Point Strike" is missing Type
  5805. "Pointed Wind" is missing BaseDrain
  5806. "Pointed Wind" is missing Description
  5807. "Pointed Wind" is missing Icon
  5808. "Pointed Wind" is missing InternalName
  5809. "Pointed Wind" is missing Introduced
  5810. "Pointed Wind" is missing Link
  5811. "Pointed Wind" is missing MaxRank
  5812. "Pointed Wind" is missing Tradable
  5813. "Pointed Wind" is missing Transmutable
  5814. "Pointed Wind" is missing Type
  5815. "Poisonous Sting" is missing BaseDrain
  5816. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Description
  5817. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Icon
  5818. "Poisonous Sting" is missing InternalName
  5819. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Introduced
  5820. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Link
  5821. "Poisonous Sting" is missing MaxRank
  5822. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Tradable
  5823. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Transmutable
  5824. "Poisonous Sting" is missing Type
  5825. "Polar Magazine" is missing BaseDrain
  5826. "Polar Magazine" is missing Description
  5827. "Polar Magazine" is missing Icon
  5828. "Polar Magazine" is missing InternalName
  5829. "Polar Magazine" is missing Introduced
  5830. "Polar Magazine" is missing Link
  5831. "Polar Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  5832. "Polar Magazine" is missing Tradable
  5833. "Polar Magazine" is missing Transmutable
  5834. "Polar Magazine" is missing Type
  5835. "Pool of Life" is missing BaseDrain
  5836. "Pool of Life" is missing Description
  5837. "Pool of Life" is missing Icon
  5838. "Pool of Life" is missing InternalName
  5839. "Pool of Life" is missing Introduced
  5840. "Pool of Life" is missing Link
  5841. "Pool of Life" is missing MaxRank
  5842. "Pool of Life" is missing Tradable
  5843. "Pool of Life" is missing Type
  5844. "Pop Top" is missing BaseDrain
  5845. "Pop Top" is missing Description
  5846. "Pop Top" is missing Icon
  5847. "Pop Top" is missing InternalName
  5848. "Pop Top" is missing Introduced
  5849. "Pop Top" is missing Link
  5850. "Pop Top" is missing MaxRank
  5851. "Pop Top" is missing Tradable
  5852. "Pop Top" is missing Type
  5853. "Poppin' Vert" is missing BaseDrain
  5854. "Poppin' Vert" is missing Description
  5855. "Poppin' Vert" is missing Icon
  5856. "Poppin' Vert" is missing InternalName
  5857. "Poppin' Vert" is missing Introduced
  5858. "Poppin' Vert" is missing Link
  5859. "Poppin' Vert" is missing MaxRank
  5860. "Poppin' Vert" is missing Tradable
  5861. "Poppin' Vert" is missing Type
  5862. "Pounce" is missing BaseDrain
  5863. "Pounce" is missing Description
  5864. "Pounce" is missing Icon
  5865. "Pounce" is missing InternalName
  5866. "Pounce" is missing Introduced
  5867. "Pounce" is missing Link
  5868. "Pounce" is missing MaxRank
  5869. "Pounce" is missing Tradable
  5870. "Pounce" is missing Transmutable
  5871. "Pounce" is missing Type
  5872. "Power Donation" is missing BaseDrain
  5873. "Power Donation" is missing Description
  5874. "Power Donation" is missing Icon
  5875. "Power Donation" is missing InternalName
  5876. "Power Donation" is missing Link
  5877. "Power Donation" is missing MaxRank
  5878. "Power Donation" is missing Tradable
  5879. "Power Donation" is missing Type
  5880. "Power Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  5881. "Power Drift" is missing Description
  5882. "Power Drift" is missing Icon
  5883. "Power Drift" is missing InternalName
  5884. "Power Drift" is missing Link
  5885. "Power Drift" is missing MaxRank
  5886. "Power Drift" is missing Tradable
  5887. "Power Drift" is missing Type
  5888. "Power Throw" is missing BaseDrain
  5889. "Power Throw" is missing Description
  5890. "Power Throw" is missing Icon
  5891. "Power Throw" is missing InternalName
  5892. "Power Throw" is missing Link
  5893. "Power Throw" is missing MaxRank
  5894. "Power Throw" is missing Tradable
  5895. "Power Throw" is missing Transmutable
  5896. "Power Throw" is missing Type
  5897. "Power of Three" is missing BaseDrain
  5898. "Power of Three" is missing Description
  5899. "Power of Three" is missing Icon
  5900. "Power of Three" is missing InternalName
  5901. "Power of Three" is missing Introduced
  5902. "Power of Three" is missing Link
  5903. "Power of Three" is missing MaxRank
  5904. "Power of Three" is missing Tradable
  5905. "Power of Three" is missing Type
  5906. "Precision Munition" is missing BaseDrain
  5907. "Precision Munition" is missing Description
  5908. "Precision Munition" is missing Icon
  5909. "Precision Munition" is missing InternalName
  5910. "Precision Munition" is missing Introduced
  5911. "Precision Munition" is missing Link
  5912. "Precision Munition" is missing MaxRank
  5913. "Precision Munition" is missing Tradable
  5914. "Precision Munition" is missing Type
  5915. "Precision Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  5916. "Precision Strike" is missing Description
  5917. "Precision Strike" is missing Icon
  5918. "Precision Strike" is missing InternalName
  5919. "Precision Strike" is missing Introduced
  5920. "Precision Strike" is missing Link
  5921. "Precision Strike" is missing MaxRank
  5922. "Precision Strike" is missing Tradable
  5923. "Precision Strike" is missing Type
  5924. "Preparation" is missing BaseDrain
  5925. "Preparation" is missing Description
  5926. "Preparation" is missing Icon
  5927. "Preparation" is missing InternalName
  5928. "Preparation" is missing Introduced
  5929. "Preparation" is missing Link
  5930. "Preparation" is missing MaxRank
  5931. "Preparation" is missing Tradable
  5932. "Preparation" is missing Type
  5933. "Pressure Point" is missing BaseDrain
  5934. "Pressure Point" is missing Description
  5935. "Pressure Point" is missing Icon
  5936. "Pressure Point" is missing InternalName
  5937. "Pressure Point" is missing Introduced
  5938. "Pressure Point" is missing Link
  5939. "Pressure Point" is missing MaxRank
  5940. "Pressure Point" is missing Tradable
  5941. "Pressure Point" is missing Transmutable
  5942. "Pressure Point" is missing Type
  5943. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing BaseDrain
  5944. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing Description
  5945. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing Icon
  5946. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing InternalName
  5947. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing Introduced
  5948. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing Link
  5949. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  5950. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing Tradable
  5951. "Pressurized Magazine" is missing Type
  5952. "Primal Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  5953. "Primal Fury" is missing Description
  5954. "Primal Fury" is missing Icon
  5955. "Primal Fury" is missing InternalName
  5956. "Primal Fury" is missing Introduced
  5957. "Primal Fury" is missing Link
  5958. "Primal Fury" is missing MaxRank
  5959. "Primal Fury" is missing Polarity
  5960. "Primal Fury" is missing Rarity
  5961. "Primal Fury" is missing Tradable
  5962. "Primal Fury" is missing Type
  5963. "Primal Rage" is missing BaseDrain
  5964. "Primal Rage" is missing Description
  5965. "Primal Rage" is missing Icon
  5966. "Primal Rage" is missing InternalName
  5967. "Primal Rage" is missing Introduced
  5968. "Primal Rage" is missing Link
  5969. "Primal Rage" is missing MaxRank
  5970. "Primal Rage" is missing Tradable
  5971. "Primal Rage" is missing Type
  5972. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing BaseDrain
  5973. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing Description
  5974. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing Icon
  5975. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing InternalName
  5976. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing Introduced
  5977. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing Link
  5978. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing MaxRank
  5979. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing Tradable
  5980. "Primed Ammo Stock" is missing Type
  5981. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing BaseDrain
  5982. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing Description
  5983. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing Icon
  5984. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing InternalName
  5985. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing Introduced
  5986. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing Link
  5987. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing MaxRank
  5988. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing Tradable
  5989. "Primed Animal Instinct" is missing Type
  5990. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  5991. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing Description
  5992. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing Icon
  5993. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing InternalName
  5994. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing Introduced
  5995. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing Link
  5996. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  5997. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing Tradable
  5998. "Primed Bane of Corpus" is missing Type
  5999. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  6000. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing Description
  6001. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing Icon
  6002. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  6003. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  6004. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing Link
  6005. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  6006. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  6007. "Primed Bane of Corrupted" is missing Type
  6008. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  6009. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing Description
  6010. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing Icon
  6011. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing InternalName
  6012. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing Introduced
  6013. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing Link
  6014. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  6015. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing Tradable
  6016. "Primed Bane of Grineer" is missing Type
  6017. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  6018. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing Description
  6019. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing Icon
  6020. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing InternalName
  6021. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing Introduced
  6022. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing Link
  6023. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing MaxRank
  6024. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing Tradable
  6025. "Primed Bane of Infested" is missing Type
  6026. "Primed Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  6027. "Primed Chamber" is missing Description
  6028. "Primed Chamber" is missing Icon
  6029. "Primed Chamber" is missing InternalName
  6030. "Primed Chamber" is missing Link
  6031. "Primed Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  6032. "Primed Chamber" is missing Tradable
  6033. "Primed Chamber" is missing Type
  6034. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing BaseDrain
  6035. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing Description
  6036. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing Icon
  6037. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing InternalName
  6038. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing Introduced
  6039. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing Link
  6040. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing MaxRank
  6041. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing Tradable
  6042. "Primed Charged Shell" is missing Type
  6043. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  6044. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing Description
  6045. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing Icon
  6046. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing InternalName
  6047. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing Introduced
  6048. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing Link
  6049. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  6050. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing Tradable
  6051. "Primed Cleanse Corpus" is missing Type
  6052. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  6053. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Description
  6054. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Icon
  6055. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  6056. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  6057. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Link
  6058. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  6059. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  6060. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted" is missing Type
  6061. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  6062. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing Description
  6063. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing Icon
  6064. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing InternalName
  6065. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing Introduced
  6066. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing Link
  6067. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  6068. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing Tradable
  6069. "Primed Cleanse Grineer" is missing Type
  6070. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  6071. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing Description
  6072. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing Icon
  6073. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing InternalName
  6074. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing Introduced
  6075. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing Link
  6076. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing MaxRank
  6077. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing Tradable
  6078. "Primed Cleanse Infested" is missing Type
  6079. "Primed Continuity" is missing BaseDrain
  6080. "Primed Continuity" is missing Description
  6081. "Primed Continuity" is missing Icon
  6082. "Primed Continuity" is missing InternalName
  6083. "Primed Continuity" is missing Introduced
  6084. "Primed Continuity" is missing Link
  6085. "Primed Continuity" is missing MaxRank
  6086. "Primed Continuity" is missing Tradable
  6087. "Primed Continuity" is missing Type
  6088. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  6089. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing Description
  6090. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing Icon
  6091. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing InternalName
  6092. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing Introduced
  6093. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing Link
  6094. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  6095. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing Tradable
  6096. "Primed Cryo Rounds" is missing Type
  6097. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  6098. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing Description
  6099. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing Icon
  6100. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing InternalName
  6101. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing Introduced
  6102. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing Link
  6103. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  6104. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing Tradable
  6105. "Primed Expel Corpus" is missing Type
  6106. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  6107. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing Description
  6108. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing Icon
  6109. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  6110. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  6111. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing Link
  6112. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  6113. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  6114. "Primed Expel Corrupted" is missing Type
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  6116. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing Description
  6117. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing Icon
  6118. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing InternalName
  6119. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing Introduced
  6120. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing Link
  6121. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  6122. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing Tradable
  6123. "Primed Expel Grineer" is missing Type
  6124. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  6125. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing Description
  6126. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing Icon
  6127. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing InternalName
  6128. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing Introduced
  6129. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing Link
  6130. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing MaxRank
  6131. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing Tradable
  6132. "Primed Expel Infested" is missing Type
  6133. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing BaseDrain
  6134. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing Description
  6135. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing Icon
  6136. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing InternalName
  6137. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing Link
  6138. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing MaxRank
  6139. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing Tradable
  6140. "Primed Fast Hands" is missing Type
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  6142. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing Description
  6143. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing Icon
  6144. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing InternalName
  6145. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing Introduced
  6146. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing Link
  6147. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing MaxRank
  6148. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing Tradable
  6149. "Primed Fever Strike" is missing Type
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  6151. "Primed Flow" is missing Description
  6152. "Primed Flow" is missing Icon
  6153. "Primed Flow" is missing InternalName
  6154. "Primed Flow" is missing Introduced
  6155. "Primed Flow" is missing Link
  6156. "Primed Flow" is missing MaxRank
  6157. "Primed Flow" is missing Tradable
  6158. "Primed Flow" is missing Type
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  6160. "Primed Fury" is missing Description
  6161. "Primed Fury" is missing Icon
  6162. "Primed Fury" is missing InternalName
  6163. "Primed Fury" is missing Introduced
  6164. "Primed Fury" is missing Link
  6165. "Primed Fury" is missing MaxRank
  6166. "Primed Fury" is missing Tradable
  6167. "Primed Fury" is missing Type
  6168. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  6169. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing Description
  6170. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing Icon
  6171. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing InternalName
  6172. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing Introduced
  6173. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing Link
  6174. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing MaxRank
  6175. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing Tradable
  6176. "Primed Heated Charge" is missing Type
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  6178. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing Description
  6179. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing Icon
  6180. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing InternalName
  6181. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing Introduced
  6182. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing Link
  6183. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing MaxRank
  6184. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing Tradable
  6185. "Primed Heavy Trauma" is missing Type
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  6187. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing Description
  6188. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing Icon
  6189. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing InternalName
  6190. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing Introduced
  6191. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing Link
  6192. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing MaxRank
  6193. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing Tradable
  6194. "Primed Morphic Transformer" is missing Type
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  6196. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing Description
  6197. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing Icon
  6198. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing InternalName
  6199. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing Introduced
  6200. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing Link
  6201. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing MaxRank
  6202. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing Tradable
  6203. "Primed Pack Leader" is missing Type
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  6205. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  6206. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  6207. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  6208. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  6209. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  6210. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  6211. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  6212. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
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  6214. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing Description
  6215. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing Icon
  6216. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing InternalName
  6217. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing Introduced
  6218. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing Link
  6219. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing MaxRank
  6220. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing Tradable
  6221. "Primed Pistol Gambit" is missing Type
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  6223. "Primed Point Blank" is missing Description
  6224. "Primed Point Blank" is missing Icon
  6225. "Primed Point Blank" is missing InternalName
  6226. "Primed Point Blank" is missing Introduced
  6227. "Primed Point Blank" is missing Link
  6228. "Primed Point Blank" is missing MaxRank
  6229. "Primed Point Blank" is missing Tradable
  6230. "Primed Point Blank" is missing Type
  6231. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing BaseDrain
  6232. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing Description
  6233. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing Icon
  6234. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing InternalName
  6235. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing Introduced
  6236. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing Link
  6237. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing MaxRank
  6238. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing Tradable
  6239. "Primed Pressure Point" is missing Type
  6240. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing BaseDrain
  6241. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing Description
  6242. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing Icon
  6243. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing InternalName
  6244. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing Link
  6245. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing MaxRank
  6246. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing Tradable
  6247. "Primed Quickdraw" is missing Type
  6248. "Primed Ravage" is missing BaseDrain
  6249. "Primed Ravage" is missing Description
  6250. "Primed Ravage" is missing Icon
  6251. "Primed Ravage" is missing InternalName
  6252. "Primed Ravage" is missing Introduced
  6253. "Primed Ravage" is missing Link
  6254. "Primed Ravage" is missing MaxRank
  6255. "Primed Ravage" is missing Tradable
  6256. "Primed Ravage" is missing Type
  6257. "Primed Reach" is missing BaseDrain
  6258. "Primed Reach" is missing Description
  6259. "Primed Reach" is missing Icon
  6260. "Primed Reach" is missing InternalName
  6261. "Primed Reach" is missing Introduced
  6262. "Primed Reach" is missing Link
  6263. "Primed Reach" is missing MaxRank
  6264. "Primed Reach" is missing Tradable
  6265. "Primed Reach" is missing Type
  6266. "Primed Regen" is missing BaseDrain
  6267. "Primed Regen" is missing Description
  6268. "Primed Regen" is missing Icon
  6269. "Primed Regen" is missing InternalName
  6270. "Primed Regen" is missing Introduced
  6271. "Primed Regen" is missing Link
  6272. "Primed Regen" is missing MaxRank
  6273. "Primed Regen" is missing Tradable
  6274. "Primed Regen" is missing Type
  6275. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  6276. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  6277. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  6278. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  6279. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  6280. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  6281. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  6282. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  6283. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
  6284. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing BaseDrain
  6285. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Description
  6286. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Icon
  6287. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing InternalName
  6288. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Introduced
  6289. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Link
  6290. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing MaxRank
  6291. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Tradable
  6292. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Type
  6293. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  6294. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  6295. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  6296. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  6297. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  6298. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  6299. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  6300. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  6301. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
  6302. "Primed Shred" is missing BaseDrain
  6303. "Primed Shred" is missing Description
  6304. "Primed Shred" is missing Icon
  6305. "Primed Shred" is missing InternalName
  6306. "Primed Shred" is missing Link
  6307. "Primed Shred" is missing MaxRank
  6308. "Primed Shred" is missing Tradable
  6309. "Primed Shred" is missing Type
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  6311. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing Description
  6312. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing Icon
  6313. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing InternalName
  6314. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing Introduced
  6315. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing Link
  6316. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  6317. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing Tradable
  6318. "Primed Slip Magazine" is missing Type
  6319. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  6320. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing Description
  6321. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing Icon
  6322. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing InternalName
  6323. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing Introduced
  6324. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing Link
  6325. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  6326. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing Tradable
  6327. "Primed Smite Corpus" is missing Type
  6328. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  6329. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing Description
  6330. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing Icon
  6331. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  6332. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  6333. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing Link
  6334. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  6335. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  6336. "Primed Smite Corrupted" is missing Type
  6337. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  6338. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing Description
  6339. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing Icon
  6340. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing InternalName
  6341. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing Introduced
  6342. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing Link
  6343. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  6344. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing Tradable
  6345. "Primed Smite Grineer" is missing Type
  6346. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  6347. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing Description
  6348. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing Icon
  6349. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing InternalName
  6350. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing Introduced
  6351. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing Link
  6352. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing MaxRank
  6353. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing Tradable
  6354. "Primed Smite Infested" is missing Type
  6355. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing BaseDrain
  6356. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing Description
  6357. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing Icon
  6358. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing InternalName
  6359. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing Introduced
  6360. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing Link
  6361. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing MaxRank
  6362. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing Tradable
  6363. "Primed Sure Footed" is missing Type
  6364. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing BaseDrain
  6365. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing Description
  6366. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing Icon
  6367. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing InternalName
  6368. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing Introduced
  6369. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing Link
  6370. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing MaxRank
  6371. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing Tradable
  6372. "Primed Target Cracker" is missing Type
  6373. "Primed Vigor" is missing BaseDrain
  6374. "Primed Vigor" is missing Description
  6375. "Primed Vigor" is missing Icon
  6376. "Primed Vigor" is missing InternalName
  6377. "Primed Vigor" is missing Introduced
  6378. "Primed Vigor" is missing Link
  6379. "Primed Vigor" is missing MaxRank
  6380. "Primed Vigor" is missing Tradable
  6381. "Primed Vigor" is missing Type
  6382. "Primo Flair" is missing BaseDrain
  6383. "Primo Flair" is missing Description
  6384. "Primo Flair" is missing Icon
  6385. "Primo Flair" is missing InternalName
  6386. "Primo Flair" is missing Link
  6387. "Primo Flair" is missing MaxRank
  6388. "Primo Flair" is missing Tradable
  6389. "Primo Flair" is missing Type
  6390. "Prism Guard" is missing BaseDrain
  6391. "Prism Guard" is missing Description
  6392. "Prism Guard" is missing Icon
  6393. "Prism Guard" is missing InternalName
  6394. "Prism Guard" is missing Introduced
  6395. "Prism Guard" is missing Link
  6396. "Prism Guard" is missing MaxRank
  6397. "Prism Guard" is missing Tradable
  6398. "Prism Guard" is missing Type
  6399. "Prize Kill" is missing BaseDrain
  6400. "Prize Kill" is missing Description
  6401. "Prize Kill" is missing Icon
  6402. "Prize Kill" is missing InternalName
  6403. "Prize Kill" is missing Introduced
  6404. "Prize Kill" is missing Link
  6405. "Prize Kill" is missing MaxRank
  6406. "Prize Kill" is missing Tradable
  6407. "Prize Kill" is missing Type
  6408. "Proboscis" is missing BaseDrain
  6409. "Proboscis" is missing Description
  6410. "Proboscis" is missing Icon
  6411. "Proboscis" is missing InternalName
  6412. "Proboscis" is missing Introduced
  6413. "Proboscis" is missing Link
  6414. "Proboscis" is missing MaxRank
  6415. "Proboscis" is missing Tradable
  6416. "Proboscis" is missing Type
  6417. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing BaseDrain
  6418. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing Description
  6419. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing Icon
  6420. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing InternalName
  6421. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing Introduced
  6422. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing Link
  6423. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing MaxRank
  6424. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing Tradable
  6425. "Prolonged Paralysis" is missing Type
  6426. "Protect" is missing BaseDrain
  6427. "Protect" is missing Description
  6428. "Protect" is missing Icon
  6429. "Protect" is missing InternalName
  6430. "Protect" is missing Introduced
  6431. "Protect" is missing Link
  6432. "Protect" is missing MaxRank
  6433. "Protect" is missing Tradable
  6434. "Protect" is missing Type
  6435. "Proton Jet" is missing BaseDrain
  6436. "Proton Jet" is missing Description
  6437. "Proton Jet" is missing Icon
  6438. "Proton Jet" is missing InternalName
  6439. "Proton Jet" is missing Introduced
  6440. "Proton Jet" is missing Link
  6441. "Proton Jet" is missing MaxRank
  6442. "Proton Jet" is missing Tradable
  6443. "Proton Jet" is missing Type
  6444. "Proton Pulse" is missing BaseDrain
  6445. "Proton Pulse" is missing Description
  6446. "Proton Pulse" is missing Icon
  6447. "Proton Pulse" is missing InternalName
  6448. "Proton Pulse" is missing Introduced
  6449. "Proton Pulse" is missing Link
  6450. "Proton Pulse" is missing MaxRank
  6451. "Proton Pulse" is missing Tradable
  6452. "Proton Pulse" is missing Type
  6453. "Proton Snap" is missing BaseDrain
  6454. "Proton Snap" is missing Description
  6455. "Proton Snap" is missing Icon
  6456. "Proton Snap" is missing InternalName
  6457. "Proton Snap" is missing Introduced
  6458. "Proton Snap" is missing Link
  6459. "Proton Snap" is missing MaxRank
  6460. "Proton Snap" is missing Tradable
  6461. "Proton Snap" is missing Type
  6462. "Provoked" is missing BaseDrain
  6463. "Provoked" is missing Description
  6464. "Provoked" is missing Icon
  6465. "Provoked" is missing InternalName
  6466. "Provoked" is missing Introduced
  6467. "Provoked" is missing Link
  6468. "Provoked" is missing MaxRank
  6469. "Provoked" is missing Tradable
  6470. "Provoked" is missing Type
  6471. "Pummel" is missing BaseDrain
  6472. "Pummel" is missing Description
  6473. "Pummel" is missing Icon
  6474. "Pummel" is missing InternalName
  6475. "Pummel" is missing Introduced
  6476. "Pummel" is missing Link
  6477. "Pummel" is missing MaxRank
  6478. "Pummel" is missing Tradable
  6479. "Pummel" is missing Type
  6480. "Purging Slash" is missing BaseDrain
  6481. "Purging Slash" is missing Description
  6482. "Purging Slash" is missing Icon
  6483. "Purging Slash" is missing InternalName
  6484. "Purging Slash" is missing Introduced
  6485. "Purging Slash" is missing Link
  6486. "Purging Slash" is missing MaxRank
  6487. "Purging Slash" is missing Tradable
  6488. "Purging Slash" is missing Type
  6489. "Purifying Flames" is missing BaseDrain
  6490. "Purifying Flames" is missing Description
  6491. "Purifying Flames" is missing Icon
  6492. "Purifying Flames" is missing InternalName
  6493. "Purifying Flames" is missing Introduced
  6494. "Purifying Flames" is missing Link
  6495. "Purifying Flames" is missing MaxRank
  6496. "Purifying Flames" is missing Tradable
  6497. "Purifying Flames" is missing Type
  6498. "Push & Pull" is missing BaseDrain
  6499. "Push & Pull" is missing Description
  6500. "Push & Pull" is missing Icon
  6501. "Push & Pull" is missing InternalName
  6502. "Push & Pull" is missing Introduced
  6503. "Push & Pull" is missing Link
  6504. "Push & Pull" is missing MaxRank
  6505. "Push & Pull" is missing Tradable
  6506. "Push & Pull" is missing Type
  6507. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing BaseDrain
  6508. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing Description
  6509. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing Icon
  6510. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing InternalName
  6511. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing Introduced
  6512. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing Link
  6513. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing MaxRank
  6514. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing Tradable
  6515. "Pyroclastic Flow" is missing Type
  6516. "Quaking Hand" is missing BaseDrain
  6517. "Quaking Hand" is missing Description
  6518. "Quaking Hand" is missing Icon
  6519. "Quaking Hand" is missing InternalName
  6520. "Quaking Hand" is missing Introduced
  6521. "Quaking Hand" is missing Link
  6522. "Quaking Hand" is missing MaxRank
  6523. "Quaking Hand" is missing Tradable
  6524. "Quaking Hand" is missing Type
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  6526. "Quasar Drill" is missing Description
  6527. "Quasar Drill" is missing Icon
  6528. "Quasar Drill" is missing InternalName
  6529. "Quasar Drill" is missing Introduced
  6530. "Quasar Drill" is missing Link
  6531. "Quasar Drill" is missing MaxRank
  6532. "Quasar Drill" is missing Tradable
  6533. "Quasar Drill" is missing Type
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  6535. "Quick Charge" is missing Description
  6536. "Quick Charge" is missing Icon
  6537. "Quick Charge" is missing InternalName
  6538. "Quick Charge" is missing Link
  6539. "Quick Charge" is missing MaxRank
  6540. "Quick Charge" is missing Tradable
  6541. "Quick Charge" is missing Type
  6542. "Quick Escape" is missing BaseDrain
  6543. "Quick Escape" is missing Description
  6544. "Quick Escape" is missing Icon
  6545. "Quick Escape" is missing InternalName
  6546. "Quick Escape" is missing Introduced
  6547. "Quick Escape" is missing Link
  6548. "Quick Escape" is missing MaxRank
  6549. "Quick Escape" is missing Tradable
  6550. "Quick Escape" is missing Type
  6551. "Quick Reload" is missing BaseDrain
  6552. "Quick Reload" is missing Description
  6553. "Quick Reload" is missing Icon
  6554. "Quick Reload" is missing InternalName
  6555. "Quick Reload" is missing Introduced
  6556. "Quick Reload" is missing Link
  6557. "Quick Reload" is missing MaxRank
  6558. "Quick Reload" is missing Tradable
  6559. "Quick Reload" is missing Type
  6560. "Quick Return" is missing BaseDrain
  6561. "Quick Return" is missing Description
  6562. "Quick Return" is missing Icon
  6563. "Quick Return" is missing InternalName
  6564. "Quick Return" is missing Introduced
  6565. "Quick Return" is missing Link
  6566. "Quick Return" is missing MaxRank
  6567. "Quick Return" is missing Tradable
  6568. "Quick Return" is missing Transmutable
  6569. "Quick Return" is missing Type
  6570. "Quick Thinking" is missing BaseDrain
  6571. "Quick Thinking" is missing Description
  6572. "Quick Thinking" is missing Icon
  6573. "Quick Thinking" is missing InternalName
  6574. "Quick Thinking" is missing Introduced
  6575. "Quick Thinking" is missing Link
  6576. "Quick Thinking" is missing MaxRank
  6577. "Quick Thinking" is missing Tradable
  6578. "Quick Thinking" is missing Type
  6579. "Quickdraw" is missing BaseDrain
  6580. "Quickdraw" is missing Description
  6581. "Quickdraw" is missing Icon
  6582. "Quickdraw" is missing InternalName
  6583. "Quickdraw" is missing Link
  6584. "Quickdraw" is missing MaxRank
  6585. "Quickdraw" is missing Tradable
  6586. "Quickdraw" is missing Type
  6587. "Quickening" is missing BaseDrain
  6588. "Quickening" is missing Description
  6589. "Quickening" is missing Icon
  6590. "Quickening" is missing InternalName
  6591. "Quickening" is missing Introduced
  6592. "Quickening" is missing Link
  6593. "Quickening" is missing MaxRank
  6594. "Quickening" is missing Tradable
  6595. "Quickening" is missing Type
  6596. "Radiant Finish" is missing BaseDrain
  6597. "Radiant Finish" is missing Description
  6598. "Radiant Finish" is missing Icon
  6599. "Radiant Finish" is missing InternalName
  6600. "Radiant Finish" is missing Introduced
  6601. "Radiant Finish" is missing Link
  6602. "Radiant Finish" is missing MaxRank
  6603. "Radiant Finish" is missing Tradable
  6604. "Radiant Finish" is missing Type
  6605. "Rage" is missing BaseDrain
  6606. "Rage" is missing Description
  6607. "Rage" is missing Icon
  6608. "Rage" is missing InternalName
  6609. "Rage" is missing Introduced
  6610. "Rage" is missing Link
  6611. "Rage" is missing MaxRank
  6612. "Rage" is missing Tradable
  6613. "Rage" is missing Type
  6614. "Rail Guards" is missing BaseDrain
  6615. "Rail Guards" is missing Description
  6616. "Rail Guards" is missing Icon
  6617. "Rail Guards" is missing InternalName
  6618. "Rail Guards" is missing Introduced
  6619. "Rail Guards" is missing Link
  6620. "Rail Guards" is missing MaxRank
  6621. "Rail Guards" is missing Tradable
  6622. "Rail Guards" is missing Type
  6623. "Rapid Resilience" is missing BaseDrain
  6624. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Description
  6625. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Icon
  6626. "Rapid Resilience" is missing InternalName
  6627. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Introduced
  6628. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Link
  6629. "Rapid Resilience" is missing MaxRank
  6630. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Tradable
  6631. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Transmutable
  6632. "Rapid Resilience" is missing Type
  6633. "Ravage" is missing BaseDrain
  6634. "Ravage" is missing Description
  6635. "Ravage" is missing Icon
  6636. "Ravage" is missing InternalName
  6637. "Ravage" is missing Introduced
  6638. "Ravage" is missing Link
  6639. "Ravage" is missing MaxRank
  6640. "Ravage" is missing Tradable
  6641. "Ravage" is missing Type
  6642. "Razor Munitions" is missing BaseDrain
  6643. "Razor Munitions" is missing Description
  6644. "Razor Munitions" is missing Icon
  6645. "Razor Munitions" is missing InternalName
  6646. "Razor Munitions" is missing Introduced
  6647. "Razor Munitions" is missing Link
  6648. "Razor Munitions" is missing MaxRank
  6649. "Razor Munitions" is missing Tradable
  6650. "Razor Munitions" is missing Type
  6651. "Razor Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  6652. "Razor Shot" is missing Description
  6653. "Razor Shot" is missing Icon
  6654. "Razor Shot" is missing InternalName
  6655. "Razor Shot" is missing Link
  6656. "Razor Shot" is missing MaxRank
  6657. "Razor Shot" is missing Tradable
  6658. "Razor Shot" is missing Transmutable
  6659. "Razor Shot" is missing Type
  6660. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing BaseDrain
  6661. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing Description
  6662. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing Icon
  6663. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing InternalName
  6664. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing Introduced
  6665. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing Link
  6666. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing MaxRank
  6667. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing Tradable
  6668. "Razorwing Blitz" is missing Type
  6669. "Reach" is missing BaseDrain
  6670. "Reach" is missing Description
  6671. "Reach" is missing Icon
  6672. "Reach" is missing InternalName
  6673. "Reach" is missing Link
  6674. "Reach" is missing MaxRank
  6675. "Reach" is missing Tradable
  6676. "Reach" is missing Type
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  6678. "Reactive Storm" is missing Description
  6679. "Reactive Storm" is missing Icon
  6680. "Reactive Storm" is missing InternalName
  6681. "Reactive Storm" is missing Introduced
  6682. "Reactive Storm" is missing Link
  6683. "Reactive Storm" is missing MaxRank
  6684. "Reactive Storm" is missing Tradable
  6685. "Reactive Storm" is missing Type
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  6687. "Reaping Chakram" is missing Description
  6688. "Reaping Chakram" is missing Icon
  6689. "Reaping Chakram" is missing InternalName
  6690. "Reaping Chakram" is missing Introduced
  6691. "Reaping Chakram" is missing Link
  6692. "Reaping Chakram" is missing MaxRank
  6693. "Reaping Chakram" is missing Tradable
  6694. "Reaping Chakram" is missing Type
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  6696. "Reaping Spiral" is missing Description
  6697. "Reaping Spiral" is missing Icon
  6698. "Reaping Spiral" is missing InternalName
  6699. "Reaping Spiral" is missing Introduced
  6700. "Reaping Spiral" is missing Link
  6701. "Reaping Spiral" is missing MaxRank
  6702. "Reaping Spiral" is missing Tradable
  6703. "Reaping Spiral" is missing Type
  6704. "Reawaken" is missing BaseDrain
  6705. "Reawaken" is missing Description
  6706. "Reawaken" is missing Icon
  6707. "Reawaken" is missing InternalName
  6708. "Reawaken" is missing Introduced
  6709. "Reawaken" is missing Link
  6710. "Reawaken" is missing MaxRank
  6711. "Reawaken" is missing Tradable
  6712. "Reawaken" is missing Type
  6713. "Rebound" is missing BaseDrain
  6714. "Rebound" is missing Description
  6715. "Rebound" is missing Icon
  6716. "Rebound" is missing InternalName
  6717. "Rebound" is missing Introduced
  6718. "Rebound" is missing Link
  6719. "Rebound" is missing MaxRank
  6720. "Rebound" is missing Tradable
  6721. "Rebound" is missing Type
  6722. "Recharge Barrier" is missing BaseDrain
  6723. "Recharge Barrier" is missing Description
  6724. "Recharge Barrier" is missing Icon
  6725. "Recharge Barrier" is missing InternalName
  6726. "Recharge Barrier" is missing Introduced
  6727. "Recharge Barrier" is missing Link
  6728. "Recharge Barrier" is missing MaxRank
  6729. "Recharge Barrier" is missing Tradable
  6730. "Recharge Barrier" is missing Type
  6731. "Recover" is missing BaseDrain
  6732. "Recover" is missing Description
  6733. "Recover" is missing Icon
  6734. "Recover" is missing InternalName
  6735. "Recover" is missing Introduced
  6736. "Recover" is missing Link
  6737. "Recover" is missing MaxRank
  6738. "Recover" is missing Tradable
  6739. "Recover" is missing Type
  6740. "Recuperate" is missing BaseDrain
  6741. "Recuperate" is missing Description
  6742. "Recuperate" is missing Icon
  6743. "Recuperate" is missing InternalName
  6744. "Recuperate" is missing Introduced
  6745. "Recuperate" is missing Link
  6746. "Recuperate" is missing MaxRank
  6747. "Recuperate" is missing Tradable
  6748. "Recuperate" is missing Type
  6749. "Redirection" is missing BaseDrain
  6750. "Redirection" is missing Description
  6751. "Redirection" is missing Icon
  6752. "Redirection" is missing InternalName
  6753. "Redirection" is missing Introduced
  6754. "Redirection" is missing Link
  6755. "Redirection" is missing MaxRank
  6756. "Redirection" is missing Tradable
  6757. "Redirection" is missing Type
  6758. "Reflect" is missing BaseDrain
  6759. "Reflect" is missing Description
  6760. "Reflect" is missing Icon
  6761. "Reflect" is missing InternalName
  6762. "Reflect" is missing Introduced
  6763. "Reflect" is missing Link
  6764. "Reflect" is missing MaxRank
  6765. "Reflect" is missing Tradable
  6766. "Reflect" is missing Transmutable
  6767. "Reflect" is missing Type
  6768. "Reflection" is missing BaseDrain
  6769. "Reflection" is missing Description
  6770. "Reflection" is missing Icon
  6771. "Reflection" is missing InternalName
  6772. "Reflection" is missing Introduced
  6773. "Reflection" is missing Link
  6774. "Reflection" is missing MaxRank
  6775. "Reflection" is missing Tradable
  6776. "Reflection" is missing Type
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  6778. "Reflex Coil" is missing Description
  6779. "Reflex Coil" is missing Icon
  6780. "Reflex Coil" is missing InternalName
  6781. "Reflex Coil" is missing Introduced
  6782. "Reflex Coil" is missing Link
  6783. "Reflex Coil" is missing MaxRank
  6784. "Reflex Coil" is missing Tradable
  6785. "Reflex Coil" is missing Type
  6786. "Reflex Draw" is missing BaseDrain
  6787. "Reflex Draw" is missing Description
  6788. "Reflex Draw" is missing Icon
  6789. "Reflex Draw" is missing InternalName
  6790. "Reflex Draw" is missing Introduced
  6791. "Reflex Draw" is missing Link
  6792. "Reflex Draw" is missing MaxRank
  6793. "Reflex Draw" is missing Tradable
  6794. "Reflex Draw" is missing Type
  6795. "Reflex Guard" is missing BaseDrain
  6796. "Reflex Guard" is missing Description
  6797. "Reflex Guard" is missing Icon
  6798. "Reflex Guard" is missing InternalName
  6799. "Reflex Guard" is missing Introduced
  6800. "Reflex Guard" is missing Link
  6801. "Reflex Guard" is missing MaxRank
  6802. "Reflex Guard" is missing Tradable
  6803. "Reflex Guard" is missing Type
  6804. "Regen" is missing BaseDrain
  6805. "Regen" is missing Description
  6806. "Regen" is missing Icon
  6807. "Regen" is missing InternalName
  6808. "Regen" is missing Introduced
  6809. "Regen" is missing Link
  6810. "Regen" is missing MaxRank
  6811. "Regen" is missing Tradable
  6812. "Regen" is missing Transmutable
  6813. "Regen" is missing Type
  6814. "Regenerative Molt" is missing BaseDrain
  6815. "Regenerative Molt" is missing Description
  6816. "Regenerative Molt" is missing Icon
  6817. "Regenerative Molt" is missing InternalName
  6818. "Regenerative Molt" is missing Introduced
  6819. "Regenerative Molt" is missing Link
  6820. "Regenerative Molt" is missing MaxRank
  6821. "Regenerative Molt" is missing Tradable
  6822. "Regenerative Molt" is missing Type
  6823. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing BaseDrain
  6824. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing Description
  6825. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing Icon
  6826. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing InternalName
  6827. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing Introduced
  6828. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing Link
  6829. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing MaxRank
  6830. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing Tradable
  6831. "Reinforcing Stomp" is missing Type
  6832. "Rejuvenation" is missing BaseDrain
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  6834. "Rejuvenation" is missing Icon
  6835. "Rejuvenation" is missing InternalName
  6836. "Rejuvenation" is missing Introduced
  6837. "Rejuvenation" is missing Link
  6838. "Rejuvenation" is missing MaxRank
  6839. "Rejuvenation" is missing Tradable
  6840. "Rejuvenation" is missing Type
  6841. "Relentless Assault" is missing BaseDrain
  6842. "Relentless Assault" is missing Description
  6843. "Relentless Assault" is missing Icon
  6844. "Relentless Assault" is missing InternalName
  6845. "Relentless Assault" is missing Introduced
  6846. "Relentless Assault" is missing Link
  6847. "Relentless Assault" is missing MaxRank
  6848. "Relentless Assault" is missing Tradable
  6849. "Relentless Assault" is missing Type
  6850. "Relentless Combination" is missing BaseDrain
  6851. "Relentless Combination" is missing Description
  6852. "Relentless Combination" is missing Icon
  6853. "Relentless Combination" is missing InternalName
  6854. "Relentless Combination" is missing Introduced
  6855. "Relentless Combination" is missing Link
  6856. "Relentless Combination" is missing MaxRank
  6857. "Relentless Combination" is missing Tradable
  6858. "Relentless Combination" is missing Type
  6859. "Rending Crane" is missing BaseDrain
  6860. "Rending Crane" is missing Description
  6861. "Rending Crane" is missing Icon
  6862. "Rending Crane" is missing InternalName
  6863. "Rending Crane" is missing Introduced
  6864. "Rending Crane" is missing Link
  6865. "Rending Crane" is missing MaxRank
  6866. "Rending Crane" is missing Tradable
  6867. "Rending Crane" is missing Type
  6868. "Rending Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  6869. "Rending Strike" is missing Description
  6870. "Rending Strike" is missing Icon
  6871. "Rending Strike" is missing InternalName
  6872. "Rending Strike" is missing Link
  6873. "Rending Strike" is missing MaxRank
  6874. "Rending Strike" is missing Tradable
  6875. "Rending Strike" is missing Type
  6876. "Rending Turn" is missing BaseDrain
  6877. "Rending Turn" is missing Description
  6878. "Rending Turn" is missing Icon
  6879. "Rending Turn" is missing InternalName
  6880. "Rending Turn" is missing Introduced
  6881. "Rending Turn" is missing Link
  6882. "Rending Turn" is missing MaxRank
  6883. "Rending Turn" is missing Tradable
  6884. "Rending Turn" is missing Type
  6885. "Rending Wind" is missing BaseDrain
  6886. "Rending Wind" is missing Description
  6887. "Rending Wind" is missing Icon
  6888. "Rending Wind" is missing InternalName
  6889. "Rending Wind" is missing Introduced
  6890. "Rending Wind" is missing Link
  6891. "Rending Wind" is missing MaxRank
  6892. "Rending Wind" is missing Tradable
  6893. "Rending Wind" is missing Type
  6894. "Repair Kit" is missing BaseDrain
  6895. "Repair Kit" is missing Description
  6896. "Repair Kit" is missing Icon
  6897. "Repair Kit" is missing InternalName
  6898. "Repair Kit" is missing Introduced
  6899. "Repair Kit" is missing Link
  6900. "Repair Kit" is missing MaxRank
  6901. "Repair Kit" is missing Tradable
  6902. "Repair Kit" is missing Type
  6903. "Repeater Clip" is missing BaseDrain
  6904. "Repeater Clip" is missing Description
  6905. "Repeater Clip" is missing Icon
  6906. "Repeater Clip" is missing InternalName
  6907. "Repeater Clip" is missing Link
  6908. "Repeater Clip" is missing MaxRank
  6909. "Repeater Clip" is missing Tradable
  6910. "Repeater Clip" is missing Type
  6911. "Repelling Bastille" is missing BaseDrain
  6912. "Repelling Bastille" is missing Description
  6913. "Repelling Bastille" is missing Icon
  6914. "Repelling Bastille" is missing InternalName
  6915. "Repelling Bastille" is missing Introduced
  6916. "Repelling Bastille" is missing Link
  6917. "Repelling Bastille" is missing MaxRank
  6918. "Repelling Bastille" is missing Tradable
  6919. "Repelling Bastille" is missing Type
  6920. "Resilient Focus" is missing BaseDrain
  6921. "Resilient Focus" is missing Description
  6922. "Resilient Focus" is missing Icon
  6923. "Resilient Focus" is missing InternalName
  6924. "Resilient Focus" is missing Introduced
  6925. "Resilient Focus" is missing Link
  6926. "Resilient Focus" is missing MaxRank
  6927. "Resilient Focus" is missing Tradable
  6928. "Resilient Focus" is missing Type
  6929. "Resolute Focus" is missing BaseDrain
  6930. "Resolute Focus" is missing Description
  6931. "Resolute Focus" is missing Icon
  6932. "Resolute Focus" is missing InternalName
  6933. "Resolute Focus" is missing Introduced
  6934. "Resolute Focus" is missing Link
  6935. "Resolute Focus" is missing MaxRank
  6936. "Resolute Focus" is missing Tradable
  6937. "Resolute Focus" is missing Transmutable
  6938. "Resolute Focus" is missing Type
  6939. "Resonance" is missing BaseDrain
  6940. "Resonance" is missing Description
  6941. "Resonance" is missing Icon
  6942. "Resonance" is missing InternalName
  6943. "Resonance" is missing Introduced
  6944. "Resonance" is missing Link
  6945. "Resonance" is missing MaxRank
  6946. "Resonance" is missing Tradable
  6947. "Resonance" is missing Type
  6948. "Resonating Quake" is missing BaseDrain
  6949. "Resonating Quake" is missing Description
  6950. "Resonating Quake" is missing Icon
  6951. "Resonating Quake" is missing InternalName
  6952. "Resonating Quake" is missing Introduced
  6953. "Resonating Quake" is missing Link
  6954. "Resonating Quake" is missing MaxRank
  6955. "Resonating Quake" is missing Tradable
  6956. "Resonating Quake" is missing Type
  6957. "Retarget" is missing BaseDrain
  6958. "Retarget" is missing Description
  6959. "Retarget" is missing Icon
  6960. "Retarget" is missing InternalName
  6961. "Retarget" is missing Introduced
  6962. "Retarget" is missing Link
  6963. "Retarget" is missing MaxRank
  6964. "Retarget" is missing Tradable
  6965. "Retarget" is missing Type
  6966. "Retribution" is missing BaseDrain
  6967. "Retribution" is missing Description
  6968. "Retribution" is missing Icon
  6969. "Retribution" is missing InternalName
  6970. "Retribution" is missing Introduced
  6971. "Retribution" is missing Link
  6972. "Retribution" is missing MaxRank
  6973. "Retribution" is missing Tradable
  6974. "Retribution" is missing Type
  6975. "Retrieve" is missing BaseDrain
  6976. "Retrieve" is missing Description
  6977. "Retrieve" is missing Icon
  6978. "Retrieve" is missing InternalName
  6979. "Retrieve" is missing Introduced
  6980. "Retrieve" is missing Link
  6981. "Retrieve" is missing MaxRank
  6982. "Retrieve" is missing Tradable
  6983. "Retrieve" is missing Transmutable
  6984. "Retrieve" is missing Type
  6985. "Revealing Spores" is missing BaseDrain
  6986. "Revealing Spores" is missing Description
  6987. "Revealing Spores" is missing Icon
  6988. "Revealing Spores" is missing InternalName
  6989. "Revealing Spores" is missing Introduced
  6990. "Revealing Spores" is missing Link
  6991. "Revealing Spores" is missing MaxRank
  6992. "Revealing Spores" is missing Tradable
  6993. "Revealing Spores" is missing Type
  6994. "Revenge" is missing BaseDrain
  6995. "Revenge" is missing Description
  6996. "Revenge" is missing Icon
  6997. "Revenge" is missing InternalName
  6998. "Revenge" is missing Introduced
  6999. "Revenge" is missing Link
  7000. "Revenge" is missing MaxRank
  7001. "Revenge" is missing Tradable
  7002. "Revenge" is missing Transmutable
  7003. "Revenge" is missing Type
  7004. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  7005. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  7006. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  7007. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  7008. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  7009. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  7010. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  7011. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  7012. "Rifle Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
  7013. "Rifle Amp" is missing BaseDrain
  7014. "Rifle Amp" is missing Description
  7015. "Rifle Amp" is missing Icon
  7016. "Rifle Amp" is missing InternalName
  7017. "Rifle Amp" is missing Introduced
  7018. "Rifle Amp" is missing Link
  7019. "Rifle Amp" is missing MaxRank
  7020. "Rifle Amp" is missing Tradable
  7021. "Rifle Amp" is missing Type
  7022. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing BaseDrain
  7023. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing Description
  7024. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing Icon
  7025. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing InternalName
  7026. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing Link
  7027. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing MaxRank
  7028. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing Tradable
  7029. "Rifle Aptitude" is missing Type
  7030. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing BaseDrain
  7031. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing Description
  7032. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing Icon
  7033. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing InternalName
  7034. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing Introduced
  7035. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing Link
  7036. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing MaxRank
  7037. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing Tradable
  7038. "Rifle Scavenger" is missing Type
  7039. "Rift Haven" is missing BaseDrain
  7040. "Rift Haven" is missing Description
  7041. "Rift Haven" is missing Icon
  7042. "Rift Haven" is missing InternalName
  7043. "Rift Haven" is missing Introduced
  7044. "Rift Haven" is missing Link
  7045. "Rift Haven" is missing MaxRank
  7046. "Rift Haven" is missing Tradable
  7047. "Rift Haven" is missing Type
  7048. "Rift Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  7049. "Rift Strike" is missing Description
  7050. "Rift Strike" is missing Icon
  7051. "Rift Strike" is missing InternalName
  7052. "Rift Strike" is missing Introduced
  7053. "Rift Strike" is missing Link
  7054. "Rift Strike" is missing MaxRank
  7055. "Rift Strike" is missing Tradable
  7056. "Rift Strike" is missing Type
  7057. "Rift Torrent" is missing BaseDrain
  7058. "Rift Torrent" is missing Description
  7059. "Rift Torrent" is missing Icon
  7060. "Rift Torrent" is missing InternalName
  7061. "Rift Torrent" is missing Introduced
  7062. "Rift Torrent" is missing Link
  7063. "Rift Torrent" is missing MaxRank
  7064. "Rift Torrent" is missing Tradable
  7065. "Rift Torrent" is missing Type
  7066. "Rime Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  7067. "Rime Rounds" is missing Description
  7068. "Rime Rounds" is missing Icon
  7069. "Rime Rounds" is missing InternalName
  7070. "Rime Rounds" is missing Introduced
  7071. "Rime Rounds" is missing Link
  7072. "Rime Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  7073. "Rime Rounds" is missing Tradable
  7074. "Rime Rounds" is missing Type
  7075. "Rime Vault" is missing BaseDrain
  7076. "Rime Vault" is missing Description
  7077. "Rime Vault" is missing Icon
  7078. "Rime Vault" is missing InternalName
  7079. "Rime Vault" is missing Introduced
  7080. "Rime Vault" is missing Link
  7081. "Rime Vault" is missing MaxRank
  7082. "Rime Vault" is missing Tradable
  7083. "Rime Vault" is missing Type
  7084. "Ripper Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  7085. "Ripper Rounds" is missing Description
  7086. "Ripper Rounds" is missing Icon
  7087. "Ripper Rounds" is missing InternalName
  7088. "Ripper Rounds" is missing Introduced
  7089. "Ripper Rounds" is missing Link
  7090. "Ripper Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  7091. "Ripper Rounds" is missing Tradable
  7092. "Ripper Rounds" is missing Type
  7093. "Ris" is missing BaseDrain
  7094. "Ris" is missing Description
  7095. "Ris" is missing Icon
  7096. "Ris" is missing InternalName
  7097. "Ris" is missing Introduced
  7098. "Ris" is missing Link
  7099. "Ris" is missing MaxRank
  7100. "Ris" is missing Polarity
  7101. "Ris" is missing Tradable
  7102. "Ris" is missing Type
  7103. "Rising Skill" is missing BaseDrain
  7104. "Rising Skill" is missing Description
  7105. "Rising Skill" is missing Icon
  7106. "Rising Skill" is missing InternalName
  7107. "Rising Skill" is missing Introduced
  7108. "Rising Skill" is missing Link
  7109. "Rising Skill" is missing MaxRank
  7110. "Rising Skill" is missing Tradable
  7111. "Rising Skill" is missing Type
  7112. "Rising Steel" is missing BaseDrain
  7113. "Rising Steel" is missing Description
  7114. "Rising Steel" is missing Icon
  7115. "Rising Steel" is missing InternalName
  7116. "Rising Steel" is missing Introduced
  7117. "Rising Steel" is missing Link
  7118. "Rising Steel" is missing MaxRank
  7119. "Rising Steel" is missing Tradable
  7120. "Rising Steel" is missing Type
  7121. "Rising Storm" is missing BaseDrain
  7122. "Rising Storm" is missing Description
  7123. "Rising Storm" is missing Icon
  7124. "Rising Storm" is missing InternalName
  7125. "Rising Storm" is missing Introduced
  7126. "Rising Storm" is missing Link
  7127. "Rising Storm" is missing MaxRank
  7128. "Rising Storm" is missing Tradable
  7129. "Rising Storm" is missing Type
  7130. "Rolling Guard" is missing BaseDrain
  7131. "Rolling Guard" is missing Description
  7132. "Rolling Guard" is missing Icon
  7133. "Rolling Guard" is missing InternalName
  7134. "Rolling Guard" is missing Introduced
  7135. "Rolling Guard" is missing Link
  7136. "Rolling Guard" is missing MaxRank
  7137. "Rolling Guard" is missing Polarity
  7138. "Rolling Guard" is missing Tradable
  7139. "Rolling Guard" is missing Type
  7140. "Rubble Heap" is missing BaseDrain
  7141. "Rubble Heap" is missing Description
  7142. "Rubble Heap" is missing Icon
  7143. "Rubble Heap" is missing InternalName
  7144. "Rubble Heap" is missing Introduced
  7145. "Rubble Heap" is missing Link
  7146. "Rubble Heap" is missing MaxRank
  7147. "Rubble Heap" is missing Tradable
  7148. "Rubble Heap" is missing Type
  7149. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing BaseDrain
  7150. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Description
  7151. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Icon
  7152. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing InternalName
  7153. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Introduced
  7154. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Link
  7155. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing MaxRank
  7156. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Tradable
  7157. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel" is missing Type
  7158. "Ruinous Extension" is missing BaseDrain
  7159. "Ruinous Extension" is missing Description
  7160. "Ruinous Extension" is missing Icon
  7161. "Ruinous Extension" is missing InternalName
  7162. "Ruinous Extension" is missing Introduced
  7163. "Ruinous Extension" is missing Link
  7164. "Ruinous Extension" is missing MaxRank
  7165. "Ruinous Extension" is missing Tradable
  7166. "Ruinous Extension" is missing Type
  7167. "Rumbled" is missing BaseDrain
  7168. "Rumbled" is missing Description
  7169. "Rumbled" is missing Icon
  7170. "Rumbled" is missing InternalName
  7171. "Rumbled" is missing Introduced
  7172. "Rumbled" is missing Link
  7173. "Rumbled" is missing MaxRank
  7174. "Rumbled" is missing Tradable
  7175. "Rumbled" is missing Type
  7176. "Runtime" is missing BaseDrain
  7177. "Runtime" is missing Description
  7178. "Runtime" is missing Icon
  7179. "Runtime" is missing InternalName
  7180. "Runtime" is missing Introduced
  7181. "Runtime" is missing Link
  7182. "Runtime" is missing MaxRank
  7183. "Runtime" is missing Polarity
  7184. "Runtime" is missing Tradable
  7185. "Runtime" is missing Type
  7186. "Rupture" is missing BaseDrain
  7187. "Rupture" is missing Description
  7188. "Rupture" is missing Icon
  7189. "Rupture" is missing InternalName
  7190. "Rupture" is missing Link
  7191. "Rupture" is missing MaxRank
  7192. "Rupture" is missing Tradable
  7193. "Rupture" is missing Type
  7194. "Rush" is missing BaseDrain
  7195. "Rush" is missing Description
  7196. "Rush" is missing Icon
  7197. "Rush" is missing InternalName
  7198. "Rush" is missing Introduced
  7199. "Rush" is missing Link
  7200. "Rush" is missing MaxRank
  7201. "Rush" is missing Tradable
  7202. "Rush" is missing Type
  7203. "Sabot Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  7204. "Sabot Rounds" is missing Description
  7205. "Sabot Rounds" is missing Icon
  7206. "Sabot Rounds" is missing InternalName
  7207. "Sabot Rounds" is missing Introduced
  7208. "Sabot Rounds" is missing Link
  7209. "Sabot Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  7210. "Sabot Rounds" is missing Tradable
  7211. "Sabot Rounds" is missing Type
  7212. "Sacrifice" is missing BaseDrain
  7213. "Sacrifice" is missing Description
  7214. "Sacrifice" is missing Icon
  7215. "Sacrifice" is missing InternalName
  7216. "Sacrifice" is missing Introduced
  7217. "Sacrifice" is missing Link
  7218. "Sacrifice" is missing MaxRank
  7219. "Sacrifice" is missing Tradable
  7220. "Sacrifice" is missing Type
  7221. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing BaseDrain
  7222. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing Description
  7223. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing Icon
  7224. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing InternalName
  7225. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing Introduced
  7226. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing Link
  7227. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing MaxRank
  7228. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing Tradable
  7229. "Sacrificial Pressure" is missing Type
  7230. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing BaseDrain
  7231. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing Description
  7232. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing Icon
  7233. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing InternalName
  7234. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing Introduced
  7235. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing Link
  7236. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing MaxRank
  7237. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing Tradable
  7238. "Sacrificial Steel" is missing Type
  7239. "Safeguard" is missing BaseDrain
  7240. "Safeguard" is missing Description
  7241. "Safeguard" is missing Icon
  7242. "Safeguard" is missing InternalName
  7243. "Safeguard" is missing Introduced
  7244. "Safeguard" is missing Link
  7245. "Safeguard" is missing MaxRank
  7246. "Safeguard" is missing Tradable
  7247. "Safeguard" is missing Type
  7248. "Safeguard Switch" is missing BaseDrain
  7249. "Safeguard Switch" is missing Description
  7250. "Safeguard Switch" is missing Icon
  7251. "Safeguard Switch" is missing InternalName
  7252. "Safeguard Switch" is missing Introduced
  7253. "Safeguard Switch" is missing Link
  7254. "Safeguard Switch" is missing MaxRank
  7255. "Safeguard Switch" is missing Tradable
  7256. "Safeguard Switch" is missing Type
  7257. "Sanctuary" is missing BaseDrain
  7258. "Sanctuary" is missing Description
  7259. "Sanctuary" is missing Icon
  7260. "Sanctuary" is missing InternalName
  7261. "Sanctuary" is missing Introduced
  7262. "Sanctuary" is missing MaxRank
  7263. "Sanctuary" is missing Tradable
  7264. "Sanctuary" is missing Transmutable
  7265. "Sanctuary" is missing Type
  7266. "Sapping Reach" is missing BaseDrain
  7267. "Sapping Reach" is missing Description
  7268. "Sapping Reach" is missing Icon
  7269. "Sapping Reach" is missing InternalName
  7270. "Sapping Reach" is missing Introduced
  7271. "Sapping Reach" is missing Link
  7272. "Sapping Reach" is missing MaxRank
  7273. "Sapping Reach" is missing Tradable
  7274. "Sapping Reach" is missing Type
  7275. "Savage Silence" is missing BaseDrain
  7276. "Savage Silence" is missing Description
  7277. "Savage Silence" is missing Icon
  7278. "Savage Silence" is missing InternalName
  7279. "Savage Silence" is missing Introduced
  7280. "Savage Silence" is missing Link
  7281. "Savage Silence" is missing MaxRank
  7282. "Savage Silence" is missing Tradable
  7283. "Savage Silence" is missing Type
  7284. "Savagery" is missing BaseDrain
  7285. "Savagery" is missing Description
  7286. "Savagery" is missing Icon
  7287. "Savagery" is missing InternalName
  7288. "Savagery" is missing Introduced
  7289. "Savagery" is missing Link
  7290. "Savagery" is missing MaxRank
  7291. "Savagery" is missing Tradable
  7292. "Savagery" is missing Transmutable
  7293. "Savagery" is missing Type
  7294. "Savior Decoy" is missing BaseDrain
  7295. "Savior Decoy" is missing Description
  7296. "Savior Decoy" is missing Icon
  7297. "Savior Decoy" is missing InternalName
  7298. "Savior Decoy" is missing Introduced
  7299. "Savior Decoy" is missing Link
  7300. "Savior Decoy" is missing MaxRank
  7301. "Savior Decoy" is missing Tradable
  7302. "Savior Decoy" is missing Type
  7303. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing BaseDrain
  7304. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing Description
  7305. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing Icon
  7306. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing InternalName
  7307. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing Link
  7308. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing MaxRank
  7309. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing Tradable
  7310. "Sawtooth Clip" is missing Type
  7311. "Saxum Carapace" is missing BaseDrain
  7312. "Saxum Carapace" is missing Description
  7313. "Saxum Carapace" is missing Icon
  7314. "Saxum Carapace" is missing InternalName
  7315. "Saxum Carapace" is missing Introduced
  7316. "Saxum Carapace" is missing Link
  7317. "Saxum Carapace" is missing MaxRank
  7318. "Saxum Carapace" is missing Tradable
  7319. "Saxum Carapace" is missing Type
  7320. "Saxum Spittle" is missing BaseDrain
  7321. "Saxum Spittle" is missing Description
  7322. "Saxum Spittle" is missing Icon
  7323. "Saxum Spittle" is missing InternalName
  7324. "Saxum Spittle" is missing Introduced
  7325. "Saxum Spittle" is missing Link
  7326. "Saxum Spittle" is missing MaxRank
  7327. "Saxum Spittle" is missing Tradable
  7328. "Saxum Spittle" is missing Type
  7329. "Saxum Thorax" is missing BaseDrain
  7330. "Saxum Thorax" is missing Description
  7331. "Saxum Thorax" is missing Icon
  7332. "Saxum Thorax" is missing InternalName
  7333. "Saxum Thorax" is missing Introduced
  7334. "Saxum Thorax" is missing Link
  7335. "Saxum Thorax" is missing MaxRank
  7336. "Saxum Thorax" is missing Tradable
  7337. "Saxum Thorax" is missing Type
  7338. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing BaseDrain
  7339. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing Description
  7340. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing Icon
  7341. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing InternalName
  7342. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing Introduced
  7343. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing Link
  7344. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing MaxRank
  7345. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing Tradable
  7346. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms" is missing Type
  7347. "Scan Matter" is missing BaseDrain
  7348. "Scan Matter" is missing Description
  7349. "Scan Matter" is missing Icon
  7350. "Scan Matter" is missing InternalName
  7351. "Scan Matter" is missing Introduced
  7352. "Scan Matter" is missing Link
  7353. "Scan Matter" is missing MaxRank
  7354. "Scan Matter" is missing Tradable
  7355. "Scan Matter" is missing Type
  7356. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing BaseDrain
  7357. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing Description
  7358. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing Icon
  7359. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing InternalName
  7360. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing Introduced
  7361. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing Link
  7362. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing MaxRank
  7363. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing Tradable
  7364. "Scarlet Hurricane" is missing Type
  7365. "Scattered Justice" is missing BaseDrain
  7366. "Scattered Justice" is missing Description
  7367. "Scattered Justice" is missing Icon
  7368. "Scattered Justice" is missing InternalName
  7369. "Scattered Justice" is missing Introduced
  7370. "Scattered Justice" is missing Link
  7371. "Scattered Justice" is missing MaxRank
  7372. "Scattered Justice" is missing Tradable
  7373. "Scattered Justice" is missing Type
  7374. "Scattering Inferno" is missing BaseDrain
  7375. "Scattering Inferno" is missing Description
  7376. "Scattering Inferno" is missing Icon
  7377. "Scattering Inferno" is missing InternalName
  7378. "Scattering Inferno" is missing Introduced
  7379. "Scattering Inferno" is missing Link
  7380. "Scattering Inferno" is missing MaxRank
  7381. "Scattering Inferno" is missing Tradable
  7382. "Scattering Inferno" is missing Type
  7383. "Scavenge" is missing BaseDrain
  7384. "Scavenge" is missing Description
  7385. "Scavenge" is missing Icon
  7386. "Scavenge" is missing InternalName
  7387. "Scavenge" is missing Introduced
  7388. "Scavenge" is missing Link
  7389. "Scavenge" is missing MaxRank
  7390. "Scavenge" is missing Tradable
  7391. "Scavenge" is missing Type
  7392. "Scorch" is missing BaseDrain
  7393. "Scorch" is missing Description
  7394. "Scorch" is missing Icon
  7395. "Scorch" is missing InternalName
  7396. "Scorch" is missing Introduced
  7397. "Scorch" is missing MaxRank
  7398. "Scorch" is missing Tradable
  7399. "Scorch" is missing Type
  7400. "Searing Leap" is missing BaseDrain
  7401. "Searing Leap" is missing Description
  7402. "Searing Leap" is missing Icon
  7403. "Searing Leap" is missing InternalName
  7404. "Searing Leap" is missing Introduced
  7405. "Searing Leap" is missing Link
  7406. "Searing Leap" is missing MaxRank
  7407. "Searing Leap" is missing Tradable
  7408. "Searing Leap" is missing Type
  7409. "Searing Steel" is missing BaseDrain
  7410. "Searing Steel" is missing Description
  7411. "Searing Steel" is missing Icon
  7412. "Searing Steel" is missing InternalName
  7413. "Searing Steel" is missing Introduced
  7414. "Searing Steel" is missing Link
  7415. "Searing Steel" is missing MaxRank
  7416. "Searing Steel" is missing Tradable
  7417. "Searing Steel" is missing Type
  7418. "Secondary Wind" is missing BaseDrain
  7419. "Secondary Wind" is missing Description
  7420. "Secondary Wind" is missing Icon
  7421. "Secondary Wind" is missing InternalName
  7422. "Secondary Wind" is missing Introduced
  7423. "Secondary Wind" is missing Link
  7424. "Secondary Wind" is missing MaxRank
  7425. "Secondary Wind" is missing Tradable
  7426. "Secondary Wind" is missing Type
  7427. "Security Override" is missing BaseDrain
  7428. "Security Override" is missing Description
  7429. "Security Override" is missing Icon
  7430. "Security Override" is missing InternalName
  7431. "Security Override" is missing Introduced
  7432. "Security Override" is missing Link
  7433. "Security Override" is missing MaxRank
  7434. "Security Override" is missing Tradable
  7435. "Security Override" is missing Type
  7436. "Seeker" is missing BaseDrain
  7437. "Seeker" is missing Description
  7438. "Seeker" is missing Icon
  7439. "Seeker" is missing InternalName
  7440. "Seeker" is missing Introduced
  7441. "Seeker" is missing MaxRank
  7442. "Seeker" is missing Tradable
  7443. "Seeker" is missing Type
  7444. "Seeking Force" is missing BaseDrain
  7445. "Seeking Force" is missing Description
  7446. "Seeking Force" is missing Icon
  7447. "Seeking Force" is missing InternalName
  7448. "Seeking Force" is missing Introduced
  7449. "Seeking Force" is missing Link
  7450. "Seeking Force" is missing MaxRank
  7451. "Seeking Force" is missing Tradable
  7452. "Seeking Force" is missing Type
  7453. "Seeking Fury" is missing BaseDrain
  7454. "Seeking Fury" is missing Description
  7455. "Seeking Fury" is missing Icon
  7456. "Seeking Fury" is missing InternalName
  7457. "Seeking Fury" is missing Link
  7458. "Seeking Fury" is missing MaxRank
  7459. "Seeking Fury" is missing Tradable
  7460. "Seeking Fury" is missing Type
  7461. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing BaseDrain
  7462. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing Description
  7463. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing Icon
  7464. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing InternalName
  7465. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing Introduced
  7466. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing Link
  7467. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing MaxRank
  7468. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing Tradable
  7469. "Seeking Shuriken" is missing Type
  7470. "Seismic Palm" is missing BaseDrain
  7471. "Seismic Palm" is missing Description
  7472. "Seismic Palm" is missing Icon
  7473. "Seismic Palm" is missing InternalName
  7474. "Seismic Palm" is missing Introduced
  7475. "Seismic Palm" is missing Link
  7476. "Seismic Palm" is missing MaxRank
  7477. "Seismic Palm" is missing Tradable
  7478. "Seismic Palm" is missing Type
  7479. "Seismic Wave" is missing BaseDrain
  7480. "Seismic Wave" is missing Description
  7481. "Seismic Wave" is missing Icon
  7482. "Seismic Wave" is missing InternalName
  7483. "Seismic Wave" is missing Introduced
  7484. "Seismic Wave" is missing Link
  7485. "Seismic Wave" is missing MaxRank
  7486. "Seismic Wave" is missing Tradable
  7487. "Seismic Wave" is missing Type
  7488. "Self Destruct" is missing BaseDrain
  7489. "Self Destruct" is missing Description
  7490. "Self Destruct" is missing Icon
  7491. "Self Destruct" is missing InternalName
  7492. "Self Destruct" is missing Introduced
  7493. "Self Destruct" is missing Link
  7494. "Self Destruct" is missing MaxRank
  7495. "Self Destruct" is missing Tradable
  7496. "Self Destruct" is missing Type
  7497. "Sense Danger" is missing BaseDrain
  7498. "Sense Danger" is missing Description
  7499. "Sense Danger" is missing Icon
  7500. "Sense Danger" is missing InternalName
  7501. "Sense Danger" is missing Introduced
  7502. "Sense Danger" is missing Link
  7503. "Sense Danger" is missing MaxRank
  7504. "Sense Danger" is missing Tradable
  7505. "Sense Danger" is missing Transmutable
  7506. "Sense Danger" is missing Type
  7507. "Sequence Burn" is missing BaseDrain
  7508. "Sequence Burn" is missing Description
  7509. "Sequence Burn" is missing Icon
  7510. "Sequence Burn" is missing InternalName
  7511. "Sequence Burn" is missing Introduced
  7512. "Sequence Burn" is missing Link
  7513. "Sequence Burn" is missing MaxRank
  7514. "Sequence Burn" is missing Tradable
  7515. "Sequence Burn" is missing Type
  7516. "Serene Storm" is missing BaseDrain
  7517. "Serene Storm" is missing Description
  7518. "Serene Storm" is missing Icon
  7519. "Serene Storm" is missing InternalName
  7520. "Serene Storm" is missing Introduced
  7521. "Serene Storm" is missing Link
  7522. "Serene Storm" is missing MaxRank
  7523. "Serene Storm" is missing Polarity
  7524. "Serene Storm" is missing Rarity
  7525. "Serene Storm" is missing Tradable
  7526. "Serene Storm" is missing Type
  7527. "Serrated Edges" is missing BaseDrain
  7528. "Serrated Edges" is missing Description
  7529. "Serrated Edges" is missing Icon
  7530. "Serrated Edges" is missing InternalName
  7531. "Serrated Edges" is missing Introduced
  7532. "Serrated Edges" is missing Link
  7533. "Serrated Edges" is missing MaxRank
  7534. "Serrated Edges" is missing Tradable
  7535. "Serrated Edges" is missing Type
  7536. "Serrated Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  7537. "Serrated Rounds" is missing Description
  7538. "Serrated Rounds" is missing Icon
  7539. "Serrated Rounds" is missing InternalName
  7540. "Serrated Rounds" is missing Introduced
  7541. "Serrated Rounds" is missing Link
  7542. "Serrated Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  7543. "Serrated Rounds" is missing Tradable
  7544. "Serrated Rounds" is missing Type
  7545. "Serration" is missing BaseDrain
  7546. "Serration" is missing Description
  7547. "Serration" is missing Icon
  7548. "Serration" is missing InternalName
  7549. "Serration" is missing Link
  7550. "Serration" is missing MaxRank
  7551. "Serration" is missing Tradable
  7552. "Serration" is missing Type
  7553. "Shadow Harvest" is missing BaseDrain
  7554. "Shadow Harvest" is missing Description
  7555. "Shadow Harvest" is missing Icon
  7556. "Shadow Harvest" is missing InternalName
  7557. "Shadow Harvest" is missing Introduced
  7558. "Shadow Harvest" is missing Link
  7559. "Shadow Harvest" is missing MaxRank
  7560. "Shadow Harvest" is missing Tradable
  7561. "Shadow Harvest" is missing Type
  7562. "Sharpened Blade" is missing BaseDrain
  7563. "Sharpened Blade" is missing Description
  7564. "Sharpened Blade" is missing Icon
  7565. "Sharpened Blade" is missing InternalName
  7566. "Sharpened Blade" is missing Introduced
  7567. "Sharpened Blade" is missing Link
  7568. "Sharpened Blade" is missing MaxRank
  7569. "Sharpened Blade" is missing Tradable
  7570. "Sharpened Blade" is missing Type
  7571. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing BaseDrain
  7572. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing Description
  7573. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing Icon
  7574. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing InternalName
  7575. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing Introduced
  7576. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing Link
  7577. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing MaxRank
  7578. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing Tradable
  7579. "Sharpened Bullets" is missing Type
  7580. "Sharpened Claws" is missing BaseDrain
  7581. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Description
  7582. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Icon
  7583. "Sharpened Claws" is missing InternalName
  7584. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Introduced
  7585. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Link
  7586. "Sharpened Claws" is missing MaxRank
  7587. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Tradable
  7588. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Transmutable
  7589. "Sharpened Claws" is missing Type
  7590. "Sharpshooter" is missing BaseDrain
  7591. "Sharpshooter" is missing Description
  7592. "Sharpshooter" is missing Icon
  7593. "Sharpshooter" is missing InternalName
  7594. "Sharpshooter" is missing Introduced
  7595. "Sharpshooter" is missing Link
  7596. "Sharpshooter" is missing MaxRank
  7597. "Sharpshooter" is missing Tradable
  7598. "Sharpshooter" is missing Type
  7599. "Shattering Impact" is missing BaseDrain
  7600. "Shattering Impact" is missing Description
  7601. "Shattering Impact" is missing Icon
  7602. "Shattering Impact" is missing InternalName
  7603. "Shattering Impact" is missing Introduced
  7604. "Shattering Impact" is missing Link
  7605. "Shattering Impact" is missing MaxRank
  7606. "Shattering Impact" is missing Tradable
  7607. "Shattering Impact" is missing Type
  7608. "Shattering Justice" is missing BaseDrain
  7609. "Shattering Justice" is missing Description
  7610. "Shattering Justice" is missing Icon
  7611. "Shattering Justice" is missing InternalName
  7612. "Shattering Justice" is missing Introduced
  7613. "Shattering Justice" is missing Link
  7614. "Shattering Justice" is missing MaxRank
  7615. "Shattering Justice" is missing Tradable
  7616. "Shattering Justice" is missing Type
  7617. "Shattering Storm" is missing BaseDrain
  7618. "Shattering Storm" is missing Description
  7619. "Shattering Storm" is missing Icon
  7620. "Shattering Storm" is missing InternalName
  7621. "Shattering Storm" is missing Introduced
  7622. "Shattering Storm" is missing Link
  7623. "Shattering Storm" is missing MaxRank
  7624. "Shattering Storm" is missing Tradable
  7625. "Shattering Storm" is missing Type
  7626. "Shell Compression" is missing BaseDrain
  7627. "Shell Compression" is missing Description
  7628. "Shell Compression" is missing Icon
  7629. "Shell Compression" is missing InternalName
  7630. "Shell Compression" is missing Link
  7631. "Shell Compression" is missing MaxRank
  7632. "Shell Compression" is missing Tradable
  7633. "Shell Compression" is missing Type
  7634. "Shell Rush" is missing BaseDrain
  7635. "Shell Rush" is missing Description
  7636. "Shell Rush" is missing Icon
  7637. "Shell Rush" is missing InternalName
  7638. "Shell Rush" is missing Introduced
  7639. "Shell Rush" is missing Link
  7640. "Shell Rush" is missing MaxRank
  7641. "Shell Rush" is missing Tradable
  7642. "Shell Rush" is missing Type
  7643. "Shell Shock" is missing BaseDrain
  7644. "Shell Shock" is missing Description
  7645. "Shell Shock" is missing Icon
  7646. "Shell Shock" is missing InternalName
  7647. "Shell Shock" is missing Introduced
  7648. "Shell Shock" is missing Link
  7649. "Shell Shock" is missing MaxRank
  7650. "Shell Shock" is missing Tradable
  7651. "Shell Shock" is missing Type
  7652. "Shelter" is missing BaseDrain
  7653. "Shelter" is missing Description
  7654. "Shelter" is missing Icon
  7655. "Shelter" is missing InternalName
  7656. "Shelter" is missing Introduced
  7657. "Shelter" is missing Link
  7658. "Shelter" is missing MaxRank
  7659. "Shelter" is missing Tradable
  7660. "Shelter" is missing Transmutable
  7661. "Shelter" is missing Type
  7662. "Shepherd" is missing BaseDrain
  7663. "Shepherd" is missing Description
  7664. "Shepherd" is missing Icon
  7665. "Shepherd" is missing InternalName
  7666. "Shepherd" is missing Introduced
  7667. "Shepherd" is missing Link
  7668. "Shepherd" is missing MaxRank
  7669. "Shepherd" is missing Tradable
  7670. "Shepherd" is missing Type
  7671. "Shield Charger" is missing BaseDrain
  7672. "Shield Charger" is missing Description
  7673. "Shield Charger" is missing Icon
  7674. "Shield Charger" is missing InternalName
  7675. "Shield Charger" is missing Introduced
  7676. "Shield Charger" is missing Link
  7677. "Shield Charger" is missing MaxRank
  7678. "Shield Charger" is missing Tradable
  7679. "Shield Charger" is missing Type
  7680. "Shield Disruption" is missing BaseDrain
  7681. "Shield Disruption" is missing Description
  7682. "Shield Disruption" is missing Icon
  7683. "Shield Disruption" is missing InternalName
  7684. "Shield Disruption" is missing Link
  7685. "Shield Disruption" is missing MaxRank
  7686. "Shield Disruption" is missing Tradable
  7687. "Shield Disruption" is missing Type
  7688. "Shield Overload" is missing BaseDrain
  7689. "Shield Overload" is missing Description
  7690. "Shield Overload" is missing Icon
  7691. "Shield Overload" is missing InternalName
  7692. "Shield Overload" is missing Introduced
  7693. "Shield Overload" is missing Link
  7694. "Shield Overload" is missing MaxRank
  7695. "Shield Overload" is missing Tradable
  7696. "Shield Overload" is missing Type
  7697. "Shield Transference" is missing BaseDrain
  7698. "Shield Transference" is missing Description
  7699. "Shield Transference" is missing Icon
  7700. "Shield Transference" is missing InternalName
  7701. "Shield Transference" is missing Introduced
  7702. "Shield Transference" is missing Link
  7703. "Shield Transference" is missing MaxRank
  7704. "Shield Transference" is missing Tradable
  7705. "Shield Transference" is missing Type
  7706. "Shield of Shadows" is missing BaseDrain
  7707. "Shield of Shadows" is missing Description
  7708. "Shield of Shadows" is missing Icon
  7709. "Shield of Shadows" is missing InternalName
  7710. "Shield of Shadows" is missing Introduced
  7711. "Shield of Shadows" is missing Link
  7712. "Shield of Shadows" is missing MaxRank
  7713. "Shield of Shadows" is missing Tradable
  7714. "Shield of Shadows" is missing Type
  7715. "Shimmering Blight" is missing BaseDrain
  7716. "Shimmering Blight" is missing Description
  7717. "Shimmering Blight" is missing Icon
  7718. "Shimmering Blight" is missing InternalName
  7719. "Shimmering Blight" is missing Introduced
  7720. "Shimmering Blight" is missing Link
  7721. "Shimmering Blight" is missing MaxRank
  7722. "Shimmering Blight" is missing Tradable
  7723. "Shimmering Blight" is missing Type
  7724. "Shock Absorbers" is missing BaseDrain
  7725. "Shock Absorbers" is missing Description
  7726. "Shock Absorbers" is missing Icon
  7727. "Shock Absorbers" is missing InternalName
  7728. "Shock Absorbers" is missing Introduced
  7729. "Shock Absorbers" is missing Link
  7730. "Shock Absorbers" is missing MaxRank
  7731. "Shock Absorbers" is missing Tradable
  7732. "Shock Absorbers" is missing Type
  7733. "Shock Collar" is missing BaseDrain
  7734. "Shock Collar" is missing Description
  7735. "Shock Collar" is missing Icon
  7736. "Shock Collar" is missing InternalName
  7737. "Shock Collar" is missing Link
  7738. "Shock Collar" is missing MaxRank
  7739. "Shock Collar" is missing Tradable
  7740. "Shock Collar" is missing Type
  7741. "Shock Trooper" is missing BaseDrain
  7742. "Shock Trooper" is missing Description
  7743. "Shock Trooper" is missing Icon
  7744. "Shock Trooper" is missing InternalName
  7745. "Shock Trooper" is missing Introduced
  7746. "Shock Trooper" is missing Link
  7747. "Shock Trooper" is missing MaxRank
  7748. "Shock Trooper" is missing Tradable
  7749. "Shock Trooper" is missing Type
  7750. "Shocking Speed" is missing BaseDrain
  7751. "Shocking Speed" is missing Description
  7752. "Shocking Speed" is missing Icon
  7753. "Shocking Speed" is missing InternalName
  7754. "Shocking Speed" is missing Introduced
  7755. "Shocking Speed" is missing Link
  7756. "Shocking Speed" is missing MaxRank
  7757. "Shocking Speed" is missing Tradable
  7758. "Shocking Speed" is missing Type
  7759. "Shocking Touch" is missing BaseDrain
  7760. "Shocking Touch" is missing Description
  7761. "Shocking Touch" is missing Icon
  7762. "Shocking Touch" is missing InternalName
  7763. "Shocking Touch" is missing Introduced
  7764. "Shocking Touch" is missing Link
  7765. "Shocking Touch" is missing MaxRank
  7766. "Shocking Touch" is missing Tradable
  7767. "Shocking Touch" is missing Transmutable
  7768. "Shocking Touch" is missing Type
  7769. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing BaseDrain
  7770. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing Description
  7771. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing Icon
  7772. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing InternalName
  7773. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing Introduced
  7774. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing Link
  7775. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing MaxRank
  7776. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing Tradable
  7777. "Shockwave Actuators" is missing Type
  7778. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  7779. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  7780. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  7781. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  7782. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  7783. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  7784. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  7785. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  7786. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Transmutable
  7787. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
  7788. "Shotgun Amp" is missing BaseDrain
  7789. "Shotgun Amp" is missing Description
  7790. "Shotgun Amp" is missing Icon
  7791. "Shotgun Amp" is missing InternalName
  7792. "Shotgun Amp" is missing Introduced
  7793. "Shotgun Amp" is missing Link
  7794. "Shotgun Amp" is missing MaxRank
  7795. "Shotgun Amp" is missing Tradable
  7796. "Shotgun Amp" is missing Type
  7797. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing BaseDrain
  7798. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing Description
  7799. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing Icon
  7800. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing InternalName
  7801. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing Link
  7802. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing MaxRank
  7803. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing Tradable
  7804. "Shotgun Savvy" is missing Type
  7805. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing BaseDrain
  7806. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing Description
  7807. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing Icon
  7808. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing InternalName
  7809. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing Introduced
  7810. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing Link
  7811. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing MaxRank
  7812. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing Tradable
  7813. "Shotgun Scavenger" is missing Type
  7814. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing BaseDrain
  7815. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing Description
  7816. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing Icon
  7817. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing InternalName
  7818. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing Link
  7819. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing MaxRank
  7820. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing Tradable
  7821. "Shotgun Spazz" is missing Type
  7822. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  7823. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing Description
  7824. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing Icon
  7825. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing InternalName
  7826. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing Introduced
  7827. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing Link
  7828. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  7829. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing Tradable
  7830. "Shrapnel Rounds" is missing Type
  7831. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  7832. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing Description
  7833. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing Icon
  7834. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing InternalName
  7835. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing Introduced
  7836. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing Link
  7837. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing MaxRank
  7838. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing Tradable
  7839. "Shrapnel Shot" is missing Type
  7840. "Shred" is missing BaseDrain
  7841. "Shred" is missing Description
  7842. "Shred" is missing Icon
  7843. "Shred" is missing InternalName
  7844. "Shred" is missing Link
  7845. "Shred" is missing MaxRank
  7846. "Shred" is missing Tradable
  7847. "Shred" is missing Type
  7848. "Shred Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  7849. "Shred Shot" is missing Description
  7850. "Shred Shot" is missing Icon
  7851. "Shred Shot" is missing InternalName
  7852. "Shred Shot" is missing Introduced
  7853. "Shred Shot" is missing Link
  7854. "Shred Shot" is missing MaxRank
  7855. "Shred Shot" is missing Tradable
  7856. "Shred Shot" is missing Type
  7857. "Shredder" is missing BaseDrain
  7858. "Shredder" is missing Description
  7859. "Shredder" is missing Icon
  7860. "Shredder" is missing InternalName
  7861. "Shredder" is missing Link
  7862. "Shredder" is missing MaxRank
  7863. "Shredder" is missing Tradable
  7864. "Shredder" is missing Type
  7865. "Signal Flare" is missing BaseDrain
  7866. "Signal Flare" is missing Description
  7867. "Signal Flare" is missing Icon
  7868. "Signal Flare" is missing InternalName
  7869. "Signal Flare" is missing Introduced
  7870. "Signal Flare" is missing Link
  7871. "Signal Flare" is missing MaxRank
  7872. "Signal Flare" is missing Tradable
  7873. "Signal Flare" is missing Type
  7874. "Silent Battery" is missing BaseDrain
  7875. "Silent Battery" is missing Description
  7876. "Silent Battery" is missing Icon
  7877. "Silent Battery" is missing InternalName
  7878. "Silent Battery" is missing Introduced
  7879. "Silent Battery" is missing Link
  7880. "Silent Battery" is missing MaxRank
  7881. "Silent Battery" is missing Tradable
  7882. "Silent Battery" is missing Type
  7883. "Singularity" is missing BaseDrain
  7884. "Singularity" is missing Description
  7885. "Singularity" is missing Icon
  7886. "Singularity" is missing InternalName
  7887. "Singularity" is missing Introduced
  7888. "Singularity" is missing Link
  7889. "Singularity" is missing MaxRank
  7890. "Singularity" is missing Tradable
  7891. "Singularity" is missing Type
  7892. "Sinister Reach" is missing BaseDrain
  7893. "Sinister Reach" is missing Description
  7894. "Sinister Reach" is missing Icon
  7895. "Sinister Reach" is missing InternalName
  7896. "Sinister Reach" is missing Introduced
  7897. "Sinister Reach" is missing Link
  7898. "Sinister Reach" is missing MaxRank
  7899. "Sinister Reach" is missing Tradable
  7900. "Sinister Reach" is missing Type
  7901. "Sinking Talon" is missing BaseDrain
  7902. "Sinking Talon" is missing Description
  7903. "Sinking Talon" is missing Icon
  7904. "Sinking Talon" is missing InternalName
  7905. "Sinking Talon" is missing Introduced
  7906. "Sinking Talon" is missing Link
  7907. "Sinking Talon" is missing MaxRank
  7908. "Sinking Talon" is missing Tradable
  7909. "Sinking Talon" is missing Type
  7910. "Skull Shots" is missing BaseDrain
  7911. "Skull Shots" is missing Description
  7912. "Skull Shots" is missing Icon
  7913. "Skull Shots" is missing InternalName
  7914. "Skull Shots" is missing Introduced
  7915. "Skull Shots" is missing Link
  7916. "Skull Shots" is missing MaxRank
  7917. "Skull Shots" is missing Tradable
  7918. "Skull Shots" is missing Type
  7919. "Slay Board" is missing BaseDrain
  7920. "Slay Board" is missing Description
  7921. "Slay Board" is missing Icon
  7922. "Slay Board" is missing InternalName
  7923. "Slay Board" is missing Introduced
  7924. "Slay Board" is missing Link
  7925. "Slay Board" is missing MaxRank
  7926. "Slay Board" is missing Tradable
  7927. "Slay Board" is missing Type
  7928. "Slicing Feathers" is missing BaseDrain
  7929. "Slicing Feathers" is missing Description
  7930. "Slicing Feathers" is missing Icon
  7931. "Slicing Feathers" is missing InternalName
  7932. "Slicing Feathers" is missing Introduced
  7933. "Slicing Feathers" is missing Link
  7934. "Slicing Feathers" is missing MaxRank
  7935. "Slicing Feathers" is missing Tradable
  7936. "Slicing Feathers" is missing Type
  7937. "Slip Magazine" is missing BaseDrain
  7938. "Slip Magazine" is missing Description
  7939. "Slip Magazine" is missing Icon
  7940. "Slip Magazine" is missing InternalName
  7941. "Slip Magazine" is missing Link
  7942. "Slip Magazine" is missing MaxRank
  7943. "Slip Magazine" is missing Tradable
  7944. "Slip Magazine" is missing Type
  7945. "Sly Devolution" is missing BaseDrain
  7946. "Sly Devolution" is missing Description
  7947. "Sly Devolution" is missing Icon
  7948. "Sly Devolution" is missing InternalName
  7949. "Sly Devolution" is missing Introduced
  7950. "Sly Devolution" is missing Link
  7951. "Sly Devolution" is missing MaxRank
  7952. "Sly Devolution" is missing Tradable
  7953. "Sly Devolution" is missing Type
  7954. "Smite Corpus" is missing BaseDrain
  7955. "Smite Corpus" is missing Description
  7956. "Smite Corpus" is missing Icon
  7957. "Smite Corpus" is missing InternalName
  7958. "Smite Corpus" is missing Introduced
  7959. "Smite Corpus" is missing Link
  7960. "Smite Corpus" is missing MaxRank
  7961. "Smite Corpus" is missing Tradable
  7962. "Smite Corpus" is missing Type
  7963. "Smite Corrupted" is missing BaseDrain
  7964. "Smite Corrupted" is missing Description
  7965. "Smite Corrupted" is missing Icon
  7966. "Smite Corrupted" is missing InternalName
  7967. "Smite Corrupted" is missing Introduced
  7968. "Smite Corrupted" is missing Link
  7969. "Smite Corrupted" is missing MaxRank
  7970. "Smite Corrupted" is missing Tradable
  7971. "Smite Corrupted" is missing Type
  7972. "Smite Grineer" is missing BaseDrain
  7973. "Smite Grineer" is missing Description
  7974. "Smite Grineer" is missing Icon
  7975. "Smite Grineer" is missing InternalName
  7976. "Smite Grineer" is missing Link
  7977. "Smite Grineer" is missing MaxRank
  7978. "Smite Grineer" is missing Tradable
  7979. "Smite Grineer" is missing Type
  7980. "Smite Infested" is missing BaseDrain
  7981. "Smite Infested" is missing Description
  7982. "Smite Infested" is missing Icon
  7983. "Smite Infested" is missing InternalName
  7984. "Smite Infested" is missing Introduced
  7985. "Smite Infested" is missing Link
  7986. "Smite Infested" is missing MaxRank
  7987. "Smite Infested" is missing Tradable
  7988. "Smite Infested" is missing Type
  7989. "Smite Infusion" is missing BaseDrain
  7990. "Smite Infusion" is missing Description
  7991. "Smite Infusion" is missing Icon
  7992. "Smite Infusion" is missing InternalName
  7993. "Smite Infusion" is missing Introduced
  7994. "Smite Infusion" is missing Link
  7995. "Smite Infusion" is missing MaxRank
  7996. "Smite Infusion" is missing Tradable
  7997. "Smite Infusion" is missing Type
  7998. "Smoke Shadow" is missing BaseDrain
  7999. "Smoke Shadow" is missing Description
  8000. "Smoke Shadow" is missing Icon
  8001. "Smoke Shadow" is missing InternalName
  8002. "Smoke Shadow" is missing Introduced
  8003. "Smoke Shadow" is missing Link
  8004. "Smoke Shadow" is missing MaxRank
  8005. "Smoke Shadow" is missing Tradable
  8006. "Smoke Shadow" is missing Type
  8007. "Snap Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  8008. "Snap Shot" is missing Description
  8009. "Snap Shot" is missing Icon
  8010. "Snap Shot" is missing InternalName
  8011. "Snap Shot" is missing Introduced
  8012. "Snap Shot" is missing Link
  8013. "Snap Shot" is missing MaxRank
  8014. "Snap Shot" is missing Tradable
  8015. "Snap Shot" is missing Type
  8016. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing BaseDrain
  8017. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Description
  8018. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Icon
  8019. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing InternalName
  8020. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Introduced
  8021. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Link
  8022. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing MaxRank
  8023. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Tradable
  8024. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Transmutable
  8025. "Sniper Ammo Mutation" is missing Type
  8026. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing BaseDrain
  8027. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing Description
  8028. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing Icon
  8029. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing InternalName
  8030. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing Introduced
  8031. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing Link
  8032. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing MaxRank
  8033. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing Tradable
  8034. "Sniper Scavenger" is missing Type
  8035. "Soaring Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  8036. "Soaring Strike" is missing Description
  8037. "Soaring Strike" is missing Icon
  8038. "Soaring Strike" is missing InternalName
  8039. "Soaring Strike" is missing Introduced
  8040. "Soaring Strike" is missing Link
  8041. "Soaring Strike" is missing MaxRank
  8042. "Soaring Strike" is missing Tradable
  8043. "Soaring Strike" is missing Type
  8044. "Soft Hands" is missing BaseDrain
  8045. "Soft Hands" is missing Description
  8046. "Soft Hands" is missing Icon
  8047. "Soft Hands" is missing InternalName
  8048. "Soft Hands" is missing Introduced
  8049. "Soft Hands" is missing Link
  8050. "Soft Hands" is missing MaxRank
  8051. "Soft Hands" is missing Tradable
  8052. "Soft Hands" is missing Type
  8053. "Sonic Boost" is missing BaseDrain
  8054. "Sonic Boost" is missing Description
  8055. "Sonic Boost" is missing Icon
  8056. "Sonic Boost" is missing InternalName
  8057. "Sonic Boost" is missing Introduced
  8058. "Sonic Boost" is missing Link
  8059. "Sonic Boost" is missing MaxRank
  8060. "Sonic Boost" is missing Tradable
  8061. "Sonic Boost" is missing Type
  8062. "Sonic Fracture" is missing BaseDrain
  8063. "Sonic Fracture" is missing Description
  8064. "Sonic Fracture" is missing Icon
  8065. "Sonic Fracture" is missing InternalName
  8066. "Sonic Fracture" is missing Introduced
  8067. "Sonic Fracture" is missing Link
  8068. "Sonic Fracture" is missing MaxRank
  8069. "Sonic Fracture" is missing Tradable
  8070. "Sonic Fracture" is missing Type
  8071. "Soul Survivor" is missing BaseDrain
  8072. "Soul Survivor" is missing Description
  8073. "Soul Survivor" is missing Icon
  8074. "Soul Survivor" is missing InternalName
  8075. "Soul Survivor" is missing Introduced
  8076. "Soul Survivor" is missing Link
  8077. "Soul Survivor" is missing MaxRank
  8078. "Soul Survivor" is missing Tradable
  8079. "Soul Survivor" is missing Type
  8080. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing BaseDrain
  8081. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing Description
  8082. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing Icon
  8083. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing InternalName
  8084. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing Introduced
  8085. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing Link
  8086. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing MaxRank
  8087. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing Tradable
  8088. "Sovereign Outcast" is missing Type
  8089. "Spare Parts" is missing BaseDrain
  8090. "Spare Parts" is missing Description
  8091. "Spare Parts" is missing Icon
  8092. "Spare Parts" is missing InternalName
  8093. "Spare Parts" is missing Introduced
  8094. "Spare Parts" is missing Link
  8095. "Spare Parts" is missing MaxRank
  8096. "Spare Parts" is missing Tradable
  8097. "Spare Parts" is missing Transmutable
  8098. "Spare Parts" is missing Type
  8099. "Spectrosiphon" is missing BaseDrain
  8100. "Spectrosiphon" is missing Description
  8101. "Spectrosiphon" is missing Icon
  8102. "Spectrosiphon" is missing InternalName
  8103. "Spectrosiphon" is missing Introduced
  8104. "Spectrosiphon" is missing Link
  8105. "Spectrosiphon" is missing MaxRank
  8106. "Spectrosiphon" is missing Tradable
  8107. "Spectrosiphon" is missing Type
  8108. "Speed Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  8109. "Speed Drift" is missing Description
  8110. "Speed Drift" is missing Icon
  8111. "Speed Drift" is missing InternalName
  8112. "Speed Drift" is missing Link
  8113. "Speed Drift" is missing MaxRank
  8114. "Speed Drift" is missing Tradable
  8115. "Speed Drift" is missing Type
  8116. "Speed Holster" is missing BaseDrain
  8117. "Speed Holster" is missing Description
  8118. "Speed Holster" is missing Icon
  8119. "Speed Holster" is missing InternalName
  8120. "Speed Holster" is missing Link
  8121. "Speed Holster" is missing MaxRank
  8122. "Speed Holster" is missing Tradable
  8123. "Speed Holster" is missing Type
  8124. "Speed Trigger" is missing BaseDrain
  8125. "Speed Trigger" is missing Description
  8126. "Speed Trigger" is missing Icon
  8127. "Speed Trigger" is missing InternalName
  8128. "Speed Trigger" is missing Link
  8129. "Speed Trigger" is missing MaxRank
  8130. "Speed Trigger" is missing Tradable
  8131. "Speed Trigger" is missing Type
  8132. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing BaseDrain
  8133. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing Description
  8134. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing Icon
  8135. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing InternalName
  8136. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing Introduced
  8137. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing Link
  8138. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing MaxRank
  8139. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing Tradable
  8140. "Spellbound Harvest" is missing Type
  8141. "Spinning Needle" is missing BaseDrain
  8142. "Spinning Needle" is missing Description
  8143. "Spinning Needle" is missing Icon
  8144. "Spinning Needle" is missing InternalName
  8145. "Spinning Needle" is missing Introduced
  8146. "Spinning Needle" is missing Link
  8147. "Spinning Needle" is missing MaxRank
  8148. "Spinning Needle" is missing Tradable
  8149. "Spinning Needle" is missing Type
  8150. "Split Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  8151. "Split Chamber" is missing Description
  8152. "Split Chamber" is missing Icon
  8153. "Split Chamber" is missing InternalName
  8154. "Split Chamber" is missing Link
  8155. "Split Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  8156. "Split Chamber" is missing Tradable
  8157. "Split Chamber" is missing Type
  8158. "Split Flights" is missing BaseDrain
  8159. "Split Flights" is missing Description
  8160. "Split Flights" is missing Icon
  8161. "Split Flights" is missing InternalName
  8162. "Split Flights" is missing Introduced
  8163. "Split Flights" is missing Link
  8164. "Split Flights" is missing MaxRank
  8165. "Split Flights" is missing Tradable
  8166. "Split Flights" is missing Type
  8167. "Spoiled Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  8168. "Spoiled Strike" is missing Description
  8169. "Spoiled Strike" is missing Icon
  8170. "Spoiled Strike" is missing InternalName
  8171. "Spoiled Strike" is missing Link
  8172. "Spoiled Strike" is missing MaxRank
  8173. "Spoiled Strike" is missing Tradable
  8174. "Spoiled Strike" is missing Type
  8175. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing BaseDrain
  8176. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing Description
  8177. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing Icon
  8178. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing InternalName
  8179. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing Introduced
  8180. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing Link
  8181. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing MaxRank
  8182. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing Tradable
  8183. "Spring-Loaded Blade" is missing Type
  8184. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing BaseDrain
  8185. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing Description
  8186. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing Icon
  8187. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing InternalName
  8188. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing Introduced
  8189. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing Link
  8190. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing MaxRank
  8191. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing Tradable
  8192. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead" is missing Type
  8193. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing BaseDrain
  8194. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing Description
  8195. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing Icon
  8196. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing InternalName
  8197. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing Link
  8198. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing MaxRank
  8199. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing Tradable
  8200. "Spring-Loaded Chamber" is missing Type
  8201. "Sprint Boost" is missing BaseDrain
  8202. "Sprint Boost" is missing Description
  8203. "Sprint Boost" is missing Icon
  8204. "Sprint Boost" is missing InternalName
  8205. "Sprint Boost" is missing Introduced
  8206. "Sprint Boost" is missing Link
  8207. "Sprint Boost" is missing MaxRank
  8208. "Sprint Boost" is missing Tradable
  8209. "Sprint Boost" is missing Type
  8210. "Spry Sights" is missing BaseDrain
  8211. "Spry Sights" is missing Description
  8212. "Spry Sights" is missing Icon
  8213. "Spry Sights" is missing InternalName
  8214. "Spry Sights" is missing Introduced
  8215. "Spry Sights" is missing Link
  8216. "Spry Sights" is missing MaxRank
  8217. "Spry Sights" is missing Tradable
  8218. "Spry Sights" is missing Type
  8219. "Stabilizer" is missing BaseDrain
  8220. "Stabilizer" is missing Description
  8221. "Stabilizer" is missing Icon
  8222. "Stabilizer" is missing InternalName
  8223. "Stabilizer" is missing Introduced
  8224. "Stabilizer" is missing Link
  8225. "Stabilizer" is missing MaxRank
  8226. "Stabilizer" is missing Tradable
  8227. "Stabilizer" is missing Type
  8228. "Staggering Shield" is missing BaseDrain
  8229. "Staggering Shield" is missing Description
  8230. "Staggering Shield" is missing Icon
  8231. "Staggering Shield" is missing InternalName
  8232. "Staggering Shield" is missing Introduced
  8233. "Staggering Shield" is missing Link
  8234. "Staggering Shield" is missing MaxRank
  8235. "Staggering Shield" is missing Tradable
  8236. "Staggering Shield" is missing Type
  8237. "Stalk" is missing BaseDrain
  8238. "Stalk" is missing Description
  8239. "Stalk" is missing Icon
  8240. "Stalk" is missing InternalName
  8241. "Stalk" is missing Introduced
  8242. "Stalk" is missing Link
  8243. "Stalk" is missing MaxRank
  8244. "Stalk" is missing Tradable
  8245. "Stalk" is missing Transmutable
  8246. "Stalk" is missing Type
  8247. "Stalking Fan" is missing BaseDrain
  8248. "Stalking Fan" is missing Description
  8249. "Stalking Fan" is missing Icon
  8250. "Stalking Fan" is missing InternalName
  8251. "Stalking Fan" is missing Introduced
  8252. "Stalking Fan" is missing Link
  8253. "Stalking Fan" is missing MaxRank
  8254. "Stalking Fan" is missing Tradable
  8255. "Stalking Fan" is missing Type
  8256. "Stand Ground" is missing BaseDrain
  8257. "Stand Ground" is missing Description
  8258. "Stand Ground" is missing Icon
  8259. "Stand Ground" is missing InternalName
  8260. "Stand Ground" is missing Introduced
  8261. "Stand Ground" is missing Link
  8262. "Stand Ground" is missing MaxRank
  8263. "Stand Ground" is missing Tradable
  8264. "Stand Ground" is missing Type
  8265. "Stand United" is missing BaseDrain
  8266. "Stand United" is missing Description
  8267. "Stand United" is missing Icon
  8268. "Stand United" is missing InternalName
  8269. "Stand United" is missing Introduced
  8270. "Stand United" is missing Link
  8271. "Stand United" is missing MaxRank
  8272. "Stand United" is missing Tradable
  8273. "Stand United" is missing Type
  8274. "Star Divide" is missing BaseDrain
  8275. "Star Divide" is missing Description
  8276. "Star Divide" is missing Icon
  8277. "Star Divide" is missing InternalName
  8278. "Star Divide" is missing Introduced
  8279. "Star Divide" is missing Link
  8280. "Star Divide" is missing MaxRank
  8281. "Star Divide" is missing Tradable
  8282. "Star Divide" is missing Type
  8283. "Stasis Field" is missing BaseDrain
  8284. "Stasis Field" is missing Description
  8285. "Stasis Field" is missing Icon
  8286. "Stasis Field" is missing InternalName
  8287. "Stasis Field" is missing Introduced
  8288. "Stasis Field" is missing Link
  8289. "Stasis Field" is missing MaxRank
  8290. "Stasis Field" is missing Tradable
  8291. "Stasis Field" is missing Type
  8292. "Static Alacrity" is missing BaseDrain
  8293. "Static Alacrity" is missing Description
  8294. "Static Alacrity" is missing Icon
  8295. "Static Alacrity" is missing InternalName
  8296. "Static Alacrity" is missing Introduced
  8297. "Static Alacrity" is missing Link
  8298. "Static Alacrity" is missing MaxRank
  8299. "Static Alacrity" is missing Tradable
  8300. "Static Alacrity" is missing Type
  8301. "Static Discharge" is missing BaseDrain
  8302. "Static Discharge" is missing Description
  8303. "Static Discharge" is missing Icon
  8304. "Static Discharge" is missing InternalName
  8305. "Static Discharge" is missing Introduced
  8306. "Static Discharge" is missing Link
  8307. "Static Discharge" is missing MaxRank
  8308. "Static Discharge" is missing Tradable
  8309. "Static Discharge" is missing Type
  8310. "Steady Hands" is missing BaseDrain
  8311. "Steady Hands" is missing Description
  8312. "Steady Hands" is missing Icon
  8313. "Steady Hands" is missing InternalName
  8314. "Steady Hands" is missing Link
  8315. "Steady Hands" is missing MaxRank
  8316. "Steady Hands" is missing Tradable
  8317. "Steady Hands" is missing Type
  8318. "Stealth Drift" is missing BaseDrain
  8319. "Stealth Drift" is missing Description
  8320. "Stealth Drift" is missing Icon
  8321. "Stealth Drift" is missing InternalName
  8322. "Stealth Drift" is missing Link
  8323. "Stealth Drift" is missing MaxRank
  8324. "Stealth Drift" is missing Tradable
  8325. "Stealth Drift" is missing Type
  8326. "Steel Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  8327. "Steel Charge" is missing Description
  8328. "Steel Charge" is missing Icon
  8329. "Steel Charge" is missing InternalName
  8330. "Steel Charge" is missing Introduced
  8331. "Steel Charge" is missing Link
  8332. "Steel Charge" is missing MaxRank
  8333. "Steel Charge" is missing Tradable
  8334. "Steel Charge" is missing Type
  8335. "Steel Fiber" is missing BaseDrain
  8336. "Steel Fiber" is missing Description
  8337. "Steel Fiber" is missing Icon
  8338. "Steel Fiber" is missing InternalName
  8339. "Steel Fiber" is missing Introduced
  8340. "Steel Fiber" is missing Link
  8341. "Steel Fiber" is missing MaxRank
  8342. "Steel Fiber" is missing Tradable
  8343. "Steel Fiber" is missing Type
  8344. "Stinging Thorn" is missing BaseDrain
  8345. "Stinging Thorn" is missing Description
  8346. "Stinging Thorn" is missing Icon
  8347. "Stinging Thorn" is missing InternalName
  8348. "Stinging Thorn" is missing Introduced
  8349. "Stinging Thorn" is missing Link
  8350. "Stinging Thorn" is missing MaxRank
  8351. "Stinging Thorn" is missing Tradable
  8352. "Stinging Thorn" is missing Type
  8353. "Stinging Truth" is missing BaseDrain
  8354. "Stinging Truth" is missing Description
  8355. "Stinging Truth" is missing Icon
  8356. "Stinging Truth" is missing InternalName
  8357. "Stinging Truth" is missing Introduced
  8358. "Stinging Truth" is missing Link
  8359. "Stinging Truth" is missing MaxRank
  8360. "Stinging Truth" is missing Tradable
  8361. "Stinging Truth" is missing Type
  8362. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing BaseDrain
  8363. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing Description
  8364. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing Icon
  8365. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing InternalName
  8366. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing Introduced
  8367. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing Link
  8368. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing MaxRank
  8369. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing Tradable
  8370. "Stockpiled Blight" is missing Type
  8371. "Stormbringer" is missing BaseDrain
  8372. "Stormbringer" is missing Description
  8373. "Stormbringer" is missing Icon
  8374. "Stormbringer" is missing InternalName
  8375. "Stormbringer" is missing Introduced
  8376. "Stormbringer" is missing Link
  8377. "Stormbringer" is missing MaxRank
  8378. "Stormbringer" is missing Tradable
  8379. "Stormbringer" is missing Type
  8380. "Strafing Slide" is missing BaseDrain
  8381. "Strafing Slide" is missing Description
  8382. "Strafing Slide" is missing Icon
  8383. "Strafing Slide" is missing InternalName
  8384. "Strafing Slide" is missing Link
  8385. "Strafing Slide" is missing MaxRank
  8386. "Strafing Slide" is missing Tradable
  8387. "Strafing Slide" is missing Type
  8388. "Strain Consume" is missing BaseDrain
  8389. "Strain Consume" is missing Description
  8390. "Strain Consume" is missing Icon
  8391. "Strain Consume" is missing InternalName
  8392. "Strain Consume" is missing Introduced
  8393. "Strain Consume" is missing Link
  8394. "Strain Consume" is missing MaxRank
  8395. "Strain Consume" is missing Tradable
  8396. "Strain Consume" is missing Type
  8397. "Strain Eruption" is missing BaseDrain
  8398. "Strain Eruption" is missing Description
  8399. "Strain Eruption" is missing Icon
  8400. "Strain Eruption" is missing InternalName
  8401. "Strain Eruption" is missing Introduced
  8402. "Strain Eruption" is missing Link
  8403. "Strain Eruption" is missing MaxRank
  8404. "Strain Eruption" is missing Tradable
  8405. "Strain Eruption" is missing Type
  8406. "Strain Fever" is missing BaseDrain
  8407. "Strain Fever" is missing Description
  8408. "Strain Fever" is missing Icon
  8409. "Strain Fever" is missing InternalName
  8410. "Strain Fever" is missing Introduced
  8411. "Strain Fever" is missing Link
  8412. "Strain Fever" is missing MaxRank
  8413. "Strain Fever" is missing Tradable
  8414. "Strain Fever" is missing Type
  8415. "Strain Infection" is missing BaseDrain
  8416. "Strain Infection" is missing Description
  8417. "Strain Infection" is missing Icon
  8418. "Strain Infection" is missing InternalName
  8419. "Strain Infection" is missing Introduced
  8420. "Strain Infection" is missing Link
  8421. "Strain Infection" is missing MaxRank
  8422. "Strain Infection" is missing Tradable
  8423. "Strain Infection" is missing Type
  8424. "Streamline" is missing BaseDrain
  8425. "Streamline" is missing Description
  8426. "Streamline" is missing Icon
  8427. "Streamline" is missing InternalName
  8428. "Streamline" is missing Introduced
  8429. "Streamline" is missing Link
  8430. "Streamline" is missing MaxRank
  8431. "Streamline" is missing Tradable
  8432. "Streamline" is missing Type
  8433. "Streamlined Form" is missing BaseDrain
  8434. "Streamlined Form" is missing Description
  8435. "Streamlined Form" is missing Icon
  8436. "Streamlined Form" is missing InternalName
  8437. "Streamlined Form" is missing Introduced
  8438. "Streamlined Form" is missing Link
  8439. "Streamlined Form" is missing MaxRank
  8440. "Streamlined Form" is missing Tradable
  8441. "Streamlined Form" is missing Type
  8442. "Stretch" is missing BaseDrain
  8443. "Stretch" is missing Description
  8444. "Stretch" is missing Icon
  8445. "Stretch" is missing InternalName
  8446. "Stretch" is missing Link
  8447. "Stretch" is missing MaxRank
  8448. "Stretch" is missing Tradable
  8449. "Stretch" is missing Type
  8450. "Striker" is missing BaseDrain
  8451. "Striker" is missing Description
  8452. "Striker" is missing Icon
  8453. "Striker" is missing InternalName
  8454. "Striker" is missing Introduced
  8455. "Striker" is missing Link
  8456. "Striker" is missing MaxRank
  8457. "Striker" is missing Tradable
  8458. "Striker" is missing Type
  8459. "Stunning Speed" is missing BaseDrain
  8460. "Stunning Speed" is missing Description
  8461. "Stunning Speed" is missing Icon
  8462. "Stunning Speed" is missing InternalName
  8463. "Stunning Speed" is missing Introduced
  8464. "Stunning Speed" is missing Link
  8465. "Stunning Speed" is missing MaxRank
  8466. "Stunning Speed" is missing Tradable
  8467. "Stunning Speed" is missing Type
  8468. "Sudden Impact" is missing BaseDrain
  8469. "Sudden Impact" is missing Description
  8470. "Sudden Impact" is missing Icon
  8471. "Sudden Impact" is missing InternalName
  8472. "Sudden Impact" is missing Introduced
  8473. "Sudden Impact" is missing Link
  8474. "Sudden Impact" is missing MaxRank
  8475. "Sudden Impact" is missing Tradable
  8476. "Sudden Impact" is missing Type
  8477. "Sudden Justice" is missing BaseDrain
  8478. "Sudden Justice" is missing Description
  8479. "Sudden Justice" is missing Icon
  8480. "Sudden Justice" is missing InternalName
  8481. "Sudden Justice" is missing Introduced
  8482. "Sudden Justice" is missing Link
  8483. "Sudden Justice" is missing MaxRank
  8484. "Sudden Justice" is missing Tradable
  8485. "Sudden Justice" is missing Type
  8486. "Sundering Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  8487. "Sundering Strike" is missing Description
  8488. "Sundering Strike" is missing Icon
  8489. "Sundering Strike" is missing InternalName
  8490. "Sundering Strike" is missing Introduced
  8491. "Sundering Strike" is missing Link
  8492. "Sundering Strike" is missing MaxRank
  8493. "Sundering Strike" is missing Tradable
  8494. "Sundering Strike" is missing Type
  8495. "Sundering Weave" is missing BaseDrain
  8496. "Sundering Weave" is missing Description
  8497. "Sundering Weave" is missing Icon
  8498. "Sundering Weave" is missing InternalName
  8499. "Sundering Weave" is missing Introduced
  8500. "Sundering Weave" is missing Link
  8501. "Sundering Weave" is missing MaxRank
  8502. "Sundering Weave" is missing Tradable
  8503. "Sundering Weave" is missing Type
  8504. "Superior Defenses" is missing BaseDrain
  8505. "Superior Defenses" is missing Description
  8506. "Superior Defenses" is missing Icon
  8507. "Superior Defenses" is missing InternalName
  8508. "Superior Defenses" is missing Introduced
  8509. "Superior Defenses" is missing Link
  8510. "Superior Defenses" is missing MaxRank
  8511. "Superior Defenses" is missing Tradable
  8512. "Superior Defenses" is missing Type
  8513. "Suppress" is missing BaseDrain
  8514. "Suppress" is missing Description
  8515. "Suppress" is missing Icon
  8516. "Suppress" is missing InternalName
  8517. "Suppress" is missing Introduced
  8518. "Suppress" is missing Link
  8519. "Suppress" is missing MaxRank
  8520. "Suppress" is missing Tradable
  8521. "Suppress" is missing Type
  8522. "Sure Footed" is missing BaseDrain
  8523. "Sure Footed" is missing Description
  8524. "Sure Footed" is missing Icon
  8525. "Sure Footed" is missing InternalName
  8526. "Sure Footed" is missing Introduced
  8527. "Sure Footed" is missing Link
  8528. "Sure Footed" is missing MaxRank
  8529. "Sure Footed" is missing Tradable
  8530. "Sure Footed" is missing Type
  8531. "Sure Shot" is missing BaseDrain
  8532. "Sure Shot" is missing Description
  8533. "Sure Shot" is missing Icon
  8534. "Sure Shot" is missing InternalName
  8535. "Sure Shot" is missing Link
  8536. "Sure Shot" is missing MaxRank
  8537. "Sure Shot" is missing Tradable
  8538. "Sure Shot" is missing Type
  8539. "Surging Dash" is missing BaseDrain
  8540. "Surging Dash" is missing Description
  8541. "Surging Dash" is missing Icon
  8542. "Surging Dash" is missing InternalName
  8543. "Surging Dash" is missing Introduced
  8544. "Surging Dash" is missing Link
  8545. "Surging Dash" is missing MaxRank
  8546. "Surging Dash" is missing Tradable
  8547. "Surging Dash" is missing Type
  8548. "Surplus Diverters" is missing BaseDrain
  8549. "Surplus Diverters" is missing Description
  8550. "Surplus Diverters" is missing Icon
  8551. "Surplus Diverters" is missing InternalName
  8552. "Surplus Diverters" is missing Introduced
  8553. "Surplus Diverters" is missing Link
  8554. "Surplus Diverters" is missing MaxRank
  8555. "Surplus Diverters" is missing Tradable
  8556. "Surplus Diverters" is missing Type
  8557. "Survival Instinct" is missing BaseDrain
  8558. "Survival Instinct" is missing Description
  8559. "Survival Instinct" is missing Icon
  8560. "Survival Instinct" is missing InternalName
  8561. "Survival Instinct" is missing Introduced
  8562. "Survival Instinct" is missing Link
  8563. "Survival Instinct" is missing MaxRank
  8564. "Survival Instinct" is missing Tradable
  8565. "Survival Instinct" is missing Type
  8566. "Sweeping Serration" is missing BaseDrain
  8567. "Sweeping Serration" is missing Description
  8568. "Sweeping Serration" is missing Icon
  8569. "Sweeping Serration" is missing InternalName
  8570. "Sweeping Serration" is missing Introduced
  8571. "Sweeping Serration" is missing Link
  8572. "Sweeping Serration" is missing MaxRank
  8573. "Sweeping Serration" is missing Tradable
  8574. "Sweeping Serration" is missing Type
  8575. "Swift Deth" is missing BaseDrain
  8576. "Swift Deth" is missing Description
  8577. "Swift Deth" is missing Icon
  8578. "Swift Deth" is missing InternalName
  8579. "Swift Deth" is missing Introduced
  8580. "Swift Deth" is missing Link
  8581. "Swift Deth" is missing MaxRank
  8582. "Swift Deth" is missing Tradable
  8583. "Swift Deth" is missing Type
  8584. "Swift Momentum" is missing BaseDrain
  8585. "Swift Momentum" is missing Description
  8586. "Swift Momentum" is missing Icon
  8587. "Swift Momentum" is missing InternalName
  8588. "Swift Momentum" is missing Introduced
  8589. "Swift Momentum" is missing Link
  8590. "Swift Momentum" is missing MaxRank
  8591. "Swift Momentum" is missing Tradable
  8592. "Swift Momentum" is missing Type
  8593. "Swing Line" is missing BaseDrain
  8594. "Swing Line" is missing Description
  8595. "Swing Line" is missing Icon
  8596. "Swing Line" is missing InternalName
  8597. "Swing Line" is missing Introduced
  8598. "Swing Line" is missing Link
  8599. "Swing Line" is missing MaxRank
  8600. "Swing Line" is missing Tradable
  8601. "Swing Line" is missing Type
  8602. "Swipe" is missing BaseDrain
  8603. "Swipe" is missing Description
  8604. "Swipe" is missing Icon
  8605. "Swipe" is missing InternalName
  8606. "Swipe" is missing Introduced
  8607. "Swipe" is missing Link
  8608. "Swipe" is missing MaxRank
  8609. "Swipe" is missing Tradable
  8610. "Swipe" is missing Transmutable
  8611. "Swipe" is missing Type
  8612. "Swirling Tiger" is missing BaseDrain
  8613. "Swirling Tiger" is missing Description
  8614. "Swirling Tiger" is missing Icon
  8615. "Swirling Tiger" is missing InternalName
  8616. "Swirling Tiger" is missing Introduced
  8617. "Swirling Tiger" is missing Link
  8618. "Swirling Tiger" is missing MaxRank
  8619. "Swirling Tiger" is missing Tradable
  8620. "Swirling Tiger" is missing Type
  8621. "Swooping Falcon" is missing BaseDrain
  8622. "Swooping Falcon" is missing Description
  8623. "Swooping Falcon" is missing Icon
  8624. "Swooping Falcon" is missing InternalName
  8625. "Swooping Falcon" is missing Introduced
  8626. "Swooping Falcon" is missing Link
  8627. "Swooping Falcon" is missing MaxRank
  8628. "Swooping Falcon" is missing Tradable
  8629. "Swooping Falcon" is missing Type
  8630. "Sword Alone" is missing BaseDrain
  8631. "Sword Alone" is missing Description
  8632. "Sword Alone" is missing Icon
  8633. "Sword Alone" is missing InternalName
  8634. "Sword Alone" is missing Introduced
  8635. "Sword Alone" is missing Link
  8636. "Sword Alone" is missing MaxRank
  8637. "Sword Alone" is missing Tradable
  8638. "Sword Alone" is missing Type
  8639. "Synth Charge" is missing BaseDrain
  8640. "Synth Charge" is missing Description
  8641. "Synth Charge" is missing Icon
  8642. "Synth Charge" is missing InternalName
  8643. "Synth Charge" is missing Introduced
  8644. "Synth Charge" is missing Link
  8645. "Synth Charge" is missing MaxRank
  8646. "Synth Charge" is missing Tradable
  8647. "Synth Charge" is missing Type
  8648. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing BaseDrain
  8649. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing Description
  8650. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing Icon
  8651. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing InternalName
  8652. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing Introduced
  8653. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing Link
  8654. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing MaxRank
  8655. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing Tradable
  8656. "Synth Deconstruct" is missing Type
  8657. "Synth Fiber" is missing BaseDrain
  8658. "Synth Fiber" is missing Description
  8659. "Synth Fiber" is missing Icon
  8660. "Synth Fiber" is missing InternalName
  8661. "Synth Fiber" is missing Introduced
  8662. "Synth Fiber" is missing Link
  8663. "Synth Fiber" is missing MaxRank
  8664. "Synth Fiber" is missing Tradable
  8665. "Synth Fiber" is missing Type
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  8667. "Synth Reflex" is missing Description
  8668. "Synth Reflex" is missing Icon
  8669. "Synth Reflex" is missing InternalName
  8670. "Synth Reflex" is missing Introduced
  8671. "Synth Reflex" is missing Link
  8672. "Synth Reflex" is missing MaxRank
  8673. "Synth Reflex" is missing Tradable
  8674. "Synth Reflex" is missing Type
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  8676. "System Reroute" is missing Description
  8677. "System Reroute" is missing Icon
  8678. "System Reroute" is missing InternalName
  8679. "System Reroute" is missing Introduced
  8680. "System Reroute" is missing Link
  8681. "System Reroute" is missing MaxRank
  8682. "System Reroute" is missing Tradable
  8683. "System Reroute" is missing Type
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  8685. "Tactical Pump" is missing Description
  8686. "Tactical Pump" is missing Icon
  8687. "Tactical Pump" is missing InternalName
  8688. "Tactical Pump" is missing Introduced
  8689. "Tactical Pump" is missing Link
  8690. "Tactical Pump" is missing MaxRank
  8691. "Tactical Pump" is missing Tradable
  8692. "Tactical Pump" is missing Type
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  8694. "Tactical Reload" is missing Description
  8695. "Tactical Reload" is missing Icon
  8696. "Tactical Reload" is missing InternalName
  8697. "Tactical Reload" is missing Introduced
  8698. "Tactical Reload" is missing Link
  8699. "Tactical Reload" is missing MaxRank
  8700. "Tactical Reload" is missing Tradable
  8701. "Tactical Reload" is missing Type
  8702. "Tactical Retreat" is missing BaseDrain
  8703. "Tactical Retreat" is missing Description
  8704. "Tactical Retreat" is missing Icon
  8705. "Tactical Retreat" is missing InternalName
  8706. "Tactical Retreat" is missing Introduced
  8707. "Tactical Retreat" is missing Link
  8708. "Tactical Retreat" is missing MaxRank
  8709. "Tactical Retreat" is missing Tradable
  8710. "Tactical Retreat" is missing Type
  8711. "Tainted Clip" is missing BaseDrain
  8712. "Tainted Clip" is missing Description
  8713. "Tainted Clip" is missing Icon
  8714. "Tainted Clip" is missing InternalName
  8715. "Tainted Clip" is missing Introduced
  8716. "Tainted Clip" is missing Link
  8717. "Tainted Clip" is missing MaxRank
  8718. "Tainted Clip" is missing Tradable
  8719. "Tainted Clip" is missing Type
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  8721. "Tainted Hydra" is missing Description
  8722. "Tainted Hydra" is missing Icon
  8723. "Tainted Hydra" is missing InternalName
  8724. "Tainted Hydra" is missing Introduced
  8725. "Tainted Hydra" is missing Link
  8726. "Tainted Hydra" is missing MaxRank
  8727. "Tainted Hydra" is missing Tradable
  8728. "Tainted Hydra" is missing Type
  8729. "Tainted Mag" is missing BaseDrain
  8730. "Tainted Mag" is missing Description
  8731. "Tainted Mag" is missing Icon
  8732. "Tainted Mag" is missing InternalName
  8733. "Tainted Mag" is missing Link
  8734. "Tainted Mag" is missing MaxRank
  8735. "Tainted Mag" is missing Tradable
  8736. "Tainted Mag" is missing Type
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  8738. "Tainted Shell" is missing Description
  8739. "Tainted Shell" is missing Icon
  8740. "Tainted Shell" is missing InternalName
  8741. "Tainted Shell" is missing Introduced
  8742. "Tainted Shell" is missing Link
  8743. "Tainted Shell" is missing MaxRank
  8744. "Tainted Shell" is missing Tradable
  8745. "Tainted Shell" is missing Type
  8746. "Target Acquired" is missing BaseDrain
  8747. "Target Acquired" is missing Description
  8748. "Target Acquired" is missing Icon
  8749. "Target Acquired" is missing InternalName
  8750. "Target Acquired" is missing Introduced
  8751. "Target Acquired" is missing Link
  8752. "Target Acquired" is missing MaxRank
  8753. "Target Acquired" is missing Tradable
  8754. "Target Acquired" is missing Type
  8755. "Target Cracker" is missing BaseDrain
  8756. "Target Cracker" is missing Description
  8757. "Target Cracker" is missing Icon
  8758. "Target Cracker" is missing InternalName
  8759. "Target Cracker" is missing Introduced
  8760. "Target Cracker" is missing Link
  8761. "Target Cracker" is missing MaxRank
  8762. "Target Cracker" is missing Tradable
  8763. "Target Cracker" is missing Type
  8764. "Target Fixation" is missing BaseDrain
  8765. "Target Fixation" is missing Description
  8766. "Target Fixation" is missing Icon
  8767. "Target Fixation" is missing InternalName
  8768. "Target Fixation" is missing Introduced
  8769. "Target Fixation" is missing Link
  8770. "Target Fixation" is missing MaxRank
  8771. "Target Fixation" is missing Tradable
  8772. "Target Fixation" is missing Type
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  8774. "Targeting Receptor" is missing Description
  8775. "Targeting Receptor" is missing Icon
  8776. "Targeting Receptor" is missing InternalName
  8777. "Targeting Receptor" is missing Link
  8778. "Targeting Receptor" is missing MaxRank
  8779. "Targeting Receptor" is missing Tradable
  8780. "Targeting Receptor" is missing Type
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  8782. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing Description
  8783. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing Icon
  8784. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing InternalName
  8785. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing Introduced
  8786. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing Link
  8787. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing MaxRank
  8788. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing Tradable
  8789. "Targeting Subsystem" is missing Type
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  8791. "Tear Gas" is missing Description
  8792. "Tear Gas" is missing Icon
  8793. "Tear Gas" is missing InternalName
  8794. "Tear Gas" is missing Introduced
  8795. "Tear Gas" is missing Link
  8796. "Tear Gas" is missing MaxRank
  8797. "Tear Gas" is missing Tradable
  8798. "Tear Gas" is missing Type
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  8801. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing Icon
  8802. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing InternalName
  8803. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing Introduced
  8804. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing Link
  8805. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing MaxRank
  8806. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing Tradable
  8807. "Tectonic Fracture" is missing Type
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  8809. "Teeming Virulence" is missing Description
  8810. "Teeming Virulence" is missing Icon
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  8812. "Teeming Virulence" is missing Introduced
  8813. "Teeming Virulence" is missing Link
  8814. "Teeming Virulence" is missing MaxRank
  8815. "Teeming Virulence" is missing Tradable
  8816. "Teeming Virulence" is missing Type
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  8818. "Tek Assault" is missing Description
  8819. "Tek Assault" is missing Icon
  8820. "Tek Assault" is missing InternalName
  8821. "Tek Assault" is missing Introduced
  8822. "Tek Assault" is missing Link
  8823. "Tek Assault" is missing MaxRank
  8824. "Tek Assault" is missing Tradable
  8825. "Tek Assault" is missing Type
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  8829. "Tek Collateral" is missing InternalName
  8830. "Tek Collateral" is missing Introduced
  8831. "Tek Collateral" is missing Link
  8832. "Tek Collateral" is missing MaxRank
  8833. "Tek Collateral" is missing Tradable
  8834. "Tek Collateral" is missing Type
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  8837. "Tek Enhance" is missing Icon
  8838. "Tek Enhance" is missing InternalName
  8839. "Tek Enhance" is missing Introduced
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  8841. "Tek Enhance" is missing MaxRank
  8842. "Tek Enhance" is missing Tradable
  8843. "Tek Enhance" is missing Type
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  8845. "Tek Gravity" is missing Description
  8846. "Tek Gravity" is missing Icon
  8847. "Tek Gravity" is missing InternalName
  8848. "Tek Gravity" is missing Introduced
  8849. "Tek Gravity" is missing Link
  8850. "Tek Gravity" is missing MaxRank
  8851. "Tek Gravity" is missing Tradable
  8852. "Tek Gravity" is missing Type
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  8854. "Tempered Blade" is missing Description
  8855. "Tempered Blade" is missing Icon
  8856. "Tempered Blade" is missing InternalName
  8857. "Tempered Blade" is missing Link
  8858. "Tempered Blade" is missing MaxRank
  8859. "Tempered Blade" is missing Tradable
  8860. "Tempered Blade" is missing Type
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  8862. "Tempered Bound" is missing Description
  8863. "Tempered Bound" is missing Icon
  8864. "Tempered Bound" is missing InternalName
  8865. "Tempered Bound" is missing Introduced
  8866. "Tempered Bound" is missing Link
  8867. "Tempered Bound" is missing MaxRank
  8868. "Tempered Bound" is missing Tradable
  8869. "Tempered Bound" is missing Type
  8870. "Tempo Royale" is missing BaseDrain
  8871. "Tempo Royale" is missing Description
  8872. "Tempo Royale" is missing Icon
  8873. "Tempo Royale" is missing InternalName
  8874. "Tempo Royale" is missing Introduced
  8875. "Tempo Royale" is missing Link
  8876. "Tempo Royale" is missing MaxRank
  8877. "Tempo Royale" is missing Tradable
  8878. "Tempo Royale" is missing Type
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  8880. "Terminal Velocity" is missing Description
  8881. "Terminal Velocity" is missing Icon
  8882. "Terminal Velocity" is missing InternalName
  8883. "Terminal Velocity" is missing Link
  8884. "Terminal Velocity" is missing MaxRank
  8885. "Terminal Velocity" is missing Tradable
  8886. "Terminal Velocity" is missing Type
  8887. "Territorial Aggression" is missing BaseDrain
  8888. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Description
  8889. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Icon
  8890. "Territorial Aggression" is missing InternalName
  8891. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Introduced
  8892. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Link
  8893. "Territorial Aggression" is missing MaxRank
  8894. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Tradable
  8895. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Transmutable
  8896. "Territorial Aggression" is missing Type
  8897. "Tesla Bank" is missing BaseDrain
  8898. "Tesla Bank" is missing Description
  8899. "Tesla Bank" is missing Icon
  8900. "Tesla Bank" is missing InternalName
  8901. "Tesla Bank" is missing Introduced
  8902. "Tesla Bank" is missing Link
  8903. "Tesla Bank" is missing MaxRank
  8904. "Tesla Bank" is missing Tradable
  8905. "Tesla Bank" is missing Type
  8906. "Tether Grenades" is missing BaseDrain
  8907. "Tether Grenades" is missing Description
  8908. "Tether Grenades" is missing Icon
  8909. "Tether Grenades" is missing InternalName
  8910. "Tether Grenades" is missing Introduced
  8911. "Tether Grenades" is missing Link
  8912. "Tether Grenades" is missing MaxRank
  8913. "Tether Grenades" is missing Tradable
  8914. "Tether Grenades" is missing Type
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  8916. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing Description
  8917. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing Icon
  8918. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing InternalName
  8919. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing Introduced
  8920. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing Link
  8921. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing MaxRank
  8922. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing Tradable
  8923. "Thermagnetic Shells" is missing Type
  8924. "Thermite Rounds" is missing BaseDrain
  8925. "Thermite Rounds" is missing Description
  8926. "Thermite Rounds" is missing Icon
  8927. "Thermite Rounds" is missing InternalName
  8928. "Thermite Rounds" is missing Introduced
  8929. "Thermite Rounds" is missing Link
  8930. "Thermite Rounds" is missing MaxRank
  8931. "Thermite Rounds" is missing Tradable
  8932. "Thermite Rounds" is missing Type
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  8934. "Thief's Wit" is missing Description
  8935. "Thief's Wit" is missing Icon
  8936. "Thief's Wit" is missing InternalName
  8937. "Thief's Wit" is missing Introduced
  8938. "Thief's Wit" is missing Link
  8939. "Thief's Wit" is missing MaxRank
  8940. "Thief's Wit" is missing Tradable
  8941. "Thief's Wit" is missing Type
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  8943. "Thrash Landing" is missing Description
  8944. "Thrash Landing" is missing Icon
  8945. "Thrash Landing" is missing InternalName
  8946. "Thrash Landing" is missing Introduced
  8947. "Thrash Landing" is missing Link
  8948. "Thrash Landing" is missing MaxRank
  8949. "Thrash Landing" is missing Tradable
  8950. "Thrash Landing" is missing Type
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  8952. "Thumper" is missing Description
  8953. "Thumper" is missing Icon
  8954. "Thumper" is missing InternalName
  8955. "Thumper" is missing Introduced
  8956. "Thumper" is missing Link
  8957. "Thumper" is missing MaxRank
  8958. "Thumper" is missing Tradable
  8959. "Thumper" is missing Type
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  8961. "Thunderbolt" is missing Description
  8962. "Thunderbolt" is missing Icon
  8963. "Thunderbolt" is missing InternalName
  8964. "Thunderbolt" is missing Link
  8965. "Thunderbolt" is missing MaxRank
  8966. "Thunderbolt" is missing Tradable
  8967. "Thunderbolt" is missing Type
  8968. "Thundermiter" is missing BaseDrain
  8969. "Thundermiter" is missing Description
  8970. "Thundermiter" is missing Icon
  8971. "Thundermiter" is missing InternalName
  8972. "Thundermiter" is missing Introduced
  8973. "Thundermiter" is missing Link
  8974. "Thundermiter" is missing MaxRank
  8975. "Thundermiter" is missing Tradable
  8976. "Thundermiter" is missing Type
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  8978. "Tidal Impunity" is missing Description
  8979. "Tidal Impunity" is missing Icon
  8980. "Tidal Impunity" is missing InternalName
  8981. "Tidal Impunity" is missing Introduced
  8982. "Tidal Impunity" is missing Link
  8983. "Tidal Impunity" is missing MaxRank
  8984. "Tidal Impunity" is missing Tradable
  8985. "Tidal Impunity" is missing Type
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  8987. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing Description
  8988. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing Icon
  8989. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing InternalName
  8990. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing Introduced
  8991. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing Link
  8992. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing MaxRank
  8993. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing Tradable
  8994. "Titanic Rumbler" is missing Type
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  8996. "Total Eclipse" is missing Description
  8997. "Total Eclipse" is missing Icon
  8998. "Total Eclipse" is missing InternalName
  8999. "Total Eclipse" is missing Introduced
  9000. "Total Eclipse" is missing Link
  9001. "Total Eclipse" is missing MaxRank
  9002. "Total Eclipse" is missing Tradable
  9003. "Total Eclipse" is missing Type
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  9005. "Toxic Barrage" is missing Description
  9006. "Toxic Barrage" is missing Icon
  9007. "Toxic Barrage" is missing InternalName
  9008. "Toxic Barrage" is missing Introduced
  9009. "Toxic Barrage" is missing Link
  9010. "Toxic Barrage" is missing MaxRank
  9011. "Toxic Barrage" is missing Tradable
  9012. "Toxic Barrage" is missing Type
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  9015. "Toxic Blight" is missing Icon
  9016. "Toxic Blight" is missing InternalName
  9017. "Toxic Blight" is missing Introduced
  9018. "Toxic Blight" is missing Link
  9019. "Toxic Blight" is missing MaxRank
  9020. "Toxic Blight" is missing Tradable
  9021. "Toxic Blight" is missing Type
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  9024. "Toxic Flight" is missing Icon
  9025. "Toxic Flight" is missing InternalName
  9026. "Toxic Flight" is missing Introduced
  9027. "Toxic Flight" is missing Link
  9028. "Toxic Flight" is missing MaxRank
  9029. "Toxic Flight" is missing Tradable
  9030. "Toxic Flight" is missing Type
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  9032. "Toxic Sequence" is missing Description
  9033. "Toxic Sequence" is missing Icon
  9034. "Toxic Sequence" is missing InternalName
  9035. "Toxic Sequence" is missing Introduced
  9036. "Toxic Sequence" is missing Link
  9037. "Toxic Sequence" is missing MaxRank
  9038. "Toxic Sequence" is missing Tradable
  9039. "Toxic Sequence" is missing Type
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  9041. "Toxin Resistance" is missing Description
  9042. "Toxin Resistance" is missing Icon
  9043. "Toxin Resistance" is missing InternalName
  9044. "Toxin Resistance" is missing Introduced
  9045. "Toxin Resistance" is missing Link
  9046. "Toxin Resistance" is missing MaxRank
  9047. "Toxin Resistance" is missing Tradable
  9048. "Toxin Resistance" is missing Type
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  9050. "Tractor Beam" is missing Description
  9051. "Tractor Beam" is missing Icon
  9052. "Tractor Beam" is missing InternalName
  9053. "Tractor Beam" is missing Introduced
  9054. "Tractor Beam" is missing Link
  9055. "Tractor Beam" is missing MaxRank
  9056. "Tractor Beam" is missing Tradable
  9057. "Tractor Beam" is missing Type
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  9059. "Trail Blazer" is missing Description
  9060. "Trail Blazer" is missing Icon
  9061. "Trail Blazer" is missing InternalName
  9062. "Trail Blazer" is missing Introduced
  9063. "Trail Blazer" is missing Link
  9064. "Trail Blazer" is missing MaxRank
  9065. "Trail Blazer" is missing Tradable
  9066. "Trail Blazer" is missing Type
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  9068. "Trample" is missing Description
  9069. "Trample" is missing Icon
  9070. "Trample" is missing InternalName
  9071. "Trample" is missing Introduced
  9072. "Trample" is missing Link
  9073. "Trample" is missing MaxRank
  9074. "Trample" is missing Tradable
  9075. "Trample" is missing Type
  9076. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing BaseDrain
  9077. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing Description
  9078. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing Icon
  9079. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing InternalName
  9080. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing Introduced
  9081. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing Link
  9082. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing MaxRank
  9083. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing Tradable
  9084. "Tranquil Cleave" is missing Type
  9085. "Transfusion" is missing BaseDrain
  9086. "Transfusion" is missing Description
  9087. "Transfusion" is missing Icon
  9088. "Transfusion" is missing InternalName
  9089. "Transfusion" is missing Introduced
  9090. "Transfusion" is missing Link
  9091. "Transfusion" is missing MaxRank
  9092. "Transfusion" is missing Tradable
  9093. "Transfusion" is missing Type
  9094. "Transient Fortitude" is missing BaseDrain
  9095. "Transient Fortitude" is missing Description
  9096. "Transient Fortitude" is missing Icon
  9097. "Transient Fortitude" is missing InternalName
  9098. "Transient Fortitude" is missing Introduced
  9099. "Transient Fortitude" is missing Link
  9100. "Transient Fortitude" is missing MaxRank
  9101. "Transient Fortitude" is missing Tradable
  9102. "Transient Fortitude" is missing Type
  9103. "Transistor Shield" is missing BaseDrain
  9104. "Transistor Shield" is missing Description
  9105. "Transistor Shield" is missing Icon
  9106. "Transistor Shield" is missing InternalName
  9107. "Transistor Shield" is missing Introduced
  9108. "Transistor Shield" is missing Link
  9109. "Transistor Shield" is missing MaxRank
  9110. "Transistor Shield" is missing Tradable
  9111. "Transistor Shield" is missing Type
  9112. "Tribunal" is missing BaseDrain
  9113. "Tribunal" is missing Description
  9114. "Tribunal" is missing Icon
  9115. "Tribunal" is missing InternalName
  9116. "Tribunal" is missing Introduced
  9117. "Tribunal" is missing Link
  9118. "Tribunal" is missing MaxRank
  9119. "Tribunal" is missing Tradable
  9120. "Tribunal" is missing Type
  9121. "Trick Mag" is missing BaseDrain
  9122. "Trick Mag" is missing Description
  9123. "Trick Mag" is missing Icon
  9124. "Trick Mag" is missing InternalName
  9125. "Trick Mag" is missing Introduced
  9126. "Trick Mag" is missing Link
  9127. "Trick Mag" is missing MaxRank
  9128. "Trick Mag" is missing Tradable
  9129. "Trick Mag" is missing Type
  9130. "Triple Tap" is missing BaseDrain
  9131. "Triple Tap" is missing Description
  9132. "Triple Tap" is missing Icon
  9133. "Triple Tap" is missing InternalName
  9134. "Triple Tap" is missing Introduced
  9135. "Triple Tap" is missing Link
  9136. "Triple Tap" is missing MaxRank
  9137. "Triple Tap" is missing Tradable
  9138. "Triple Tap" is missing Type
  9139. "True Punishment" is missing BaseDrain
  9140. "True Punishment" is missing Description
  9141. "True Punishment" is missing Icon
  9142. "True Punishment" is missing InternalName
  9143. "True Punishment" is missing Introduced
  9144. "True Punishment" is missing Link
  9145. "True Punishment" is missing MaxRank
  9146. "True Punishment" is missing Tradable
  9147. "True Punishment" is missing Type
  9148. "True Steel" is missing BaseDrain
  9149. "True Steel" is missing Description
  9150. "True Steel" is missing Icon
  9151. "True Steel" is missing InternalName
  9152. "True Steel" is missing Introduced
  9153. "True Steel" is missing Link
  9154. "True Steel" is missing MaxRank
  9155. "True Steel" is missing Tradable
  9156. "True Steel" is missing Type
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  9158. "Twirling Spire" is missing Description
  9159. "Twirling Spire" is missing Icon
  9160. "Twirling Spire" is missing InternalName
  9161. "Twirling Spire" is missing Introduced
  9162. "Twirling Spire" is missing Link
  9163. "Twirling Spire" is missing MaxRank
  9164. "Twirling Spire" is missing Tradable
  9165. "Twirling Spire" is missing Type
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  9167. "Twitch" is missing Description
  9168. "Twitch" is missing Icon
  9169. "Twitch" is missing InternalName
  9170. "Twitch" is missing Introduced
  9171. "Twitch" is missing Link
  9172. "Twitch" is missing MaxRank
  9173. "Twitch" is missing Tradable
  9174. "Twitch" is missing Type
  9175. "Umbral Fiber" is missing BaseDrain
  9176. "Umbral Fiber" is missing Description
  9177. "Umbral Fiber" is missing Icon
  9178. "Umbral Fiber" is missing InternalName
  9179. "Umbral Fiber" is missing Introduced
  9180. "Umbral Fiber" is missing Link
  9181. "Umbral Fiber" is missing MaxRank
  9182. "Umbral Fiber" is missing Tradable
  9183. "Umbral Fiber" is missing Type
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  9185. "Umbral Intensify" is missing Description
  9186. "Umbral Intensify" is missing Icon
  9187. "Umbral Intensify" is missing InternalName
  9188. "Umbral Intensify" is missing Introduced
  9189. "Umbral Intensify" is missing Link
  9190. "Umbral Intensify" is missing MaxRank
  9191. "Umbral Intensify" is missing Tradable
  9192. "Umbral Intensify" is missing Type
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  9194. "Umbral Vitality" is missing Description
  9195. "Umbral Vitality" is missing Icon
  9196. "Umbral Vitality" is missing InternalName
  9197. "Umbral Vitality" is missing Introduced
  9198. "Umbral Vitality" is missing Link
  9199. "Umbral Vitality" is missing MaxRank
  9200. "Umbral Vitality" is missing Tradable
  9201. "Umbral Vitality" is missing Type
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  9203. "Undying Will" is missing Description
  9204. "Undying Will" is missing Icon
  9205. "Undying Will" is missing InternalName
  9206. "Undying Will" is missing Link
  9207. "Undying Will" is missing MaxRank
  9208. "Undying Will" is missing Tradable
  9209. "Undying Will" is missing Type
  9210. "Unleashed" is missing BaseDrain
  9211. "Unleashed" is missing Description
  9212. "Unleashed" is missing Icon
  9213. "Unleashed" is missing InternalName
  9214. "Unleashed" is missing Introduced
  9215. "Unleashed" is missing Link
  9216. "Unleashed" is missing MaxRank
  9217. "Unleashed" is missing Tradable
  9218. "Unleashed" is missing Transmutable
  9219. "Unleashed" is missing Type
  9220. "Untraceable" is missing BaseDrain
  9221. "Untraceable" is missing Description
  9222. "Untraceable" is missing Icon
  9223. "Untraceable" is missing InternalName
  9224. "Untraceable" is missing Introduced
  9225. "Untraceable" is missing Link
  9226. "Untraceable" is missing MaxRank
  9227. "Untraceable" is missing Polarity
  9228. "Untraceable" is missing Tradable
  9229. "Untraceable" is missing Type
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  9231. "Vacuum" is missing Description
  9232. "Vacuum" is missing Icon
  9233. "Vacuum" is missing InternalName
  9234. "Vacuum" is missing Introduced
  9235. "Vacuum" is missing Link
  9236. "Vacuum" is missing MaxRank
  9237. "Vacuum" is missing Tradable
  9238. "Vacuum" is missing Type
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  9240. "Vampire Leech" is missing Description
  9241. "Vampire Leech" is missing Icon
  9242. "Vampire Leech" is missing InternalName
  9243. "Vampire Leech" is missing Introduced
  9244. "Vampire Leech" is missing Link
  9245. "Vampire Leech" is missing MaxRank
  9246. "Vampire Leech" is missing Tradable
  9247. "Vampire Leech" is missing Type
  9248. "Vanquished Prey" is missing BaseDrain
  9249. "Vanquished Prey" is missing Description
  9250. "Vanquished Prey" is missing Icon
  9251. "Vanquished Prey" is missing InternalName
  9252. "Vanquished Prey" is missing Introduced
  9253. "Vanquished Prey" is missing Link
  9254. "Vanquished Prey" is missing MaxRank
  9255. "Vanquished Prey" is missing Tradable
  9256. "Vanquished Prey" is missing Type
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  9258. "Vapor Trail" is missing Description
  9259. "Vapor Trail" is missing Icon
  9260. "Vapor Trail" is missing InternalName
  9261. "Vapor Trail" is missing Link
  9262. "Vapor Trail" is missing MaxRank
  9263. "Vapor Trail" is missing Tradable
  9264. "Vapor Trail" is missing Type
  9265. "Vaporize" is missing BaseDrain
  9266. "Vaporize" is missing Description
  9267. "Vaporize" is missing Icon
  9268. "Vaporize" is missing InternalName
  9269. "Vaporize" is missing Link
  9270. "Vaporize" is missing MaxRank
  9271. "Vaporize" is missing Tradable
  9272. "Vaporize" is missing Type
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  9274. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing Description
  9275. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing Icon
  9276. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing InternalName
  9277. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing Introduced
  9278. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing Link
  9279. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing MaxRank
  9280. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing Tradable
  9281. "Vazarin Transmute Core" is missing Type
  9282. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing BaseDrain
  9283. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing Description
  9284. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing Icon
  9285. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing InternalName
  9286. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing Introduced
  9287. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing Link
  9288. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing MaxRank
  9289. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing Tradable
  9290. "Venari Bodyguard" is missing Type
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  9292. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing Description
  9293. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing Icon
  9294. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing InternalName
  9295. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing Introduced
  9296. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing Link
  9297. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing MaxRank
  9298. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing Tradable
  9299. "Venerdo Hoverdrive" is missing Type
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  9301. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing Description
  9302. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing Icon
  9303. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing InternalName
  9304. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing Introduced
  9305. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing Link
  9306. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing MaxRank
  9307. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing Tradable
  9308. "Vengeful Revenant" is missing Type
  9309. "Venom Dose" is missing BaseDrain
  9310. "Venom Dose" is missing Description
  9311. "Venom Dose" is missing Icon
  9312. "Venom Dose" is missing InternalName
  9313. "Venom Dose" is missing Introduced
  9314. "Venom Dose" is missing Link
  9315. "Venom Dose" is missing MaxRank
  9316. "Venom Dose" is missing Tradable
  9317. "Venom Dose" is missing Type
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  9319. "Venom Teeth" is missing Description
  9320. "Venom Teeth" is missing Icon
  9321. "Venom Teeth" is missing InternalName
  9322. "Venom Teeth" is missing Link
  9323. "Venom Teeth" is missing MaxRank
  9324. "Venom Teeth" is missing Tradable
  9325. "Venom Teeth" is missing Type
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  9327. "Venomous Clip" is missing Description
  9328. "Venomous Clip" is missing Icon
  9329. "Venomous Clip" is missing InternalName
  9330. "Venomous Clip" is missing Introduced
  9331. "Venomous Clip" is missing Link
  9332. "Venomous Clip" is missing MaxRank
  9333. "Venomous Clip" is missing Tradable
  9334. "Venomous Clip" is missing Type
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  9336. "Venomous Rise" is missing Description
  9337. "Venomous Rise" is missing Icon
  9338. "Venomous Rise" is missing InternalName
  9339. "Venomous Rise" is missing Introduced
  9340. "Venomous Rise" is missing Link
  9341. "Venomous Rise" is missing MaxRank
  9342. "Venomous Rise" is missing Tradable
  9343. "Venomous Rise" is missing Type
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  9345. "Vermillion Storm" is missing Description
  9346. "Vermillion Storm" is missing Icon
  9347. "Vermillion Storm" is missing InternalName
  9348. "Vermillion Storm" is missing Introduced
  9349. "Vermillion Storm" is missing Link
  9350. "Vermillion Storm" is missing MaxRank
  9351. "Vermillion Storm" is missing Tradable
  9352. "Vermillion Storm" is missing Type
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  9354. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing Description
  9355. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing Icon
  9356. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing InternalName
  9357. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing Introduced
  9358. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing Link
  9359. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing MaxRank
  9360. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing Tradable
  9361. "Vexing Retaliation" is missing Type
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  9363. "Vicious Approach" is missing Description
  9364. "Vicious Approach" is missing Icon
  9365. "Vicious Approach" is missing InternalName
  9366. "Vicious Approach" is missing Introduced
  9367. "Vicious Approach" is missing Link
  9368. "Vicious Approach" is missing MaxRank
  9369. "Vicious Approach" is missing Tradable
  9370. "Vicious Approach" is missing Type
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  9372. "Vicious Frost" is missing Description
  9373. "Vicious Frost" is missing Icon
  9374. "Vicious Frost" is missing InternalName
  9375. "Vicious Frost" is missing Introduced
  9376. "Vicious Frost" is missing Link
  9377. "Vicious Frost" is missing MaxRank
  9378. "Vicious Frost" is missing Tradable
  9379. "Vicious Frost" is missing Type
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  9381. "Vicious Spread" is missing Description
  9382. "Vicious Spread" is missing Icon
  9383. "Vicious Spread" is missing InternalName
  9384. "Vicious Spread" is missing Introduced
  9385. "Vicious Spread" is missing Link
  9386. "Vicious Spread" is missing MaxRank
  9387. "Vicious Spread" is missing Tradable
  9388. "Vicious Spread" is missing Type
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  9390. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing Description
  9391. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing Icon
  9392. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing InternalName
  9393. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing Link
  9394. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing MaxRank
  9395. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing Tradable
  9396. "Vigilante Armaments" is missing Type
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  9398. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing Description
  9399. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing Icon
  9400. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing InternalName
  9401. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing Introduced
  9402. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing Link
  9403. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing MaxRank
  9404. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing Tradable
  9405. "Vigilante Fervor" is missing Type
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  9407. "Vigilante Offense" is missing Description
  9408. "Vigilante Offense" is missing Icon
  9409. "Vigilante Offense" is missing InternalName
  9410. "Vigilante Offense" is missing Link
  9411. "Vigilante Offense" is missing MaxRank
  9412. "Vigilante Offense" is missing Tradable
  9413. "Vigilante Offense" is missing Type
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  9415. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing Description
  9416. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing Icon
  9417. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing InternalName
  9418. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing Introduced
  9419. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing Link
  9420. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing MaxRank
  9421. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing Tradable
  9422. "Vigilante Pursuit" is missing Type
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  9424. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing Description
  9425. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing Icon
  9426. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing InternalName
  9427. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing Introduced
  9428. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing Link
  9429. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing MaxRank
  9430. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing Tradable
  9431. "Vigilante Supplies" is missing Type
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  9433. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing Description
  9434. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing Icon
  9435. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing InternalName
  9436. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing Introduced
  9437. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing Link
  9438. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing MaxRank
  9439. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing Tradable
  9440. "Vigilante Vigor" is missing Type
  9441. "Vigor" is missing BaseDrain
  9442. "Vigor" is missing Description
  9443. "Vigor" is missing Icon
  9444. "Vigor" is missing InternalName
  9445. "Vigor" is missing Link
  9446. "Vigor" is missing MaxRank
  9447. "Vigor" is missing Tradable
  9448. "Vigor" is missing Type
  9449. "Vigorous Swap" is missing BaseDrain
  9450. "Vigorous Swap" is missing Description
  9451. "Vigorous Swap" is missing Icon
  9452. "Vigorous Swap" is missing InternalName
  9453. "Vigorous Swap" is missing Introduced
  9454. "Vigorous Swap" is missing Link
  9455. "Vigorous Swap" is missing MaxRank
  9456. "Vigorous Swap" is missing Tradable
  9457. "Vigorous Swap" is missing Type
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  9459. "Vile Acceleration" is missing Description
  9460. "Vile Acceleration" is missing Icon
  9461. "Vile Acceleration" is missing InternalName
  9462. "Vile Acceleration" is missing Introduced
  9463. "Vile Acceleration" is missing Link
  9464. "Vile Acceleration" is missing MaxRank
  9465. "Vile Acceleration" is missing Tradable
  9466. "Vile Acceleration" is missing Type
  9467. "Vile Precision" is missing BaseDrain
  9468. "Vile Precision" is missing Description
  9469. "Vile Precision" is missing Icon
  9470. "Vile Precision" is missing InternalName
  9471. "Vile Precision" is missing Introduced
  9472. "Vile Precision" is missing Link
  9473. "Vile Precision" is missing MaxRank
  9474. "Vile Precision" is missing Tradable
  9475. "Vile Precision" is missing Type
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  9477. "Viral Quills" is missing Description
  9478. "Viral Quills" is missing Icon
  9479. "Viral Quills" is missing InternalName
  9480. "Viral Quills" is missing Introduced
  9481. "Viral Quills" is missing Link
  9482. "Viral Quills" is missing MaxRank
  9483. "Viral Quills" is missing Tradable
  9484. "Viral Quills" is missing Type
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  9486. "Virulent Scourge" is missing Description
  9487. "Virulent Scourge" is missing Icon
  9488. "Virulent Scourge" is missing InternalName
  9489. "Virulent Scourge" is missing Introduced
  9490. "Virulent Scourge" is missing Link
  9491. "Virulent Scourge" is missing MaxRank
  9492. "Virulent Scourge" is missing Tradable
  9493. "Virulent Scourge" is missing Type
  9494. "Vital Sense" is missing BaseDrain
  9495. "Vital Sense" is missing Description
  9496. "Vital Sense" is missing Icon
  9497. "Vital Sense" is missing InternalName
  9498. "Vital Sense" is missing Link
  9499. "Vital Sense" is missing MaxRank
  9500. "Vital Sense" is missing Tradable
  9501. "Vital Sense" is missing Type
  9502. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing BaseDrain
  9503. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing Description
  9504. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing Icon
  9505. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing InternalName
  9506. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing Introduced
  9507. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing Link
  9508. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing MaxRank
  9509. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing Tradable
  9510. "Vital Systems Bypass" is missing Type
  9511. "Vitality" is missing BaseDrain
  9512. "Vitality" is missing Description
  9513. "Vitality" is missing Icon
  9514. "Vitality" is missing InternalName
  9515. "Vitality" is missing Introduced
  9516. "Vitality" is missing Link
  9517. "Vitality" is missing MaxRank
  9518. "Vitality" is missing Tradable
  9519. "Vitality" is missing Type
  9520. "Volcanic Edge" is missing BaseDrain
  9521. "Volcanic Edge" is missing Description
  9522. "Volcanic Edge" is missing Icon
  9523. "Volcanic Edge" is missing InternalName
  9524. "Volcanic Edge" is missing Introduced
  9525. "Volcanic Edge" is missing Link
  9526. "Volcanic Edge" is missing MaxRank
  9527. "Volcanic Edge" is missing Tradable
  9528. "Volcanic Edge" is missing Type
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  9530. "Voltage Sequence" is missing Description
  9531. "Voltage Sequence" is missing Icon
  9532. "Voltage Sequence" is missing InternalName
  9533. "Voltage Sequence" is missing Introduced
  9534. "Voltage Sequence" is missing Link
  9535. "Voltage Sequence" is missing MaxRank
  9536. "Voltage Sequence" is missing Tradable
  9537. "Voltage Sequence" is missing Type
  9538. "Voltaic Lance" is missing BaseDrain
  9539. "Voltaic Lance" is missing Description
  9540. "Voltaic Lance" is missing Icon
  9541. "Voltaic Lance" is missing InternalName
  9542. "Voltaic Lance" is missing Introduced
  9543. "Voltaic Lance" is missing Link
  9544. "Voltaic Lance" is missing MaxRank
  9545. "Voltaic Lance" is missing Tradable
  9546. "Voltaic Lance" is missing Type
  9547. "Voltaic Strike" is missing BaseDrain
  9548. "Voltaic Strike" is missing Description
  9549. "Voltaic Strike" is missing Icon
  9550. "Voltaic Strike" is missing InternalName
  9551. "Voltaic Strike" is missing Introduced
  9552. "Voltaic Strike" is missing Link
  9553. "Voltaic Strike" is missing MaxRank
  9554. "Voltaic Strike" is missing Tradable
  9555. "Voltaic Strike" is missing Type
  9556. "Vome" is missing BaseDrain
  9557. "Vome" is missing Description
  9558. "Vome" is missing Icon
  9559. "Vome" is missing InternalName
  9560. "Vome" is missing Introduced
  9561. "Vome" is missing Link
  9562. "Vome" is missing MaxRank
  9563. "Vome" is missing Polarity
  9564. "Vome" is missing Tradable
  9565. "Vome" is missing Type
  9566. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing BaseDrain
  9567. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing Description
  9568. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing Icon
  9569. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing InternalName
  9570. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing Introduced
  9571. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing Link
  9572. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing MaxRank
  9573. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing Tradable
  9574. "Vulcan Blitz" is missing Type
  9575. "Vulpine Mask" is missing BaseDrain
  9576. "Vulpine Mask" is missing Description
  9577. "Vulpine Mask" is missing Icon
  9578. "Vulpine Mask" is missing InternalName
  9579. "Vulpine Mask" is missing Introduced
  9580. "Vulpine Mask" is missing Link
  9581. "Vulpine Mask" is missing MaxRank
  9582. "Vulpine Mask" is missing Tradable
  9583. "Vulpine Mask" is missing Type
  9584. "Ward Recovery" is missing BaseDrain
  9585. "Ward Recovery" is missing Description
  9586. "Ward Recovery" is missing Icon
  9587. "Ward Recovery" is missing InternalName
  9588. "Ward Recovery" is missing Introduced
  9589. "Ward Recovery" is missing Link
  9590. "Ward Recovery" is missing MaxRank
  9591. "Ward Recovery" is missing Tradable
  9592. "Ward Recovery" is missing Type
  9593. "Warding Thurible" is missing BaseDrain
  9594. "Warding Thurible" is missing Description
  9595. "Warding Thurible" is missing Icon
  9596. "Warding Thurible" is missing InternalName
  9597. "Warding Thurible" is missing Introduced
  9598. "Warding Thurible" is missing Link
  9599. "Warding Thurible" is missing MaxRank
  9600. "Warding Thurible" is missing Tradable
  9601. "Warding Thurible" is missing Type
  9602. "Warm Coat" is missing BaseDrain
  9603. "Warm Coat" is missing Description
  9604. "Warm Coat" is missing Icon
  9605. "Warm Coat" is missing InternalName
  9606. "Warm Coat" is missing Introduced
  9607. "Warm Coat" is missing Link
  9608. "Warm Coat" is missing MaxRank
  9609. "Warm Coat" is missing Tradable
  9610. "Warm Coat" is missing Type
  9611. "Warrior" is missing BaseDrain
  9612. "Warrior" is missing Description
  9613. "Warrior" is missing Icon
  9614. "Warrior" is missing InternalName
  9615. "Warrior" is missing Introduced
  9616. "Warrior" is missing Link
  9617. "Warrior" is missing MaxRank
  9618. "Warrior" is missing Tradable
  9619. "Warrior" is missing Type
  9620. "Weeping Wounds" is missing BaseDrain
  9621. "Weeping Wounds" is missing Description
  9622. "Weeping Wounds" is missing Icon
  9623. "Weeping Wounds" is missing InternalName
  9624. "Weeping Wounds" is missing Introduced
  9625. "Weeping Wounds" is missing Link
  9626. "Weeping Wounds" is missing MaxRank
  9627. "Weeping Wounds" is missing Tradable
  9628. "Weeping Wounds" is missing Type
  9629. "Whiplash Mine" is missing BaseDrain
  9630. "Whiplash Mine" is missing Description
  9631. "Whiplash Mine" is missing Icon
  9632. "Whiplash Mine" is missing InternalName
  9633. "Whiplash Mine" is missing Introduced
  9634. "Whiplash Mine" is missing Link
  9635. "Whiplash Mine" is missing MaxRank
  9636. "Whiplash Mine" is missing Tradable
  9637. "Whiplash Mine" is missing Type
  9638. "Whirlwind" is missing BaseDrain
  9639. "Whirlwind" is missing Description
  9640. "Whirlwind" is missing Icon
  9641. "Whirlwind" is missing InternalName
  9642. "Whirlwind" is missing Introduced
  9643. "Whirlwind" is missing Link
  9644. "Whirlwind" is missing MaxRank
  9645. "Whirlwind" is missing Tradable
  9646. "Whirlwind" is missing Type
  9647. "Wild Frenzy" is missing BaseDrain
  9648. "Wild Frenzy" is missing Description
  9649. "Wild Frenzy" is missing Icon
  9650. "Wild Frenzy" is missing InternalName
  9651. "Wild Frenzy" is missing Introduced
  9652. "Wild Frenzy" is missing Link
  9653. "Wild Frenzy" is missing MaxRank
  9654. "Wild Frenzy" is missing Tradable
  9655. "Wild Frenzy" is missing Type
  9656. "Wildfire" is missing BaseDrain
  9657. "Wildfire" is missing Description
  9658. "Wildfire" is missing Icon
  9659. "Wildfire" is missing InternalName
  9660. "Wildfire" is missing Introduced
  9661. "Wildfire" is missing Link
  9662. "Wildfire" is missing MaxRank
  9663. "Wildfire" is missing Tradable
  9664. "Wildfire" is missing Type
  9665. "Winds of Purity" is missing BaseDrain
  9666. "Winds of Purity" is missing Description
  9667. "Winds of Purity" is missing Icon
  9668. "Winds of Purity" is missing InternalName
  9669. "Winds of Purity" is missing Introduced
  9670. "Winds of Purity" is missing Link
  9671. "Winds of Purity" is missing MaxRank
  9672. "Winds of Purity" is missing Tradable
  9673. "Winds of Purity" is missing Type
  9674. "Wise Razor" is missing BaseDrain
  9675. "Wise Razor" is missing Description
  9676. "Wise Razor" is missing Icon
  9677. "Wise Razor" is missing InternalName
  9678. "Wise Razor" is missing Link
  9679. "Wise Razor" is missing MaxRank
  9680. "Wise Razor" is missing Tradable
  9681. "Wise Razor" is missing Type
  9682. "Xata" is missing BaseDrain
  9683. "Xata" is missing Description
  9684. "Xata" is missing Icon
  9685. "Xata" is missing InternalName
  9686. "Xata" is missing Introduced
  9687. "Xata" is missing Link
  9688. "Xata" is missing MaxRank
  9689. "Xata" is missing Polarity
  9690. "Xata" is missing Tradable
  9691. "Xata" is missing Type
  9692. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing BaseDrain
  9693. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing Description
  9694. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing Icon
  9695. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing InternalName
  9696. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing Link
  9697. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing MaxRank
  9698. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing Tradable
  9699. "Zazvat-Kar" is missing Type
  9700. "Zodiac Shred" is missing BaseDrain
  9701. "Zodiac Shred" is missing Description
  9702. "Zodiac Shred" is missing Icon
  9703. "Zodiac Shred" is missing InternalName
  9704. "Zodiac Shred" is missing Introduced
  9705. "Zodiac Shred" is missing Link
  9706. "Zodiac Shred" is missing MaxRank
  9707. "Zodiac Shred" is missing Tradable
  9708. "Zodiac Shred" is missing Type

Validating data types of values

p.validateDataTypes(frame): There are a total of 1 key-value errors

  1. Rolling Guard contains an unsupported key Polariy

Checking naming scheme of image names

p.checkImageName(frame): There are a total of 650 image names that do not follow mod image naming scheme ModNameMod.png

  1. "Abating Link": "AbatingLink3.png"
  2. "Accelerated Blast": "AcceleratedBlastModU145.png"
  3. "Accumulating Whipclaw": "AccumulatingWhipclaw.png"
  4. "Adaptation": "Adaptation.png"
  5. "Adept Surge": "AdeptSurge.png"
  6. "Adrenaline Boost": "AdrenalineBoost.png"
  7. "Afterburn": "Afterburn2.png"
  8. "Afterburner": "Afterburner.png"
  9. "Agile Aim": "AgileAim.png"
  10. "Agility Drift": "Agility_Drift.png"
  11. "Air Recon": "AirRecon.png"
  12. "Air Thrusters": "AirThrusters.png"
  13. "Air Time": "AirTime.png"
  14. "Ambush": "Ambush.png"
  15. "Ambush Optics": "AmbushOptics.png"
  16. "Ammo Case": "Ammo Case 19.6.3.png"
  17. "Ammo Chain": "AmmoChain.png"
  18. "Ammo Drum": "AmmoDrumModU145.png"
  19. "Ammo Stock": "AmmoStockModU145.png"
  20. "Ancient Fusion Core": "UncommonAncientFusionCore.png"
  21. "Anti-Grav Grenade": "Anti-GravGrenade.png"
  22. "Anticipation": "Anti.PNG"
  23. "Antimatter Absorb": "AntimatterAbsorb2.png"
  24. "Antimatter Mine": "AntimatterMine.png"
  25. "Arc Coil": "Arc Coil 19.6.3.png"
  26. "Archgun Ace": "Arch-GunAceMod.png"
  27. "Argon Plating": "ArgonPlating.png"
  28. "Armored Acrobatics": "ArmoredAcrobatics.png"
  29. "Armored Agility": "ArmoredAgilityNew.png"
  30. "Armored Evade": "ArmoredEvade.png"
  31. "Armored Recovery": "ArmoredRecovery.png"
  32. "Arrow Mutation": "ArrowMutationModU145.png"
  33. "Assault Mode": "AssaultMode.png"
  34. "Assimilate": "Assimilate2.png"
  35. "Astral Twilight": "AstralTwilight.png"
  36. "Atlantis Vulcan": "AtlantisVulcan.png"
  37. "Auger Strike": "AugerStrikeModU145.png"
  38. "Ballistic Bullseye": "BallisticBullseye3.png"
  39. "Bane of Corpus": "BaneOfCorpusModU145.png"
  40. "Bane of Corrupted": "BaneOfCorruptedMod.png"
  41. "Bane of Grineer": "BaneOfGrineerModU145.png"
  42. "Bane of Infested": "BaneOfInfestedModU145.png"
  43. "Barrel Diffusion": "BarrelDiffusionModU145.png"
  44. "Battering Maneuver": "BatteringManeuver.png"
  45. "Berserker": "BerserkerModU145.png"
  46. "Blade of Truth": "BladeofTruth.png"
  47. "Blaze": "BlazeModU145.png"
  48. "Blazing Steel": "BlazingSteel.png"
  49. "Bleeding Edge": "BleedingEdge.png"
  50. "Bleeding Willow": "BleedingWillowModU145.png"
  51. "Blind Rage": "BlindRageModU145.png"
  52. "Blunderbuss": "BlunderbussModU145.png"
  53. "Bore": "BoreModU145.png"
  54. "Bounty Hunter": "BountyHunter.png"
  55. "Brain Storm": "Brainstorm.png"
  56. "Breach Loader": "BreachLoaderModU145.png"
  57. "Bright Purity": "BrightPurity.png"
  58. "Broad Eye": "BroadEye.png"
  59. "Brutal Tide": "BrutalTideNew.png"
  60. "Burdened Magazine": "BurdenedMagazineModU145.png"
  61. "Burning Wasp": "BurningWaspModU145.png"
  62. "Bursting Mass": "BurstingMass.png"
  63. "Buzz Kill": "BuzzKillModU145.png"
  64. "Calculated Shot": "Calculated Shot 19.6.3.png"
  65. "Calculated Spring": "CalculatedSpring.png"
  66. "Calm & Frenzy": "Calm&Frenzy2.png"
  67. "Cannonade": "Cannonade.png"
  68. "Capacitance": "Capacitance2.png"
  69. "Cat's Eye": "Cat's Eye 19.6.3.png"
  70. "Cataclysmic Continuum": "CataclysmicContinuum2.png"
  71. "Cautious Shot": "CautiousShot.png"
  72. "Chaos Sphere": "ChaosSphere2.png"
  73. "Charged Chamber": "ChargedChamberModU145.png"
  74. "Charged Shell": "ChargedShellModU145.png"
  75. "Charm": "Charm 19.6.3.png"
  76. "Chilling Globe": "ChillingGlobe2.png"
  77. "Chilling Grasp": "ChillingGraspModU161.png"
  78. "Clashing Forest": "ClashingForestModU145.png"
  79. "Cleanse Corpus": "CleanseCorpusModU145.png"
  80. "Cleanse Grineer": "CleanseGrineerModU145.png"
  81. "Cleanse Infested": "CleanseInfestedModU145.png"
  82. "Cleaving Whirlwind": "CleavingWhirlwindModU145.png"
  83. "Coaction Drift": "Coaction drift.png"
  84. "Coiling Viper": "CoilingViperModU145.png"
  85. "Cold Snap": "Cold Snap.png"
  86. "Collision Force": "CollisionForce.png"
  87. "Combustion Rounds": "CombustionRounds.png"
  88. "Comet Rounds": "CometRounds.png"
  89. "Concealed Explosives": "Conceled explosives.png"
  90. "Concentrated Arrow": "ConcentratedArrow.png"
  91. "Concussion Rounds": "ConcussionRoundsModU145.png"
  92. "Conductor": "Conductor.png"
  93. "Constitution": "ConstitutionModU145.png"
  94. "Contagious Spread": "ContagiousSpreadModU145.png"
  95. "Continuity": "ContinuityModU145.png"
  96. "Continuous Misery": "ContinuousMisery.png"
  97. "Convulsion": "ConvulsionModU145.png"
  98. "Coolant Leak": "Coolant Leak 19.6.3.png"
  99. "Corrosive Projection": "CorrosiveProjectionModU145.png"
  100. "Corrupt Charge": "CorruptChargeModU145.png"
  101. "Counterweight": "Counterweight.png"
  102. "Covert Lethality": "CovertLethalityNew.png"
  103. "Crash Course": "CrashCourse.png"
  104. "Crash Shot": "Cshot.png"
  105. "Creeping Bullseye": "CreepingBullseye.png"
  106. "Creeping Terrify": "CreepingTerrify2.png"
  107. "Critical Deceleration": "CriticalDeceleration.png"
  108. "Critical Delay": "CriticalDelayNew.png"
  109. "Crowd Dispersion": "Crowd Dispersion 19.6.3.png"
  110. "Crushing Ruin": "CrushingRuinNew.png"
  111. "Cryo Coating": "CryoCoating.png"
  112. "Cryo Rounds": "CryoRoundsModU161.png"
  113. "Cunning Drift": "Cunning_drift.png"
  114. "Curative Undertow": "CurativeUndertow3.png"
  115. "Cutting Edge": "CuttingEdge.png"
  116. "Deadly Sequence": "DeadlySequence.png"
  117. "Deceptive Bond": "DeceptiveBond.png"
  118. "Deep Freeze": "DeepFreezeModU161.png"
  119. "Defiled Reckoning": "DefiledReckoning.png"
  120. "Defiled Snapdragon": "DefiledSnapdragonNew.png"
  121. "Depleted Reload": "DepletedReloadNew.png"
  122. "Desiccation's Curse": "DesiccationsCurseMod.png"
  123. "Detect Vulnerability": "DetectVulnerability.png"
  124. "Diamond Skin": "DiamondSkinModU145.png"
  125. "Dig": "DigModU145.png"
  126. "Directed Convergence": "Directed_Convergence.png"
  127. "Discharge Strike": "DischargeStrike.png"
  128. "Disruptor": "DisruptorModU145.png"
  129. "Divebomb Vortex": "DivebombVortex2.png"
  130. "Double Tap": "DoubleTap.png"
  131. "Double-Barrel Drift": "DoubleBarrelDrift.png"
  132. "Duality": "Duality2.png"
  133. "Eagle Eye": "EagleEyeModU145.png"
  134. "Efficient Transferral": "EfficientTransferral.png"
  135. "Eject Magazine": "EjectMagazine.png"
  136. "Electrical Resistance": "Electrical Resistance.jpg"
  137. "Electrified Barrel": "ElectrifiedBarrel.png"
  138. "Electro Pulse": "Electro Pulse 19.6.3.png"
  139. "Eleventh Storm": "EleventhStormModU145.png"
  140. "Enduring Strike": "EnduringStrikeModU145.png"
  141. "Enemy Radar": "EnemyRadarModU145.png"
  142. "Enemy Sense": "EnemySenseModU145.png"
  143. "Energy Channel": "EnergyChannelModU145.png"
  144. "Energy Conversion": "EnergyConversion.png"
  145. "Energy Field": "Energy Field.png"
  146. "Energy Generator": "EnergyGenerator.png"
  147. "Energy Inversion": "EnergyInversion2.png"
  148. "Energy Siphon": "EnergySiphonModU145.png"
  149. "Energy Transfer": "EnergyTransfer.png"
  150. "Enhanced Durability": "EnhancedDurability.png"
  151. "Entropy Burst": "EntropyBurst.png"
  152. "Entropy Flight": "EntropyFlight.png"
  153. "Entropy Spike": "EntropySpike.png"
  154. "Enveloping Cloud": "EnvelopingCloud.png"
  155. "Equilibrium": "EquilibriumModU145.png"
  156. "Eroding Blight": "ErodingBlight.png"
  157. "Escape Velocity": "EscapeVelocity2.png"
  158. "Eternal War": "EternalWar2.png"
  159. "Everlasting Ward": "EverlastingWard2.png"
  160. "Exalted Blade": "ExaltedBladeStance.png"
  161. "Expel Corpus": "ExpelCorpusModU145.png"
  162. "Expel Grineer": "ExpelGrineerModU145.png"
  163. "Expel Infested": "ExpelInfestedModU145.png"
  164. "Explosive Demise": "ExplosiveDemise.png"
  165. "Extend": "Extend.png"
  166. "Extreme Velocity": "ExtremeVelocity.png"
  167. "Fanged Fusillade": "FangedFusilladeModU145.png"
  168. "Fass": "FassRequiemMod.png"
  169. "Fast Deflection": "FastDeflectionModU145.png"
  170. "Fast Hands": "FastHandsModU145.png"
  171. "Fatal Attraction": "Fatal Attraction 19.6.3.png"
  172. "Fatal Teleport": "FatalTeleport2.png"
  173. "Feathered Arrows": "Farrows.png"
  174. "Ferocity": "FerocityModU145.png"
  175. "Fetch": "Fetch.png"
  176. "Fever Strike": "FeverStrikeModU145.png"
  177. "Final Harbinger": "Harbinger.png"
  178. "Final Tap": "FinalTap.png"
  179. "Finishing Touch": "FinishingTouchModU145.png"
  180. "Fire Resistance": "FireResistance_Rank0_cropped.jpg"
  181. "Firestorm": "FirestormNewA.png"
  182. "Firewalker": "Firewalker.png"
  183. "Flailing Branch": "FlailingBranchModU145.png"
  184. "Flak Shot": "Fshot.png"
  185. "Flame Repellent": "FlameRepellentNew.png"
  186. "Flechette": "FlechetteModU145.png"
  187. "Fleeting Expertise": "FleetingExpertiseModU145.png"
  188. "Flow": "FlowModU145.png"
  189. "Focus Energy": "FocusEnergyModU145.png"
  190. "Focused Acceleration": "Focused_Acceleration.png"
  191. "Fortitude": "FortitudeModU145.png"
  192. "Four Riders": "FourRiders.png"
  193. "Fracturing Crush": "FracturingCrush2.png"
  194. "Fracturing Wind": "FracturingWindModU145.png"
  195. "Frail Momentum": "FrailMomentum.png"
  196. "Frigid Blast": "FrigidBlastModU145.png"
  197. "Frost Insulation": "Frost_Insulation.png"
  198. "Frostbite": "FrostbiteModU145.png"
  199. "Full Contact": "FullContact.png"
  200. "Funnel Clouds": "FunnelClouds2.png"
  201. "Furor": "Furor.png"
  202. "Fury": "FuryModU145.png"
  203. "Fusion Core": "FusionCoreNew.png"
  204. "Galvanized Blade": "GalvanizedBlade.png"
  205. "Gemini Cross": "GeminiCrossNew.png"
  206. "Ghost": "Ghost 19.6.3.png"
  207. "Gilded Truth": "GildedTruth.png"
  208. "Glacial Edge": "GlacialEdge.png"
  209. "Gleaming Blight": "GleamingBlight.png"
  210. "Gleaming Talon": "GleamingTalonModU145.png"
  211. "Gnashing Payara": "GnashingPayaraModU145.png"
  212. "Greedy Pull": "GreedyPull3.png"
  213. "Grim Fury": "GrimFuryModU145.png"
  214. "Grinloked": "Grinloked.png"
  215. "Guardian": "Guardian 19.6.3.png"
  216. "Gun Glide": "GunGlide.png"
  217. "Gunslinger": "GunslingerModU145.png"
  218. "Hall of Malevolence": "HallOfMalevolence3.png"
  219. "Hallowed Reckoning": "HallowedReckoning2.png"
  220. "Hammer Shot": "HammerShotModU145.png"
  221. "Hastened Steps": "HastenedSteps.png"
  222. "Hawk Eye": "HawkEyeModU145.png"
  223. "Health Conversion": "HealthConversion.png"
  224. "Heartseeker": "Heartseeker.png"
  225. "Heated Charge": "HeatedChargeModU145.png"
  226. "Heavy Caliber": "HeavyCaliberModU145.png"
  227. "Heavy Impact": "HeavyImpactModU145.png"
  228. "Heavy Trauma": "HeavyTraumaModU145.png"
  229. "Heavy Warhead": "HeavyWarhead.png"
  230. "Heightened Reflexes": "Hreflexes.png"
  231. "Hell's Chamber": "HellsChamberModU145.png"
  232. "Hellfire": "HellfireModU145.png"
  233. "High Noon": "HighNoon.png"
  234. "High Voltage": "HighVoltageModU145.png"
  235. "Hollow Point": "HollowPointModU145.png"
  236. "Hollowed Bullets": "HollowedBullets.png"
  237. "Homing Fang": "HomingFangNew.png"
  238. "Hornet Strike": "HornetStrikeModU145.png"
  239. "Howl": "Howl 19.6.3.png"
  240. "Hunt": "Hunt 19.6.3.png"
  241. "Hush": "HushModU145.png"
  242. "Hushed Invisibility": "HushedInvisibility2.png"
  243. "Hydraulic Barrel": "Hbarrel.png"
  244. "Hydraulic Chamber": "Hchamber.png"
  245. "Hydraulic Crosshairs": "HydraulicCrosshairs.png"
  246. "Hydraulic Gauge": "Hgauge.png"
  247. "Hyperion Thrusters": "HyperionThrusters.png"
  248. "Hysteria": "HysteriaStance.png"
  249. "Hysterical Fixation": "HystericalFixation.png"
  250. "Ice Spring": "Ice spring.png"
  251. "Ice Storm": "IceStormModU145.png"
  252. "Ice Wave Impedance": "IceWaveImpedance3.png"
  253. "Impaler Munitions": "ImpalerMunitions.png"
  254. "Incendiary Coat": "IncendiaryCoatModU145.png"
  255. "Inertia Dampeners": "InertiaDampeners.png"
  256. "Infected Clip": "InfectedClipModU145.png"
  257. "Infection Bite": "InfectiousBiteMod.png"
  258. "Infectious Injection": "InfectiousInjection.png"
  259. "Infested Impedance": "InfestedImpedanceModU145.png"
  260. "Infiltrate": "Infiltrate2.png"
  261. "Insulation": "InsulationModU145.png"
  262. "Intensify": "IntensifyModU145.png"
  263. "Intruder": "IntruderModU145.png"
  264. "Investigator": "Investigator 19.6.3.png"
  265. "Ion Infusion": "IonInfusion.png"
  266. "Iron Shrapnel": "IronShrapnel3.png"
  267. "Iron Vault": "IronVault2.png"
  268. "Irradiating Disarm": "IrradiatingDisarm3.png"
  269. "Jagged Edge": "JaggedEdgeModU145.png"
  270. "Jahu": "JahuRequiemMod.png"
  271. "Jet Stream": "JetStream3.png"
  272. "Jolt": "JoltNew.png"
  273. "Justice Blades": "JusticeBlades.png"
  274. "Khra": "KhraRequiemMod.png"
  275. "Killing Blow": "KillingBlowModU145.png"
  276. "Kinetic Collision": "KineticCollision.png"
  277. "Kinetic Friction": "KineticFriction.png"
  278. "Kinetic Ricochet": "KineticRicochetRareReup.png"
  279. "Larva Burst": "LarvaBurst.png"
  280. "Laser Deflection": "Laser Deflection.jpg"
  281. "Lasting Covenant": "LastingCovenant.png"
  282. "Lasting Purity": "LastingPurity.png"
  283. "Lasting Sting": "LastingSting.png"
  284. "Lethal Momentum": "LethalMomentum.png"
  285. "Lethal Torrent": "LethalTorrentModU145.png"
  286. "Lie In Wait": "Lieinwait.png"
  287. "Life Strike": "LifeStrikeModU145.png"
  288. "Lightning Rod": "LightningRodModU145.png"
  289. "Lingering Torment": "LingeringTorment.png"
  290. "Lock and Load": "LockandLoad.png"
  291. "Lohk": "LohkRequiemMod.png"
  292. "Loot Detector": "LootDetectorModU145.png"
  293. "Looter": "Looter.png"
  294. "Madurai Transmute Core": "MaduraiTransmuteCore.png"
  295. "Mag Locks": "MagLocks.png"
  296. "Magazine Extension": "MagazineExtension.png"
  297. "Magazine Warp": "MagazineWarpModU145.png"
  298. "Maglev": "MaglevModU145.png"
  299. "Magma Chamber": "MagmaChamber.png"
  300. "Maim": "MaimModU145.png"
  301. "Malicious Raptor": "MaliciousRaptorNew.png"
  302. "Malignant Force": "MalignantForceModU145.png"
  303. "Martial Fury": "MartialFury.png"
  304. "Master Thief": "MasterThiefModU145.png"
  305. "Measured Burst": "MeasuredBurst.png"
  306. "Mecha Empowered": "MechaEmpowered.png"
  307. "Mecha Overdrive": "MechaOverdrive.png"
  308. "Mecha Pulse": "MechaPulse.png"
  309. "Mecha Recharge": "MechaRecharge.png"
  310. "Medi-Pet Kit": "Medi-Pet_KitMod.png"
  311. "Melee Prowess": "MeleeProwessModU145.png"
  312. "Mending Splinters": "MendingSplinters.png"
  313. "Mesa's Waltz": "Mesa'sWaltz.png"
  314. "Metal Auger": "MetalAugerModU145.png"
  315. "Meteor Munitions": "MeteorMunitions.png"
  316. "Mind Freak": "MindFreak3.png"
  317. "Mischief": "Mischief 19.6.3.png"
  318. "Mobilize": "Mobilize.png"
  319. "Modified Munitions": "ModifiedMunitions.png"
  320. "Molecular Conversion": "Molecular Conversion 19.10.png"
  321. "Molten Impact": "MoltenImpactModU145.png"
  322. "Morphic Transformer": "MorphicTransformer.png"
  323. "Mortal Conduct": "MortalConduct.png"
  324. "Napalm Grenades": "NapalmGrenades.png"
  325. "Naramon Transmute Core": "NaramonTransmuteCore.png"
  326. "Narrow Minded": "NarrowMindedModU145.png"
  327. "Natural Talent": "NaturalTalentModU145.png"
  328. "Negate": "Negate.png"
  329. "Netra": "NetraRequiemMod.png"
  330. "Neutralize": "Neutralize 19.6.3.png"
  331. "Neutron Star": "NeutronStar3.png"
  332. "Night Stalker": "NightStalker.png"
  333. "Nitro Boost": "NitroBoost.png"
  334. "No Return": "NoReturnModU145.png"
  335. "North Wind": "NorthWindModU161.png"
  336. "Ore Gaze": "OreGaze.png"
  337. "Organ Shatter": "OrganShatterModU145.png"
  338. "Overcharge Detectors": "OverchargeDetectorsNew.png"
  339. "Overextended": "OverextendedModU145.png"
  340. "Overview": "Overview.png"
  341. "Pacifying Bolts": "PacifyingBolts3.png"
  342. "Parry": "ParryModU145.png"
  343. "Pathogen Rounds": "PathogenRoundsModU145.png"
  344. "Peaceful Provocation": "PeacefulProvocation2.png"
  345. "Perpetual Agony": "PerpetualAgony.png"
  346. "Phoenix Renewal": "PhoenixRenewal2.png"
  347. "Piercing Caliber": "PiercingCaliberModU145.png"
  348. "Piercing Hit": "PiercingHitModU145.png"
  349. "Piercing Step": "PiercingStep.png"
  350. "Pilfering Swarm": "PilferingSwarm.png"
  351. "Pistol Ammo Mutation": "PistolAmmoMutationModU145.png"
  352. "Pistol Gambit": "PistolGambitModU145.png"
  353. "Pistol Pestilence": "PistolPestilenceModU145.png"
  354. "Pistol Scavenger": "PistolScavengerModU145.png"
  355. "Point Blank": "PointBlankModU145.png"
  356. "Point Strike": "PointStrikeModU145.png"
  357. "Pointed Wind": "PointedWindModU145.png"
  358. "Poisonous Sting": "PoisonousSting.png"
  359. "Polar Magazine": "PolarMagazine.png"
  360. "Pool of Life": "PoolOfLife3.png"
  361. "Poppin' Vert": "PoppinVertMod.png"
  362. "Power Donation": "PowerDonation.png"
  363. "Power Throw": "PowerThrowModU145.png"
  364. "Power of Three": "PowerofThree.png"
  365. "Pressure Point": "PressurePointModU145.png"
  366. "Pressurized Magazine": "PressurisedMagazineMod.png"
  367. "Primal Fury": "PrimalFuryStance.png"
  368. "Primal Rage": "PrimalRage2.png"
  369. "Primed Ammo Stock": "PrimedAmmoStockPlaceholder.png"
  370. "Primed Bane of Corpus": "PrimedBaneOfCorpus.png"
  371. "Primed Bane of Corrupted": "PrimedBaneOfCorrupted.png"
  372. "Primed Bane of Grineer": "PrimedBaneOfGrineer.png"
  373. "Primed Bane of Infested": "PrimedBaneOfInfested.png"
  374. "Primed Chamber": "PrimedChamber.png"
  375. "Primed Charged Shell": "PrimedChargedShell.png"
  376. "Primed Cleanse Corpus": "PrimedCleanseCorpus.png"
  377. "Primed Cleanse Corrupted": "PrimedCleanseCorrupted.png"
  378. "Primed Cleanse Grineer": "PrimedCleanseGrineer.png"
  379. "Primed Cleanse Infested": "PrimedCleanseInfested.png"
  380. "Primed Continuity": "PrimedContinuity.png"
  381. "Primed Expel Corpus": "PrimedExpelCorpus.png"
  382. "Primed Expel Corrupted": "PrimedExpelCorrupted.png"
  383. "Primed Expel Grineer": "PrimedExpelGrineer.png"
  384. "Primed Expel Infested": "PrimedExpelInfested.png"
  385. "Primed Fast Hands": "PrimedFastHands.png"
  386. "Primed Flow": "PrimedFlow.png"
  387. "Primed Fury": "PrimedFury.png"
  388. "Primed Heated Charge": "PrimedHeatedCharge.png"
  389. "Primed Heavy Trauma": "PrimedHeavyTrauma.png"
  390. "Primed Morphic Transformer": "PrimedMorphicTransformer.png"
  391. "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation": "PrimedPistolAmmoMutation.png"
  392. "Primed Pistol Gambit": "PrimedPistolGambit.png"
  393. "Primed Point Blank": "PrimedPointBlank.png"
  394. "Primed Pressure Point": "Primedpressurepoint.png"
  395. "Primed Quickdraw": "PrimedQuickdraw.png"
  396. "Primed Ravage": "PrimedRavage.png"
  397. "Primed Reach": "PrimedReach.png"
  398. "Primed Regen": "Primed Regen 19.6.3.png"
  399. "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation": "PrimedRifleAmmoMutation.png"
  400. "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel": "PrimedRubedoLinedBarrel.png"
  401. "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation": "PrimedShotgunAmmoMutation.png"
  402. "Primed Shred": "Primed Shred.png"
  403. "Primed Slip Magazine": "PrimedSlipMagazine.png"
  404. "Primed Smite Corpus": "PrimedSmiteCorpus.png"
  405. "Primed Smite Corrupted": "PrimedSmiteCorrupted.png"
  406. "Primed Smite Grineer": "PrimedSmiteGrineer.png"
  407. "Primed Smite Infested": "PrimedSmiteInfested.png"
  408. "Primed Sure Footed": "Primed Sure Footed.png"
  409. "Primed Target Cracker": "PrimedTargetCracker.png"
  410. "Primed Vigor": "Primed Vigor.png"
  411. "Prism Guard": "PrismGuard.png"
  412. "Prolonged Paralysis": "ProlongedParalysis3.png"
  413. "Protect": "Protect 19.6.3.png"
  414. "Provoked": "ProvokedModU145.png"
  415. "Pummel": "Pummel.png"
  416. "Purging Slash": "PurgingSlash.png"
  417. "Purifying Flames": "PurifyingFlames.png"
  418. "Push & Pull": "PushandPull.png"
  419. "Quick Charge": "QuickCharge.png"
  420. "Quick Reload": "QuickReload.png"
  421. "Quick Return": "QuickReturnModU145.png"
  422. "Quick Thinking": "QuickThinkingNew.png"
  423. "Quickdraw": "QuickdrawModU145.png"
  424. "Quickening": "QuickeningModU145.png"
  425. "Radiant Finish": "RadiantFinish4.png"
  426. "Rage": "RageModU145.png"
  427. "Rail Guards": "RailGuards.png"
  428. "Rapid Resilience": "RapidResilience.png"
  429. "Ravage": "RavageModU145.png"
  430. "Razor Munitions": "RazorMunitions.png"
  431. "Razor Shot": "RazorShotModU145.png"
  432. "Razorwing Blitz": "RazorwingBlitz.png"
  433. "Reach": "ReachModU145.png"
  434. "Reaping Chakram": "ReapingChakram.png"
  435. "Reaping Spiral": "ReapingSpiralModU145.png"
  436. "Reawaken": "Reawaken.png"
  437. "Rebound": "ReboundModU145.png"
  438. "Recharge Barrier": "RechargeBarrier.png"
  439. "Redirection": "RedirectionModU145.png"
  440. "Reflect": "Reflect 19.6.3.png"
  441. "Reflection": "ReflectionModU17.png"
  442. "Reflex Coil": "ReflexCoilModU145.png"
  443. "Reflex Draw": "ReflexDraw.png"
  444. "Reflex Guard": "ReflexGuardModU145.png"
  445. "Regen": "Regen 19.6.3.png"
  446. "Regenerative Molt": "RegenerativeMolt3.png"
  447. "Rejuvenation": "RejuvenationModU145.png"
  448. "Rending Crane": "RendingCraneModU145.png"
  449. "Rending Strike": "RendingStrikeModU145.png"
  450. "Repelling Bastille": "RepellingBastille4.png"
  451. "Resilient Focus": "Resilient_Focus.png"
  452. "Resonance": "Resonance3.png"
  453. "Retarget": "Retarget 19.10.png"
  454. "Retribution": "RetributionModU145.png"
  455. "Revenge": "Revenge 19.6.3.png"
  456. "Rifle Ammo Mutation": "RifleAmmoMutationModU145.png"
  457. "Rifle Amp": "RifleAmpModU145.png"
  458. "Rifle Aptitude": "RifleAptitudeModU145.png"
  459. "Rifle Scavenger": "RifleScavengerModU145.png"
  460. "Rift Haven": "Haven3.png"
  461. "Rift Torrent": "Rift_Torrent_3.png"
  462. "Rime Rounds": "RimeRoundsModU145.png"
  463. "Ripper Rounds": "RipperRounds.png"
  464. "Ris": "RisRequiemMod.png"
  465. "Rising Skill": "RisingSkill.png"
  466. "Rolling Guard": "RollingGuard.png"
  467. "Rubedo-Lined Barrel": "RubedoLinedBarrel.png"
  468. "Ruinous Extension": "RuinousExtension.png"
  469. "Rumbled": "Rumbled.png"
  470. "Rupture": "RuptureModU145.png"
  471. "Rush": "RushModU145.png"
  472. "Sacrificial Pressure": "SacrificialPressure.png"
  473. "Safeguard Switch": "SafeguardSwitch3.png"
  474. "Sanctuary": "Sanctuary 19.6.3.png"
  475. "Sapping Reach": "SappingReach.png"
  476. "Savage Silence": "SavageSilence3.png"
  477. "Savagery": "SavageryModU145.png"
  478. "Sawtooth Clip": "SawtoothClipModU145.png"
  479. "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms": "ScanAquaticLifeforms.jpg"
  480. "Scan Matter": "ScanMatter.png"
  481. "Scattered Justice": "ScatteredJustice.png"
  482. "Scattering Inferno": "ScatteringInfernoModU145.png"
  483. "Scavenge": "ScavengeMod.png‎"
  484. "Scorch": "ScorchModU145.png"
  485. "Searing Steel": "SearingSteel.png"
  486. "Secondary Wind": "SecondaryWind.png"
  487. "Seeker": "SeekerModU145.png"
  488. "Seeking Force": "SeekingForceModU145.png"
  489. "Seeking Fury": "SeekingFury2.png"
  490. "Seeking Shuriken": "SeekingShuriken3.png"
  491. "Seismic Palm": "SeismicPalmModU145.png"
  492. "Self Destruct": "SelfDestructModU145.png"
  493. "Sequence Burn": "SequenceBurn.png"
  494. "Serene Storm": "SereneStormStance.png"
  495. "Serrated Edges": "Serratededges.png"
  496. "Serrated Rounds": "Serratedr.png"
  497. "Serration": "SerrationModU145.png"
  498. "Sharpened Blade": "Sharpenedblade.png"
  499. "Sharpened Claws": "Sharpened Claws 19.6.3.png"
  500. "Sharpshooter": "Sharpshooter.png"
  501. "Shattering Justice": "ShatteringJustice.png"
  502. "Shattering Storm": "ShatteringStormModU145.png"
  503. "Shell Compression": "ShellCompressionModU145.png"
  504. "Shell Rush": "ShellRush.png"
  505. "Shell Shock": "ShellShockModU145.png"
  506. "Shelter": "Shelter 19.6.3.png"
  507. "Shield Disruption": "ShieldDisruptionNew.png"
  508. "Shield Overload": "ShieldOverload.png"
  509. "Shield Transference": "ShieldTransference2.png"
  510. "Shield of Shadows": "ShieldOfShadows2.png"
  511. "Shimmering Blight": "ShimmeringBlightModU145.png"
  512. "Shock Absorbers": "ShockAbsorbersModU145.png"
  513. "Shocking Speed": "ShockingSpeed2.png"
  514. "Shocking Touch": "ShockingTouchModU145.png"
  515. "Shotgun Ammo Mutation": "ShotgunAmmoMutationModU145.png"
  516. "Shotgun Savvy": "ShotgunSavvyModU145.png"
  517. "Shotgun Scavenger": "ShotgunScavengerModU145.png"
  518. "Shotgun Spazz": "ShotgunSpazzModU145.png"
  519. "Shrapnel Rounds": "ShrapnelRounds.png"
  520. "Shred": "ShredNew.png"
  521. "Shred Shot": "Sshot.png"
  522. "Shredder": "ShredderModU145.png"
  523. "Signal Flare": "SignalFlare.png"
  524. "Singularity": "Singularity.png"
  525. "Sinister Reach": "SinisterReach.png"
  526. "Sinking Talon": "SinkingTalon.png"
  527. "Skull Shots": "SkullShots.png"
  528. "Slay Board": "SlayBoard.png"
  529. "Slip Magazine": "SlipMagazineModU145.png"
  530. "Smite Corpus": "SmiteCorpusModU145.png"
  531. "Smite Grineer": "SmiteGrineerModU145.png"
  532. "Smite Infested": "SmiteInfestedModU145.png"
  533. "Snap Shot": "SnapShot.png"
  534. "Sniper Ammo Mutation": "SniperAmmoMutationModU145.png"
  535. "Sniper Scavenger": "SniperScavengerModU145.png"
  536. "Soft Hands": "SoftHands.png"
  537. "Sonic Boost": "SonicBoost.png"
  538. "Soul Survivor": "SoulSurvivor3.png"
  539. "Spare Parts": "SparePartsModU145.png"
  540. "Speed Trigger": "SpeedTriggerNew.png"
  541. "Split Chamber": "SplitChamberModU145.png"
  542. "Spoiled Strike": "SpoiledStrikeModU145.png"
  543. "Spring-Loaded Blade": "Spring-LoadedBladeMod.png "
  544. "Spring-Loaded Broadhead": "SpringLoadedBroadhead.png"
  545. "Spry Sights": "SprySights.png"
  546. "Stabilizer": "StabilizerModU145.png"
  547. "Staggering Shield": "StaggeringShield2.png"
  548. "Stalk": "Stalk 19.6.3.png"
  549. "Stalking Fan": "StalkingFanNew.png"
  550. "Stand Ground": "Standground.png"
  551. "Static Alacrity": "StaticAlacrity.png"
  552. "Steady Hands": "SteadyHandsModU145.png"
  553. "Stealth Drift": "Stealth_Driftv3.png"
  554. "Steel Charge": "SteelChargeModU145.png"
  555. "Steel Fiber": "SteelFiberModU145.png"
  556. "Stinging Truth": "StingingTruth.png"
  557. "Stormbringer": "StormbringerModU145.png"
  558. "Strafing Slide": "StrafingSlide.png"
  559. "Streamline": "StreamlineModU145.png"
  560. "Stretch": "StretchModU145.png"
  561. "Striker": "Striker 19.6.3.png"
  562. "Stunning Speed": "StunningSpeedModU145.png"
  563. "Sudden Impact": "SuddenImpact.png"
  564. "Sudden Justice": "Sudden_Justice.png"
  565. "Sundering Strike": "SunderingStrikeModU145.png"
  566. "Sundering Weave": "SunderingWeaveModU145.png"
  567. "Superior Defenses": "SuperiorDefenses.png"
  568. "Suppress": "SuppressModU145.png"
  569. "Sure Footed": "SureFootedModU145.png"
  570. "Sure Shot": "SureShotModU145.png"
  571. "Surging Dash": "SurgingDash3.png"
  572. "Surplus Diverters": "SurplusDiverters.png"
  573. "Sweeping Serration": "SweepingSerrationModU145.png"
  574. "Swift Deth": "Swift Deth 19.6.3.png"
  575. "Swing Line": "SwingLine3.png"
  576. "Sword Alone": "SwordAlone.png"
  577. "Synth Charge": "SynthCharge.png"
  578. "Synth Deconstruct": "SynthDeconstruct.png"
  579. "Synth Fiber": "SynthFiber.png"
  580. "Synth Reflex": "SynthReflex.png"
  581. "System Reroute": "SystemReroute.png"
  582. "Tactical Pump": "TacticalPumpModU145.png"
  583. "Tactical Reload": "TacticalReload.png"
  584. "Tactical Retreat": "TacticalRetreat.png"
  585. "Tainted Clip": "TaintedClipModU145.png"
  586. "Tainted Mag": "TaintedMagModU145.png"
  587. "Tainted Shell": "TaintedShellModU145.png"
  588. "Target Cracker": "TargetCrackerModU145.png"
  589. "Targeting Receptor": "Targeting Receptor 19.6.3.png"
  590. "Tear Gas": "TearGas.png"
  591. "Tectonic Fracture": "TectonicFracture2.png"
  592. "Tek Assault": "TekAssault.png"
  593. "Tek Collateral": "TekCollateral.png"
  594. "Tek Enhance": "TekEnhance.png"
  595. "Tek Gravity": "TekGravity.png"
  596. "Tempered Blade": "TemperedBlade.png"
  597. "Tempered Bound": "TemperedBound.png"
  598. "Tempo Royale": "TempoRoyale.png"
  599. "Terminal Velocity": "TerminalVelocity.png"
  600. "Thermite Rounds": "ThermiteRoundsModU145.png"
  601. "Thief's Wit": "ThiefsWitModU145.png"
  602. "Thrash Landing": "ThrashLanding.png"
  603. "Thumper": "Thumper 19.6.3.png"
  604. "Thunderbolt": "ThunderboltModU145.png"
  605. "Thundermiter": "Thundermiter.png"
  606. "Toxic Barrage": "ToxicBarrageModU145.png"
  607. "Toxic Blight": "ToxicBlight.png"
  608. "Toxic Sequence": "ToxicSequence.png"
  609. "Trail Blazer": "TrailBlazer.png"
  610. "Transient Fortitude": "TransientFortitude.png"
  611. "Trick Mag": "TrickMagModU145.png"
  612. "Triple Tap": "Triple_Tap.png"
  613. "Twitch": "Twitch.png"
  614. "Umbral Fiber": "UmbralFiber.png"
  615. "Umbral Intensify": "UmbralIntensify.png"
  616. "Umbral Vitality": "UmbralVitality.png"
  617. "Undying Will": "UndyingWillModU145.png"
  618. "Unleashed": "Unleashed 19.6.3.png"
  619. "Untraceable": "UntracableMod.png"
  620. "Vacuum": "Vacuum 19.6.3.png"
  621. "Vampire Leech": "VampireLeech2.png"
  622. "Vaporize": "Vaporize 19.6.3.png"
  623. "Vazarin Transmute Core": "VazarinTransmuteCore.png"
  624. "Venerdo Hoverdrive": "VenerdoHoverdrive.png"
  625. "Venomous Clip": "VenomousClip.png"
  626. "Vermillion Storm": "VermillionStorm.png"
  627. "Vexing Retaliation": "VexingRetaliation2.png"
  628. "Vicious Frost": "ViciousFrostModU145.png"
  629. "Vicious Spread": "ViciousSpreadModU145.png"
  630. "Vigor": "VigorModU145.png"
  631. "Vigorous Swap": "VigorousSwap.png"
  632. "Vile Acceleration": "VileAccelerationNew.png"
  633. "Vile Precision": "VilePrecisionModU145.png"
  634. "Virulent Scourge": "VirulentScourgeModU145.png"
  635. "Vital Sense": "VitalSenseModU145.png"
  636. "Vital Systems Bypass": "Vitalsystemsbypass.png"
  637. "Vitality": "VitalityModU145.png"
  638. "Volcanic Edge": "VolcanicEdgeModU145.png"
  639. "Voltaic Strike": "VoltaicStrikeModU145.png"
  640. "Vome": "VomeRequiemMod.png"
  641. "Vulpine Mask": "VulpineMask.png"
  642. "Ward Recovery": "WardRecovery.png"
  643. "Warm Coat": "WarmCoatModU145.png"
  644. "Warrior": "Warrior 19.6.3.png"
  645. "Whirlwind": "WhirlwindModU145.png"
  646. "Wild Frenzy": "WildFrenzy.png"
  647. "Wildfire": "WildfireModU145.png"
  648. "Winds of Purity": "Winds of Purity 19.9.1.png"
  649. "Xata": "XataRequiemMod.png"
  650. "Zazvat-Kar": "Zazvat-Kar.png"

Validating mod incompatibility graphs for circular references

p.validateIncompatibilityEdges(frame): There are a total of 0 Incompatible table errors


  1. https://warframe.fandom.com/f/p/2290994351439873490
  2. Jeloxale (2014, September 12). I've talked to a DE member about this but it takes too long. Only option for them is to go trough them 1 by 1 and screencap everything. That's how they did it the last time, but this time it ain't gonna work.. Warframe Forums. Accessed 2022-10-06. Archived from the original on 2022-10-06. User:Jeloxale, former wiki moderator, commenting on DE's old way of providing full mod image assets.

Mod Data

--Database for Module:Mods --
--go away error messages

-- For inserting new mods in alphabetical order, CTRL + F "-- <letters> --" (e.g. CTRL F "-- PR --" or "-- Z --")

    ["Mod Name"] = {
        Image = "ModImage.png",
        Name = "Mod Name",
        Introduced = "29",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,

local ModData = {
["IgnoreInCount"] = {"Affinity Amp", "Electrical Resistance", "Fire Resistance", "Frost Insulation", "Laser Deflection", "Fusion Core", "Ancient Fusion Core", "Warrior", "Swift Deth", "Striker", "Retarget", "Cannonade"},
["Mods"] = {
    -- A --
    ["Abating Link"] = {
        Image = "AbatingLink3.png",
        Name = "Abating Link",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Abundant Mutation"] = {
        Image = "AbundantMutationMod.png",
        Name = "Abundant Mutation",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Accelerated Blast"] = {
        Image = "AcceleratedBlastModU145.png",
        Introduced = "9",
        Name = "Accelerated Blast",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Accelerated Deflection"] = {
        Image = "AcceleratedDeflectionMod.png",
        Name = "Accelerated Deflection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Accumulating Whipclaw"] = {
        Image = "AccumulatingWhipclaw.png",
        Name = "Accumulating Whipclaw",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Acid Shells"] = {
        Image = "AcidShellsMod.png",
        Name = "Acid Shells",
        Introduced = "18.10",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Acidic Spittle"] = {
        Image = "AcidicSpittleMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Acidic Spittle",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Adaptation"] = {
        Image = "Adaptation.png",
        Name = "Adaptation",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Adept Surge"] = {
        Image = "AdeptSurge.png",
        Introduced = "17.8",
        Name = "Adept Surge",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Adhesive Blast"] = {
        Image = "AdhesiveBlastMod.png",
        Name = "Adhesive Blast",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Adrenaline Boost"] = {
        Image = "AdrenalineBoost.png",
        Name = "Adrenaline Boost",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Aerial Ace"] = {
        Image = "AerialAceMod.png",
        Name = "Aerial Ace",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Aero Agility"] = {
        Image = "AeroAgilityMod.png",
        Name = "Aero Agility",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Aero Periphery"] = {
        Image = "AeroPeripheryMod.png",
        Name = "Aero Periphery",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Aero Vantage"] = {
        Image = "AeroVantageMod.png",
        Name = "Aero Vantage",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Aerodynamic"] = {
        Image = "AerodynamicMod.png",
        Name = "Aerodynamic",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Affinity Amp"] = {
        Image = "AffinityAmpMod.png",
        Name = "Affinity Amp",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Afterburn"] = {
        Image = "Afterburn2.png",
        Name = "Afterburn",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Afterburner"] = {
        Image = "Afterburner.png",
        Name = "Afterburner",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Agile Aim"] = {
        Image = "AgileAim.png",
        Name = "Agile Aim",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Agility Drift"] = {
        Image = "Agility_Drift.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Agility Drift",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Air Recon"] = {
        Image = "AirRecon.png",
        Name = "Air Recon",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Air Thrusters"] = {
        Image = "AirThrusters.png",
        Name = "Air Thrusters",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Air Time"] = {
        Image = "AirTime.png",
        Name = "Air Time",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamArgonakMetalAugerMod.png",
        Introduced = "25",
        Name = "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Barrel Diffusion"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamBarrelDiffusionMod.png",
        Introduced = "24.4",
        Name = "Amalgam Barrel Diffusion",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamDaikyuTargetAcquiredMod.png",
        Introduced = "25",
        Name = "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Furax Body Count"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamFuraxBodyCountMod.png",
        Introduced = "25",
        Name = "Amalgam Furax Body Count",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamJavlokMagazineWarpMod.png",
        Introduced = "25",
        Name = "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Organ Shatter"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamOrganShatterMod.png",
        Introduced = "24.4",
        Name = "Amalgam Organ Shatter",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Ripkas True Steel"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamRipkasTrueSteelMod.png",
        Introduced = "25",
        Name = "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Shotgun Spazz"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamShotgunSpazzMod.png",
        Introduced = "24.4",
        Name = "Amalgam Shotgun Spazz",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Amalgam Serration"] = {
        Image = "AmalgamSerrationMod.png",
        Introduced = "24.4",
        Name = "Amalgam Serration",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Amalgam",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ambush"] = {
        Image = "Ambush.png",
        Name = "Ambush",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ambush Optics"] = {
        Image = "AmbushOptics.png",
        Name = "Ambush Optics",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ammo Case"] = {
        Image = "Ammo Case 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Ammo Case",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ammo Chain"] = {
        Image = "AmmoChain.png",
        Introduced = "24.2",
        Name = "Ammo Chain",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Ammo Drum"] = {
        Image = "AmmoDrumModU145.png",
        Name = "Ammo Drum",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Ammo Stock"] = {
        Image = "AmmoStockModU145.png",
        Introduced = "0",
        Name = "Ammo Stock",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Anabolic Pollination"] = {
        Image = "AnabolicPollinationMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Anabolic Pollination",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ancient Fusion Core"] = {
        Image = "UncommonAncientFusionCore.png",
        Name = "Ancient Fusion Core",
        Polarity = "Core",
        Rarity = "Common<br>Uncommon<br>Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Anchored Glide"] = {
        Image = "AnchoredGlideMod.png",
        Name = "Anchored Glide",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Anemic Agility"] = {
        Image = "AnemicAgilityMod.png",
        Name = "Anemic Agility",
        Introduced = "15",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Animal Instinct"] = {
        Image = "AnimalInstinctMod.png",
        Name = "Animal Instinct",
        Introduced = "16.10.1",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Anticipation"] = {
        Image = "Anti.PNG",
        Name = "Anticipation",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Anti-Flak Plating"] = {
        Image = "Anti-FlakPlatingMod.png",
        Name = "Anti-Flak Plating",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Anti-Grav Array"] = {
        Image = "Anti-GravArrayMod.png",
        Name = "Anti-Grav Array",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Anti-Grav Grenade"] = {
        Image = "Anti-GravGrenade.png",
        Name = "Anti-Grav Grenade",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Antimatter Absorb"] = {
        Image = "AntimatterAbsorb2.png",
        Name = "Antimatter Absorb",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Antimatter Mine"] = {
        Image = "AntimatterMine.png",
        Name = "Antimatter Mine",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Antitoxin"] = {
        Image = "AntitoxinMod.png",
        Link = "Antitoxin (Mod)",
        Name = "Antitoxin",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Apex Predator"] = {
        Image = "ApexPredatorMod.png",
        Name = "Apex Predator",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Arc Coil"] = {
        Image = "Arc Coil 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Arc Coil",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Archgun Ace"] = {
        Image = "Arch-GunAceMod.png",
        Name = "Archgun Ace",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Argent Scourge"] = {
        Image = "ArgentScourgeMod.png",
        Name = "Argent Scourge",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Argon Plating"] = {
        Image = "ArgonPlating.png",
        Name = "Argon Plating",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Argon Scope"] = {
        Image = "ArgonScopeMod.png",
        Name = "Argon Scope",
        Introduced = "18.4.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Armored Acrobatics"] = {
        Image = "ArmoredAcrobatics.png",
        Name = "Armored Acrobatics",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Armored Agility"] = {
        Image = "ArmoredAgilityNew.png",
        Name = "Armored Agility",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Armored Evade"] = {
        Image = "ArmoredEvade.png",
        Name = "Armored Evade",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Armored Recovery"] = {
        Image = "ArmoredRecovery.png",
        Name = "Armored Recovery",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Arrow Mutation"] = {
        Image = "ArrowMutationModU145.png",
        Name = "Arrow Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Assault Mode"] = {
        Image = "AssaultMode.png",
        Name = "Assault Mode",
        Introduced = "24",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Assimilate"] = {
        Image = "Assimilate2.png",
        Name = "Assimilate",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Astral Autopsy"] = {
        Image = "AstralAutopsyMod.png",
        Name = "Astral Autopsy",
        Introduced = "19.8",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Astral Slash"] = {
        Image = "AstralSlashMod.png",
        Name = "Astral Slash",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Astral Twilight"] = {
        Image = "AstralTwilight.png",
        Name = "Astral Twilight",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Atlantis Vulcan"] = {
        Image = "AtlantisVulcan.png",
        Name = "Atlantis Vulcan",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Auger Strike"] = {
        Image = "AugerStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Auger Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Augur Accord"] = {
        Image = "AugurAccordMod.png",
        Name = "Augur Accord",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Augur Message"] = {
        Image = "AugurMessageMod.png",
        Name = "Augur Message",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Augur Pact"] = {
        Image = "AugurPactMod.png",
        Name = "Augur Pact",
        Introduced = "22",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Augur Reach"] = {
        Image = "AugurReachMod.png",
        Name = "Augur Reach",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Augur Secrets"] = {
        Image = "AugurSecretsMod.png",
        Name = "Augur Secrets",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Augur Seeker"] = {
        Image = "AugurSeekerMod.png",
        Name = "Augur Seeker",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Auto Breach"] = {
        Image = "AutoBreachMod.png",
        Name = "Auto Breach",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Automatic Trigger"] = {
        Image = "AutomaticTriggerMod.png",
        Name = "Automatic Trigger",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Auxiliary Power"] = {
        Image = "AuxiliaryPowerMod.png",
        Name = "Auxiliary Power",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Avenging Truth"] = {
        Image = "AvengingTruthMod.png",
        Name = "Avenging Truth",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Aviator"] = {
        Image = "AviatorMod.png",
        Name = "Aviator",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- B --
    ["Balefire Surge"] = {
        Image = "BalefireSurgeMod.png",
        Name = "Balefire Surge",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ballista Measure"] = {
        Image = "BallistaMeasureMod.png",
        Name = "Ballista Measure",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ballistic Bullseye"] = {
        Image = "BallisticBullseye3.png",
        Name = "Ballistic Bullseye",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bane of Corpus"] = {
        Image = "BaneOfCorpusModU145.png",
        Name = "Bane of Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Bane of Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "BaneOfCorruptedMod.png",
        Name = "Bane of Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Bane of Grineer"] = {
        Image = "BaneOfGrineerModU145.png",
        Name = "Bane of Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Bane of Infested"] = {
        Image = "BaneOfInfestedModU145.png",
        Name = "Bane of Infested",
        Introduced = "9",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Barrel Diffusion"] = {
        Image = "BarrelDiffusionModU145.png",
        Name = "Barrel Diffusion",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Battering Maneuver"] = {
        Image = "BatteringManeuver.png",
        Name = "Battering Maneuver",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Beguiling Lantern"] = {
        Image = "BeguilingLanternMod.png",
        Name = "Beguiling Lantern",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Berserker"] = {
        Image = "BerserkerModU145.png",
        Name = "Berserker",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Bhisaj-Bal"] = {
        Image = "Bhisaj-BalMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Bhisaj-Bal",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bite"] = {
        Image = "BiteMod.png",
        Name = "Bite",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Biting Piranha"] = {
        Image = "BitingPiranhaMod.png",
        Name = "Biting Piranha",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blade of Truth"] = {
        Image = "BladeofTruth.png",
        Name = "Blade of Truth",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bladed Rounds"] = {
        Image = "BladedRoundsMod.png",
        Name = "Bladed Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blast Shield"] = {
        Image = "BlastShieldMod.png",
        Name = "Blast Shield",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blaze"] = {
        Image = "BlazeModU145.png",
        Name = "Blaze",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blazing Pillage"] = {
        Image = "BlazingPillageMod.png",
        Name = "Blazing Pillage",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blazing Steel"] = {
        Image = "BlazingSteel.png",
        Name = "Blazing Steel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Bleeding Edge"] = {
        Image = "BleedingEdge.png",
        Name = "Bleeding Edge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Bleeding Willow"] = {
        Image = "BleedingWillowModU145.png",
        Name = "Bleeding Willow",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Blind Justice"] = {
        Image = "BlindJusticeMod.png",
        Name = "Blind Justice",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Blind Rage"] = {
        Image = "BlindRageModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Name = "Blind Rage",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blind Shot"] = {
        Image = "BlindShotMod.png",
        Name = "Blind Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blinding Reave"] = {
        Image = "BlindingReaveMod.png",
        Name = "Blinding Reave",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blood For Ammo"] = {
        Image = "BloodForAmmoMod.png",
        Name = "Blood For Ammo",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Blood For Energy"] = {
        Image = "BloodForEnergyMod.png",
        Name = "Blood For Energy",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Blood For Life"] = {
        Image = "BloodForLifeMod.png",
        Name = "Blood For Life",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Blood Forge"] = {
        Image = "BloodForgeMod.png",
        Name = "Blood Forge",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blood Rush"] = {
        Image = "BloodRushMod.png",
        Name = "Blood Rush",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Blunderbuss"] = {
        Image = "BlunderbussModU145.png",
        Name = "Blunderbuss",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Body Count"] = {
        Image = "BodyCountMod.png",
        Name = "Body Count",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bomb The Landin'"] = {
        Image = "BombTheLandin'Mod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Bomb The Landin'",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bore"] = {
        Image = "BoreModU145.png",
        Name = "Bore",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Botanist"] = {
        Image = "BotanistMod.png",
        Name = "Botanist",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bounty Hunter"] = {
        Image = "BountyHunter.png",
        Name = "Bounty Hunter",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Brain Storm"] = {
        Image = "Brainstorm.png",
        Name = "Brain Storm",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Breach Loader"] = {
        Image = "BreachLoaderModU145.png",
        Name = "Breach Loader",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Brief Respite"] = {
        Image = "BriefRespiteMod.png",
        Name = "Brief Respite",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Bright Purity"] = {
        Image = "BrightPurity.png",
        Name = "Bright Purity",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Broad Eye"] = {
        Image = "BroadEye.png",
        Name = "Broad Eye",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Brutal Tide"] = {
        Image = "BrutalTideNew.png",
        Name = "Brutal Tide",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Bullet Dance"] = {
        Image = "BulletDanceMod.png",
        Name = "Bullet Dance",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Burdened Magazine"] = {
        Image = "BurdenedMagazineModU145.png",
        Name = "Burdened Magazine",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Burning Wasp"] = {
        Image = "BurningWaspModU145.png",
        Name = "Burning Wasp",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Bursting Mass"] = {
        Image = "BurstingMass.png",
        Name = "Bursting Mass",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Buzz Kill"] = {
        Image = "BuzzKillModU145.png",
        Name = "Buzz Kill",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- C --
    ["Calculated Redirection"] = {
        Image = "CalculatedRedirectionMod.png",
        Name = "Calculated Redirection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Calculated Shot"] = {
        Image = "Calculated Shot 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Calculated Shot",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Calculated Spring"] = {
        Image = "CalculatedSpring.png",
        Name = "Calculated Spring",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Calculated Victory"] = {
        Image = "CalculatedVictoryMod.png",
        Name = "Calculated Victory",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Calm & Frenzy"] = {
        Image = "Calm&Frenzy2.png",
        Name = "Calm & Frenzy",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Cannonade"] = {
        Image = "Cannonade.png",
        Name = "Cannonade",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Capacitance"] = {
        Image = "Capacitance2.png",
        Name = "Capacitance",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Carnis Carapace"] = {
        Image = "CarnisCarapaceMod.png",
        Name = "Carnis Carapace",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Carnis Mandible"] = {
        Image = "CarnisMandibleMod.png",
        Name = "Carnis Mandible",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Carnis Stinger"] = {
        Image = "CarnisStingerMod.png",
        Name = "Carnis Stinger",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Carving Mantis"] = {
        Image = "CarvingMantisMod.png",
        Name = "Carving Mantis",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Cataclysmic Continuum"] = {
        Image = "CataclysmicContinuum2.png",
        Name = "Cataclysmic Continuum",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Catalyzer Link"] = {
        Image = "CatalyzerLinkMod.png",
        Name = "Catalyzer Link",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Catapult"] = {
        Image = "CatapultMod.png",
        Name = "Catapult",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Cat's Eye"] = {
        Image = "Cat's Eye 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Cat's Eye",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Cautious Shot"] = {
        Image = "CautiousShot.png",
        Introduced = "23.10",
        Name = "Cautious Shot",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Celestial Nightfall"] = {
        Image = "CelestialNightfallMod.png",
        Name = "Celestial Nightfall",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Celestial Stomp"] = {
        Image = "CelestialStompMod.png",
        Name = "Celestial Stomp",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Chaos Sphere"] = {
        Image = "ChaosSphere2.png",
        Name = "Chaos Sphere",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Charged Bullets"] = {
        Image = "ChargedBulletsMod.png",
        Name = "Charged Bullets",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Charged Chamber"] = {
        Image = "ChargedChamberModU145.png",
        Name = "Charged Chamber",
        Introduced = "8",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Charged Shell"] = {
        Image = "ChargedShellModU145.png",
        Name = "Charged Shell",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Charm"] = {
        Image = "Charm 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Charm",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Chilling Globe"] = {
        Image = "ChillingGlobe2.png",
        Name = "Chilling Globe",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Chilling Grasp"] = {
        Image = "ChillingGraspModU161.png",
        Name = "Chilling Grasp",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Chilling Reload"] = {
        Image = "ChillingReloadMod.png",
        Name = "Chilling Reload",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Chromatic Blade"] = {
        Image = "ChromaticBladeMod.png",
        Name = "Chromatic Blade",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Clashing Forest"] = {
        Image = "ClashingForestModU145.png",
        Name = "Clashing Forest",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Cleanse Corpus"] = {
        Image = "CleanseCorpusModU145.png",
        Name = "Cleanse Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Cleanse Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "CleanseCorruptedMod.png",
        Name = "Cleanse Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Cleanse Grineer"] = {
        Image = "CleanseGrineerModU145.png",
        Name = "Cleanse Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Cleanse Infested"] = {
        Image = "CleanseInfestedModU145.png",
        Name = "Cleanse Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Cleaving Whirlwind"] = {
        Image = "CleavingWhirlwindModU145.png",
        Name = "Cleaving Whirlwind",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Coaction Drift"] = {
        Image = "Coaction drift.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Coaction Drift",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Coiling Viper"] = {
        Image = "CoilingViperModU145.png",
        Name = "Coiling Viper",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Cold Arrival"] = {
        Image = "ColdArrivalMod.png",
        Name = "Cold Arrival",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Cold Snap"] = {
        Image = "Cold Snap.png",
        Name = "Cold Snap",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Collision Force"] = {
        Image = "CollisionForce.png",
        Name = "Collision Force",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Combat Discipline"] = {
        Image = "CombatDisciplineMod.png",
        Name = "Combat Discipline",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Combo Fury"] = {
        Image = "ComboFuryMod.png",
        Introduced = "29.2.3",
        Name = "Combo Fury",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Combo Killer"] = {
        Image = "ComboKillerMod.png",
        Introduced = "29.3.2",
        Name = "Combo Killer",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Combustion Beam"] = {
        Image = "CombustionBeamMod.png",
        Name = "Combustion Beam",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Combustion Rounds"] = {
        Image = "CombustionRounds.png",
        Name = "Combustion Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Comet Blast"] = {
        Image = "CometBlastMod.png",
        Name = "Comet Blast",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Comet Rounds"] = {
        Image = "CometRounds.png",
        Name = "Comet Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Concealed Explosives"] = {
        Image = "Conceled explosives.png",
        Name = "Concealed Explosives",
        Introduced = "17",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Concentrated Arrow"] = {
        Image = "ConcentratedArrow.png",
        Name = "Concentrated Arrow",
        Introduced = "22.17.3",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Concussion Rounds"] = {
        Image = "ConcussionRoundsModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Concussion Rounds",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Condition Overload"] = {
        Image = "ConditionOverloadMod.png",
        Name = "Condition Overload",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Conductor"] = {
        Image = "Conductor.png",
        Name = "Conductor",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Constitution"] = {
        Image = "ConstitutionModU145.png",
        Name = "Constitution",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Contagion Cloud"] = {
        Image = "ContagionCloudMod.png",
        Name = "Contagion Cloud",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Contagious Spread"] = {
        Image = "ContagiousSpreadModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Contagious Spread",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Contamination Casing"] = {
        Image = "ContaminationCasingMod.png",
        Name = "Contamination Casing",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Continuity"] = {
        Image = "ContinuityModU145.png",
        Name = "Continuity",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Continuous Misery"] = {
        Image = "ContinuousMisery.png",
        Name = "Continuous Misery",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Controlled Slide"] = {
        Image = "ControlledSlideMod.png",
        Name = "Controlled Slide",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Convulsion"] = {
        Image = "ConvulsionModU145.png",
        Name = "Convulsion",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Coolant Leak"] = {
        Image = "Coolant Leak 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Coolant Leak",
        Introduced = "10",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Corroding Barrage"] = {
        Image = "CorrodingBarrageMod.png",
        Name = "Corroding Barrage",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Corrosive Projection"] = {
        Image = "CorrosiveProjectionModU145.png",
        Name = "Corrosive Projection",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Corrupt Charge"] = {
        Image = "CorruptChargeModU145.png",
        Name = "Corrupt Charge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Counter Pulse"] = {
        Image = "CounterPulseMod.png",
        Name = "Counter Pulse",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Counterweight"] = {
        Image = "Counterweight.png",
        Name = "Counterweight",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Covert Lethality"] = {
        Image = "CovertLethalityNew.png",
        Name = "Covert Lethality",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Crash Course"] = {
        Image = "CrashCourse.png",
        Name = "Crash Course",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Crash Shot"] = {
        Image = "Cshot.png",
        Name = "Crash Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Crashing Havoc"] = {
        Image = "CrashingHavocMod.png",
        Name = "Crashing Havoc",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Crashing Timber"] = {
        Image = "CrashingTimberMod.png",
        Name = "Crashing Timber",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Creeping Bullseye"] = {
        Image = "CreepingBullseye.png",
        Name = "Creeping Bullseye",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Creeping Terrify"] = {
        Image = "CreepingTerrify2.png",
        Name = "Creeping Terrify",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Crescent Charge"] = {
        Image = "CrescentChargeMod.png",
        Name = "Crescent Charge",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Crescent Devolution"] = {
        Image = "CrescentDevolutionMod.png",
        Name = "Crescent Devolution",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Crimson Dervish"] = {
        Image = "CrimsonDervishMod.png",
        Name = "Crimson Dervish",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Critical Deceleration"] = {
        Image = "CriticalDeceleration.png",
        Name = "Critical Deceleration",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Critical Delay"] = {
        Image = "CriticalDelayNew.png",
        Name = "Critical Delay",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Critical Focus"] = {
        Image = "CriticalFocusMod.png",
        Name = "Critical Focus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Crossing Snakes"] = {
        Image = "CrossingSnakesMod.png",
        Name = "Crossing Snakes",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Crowd Dispersion"] = {
        Image = "Crowd Dispersion 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Crowd Dispersion",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Crushing Ruin"] = {
        Image = "CrushingRuinNew.png",
        Name = "Crushing Ruin",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Cryo Coating"] = {
        Image = "CryoCoating.png",
        Name = "Cryo Coating",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Cryo Rounds"] = {
        Image = "CryoRoundsModU161.png",
        Name = "Cryo Rounds",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Cunning Aspect"] = {
        Image = "CunningAspectMod.png",
        Name = "Cunning Aspect",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Cunning Drift"] = {
        Image = "Cunning_drift.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Cunning Drift",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Curative Undertow"] = {
        Image = "CurativeUndertow3.png",
        Name = "Curative Undertow",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Cutting Edge"] = {
        Image = "CuttingEdge.png",
        Name = "Cutting Edge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Cyclone Kraken"] = {
        Image = "CycloneKrakenMod.png",
        Name = "Cyclone Kraken",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    -- D --
    ["Damzav-Vati"] = {
        Image = "Damzav-VatiMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Damzav-Vati",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Dead Eye"] = {
        Image = "DeadEyeMod.png",
        Introduced = "12",
        Name = "Dead Eye",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Deadly Efficiency"] = {
        Image = "DeadlyEfficiencyMod.png",
        Name = "Deadly Efficiency",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Deadly Maneuvers"] = {
        Image = "DeadlyManeuversMod.png",
        Name = "Deadly Maneuvers",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Deadly Sequence"] = {
        Image = "DeadlySequence.png",
        Name = "Deadly Sequence",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Deceptive Bond"] = {
        Image = "DeceptiveBond.png",
        Introduced = "18.5",
        Name = "Deceptive Bond",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Decisive Judgement"] = {
        Image = "DecisiveJudgementMod.png",
        Name = "Decisive Judgement",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Deep Freeze"] = {
        Image = "DeepFreezeModU161.png",
        Name = "Deep Freeze",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Defiled Reckoning"] = {
        Image = "DefiledReckoning.png",
        Name = "Defiled Reckoning",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Defiled Snapdragon"] = {
        Image = "DefiledSnapdragonNew.png",
        Name = "Defiled Snapdragon",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Deft Tempo"] = {
        Image = "DeftTempoMod.png",
        Name = "Deft Tempo",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Depleted Reload"] = {
        Image = "DepletedReloadNew.png",
        Name = "Depleted Reload",
        Introduced = "17",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Desiccation's Curse"] = {
        Image = "DesiccationsCurseMod.png",
        Name = "Desiccation's Curse",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Despoil"] = {
        Image = "DespoilMod.png",
        Name = "Despoil",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Detect Vulnerability"] = {
        Image = "DetectVulnerability.png",
        Name = "Detect Vulnerability",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Diamond Skin"] = {
        Image = "DiamondSkinModU145.png",
        Name = "Diamond Skin",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Dig"] = {
        Image = "DigModU145.png",
        Name = "Dig",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Directed Convergence"] = {
        Image = "Directed_Convergence.png",
        Name = "Directed Convergence",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Disarming Purity"] = {
        Image = "DisarmingPurityMod.png",
        Name = "Disarming Purity",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Discharge Strike"] = {
        Image = "DischargeStrike.png",
        Name = "Discharge Strike",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Dispatch Overdrive"] = {
        Image = "DispatchOverdriveMod.png",
        Name = "Dispatch Overdrive",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Disruptor"] = {
        Image = "DisruptorModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Disruptor",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Divebomb Vortex"] = {
        Image = "DivebombVortex2.png",
        Name = "Divebomb Vortex",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Dividing Blades"] = {
        Image = "DividingBladesMod.png",
        Name = "Dividing Blades",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Dizzying Rounds"] = {
        Image = "DizzyingRoundsMod.png",
        Name = "Dizzying Rounds",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Double Tap"] = {
        Image = "DoubleTap.png",
        Name = "Double Tap",
        Introduced = "17.8",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Double-Barrel Drift"] = {
        Image = "DoubleBarrelDrift.png",
        Name = "Double-Barrel Drift",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Draining Bite"] = {
        Image = "DrainingBiteMod.png",
        Name = "Draining Bite",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Draining Gloom"] = {
        Image = "DrainingGloomMod.png",
        Name = "Draining Gloom",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Dread Ward"] = {
        Image = "DreadWardMod.png",
        Name = "Dread Ward",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Drifting Contact"] = {
        Image = "DriftingContactMod.png",
        Name = "Drifting Contact",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Dual Rounds"] = {
        Image = "DualRoundsMod.png",
        Name = "Dual Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Duality"] = {
        Image = "Duality2.png",
        Name = "Duality",
        Introduced = "18.4.7",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Eagle Eye"] = {
        Image = "EagleEyeModU145.png",
        Name = "Eagle Eye",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- E --
    ["Efficient Beams"] = {
        Image = "EfficientBeamsMod.png",
        Name = "Efficient Beams",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Efficient Transferral"] = {
        Image = "EfficientTransferral.png",
        Name = "Efficient Transferral",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Eject Magazine"] = {
        Image = "EjectMagazine.png",
        Name = "Eject Magazine",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Electrical Resistance"] = {
        Image = "Electrical Resistance.jpg",
        Name = "Electrical Resistance",
        Polarity = "None",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Electrified Barrel"] = {
        Image = "ElectrifiedBarrel.png",
        Introduced = "15",
        Name = "Electrified Barrel",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Electro Pulse"] = {
        Image = "Electro Pulse 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Electro Pulse",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Electromagnetic Shielding"] = {
        Image = "ElectromagneticShieldingMod.png",
        Name = "Electromagnetic Shielding",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Elemental Sandstorm"] = {
        Image = "ElementalSandstormMod.png",
        Name = "Elemental Sandstorm",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Eleventh Storm"] = {
        Image = "EleventhStormModU145.png",
        Name = "Eleventh Storm",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Embedded Catalyzer"] = {
        Image = "EmbeddedCatalyzerMod.png",
        Name = "Embedded Catalyzer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Emergent Aftermath"] = {
        Image = "EmergentAftermathMod.png",
        Name = "Emergent Aftermath",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["EMP Aura"] = {
        Image = "EMPAuraMod.png",
        Name = "EMP Aura",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Empowered Blades"] = {
        Image = "EmpoweredBladesMod.png",
        Name = "Empowered Blades",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Empowered Quiver"] = {
        Image = "EmpoweredQuiverMod.png",
        Name = "Empowered Quiver",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Endless Lullaby"] = {
        Image = "EndlessLullabyMod.png",
        Name = "Endless Lullaby",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Endoparasitic Vector"] = {
        Image = "EndoparasiticVectorMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Endoparasitic Vector",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Endurance Drift"] = {
        Image = "EnduranceDriftMod.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Endurance Drift",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Enduring Affliction"] = {
        Image = "EnduringAfflictionMod.png",
        Name = "Enduring Affliction",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Enduring Strike"] = {
        Image = "EnduringStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Enduring Strike",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Enemy Radar"] = {
        Image = "EnemyRadarModU145.png",
        Name = "Enemy Radar",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Enemy Sense"] = {
        Image = "EnemySenseModU145.png",
        Name = "Enemy Sense",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Energizing Shot"] = {
        Image = "EnergizingShotMod.png",
        Name = "Energizing Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Energy Amplifier"] = {
        Image = "EnergyAmplifierMod.png",
        Name = "Energy Amplifier",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Energy Channel"] = {
        Image = "EnergyChannelModU145.png",
        Name = "Energy Channel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Energy Conversion"] = {
        Image = "EnergyConversion.png",
        Name = "Energy Conversion",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Energy Field"] = {
        Image = "Energy Field.png",
        Name = "Energy Field",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Energy Generator"] = {
        Image = "EnergyGenerator.png",
        Name = "Energy Generator",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Energy Inversion"] = {
        Image = "EnergyInversion2.png",
        Name = "Energy Inversion",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Energy Siphon"] = {
        Image = "EnergySiphonModU145.png",
        Name = "Energy Siphon",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Energy Transfer"] = {
        Image = "EnergyTransfer.png",
        Name = "Energy Transfer",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Enhanced Durability"] = {
        Image = "EnhancedDurability.png",
        Name = "Enhanced Durability",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Enhanced Vitality"] = {
        Image = "EnhancedVitalityMod.png",
        Name = "Enhanced Vitality",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Enraged"] = {
        Image = "EnragedMod.png",
        Name = "Enraged",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Entropy Burst"] = {
        Image = "EntropyBurst.png",
        Name = "Entropy Burst",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Entropy Detonation"] = {
        Image = "EntropyDetonationMod.png",
        Name = "Entropy Detonation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Entropy Flight"] = {
        Image = "EntropyFlight.png",
        Name = "Entropy Flight",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Entropy Spike"] = {
        Image = "EntropySpike.png",
        Name = "Entropy Spike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Enveloping Cloud"] = {
        Image = "EnvelopingCloud.png",
        Name = "Enveloping Cloud",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Equilibrium"] = {
        Image = "EquilibriumModU145.png",
        Name = "Equilibrium",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Eroding Blight"] = {
        Image = "ErodingBlight.png",
        Introduced = "15",
        Name = "Eroding Blight",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Escape Velocity"] = {
        Image = "EscapeVelocity2.png",
        Name = "Escape Velocity",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Eternal War"] = {
        Image = "EternalWar2.png",
        Name = "Eternal War",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Everlasting Ward"] = {
        Image = "EverlastingWard2.png",
        Name = "Everlasting Ward",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Exalted Blade"] = {
        Image = "ExaltedBladeStance.png",
        Name = "Exalted Blade (Stance)",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = nil,
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Exothermic"] = {
        Image = "ExothermicMod.png",
        Name = "Exothermic",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Expel Corpus"] = {
        Image = "ExpelCorpusModU145.png",
        Name = "Expel Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Expel Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "ExpelCorruptedMod.png",
        Name = "Expel Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Expel Grineer"] = {
        Image = "ExpelGrineerModU145.png",
        Name = "Expel Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Expel Infested"] = {
        Image = "ExpelInfestedModU145.png",
        Name = "Expel Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Explosive Demise"] = {
        Image = "ExplosiveDemise.png",
        Name = "Explosive Demise",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Explosive Legerdemain"] = {
        Image = "ExplosiveLegerdemainMod.png",
        Name = "Explosive Legerdemain",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Exposing Harpoon"] = {
        Image = "ExposingHarpoonMod.png",
        Name = "Exposing Harpoon",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Extend"] = {
        Image = "Extend.png",
        Name = "Extend",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Extreme Velocity"] = {
        Image = "ExtremeVelocity.png",
        Name = "Extreme Velocity",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- F --
    ["Failsafe"] = {
        Image = "FailsafeMod.png",
        Name = "Failsafe",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Fanged Fusillade"] = {
        Image = "FangedFusilladeModU145.png",
        Name = "Fanged Fusillade",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fass"] = {
        Image = "FassRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Fass",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Fast Deflection"] = {
        Image = "FastDeflectionModU145.png",
        Name = "Fast Deflection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Fast Hands"] = {
        Image = "FastHandsModU145.png",
        Name = "Fast Hands",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Fatal Acceleration"] = {
        Image = "FatalAccelerationMod.png",
        Name = "Fatal Acceleration",
        Introduced = "15",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Fatal Attraction"] = {
        Image = "Fatal Attraction 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Fatal Attraction",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Fatal Teleport"] = {
        Image = "FatalTeleport2.png",
        Name = "Fatal Teleport",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fateful Truth"] = {
        Image = "FatefulTruthMod.png",
        Name = "Fateful Truth",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Feathered Arrows"] = {
        Image = "Farrows.png",
        Name = "Feathered Arrows",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ferocity"] = {
        Image = "FerocityModU145.png",
        Name = "Ferocity",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Fetch"] = {
        Image = "Fetch.png",
        Name = "Fetch",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Fever Strike"] = {
        Image = "FeverStrikeModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Fever Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Final Act"] = {
        Image = "FinalActMod.png",
        Name = "Final Act",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Final Harbinger"] = {
        Image = "Harbinger.png",
        Name = "Final Harbinger",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Final Tap"] = {
        Image = "FinalTap.png",
        Name = "Final Tap",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Finishing Touch"] = {
        Image = "FinishingTouchModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Finishing Touch",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Fire Resistance"] = {
        Image = "FireResistance_Rank0_cropped.jpg",
        Name = "Fire Resistance",
        Polarity = "None",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fireball Frenzy"] = {
        Image = "FireballFrenzyMod.png",
        Name = "Fireball Frenzy",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fired Up"] = {
        Image = "FiredUpMod.png",
        Name = "Fired Up",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Firestorm"] = {
        Image = "FirestormNewA.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Firestorm",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Firewalker"] = {
        Image = "Firewalker.png",
        Name = "Firewalker",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Flailing Branch"] = {
        Image = "FlailingBranchModU145.png",
        Name = "Flailing Branch",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Flak Shot"] = {
        Image = "Fshot.png",
        Name = "Flak Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Flame Gland"] = {
        Image = "FlameGlandMod.png",
        Name = "Flame Gland",
        Introduced = "24",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Flame Repellent"] = {
        Image = "FlameRepellentNew.png",
        Name = "Flame Repellent",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Flechette"] = {
        Image = "FlechetteModU145.png",
        Name = "Flechette",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Fleeting Expertise"] = {
        Image = "FleetingExpertiseModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Name = "Fleeting Expertise",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Flow"] = {
        Image = "FlowModU145.png",
        Name = "Flow",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Flux Overdrive"] = {
        Image = "FluxOverdriveMod.png",
        Name = "Flux Overdrive",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Focus Energy"] = {
        Image = "FocusEnergyModU145.png",
        Name = "Focus Energy",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Focused Acceleration"] = {
        Image = "Focused_Acceleration.png",
        Name = "Focused Acceleration",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Focused Defense"] = {
        Image = "FocusedDefenseMod.png",
        Name = "Focused Defense",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Follow Through"] = {
        Image = "FollowThroughMod.png",
        Name = "Follow Through",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fomorian Accelerant"] = {
        Image = "FomorianAccelerantMod.png",
        Name = "Fomorian Accelerant",
        Introduced = "18.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fortitude"] = {
        Image = "FortitudeModU145.png",
        Name = "Fortitude",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Four Riders"] = {
        Image = "FourRiders.png",
        Name = "Four Riders",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Fracturing Crush"] = {
        Image = "FracturingCrush2.png",
        Name = "Fracturing Crush",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fracturing Wind"] = {
        Image = "FracturingWindModU145.png",
        Name = "Fracturing Wind",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Frail Momentum"] = {
        Image = "FrailMomentum.png",
        Name = "Frail Momentum",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Freeze Force"] = {
        Image = "FreezeForceMod.png",
        Name = "Freeze Force",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Frigid Blast"] = {
        Image = "FrigidBlastModU145.png",
        Name = "Frigid Blast",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Frost Insulation"] = {
        Image = "Frost_Insulation.png",
        Name = "Frost Insulation",
        Polarity = "None",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Frostbite"] = {
        Image = "FrostbiteModU145.png",
        Name = "Frostbite",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Frost Jaw"] = {
        Image = "FrostJawMod.png",
        Name = "Frost Jaw",
        Introduced = "24",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Full Capacity"] = {
        Image = "FullCapacityMod.png",
        Name = "Full Capacity",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Full Contact"] = {
        Image = "FullContact.png",
        Name = "Full Contact",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Fulmination"] = {
        Image = "FulminationMod.png",
        Introduced = "20.4",
        Name = "Fulmination",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Funnel Clouds"] = {
        Image = "FunnelClouds2.png",
        Name = "Funnel Clouds",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Furious Javelin"] = {
        Image = "FuriousJavelinMod.png",
        Name = "Furious Javelin",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Furor"] = {
        Image = "Furor.png",
        Name = "Furor",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Fury"] = {
        Image = "FuryModU145.png",
        Name = "Fury",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Fusion Core"] = {
        Image = "FusionCoreNew.png",
        Name = "Fusion Core",
        Polarity = "Core",
        Rarity = "Common<br>Uncommon<br>Rare",
    -- G --
    ["Gaia's Tragedy"] = {
        Image = "Gaia'sTragedyMod.png",
        Name = "Gaia's Tragedy",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Gale Kick"] = {
        Image = "GaleKickMod.png",
        Name = "Gale Kick",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Galvanized Blade"] = {
        Image = "GalvanizedBlade.png",
        Name = "Galvanized Blade",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Gemini Cross"] = {
        Image = "GeminiCrossNew.png",
        Name = "Gemini Cross",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Ghost"] = {
        Image = "Ghost 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Ghost",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Gilded Truth"] = {
        Image = "GildedTruth.png",
        Name = "Gilded Truth",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Glacial Edge"] = {
        Image = "GlacialEdge.png",
        Name = "Glacial Edge",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Gladiator Aegis"] = {
        Image = "GladiatorAegisMod.png",
        Name = "Gladiator Aegis",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gladiator Finesse"] = {
        Image = "GladiatorFinesseMod.png",
        Name = "Gladiator Finesse",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gladiator Might"] = {
        Image = "GladiatorMightMod.png",
        Name = "Gladiator Might",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gladiator Resolve"] = {
        Image = "GladiatorResolveMod.png",
        Name = "Gladiator Resolve",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gladiator Rush"] = {
        Image = "GladiatorRushMod.png",
        Name = "Gladiator Rush",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gladiator Vice"] = {
        Image = "GladiatorViceMod.png",
        Name = "Gladiator Vice",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gleaming Blight"] = {
        Image = "GleamingBlight.png",
        Name = "Gleaming Blight",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gleaming Talon"] = {
        Image = "GleamingTalonModU145.png",
        Name = "Gleaming Talon",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Gnashing Payara"] = {
        Image = "GnashingPayaraModU145.png",
        Name = "Gnashing Payara",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Gorgon Frenzy"] = {
        Image = "GorgonFrenzyMod.png",
        Name = "Gorgon Frenzy",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Greedy Pull"] = {
        Image = "GreedyPull3.png",
        Name = "Greedy Pull",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Grim Fury"] = {
        Image = "GrimFuryModU145.png",
        Name = "Grim Fury",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Grinloked"] = {
        Image = "Grinloked.png",
        Name = "Grinloked",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Growing Power"] = {
        Image = "GrowingPowerMod.png",
        Name = "Growing Power",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Guardian"] = {
        Image = "Guardian 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Guardian",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Guardian Derision"] = {
        Image = "GuardianDerisionMod.png",
        Name = "Guardian Derision",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Guided Effigy"] = {
        Image = "GuidedEffigyMod.png",
        Name = "Guided Effigy",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Guided Ordnance"] = {
        Image = "GuidedOrdnanceMod.png",
        Name = "Guided Ordnance",
        Introduced = "18.4.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gun Glide"] = {
        Image = "GunGlide.png",
        Name = "Gun Glide",
        Introduced = "17",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Gunslinger"] = {
        Image = "GunslingerModU145.png",
        Name = "Gunslinger",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    -- H --
    ["Hall of Malevolence"] = {
        Image = "HallOfMalevolence3.png",
        Name = "Hall of Malevolence",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hallowed Eruption"] = {
        Image = "HallowedEruptionMod.png",
        Name = "Hallowed Eruption",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hallowed Reckoning"] = {
        Image = "HallowedReckoning2.png",
        Name = "Hallowed Reckoning",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hammer Shot"] = {
        Image = "HammerShotModU145.png",
        Name = "Hammer Shot",
        Introduced = "9",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Handspring"] = {
        Image = "HandspringMod.png",
        Name = "Handspring",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Hard Engage"] = {
        Image = "HardEngageMod.png",
        Name = "Hard Engage",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Harkonar Scope"] = {
        Image = "HarkonarScopeMod.png",
        Name = "Harkonar Scope",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hastened Deflection"] = {
        Image = "HastenedDeflectionMod.png",
        Name = "Hastened Deflection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Hastened Steps"] = {
        Image = "HastenedSteps.png",
        Name = "Hastened Steps",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hata-Satya"] = {
        Image = "Hata-SatyaMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Hata-Satya",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hawk Eye"] = {
        Image = "HawkEyeModU145.png",
        Name = "Hawk Eye",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Healing Flame"] = {
        Image = "HealingFlameMod.png",
        Name = "Healing Flame",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Healing Return"] = {
        Image = "HealingReturnMod.png",
        Name = "Healing Return",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Health Conversion"] = {
        Image = "HealthConversion.png",
        Name = "Health Conversion",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Heartseeker"] = {
        Image = "Heartseeker.png",
        Name = "Heartseeker",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Heated Charge"] = {
        Image = "HeatedChargeModU145.png",
        Name = "Heated Charge",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Heavy Caliber"] = {
        Image = "HeavyCaliberModU145.png",
        Name = "Heavy Caliber",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Heavy Impact"] = {
        Image = "HeavyImpactModU145.png",
        Name = "Heavy Impact",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Heavy Trauma"] = {
        Image = "HeavyTraumaModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Heavy Trauma",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Heavy Warhead"] = {
        Image = "HeavyWarhead.png",
        Name = "Heavy Warhead",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Heightened Reflexes"] = {
        Image = "Hreflexes.png",
        Name = "Heightened Reflexes",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hellfire"] = {
        Image = "HellfireModU145.png",
        Name = "Hellfire",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Hell's Chamber"] = {
        Image = "HellsChamberModU145.png",
        Name = "Hell's Chamber",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["High Noon"] = {
        Image = "HighNoon.png",
        Name = "High Noon",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["High Voltage"] = {
        Image = "HighVoltageModU145.png",
        Name = "High Voltage",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hit And Run"] = {
        Image = "HitAndRunMod.png",
        Name = "Hit And Run",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Hollow Point"] = {
        Image = "HollowPointModU145.png",
        Name = "Hollow Point",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hollowed Bullets"] = {
        Image = "HollowedBullets.png",
        Name = "Hollowed Bullets",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Homing Fang"] = {
        Image = "HomingFangNew.png",
        Name = "Homing Fang",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Hornet Strike"] = {
        Image = "HornetStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Hornet Strike",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Howl"] = {
        Image = "Howl 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Howl",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Hunt"] = {
        Image = "Hunt 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Hunt",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Hunter Adrenaline"] = {
        Image = "HunterAdrenalineMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter Adrenaline",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hunter Command"] = {
        Image = "HunterCommandMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter Command",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hunter Munitions"] = {
        Image = "HunterMunitionsMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter Munitions",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hunter Recovery"] = {
        Image = "HunterRecoveryMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter Recovery",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hunter Synergy"] = {
        Image = "HunterSynergyMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter Synergy",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hunter Track"] = {
        Image = "HunterTrackMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter Track",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hunter's Bonesaw"] = {
        Image = "Hunter'sBonesawMod.png",
        Name = "Hunter's Bonesaw",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hush"] = {
        Image = "HushModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Hush",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Hushed Invisibility"] = {
        Image = "HushedInvisibility2.png",
        Name = "Hushed Invisibility",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hydraulic Barrel"] = {
        Image = "Hbarrel.png",
        Name = "Hydraulic Barrel",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hydraulic Chamber"] = {
        Image = "Hchamber.png",
        Name = "Hydraulic Chamber",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hydraulic Crosshairs"] = {
        Image = "HydraulicCrosshairs.png",
        Name = "Hydraulic Crosshairs",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hydraulic Gauge"] = {
        Image = "Hgauge.png",
        Name = "Hydraulic Gauge",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hyperion Thrusters"] = {
        Image = "HyperionThrusters.png",
        Introduced = "15",
        Name = "Hyperion Thrusters",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Hypothermic Shell"] = {
        Image = "HypothermicShellMod.png",
        Name = "Hypothermic Shell",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Hysteria"] = {
        Image = "HysteriaStance.png",
        Name = "Hysteria (Stance)",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = nil,
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hysterical Assault"] = {
        Image = "HystericalAssaultMod.png",
        Name = "Hysterical Assault",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Hysterical Fixation"] = {
        Image = "HystericalFixation.png",
        Name = "Hysterical Fixation",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- I --
    ["Iatric Mycelium"] = {
        Image = "IatricMyceliumMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Iatric Mycelium",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ice Spring"] = {
        Image = "Ice spring.png",
        Name = "Ice Spring",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Ice Storm"] = {
        Image = "IceStormModU145.png",
        Name = "Ice Storm",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ice Wave Impedance"] = {
        Image = "IceWaveImpedance3.png",
        Name = "Ice Wave Impedance",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Icy Avalanche"] = {
        Image = "IcyAvalancheMod.png",
        Name = "Icy Avalanche",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Immolated Radiance"] = {
        Image = "ImmolatedRadianceMod.png",
        Name = "Immolated Radiance",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Impaler Munitions"] = {
        Image = "ImpalerMunitions.png",
        Name = "Impaler Munitions",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Impenetrable Offense"] = {
        Image = "ImpenetrableOffenseMod.png",
        Name = "Impenetrable Offense",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Incendiary Coat"] = {
        Image = "IncendiaryCoatModU145.png",
        Name = "Incendiary Coat",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Inertia Dampeners"] = {
        Image = "InertiaDampeners.png",
        Name = "Inertia Dampeners",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Infected Clip"] = {
        Image = "InfectedClipModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Infected Clip",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Infection Bite"] = {
        Image = "InfectiousBiteMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Infectious Bite",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Infectious Injection"] = {
        Image = "InfectiousInjection.png",
        Name = "Infectious Injection",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Infested Impedance"] = {
        Image = "InfestedImpedanceModU145.png",
        Name = "Infested Impedance",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Infiltrate"] = {
        Image = "Infiltrate2.png",
        Name = "Infiltrate",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Insatiable"] = {
        Image = "InsatiableMod.png",
        Name = "Insatiable",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Insulation"] = {
        Image = "InsulationModU145.png",
        Name = "Insulation",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Intensify"] = {
        Image = "IntensifyModU145.png",
        Name = "Intensify",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Intruder"] = {
        Image = "IntruderModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Intruder",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Investigator"] = {
        Image = "Investigator 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Investigator",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ion Infusion"] = {
        Image = "IonInfusion.png",
        Name = "Ion Infusion",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Iron Phoenix"] = {
        Image = "IronPhoenixMod.png",
        Name = "Iron Phoenix",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Iron Shrapnel"] = {
        Image = "IronShrapnel3.png",
        Name = "Iron Shrapnel",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Iron Vault"] = {
        Image = "IronVault2.png",
        Name = "Iron Vault",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ironclad Charge"] = {
        Image = "IroncladChargeMod.png",
        Name = "Ironclad Charge",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ironclad Flight"] = {
        Image = "IroncladFlightMod.png",
        Name = "Ironclad Flight",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Irradiating Disarm"] = {
        Image = "IrradiatingDisarm3.png",
        Name = "Irradiating Disarm",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- J --
    ["Jagged Edge"] = {
        Image = "JaggedEdgeModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Jagged Edge",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Jahu"] = {
        Image = "JahuRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Jahu",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Jet Stream"] = {
        Image = "JetStream3.png",
        Name = "Jet Stream",
        Introduced = "15.6",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Jolt"] = {
        Image = "JoltNew.png",
        Name = "Jolt",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Jugulus Barbs"] = {
        Image = "JugulusBarbsMod.png",
        Name = "Jugulus Barbs",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Jugulus Carapace"] = {
        Image = "JugulusCarapaceMod.png",
        Name = "Jugulus Carapace",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Jugulus Spines"] = {
        Image = "JugulusSpinesMod.png",
        Name = "Jugulus Spines",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Juice"] = {
        Image = "JuiceMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Juice",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Justice Blades"] = {
        Image = "JusticeBlades.png",
        Name = "Justice Blades",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- K --
    ["Kavat's Grace"] = {
        Image = "Kavat'sGraceMod.png",
        Name = "Kavat's Grace",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Khra"] = {
        Image = "KhraRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Khra",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Kill Switch"] = {
        Image = "KillSwitchMod.png",
        Name = "Kill Switch",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Killing Blow"] = {
        Image = "KillingBlowModU145.png",
        Name = "Killing Blow",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Kinetic Collision"] = {
        Image = "KineticCollision.png",
        Name = "Kinetic Collision",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Kinetic Diversion"] = {
        Image = "KineticDiversionMod.png",
        Name = "Kinetic Diversion",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Kinetic Friction"] = {
        Image = "KineticFriction.png",
        Name = "Kinetic Friction",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Kinetic Ricochet"] = {
        Image = "KineticRicochetRareReup.png",
        Name = "Kinetic Ricochet",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- L --
    ["Larva Burst"] = {
        Image = "LarvaBurst.png",
        Name = "Larva Burst",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Laser Deflection"] = {
        Image = "Laser Deflection.jpg",
        Name = "Laser Deflection",
        Polarity = "None",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Laser Sight"] = {
        Image = "LaserSightMod.png",
        Name = "Laser Sight",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lashing Coil"] = {
        Image = "LashingCoilMod.png",
        Name = "Lashing Coil",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lasting Covenant"] = {
        Image = "LastingCovenant.png",
        Name = "Lasting Covenant",
        Introduced = "22.10",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Last Herald"] = {
        Image = "LastHeraldMod.png",
        Name = "Last Herald",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lasting Purity"] = {
        Image = "LastingPurity.png",
        Name = "Lasting Purity",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lasting Sting"] = {
        Image = "LastingSting.png",
        Name = "Lasting Sting",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Lethal Momentum"] = {
        Image = "LethalMomentum.png",
        Name = "Lethal Momentum",
        Introduced = "15",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Lethal Torrent"] = {
        Image = "LethalTorrentModU145.png",
        Name = "Lethal Torrent",
        Introduced = "9.5",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lie In Wait"] = {
        Image = "Lieinwait.png",
        Name = "Lie In Wait",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Life Strike"] = {
        Image = "LifeStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Life Strike",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Lightning Dash"] = {
        Image = "LightningDashMod.png",
        Name = "Lightning Dash",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Lightning Rod"] = {
        Image = "LightningRodModU145.png",
        Name = "Lightning Rod",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Lingering Torment"] = {
        Image = "LingeringTorment.png",
        Name = "Lingering Torment",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Link Armor"] = {
        Image = "LinkArmorMod.png",
        Name = "Link Armor",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Link Health"] = {
        Image = "LinkHealthMod.png",
        Name = "Link Health",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Link Shields"] = {
        Image = "LinkShieldsMod.png",
        Name = "Link Shields",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Live Wire"] = {
        Image = "LiveWireMod.png",
        Name = "Live Wire",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Loaded Capacity"] = {
        Image = "LoadedCapacityMod.png",
        Name = "Loaded Capacity",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lock and Load"] = {
        Image = "LockandLoad.png",
        Name = "Lock and Load",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Lohk"] = {
        Image = "LohkRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Lohk",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Loose Chamber"] = {
        Image = "LooseChamberMod.png",
        Name = "Loose Chamber",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Loose Hatch"] = {
        Image = "LooseHatchMod.png",
        Name = "Loose Hatch",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Loose Magazine"] = {
        Image = "LooseMagazineMod.png",
        Name = "Loose Magazine",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Loot Detector"] = {
        Image = "LootDetectorModU145.png",
        Name = "Loot Detector",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Looter"] = {
        Image = "Looter.png",
        Name = "Looter",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Loyal Companion"] = {
        Image = "LoyalCompanionMod.png",
        Name = "Loyal Companion",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Lucky Shot"] = {
        Image = "LuckyShotMod.png",
        Name = "Lucky Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- M --
    ["Mad Stack"] = {
        Image = "MadStackMod.png",
        Name = "Mad Stack",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Madurai Transmute Core"] = {
        Image = "MaduraiTransmuteCore.png",
        Name = "Madurai Transmute Core",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mafic Rain"] = {
        Image = "MaficRainMod.png",
        Name = "Mafic Rain",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mag Locks"] = {
        Image = "MagLocks.png",
        Name = "Mag Locks",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Magazine Extension"] = {
        Image = "MagazineExtension.png",
        Name = "Magazine Extension",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Magazine Warp"] = {
        Image = "MagazineWarpModU145.png",
        Name = "Magazine Warp",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Maglev"] = {
        Image = "MaglevModU145.png",
        Name = "Maglev",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Magma Chamber"] = {
        Image = "MagmaChamber.png",
        Name = "Magma Chamber",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Magnetized Discharge"] = {
        Image = "MagnetizedDischargeMod.png",
        Name = "Magnetized Discharge",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Magnum Force"] = {
        Image = "MagnumForceMod.png",
        Name = "Magnum Force",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Maim"] = {
        Image = "MaimModU145.png",
        Name = "Maim",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Maiming Strike"] = {
        Image = "MaimingStrikeMod.png",
        Name = "Maiming Strike",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Malicious Raptor"] = {
        Image = "MaliciousRaptorNew.png",
        Name = "Malicious Raptor",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Malignant Force"] = {
        Image = "MalignantForceModU145.png",
        Name = "Malignant Force",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Marked Target"] = {
        Image = "MarkedTargetMod.png",
        Name = "Marked Target",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Martial Fury"] = {
        Image = "MartialFury.png",
        Name = "Martial Fury",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Master Key"] = {
        Image = "MasterKeyMod.png",
        Name = "Master Key",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Master Thief"] = {
        Image = "MasterThiefModU145.png",
        Name = "Master Thief",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Maul"] = {
        Image = "MaulMod.png",
        Name = "Maul",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Maximum Capacity"] = {
        Image = "MaximumCapacityMod.png",
        Name = "Maximum Capacity",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Measured Burst"] = {
        Image = "MeasuredBurst.png",
        Name = "Measured Burst",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mecha Empowered"] = {
        Image = "MechaEmpowered.png",
        Introduced = "24",
        Name = "Mecha Empowered",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mecha Pulse"] = {
        Image = "MechaPulse.png",
        Name = "Mecha Pulse",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mecha Overdrive"] = {
        Image = "MechaOverdrive.png",
        Name = "Mecha Overdrive",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mecha Recharge"] = {
        Image = "MechaRecharge.png",
        Name = "Mecha Recharge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Medi-Pet Kit"] = {
        Image = "Medi-Pet_KitMod.png",
        Name = "Medi-Pet Kit",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Medi-Ray"] = {
        Image = "Medi-RayMod.png",
        Name = "Medi-Ray",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Melee Guidance"] = {
        Image = "MeleeGuidanceMod.png",
        Name = "Melee Guidance",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Melee Prowess"] = {
        Image = "MeleeProwessModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Melee Prowess",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Mending Shot"] = {
        Image = "MendingShotMod.png",
        Name = "Mending Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mending Splinters"] = {
        Image = "MendingSplinters.png",
        Name = "Mending Splinters",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mesa's Waltz"] = {
        Image = "Mesa'sWaltz.png",
        Name = "Mesa's Waltz",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Metal Auger"] = {
        Image = "MetalAugerModU145.png",
        Introduced = "0",
        Name = "Metal Auger",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Metal Fiber"] = {
        Image = "MetalFiberMod.png",
        Name = "Metal Fiber",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Meteor Crash"] = {
        Image = "MeteorCrashMod.png",
        Name = "Meteor Crash",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Meteor Munitions"] = {
        Image = "MeteorMunitions.png",
        Name = "Meteor Munitions",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Meticulous Aim"] = {
        Image = "MeticulousAimMod.png",
        Name = "Meticulous Aim",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Mind Freak"] = {
        Image = "MindFreak3.png",
        Name = "Mind Freak",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Mischief"] = {
        Image = "Mischief 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Mischief",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Mobilize"] = {
        Image = "Mobilize.png",
        Name = "Mobilize",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Modified Munitions"] = {
        Image = "ModifiedMunitions.png",
        Name = "Modified Munitions",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Molecular Conversion"] = {
        Image = "Molecular Conversion 19.10.png",
        Name = "Molecular Conversion",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Molecular Fission"] = {
        Image = "MolecularFissionMod.png",
        Name = "Molecular Fission",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Molten Impact"] = {
        Image = "MoltenImpactModU145.png",
        Name = "Molten Impact",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Momentary Pause"] = {
        Image = "MomentaryPauseMod.png",
        Name = "Momentary Pause",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Morphic Transformer"] = {
        Image = "MorphicTransformer.png",
        Name = "Morphic Transformer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Mortal Conduct"] = {
        Image = "MortalConduct.png",
        Name = "Mortal Conduct",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Motus Impact"] = {
        Image = "MotusImpactMod.png",
        Name = "Motus Impact",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Motus Setup"] = {
        Image = "MotusSetupMod.png",
        Name = "Motus Setup",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Motus Signal"] = {
        Image = "MotusSignalMod.png",
        Name = "Motus Signal",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Muzzle Flash"] = {
        Image = "MuzzleFlashMod.png",
        Name = "Muzzle Flash",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- N --
    ["Nano-Applicator"] = {
        Image = "Nano-ApplicatorMod.png",
        Name = "Nano-Applicator",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Napalm Grenades"] = {
        Image = "NapalmGrenades.png",
        Name = "Napalm Grenades",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Naramon Transmute Core"] = {
        Image = "NaramonTransmuteCore.png",
        Name = "Naramon Transmute Core",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Narrow Barrel"] = {
        Image = "NarrowBarrelMod.png",
        Name = "Narrow Barrel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Narrow Minded"] = {
        Image = "NarrowMindedModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Name = "Narrow Minded",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Natural Talent"] = {
        Image = "NaturalTalentModU145.png",
        Name = "Natural Talent",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Nebula Bore"] = {
        Image = "NebulaBoreMod.png",
        Name = "Nebula Bore",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Blitz"] = {
        Image = "NecramechBlitzMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Blitz",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Continuity"] = {
        Image = "NecramechContinuityMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Continuity",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Redirection"] = {
        Image = "NecramechRedirectionMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Redirection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Fury"] = {
        Image = "NecramechFuryMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Fury",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Hydraulics"] = {
        Image = "NecramechHydraulicsMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Hydraulics",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Intensify"] = {
        Image = "NecramechIntensifyMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Intensify",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Pressure Point"] = {
        Image = "NecramechPressurePointMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Pressure Point",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Reach"] = {
        Image = "NecramechReachMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Reach",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Refuel"] = {
        Image = "NecramechRefuelMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Refuel",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Seismic Wave"] = {
        Image = "NecramechSeismicWaveMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Seismic Wave",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Slipstream"] = {
        Image = "NecramechSlipstreamMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Slipstream",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Steel Fiber"] = {
        Image = "NecramechSteelFiberMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Steel Fiber",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Streamline"] = {
        Image = "NecramechStreamlineMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Streamline",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Stretch"] = {
        Image = "NecramechStretchMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Stretch",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Thrusters"] = {
        Image = "NecramechThrustersMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Thrusters",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Necramech Vitality"] = {
        Image = "NecramechVitalityMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Necramech Vitality",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Negate"] = {
        Image = "Negate.png",
        Name = "Negate",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Negation Swarm"] = {
        Image = "NegationSwarmMod.png",
        Name = "Negation Swarm",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Netra"] = {
        Image = "NetraRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Netra",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Neutralize"] = {
        Image = "Neutralize 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Neutralize",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Neutralizing Justice"] = {
        Image = "NeutralizingJusticeMod.png",
        Name = "Neutralizing Justice",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Neutron Star"] = {
        Image = "NeutronStar3.png",
        Name = "Neutron Star",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Night Stalker"] = {
        Image = "NightStalker.png",
        Name = "Night Stalker",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Nightwatch Napalm"] = {
        Image = "NightwatchNapalmMod.png",
        Name = "Nightwatch Napalm",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Nitro Boost"] = {
        Image = "NitroBoost.png",
        Name = "Nitro Boost",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["No Current Leap"] = {
        Image = "NoCurrentLeapMod.png",
        Name = "No Current Leap",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["No Return"] = {
        Image = "NoReturnModU145.png",
        Name = "No Return",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Noble Cadence"] = {
        Image = "NobleCadenceMod.png",
        Name = "Noble Cadence",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["North Wind"] = {
        Image = "NorthWindModU161.png",
        Name = "North Wind",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    -- O --
    ["Odomedic"] = {
        Image = "OdomedicMod.png",
        Name = "Odomedic",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ore Gaze"] = {
        Image = "OreGaze.png",
        Name = "Ore Gaze",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Organ Shatter"] = {
        Image = "OrganShatterModU145.png",
        Name = "Organ Shatter",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Out Of Sight"] = {
        Image = "OutOfSightMod.png",
        Name = "Out Of Sight",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Overcharge Detectors"] = {
        Image = "OverchargeDetectorsNew.png",
        Introduced = "16.5",
        Name = "Overcharge Detectors",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Overcharged"] = {
        Image = "OverchargedMod.png",
        Introduced = "17",
        Name = "Overcharged",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Overextended"] = {
        Image = "OverextendedModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Name = "Overextended",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Overview"] = {
        Image = "Overview.png",
        Name = "Overview",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- P --
    -- PA --
    ["Pacifying Bolts"] = {
        Image = "PacifyingBolts3.png",
        Name = "Pacifying Bolts",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pack Leader"] = {
        Image = "PackLeaderMod.png",
        Name = "Pack Leader",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Pain Threshold"] = {
        Image = "PainThresholdMod.png",
        Name = "Pain Threshold",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Panzer Devolution"] = {
        Image = "PanzerDevolutionMod.png",
        Name = "Panzer Devolution",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Parallax Scope"] = {
        Image = "ParallaxScopeMod.png",
        Introduced = "15",
        Name = "Parallax Scope",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Paralytic Spores"] = {
        Image = "ParalyticSporesMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Paralytic Spores",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Parry"] = {
        Image = "ParryModU145.png",
        Name = "Parry",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Partitioned Mallet"] = {
        Image = "PartitionedMalletMod.png",
        Name = "Partitioned Mallet",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Patagium"] = {
        Image = "PatagiumMod.png",
        Name = "Patagium",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Path of Statues"] = {
        Image = "PathofStatuesMod.png",
        Name = "Path of Statues",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pathogen Rounds"] = {
        Image = "PathogenRoundsModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Pathogen Rounds",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    -- PE --
    ["Peaceful Provocation"] = {
        Image = "PeacefulProvocation2.png",
        Name = "Peaceful Provocation",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Peculiar Bloom"] = {
        Image = "PeculiarBloomMod.png",
        Name = "Peculiar Bloom",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Peculiar",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Peculiar Growth"] = {
        Image = "PeculiarGrowthMod.png",
        Name = "Peculiar Growth",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Peculiar",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Perfect Balance"] = {
        Image = "PerfectBalanceMod.png",
        Name = "Perfect Balance",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Perpetual Agony"] = {
        Image = "PerpetualAgony.png",
        Name = "Perpetual Agony",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    -- PH --
    ["Phoenix Renewal"] = {
        Image = "PhoenixRenewal2.png",
        Name = "Phoenix Renewal",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Photon Repeater"] = {
        Image = "PhotonRepeaterMod.png",
        Name = "Photon Repeater",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Physique"] = {
        Image = "PhysiqueMod.png",
        Name = "Physique",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- PI --
    ["Piercing Caliber"] = {
        Image = "PiercingCaliberModU145.png",
        Name = "Piercing Caliber",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Piercing Fury"] = {
        Image = "PiercingFuryMod.png",
        Name = "Piercing Fury",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Piercing Hit"] = {
        Image = "PiercingHitModU145.png",
        Name = "Piercing Hit",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Piercing Navigator"] = {
        Image = "PiercingNavigatorMod.png",
        Name = "Piercing Navigator",
        Introduced = "20.2",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Piercing Roar"] = {
        Image = "PiercingRoarMod.png",
        Name = "Piercing Roar",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Piercing Step"] = {
        Image = "PiercingStep.png",
        Name = "Piercing Step",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Pilfering Strangledome"] = {
        Image = "PilferingStrangledomeMod.png",
        Name = "Pilfering Strangledome",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pilfering Swarm"] = {
        Image = "PilferingSwarm.png",
        Name = "Pilfering Swarm",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pistol Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "PistolAmmoMutationModU145.png",
        Name = "Pistol Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Pistol Amp"] = {
        Image = "PistolAmpMod.png",
        Name = "Pistol Amp",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pistol Gambit"] = {
        Image = "PistolGambitModU145.png",
        Name = "Pistol Gambit",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Pistol Pestilence"] = {
        Image = "PistolPestilenceModU145.png",
        Name = "Pistol Pestilence",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pistol Scavenger"] = {
        Image = "PistolScavengerModU145.png",
        Name = "Pistol Scavenger",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- PL --
    ["Plan B"] = {
        Image = "PlanBMod.png",
        Name = "Plan B",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- PO --
    ["Point Blank"] = {
        Image = "PointBlankModU145.png",
        Introduced = "0",
        Name = "Point Blank",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Point Strike"] = {
        Image = "PointStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Point Strike",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Pointed Wind"] = {
        Image = "PointedWindModU145.png",
        Name = "Pointed Wind",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Poisonous Sting"] = {
        Image = "PoisonousSting.png",
        Name = "Poisonous Sting",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Polar Magazine"] = {
        Image = "PolarMagazine.png",
        Name = "Polar Magazine",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Pool of Life"] = {
        Image = "PoolOfLife3.png",
        Name = "Pool of Life",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pop Top"] = {
        Image = "PopTopMod.png",
        Name = "Pop Top",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Poppin' Vert"] = {
        Image = "PoppinVertMod.png",
        Name = "Poppin' Vert",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pounce"] = {
        Image = "PounceMod.png",
        Name = "Pounce",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Power Donation"] = {
        Image = "PowerDonation.png",
        Introduced = "23.10",
        Name = "Power Donation",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Power Drift"] = {
        Image = "PowerDriftMod.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Power Drift",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Power of Three"] = {
        Image = "PowerofThree.png",
        Name = "Power of Three",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Power Throw"] = {
        Image = "PowerThrowModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Power Throw",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    -- PR --
    ["Precision Munition"] = {
        Image = "PrecisionMunitionMod.png",
        Name = "Precision Munition",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Precision Strike"] = {
        Image = "PrecisionStrikeMod.png",
        Name = "Precision Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Preparation"] = {
        Image = "PreparationMod.png",
        Name = "Preparation",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Pressure Point"] = {
        Image = "PressurePointModU145.png",
        Name = "Pressure Point",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Pressurized Magazine"] = {
        Image = "PressurisedMagazineMod.png",
        Name = "Pressurized Magazine",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primal Fury"] = {
        Image = "PrimalFuryStance.png",
        Name = "Primal Fury (Stance)",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = nil,
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primal Rage"] = {
        Image = "PrimalRage2.png",
        Name = "Primal Rage",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Ammo Stock"] = {
        Image = "PrimedAmmoStockPlaceholder.png",
        Name = "Primed Ammo Stock",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Animal Instinct"] = {
        Image = "PrimedAnimalInstinctMod.png",
        Name = "Primed Animal Instinct",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Bane of Corpus"] = {
        Image = "PrimedBaneOfCorpus.png",
        Name = "Primed Bane of Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Bane of Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "PrimedBaneOfCorrupted.png",
        Name = "Primed Bane of Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Bane of Grineer"] = {
        Image = "PrimedBaneOfGrineer.png",
        Name = "Primed Bane of Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Bane of Infested"] = {
        Image = "PrimedBaneOfInfested.png",
        Name = "Primed Bane of Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Chamber"] = {
        Image = "PrimedChamber.png",
        Name = "Primed Chamber",
        Introduced = "8.3.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Charged Shell"] = {
        Image = "PrimedChargedShell.png",
        Name = "Primed Charged Shell",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Cleanse Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "PrimedCleanseCorrupted.png",
        Name = "Primed Cleanse Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Cleanse Corpus"] = {
        Image = "PrimedCleanseCorpus.png",
        Name = "Primed Cleanse Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Cleanse Grineer"] = {
        Image = "PrimedCleanseGrineer.png",
        Name = "Primed Cleanse Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Cleanse Infested"] = {
        Image = "PrimedCleanseInfested.png",
        Name = "Primed Cleanse Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Continuity"] = {
        Image = "PrimedContinuity.png",
        Name = "Primed Continuity",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Cryo Rounds"] = {
        Image = "PrimedCryoRoundsMod.png",
        Name = "Primed Cryo Rounds",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Expel Corpus"] = {
        Image = "PrimedExpelCorpus.png",
        Name = "Primed Expel Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Expel Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "PrimedExpelCorrupted.png",
        Name = "Primed Expel Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Expel Grineer"] = {
        Image = "PrimedExpelGrineer.png",
        Name = "Primed Expel Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Expel Infested"] = {
        Image = "PrimedExpelInfested.png",
        Name = "Primed Expel Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Fast Hands"] = {
        Image = "PrimedFastHands.png",
        Name = "Primed Fast Hands",
        Introduced = "15.9",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Fever Strike"] = {
        Image = "PrimedFeverStrikeMod.png",
        Name = "Primed Fever Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Flow"] = {
        Image = "PrimedFlow.png",
        Name = "Primed Flow",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Fury"] = {
        Image = "PrimedFury.png",
        Name = "Primed Fury",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Heated Charge"] = {
        Image = "PrimedHeatedCharge.png",
        Name = "Primed Heated Charge",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Heavy Trauma"] = {
        Image = "PrimedHeavyTrauma.png",
        Name = "Primed Heavy Trauma",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Morphic Transformer"] = {
        Image = "PrimedMorphicTransformer.png",
        Name = "Primed Morphic Transformer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Pack Leader"] = {
        Image = "PrimedPackLeaderMod.png",
        Name = "Primed Pack Leader",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Pistol Gambit"] = {
        Image = "PrimedPistolGambit.png",
        Name = "Primed Pistol Gambit",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "PrimedPistolAmmoMutation.png",
        Name = "Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Point Blank"] = {
        Image = "PrimedPointBlank.png",
        Name = "Primed Point Blank",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Pressure Point"] = {
        Image = "Primedpressurepoint.png",
        Name = "Primed Pressure Point",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Quickdraw"] = {
        Image = "PrimedQuickdraw.png",
        Name = "Primed Quickdraw",
        Introduced = "23.1.3",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Ravage"] = {
        Image = "PrimedRavage.png",
        Name = "Primed Ravage",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Reach"] = {
        Image = "PrimedReach.png",
        Name = "Primed Reach",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Regen"] = {
        Image = "Primed Regen 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Primed Regen",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "PrimedRifleAmmoMutation.png",
        Name = "Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel"] = {
        Image = "PrimedRubedoLinedBarrel.png",
        Name = "Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "PrimedShotgunAmmoMutation.png",
        Name = "Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Shred"] = {
        Image = "Primed Shred.png",
        Name = "Primed Shred",
        Introduced = "21.1.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Smite Corpus"] = {
        Image = "PrimedSmiteCorpus.png",
        Name = "Primed Smite Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Smite Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "PrimedSmiteCorrupted.png",
        Name = "Primed Smite Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Smite Grineer"] = {
        Image = "PrimedSmiteGrineer.png",
        Name = "Primed Smite Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Smite Infested"] = {
        Image = "PrimedSmiteInfested.png",
        Name = "Primed Smite Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Slip Magazine"] = {
        Image = "PrimedSlipMagazine.png",
        Name = "Primed Slip Magazine",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Sure Footed"] = {
        Image = "Primed Sure Footed.png",
        Name = "Primed Sure Footed",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Target Cracker"] = {
        Image = "PrimedTargetCracker.png",
        Name = "Primed Target Cracker",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primed Vigor"] = {
        Image = "Primed Vigor.png",
        Name = "Primed Vigor",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Primo Flair"] = {
        Image = "PrimoFlairMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Primo Flair",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Prism Guard"] = {
        Image = "PrismGuard.png",
        Name = "Prism Guard",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Prize Kill"] = {
        Image = "PrizeKillMod.png",
        Name = "Prize Kill",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Proboscis"] = {
        Image = "ProboscisMod.png",
        Name = "Proboscis",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Prolonged Paralysis"] = {
        Image = "ProlongedParalysis3.png",
        Name = "Prolonged Paralysis",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Protect"] = {
        Image = "Protect 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Protect",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Proton Jet"] = {
        Image = "ProtonJetMod.png",
        Name = "Proton Jet",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Proton Pulse"] = {
        Image = "ProtonPulseMod.png",
        Name = "Proton Pulse",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Proton Snap"] = {
        Image = "ProtonSnapMod.png",
        Name = "Proton Snap",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Provoked"] = {
        Image = "ProvokedModU145.png",
        Name = "Provoked",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- PU --
    ["Pummel"] = {
        Image = "Pummel.png",
        Name = "Pummel",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Purging Slash"] = {
        Image = "PurgingSlash.png",
        Name = "Purging Slash",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Purifying Flames"] = {
        Image = "PurifyingFlames.png",
        Name = "Purifying Flames",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Push & Pull"] = {
        Image = "PushandPull.png",
        Name = "Push & Pull",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- PY --
    ["Pyroclastic Flow"] = {
        Image = "PyroclasticFlowMod.png",
        Name = "Pyroclastic Flow",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- Q --
    ["Quaking Hand"] = {
        Image = "QuakingHandMod.png",
        Name = "Quaking Hand",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Quasar Drill"] = {
        Image = "QuasarDrillMod.png",
        Name = "Quasar Drill",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Quick Charge"] = {
        Image = "QuickCharge.png",
        Introduced = "16.5",
        Name = "Quick Charge",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Quick Escape"] = {
        Image = "QuickEscapeMod.png",
        Name = "Quick Escape",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Quick Reload"] = {
        Image = "QuickReload.png",
        Name = "Quick Reload",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Quick Return"] = {
        Image = "QuickReturnModU145.png",
        Name = "Quick Return",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Quick Thinking"] = {
        Image = "QuickThinkingNew.png",
        Name = "Quick Thinking",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Quickdraw"] = {
        Image = "QuickdrawModU145.png",
        Introduced = "0",
        Name = "Quickdraw",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Quickening"] = {
        Image = "QuickeningModU145.png",
        Name = "Quickening",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- R --
    ["Radiant Finish"] = {
        Image = "RadiantFinish4.png",
        Name = "Radiant Finish",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rage"] = {
        Image = "RageModU145.png",
        Name = "Rage",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rail Guards"] = {
        Image = "RailGuards.png",
        Name = "Rail Guards",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rapid Resilience"] = {
        Image = "RapidResilience.png",
        Name = "Rapid Resilience",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Ravage"] = {
        Image = "RavageModU145.png",
        Name = "Ravage",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Razorwing Blitz"] = {
        Image = "RazorwingBlitz.png",
        Name = "Razorwing Blitz",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Razor Munitions"] = {
        Image = "RazorMunitions.png",
        Name = "Razor Munitions",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Razor Shot"] = {
        Image = "RazorShotModU145.png",
        Name = "Razor Shot",
        Introduced = "11",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Reach"] = {
        Image = "ReachModU145.png",
        Name = "Reach",
        Introduced = "8",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Reactive Storm"] = {
        Image = "ReactiveStormMod.png",
        Name = "Reactive Storm",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Reaping Chakram"] = {
        Image = "ReapingChakram.png",
        Name = "Reaping Chakram",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Reaping Spiral"] = {
        Image = "ReapingSpiralModU145.png",
        Name = "Reaping Spiral",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Reawaken"] = {
        Image = "Reawaken.png",
        Name = "Reawaken",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rebound"] = {
        Image = "ReboundModU145.png",
        Name = "Rebound",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Recharge Barrier"] = {
        Image = "RechargeBarrier.png",
        Name = "Recharge Barrier",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Recover"] = {
        Image = "RecoverMod.png",
        Name = "Recover",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Recuperate"] = {
        Image = "RecuperateMod.png",
        Name = "Recuperate",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Redirection"] = {
        Image = "RedirectionModU145.png",
        Name = "Redirection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Reflect"] = {
        Image = "Reflect 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Reflect",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Reflection"] = {
        Image = "ReflectionModU17.png",
        Name = "Reflection",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Reflex Coil"] = {
        Image = "ReflexCoilModU145.png",
        Name = "Reflex Coil",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Reflex Draw"] = {
        Image = "ReflexDraw.png",
        Name = "Reflex Draw",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Reflex Guard"] = {
        Image = "ReflexGuardModU145.png",
        Name = "Reflex Guard",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Regen"] = {
        Image = "Regen 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Regen",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Regenerative Molt"] = {
        Image = "RegenerativeMolt3.png",
        Name = "Regenerative Molt",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Reinforcing Stomp"] = {
        Image = "ReinforcingStompMod.png",
        Name = "Reinforcing Stomp",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rejuvenation"] = {
        Image = "RejuvenationModU145.png",
        Name = "Rejuvenation",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Relentless Assault"] = {
        Image = "RelentlessAssaultMod.png",
        Name = "Relentless Assault",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Relentless Combination"] = {
        Image = "RelentlessCombinationMod.png",
        Name = "Relentless Combination",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rending Crane"] = {
        Image = "RendingCraneModU145.png",
        Name = "Rending Crane",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rending Strike"] = {
        Image = "RendingStrikeModU145.png",
        Introduced = "9",
        Name = "Rending Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rending Turn"] = {
        Image = "RendingTurnMod.png",
        Name = "Rending Turn",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rending Wind"] = {
        Image = "RendingWindMod.png",
        Name = "Rending Wind",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Repair Kit"] = {
        Image = "RepairKitMod.png",
        Name = "Repair Kit",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Repeater Clip"] = {
        Image = "RepeaterClipMod.png",
        Name = "Repeater Clip",
        Introduced = "18.4.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Repelling Bastille"] = {
        Image = "RepellingBastille4.png",
        Name = "Repelling Bastille",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Resilient Focus"] = {
        Image = "Resilient_Focus.png",
        Name = "Resilient Focus",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Resolute Focus"] = {
        Image = "ResoluteFocusMod.png",
        Name = "Resolute Focus",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Resonance"] = {
        Image = "Resonance3.png",
        Name = "Resonance",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Resonating Quake"] = {
        Image = "ResonatingQuakeMod.png",
        Name = "Resonating Quake",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Retarget"] = {
        Image = "Retarget 19.10.png",
        Name = "Retarget",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Retribution"] = {
        Image = "RetributionModU145.png",
        Name = "Retribution",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Retrieve"] = {
        Image = "RetrieveMod.png",
        Name = "Retrieve",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Revealing Spores"] = {
        Image = "RevealingSporesMod.png",
        Name = "Revealing Spores",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Revenge"] = {
        Image = "Revenge 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Revenge",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
    ["Rifle Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "RifleAmmoMutationModU145.png",
        Name = "Rifle Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rifle Amp"] = {
        Image = "RifleAmpModU145.png",
        Name = "Rifle Amp",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rifle Aptitude"] = {
        Image = "RifleAptitudeModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Rifle Aptitude",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rifle Scavenger"] = {
        Image = "RifleScavengerModU145.png",
        Name = "Rifle Scavenger",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rift Haven"] = {
        Image = "Haven3.png",
        Name = "Rift Haven",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rift Strike"] = {
        Image = "RiftStrikeMod.png",
        Name = "Rift Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rift Torrent"] = {
        Image = "Rift_Torrent_3.png",
        Name = "Rift Torrent",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rime Rounds"] = {
        Image = "RimeRoundsModU145.png",
        Name = "Rime Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rime Vault"] = {
        Image = "RimeVaultMod.png",
        Name = "Rime Vault",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ripper Rounds"] = {
        Image = "RipperRounds.png",
        Name = "Ripper Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Ris"] = {
        Image = "RisRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Ris",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rising Skill"] = {
        Image = "RisingSkill.png",
        Name = "Rising Skill",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rising Steel"] = {
        Image = "RisingSteelMod.png",
        Name = "Rising Steel",
        Polarity = "Unairu",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rising Storm"] = {
        Image = "RisingStormMod.png",
        Name = "Rising Storm",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rolling Guard"] = {
        Image = "RollingGuard.png",
        Name = "Rolling Guard",
        Polariy = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rubble Heap"] = {
        Image = "RubbleHeapMod.png",
        Name = "Rubble Heap",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Rubedo-Lined Barrel"] = {
        Image = "RubedoLinedBarrel.png",
        Name = "Rubedo-Lined Barrel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Ruinous Extension"] = {
        Image = "RuinousExtension.png",
        Name = "Ruinous Extension",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rumbled"] = {
        Image = "Rumbled.png",
        Name = "Rumbled",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Runtime"] = {
        Image = "RuntimeMod.png",
        Name = "Runtime",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rupture"] = {
        Image = "RuptureModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Rupture",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Rush"] = {
        Image = "RushModU145.png",
        Name = "Rush",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- S --
    -- SA --
    ["Sabot Rounds"] = {
        Image = "SabotRoundsMod.png",
        Name = "Sabot Rounds",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sacrificial Pressure"] = {
        Image = "SacrificialPressure.png",
        Name = "Sacrificial Pressure",
        Polarity = "Umbra",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sacrificial Steel"] = {
        Image = "SacrificialSteelMod.png",
        Name = "Sacrificial Steel",
        Polarity = "Umbra",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sacrifice"] = {
        Image = "SacrificeMod.png",
        Name = "Sacrifice",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Safeguard"] = {
        Image = "SafeguardMod.png",
        Name = "Safeguard",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Safeguard Switch"] = {
        Image = "SafeguardSwitch3.png",
        Name = "Safeguard Switch",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sanctuary"] = {
        Image = "Sanctuary 19.6.3.png",
        Link = "Sanctuary (Mod)",
        Name = "Sanctuary",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Sapping Reach"] = {
        Image = "SappingReach.png",
        Name = "Sapping Reach",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Savage Silence"] = {
        Image = "SavageSilence3.png",
        Name = "Savage Silence",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Savagery"] = {
        Image = "SavageryModU145.png",
        Name = "Savagery",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Savior Decoy"] = {
        Image = "SaviorDecoyMod.png",
        Name = "Savior Decoy",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sawtooth Clip"] = {
        Image = "SawtoothClipModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Sawtooth Clip",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Saxum Carapace"] = {
        Image = "SaxumCarapaceMod.png",
        Name = "Saxum Carapace",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Saxum Spittle"] = {
        Image = "SaxumSpittleMod.png",
        Name = "Saxum Spittle",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Saxum Thorax"] = {
        Image = "SaxumThoraxMod.png",
        Name = "Saxum Thorax",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SC --
    ["Scan Aquatic Lifeforms"] = {
        Image = "ScanAquaticLifeforms.jpg",
        Name = "Scan Aquatic Lifeforms",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Scan Matter"] = {
        Image = "ScanMatter.png",
        Name = "Scan Matter",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Scarlet Hurricane"] = {
        Image = "ScarletHurricaneMod.png",
        Name = "Scarlet Hurricane",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Scattered Justice"] = {
        Image = "ScatteredJustice.png",
        Name = "Scattered Justice",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Scattering Inferno"] = {
        Image = "ScatteringInfernoModU145.png",
        Name = "Scattering Inferno",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Scavenge"] = {
        Image = "ScavengeMod.png‎",
        Name = "Scavenge",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Scorch"] = {
        Image = "ScorchModU145.png",
        Link = "Scorch (Mod)",
        Name = "Scorch",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SE --
    ["Searing Leap"] = {
        Image = "SearingLeapMod.png",
        Name = "Searing Leap",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Searing Steel"] = {
        Image = "SearingSteel.png",
        Name = "Searing Steel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Secondary Wind"] = {
        Image = "SecondaryWind.png",
        Name = "Secondary Wind",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Security Override"] = {
        Image = "SecurityOverrideMod.png",
        Name = "Security Override",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Seeker"] = {
        Image = "SeekerModU145.png",
        Link = "Seeker (Mod)",
        Name = "Seeker",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Seeking Force"] = {
        Image = "SeekingForceModU145.png",
        Name = "Seeking Force",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Seeking Fury"] = {
        Image = "SeekingFury2.png",
        Name = "Seeking Fury",
        Introduced = "16.10.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Seeking Shuriken"] = {
        Image = "SeekingShuriken3.png",
        Name = "Seeking Shuriken",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Seismic Palm"] = {
        Image = "SeismicPalmModU145.png",
        Name = "Seismic Palm",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Seismic Wave"] = {
        Image = "SeismicWaveMod.png",
        Name = "Seismic Wave",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Self Destruct"] = {
        Image = "SelfDestructModU145.png",
        Name = "Self Destruct",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sense Danger"] = {
        Image = "SenseDangerMod.png",
        Name = "Sense Danger",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Sequence Burn"] = {
        Image = "SequenceBurn.png",
        Name = "Sequence Burn",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Serene Storm"] = {
        Image = "SereneStormStance.png",
        Name = "Serene Storm (Stance)",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = nil,
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Serrated Edges"] = {
        Image = "Serratededges.png",
        Name = "Serrated Edges",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Serrated Rounds"] = {
        Image = "Serratedr.png",
        Name = "Serrated Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Serration"] = {
        Image = "SerrationModU145.png",
        Name = "Serration",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- SH --
    ["Shadow Harvest"] = {
        Image = "ShadowHarvestMod.png",
        Name = "Shadow Harvest",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sharpened Blade"] = {
        Image = "Sharpenedblade.png",
        Name = "Sharpened Blade",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sharpened Bullets"] = {
        Image = "SharpenedBulletsMod.png",
        Name = "Sharpened Bullets",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sharpened Claws"] = {
        Image = "Sharpened Claws 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Sharpened Claws",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Sharpshooter"] = {
        Image = "Sharpshooter.png",
        Name = "Sharpshooter",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shattering Impact"] = {
        Image = "ShatteringImpactMod.png",
        Name = "Shattering Impact",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shattering Justice"] = {
        Image = "ShatteringJustice.png",
        Name = "Shattering Justice",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shattering Storm"] = {
        Image = "ShatteringStormModU145.png",
        Name = "Shattering Storm",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shell Compression"] = {
        Image = "ShellCompressionModU145.png",
        Name = "Shell Compression",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shell Rush"] = {
        Image = "ShellRush.png",
        Name = "Shell Rush",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shell Shock"] = {
        Image = "ShellShockModU145.png",
        Name = "Shell Shock",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shelter"] = {
        Image = "Shelter 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Shelter",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Shepherd"] = {
        Image = "ShepherdMod.png",
        Name = "Shepherd",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shield Charger"] = {
        Image = "ShieldChargerMod.png",
        Name = "Shield Charger",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shield Disruption"] = {
        Image = "ShieldDisruptionNew.png",
        Name = "Shield Disruption",
        Introduced = "8",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shield of Shadows"] = {
        Image = "ShieldOfShadows2.png",
        Name = "Shield of Shadows",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shield Overload"] = {
        Image = "ShieldOverload.png",
        Name = "Shield Overload",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shield Transference"] = {
        Image = "ShieldTransference2.png",
        Name = "Shield Transference",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shimmering Blight"] = {
        Image = "ShimmeringBlightModU145.png",
        Name = "Shimmering Blight",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shock Absorbers"] = {
        Image = "ShockAbsorbersModU145.png",
        Name = "Shock Absorbers",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shock Collar"] = {
        Image = "ShockCollarMod.png",
        Name = "Shock Collar",
        Introduced = "24",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shock Trooper"] = {
        Image = "ShockTrooperMod.png",
        Name = "Shock Trooper",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shocking Speed"] = {
        Image = "ShockingSpeed2.png",
        Name = "Shocking Speed",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shocking Touch"] = {
        Image = "ShockingTouchModU145.png",
        Name = "Shocking Touch",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Shockwave Actuators"] = {
        Image = "ShockwaveActuatorsMod.png",
        Name = "Shockwave Actuators",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shotgun Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "ShotgunAmmoMutationModU145.png",
        Name = "Shotgun Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Shotgun Amp"] = {
        Image = "ShotgunAmpMod.png",
        Name = "Shotgun Amp",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shotgun Savvy"] = {
        Image = "ShotgunSavvyModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Shotgun Savvy",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shotgun Scavenger"] = {
        Image = "ShotgunScavengerModU145.png",
        Name = "Shotgun Scavenger",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shotgun Spazz"] = {
        Image = "ShotgunSpazzModU145.png",
        Name = "Shotgun Spazz",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Shrapnel Rounds"] = {
        Image = "ShrapnelRounds.png",
        Name = "Shrapnel Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shrapnel Shot"] = {
        Image = "ShrapnelShotMod.png",
        Name = "Shrapnel Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shred"] = {
        Image = "ShredNew.png",
        Introduced = "9.5",
        Name = "Shred",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shred Shot"] = {
        Image = "Sshot.png",
        Name = "Shred Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Shredder"] = {
        Image = "ShredderModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Shredder",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- SI --
    ["Signal Flare"] = {
        Image = "SignalFlare.png",
        Name = "Signal Flare",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Silent Battery"] = {
        Image = "SilentBatteryMod.png",
        Name = "Silent Battery",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Singularity"] = {
        Image = "Singularity.png",
        Name = "Singularity",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sinister Reach"] = {
        Image = "SinisterReach.png",
        Name = "Sinister Reach",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sinking Talon"] = {
        Image = "SinkingTalon.png",
        Name = "Sinking Talon",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- SK --
    ["Skull Shots"] = {
        Image = "SkullShots.png",
        Name = "Skull Shots",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SL --
    ["Slay Board"] = {
        Image = "SlayBoard.png",
        Name = "Slay Board",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Slicing Feathers"] = {
        Image = "SlicingFeathersMod.png",
        Name = "Slicing Feathers",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Slip Magazine"] = {
        Image = "SlipMagazineModU145.png",
        Name = "Slip Magazine",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sly Devolution"] = {
        Image = "SlyDevolutionMod.png",
        Name = "Sly Devolution",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SM --
    ["Smite Corpus"] = {
        Image = "SmiteCorpusModU145.png",
        Name = "Smite Corpus",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Smite Corrupted"] = {
        Image = "SmiteCorruptedMod.png",
        Name = "Smite Corrupted",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Smite Grineer"] = {
        Image = "SmiteGrineerModU145.png",
        Introduced = "9",
        Name = "Smite Grineer",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Smite Infested"] = {
        Image = "SmiteInfestedModU145.png",
        Name = "Smite Infested",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Smite Infusion"] = {
        Image = "SmiteInfusionMod.png",
        Name = "Smite Infusion",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Smoke Shadow"] = {
        Image = "SmokeShadowMod.png",
        Name = "Smoke Shadow",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SN --
    ["Snap Shot"] = {
        Image = "SnapShot.png",
        Name = "Snap Shot",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sniper Ammo Mutation"] = {
        Image = "SniperAmmoMutationModU145.png",
        Name = "Sniper Ammo Mutation",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Sniper Scavenger"] = {
        Image = "SniperScavengerModU145.png",
        Name = "Sniper Scavenger",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SO --
    ["Soaring Strike"] = {
        Image = "SoaringStrikeMod.png",
        Name = "Soaring Strike",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Soft Hands"] = {
        Image = "SoftHands.png",
        Name = "Soft Hands",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sonic Boost"] = {
        Image = "SonicBoost.png",
        Name = "Sonic Boost",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sonic Fracture"] = {
        Image = "SonicFractureMod.png",
        Name = "Sonic Fracture",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Soul Survivor"] = {
        Image = "SoulSurvivor3.png",
        Name = "Soul Survivor",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sovereign Outcast"] = {
        Image = "SovereignOutcastMod.png",
        Name = "Sovereign Outcast",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SP --
    ["Spare Parts"] = {
        Image = "SparePartsModU145.png",
        Name = "Spare Parts",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Spectrosiphon"] = {
        Image = "SpectrosiphonMod.png",
        Name = "Spectrosiphon",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Speed Drift"] = {
        Image = "SpeedDriftMod.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Speed Drift",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Speed Holster"] = {
        Image = "SpeedHolsterMod.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Speed Holster",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Speed Trigger"] = {
        Image = "SpeedTriggerNew.png",
        Name = "Speed Trigger",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Spellbound Harvest"] = {
        Image = "SpellboundHarvestMod.png",
        Name = "Spellbound Harvest",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Spinning Needle"] = {
        Image = "SpinningNeedleMod.png",
        Name = "Spinning Needle",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Split Chamber"] = {
        Image = "SplitChamberModU145.png",
        Name = "Split Chamber",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Split Flights"] = {
        Image = "SplitFlightsMod.png",
        Name = "Split Flights",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Spoiled Strike"] = {
        Image = "SpoiledStrikeModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Name = "Spoiled Strike",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Spring-Loaded Blade"] = {
        Image = "Spring-LoadedBladeMod.png ",
        Name = "Spring-Loaded Blade",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Spring-Loaded Broadhead"] = {
        Image = "SpringLoadedBroadhead.png",
        Name = "Spring-Loaded Broadhead",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Spring-Loaded Chamber"] = {
        Image = "Spring-LoadedChamberMod.png",
        Name = "Spring-Loaded Chamber",
        Introduced = "18.4.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sprint Boost"] = {
        Image = "SprintBoostMod.png",
        Name = "Sprint Boost",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Spry Sights"] = {
        Image = "SprySights.png",
        Name = "Spry Sights",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- ST --
    ["Stabilizer"] = {
        Image = "StabilizerModU145.png",
        Name = "Stabilizer",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Staggering Shield"] = {
        Image = "StaggeringShield2.png",
        Name = "Staggering Shield",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stalk"] = {
        Image = "Stalk 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Stalk",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Stalking Fan"] = {
        Image = "StalkingFanNew.png",
        Name = "Stalking Fan",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Stand Ground"] = {
        Image = "Standground.png",
        Name = "Stand Ground",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stand United"] = {
        Image = "StandUnitedMod.png",
        Name = "Stand United",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Star Divide"] = {
        Image = "StarDivideMod.png",
        Name = "Star Divide",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stasis Field"] = {
        Image = "StasisFieldMod.png",
        Name = "Stasis Field",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Static Alacrity"] = {
        Image = "StaticAlacrity.png",
        Name = "Static Alacrity",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Static Discharge"] = {
        Image = "StaticDischargeMod.png",
        Name = "Static Discharge",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Steady Hands"] = {
        Image = "SteadyHandsModU145.png",
        Introduced = "10",
        Name = "Steady Hands",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Stealth Drift"] = {
        Image = "Stealth_Driftv3.png",
        Introduced = "18",
        Name = "Stealth Drift",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Steel Charge"] = {
        Image = "SteelChargeModU145.png",
        Name = "Steel Charge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Steel Fiber"] = {
        Image = "SteelFiberModU145.png",
        Name = "Steel Fiber",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Stinging Thorn"] = {
        Image = "StingingThornMod.png",
        Name = "Stinging Thorn",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Stinging Truth"] = {
        Image = "StingingTruth.png",
        Name = "Stinging Truth",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stockpiled Blight"] = {
        Image = "StockpiledBlightMod.png",
        Name = "Stockpiled Blight",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stormbringer"] = {
        Image = "StormbringerModU145.png",
        Name = "Stormbringer",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Strafing Slide"] = {
        Image = "StrafingSlide.png",
        Name = "Strafing Slide",
        Introduced = "17",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Strain Consume"] = {
        Image = "StrainConsumeMod.png",
        Name = "Strain Consume",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Strain Eruption"] = {
        Image = "StrainEruptionMod.png",
        Name = "Strain Eruption",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Strain Fever"] = {
        Image = "StrainFeverMod.png",
        Name = "Strain Fever",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Strain Infection"] = {
        Image = "StrainInfectionMod.png",
        Name = "Strain Infection",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Streamline"] = {
        Image = "StreamlineModU145.png",
        Name = "Streamline",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Streamlined Form"] = {
        Image = "StreamlinedFormMod.png",
        Name = "Streamlined Form",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stretch"] = {
        Image = "StretchModU145.png",
        Introduced = "0",
        Name = "Stretch",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Striker"] = {
        Image = "Striker 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Striker",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Stunning Speed"] = {
        Image = "StunningSpeedModU145.png",
        Name = "Stunning Speed",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SU --
    ["Sudden Impact"] = {
        Image = "SuddenImpact.png",
        Name = "Sudden Impact",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sudden Justice"] = {
        Image = "Sudden_Justice.png",
        Name = "Sudden Justice",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Sundering Strike"] = {
        Image = "SunderingStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Sundering Strike",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sundering Weave"] = {
        Image = "SunderingWeaveModU145.png",
        Name = "Sundering Weave",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Superior Defenses"] = {
        Image = "SuperiorDefenses.png",
        Name = "Superior Defenses",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Suppress"] = {
        Image = "SuppressModU145.png",
        Name = "Suppress",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sure Footed"] = {
        Image = "SureFootedModU145.png",
        Name = "Sure Footed",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sure Shot"] = {
        Image = "SureShotModU145.png",
        Introduced = "11",
        Name = "Sure Shot",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Surging Dash"] = {
        Image = "SurgingDash3.png",
        Name = "Surging Dash",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Surplus Diverters"] = {
        Image = "SurplusDiverters.png",
        Name = "Surplus Diverters",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Survival Instinct"] = {
        Image = "SurvivalInstinctMod.png",
        Name = "Survival Instinct",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SW --
    ["Sweeping Serration"] = {
        Image = "SweepingSerrationModU145.png",
        Name = "Sweeping Serration",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Swooping Falcon"] = {
        Image = "SwoopingFalconMod.png",
        Name = "Swooping Falcon",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Swift Deth"] = {
        Image = "Swift Deth 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Swift Deth",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Swift Momentum"] = {
        Image = "SwiftMomentumMod.png",
        Name = "Swift Momentum",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Swing Line"] = {
        Image = "SwingLine3.png",
        Name = "Swing Line",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Swipe"] = {
        Image = "SwipeMod.png",
        Name = "Swipe",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Swirling Tiger"] = {
        Image = "SwirlingTigerMod.png",
        Name = "Swirling Tiger",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Sword Alone"] = {
        Image = "SwordAlone.png",
        Name = "Sword Alone",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- SY --
    ["Synth Charge"] = {
        Image = "SynthCharge.png",
        Name = "Synth Charge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Synth Deconstruct"] = {
        Image = "SynthDeconstruct.png",
        Name = "Synth Deconstruct",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Synth Fiber"] = {
        Image = "SynthFiber.png",
        Name = "Synth Fiber",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Synth Reflex"] = {
        Image = "SynthReflex.png",
        Name = "Synth Reflex",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["System Reroute"] = {
        Image = "SystemReroute.png",
        Name = "System Reroute",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- T --
    ["Tactical Pump"] = {
        Image = "TacticalPumpModU145.png",
        Name = "Tactical Pump",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Tactical Reload"] = {
        Image = "TacticalReload.png",
        Name = "Tactical Reload",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tactical Retreat"] = {
        Image = "TacticalRetreat.png",
        Name = "Tactical Retreat",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tainted Clip"] = {
        Image = "TaintedClipModU145.png",
        Name = "Tainted Clip",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tainted Hydra"] = {
        Image = "TaintedHydraMod.png",
        Name = "Tainted Hydra",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tainted Mag"] = {
        Image = "TaintedMagModU145.png",
        Name = "Tainted Mag",
        Introduced = "10.3",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tainted Shell"] = {
        Image = "TaintedShellModU145.png",
        Name = "Tainted Shell",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Target Acquired"] = {
        Image = "TargetAcquiredMod.png",
        Name = "Target Acquired",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Target Cracker"] = {
        Image = "TargetCrackerModU145.png",
        Name = "Target Cracker",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Target Fixation"] = {
        Image = "TargetFixationMod.png",
        Name = "Target Fixation",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Targeting Receptor"] = {
        Image = "Targeting Receptor 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Targeting Receptor",
        Introduced = "12.5",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Targeting Subsystem"] = {
        Image = "TargetingSubsystemMod.png",
        Name = "Targeting Subsystem",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tear Gas"] = {
        Image = "TearGas.png",
        Name = "Tear Gas",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tectonic Fracture"] = {
        Image = "TectonicFracture2.png",
        Name = "Tectonic Fracture",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Teeming Virulence"] = {
        Image = "TeemingVirulenceMod.png",
        Name = "Teeming Virulence",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tek Assault"] = {
        Image = "TekAssault.png",
        Name = "Tek Assault",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tek Collateral"] = {
        Image = "TekCollateral.png",
        Name = "Tek Collateral",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tek Enhance"] = {
        Image = "TekEnhance.png",
        Name = "Tek Enhance",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tek Gravity"] = {
        Image = "TekGravity.png",
        Name = "Tek Gravity",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tempered Blade"] = {
        Image = "TemperedBlade.png",
        Introduced = "15",
        Name = "Tempered Blade",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Tempered Bound"] = {
        Image = "TemperedBound.png",
        Name = "Tempered Bound",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tempo Royale"] = {
        Image = "TempoRoyale.png",
        Name = "Tempo Royale",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Terminal Velocity"] = {
        Image = "TerminalVelocity.png",
        Name = "Terminal Velocity",
        Introduced = "15",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Territorial Aggression"] = {
        Image = "TerritorialAggressionMod.png",
        Name = "Territorial Aggression",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
    ["Tesla Bank"] = {
        Image = "TeslaBankMod.png",
        Name = "Tesla Bank",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tether Grenades"] = {
        Image = "TetherGrenadesMod.png",
        Name = "Tether Grenades",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Thermagnetic Shells"] = {
        Image = "ThermagneticShellsMod.png",
        Name = "Thermagnetic Shells",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Thermite Rounds"] = {
        Image = "ThermiteRoundsModU145.png",
        Name = "Thermite Rounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Thief's Wit"] = {
        Image = "ThiefsWitModU145.png",
        Name = "Thief's Wit",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Thrash Landing"] = {
        Image = "ThrashLanding.png",
        Name = "Thrash Landing",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Thumper"] = {
        Image = "Thumper 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Thumper",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Thunderbolt"] = {
        Image = "ThunderboltModU145.png",
        Name = "Thunderbolt",
        Introduced = "7.1",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Thundermiter"] = {
        Image = "Thundermiter.png",
        Name = "Thundermiter",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tidal Impunity"] = {
        Image = "TidalImpunityMod.png",
        Name = "Tidal Impunity",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Titanic Rumbler"] = {
        Image = "TitanicRumblerMod.png",
        Name = "Titanic Rumbler",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Total Eclipse"] = {
        Image = "TotalEclipseMod.png",
        Name = "Total Eclipse",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Toxic Barrage"] = {
        Image = "ToxicBarrageModU145.png",
        Name = "Toxic Barrage",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Toxic Blight"] = {
        Image = "ToxicBlight.png",
        Name = "Toxic Blight",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Toxic Flight"] = {
        Image = "ToxicFlightMod.png",
        Name = "Toxic Flight",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Toxic Sequence"] = {
        Image = "ToxicSequence.png",
        Name = "Toxic Sequence",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Toxin Resistance"] = {
        Image = "ToxinResistanceMod.png",
        Name = "Toxin Resistance",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tractor Beam"] = {
        Image = "TractorBeamMod.png",
        Name = "Tractor Beam",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Trail Blazer"] = {
        Image = "TrailBlazer.png",
        Name = "Trail Blazer",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Trample"] = {
        Image = "TrampleMod.png",
        Name = "Trample",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tranquil Cleave"] = {
        Image = "TranquilCleaveMod.png",
        Name = "Tranquil Cleave",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Transfusion"] = {
        Image = "TransfusionMod.png",
        Name = "Transfusion",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Transient Fortitude"] = {
        Image = "TransientFortitude.png",
        Name = "Transient Fortitude",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Transistor Shield"] = {
        Image = "TransistorShieldMod.png",
        Name = "Transistor Shield",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Tribunal"] = {
        Image = "TribunalMod.png",
        Name = "Tribunal",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Trick Mag"] = {
        Image = "TrickMagModU145.png",
        Name = "Trick Mag",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Triple Tap"] = {
        Image = "Triple_Tap.png",
        Name = "Triple Tap",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["True Punishment"] = {
        Image = "TruePunishmentMod.png",
        Name = "True Punishment",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["True Steel"] = {
        Image = "TrueSteelMod.png",
        Name = "True Steel",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Twirling Spire"] = {
        Image = "TwirlingSpireMod.png",
        Name = "Twirling Spire",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Twitch"] = {
        Image = "Twitch.png",
        Name = "Twitch",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    -- U --
    ["Umbral Fiber"] = {
        Image = "UmbralFiber.png",
        Name = "Umbral Fiber",
        Polarity = "Umbra",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Umbral Intensify"] = {
        Image = "UmbralIntensify.png",
        Name = "Umbral Intensify",
        Polarity = "Umbra",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Umbral Vitality"] = {
        Image = "UmbralVitality.png",
        Name = "Umbral Vitality",
        Polarity = "Umbra",
        Rarity = "Legendary",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Undying Will"] = {
        Image = "UndyingWillModU145.png",
        Introduced = "0",
        Name = "Undying Will",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Unleashed"] = {
        Image = "Unleashed 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Unleashed",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
    ["Untraceable"] = {
        Image = "UntracableMod.png",
        Name = "Untraceable",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- V --
    ["Vacuum"] = {
        Image = "Vacuum 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Vacuum",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vampire Leech"] = {
        Image = "VampireLeech2.png",
        Name = "Vampire Leech",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vanquished Prey"] = {
        Image = "VanquishedPreyMod.png",
        Name = "Vanquished Prey",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vaporize"] = {
        Image = "Vaporize 19.6.3.png",
        Introduced = "8",
        Name = "Vaporize",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vapor Trail"] = {
        Image = "VaporTrailMod.png",
        Introduced = "29",
        Name = "Vapor Trail",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vazarin Transmute Core"] = {
        Image = "VazarinTransmuteCore.png",
        Name = "Vazarin Transmute Core",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Venari Bodyguard"] = {
        Image = "VenariBodyguardMod.png",
        Name = "Venari Bodyguard",
        Polarity = "Ability",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Venerdo Hoverdrive"] = {
        Image = "VenerdoHoverdrive.png",
        Name = "Venerdo Hoverdrive",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vengeful Revenant"] = {
        Image = "VengefulRevenantMod.png",
        Name = "Vengeful Revenant",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Venom Dose"] = {
        Image = "VenomDoseMod.png",
        Name = "Venom Dose",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Venom Teeth"] = {
        Image = "VenomTeethMod.png",
        Name = "Venom Teeth",
        Introduced = "24",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Venomous Clip"] = {
        Image = "VenomousClip.png",
        Name = "Venomous Clip",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Venomous Rise"] = {
        Image = "VenomousRiseMod.png",
        Name = "Venomous Rise",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vermillion Storm"] = {
        Image = "VermillionStorm.png",
        Name = "Vermillion Storm",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vexing Retaliation"] = {
        Image = "VexingRetaliation2.png",
        Name = "Vexing Retaliation",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vicious Approach"] = {
        Image = "ViciousApproachMod.png",
        Name = "Vicious Approach",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vicious Frost"] = {
        Image = "ViciousFrostModU145.png",
        Name = "Vicious Frost",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vicious Spread"] = {
        Image = "ViciousSpreadModU145.png",
        Name = "Vicious Spread",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigilante Armaments"] = {
        Image = "VigilanteArmamentsMod.png",
        Name = "Vigilante Armaments",
        Introduced = "22",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigilante Fervor"] = {
        Image = "VigilanteFervorMod.png",
        Name = "Vigilante Fervor",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigilante Offense"] = {
        Image = "VigilanteOffenseMod.png",
        Name = "Vigilante Offense",
        Introduced = "22",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigilante Pursuit"] = {
        Image = "VigilantePursuitMod.png",
        Name = "Vigilante Pursuit",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigilante Vigor"] = {
        Image = "VigilanteVigorMod.png",
        Name = "Vigilante Vigor",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigilante Supplies"] = {
        Image = "VigilanteSuppliesMod.png",
        Name = "Vigilante Supplies",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigor"] = {
        Image = "VigorModU145.png",
        Introduced = "9.5",
        Name = "Vigor",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vigorous Swap"] = {
        Image = "VigorousSwap.png",
        Name = "Vigorous Swap",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vile Acceleration"] = {
        Image = "VileAccelerationNew.png",
        Name = "Vile Acceleration",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vile Precision"] = {
        Image = "VilePrecisionModU145.png",
        Name = "Vile Precision",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Viral Quills"] = {
        Image = "ViralQuillsMod.png",
        Name = "Viral Quills",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Virulent Scourge"] = {
        Image = "VirulentScourgeModU145.png",
        Name = "Virulent Scourge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vital Sense"] = {
        Image = "VitalSenseModU145.png",
        Name = "Vital Sense",
        Introduced = "0",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Vital Systems Bypass"] = {
        Image = "Vitalsystemsbypass.png",
        Name = "Vital Systems Bypass",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vitality"] = {
        Image = "VitalityModU145.png",
        Name = "Vitality",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Volcanic Edge"] = {
        Image = "VolcanicEdgeModU145.png",
        Name = "Volcanic Edge",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Voltage Sequence"] = {
        Image = "VoltageSequenceMod.png",
        Name = "Voltage Sequence",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Voltaic Lance"] = {
        Image = "VoltaicLanceMod.png",
        Name = "Voltaic Lance",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Voltaic Strike"] = {
        Image = "VoltaicStrikeModU145.png",
        Name = "Voltaic Strike",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vome"] = {
        Image = "VomeRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Vome",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Vulcan Blitz"] = {
        Image = "VulcanBlitzMod.png",
        Name = "Vulcan Blitz",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Vulpine Mask"] = {
        Image = "VulpineMask.png",
        Name = "Vulpine Mask",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- W --
    ["Ward Recovery"] = {
        Image = "WardRecovery.png",
        Name = "Ward Recovery",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Warding Thurible"] = {
        Image = "WardingThuribleMod.png",
        Name = "Warding Thurible",
        Polarity = "Zenurik",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Warm Coat"] = {
        Image = "WarmCoatModU145.png",
        Name = "Warm Coat",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Warrior"] = {
        Image = "Warrior 19.6.3.png",
        Name = "Warrior",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Weeping Wounds"] = {
        Image = "WeepingWoundsMod.png",
        Name = "Weeping Wounds",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Uncommon",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Whiplash Mine"] = {
        Image = "WhiplashMineMod.png",
        Name = "Whiplash Mine",
        Polarity = "Penjaga",
        Rarity = "Common",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Whirlwind"] = {
        Image = "WhirlwindModU145.png",
        Name = "Whirlwind",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    ["Wild Frenzy"] = {
        Image = "WildFrenzy.png",
        Name = "Wild Frenzy",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Wildfire"] = {
        Image = "WildfireModU145.png",
        Name = "Wildfire",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Winds of Purity"] = {
        Image = "Winds of Purity 19.9.1.png",
        Name = "Winds of Purity",
        Polarity = "Vazarin",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Wise Razor"] = {
        Image = "WiseRazorMod.png",
        Introduced = "24.4",
        Name = "Wise Razor",
        Polarity = "Madurai",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- X --
    ["Xata"] = {
        Image = "XataRequiemMod.png",
        Name = "Xata",
        Polarity = nil,
        Rarity = "Requiem",
        Transmutable = true,
    -- Y --
    -- Z --
    ["Zazvat-Kar"] = {
        Image = "Zazvat-Kar.png",
        Name = "Zazvat-Kar",
        Introduced = "29",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,
    ["Zodiac Shred"] = {
        Image = "ZodiacShredMod.png",
        Name = "Zodiac Shred",
        Polarity = "Naramon",
        Rarity = "Rare",
        Transmutable = false,

return ModData