
Math is an extension of the math STL, containing additional functionality and support. All Math, non-STL, functions are capable of evaluating mathemetical expression strings and provide friendlier error messages than the default error() function. While more powerful than their STL counterparts, Math's functions comes at the cost of performance. If complex math is done within long looping applications or Lua expense needs to be kept low, consider using the STL functions instead.

Math can be invoked directly ({{#invoke:Math|function|...}}), invoked from a template ({{template|function|...}}), or used within other modules.

All math STL objects can be accessed by adding two underscores before the name, e.g.
math.__abs(-7) - Original math STL abs function
math.abs(-7) - Math's abs function with error checking and string evaluation

All bit32 STL objects can be accessed by adding two underscores before the name (without the 'b'), e.g.
math.__xor(1, 0) - Original bit32 STL bxor function

On this Wiki, Math is used in:


Direct Invocation



In template: {{#invoke:Math|__main}}
In articles: {{template|function|input1|input2|...}}


local p = {}
local math = require('Module:Math')

local pi = math.pi
local absSTL = math.__abs

local function func(input)
    -- ...
    -- input -> stuff
    -- ...
    return math.eval(stuff)


Package items

math.eval(num) (function)
Evaluates input
Parameter: num The input expression (string)
Returns: eval(num) (number)
math.formatnum(num, code, noCommafy) (function)
Evaluates and formats input
  • num The input expression (number, string)
  • code A language code | default 'en' (string; optional)
  • noCommafy Use comma separators | default false (boolean; optional)
  • formatnum(num) (string)
  • formatnum(num, 'ar') (string)
  • formatnum(num, "", true) (string)
  • etc. (string)
math.abs(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the magnitude
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: abs(num) (number)
math.acos(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the acos
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: acos(num) (number)
math.add(n, m) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the sum
  • n An input value (table, boolean, number, string)
  • m A second input value (table, boolean, number, string)
Returns: add(n, m) (table, boolean, number, string)
math.asin(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the asin
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: asin(num) (number)
math.atan(num, den) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the atan
  • num The input value (number, string)
  • den A second input value | default 1 (number, string; optional)
  • atan(num) (number)
  • atan(num / den) (number)
math.binomial(p, n, r) (function)
Returns the binomial probability of three inputs
  • p The probability of success (string, number)
  • n Total number of trials (string, number)
  • r Number of successes (string, number)
Returns: Binomial of p, n, and r (number)
math.ceil(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the ceil
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: ceil(num) (number)
math.cos(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the cos
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: cos(num) (number)
math.cosh(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the cosh
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: cosh(num) (number)
math.deg(num) (function)
Evaluates input and converts into degrees
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: deg(num) (number)
math.div(n, m) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the quotient
  • n An input value (table, boolean, number, string)
  • m A second input value (table, boolean, number, string)
Returns: div(n, m) (table, boolean, number, string)
math.ex(frame) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the expected value
Parameter: frame inputs (table)
Returns: Expectation range of inputs (string)
math.exp(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the exp
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: exp(num) (number)
math.floor(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the floor
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: floor(num) (number)
math.frac(num, factor, epsilon) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns closest fraction
  • num The input value (number, string)
  • factor The value to factor out | default '1' (string; optional)
  • epsilon Number of decimal places to be accurate to | default -5 (10^-5) (number, string; optional)
Returns: Closest fraction in LaTeX (string)
math.gamma(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the factorial
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
  • (num - 1)! (number)
  • (num - 1)! scientific notation if larger than 107 (string)
math.gcd(num1, num2) (function)
Evaluates inputs and return greatest common divider
  • num1 The first input value (number, string)
  • num2 The second input value (number, string)
Returns: GCD(num1, num2) (number)
math.ln(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the natural log
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: ln(num) (number)
math.log(num, base) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the log (base x)
  • num The input value (number, string)
  • base The logarithm base | default 10 (number, string; optional)
  • log(num) (number)
  • log(num, base) (number)
math.max(nums) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the maximum value
Parameter: nums The input values (table)
  • max(num1, num2, num3, ...) (number)
  • max(nums) (number)
math.min(nums) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the minimum value
Parameter: nums The input values (table)
  • min(num1, num2, num3, ...) (number)
  • min(nums) (number)
math.mod(num, den) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the modulo
  • num The dividend (number, string)
  • den The divider (number, string)
Returns: num % den (number)
math.modf(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the integral, fractional, or both parts
  • num The input value (number, string)
    • frame.int Returns the integer | default false (boolean; optional)
    • frame.dec Returns the decimal | default true (boolean; optional)
  • modf(num) (number)
  • modf(num, int=true) (number)
  • modf(num, int=true, dec=true) (returns both) (number)
math.mul(n, m) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the product
  • n An input value (table, boolean, number, string)
  • m A second input value (table, boolean, number, string)
Returns: mul(n, m) (table, boolean, number, string)
math.ncr(n, r) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the combitorial
  • n The input value (number, string)
  • r The second input value (number, string)
Returns: nCr(n, r) (number)
math.ng(frame) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the nearly guaranteed value
Parameter: frame Inputs (table)
Returns: Nearly guaranteed range of inputs (string)
math.npr(n, r) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the permutation
  • n The input value (number, string)
  • r The second input value (number, string)
Returns: nPr(n, r) (number)
math.percentage(num) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns as a percent
Parameter: num The input value (number)
Returns: number represented as a percentage (string)
math.pow(base, exponent) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the power of one to the other
  • base The input value (number, string)
  • exponent The second input value (number, string)
Returns: baseexponent (number)
math.rad(num) (function)
Evaluates input and converts into radians
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: rad(num) (number)
math.rand(low, upp) (function)
Evaluates input and converts into radians
  • low The lower bound of random values | default 0 (number, string; optional)
  • upp The upper bound of random values | default 1 or low if it exists (number, string; optional)
    • frame.seed The seed to randomize from | default current OS time (number, string; optional)
  • rand() [0 - 1] (number)
  • rand(low) [0 - low] (number)
  • rand(low, upp) [low - upp] (number)
  • rand(seed = 0) (number)
  • etc. (number)
math.replace(str) (function)
Replaces and deletes all non-expression characters in a string
Parameter: str expression (string)
Returns: An evaluatable expression (string)
math.replaceWithSymbol(str) (function)
Replaces constants with their symbol
Parameter: str expression (string)
Returns: #e, #gamma, #phi, and #pi replaced with e, γ, φ, and π (string)
math.round(num, multiple, percent, degree) (function)
Evaluates input and rounds to specified multiple
  • num The input value (number, string)
  • multiple The multiple to round to | default 0.0001 (number, string; optional)
  • percent Convert input from decimal to percentage | default false (boolean; optional)
  • degree Convert input into degrees | default false (boolean; optional)
  • round(num) (string)
  • round(num, 0.125) (string)
  • round(num, "", true, false) (string)
  • etc. (string)
math.sin(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the sin
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: sin(num) (number)
math.sinh(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the sinh
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: sinh(num) (number)
math.sqrt(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the sqrt
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: sqrt(num) (number)
math.sub(n, m) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the difference
  • n An input value (table, boolean, number, string)
  • m A second input value (table, boolean, number, string)
Returns: sub(n, m) (table, boolean, number, string)
math.sum(nums) (function)
Evaluates inputs and returns the summation
Parameter: nums inputs (table)
  • sum(num1, num2, num3, ...) (number)
  • sum(nums) (number)
math.tan(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the tan
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: tan(num) (number)
math.tanh(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the tanh
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: tanh(num) (number)
math.trunc(num) (function)
Evaluates input and returns the truncation
Parameter: num The input value (number, string)
Returns: trunc(num) (number)

Created with Docbunto

See Also


---	'''Math''' is an extension of the math STL, containing additional functionality 
--	and support. All Math, non-[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Math_library STL], functions 
--	are capable of evaluating mathemetical expression strings and provide 
--	friendlier error messages than the default `error()` function. While more 
--	powerful than their STL counterparts, Math's functions comes at the cost of 
--	performance. If complex math is done within long looping applications or Lua 
--	expense needs to be kept low, consider using the STL functions instead.
--	Math can be invoked directly (`{{#invoke:Math|function|...}}`), 
--	invoked from a template (`{{template|function|...}}`), or used
--	within other modules.
--	All math STL objects can be accessed by adding two underscores before the name, e.g.<br />
--	`math.__abs(-7)` - Original math STL abs function<br />
--	`math.abs(-7)` - Math's abs function with error checking and string evaluation<br />
--	All bit32 STL objects can be accessed by adding two underscores before the name (without the 'b'), e.g.<br />
--	`math.__xor(1, 0)` - Original bit32 STL bxor function
--	On this Wiki, Math is used in:
--	* [[Module:Acquisition]]
--	* [[Module:MasteryRank]]
--	* [[Module:Shared]]
--	* [[Module:Warframes]]
--	* [[Module:Warframes/infobox]]
--	* [[Module:Weapons]]
--	* [[Module:Weapons/infobox]]
--	* [[Template:Math]]
--	@module		math
--	@alias		p
--	@author		[[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--	@image		MathLogo.png
--	@require	[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Loadable_libraries bit32]
--	@require	[[w:c:dev:Module:Arguments|Module:Arguments]]
--	@require	[[w:c:dev:Module:Entrypoint|Module:Entrypoint]]
--	@require	[[w:c:dev:Module:User error|Module:User error]]
--	@require	[[w:c:dev:Module:I18n|Module:I18n]]
--	@release	stable
--	<nowiki>
local p = {}

--  Module dependencies  -------------------------------------------------------
local bit		 = require('bit32')
local args		 = require('Dev:Arguments')
local entrypoint = require('Dev:Entrypoint')
local userError  = require('Dev:User error')
-- i18n messages will be in locale as set by client (My Preferences -> Internationalisation)
-- (see mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage") in browser console)
local i18n =  require('Module:I18n').loadMessages('Module:Math/i18n'):useUserLang()

--  Mathematical constants  ----------------------------------------------------
p.e   = math.exp(1) -- e, euler's number
p.gam = 0.57721566490153 -- γ, euler's constant
p.inf = math.huge -- ∞, as defined in IEEE 754
p.phi = (1 + math.sqrt(5))/2 -- φ, golden ratio
p.pi  = math.pi -- π, pi

-- Local functions  ------------------------------------------------------------
local function eval(str)
	mw.log('Evaluating: '..str)
	if string.lower(str) == 'true' then
		return 1
	elseif string.lower(str) == 'false' then
		return 0
	return mw.ext.ParserFunctions.expr(str)

local function formatnum(num, options)
	if not (num and num == num) then return "" end
	if (num == math.huge) then
		return "&#x221e;"
	if options and options.code and mw.language.isValidCode(options.code) then
		return mw.getLanguage(options.code):formatNum(num, options)
	return mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatNum(num, options)

local function replace(str)
	return mw.text.decode(tostring(str)):lower()
	:gsub("#e", "𝘦")
	:gsub("#gamma", "γ")
	:gsub("#phi",  "φ")
	:gsub("#pi",   "π")
	:gsub("#true", "⊨"):gsub("true", "⊨")
	:gsub("#false", "⊭"):gsub("false", "⊭")
	:gsub("#", "")
	:gsub('<sup>', '^('):gsub('</sup>', ')')--superscript tags to parenthesized caret
	:gsub('<%a+[^>]*>', ''):gsub('</%a+>', '')--remove misc tags
	:gsub('%[%[%a+:[^%]]*%]%]', '')--remove namespace links
	:gsub('%[%[[^|]*|', '%[%[')--remove link destinations
	:gsub('\194\160', ''):gsub('%s+', '')--remove all whitespace
	:gsub("[{[]", "("):gsub("[}%]]", ")")
	-- :gsub("[%d.]+","(%1)")
	:gsub("()", "")
	:gsub("%((%b())%)", "%1"):gsub("()", ""):gsub("%((%b())%)", "%1")--only should remove redundant parens, delete if needed
	:gsub("()", "")
	--base ops
	--:gsub("&plus;", "+")
	:gsub("−", "-"):gsub("&minus;", "-")
	:gsub("÷", "/")
	:gsub("•", "*"):gsub("×", "*"):gsub("&times;", "*")
	:gsub("°", "*π/180"):gsub("%%", "/100")
	:gsub("e([+-]?%d+)", "*10^%1")
	--constant vals
	:gsub("𝘦" ,p.e)
	:gsub("γ", p.gam)
	:gsub("φ", p.phi)
	:gsub("π", p.pi)
	:gsub("⊨", 1)
	:gsub("⊭", 0)
	:gsub("%(%)", "")--empty parens
	--:gsub("(%d)%(", "%1*("):gsub("%)%(", ")*("):gsub("%)(%d)", ")*%1")--adjacent -> multiply
	--encode funcs
	:gsub("trunc%(", "τ(")
	:gsub("floor%(", "⌊")
	:gsub("ceil%(", "⌈")
	:gsub("exp%(", "𝑒(")
	:gsub("not%(", "¬(")
	:gsub("abs%(", "∣(")
	:gsub("asin%(", "𝜎⁻¹(")
	:gsub("acos%(", "𝛾⁻¹(")
	:gsub("atan%(", "𝛵⁻¹(")
	:gsub("sin%(", "𝜎(")
	:gsub("cos%(", "𝛾(")
	:gsub("tan%(", "𝛵(")
	:gsub("ln%(",  "♮(")
	--remove letters & misc chars
	:gsub([=[[%a:;&|='"\,?_`]+]=], "")
	--decode funcs
	:gsub("τ", "trunc")
	:gsub("⌊" ,"floor(")
	:gsub("⌈" ,"ceil(")
	:gsub("⌋" ,")")
	:gsub("⌉" ,")")
	:gsub("𝑒" ,"exp")
	:gsub("¬", "not")
	:gsub("∣" ,"abs")
	:gsub("𝜎⁻¹" ,"asin")
	:gsub("𝛾⁻¹" ,"acos")
	:gsub("𝛵⁻¹" ,"atan")
	:gsub("𝜎" ,"sin")
	:gsub("𝛾" ,"cos")
	:gsub("𝛵" ,"tan")
	:gsub("♮", "ln")
	:gsub("%%", ")mod(")
	--finishing touches
	:gsub("%(%)", "")--empty parens
	:gsub("(%d)%(", "%1*("):gsub("%)%(", ")*("):gsub("%)(%d)", ")*%1")--adjacent -> multiply

local function replaceWithSymbol(str)
	str = str:gsub("#e", "e"):gsub("#gamma", "γ"):gsub("#phi", "φ"):gsub("#pi", "π")
	return str

local function round(num, to)
	local total = num + to / 2
	local val = total - (total % to)
	return val

local function operation(v1, v2, op)
	local v3 = {}
	local v1T = type(v1)
	local v2T = type(v2)
	local k1, k2 = v1, v2
	if v1T == 'function' or v2T == 'function' then return end
	if v1 == nil then k1 = 0 elseif v1T == 'string' then k1 = tonumber(eval(v1)) or 0 end
	if v2 == nil then k2 = 0 elseif v2T == 'string' then k2 = tonumber(eval(v2)) or 0 end
	if v1T == v2T and v1T == 'number' then
		return op(v1, v2)
	if v1T == v2T and v1T == 'string' then
		return tostring(op(k1, k2))
	if v1T == v2T and v1T == 'table' then
		for i = 1, math.max(table.maxn(v1), table.maxn(v2)) do
			table.insert(v3, table.maxn(v3) + 1, operation(v1[i], v2[i], op))
		return v3
	if v1T ~= v2T then
		if v1T == 'table' then
			for i = 1, table.maxn(v1) do
				table.insert(v3, table.maxn(v3) + 1, operation(v1[i], v2, op))
			return v3
		if v1T == 'number' then
			if v2T == 'table' then k2 = p.sum(v2) end
			return op(v1, k2)
		if v1T == 'string' then
			if v2T == 'table' then k2 = p.sum(v2) end
			return tostring(op(k1, k2))
	return op(k1, k2)

local function trunc(num)
	local int, dec = math.modf(num)
	return int

local function gcd(a, b)
	a = math.floor(a) b = math.floor(b)
	if b == 0 then
		return a
	return gcd(b, a % b)

local function findFrac(val, factor, str, epsilon)
	epsilon = epsilon + math.ceil(math.log10(val/factor))
	local num = val/factor - math.floor(val/factor)
	num = math.abs(round(num, 10^epsilon))
	local inverse = false
	if num > (1 - num) then
		num = 1 - num
		inverse = true
	local currError = 1
	local midNum = 1 local midDen = math.floor(1/num)
	 if num <= (10^epsilon) then
		currError = 0
		midNum = 0 midDen = 1
	local gcDen = 0
	while currError > (10^epsilon) do
		if num < midNum/midDen then
			midDen = midDen + 1
		elseif num > midNum/midDen then
			midNum = 10*midNum
			midDen = 10*(midDen - 1)
		currError = math.abs(midNum/midDen - num)/num
		currError = trunc(currError*10^-epsilon)*10^epsilon
	if num > (10^epsilon) then
		gcDen = gcd(midNum, midDen)
		midNum = midNum/gcDen midDen = midDen/gcDen
	if inverse then
		midNum = midDen - midNum
	num = math.floor(math.abs(round(val/factor, 10^epsilon)))*midDen
	if (midDen == 1) then
		if (num + midNum) == 1 and str ~= '' then
			num = str
			num = '\\text{'..(num + midNum)..'}'..str
		midDen = '}{\\text{'..midDen..'}}'
		if (num + midNum) == 1 and str ~= '' then
			num = '\\frac{'..str..midDen
			num = '\\frac{\\text{'..(num + midNum)..'}'..midDen..'\\!'..str
	if (val < 0) then num = '-'..num end
	return num

local function asin(num)
	local val = math.asin(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val
local function acos(num)
	local val = math.acos(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val
local function atan(num, den)
	local val = math.atan2(num, den)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val

local function sin(num)
	local val = math.sin(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val
local function cos(num)
	local val = math.cos(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val
local function tan(num)
	local val = math.tan(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val

local function sinh(num)
	local val = math.sinh(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val
local function cosh(num)
	local val = math.cosh(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val
local function tanh(num)
	local val = math.tanh(num)
	if math.abs(val) <= 10^-14 then val = 0 end
	return val

local function rand(low, upp, seed)
	local randomtable = {}
	if low == 0 and upp == 1 then
		for i = 1, 97 do
			randomtable[i] = math.random()
		for i = 1, 97 do
			randomtable[i] = math.random(low, upp)
	local i = math.ceil(97 * math.random())
	return randomtable[i]

local function func(x, z)
	local power = (z-1)*math.log10(x/(1-x)) - (x/(1-x))/math.log(10) - 2*math.log10(1-x)
	return power
local function log_sum(old_pows)
	local n = table.getn(old_pows)
	if n == 1 then
		return old_pows[1]
	local pows = {}
	local j = 1
	for i = 1, math.floor(n/2) do
		pows[i] = old_pows[j] + math.log10(1 + 10^(old_pows[j+1] - old_pows[j]))
		j = j + 2
	if n % 2 == 1 then
		pows[math.floor(n/2)+1] = old_pows[n]

	return log_sum(pows)
local function gamma_(z)
	if z <= 1 then
		return gamma_(z+1) - math.log10(z)
	local n = 100000
	local d = 1/n

	local pows_ = {}
	local pows = {}
	local j = 1
	local k = n-1
	pows_[1] = func(d, z) - math.log10(n)
	for i = 2, n-1 do
		pows_[i] = func(i*d, z) - math.log10(n)
		if (pows_[i] >= -323) and (pows_[i-1] < -323) then
			j = i
		if (pows_[i] < -323) and (pows_[i-1] >= -323) then
			k = i-1
	for i = 1, k-j+1 do
		pows[i] = pows_[i+j-1]

	local power = log_sum(pows)
	return power
local function gamma(z)
	local power = gamma_(z)
	if math.abs(power + 0) > 7 then
		if (power + 0) < 0 then
			return round(10^(power - math.floor(power)), 10^-7), 'E', math.floor(power + 0)
			return round(10^(power - math.floor(power)), 10^-7), 'E+', math.floor(power + 0)
		return round(10^(power + 0), 10^-7)

local function ncr(n, r)
	-- Error Checks --
	if (n < 0) then
		n = 0
	if (r > n) then
		r = n
	local val = 1
	-- Special Cases --
	if (r <= 0 or r >= n) then
		return val
	elseif (r == 1 or r == n - 1) then
		val = n
		return val
	-- n! / r!(n-r)! --
	local total = n - r
	local minimum = r + 1
	local j = total
	if (total > r) then
		minimum = total + 1
		j = r
	for i = n, minimum, -1 do
		val = val * i / j
		if (j >= 2) then
			j = j - 1
	return val

local function npr(n, r)
	-- Error Checks --
	if (n < 0) then
		n = 0
	if (r > n) then
		r = n
	local val = 1
	-- Special Cases --
	if (r <= 0) then
		return val
	elseif (r == 1) then
		val = n
		return val
	-- n! / (n-r)! --
	local total = n - r
	local minimum = total + 1
	for i = n, minimum, -1 do
		val = val * i
	return val

local function binomial(p, n, r)
	if p < 0 then
		p = 0
	elseif p > 1 then
		p = 1
	local c = ncr(n, r)
	local val = c*(p^r)*(1-p)^(n-r)
	return val

function sum(array)
	local s = 0
	if type(array) ~= 'table' then return array end
	for i = 1, #array do
		s = s + array[i]

	return s
local function getProbs(array)
	local probs = {}
	local num
	local i = 1
	local j = 1
	while array[i] ~= nil do
		num = array[i] + 0
		if num > 0 then
			probs[j] = num
			j = j + 1
		i = i + 1
	local sumP = sum(probs)
	if sumP > 1 then
		for i = 1, #probs do
			probs[i] = probs[i]/sumP
	return probs

local function expected(array)
	local probs = getProbs(array)
	local terms, totalProb
	local runs = 0
	for i = 1, math.pow(2, #probs) - 1 do
		totalProb = 0
		terms = 0

		for j = 0, #probs - 1 do
			if math.pow(2, j) > i then

			if bit.band(i, math.pow(2, j)) ~= 0 then
				totalProb = totalProb + probs[j + 1]
				terms = terms + 1

		if terms % 2 == 1 then
			runs = runs + 1 / totalProb
			runs = runs - 1 / totalProb
	return runs

local function func2(probs, dp, x)
	local ngFunction = 0
	for i = 1, #probs do
		ngFunction = ngFunction + (1 - probs[i])^x
	return 1 - dp - ngFunction
local function IQI(probs, dp, x_guess_one, x_guess_two, x_guess_three, error_desired, max_iterations)
	local x_old_old = x_guess_one
	local x_old = x_guess_two
	local x_current = x_guess_three
	local error_approx = error_desired + 1
	local num_iterations = 0

	if func2(probs, dp, x_old_old) == 0 then
		x_root = x_old_old
	elseif func2(probs, dp, x_old) == 0 then
		x_root = x_old
	elseif func2(probs, dp, x_current) == 0 then
		x_root = x_current
		while (error_approx > error_desired) and (num_iterations < max_iterations) do
			num_iterations = num_iterations + 1
			y_old_old = func2(probs, dp, x_old_old)
			y_old = func2(probs, dp, x_old)
			y_current = func2(probs, dp, x_current)
			x_new = (y_old*y_old_old/((y_current - y_old)*(y_current - y_old_old)))*x_current + (y_current*y_old_old/((y_old - y_current)*(y_old - y_old_old)))*x_old + (y_current*y_old/((y_old_old - y_current)*(y_old_old - y_old)))*x_old_old

			if x_new ~= 0 then
				error_approx = math.abs((x_new - x_current)/x_new) * 100

			x_old_old = x_old
			x_old = x_current
			x_current = x_new
		x_root = x_new

	return x_root
local function nearlyGuaranteed(array)
	local probs = getProbs(array)
	local range = 1
	if table.getn(probs) ~= 1 or probs[1] ~= 1 then
		local nine9 = IQI(probs, 0.99, 0, 1, 2, 0.000001, 1000)
		local nine99 = IQI(probs, 0.999, 0, 1, 2, 0.000001, 1000)
		local nine999 = IQI(probs, 0.9999, 0, 1, 2, 0.000001, 1000)
		range = formatnum(round(nine99, 1))..'&nbsp;&#177;&nbsp;'..formatnum(round((nine999 - nine9)/2, 1))
	return range

local function getArgs(frame, options)
	if type(frame[1]) == 'table' and table.getn(frame) < 2 then frame = frame[1] end
	if type(options) ~= 'table' then options = {options} end
	local args = args.getArgs(frame, options)
	local tempArgs = {}
	local str
	if not(options.noReplace) then
		for i, v in pairs(args) do
			if type(i) ~= 'number' or type(v) ~= 'string' then tempArgs[i] = v
				str = '('..replace(v)..')'
				if options.noEval then tempArgs[i] = str
				elseif options.type then tempArgs[i] = eval(str)
				else tempArgs[i] = tonumber(eval(str)) end
		args = tempArgs
	local j = 1
	tempArgs = {}
	if options.noNil then
		for i, v in pairs(args) do
			if type(i) ~= 'number' then tempArgs[i] = v
			elseif v then tempArgs[j] = v j = j + 1 end
		args = tempArgs
	return args

--  Member functions  ----------------------------------------------------------

--- Evaluates input
--  @function		p.eval
--  @param			{string} num The input expression
--  @return			{number} eval(num)
function p.eval(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noEval = true})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.eval(num)' } } )) end
	return eval(args[1])

--- Evaluates and formats input
--  @function		p.formatnum
--  @param			{number, string} num The input expression
--  @param[opt]		{string} code A language code | default 'en'
--  @param[opt]		{boolean} noCommafy Use comma separators | default false
--  @return			{string} formatnum(num)
--  @return			{string} formatnum(num, 'ar')
--  @return			{string} formatnum(num, "", true)
--  @return			{string} etc.
function p.formatnum(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noReplace = true})
	local options = {}
	options.code = args[2] or 'en'
	options.noCommafy = args[3] or false
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.formatnum(num) or p.formatnum(num, code)' } } )) end
	return formatnum(args[1], options)

--- Evaluates input and returns the magnitude
--  @function		p.abs
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} abs(num)
function p.abs(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.abs(num)' } } )) end
	return math.abs(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the acos
--  @function		p.acos
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} acos(num)
function p.acos(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.acos(num)' } } )) end
	return acos(args[1])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the sum
--  @function		p.add
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} n An input value
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} m A second input value
--  @return			{table, boolean, number, string} add(n, m)
function p.add(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {type = true})
	if args[1] == nil or args[2] == nil then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.add(n, m)' } } )) end
	local function add(a, b)
		local t1, t2, k1, k2
		k1 = a k2 = b
		t1 = type(a) t2 = type(b)
		if t1 == 'boolean' then k1 = a and 1 or 0 end
		if t2 == 'boolean' then k2 = b and 1 or 0 end
		if t1 == t2 and t1 == 'boolean' then
			if bit.bxor(k1, k2) == 1 then return true end
			return false
		if t1 == 'boolean' then
			if t2 == 'table' then k2 = p.sum(b) end
			if math.abs(k2) > 1 or bit.bxor(k1, k2) == 1 then
				return true
			return false
		return k1 + k2
	return operation(args[1], args[2], add)

--- Evaluates input and returns the asin
--  @function		p.asin
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} asin(num)
function p.asin(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.asin(num)' } } )) end
	return asin(args[1])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the atan
--  @function		p.atan
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} den A second input value | default 1
--  @return			{number} atan(num)
--  @return			{number} atan(num / den)
function p.atan(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.atan(num) or p.atan(num, den)' } } )) end
	return atan(args[1], args[2] or 1)

--- Returns the binomial probability of three inputs
--  @function		p.binomial
--  @param			{string, number} p The probability of success
--  @param			{string, number} n Total number of trials
--  @param			{string, number} r Number of successes
--  @return			{number} Binomial of p, n, and r
function p.binomial(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) or not(args[2]) or not(args[3]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.binomial(p, n, r)' } } )) end
	return binomial(args[1], args[2], args[3])

--- Evaluates input and returns the ceil
--  @function		p.ceil
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} ceil(num)
function p.ceil(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.ceil(num)' } } )) end
	return math.ceil(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the cos
--  @function		p.cos
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} cos(num)
function p.cos(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.cos(num)' } } )) end
	return cos(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the cosh
--  @function		p.cosh
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} cosh(num)
function p.cosh(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.cosh(num)' } } )) end
	return cosh(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and converts into degrees
--  @function		p.deg
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} deg(num)
function p.deg(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.deg(num)' } } )) end
	return math.deg(args[1])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the quotient
--  @function		p.div
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} n An input value
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} m A second input value
--  @return			{table, boolean, number, string} div(n, m)
function p.div(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {type = true})
	if args[1] == nil or args[2] == nil then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.div(n, m)' } } )) end
	local function div(a, b)
		local t1, t2, k1, k2
		k1 = a k2 = b
		t1 = type(a) t2 = type(b)
		if t1 == 'boolean' then k1 = a and 1 or 0 end
		if t2 == 'boolean' then k2 = b and 1 or 0 end
		return k1 / k2
	return operation(args[1], args[2], div)

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the expected value
--  @function		p.ex
--  @param			{table} frame inputs
--  @return			{string} Expectation range of inputs
function p.ex(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noNil = true})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.ex(prob1, prob2, prob3, ...)' } } )) end
	local runs = expected(args)
	if math.floor(runs) == math.ceil(runs) or (args["range"] ~= nil and args["range"] ~= '') then
		return formatnum(runs)
	return formatnum(math.floor(runs))..'&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;'..formatnum(math.ceil(runs))

--- Evaluates input and returns the exp
--  @function		p.exp
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} exp(num)
function p.exp(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	return math.exp(args[1] or 1)

--- Evaluates input and returns the floor
--  @function		p.floor
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} floor(num)
function p.floor(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.floor(num)' } } )) end
	return math.floor(args[1])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns closest fraction
--  @function		p.frac
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @param[opt]		{string} factor The value to factor out | default '1'
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} epsilon Number of decimal places to be accurate to | default -5 (10^-5)
--  @return			{string} Closest fraction in LaTeX
function p.frac(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noReplace = true})
	local factor = args[2] or '1'
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.frac(num) or p.frac(num, factor, epsilon)' } } )) end
	local num = args[1]
	local epsilon = args[3] or -5
	local str = ''
	if factor == '#e' then
		str = 'e'
	elseif factor == '#gamma' then
		str = '\\gamma'
	elseif factor == '#phi' then
		str = '\\varphi'
	elseif factor == '#pi' then
		str = '\\pi'
	elseif factor == '1' or factor == 'y' or factor == '' then
		str = ''
		factor = 1
		str = '\\text{('..(replace(factor) + 0)..')}'
	factor = replace(factor) + 0
	if factor == 0 then
		factor = 1
	if num ~= 0 then
		return findFrac(num, factor, str, epsilon)
	return 0

--- Evaluates input and returns the factorial
--  @function		p.gamma
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} (num - 1)!
--  @return			{string} (num - 1)! scientific notation if larger than 10^7
function p.gamma(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.gamma(num)' } } )) end
	return gamma(args[1])

--- Evaluates inputs and return greatest common divider
--  @function		p.gcd
--  @param			{number, string} num1 The first input value
--  @param			{number, string} num2 The second input value
--  @return			{number} GCD(num1, num2)
function p.gcd(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) or not(args[2]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.gcd(num1, num2)' } } )) end
	return gcd(args[1], args[2])

--- Evaluates input and returns the natural log
--  @function		p.ln
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} ln(num)
function p.ln(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.ln(num)' } } )) end
	return math.log(args[1])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the log (base x)
--  @function		p.log
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} base The logarithm base | default 10
--  @return			{number} log(num)
--  @return			{number} log(num, base)
function p.log(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.log(num) or p.log(num, base)' } } )) end
	return math.log(args[1]) / math.log(args[2] or 10)

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the maximum value
--  @function		p.max
--  @param			{table} nums The input values
--  @return			{number} max(num1, num2, num3, ...)
--  @return			{number} max(nums)
function p.max(...)
	local i = 1
	local maxVal = -p.inf
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noNil = true})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.max(num1, num2, num3, ...)' } } )) end
	while args[i] ~= nil do
		maxVal = math.max(maxVal, args[i])
		i = i + 1
	return maxVal

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the minimum value
--  @function		p.min
--  @param			{table} nums The input values
--  @return			{number} min(num1, num2, num3, ...)
--  @return			{number} min(nums)
function p.min(...)
	local i = 1
	local minVal = p.inf
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noNil = true})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.min(num1, num2, num3, ...)' } } )) end
	while args[i] ~= nil do
		minVal = math.min(minVal, args[i])
		i = i + 1
	return minVal

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the modulo
--  @function		p.mod
--  @param			{number, string} num The dividend
--  @param			{number, string} den The divider
--  @return			{number} num % den
function p.mod(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) or not(args[2]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.mod(num, den)' } } )) end
	return math.fmod(args[1], args[2])

--- Evaluates input and returns the integral, fractional, or both parts
--  @function		p.modf
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @param[opt]		{boolean} frame.int Returns the integer | default false
--  @param[opt]		{boolean} frame.dec Returns the decimal | default true
--  @return			{number} modf(num)
--  @return			{number} modf(num, int=true)
--  @return			{number} modf(num, int=true, dec=true) (returns both)
function p.modf(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.modf(num)' } } )) end
	local int, dec = math.modf(args[1])
	if args["int"] and not(args["dec"]) then return int end
	if args["int"] and args["dec"] then return int, dec end
	return dec

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the product
--  @function		p.mul
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} n An input value
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} m A second input value
--  @return			{table, boolean, number, string} mul(n, m)
function p.mul(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {type = true})
	if args[1] == nil or args[2] == nil then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.mul(n, m)' } } )) end
	local function mul(a, b)
		local t1, t2, k1, k2
		k1 = a k2 = b
		t1 = type(a) t2 = type(b)
		if t1 == 'boolean' then k1 = a and 1 or 0 end
		if t2 == 'boolean' then k2 = b and 1 or 0 end
		if t1 == t2 and t1 == 'boolean' then
			if k1 == 0 or k2 == 0 then return false end
			return true
		if t1 == 'boolean' then
			if t2 == 'table' then k2 = p.sum(b) end
			if k1 == 0 or k2 == 0 then return false end
			return true
		return k1 * k2
	return operation(args[1], args[2], mul)

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the combitorial
--  @function		p.ncr
--  @param			{number, string} n The input value
--  @param			{number, string} r The second input value
--  @return			{number} nCr(n, r)
function p.ncr(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) or not(args[2]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.ncr(n, r)' } } )) end
	return ncr(args[1], args[2])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the nearly guaranteed value
--  @function		p.ng
--  @param			{table} frame Inputs
--  @return			{string} Nearly guaranteed range of inputs
function p.ng(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noNil = true})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.ng(prob1, prob2, prob3, ...)' } } )) end
	return nearlyGuaranteed(args)

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the permutation
--  @function		p.npr
--  @param			{number, string} n The input value
--  @param			{number, string} r The second input value
--  @return			{number} nPr(n, r)
function p.npr(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) or not(args[2]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.npr(n, r)' } } )) end
	return npr(args[1], args[2])

--- Evaluates inputs and returns as a percent
--  @function		p.percentage
--  @param			{number} num The input value
--  @return			{string} number represented as a percentage
function p.percentage(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.percentage(num)' } } )) end
	if not(args[2]) then args[2] = 0.01 end
	return formatnum(round(args[1] * 100, args[2]))..'%'

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the power of one to the other
--  @function		p.pow
--  @param			{number, string} base The input value
--  @param			{number, string} exponent The second input value
--  @return			{number} base^exponent
function p.pow(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) or not(args[2]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.pow(base, exponent)' } } )) end
	if args[2] == 0.5 then return math.sqrt(math.abs(args[1])) end
	if args[2] > 0 and args[2] < 1 then args[1] = math.abs(args[1]) end
	return math.pow(args[1], args[2])

--- Evaluates input and converts into radians
--  @function		p.rad
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} rad(num)
function p.rad(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.rad(num)' } } )) end
	return math.rad(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and converts into radians
--  @function		p.rand
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} low The lower bound of random values | default 0
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} upp The upper bound of random values | default 1 or low if it exists
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} frame.seed The seed to randomize from | default current OS time
--  @return			{number} rand() [0 - 1]
--  @return			{number} rand(low) [0 - low]
--  @return			{number} rand(low, upp) [low - upp]
--  @return			{number} rand(seed = 0)
--  @return			{number} etc.
function p.rand(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	local seed = tonumber(eval(replace(args.seed or '')))
	if not(seed) then seed = os.time() end
	if not(args[1]) then args[2] = 1 args[1] = 0 end
	if not(args[2]) then args[2] = args[1] args[1] = 1 end
	if args[3] then
		if args[1] == args[2] then
			return args[1]
		return rand(math.min(args[1], args[2]), math.max(args[1], args[2]), seed)
		if args[1] == args[2] then
			return args[1]..'_'..seed
		return rand(math.min(args[1], args[2]), math.max(args[1], args[2]), seed)..'_'..seed

--- Replaces and deletes all non-expression characters in a string
--  @function		p.replace
--  @param			{string} str expression
--  @return			{string} An evaluatable expression
function p.replace(frame)
	return '('..replace(frame.args[1] or '')..')'

--- Replaces constants with their symbol
--  @function		p.replaceWithSymbol
--  @param			{string} str expression
--  @return			{string} #e, #gamma, #phi, and #pi replaced with e, γ, φ, and π
function p.replaceWithSymbol(frame)
	return replaceWithSymbol(frame.args[1] or '')

--- Evaluates input and rounds to specified multiple
--  @function		p.round
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @param[opt]		{number, string} multiple The multiple to round to | default 0.0001
--  @param[opt]		{boolean} percent Convert input from decimal to percentage | default false
--  @param[opt]		{boolean} degree Convert input into degrees | default false
--  @return			{string} round(num)
--  @return			{string} round(num, 0.125)
--  @return			{string} round(num, "", true, false)
--  @return			{string} etc.
function p.round(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.round(num) or p.round(num, multiple)' } } )) end
	if args[1] == math.huge then return 'inf' end
	if math.abs(args[1]) <= 10^-14 then return '0' end
	if args[3] == true then args[1] = string.format(100*args[1]) end
	if args[4] == true then args[1] = string.format(math.deg(args[1])) end
	local num = round(args[1], args[2] or 0.0001)
	if math.abs(num) <= 10^-14 then return '0' end
	local power = math.log10(math.abs(num))
	if power >= 0 then
		power = math.floor(power)
		power = math.ceil(power)
	if power <= -5 or power >= 14 then
		num = num * 10^(-power)
		if power >= 0 then
			return num..'E+'..power
		return num..'E-'..-power
	return formatnum(num)

--- Evaluates input and returns the sin
--  @function		p.sin
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} sin(num)
function p.sin(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.sin(num)' } } )) end
	return sin(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the sinh
--  @function		p.sinh
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} sinh(num)
function p.sinh(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.sinh(num)' } } )) end
	return sinh(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the sqrt
--  @function		p.sqrt
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} sqrt(num)
function p.sqrt(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.sqrt(num)' } } )) end
	return math.sqrt(math.abs(args[1]))

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the difference
--  @function		p.sub
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} n An input value
--	@param			{table, boolean, number, string} m A second input value
--  @return			{table, boolean, number, string} sub(n, m)
function p.sub(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {type = true})
	if args[1] == nil or args[2] == nil then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.sub(n, m)' } } )) end
	local function sub(a, b)
		local t1, t2, k1, k2
		k1 = a k2 = b
		t1 = type(a) t2 = type(b)
		if t1 == 'boolean' then k1 = a and 1 or 0 end
		if t2 == 'boolean' then k2 = b and 1 or 0 end
		if t1 == t2 and t1 == 'boolean' then
			if bit.bxor(k1, 1 - k2) == 1 then return true end
			return false
		if t1 == 'boolean' then
			if t2 == 'table' then k2 = p.sum(b) end
			if math.abs(k2) > 1 or bit.bxor(k1, 1 - k2) == 0 then
				return false
			return true
		return k1 - k2
	return operation(args[1], args[2], sub)

--- Evaluates inputs and returns the summation
--  @function		p.sum
--  @param			{table} nums inputs
--  @return			{number} sum(num1, num2, num3, ...)
--  @return			{number} sum(nums)
function p.sum(...)
	local args = getArgs({...}, {noNil = true})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.sum(num1, num2, num3, ...)' } } )) end
	local i = 1
	local sum = 0
	while args[i] ~= nil do
		sum = operation(sum, (args[i] or 0), p.add)
		i = i + 1

	return sum

--- Evaluates input and returns the tan
--  @function		p.tan
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} tan(num)
function p.tan(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.tan(num)' } } )) end
	return tan(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the tanh
--  @function		p.tanh
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} tanh(num)
function p.tanh(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.tanh(num)' } } )) end
	return tanh(args[1])

--- Evaluates input and returns the truncation
--  @function		p.trunc
--  @param			{number, string} num The input value
--  @return			{number} trunc(num)
function p.trunc(...)
	local args = getArgs({...})
	if not(args[1]) then return userError(i18n:msg( { key = 'no-argument', args = { 'p.trunc(num)' } } )) end
	return trunc(args[1])

--  All Math STL functions  ----------------------------------------------------
-- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Math_library
p.__abs = math.abs
p.__acos = math.acos
p.__asin = math.asin
p.__atan = math.atan
p.__atan2 = math.atan2
p.__ceil = math.ceil
p.__cos = math.cos
p.__cosh = math.cosh
p.__deg = math.deg
p.__exp = math.exp
p.__floor = math.floor
p.__fmod = math.fmod
p.__frexp = math.frexp
p.__huge = math.huge
p.__ldexp = math.ldexp
p.__log = math.log
p.__log10 = math.log10
p.__log = math.log
p.__max = math.max
p.__min = math.min
p.__mod = math.mod
p.__modf = math.modf
p.__pi = math.pi
p.__pow = math.pow
p.__rad = math.rad
p.__random = math.random
p.__randomseed = math.randomseed
p.__sin = math.sin
p.__sinh = math.sinh
p.__sqrt = math.sqrt
p.__tan = math.tan
p.__tanh = math.tanh

--  All bit32 STL functions  ----------------------------------------------------
-- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#bit32
p.__and = bit.band
p.__arshift = bit.arshift
p.__extract = bit.extract
p.__lrotate = bit.lrotate
p.__lshift = bit.lshift
p.__not = bit.bnot
p.__or = bit.bor
p.__replace = bit.replace
p.__rrotate = bit.rrotate
p.__rshift = bit.rshift
p.__test = bit.btest
p.__xor = bit.bxor

p.__main = entrypoint(p)

return p