You are viewing a module with translations for the Infobox module. It is not advised to edit this page manually. Instead, use the translations editor. If there's something that has to be done that the translation editor cannot do or if the translation editor misbehaved please leave a message on the I18nEdit talk page about your issue.
Upon editing this page without the translations editor you will be stopped by the abuse filter.
-- <nowiki>
return {
["en"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Programming language",
["updated"] = "Updated",
["information"] = "Information",
["meta-module"] = "Meta [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] module",
["invocable-module"] = "Invocable [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] module",
["author"] = "Author(s)",
["version"] = "version $1",
["description"] = "Description",
["type"] = "Type",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] module",
["other-attribution"] = "Other attribution",
["code"] = "Code",
["scope"] = "Scope",
["lang-support"] = "Language support",
["on-page"] = "On page",
["platform"] = "Platform",
["release-status"] = "Release status",
["using-code-by"] = "Using code by",
["original"] = "original",
["dependencies"] = "Dependencies",
["translate-text"] = "Translate!",
["examples"] = "Example(s)"
["qqq"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Label for the \"Language\" parameter in application infoboxes",
["updated"] = "Label for the \"Updated\" parameter in infoboxes",
["examples"] = "Label for the \"Examples\" parameter in infoboxes",
["meta-module"] = "Text for the \"meta\" module type in Lua infoboxes",
["invocable-module"] = "Text for the \"invocable\" module type in Lua infoboxes",
["author"] = "Label for the \"Author\" parameter in infoboxes",
["version"] = "Text after the \"Updated\" parameter values in infoboxes",
["information"] = "Infobox subheading",
["type"] = "Label for the kind of content an infobox is presenting",
["lua-module"] = "Text for the default module type in Lua infoboxes",
["other-attribution"] = "Label for the \"Other attribution\" parameter in infoboxes",
["code"] = "Label for the \"Code\" parameter in infoboxes",
["scope"] = "Label for the \"Scope\" parameter in infoboxes",
["description"] = "Label for the \"Description\" parameter in infoboxes",
["on-page"] = "Text for the example on the page or the section",
["platform"] = "Label for the \"Platform\" parameter in application infoboxes",
["release-status"] = "Label for the \"Status\" parameter in infoboxes",
["using-code-by"] = "Label for the \"Using code by\" parameter in infoboxes",
["original"] = "Text after the \"Updated\" parameter value in infoboxes if \"Updated2\" parameter is present",
["dependencies"] = "Label for the \"Dependencies\" parameter in Lua infoboxes",
["translate-text"] = "Text appearing after automated language lists linking to the translations editor",
["lang-support"] = "Label for the language support an infobox has"
["be"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Мова праграмавання",
["updated"] = "Абнаўленне",
["information"] = "Інфармацыя",
["meta-module"] = "Мета-модуль [[w:be:Довідка:Lua|Lua]]",
["invocable-module"] = "Выкліканы [[w:be:Довідка:Lua|Lua]]-модуль",
["author"] = "Аўтар(ы)",
["version"] = "версія $1",
["description"] = "Апісанне",
["type"] = "Тып",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:be:Довідка:Lua|Lua]]-модуль",
["other-attribution"] = "Іншыя аўтары",
["code"] = "Код",
["scope"] = "Сфера прымянення",
["lang-support"] = "Падтрыманыя мовы",
["platform"] = "Платформа",
["release-status"] = "Статус версіі",
["using-code-by"] = "Выкарыстоўвае код ад",
["original"] = "арыгінал",
["dependencies"] = "Залежнасці",
["translate-text"] = "Перакласці!",
["examples"] = "Прыклады"
["bn"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "প্রোগ্রামের ভাষা",
["updated"] = "আপডেট করা হয়েছিল",
["information"] = "তথ্য",
["meta-module"] = "মেটা [[w:Help:Lua|লুয়া]] মোডেল",
["invocable-module"] = "ইনভকে করার যোগ্য [[w:Help:Lua|লুয়া]] মোডেল",
["author"] = "লেখক/লেখিকা",
["version"] = "সংস্করণ $1",
["description"] = "বর্ণনা",
["type"] = "প্রকার",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:Help:Lua|লুয়া]] মোডেল",
["other-attribution"] = "অন্য গুণাবলী",
["code"] = "কোড",
["scope"] = "সুযোগ",
["lang-support"] = "ভাষা সমর্থন",
["platform"] = "প্লাটফর্ম",
["release-status"] = "প্রকাশন স্থিতি",
["using-code-by"] = "যার কোডের ব্যাবহার করা হয়েছে",
["original"] = "আসল",
["dependencies"] = "নির্ভরতা",
["translate-text"] = "অনুবাদ করুন!",
["examples"] = "উদাহরণ"
["ca"] = {
["release-status"] = "Estat del llançament",
["type"] = "Tipus",
["description"] = "Descripció",
["code"] = "Codi",
["scope"] = "Abast",
["author"] = "Autor(s)",
["updated"] = "Actualitzat",
["information"] = "Informació",
["version"] = "versió $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Fent servir codi per",
["translate-text"] = "Tradueix!",
["original"] = "original",
["examples"] = "Exemples",
["other-attribution"] = "Altres atribucions"
["de"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Programmier­sprache",
["updated"] = "Aktua­li­siert",
["information"] = "Information",
["meta-module"] = "Meta [[w:de:Hilfe:Lua|Lua]]-Modul",
["invocable-module"] = "Aufrufbares [[w:de:Hilfe:Lua|Lua]]-Modul",
["author"] = "Autor(en)",
["version"] = "Version $1",
["description"] = "Beschrei­bung",
["type"] = "Typ",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:de:Hilfe:Lua|Lua]]-Modul",
["other-attribution"] = "Sonstige Zuordnung",
["code"] = "Code",
["scope"] = "Nutzung",
["lang-support"] = "Sprach­unter­stützung",
["platform"] = "Plattform",
["release-status"] = "Freigabe­status",
["using-code-by"] = "Verwendet Code von",
["original"] = "Original",
["dependencies"] = "Abhängig­keiten",
["translate-text"] = "Übersetze!",
["examples"] = "Beispiel(e)"
["el"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Γλώσσα προγραμματισμού",
["updated"] = "Ενημερώθηκε",
["information"] = "Πληροφορίες",
["meta-module"] = "Μετά-πρότυπο [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["invocable-module"] = "Επικαλούμενο πρότυπο [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["author"] = "Συγγραφείς",
["version"] = "έκδοση $1",
["description"] = "Περιγραφή",
["type"] = "Τύπος",
["lua-module"] = "Πρότυπο [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["other-attribution"] = "Άλλα χαρακτηριστικά",
["code"] = "Κώδικας",
["scope"] = "Χρήση",
["lang-support"] = "Υποστήριξη γλωσσών",
["platform"] = "Πλατφόρμα",
["release-status"] = "Κατάσταση δημοσίευσης",
["using-code-by"] = "Με χρήση κώδικα από",
["original"] = "πρωτότυπο",
["dependencies"] = "Εξαρτήσεις",
["translate-text"] = "Μετάφραση!",
["examples"] = "Παραδείγματα"
["es"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Lenguaje de programación",
["updated"] = "Actualizado",
["information"] = "Información",
["meta-module"] = "Módulo [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] meta",
["description"] = "Descripción",
["author"] = "Autor(es)",
["version"] = "versión $1",
["lang-support"] = "Soporte de idiomas",
["type"] = "Tipo",
["lua-module"] = "Módulo [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["other-attribution"] = "Otras atribuciones",
["code"] = "Código",
["scope"] = "Alcance",
["examples"] = "Ejemplos",
["platform"] = "Plataforma",
["release-status"] = "Estado de lanzamiento",
["using-code-by"] = "Usando código por",
["original"] = "original",
["dependencies"] = "Dependencias",
["translate-text"] = "¡Traducir!",
["invocable-module"] = "Módulo [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] invocable"
["fr"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Langage de programmation",
["updated"] = "Mis à jour",
["invocable-module"] = "Module invocable",
["meta-module"] = "Méta-module [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["examples"] = "Exemples",
["author"] = "Auteur(s)",
["version"] = "version $1",
["description"] = "Description",
["type"] = "Type",
["dependencies"] = "Dépendances",
["other-attribution"] = "Autres attributions",
["code"] = "Code",
["scope"] = "Portée",
["information"] = "Information",
["platform"] = "Plateforme",
["release-status"] = "Statut de sortie",
["using-code-by"] = "Utilise un code de",
["original"] = "original",
["lua-module"] = "Module [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["translate-text"] = "Traduire !",
["lang-support"] = "Support linguistique"
["fy"] = {
["release-status"] = "Release status",
["type"] = "Type",
["description"] = "Beskriuwing",
["code"] = "Koade",
["scope"] = "Scope",
["author"] = "Auteur(s)",
["updated"] = "Bywurke op",
["information"] = "Informaasje",
["version"] = "versie $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Makket brûk fan koade by",
["translate-text"] = "Oersette!",
["original"] = "orizjineel",
["examples"] = "Foarbylden",
["other-attribution"] = "Oare attributie"
["gl"] = {
["release-status"] = "Estado do lanzamento",
["type"] = "Tipo",
["description"] = "Descrición",
["code"] = "Código",
["scope"] = "Alcance",
["author"] = "Autor(es)",
["updated"] = "Actualizado",
["information"] = "Información",
["version"] = "versión $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Usando código por",
["translate-text"] = "Traducir!",
["original"] = "orixinal",
["examples"] = "Exemplos",
["other-attribution"] = "Outras atribucións"
["hi"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा",
["updated"] = "आखिरी अपडेट",
["information"] = "जानकारी",
["meta-module"] = "मेटा [[w:Help:Lua|लुआ]] मॉड्यूल",
["invocable-module"] = "इन्वोक करने योग्य [[w:Help:Lua|लुआ]] मॉड्यूल",
["author"] = "लेखक",
["version"] = "संस्करण $1",
["description"] = "विवरण",
["type"] = "प्रकार",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:Help:Lua|लुआ]] मॉड्यूल",
["other-attribution"] = "दूसरे श्रेय",
["code"] = "कोड",
["scope"] = "लक्ष्य",
["lang-support"] = "उपलब्ध भाषाएँ",
["platform"] = "मंच",
["release-status"] = "प्रकाशन की स्थिति",
["using-code-by"] = "उपयुक्त कोड के लेखक",
["original"] = "मूल",
["dependencies"] = "निर्भरताएँ",
["translate-text"] = "अनुवाद करें!",
["examples"] = "उदाहरण"
["hu"] = {
["release-status"] = "Kiadási állapot",
["type"] = "Típus",
["description"] = "Leírás",
["code"] = "Kód",
["scope"] = "Terület",
["author"] = "Szerző(k)",
["updated"] = "Frissített",
["information"] = "Információ",
["version"] = "version $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Using code by",
["translate-text"] = "Fordít!",
["original"] = "eredeti",
["examples"] = "Példák",
["other-attribution"] = "Egyéb tulajdonság"
["id"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Bahasa pemrograman",
["updated"] = "Diperbarui",
["information"] = "Informasi",
["meta-module"] = "Modul Meta [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["invocable-module"] = "Modul [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] yang tak bisa dimatikan",
["author"] = "Pencipta",
["version"] = "versi $1",
["description"] = "Deskripsi",
["type"] = "Jenis",
["lua-module"] = "Modul [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["other-attribution"] = "Atribusi lainnya",
["code"] = "Kode",
["scope"] = "Jangkauan",
["lang-support"] = "Dukungan bahasa",
["platform"] = "Platform",
["release-status"] = "Status",
["using-code-by"] = "Menggunakan kode oleh",
["original"] = "orisinil",
["dependencies"] = "Dependensi",
["translate-text"] = "Terjemahkan!",
["examples"] = "Contoh"
["it"] = {
["release-status"] = "Stato",
["type"] = "Tipo",
["description"] = "Descrizione",
["code"] = "Codice",
["scope"] = "Funzione",
["author"] = "Autore(i)",
["updated"] = "Aggiornato",
["information"] = "Informazione",
["version"] = "versione $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Utilizza codice di",
["translate-text"] = "Traduci!",
["original"] = "originale",
["examples"] = "Esempi",
["other-attribution"] = "Altri attributi"
["ja"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "プログラミング言語",
["updated"] = "最終更新日",
["information"] = "情報",
["meta-module"] = "メタ[[w:ja:Help:Lua|Lua]]モジュール",
["invocable-module"] = " 呼び出し可能な[[w:ja:Help:Lua|Lua]]モジュール",
["author"] = "作者",
["version"] = "第$1版",
["description"] = "概要",
["type"] = "種類",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:ja:Help:Lua|Lua]]モジュール",
["other-attribution"] = "その他の帰属",
["code"] = "コード",
["scope"] = "適用範囲",
["lang-support"] = "言語サポート",
["platform"] = "プラットフォーム",
["release-status"] = "公開状況",
["using-code-by"] = "出典",
["original"] = "初版",
["dependencies"] = "依存関係",
["translate-text"] = "翻訳する!",
["examples"] = "例"
["ko"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "프로그래밍 언어",
["updated"] = "최종 갱신일",
["information"] = "정보",
["meta-module"] = "메타 [[w:ko:도움말:루아|루아]] 모듈",
["invocable-module"] = "호출 할 수 있는 [[w:ko:도움말:루아|루아]] 모듈",
["author"] = "저작자",
["version"] = "버전 $1",
["description"] = "설명",
["type"] = "프로그래밍 언어",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:ko:도움말:루아|루아]] 모듈",
["other-attribution"] = "기타 권한",
["code"] = "코드",
["scope"] = "사용 범위",
["lang-support"] = "언어 지원",
["platform"] = "플랫폼",
["release-status"] = "릴리스 상태",
["using-code-by"] = "코드 원저작자",
["original"] = "원문",
["dependencies"] = "의존관계",
["translate-text"] = "번역하기",
["examples"] = "예시"
["ms"] = {
["release-status"] = "Tahap pelepasan",
["type"] = "Jenis",
["description"] = "Penghuraian",
["code"] = "Kod",
["scope"] = "Skop",
["author"] = "Pengarang",
["updated"] = "Dikemaskini pada",
["information"] = "Maklumat",
["version"] = "versi $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Menggunakan kod dari",
["translate-text"] = "Terjemahkan!",
["original"] = "asli",
["examples"] = "Contoh",
["other-attribution"] = "Atribusi lain"
["nl"] = {
["release-status"] = "Release status",
["type"] = "Type",
["description"] = "Beschrijving",
["code"] = "Code",
["scope"] = "Scope",
["author"] = "Auteur(s)",
["updated"] = "Bijgewerkt op",
["information"] = "Informatie",
["version"] = "versie $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Maakt gebruik van code door",
["translate-text"] = "Vertalen!",
["original"] = "origineel",
["examples"] = "Voorbeelden",
["other-attribution"] = "Andere attributie"
["oc"] = {
["release-status"] = "Estat del lançament",
["type"] = "Tipe",
["description"] = "Descripcion",
["code"] = "Còdi",
["scope"] = "Portada",
["author"] = "Autor(s)",
["updated"] = "Actualizat",
["information"] = "Informacion",
["version"] = "version $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Utiliza còdi per",
["translate-text"] = "Revirar!",
["original"] = "original",
["examples"] = "Exemples",
["other-attribution"] = "D'autras atribucions"
["pl"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Język programowania",
["updated"] = "Ostatnia aktualizacja",
["information"] = "Informacje",
["meta-module"] = "Meta-moduł [[w:pl:Pomoc:Lua|lua]]",
["invocable-module"] = "Wywoływany moduł [[w:pl:Pomoc:Lua|lua]]",
["author"] = "Autor(zy)",
["version"] = "wersja $1",
["description"] = "Opis",
["type"] = "Typ",
["lua-module"] = "Moduł [[w:pl:Pomoc:Lua|lua]]",
["other-attribution"] = "Pozostali autorzy",
["code"] = "Kod",
["scope"] = "Zakres",
["lang-support"] = "Obsługa języków",
["platform"] = "Platforma",
["release-status"] = "Stan wydania",
["using-code-by"] = "Używa kodu od",
["original"] = "oryginalny",
["dependencies"] = "Zależności",
["translate-text"] = "Przetłumacz!",
["examples"] = "Przykłady"
["pt"] = {
["release-status"] = "Estado do lançamento",
["type"] = "Tipo",
["programming-lang"] = "Linguagem de programação",
["code"] = "Código",
["scope"] = "Scope",
["author"] = "Autor(es)",
["description"] = "Descrição",
["information"] = "Informação",
["updated"] = "Actualizado",
["translate-text"] = "Traduzir!",
["version"] = "versão $1",
["other-attribution"] = "Outras atribuições",
["platform"] = "Plataforma",
["original"] = "original",
["using-code-by"] = "A usar código por",
["examples"] = "Exemplos"
["pt-br"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Linguagem de programação",
["updated"] = "Atualizado",
["information"] = "Informações",
["meta-module"] = "Módulo [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] meta",
["invocable-module"] = "Módulo [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] invocável",
["author"] = "Autor(es)",
["version"] = "versão $1",
["description"] = "Descrição",
["type"] = "Tipo",
["lua-module"] = "Módulo [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["other-attribution"] = "Outras atribuições",
["code"] = "Código",
["scope"] = "Escopo",
["lang-support"] = "Suporte de idiomas",
["platform"] = "Plataforma",
["release-status"] = "Status de lançamento",
["using-code-by"] = "Usando código por",
["original"] = "original",
["dependencies"] = "Dependências",
["translate-text"] = "Traduzir!",
["examples"] = "Exemplo(s)"
["ro"] = {
["type"] = "Tip",
["description"] = "Descriere",
["code"] = "Cod",
["scope"] = "Domeniu",
["author"] = "Autor(i)",
["information"] = "Informaţie",
["updated"] = "Actualizat",
["using-code-by"] = "Folosind cod de",
["version"] = "versiune $1",
["release-statusuri"] = "Status de lansare",
["other-attribution"] = "Alte atribuţii",
["original"] = "original",
["examples"] = "Exemple",
["translate-text"] = "Traducere!"
["ru"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Язык программирования",
["updated"] = "Обновлён",
["information"] = "Информация",
["meta-module"] = "Метамодуль [[w:ru:Справка:Lua|Lua]]",
["invocable-module"] = "Вызываемый модуль [[w:ru:Справка:Lua|Lua]]",
["author"] = "Автор(ы)",
["version"] = "версия $1",
["description"] = "Описание",
["type"] = "Тип",
["lua-module"] = "Модуль [[w:ru:Справка:Lua|Lua]]",
["other-attribution"] = "Другие авторы",
["code"] = "Код",
["scope"] = "Сфера применения",
["lang-support"] = "Поддерживаемые языки",
["platform"] = "Платформа",
["release-status"] = "Статус версии",
["using-code-by"] = "Использует код от",
["original"] = "оригинал",
["dependencies"] = "Зависимости",
["translate-text"] = "Перевести",
["examples"] = "Примеры",
["on-page"] = "на этой странице"
["sr-ec"] = {
["release-status"] = "Статус",
["type"] = "Тип",
["description"] = "Опис",
["code"] = "Код",
["scope"] = "Утицај",
["author"] = "Аутор(и)",
["updated"] = "Ажурирано",
["information"] = "Информације",
["version"] = "верзија $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Користи код од",
["translate-text"] = "Преведи!",
["original"] = "оригинал",
["examples"] = "Примери",
["other-attribution"] = "Остала атрибуција"
["sr-el"] = {
["release-status"] = "Status",
["type"] = "Tip",
["description"] = "Opis",
["code"] = "Kod",
["scope"] = "Uticaj",
["author"] = "Autor(i)",
["updated"] = "Ažurirano",
["information"] = "Informacije",
["version"] = "verzija $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Koristi kod od",
["translate-text"] = "Prevedi!",
["original"] = "original",
["examples"] = "Primeri",
["other-attribution"] = "Ostala atribucija"
["th"] = {
["release-status"] = "สถานะการเปิดตัว",
["type"] = "รูปแบบ",
["lang-support"] = "ภาษารองรับ",
["code"] = "โค้ด",
["author"] = "ผู้สร้าง",
["using-code-by"] = "โค้ดใช้โดย $1",
["translate-text"] = "แปล!",
["examples"] = "ตัวอย่าง",
["version"] = "รุ่น$1",
["updated"] = "อัปเดต",
["description"] = "คําอธิบาย",
["original"] = "ต้นแบบ",
["information"] = "ข้อมูล",
["platform"] = "แพลตฟอร์ม"
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["release-status"] = "I-status",
["type"] = "Uri",
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["scope"] = "Saklaw",
["author"] = "May-akda",
["examples"] = "Halimbawa",
["updated"] = "Na-update sa",
["invocable-module"] = "Ma-invoke na [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] module",
["version"] = "Bersyon $1",
["using-code-by"] = "Ginagamit ang code ni",
["dependencies"] = "Mga dependency",
["original"] = "orihinal",
["information"] = "Impormasyon",
["lang-support"] = "Mga lenggwahe sinusuporta"
["tr"] = {
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["updated"] = "Güncellendi",
["information"] = "Bilgi",
["meta-module"] = "[[w:tr:Yardım:Lua|Lua]] meta modülü",
["invocable-module"] = "Çağrılabilir [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]] modülü",
["author"] = "Yazar(lar)",
["version"] = "sürüm $1",
["description"] = "Açıklama",
["type"] = "Tür",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:tr:Yardım:Lua|Lua]] modülü",
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["original"] = "orijinal",
["dependencies"] = "Bağımlılıklar",
["translate-text"] = "Çevir!",
["examples"] = "Örnek(ler)"
["uk"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "Мова програмування",
["updated"] = "Оновлення",
["information"] = "Інформація",
["meta-module"] = "Мета-модуль [[w:uk:Довідка:Lua|Lua]]",
["invocable-module"] = "Викликаний [[w:uk:Довідка:Lua|Lua]]-модуль",
["author"] = "Автор(и)",
["version"] = "версія $1",
["description"] = "Опис",
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["other-attribution"] = "Інші автори",
["code"] = "Код",
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["lang-support"] = "Підтримувані мови",
["platform"] = "Платформа",
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["using-code-by"] = "Використовує код",
["original"] = "оригінал",
["dependencies"] = "Залежності",
["translate-text"] = "Перекласти!",
["examples"] = "Приклади"
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["type"] = "Tipo",
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["translate-text"] = "¡Traduir!",
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["examples"] = "Eixemples",
["other-attribution"] = "Atres atribucions"
["vi"] = {
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["invocable-module"] = "Mô-đun thực thi [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["meta-module"] = "Mô-đun thư viện [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["author"] = "(Các) tác giả",
["type"] = "Kiểu",
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["updated"] = "Cập nhật",
["other-attribution"] = "Ghi nhận khác",
["code"] = "Mã",
["scope"] = "Phạm vi",
["platform"] = "Nền tảng",
["release-status"] = "Tình trạng phiên bản",
["using-code-by"] = "Dùng mã của",
["original"] = "bản gốc",
["lua-module"] = "Mô-đun [[w:Help:Lua|Lua]]",
["translate-text"] = "Dịch!",
["examples"] = "Ví dụ"
["zh-hans"] = {
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["updated"] = "更新",
["information"] = "信息",
["meta-module"] = "元[[w:zh:Help:Lua|Lua]]模块",
["invocable-module"] = "可调用的[[w:zh:Help:Lua|Lua]]模块",
["author"] = "作者",
["version"] = "版本$1",
["description"] = "说明",
["type"] = "类型",
["lua-module"] = "[[w:zh:Help:Lua|Lua]]模块",
["other-attribution"] = "其他贡献者",
["code"] = "代码",
["scope"] = "范围",
["lang-support"] = "语言支持",
["platform"] = "平台",
["release-status"] = "发布状态",
["using-code-by"] = "重用代码作者",
["original"] = "原始版",
["dependencies"] = "依赖",
["translate-text"] = "翻译!",
["examples"] = "示例"
["zh-hant"] = {
["programming-lang"] = "程式語言",
["updated"] = "更新",
["information"] = "資訊",
["meta-module"] = "元[[w:zh:Help:Lua|Lua]]模組",
["invocable-module"] = "可調用的[[w:zh:Help:Lua|Lua]]模組",
["author"] = "作者",
["version"] = "版本$1",
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["lua-module"] = "[[w:zh:Help:Lua|Lua]]模組",
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["release-status"] = "版本狀態",
["using-code-by"] = "改編自",
["original"] = "原版",
["dependencies"] = "仰賴",
["translate-text"] = "翻譯!",
["examples"] = "範例"
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