
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:HexTest/data/doc

local CodexData = {
	['Enemy'] = {
			name = '002-ER',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = '002-ER.png',
			name = 'Aerial Commander',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonVipPilot.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Aerolyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Aerolyst.png',
			name = 'Akkalak Turret',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonAutoTurret.png',
			name = 'Alad V',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AladVPortrait_d.png',
			name = 'Alpine Monitor Sawgaw',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SnowBirdUncommon.png',
			name = 'Amalgam Alkonost',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamAlkonost.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Alkonost Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamAlkonost.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Arca Heqet',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'AmalgamArcaHeqet.png',
			name = 'Amalgam Arca Kucumatz',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'AmalgamArcaKucumatz.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Cinder Machinist',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'AmalgamCinderMachinist.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Heqet',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamHeqet.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Heqet Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamHeqet.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Kucumatz',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamKucumatz.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Kucumatz Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamKucumatz.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Machinist',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamMachinist.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Machinist Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamMachinist.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Phase Moa',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'AmalgamPhaseMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Amalgam Satyr',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamSatyr.png',
			name = 'Amalgam Satyr Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'AmalgamSatyr.png',
			name = 'Amalgam Swarm Satyr',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'AmalgamSwarmSatyr.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ambulas',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexAmbulas.png',
			name = 'Amethyst Nexifera',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'AmethystNexifera.png',
			name = 'Ancient Disruptor',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AncientAvatar.png',
			name = 'Ancient Disruptor Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AncientAvatar.png',
			name = 'Ancient Healer',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'HealingAncientAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ancient Healer Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'HealingAncientAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Angst',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'StrikerAcolyte.png',
			name = 'Anti MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DEAntiMoa.png',
			name = 'Anti MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DEAntiMoa.png',
			name = 'Arbitration Shield Drone',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'ArbiterDrone.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Arcane Boiler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ArcaneBoiler.png',
			name = 'Arid Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertBladeSawmanAvatar.png',
			name = 'Arid Butcher Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertBladeSawmanAvatar.png',
			name = 'Arid Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertEvisceratorLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Arid Eviscerator Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertEvisceratorLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Arid Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertHeavyFemaleGrineerAvatarDesert.png',
			name = 'Arid Heavy Gunner Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertHeavyFemaleGrineerAvatarDesert.png',
			name = 'Arid Hellion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertJetpackMarineAvatar.png',
			name = 'Arid Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Arid Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Arid Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertGrineerMarinePistolAvatar.png',
			name = 'Arid Seeker Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertGrineerMarinePistolAvatar.png',
			name = 'Arid Trooper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Arid Trooper Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Armaments Director',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ArmamentsDirector.png',
			name = 'Armis Ulta',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ArmisUlta.png',
			name = 'Artificer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerArtificer.png',
			name = 'Ashen Kuaka',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'KuakaUncommon.png',
			name = 'Attack Drone',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusAttackDrone.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Attack Drone (Archwing Enemy)',
			caption = 'Archwing Enemy',
			name = 'Attack Drone Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusAttackDrone.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Attack Drone (Archwing Enemy)',
			caption = 'Archwing Enemy',
			name = 'Attack Drone Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusAttackDrone.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Auditor',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamBRiotMoaAgent.png',
			name = 'Azoth',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamBHyenaAgent.png',
			name = 'Bailiff',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerCrusher.png',
			name = 'Bailiff Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerCrusher.png',
			name = 'Ballista',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FemaleGrineerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Ballista Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FemaleGrineerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Basal Diploid',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'BasalDiploid.png',
			name = 'Basal Diploid Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'BasalDiploid.png',
			name = 'Basal Diploid Rex',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'BasalDiploidRex.png',
			name = 'Battalyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'SentientTrooper.png',
			name = 'Bau Vasca Kavat',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VascaKavatUncommon.png',
			name = 'Black-Banded Bolarola',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'BolarolaUncommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Blite Captain',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'BliteCaptain.png',
			name = 'Boiler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'PussAncient.png',
			name = 'Boiler Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'PussAncient.png',
			name = 'Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RocketBombardAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Bombard Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RocketBombardAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Brachiolyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Brachiolyst.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Brindle Kubrodon',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'KubrodonCommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Brood Mother',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DiseasedAncient.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Brood Mother Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DiseasedAncient.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Burrowing Cryptilex',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'BurrowingCryptilex.png',
			name = 'Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'BladeSawmanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Butcher Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'BladeSawmanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Captain Vor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CaptainVorBossAvatar.png',
			name = 'Carabus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Carabus.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Carrier',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpShipSwarm.png',
			link = 'Carrier (Enemy)',
			name = 'Carrion Charger',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'CarrionCharger.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Carrion Charger Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'CarrionCharger.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Caustic Cryptilex',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'CausticCryptilex.png',
			name = 'Charger',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'QuadrupedAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Charger Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'QuadrupedAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Choralyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			name = 'Chroma',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'Chroma.png',
			link = 'Infested Chroma',
			name = 'Cinderthresh Hyena',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CinderthreshHyena.png',
			name = 'Clem',
			section = 'Other',
			image = 'ClemAvatar.png',
			name = 'Coastal Mergoo',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'MergooCommon.png',
			name = 'Commander',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'GrineerMarineLeaderAvatar.png',
			name = 'Common Avichaea',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'CommonAvichaea.png',
			name = 'Common Condroc',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'CondrocCommon.png',
			name = 'Conculyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'SentientMeleeTrooper.png',
			name = 'Condor Dropship',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexCondorDropship.png',
			name = 'Condor Storm Dropship',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexCondorStormDropship.png',
			name = 'Condrix',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Condrix.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Coolant Raknoid',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CoolantRaknoid.png',
			name = 'Corpus Cestra Target',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusCestraTarget.png',
			name = 'Corpus Power Carrier',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'PowercellCrewman.png',
			name = 'Corpus Power Carrier',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusPowerCarrierOrbVallis.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corpus Sniper Target',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusSniperTarget.png',
			name = 'Corpus Supra Target',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusSupraTarget.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corpus Target',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusCaptureTarget.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corpus Tech',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanTech.png',
			name = 'Corpus Tech Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanTech.png',
			name = 'Corpus Trencher Target',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusTrencherTarget.png',
			name = 'Corpus Warden',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DECorpusWarden.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corpus Warden Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DECorpusWarden.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corrupted Ancient',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinHealingAncientAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Ancient Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinHealingAncientAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Bombard',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'CorruptedBombardNew.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Bombard Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'CorruptedBombardNew.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Butcher',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinBladeSawman.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Butcher Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinBladeSawman.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Crewman',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinRifleSpacemanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corrupted Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinRifleSpacemanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corrupted Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinHeavyFemaleAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinHeavyFemaleAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Lancer',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted MOA',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinMoaBipedAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corrupted MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinMoaBipedAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corrupted Nullifier',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinNullifySpaceman.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Nullifier Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinNullifySpaceman.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Vor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'VorTwo.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Warden',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinHeavyFemaleAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corrupted Warden Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinHeavyFemaleAvatar.png',
			name = 'Corvette',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpShipFlak.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Corvette Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpShipFlak.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Councilor Vay Hek',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'VayHekPortrait.png',
			name = 'Crawler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'CrawlerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Crawler Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'CrawlerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Crescent Vulpaphyla',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'CrescentVulpaphyla.png',
			link = 'Crescent Vulpaphyla (Conservation)',
			name = 'Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanNormal.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanNormal.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Dappled Horrasque',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'HorrasqueCommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Darek Draga',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SquidFrogLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiff.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Dargyn (Enemy)',
			name = 'Dargyn Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiff.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Dargyn (Enemy)',
			name = 'Dargyn Pilot',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonSkiffPilot.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Datalyst',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusArtificer.png',
			name = 'Decaying Battalyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'CodexDecayingBattalyst.png',
			name = 'Decaying Conculyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'CodexDecayingConculyst.png',
			name = 'Deimos Ancient Healer',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'HealingAncientMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Ancient Healer Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'HealingAncientMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Brood Mother',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DiseasedAncient.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Deimos Brood Mother Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DiseasedAncient.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Deimos Carnis',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AshenAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Carnis Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AshenAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Carnis Rex',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AshenBigAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Charger',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'QuadrupedMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Charger Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'QuadrupedMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Genetrix',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedBigDropShipAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Juggernaut',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'JuggernautMicroPlanetCasualAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Juggernaut Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'JuggernautMicroPlanetCasualAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Jugulus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'BoneBladeAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Jugulus Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'BoneBladeAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Leaper',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'LeapingSuicideRunnerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Leaping Thrasher',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AncientTankMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Leaping Thrasher Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AncientTankMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Mutalist Osprey Carrier',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'CellCarrierDroneMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Runner',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'RunnerMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Runner Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'RunnerMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Saxum',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedFemurAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Saxum Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedFemurAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Saxum Rex',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'FemurAssassinateTargetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Swarm Mutalist Moa',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'NaniteCloudBipedMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Swarm Mutalist Moa Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'NaniteCloudBipedMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Tendril Drone',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedTendrilDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Therid',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'AncientShellAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Venin Mutalist',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedAttackDroneMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Deimos Venin Mutalist Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedAttackDroneMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Delicate Pobber',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'PobberUncommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolisher Anti Moa',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolisherAntiMoa.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Bailiff',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DemolisherBailiff.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Boiler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DemolisherBoiler.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Bursa',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolisherBursa.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Charger',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DemolisherCharger.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolisher Devourer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DemolisherDevourer.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Expired',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DemolisherExpired.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolisher Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DemolisherHeavyGunner.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolisher Hyena',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolisherHyena.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Juggernaut',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DemolisherJuggernaut.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolisher Kuva Guardian',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DemolisherKuvaGuardian.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Machinist',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolisherMachinist.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolisher Nox',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DemolisherNox.png',
			name = 'Demolisher Thrasher',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DemolisherThrasher.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolyst',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'SpectralystAmalgamMachinist.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Demolyst (Enemy)',
			name = 'Demolyst Heqet',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolystHeqet.png',
			name = 'Demolyst Machinist',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolystMachinist.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolyst Moa',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolystMOA.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Demolyst Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolystOsprey.png',
			name = 'Demolyst Satyr',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DemolystSatyr.png',
			name = 'Denial Bursa',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RiotMoaPrevention.png',
			name = 'Derim Zahn',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamCHackerAgent.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Desert Skate',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'DesertSkateDE.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Detron Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanShotgun.png',
			name = 'Detron Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanShotgun.png',
			name = 'Devotee',
			section = 'Other',
			image = 'Devotee.png',
			name = 'Draga',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FrogLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Drahk',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnArmoredKubrow.png',
			name = 'Drahk Master',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnBeastMaster.png',
			name = 'Dreg',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnDrone.png',
			name = 'Dreg Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnDrone.png',
			name = 'Drekar Ballista',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabBallista.png',
			name = 'Drekar Ballista Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabBallista.png',
			name = 'Drekar Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabButcher.png',
			name = 'Drekar Butcher Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabButcher.png',
			name = 'Drekar Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabEliteLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Drekar Elite Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabEliteLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Drekar Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Drekar Eviscerator Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Drekar Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabHeavyGunner.png',
			name = 'Drekar Heavy Gunner Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabHeavyGunner.png',
			name = 'Drekar Hellion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabHellion.png',
			name = 'Drekar Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabLancer.png',
			name = 'Drekar Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabLancer.png',
			name = 'Drekar Manic',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabManic.png',
			name = 'Drekar Manic Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabManicBombard.png',
			name = 'Drekar Scorpion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabScorpion.png',
			name = 'Drekar Scorpion Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabScorpion.png',
			name = 'Drekar Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabHeavySeeker.png',
			name = 'Drekar Seeker Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabHeavySeeker.png',
			name = 'Drekar Trooper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabTrooper.png',
			name = 'Drekar Trooper Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SeaLabTrooper.png',
			name = 'Drover Bursa',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RiotMoaControl.png',
			name = 'Dru Pesfor',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DruPesfor.png',
			name = 'Drudge Brazer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DrudgeBrazer.png',
			name = 'Drudge Foreman',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DrudgeForeman.png',
			name = 'Drudge Scrapper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DrudgeScrapper.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Dusky-Headed Virmink',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VirminkUncommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Eidolon Gantulyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'TeralystBig.png',
			name = 'Eidolon Hydrolyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'TeralystRain.png',
			name = 'Eidolon Lure',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'VomvalystLureDrone.png',
			name = 'Eidolon Teralyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Teralyst.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Eidolon Vomvalyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Vomvalyst.png',
			name = 'Electric Crawler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DEElectricCrawler.png',
			name = 'Electric Crawler Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DEElectricCrawler.png',
			name = 'Elite Arid Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertEliteRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Elite Arid Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DesertEliteRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Elite Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Exo Cutter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoCutterElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Exo Flak',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoFlakElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Exo Outrider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoOutriderElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Exo Taktis',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoTaktisElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Frontier Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestEliteLancer.png',
			name = 'Elite Frontier Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestEliteLancer.png',
			name = 'Elite Gyre Cutter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreCutterElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Gyre Flak',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreFlakElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Gyre Outrider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreOutriderElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Gyre Taktis',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreTaktisElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Kosma Cutter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaCutterElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Kosma Flak',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaFlakElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Kosma Outrider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaOutriderElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Kosma Taktis',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaTaktisElite.png',
			name = 'Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EliteRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Elite Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EliteRifleLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Elite Shield Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EliteShieldLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Elite Shield Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EliteShieldLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ember Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Ember.png',
			name = 'Emperor Condroc',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'CondrocRare.png',
			name = 'Equinox Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'YinYang.png',
			name = 'Errant Specter',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EliteShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Eviscerator Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EliteShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Excalibur Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Excalibur.png',
			name = 'Executioner Dhurnam',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerHeavy.png',
			name = 'Executioner Dok Thul',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerHealer.png',
			name = 'Executioner Garesh',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerCharger.png',
			name = 'Executioner Gorth',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerTank.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Executioner Harkonar',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerSniper.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Executioner Nok',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerGrunt.png',
			name = 'Executioner Reth',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerEngineer.png',
			name = 'Executioner Vay Molta',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerHellion.png',
			name = 'Executioner Zura',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerBeastMaster.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Exo Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoButcher.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Exo Cutter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoCutter.png',
			name = 'Exo Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoEliteLancer.png',
			name = 'Exo Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Exo Flak',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoFlak.png',
			name = 'Exo Gokstad Crewship',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoGokstadCrewship.png',
			name = 'Exo Gokstad Officer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoGokstadOfficer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Exo Gokstad Pilot',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoGokstadPilot.png',
			name = 'Exo Outrider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoOutrider.png',
			name = 'Exo Raider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoRaider.png',
			name = 'Exo Raider Carver',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoRaiderCarver.png',
			name = 'Exo Raider Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoRaiderEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Exo Ramsled',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Ramsled.png',
			name = 'Exo Supressor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoSupressor.png',
			name = 'Exo Taktis',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ExoTaktis.png',
			name = 'Exploiter Orb',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ExploiterOrb.png',
			name = 'Feral Diploid',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'FeralDiploid.png',
			name = 'Feral Diploid Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'FeralDiploid.png',
			name = 'Feral Diploid Rex',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'FeralDiploidRex.png',
			name = 'Feyarch Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'FeyarchOberon.png',
			name = 'Fire-Veined Stover',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'StoverRare.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Flameblade',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'BlowtorchSawmanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Flossy Sawgaw',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SnowBirdCommon.png',
			name = 'Fog Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'FogComba.png',
			name = 'Fog Scrambus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'FogScrambus.png',
			flipimage = true,
			section = 'Grineer',
			caption = 'Unknown Entry',
			name = 'Frigate',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpShipLaser.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Frigate Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpShipLaser.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Frogmouthed Sawgaw',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SnowBirdRare.png',
			name = 'Frontier Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestButcher.png',
			name = 'Frontier Butcher Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestButcher.png',
			name = 'Frontier Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestEviscerator.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Frontier Eviscerator Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestEviscerator.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Frontier Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestHeavyGunner.png',
			name = 'Frontier Heavy Gunner Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestHeavyGunner.png',
			name = 'Frontier Hellion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestHellion.png',
			name = 'Frontier Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestLancer.png',
			name = 'Frontier Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestLancer.png',
			name = 'Frontier Regulator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestRegulator.png',
			name = 'Frontier Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestSeeker.png',
			name = 'Frontier Seeker Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ForestSeeker.png',
			name = 'Frontier Trooper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Frontier_Trooper.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Frontier Trooper Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Frontier_Trooper.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Frost Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Frost.png',
			name = 'Frozen Infested Hive',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedHiveA.png',
			name = 'Fuming Dax Stover',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'StoverUncommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Fusion MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaFusion.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Fusion MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaFusion.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Garv',
			section = 'Grineer',
			name = 'Gas Infested Hive',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedHiveB.png',
			name = 'General Sargas Ruk',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'SargasRukAvatarNew.png',
			name = 'Ghost Kuaka',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'KuakaRare.png',
			name = 'Ghoul Auger',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulDrillSergeant.png',
			name = 'Ghoul Auger Alpha',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulDrillSergeantVip.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ghoul Devourer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulDevourer.png',
			name = 'Ghoul Expired',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulExpired.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ghoul Expired Deserter',
			section = 'Other',
			image = 'GhoulRescueTarget.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Ghoul Expired',
			name = 'Ghoul Rictus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulSawman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ghoul Rictus Alpha',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulSawmanVIP.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ghoul Target',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GhoulSawmanVIP.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Glacik Commander',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GlacikCommander.png',
			name = 'Gox',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpCombatPod.png',
			name = 'Green Velocipod',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'GreenVelocipod.png',
			name = 'Grineer Manic',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerManic.png',
			name = 'Grineer Power Carrier',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'PowercellLancer.png',
			name = 'Grineer Target',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerCaptureTarget.png',
			name = 'Grineer Warden',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DEGrineerWarden.png',
			name = 'Grineer Warden Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DEGrineerWarden.png',
			name = 'Guardsman',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerProsecutor.png',
			name = 'Gyre Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreButcher.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Gyre Cutter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreCutter.png',
			name = 'Gyre Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreEliteLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Gyre Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Gyre Flak',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreFlak.png',
			name = 'Gyre Gokstad Crewship',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreGokstadCrewship.png',
			name = 'Gyre Gokstad Officer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreGokstadOfficer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Gyre Gokstad Pilot',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreGokstadPilot.png',
			name = 'Gyre Hyena',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'GyreHyena.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Gyre Outrider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreOutrider.png',
			name = 'Gyre Raider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreRaider.png',
			name = 'Gyre Raider Carver',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreRaiderCarver.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Gyre Raider Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreRaiderEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Gyre Ramsled',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Ramsled.png',
			name = 'Gyre Supressor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreSupressor.png',
			name = 'Gyre Taktis',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GyreTaktis.png',
			name = 'Gyrix',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Gyrix.png',
			name = 'Hacked Drone',
			section = 'Other',
			image = 'EidolonHackableDrone.png',
			name = 'Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'HeavyFemaleGrineerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Heavy Gunner Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'HeavyFemaleGrineerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Hellion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Hellion Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffMissile.png',
			name = 'Hellion Dargyn Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffMissile.png',
			name = 'Hellion Power Carrier',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Hemocyte',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'EidolonLephantis.png',
			name = 'Horrasque Stormer',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'HorrasqueRare.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Howler Undazoa',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'HowlerUndazoa.png',
			name = 'Hyekka',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CombatCatbrow.png',
			name = 'Hyekka Master',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CatMaster.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Hyena LN2',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DEHyenaLN2.png',
			name = 'Hyena NG',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DEHyenaNg.png',
			name = 'Hyena PB',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DEHyenaPb.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Hyena TH',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DEHyenaTh.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Icemire Hyena',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'IcemireHyena.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Infested Mesa',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'RogueGunslinger.png',
			name = 'Ionyx',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Ionyx.png',
			name = 'Isolator Bursa',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RiotMoaDispersion.png',
			name = 'J3 Jordas Golem',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'J3GolemRaid.png',
			name = 'Jackal',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Jackal Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'QuadJackal.png',
			flipimage = true,
			link = 'Terra Jackal',
			caption = 'Orb Vallis',
			name = 'Jad Teran',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamBDisruptorAgent.png',
			name = 'Jen Dro',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamCDeceptionAgent.png',
			name = 'Jordas Golem',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'J3Golem.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Juggernaut',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'Juggernaut.png',
			name = 'Juggernaut Behemoth',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'JuggernautBoss.png',
			name = 'Juno Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoCrewman.png',
			name = 'Juno Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoCrewman.png',
			name = 'Juno Dera MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoDeraMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Dera MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoDeraMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Disc MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoDiscMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Disc MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoDiscMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Elite Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoEliteCrewman.png',
			name = 'Juno Elite Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoEliteCrewman.png',
			name = 'Juno Fog Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoFogComba.png',
			name = 'Juno Fog Comba Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoFogComba.png',
			name = 'Juno Geminex MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoGeminexMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Geminex MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoGeminexMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Glaxion MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoGlaxionMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Glaxion MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoGlaxionMOA.png',
			name = 'Juno Jactus Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoJactusOsprey.png',
			name = 'Juno Jactus Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoJactusOsprey.png',
			name = 'Juno Malleus Machinist',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoMalleusMachinist.png',
			name = 'Juno Malleus Machinist Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoMalleusMachinist.png',
			name = 'Juno Nul Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Nul Comba Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Nullifier Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Nullifier Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Oxium Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoOxiumOsprey.png',
			name = 'Juno Sap Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Sap Comba Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Shield Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Shield Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Slo Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Slo Comba Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Juno Sniper Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoSniperCrewman.png',
			name = 'Juno Sniper Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoSniperCrewman.png',
			name = 'Juno Tech',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoTech.png',
			name = 'Juno Tech Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JunoTech.png',
			name = 'Kavat',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'FeralCatbrow.png',
			link = 'Feral Kavat',
			name = 'Kavor Defector',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CodexKavorDefector1.png',
			name = 'Kavor Defector',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CodexKavorDefector3.png',
			name = 'Kavor Defector',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CodexKavorDefector2.png',
			name = 'Kavor Defector',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'CodexKavorDefector4.png',
			name = 'Kela De Thaym',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KelaDeThaym.png',
			name = 'Knave Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'LokiKnave.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kosma Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaButcher.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kosma Cutter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaCutter.png',
			name = 'Kosma Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaEliteLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kosma Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Kosma Flak',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaFlak.png',
			name = 'Kosma Gokstad Crewship',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaGokstadCrewship.png',
			name = 'Kosma Gokstad Officer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaGokstadOfficer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kosma Gokstad Pilot',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaGokstadPilot.png',
			name = 'Kosma Outrider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaOutrider.png',
			name = 'Kosma Raider',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaRaider.png',
			name = 'Kosma Raider Carver',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaRaiderCarver.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kosma Raider Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaRaiderEviscerator.png',
			name = 'Kosma Ramsled',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Ramsled.png',
			name = 'Kosma Roller Sentry',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaRoller.png',
			name = 'Kosma Supressor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaSupressor.png',
			name = 'Kosma Taktis',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KosmaTaktis.png',
			name = 'Kubrodon Incarnadine',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'KubrodonRare.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kubrow',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'DEKubrow.png',
			link = 'Feral Kubrow',
			name = 'Kuva',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KuvaGhost.png',
			name = 'Kuva Ballista',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressGrineerFemale.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kuva Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressRocketBombard.png',
			name = 'Kuva Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressBladeSawman.png',
			name = 'Kuva Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffMissile.png',
			name = 'Kuva Drahk',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnArmoredKubrow.png',
			name = 'Kuva Drahk Master',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressBeastMaster.png',
			name = 'Kuva Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressEliteRifleLancer.png',
			name = 'Kuva Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressEviseratorLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kuva Flameblade',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressBlowtorchSawman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kuva Guardian',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RoyalGuard.png',
			name = 'Kuva Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressMinigunBombard.png',
			name = 'Kuva Hellion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressJetpackMarine.png',
			name = 'Kuva Hyekka',
			section = 'Grineer',
			name = 'Kuva Hyekka Master',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressCatMaster.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kuva Injector',
			section = 'Other',
			link = 'Defense',
			name = 'Kuva Jester',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Jester.png',
			name = 'Kuva Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressRifleLancer.png',
			name = 'Kuva Napalm',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressIncendiaryBombard.png',
			name = 'Kuva Powerclaw',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressPistonSawman.png',
			name = 'Kuva Roller',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RollingDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Kuva Scorch',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressFlameLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kuva Scorpion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressMacheteWoman.png',
			name = 'Kuva Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressGrineerMarinePistol.png',
			name = 'Kuva Shield Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressShieldLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Kuva Siphon',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'KuvaSiphon.png',
			name = 'Kuva Trooper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FortressShotgunLancer.png',
			name = 'Kyta Raknoid',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'KytaRaknoid.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Lancer Dreg',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnLaserDrone.png',
			name = 'Lancer Dreg Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnLaserDrone.png',
			name = 'Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Lancer Survivor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RifleLancerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Lancing Infested Hive',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedHiveD.png',
			name = 'Latrox Une',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Latcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Latcher.png',
			name = 'Leaper',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'LeapingRunnerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Leaper Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'LeapingRunnerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Leaping Thrasher',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'LeapingThrasher.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Leech Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyLeech.png',
			name = 'Leech Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyLeech.png',
			name = 'Leekter',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DeathSquadBrown.png',
			name = 'Lektro Commander',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'LektroCommander.png',
			name = 'Lephantis',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'GolemFullAvatar.png',
			name = 'Lobber Crawler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'GrenadeAvatar.png',
			name = 'Lobber Crawler Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'GrenadeAvatar.png',
			name = 'Lockjaw & Sol',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamAZanukaAgent.png',
			name = 'Locust Drone',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpSwarmDrone.png',
			name = 'Loki Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Loki.png',
			name = 'LT Lech Kril',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'BossLechKrilAvatar.png',
			link = 'Lieutenant Lech Kril',
			name = 'Lynx',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpMiniJackal.png',
			name = 'Lynx Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpMiniJackalOsprey.png',
			name = 'Lynx Turret',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpMiniJackalTurret.png',
			name = 'M-W.A.M.',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamCMoaAgent.png',
			name = 'Machinist',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusMachinist.png',
			name = 'Mag Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Mag.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Maggot',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'DEMaggot.png',
			name = 'Malice',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'HeavyAcolyte.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Mania',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'RogueAcolyte.png',
			name = 'Manic Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerManicBombard.png',
			name = 'Manic Bombard Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerManicBombard.png',
			name = 'Medjay Predasite',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'MedjayPredasite.png',
			name = 'Mesa Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'RogueGunslinger.png',
			name = 'Mimic',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'MimicSentient.png',
			name = 'Mine Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyMine.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Mine Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyMine.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Minima MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Misery',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'AreaCasterAcolyte.png',
			name = 'Mitosid',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'Mitosid.png',
			name = 'Mitosid Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'Mitosid.png',
			name = 'Mitosid Rex',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'MitosidRex.png',
			name = 'MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaNormal.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaNormal.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Mordda Turret',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonAutoMortarTurret.png',
			name = 'Mutalist Alad V',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedAladV.png',
			name = 'Mutalist Osprey',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedOsprey.png',
			name = 'Mutalist Osprey Carrier',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedOsprey.png',
			name = 'Nako Xol',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamARifleAgent.png',
			name = 'Napalm',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'IncendiaryBombardAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Napalm Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'IncendiaryBombardAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Nauseous Crawler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'GraspingCrawlerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Nauseous Crawler Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'GraspingCrawlerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Necramech',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'VoidrigNecramech.png',
			link = 'Necramech (Enemy)',
			name = 'Nemes',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'Nemes.png',
			name = 'Nemes Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'Nemes.png',
			name = 'Nemes RT',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RaptorDrone.png',
			name = 'Nemes Scout',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'Nemes.png',
			name = 'Nephil Vasca Kavat',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VascaKavatRare.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Bailiff',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchCharger.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchBombard.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Nightwatch Brunt Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchBruntLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Nightwatch Carrier',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchCarrierLancer.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Flameblade',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchFlameblade.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Hyekka Master',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchCatMaster.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchLancer.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Manic',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchManic.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Powerclaw',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchPowerclaw.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Reaver',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchReaver.png',
			name = 'Nightwatch Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'NightwatchSeeker.png',
			name = 'Nova Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Antimatter.png',
			name = 'Nox',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Nox.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Nox Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Nox.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Nul Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'NulComba.png',
			name = 'Nul Scrambus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'NulScrambus.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Nullifier Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpNullRanger.png',
			name = 'Nullifier Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrpNullRanger.png',
			name = 'Nullifier Target',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusCaptureTarget.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Oculyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Scout.png',
			name = 'Ogma',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnCombatPod.png',
			name = 'Orbital Strike Drone',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'VayHekStrikeDrone.png',
			name = 'Orokin Drone',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinShieldDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Orokin Drone Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinShieldDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Orokin Sentry',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinSentry.png',
			name = 'Orokin Spectator',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinShieldDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Orokin Spectator Eximus',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrokinShieldDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Orphid Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'OrphidSaryn.png',
			name = 'Orphix',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Condrix.png',
			name = 'Ortholyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			name = 'Ostia Vasca Kavat',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VascaKavatCommon.png',
			name = 'Oxium Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreySuicide.png',
			name = 'Pelna Cade',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamASkateAgent.png',
			name = 'Penta Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JetpackCrewmanPenta.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Penta Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JetpackCrewmanPenta.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Panzer Vulpaphyla',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'PanzerVulpaphyla.png',
			link = 'Panzer Vulpaphyla (Conservation)',
			name = 'Pharaoh Predasite',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'PharaohPredasite.png',
			name = 'Phorid',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'QuadrupedVIPAvatar.png',
			name = 'Plains Commander',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonVipGrunt.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Plains Kuaka',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'KuakaCommon.png',
			name = 'Polyp-Hog Juggernaut',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'JuggernautMicroPlanetAvatar.png',
			name = 'Powerfist',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'PistonSawmanAvatar.png',
			name = 'Powerfist Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'PistonSawmanAvatar.png',
			name = 'Prod Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanProd.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Prod Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanProd.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Profit-Taker Orb',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ProfitTakerOrb.png',
			name = 'Propaganda Drone',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'VayHekPropagandaDrone.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Prosecutor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerProsecutor.png',
			name = 'Protea Specter',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ProteaMarket.png',
			name = 'Pulsing Infested Hive',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedHiveC.png',
			name = 'Purple Velocipod',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'PurpleVelocipod.png',
			name = 'Pyr Captain',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'PyrCaptain.png',
			name = 'Quanta Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JetpackCrewmamQuanta.png',
			name = 'Quanta Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JetpackCrewmamQuanta.png',
			name = 'Rabbleback Hyena',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RabblebackHyena.png',
			name = 'Railgun MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaRailgun.png',
			name = 'Railgun MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaRailgun.png',
			name = 'Rana Del',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RanaDel.png',
			name = 'Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JetpackCrewmanDera.png',
			name = 'Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'JetpackCrewmanDera.png',
			name = 'Raptor MT',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RaptorTwoCarrier.png',
			name = 'Raptor NS',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RaptorTwoMortar.png',
			name = 'Raptor RV',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RaptorTwoLaser.png',
			name = 'Raptor RX',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamBRaptorAgent.png',
			name = 'Ratel',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexRatel.png',
			name = 'Razorback',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ArmoredJackal.png',
			name = 'Recon Commander',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonVipSniper.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Red-Crested Virmink',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VirminkRare.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Regulator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RegulatorDE.png',
			name = 'Remech Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexRemechOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Rhino Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Rhino.png',
			name = 'Rogue Condroc',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'CondrocUncommon.png',
			name = 'Roller',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RollingDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Roller Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RollingDroneAvatar.png',
			name = 'Roller Sentry',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RollerTurret.png',
			name = 'Ropalolyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Ropalolyst.png',
			name = 'Runner',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedRunner.png',
			name = 'Sap Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'SapComba.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Sap Scrambus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'SapScrambus.png',
			name = 'Sapping Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DiscOsprey.png',
			name = 'Sapping Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DiscOsprey.png',
			name = 'Saryn Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Saryn.png',
			name = 'Saturn Six Fugitive',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'WolfGangster.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Scarlet Nexifera',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'ScarletNexifera.png',
			name = 'Scavenger Drone',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyScavenger.png',
			name = 'Scavenger Drone Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyScavenger.png',
			name = 'Scorch',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FlameLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Scorch Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'FlameLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Scorpion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'MacheteWomanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Scorpion Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'MacheteWomanAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Scyto Raknoid',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ScytoRaknoid.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Security Camera',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexObjSecurityCamera.png',
			name = 'Security Infested Hive',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedHiveF.png',
			name = 'Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerMarinePistolAvatar.png',
			name = 'Seeker Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerMarinePistolAvatar.png',
			name = 'Sensor Regulator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RegulatorDE.png',
			name = 'Sensor Regulator Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'RegulatorDE.png',
			name = 'Senta Turret',
			section = 'Grineer',
			caption = 'Kuva Fortress',
			link = 'Senta Turret (Kuva Fortress)',
			name = 'Senta Turret',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusTurret.png',
			name = 'Senta Turret',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CodexObjTurret.png',
			caption = 'Orb Vallis',
			link = 'Senta Turret (Orb Vallis)',
			name = 'Sentient Research Director',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'SentientResearchDirector.png',
			name = 'Sentinel Stover',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'StoverCommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Septic Cryptilex',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SepticCryptilex.png',
			name = 'Shadow Stalker',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'SentientStalker.png',
			name = 'Shield Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffShield.png',
			name = 'Shield Dargyn Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffShield.png',
			name = 'Shield Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ShieldLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Shield Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ShieldLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Shield Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyShield.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Shield Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'OspreyShield.png',
			flipimage = true,
			section = 'Corpus',
			caption = 'Unknown Entry',
			name = 'Shield-Hellion Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffMissileShield.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Shield-Hellion Dargyn Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiffMissileShield.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Shik Tal',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DeathSquadBlue.png',
			name = 'Shock Draga',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EelFrogLancer.png',
			name = 'Shockwave MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaShockwave.png',
			name = 'Shockwave MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'MoaShockwave.png',
			name = 'Sikula',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'WaterMineDrone.png',
			name = 'Slo Comba',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'SloComba.png',
			name = 'Slo Scrambus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'SloScrambus.png',
			name = 'Sly Vulpaphyla',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SlyVulpaphyla.png',
			link = 'Sly Vulpaphyla (Conservation)',
			name = 'Sniper Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanSniper.png',
			name = 'Sniper Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CrewmanSniper.png',
			name = 'Specter Particles',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Splendid Mergoo',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'MergooRare.png',
			name = 'Sporule Avichaea',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SporuleAvichaea.png',
			name = 'Spotted Bolarola',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'BolarolaCommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Sprag',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Sprag.png',
			name = 'Stabilization Infested Hive',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'InfestedHiveE.png',
			name = 'Stalker',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'Stalker_d.png',
			name = 'Subterranean Pobber',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'PobberRare.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Summulyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			name = 'Sunny Pobber',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'PobberCommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Swarm Mutalist MOA',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'NaniteInfestedMoa.png',
			name = 'Swarm Mutalist MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'NaniteInfestedMoa.png',
			name = 'Swimmer Horrasque',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'HorrasqueUncommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Symbilyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'Symbilyst.png',
			name = 'Tar Mutalist MOA',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'SlowInfestedMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tar Mutalist MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'SlowInfestedMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Temporal Dreg',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnStasisDrone.png',
			name = 'Terra Ambulas',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraAmbulas.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Attack Drone',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraAttackDrones.png',
			name = 'Terra Attack Drone Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraAttackDrones.png',
			name = 'Terra Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraCrewman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraCrewman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Elite Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteCrewman.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteCrewman.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Embattor MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteEmbattorMOA.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Embattor MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteEmbattorMOA.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Overtaker',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteOvertaker.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Overtaker Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteOvertaker.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Provisor',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteProvisor.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Provisor Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteProvisor.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Raptor SX',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteRaptorSX.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Trencher',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteTrencher.png',
			name = 'Terra Elite Trencher Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEliteTrencher.png',
			name = 'Terra Embattor MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEmbattorMOA.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Embattor MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraEmbattorMOA.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Jackal',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Terra Jailer',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraJailer.png',
			name = 'Terra Manker',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraManker.png',
			name = 'Terra Manker Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraManker.png',
			name = 'Terra MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraMOA.png',
			name = 'Terra MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraMOA.png',
			name = 'Terra Overtaker',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraOvertaker.png',
			name = 'Terra Overtaker Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraOvertaker.png',
			name = 'Terra Plasmor Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraPlasmorCrewman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Plasmor Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraPlasmorCrewman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Provisor',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraProvisor.png',
			name = 'Terra Provisor Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraProvisor.png',
			name = 'Terra Raptor SX',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraRaptorRX.png',
			name = 'Terra Shield Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraShieldOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Shield Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraShieldOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Shockwave MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraShockwaveMOA.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Shockwave MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraShockwaveMOA.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Terra Sniper Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraSniperCrewman.png',
			name = 'Terra Sniper Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraSniperCrewman.png',
			name = 'Terra Trencher',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraTrencher.png',
			name = 'Terra Trencher Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'TerraTrencher.png',
			name = 'The Raptor',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'RaptorTwoLaser.png',
			name = 'The Sergeant',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'BossNefAnyo.png',
			name = 'Thorny Bolarola',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'BolarolaRare.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tia Mayn',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamCStealthAgent.png',
			name = 'Tomb Guardian',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'HostileRockman.png',
			name = 'Tomb Protector',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'SandmanBoss.png',
			name = 'Tomb Protector Effigy',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'InarosGolem.png',
			name = 'Torment',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'ControlAcolyte.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Toxic Ancient',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ToxicAncientAvatar.png',
			name = 'Toxic Ancient Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ToxicAncientAvatar.png',
			name = 'Toxic Crawler',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'NoxiousCrawlerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Toxic Crawler Eximus',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'NoxiousCrawlerAvatar.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Treasurer',
			section = 'Corpus',
			name = 'Trinity Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Trinity.png',
			name = 'Trooper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Trooper Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Trooper Survivor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'ShotgunLancerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Tusk Ballista',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonGrineerFemale.png',
			name = 'Tusk Ballista Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonGrineerFemale.png',
			name = 'Tusk Bolkor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'BigDripShip.png',
			name = 'Tusk Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonRocketBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Bombard Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonRocketBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Butcher',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonBladeSawman.png',
			name = 'Tusk Butcher Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonBladeSawman.png',
			name = 'Tusk Carabus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonVipGruntDrone.png',
			name = 'Tusk Command Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonVipSkiff.png',
			name = 'Tusk Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiff.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Elite Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonEliteRifleLancer.png',
			name = 'Tusk Elite Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonEliteRifleLancer.png',
			name = 'Tusk Eviscerator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonEvisceratorLancer.png',
			name = 'Tusk Eviscerator Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonEvisceratorLancer.png',
			name = 'Tusk Firbolg',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrineerDropShip.png',
			name = 'Tusk Flameblade',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonBlowtorchSawman.png',
			name = 'Tusk Flameblade Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonBlowtorchSawman.png',
			name = 'Tusk Heavy Gunner',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonMinigunBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Heavy Gunner Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonMinigunBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Hellion',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonJetpackMarine.png',
			name = 'Tusk Hellion Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonJetpackMarine.png',
			name = 'Tusk Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonRifleLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonRifleLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Mortar Bombard',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonMortarBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Napalm',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonIncendiaryBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Napalm Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonIncendiaryBombard.png',
			name = 'Tusk Ogma',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonBomber.png',
			name = 'Tusk Predator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonPredator.png',
			name = 'Tusk Predator',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonPredator.png',
			name = 'Tusk Reaver',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonJetpackMelee.png',
			name = 'Tusk Roller',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonRollingDrone.png',
			name = 'Tusk Seeker',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonGrineerMarinePistol.png',
			name = 'Tusk Seeker Drone',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonAlarmDrone.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Seeker Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonGrineerMarinePistol.png',
			name = 'Tusk Shield Dargyn',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnSkiff.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Shield Lancer',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonShieldLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Shield Lancer Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonShieldLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Target',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonCaptureTarget.png',
			name = 'Tusk Thumper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'TuskThumper.png',
			name = 'Tusk Thumper Bull',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'TuskThumperBull.png',
			name = 'Tusk Thumper Doma',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'TuskThumperDoma.png',
			name = 'Tusk Trooper',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonShotgunLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tusk Trooper Eximus',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonShotgunLancer.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Tyl Regor',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'TylRegor.png',
			name = 'Tyro Battalyst',
			section = 'Sentient',
			image = 'TyroBattalyst.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Umber Undazoa',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'UmberUndazoa.png',
			name = 'Undying Flyer',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'UndyingFlyer.png',
			name = 'Valkyr Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'ValkyrShoot.png',
			name = 'Vallis Kubrodon',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'KubrodonUncommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vaporous Undazoa',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VaporousUndazoa.png',
			name = 'Vapos Anti MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposAntiMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Anti MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposAntiMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Aquila',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposAquila.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Condor Dropship',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposCondorDropship.png',
			name = 'Vapos Condor Elite Dropship',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'DropshipHunterElite.png',
			name = 'Vapos Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Detron Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposDetronCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Detron Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposDetronCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Detron Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposDetronRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Detron Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposDetronRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Elite Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposEliteCrewman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Elite Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposEliteCrewman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Elite Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposEliteRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Elite Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposEliteRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Fusion MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposFusionMoa.png',
			name = 'Vapos Fusion MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposFusionMoa.png',
			name = 'Vapos MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposMoa.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Nullifier',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'GasNullifySpaceman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Nullifier Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'GasNullifySpaceman.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Nullifier Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposNullifierRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Nullifier Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposNullifierRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Oxium Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposOxiumOsprey.png',
			name = 'Vapos Prod Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposProdCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Prod Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposProdCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Railgun MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposRailgunMoa.png',
			name = 'Vapos Railgun MOA Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposRailgunMoa.png',
			name = 'Vapos Sapping Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposSappingOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Sapping Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposSappingOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Shield Osprey',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposShieldOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Shield Osprey Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposShieldOsprey.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vapos Shockwave MOA',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposShockwaveMoa.png',
			name = 'Vapos Sniper Crewman',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposSniperCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Sniper Crewman Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposSniperCrewman.png',
			name = 'Vapos Sniper Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposSniperRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Sniper Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposSniperRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Tech',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposTech.png',
			name = 'Vapos Tech Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposTech.png',
			name = 'Vapos Tech Ranger',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposTechRanger.png',
			name = 'Vapos Tech Ranger Eximus',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VaposTechRanger.png',
			name = 'Vay Hek Terra Frame',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'VayHek.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ved Xol',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CCTeamAHeavyAgent.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Vem Tabook',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'DeathSquadGreen.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Ven\'kra Tel',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'Venkra.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Venin Mutalist',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'CodexVeninMutalist.png',
			name = 'Violence',
			section = 'Stalker',
			image = 'DuellistAcolyte.png',
			name = 'Viridian Nexifera',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'ViridianNexifera.png',
			name = 'Viscid Avichaea',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'ViscidAvichaea.png',
			name = 'Vivisect Director',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'VivisectDirector.png',
			name = 'Vizier Predasite',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VizierPredasite.png',
			name = 'Volatile Runner',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'SuicideRunnerAvatar.png',
			name = 'Volt Specter',
			section = 'Orokin',
			image = 'Volt.png',
			name = 'Vruush Turret',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'EidolonAutoRocketTurret.png',
			name = 'White Velocipod',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'WhiteVelocipod.png',
			name = 'White-Breasted Virmink',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'VirminkCommon.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Wolf of Saturn Six',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'WolfStalker.png',
			name = 'Woodland Mergoo',
			section = 'Unaffiliated',
			image = 'MergooUncommon.png',
			name = 'Zanuka',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'ZukanaCodex.png',
			name = 'Zanuka Hunter',
			section = 'Corpus',
			image = 'CorpusHarvester.png',
			name = 'Zealoid Bastion',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ZealoidPrelate.png',
			name = 'Zealoid Prelate',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ZealoidPrelate.png',
			name = 'Zealot Baptizer',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ZealotBaptizer.png',
			name = 'Zealot Herald',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ZealotHerald.png',
			flipimage = true,
			name = 'Zealot Proselytizer',
			section = 'Infestation',
			image = 'ZealotProselytizer.png',
			name = 'Zeplen',
			section = 'Grineer',
			image = 'GrnMissilePlatform.png',
	['Object'] = {
			name = 'Abandoned Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexAbandonedStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Alloy Drum',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'AlloyPlateContainer.png',
			link = 'Alloy Plate'
			name = 'Amniophysi',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Amniophysi.png'
			name = 'Aquapulmo',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Aquapulmo.png'
			name = 'Arc Trap',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexArcTrap.png'
			name = 'Arcane Machine',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ArcaneMachine.png'
			name = 'Argon Pegmatite',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'ArgonCrystalContainer.png',
			link = 'Argon Crystal'
			name = 'Arid Blunt',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'AridBlunt.png'
			name = 'Auroron Entrati Casket',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'AuroronEntratiCasket.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Ayatan Amber Star',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexOrnamentB.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Star'
			name = 'Ayatan Anasa Sculpture',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexF.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Sculpture'
			name = 'Ayatan Ayr Sculpture',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexB.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Sculpture'
			name = 'Ayatan Cyan Star',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexOrnamentA.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Star'
			name = 'Ayatan Orta Sculpture',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexC.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Sculpture'
			name = 'Ayatan Piv Sculpture',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexE.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Sculpture'
			name = 'Ayatan Sah Sculpture',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexA.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Sculpture'
			name = 'Ayatan Vaya Sculpture',
			section = 'Ayatan Treasure',
			image = 'OroFusexD.png',
			link = 'Ayatan Sculpture'
			name = 'Bait Station',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'BaitStation.png',
			link = 'Isolation Vault#Stage 1'
			name = 'Barbisteo',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Barbisteo.png'
			name = 'Biogas Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'BiogasBarrel.png',
			link = 'Explosive Barrel'
			name = 'Blunt',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexBlunt.png'
			name = 'Brickie',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Brickie.png'
			name = 'Cable',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Cable.png',
			link = 'Corpus Gas City'
			name = 'Cascade Bomb',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexOrokinPowerCore.png'
			name = 'Cell Array',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'OrokinCellContainer.png',
			link = 'Orokin Cell'
			name = 'Charamote',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Charamote.png'
			name = 'Charc Eel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CharcEel.png'
			name = 'Chondricord',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Chondricord.png'
			name = 'Circuitry Lockbox',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'CircuitsContainer.png',
			link = 'Circuits'
			name = 'Common Corpus Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCommonCorpusStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Common Grineer Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCommonGrineerStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Compacted Salvage',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'SalvageContainer.png',
			link = 'Salvage'
			name = 'Control Console',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexControlConsoleGrineer.png',
			caption = 'Grineer',
			link = 'Hacking'
			name = 'Control Console',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexControlConsoleCorpus.png',
			caption = 'Corpus',
			link = 'Hacking'
			name = 'Core Pipe',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCorePipeCorpus.png',
			caption = 'Corpus',
			link = 'Reactor Sabotage'
			name = 'Core Pipe',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCorePipeGrineer.png',
			caption = 'Grineer',
			link = 'Reactor Sabotage'
			name = 'Corpus Stasis Mine',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCorpusStasisMine.png',
			link = 'Rush (Archwing)'
			name = 'Corpus Systems',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCorpusSystems.png',
			link = 'Mobile Defense'
			name = 'Cryptosuctus',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Cryptosuctus.png'
			name = 'Cuthol',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Cuthol.png'
			name = 'Death Orb',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexDeathOrb.png',
			link = 'Orokin Tower#Death Orbs'
			name = 'Distressed Pipe',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'DistressedPipe.png',
			link = 'Corpus Gas City#Distressed Pipes'
			name = 'Domestik Drone',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'DomestikDrone.png',
			link = 'Domestik Drone'
			name = 'Drekar Blunt',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'SeaLabBlunt.png'
			name = 'Duroid',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Duroid.png'
			name = 'Dusklight Sarracenia',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CobraLotus.png'
			name = 'Echowinder',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Echowinder.png'
			name = 'Excavator',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexExcavator.png'
			name = 'Explosive Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexExplosiveBarrel.png'
			name = 'Eye-Eye',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Eye-Eye.png'
			name = 'Fan',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexFan.png'
			name = 'Ferrite Deposit',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'FerriteContainer.png',
			link = 'Ferrite'
			name = 'Forgotten Grineer Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexMossyShiny.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Forgotten Grineer Storage Containers'
			name = 'Frostleaf',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'WildGingerB.png'
			name = 'Fusor Drone',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'FusorDrone.png',
			link = 'Corpus Gas City'
			name = 'Gallium Deposit',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'GalliumContainer.png',
			link = 'Gallium'
			name = 'Glappid',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Glappid.png'
			name = 'Glutinox',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Glutinox.png'
			name = 'Goopolla',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Goopolla.png'
			name = 'Gorgaricus Sac',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'GorgaricusSac.png',
			link = 'Gorgaricus Spore'
			name = 'Grate',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexGrateCorpus.png',
			caption = 'Corpus'
			name = 'Grate',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexGrateGrineer.png',
			caption = 'Grineer'
			name = 'Gravid Blastema',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'GravidBlastema.png',
			link = 'Pustulite'
			name = 'Grineer Exploding Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexGrineerExplodingBarrel.png',
			link = 'Explosive Barrel'
			name = 'Grineer System',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexGrineerSystem.png',
			link = 'Mobile Defense'
			name = 'Grokdrul Drum',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'GrokdrulDrum.png',
			link = 'Grokdrul'
			name = 'Haptic Frond',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'HapticFrond.png',
			link = 'Ganglion'
			name = 'Helium Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'HeliumBarrel.png',
			link = 'Corpus Gas City'
			name = 'Imperial Rampart',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ImperialRampart.png',
			link = 'Rampart'
			name = 'Infested Tumor',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'InfestedHiveTumorNode.png'
			name = 'Infested Tumor',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'InfestedHiveTumorNode.png'
			name = 'Iradite Formation',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'IraditeFormation.png',
			link = 'Iradite'
			name = 'Isolation Vault Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'IsolationVaultContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Karkina',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Karkina.png'
			name = 'Khut-Khut',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'KhutKhut.png'
			name = 'Kriller',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Kriller.png'
			name = 'Kubrow Den',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexKubrowDen.png'
			name = 'Kuria',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Orokitty.png'
			name = 'Kymaeros',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Kymaeros.png'
			name = 'Lanx',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Shark.png',
			flipimage = 'true'
			name = 'Large Corpus Exploding Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexLargeCorpusExplodingBarrel.png',
			link = 'Explosive Barrel'
			name = 'Large Grineer Exploding Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexLargeGrineerExplodingBarrel.png',
			link = 'Explosive Barrel'
			name = 'LN2 Barrel',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexLN2Barrel.png',
			link = 'Explosive Barrel'
			name = 'Longwinder',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Longwinder.png'
			name = 'Lunar Pitcher',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ZenPitcher.png'
			name = 'Maprico Tree',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'MapricoTree.png',
			link = 'Maprico'
			name = 'Mawfish',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Mawfish.png'
			name = 'Mining Machine',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexMiningMachine.png'
			name = 'Mirewinder',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Mirewinder.png'
			name = 'Moonlight Dragonlily',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ForestNightUncommon.png'
			name = 'Moonlight Jadeleaf',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ForestNightRare.png'
			name = 'Moonlight Threshcone',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ForestNightCommon.png'
			name = 'Morphics Stabilizer',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'MorphicsContainer.png',
			link = 'Morphics'
			name = 'Mortus Lungfish',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'MortusLungfish.png'
			name = 'Murkray',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Murkray.png'
			name = 'Mytocardia Sac',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'MytocardiaSacSmall.png',
			link = 'Mytocardia Spore',
			caption = 'Small'
			name = 'Mytocardia Sac',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'MytocardiaSacLarge.png',
			link = 'Mytocardia Spore',
			caption = 'Large'
			name = 'Myxostomata',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Myxostomata.png'
			name = 'Neural Array',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'NeuralSensorContainer.png',
			link = 'Neural Sensors'
			name = 'Neuroptic Mass',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'NeurodesContainer.png',
			link = 'Neurodes'
			name = 'Nightfall Apothic Imprint',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexApothicImprint.png',
			link = 'The Silver Grove'
			name = 'Nistlebrush',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'NistlepodContainer.png',
			link = 'Nistlepod'
			name = 'Norg',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Norg.png'
			name = 'Orokin Power Core',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexOrokinPowerCore.png'
			name = 'Orokin Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexOrokinStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Orokin System',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexOrokinSystem.png',
			link = 'Mobile Defense'
			name = 'Ostimyr',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Ostimyr.png'
			name = 'Plastid Carapace',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'PlastidsContainer.png',
			link = 'Plastids'
			name = 'Polished Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'PolishedStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Polished Storage Crate',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'PolishedStorageCrate.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Polymer Case',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'PolymerBundleContainer.png',
			link = 'Polymer Bundle'
			name = 'Rampart',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexRampart.png'
			name = 'Rare Corpus Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexRareCorpusStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Rare Storage Containers'
			name = 'Rare Grineer Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexRareGrineerStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Rare Storage Containers'
			name = 'Rare Orokin Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexRareOrokinStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Rare Storage Containers'
			name = 'Recaster',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Recaster.png'
			name = 'Reinforced Corpus Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexReinforcedCorpusStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Reinforced Storage Containers'
			name = 'Reinforced Glass',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexReinforcedGlass.png'
			name = 'Reinforced Grineer Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexReinforcedGrineerStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Reinforced Storage Containers'
			name = 'Reinforced Orokin Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexReinforcedOrokinStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Reinforced Storage Containers'
			name = 'Robotics Lockbox',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'ControlModuleContainer.png',
			link = 'Control Module'
			name = 'Rozilor Infested Cyst',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'RozilorInfestedCyst.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Rubedo Formation',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'RubedoContainer.png',
			link = 'Rubedo'
			name = "Ruk's Claw",
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'GftPlantRuksClawMature.png'
			name = 'Sagiant Entrati Casket',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'SagiantEntratiCasket.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Sapcaddy',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Sapcaddy.png'
			name = 'Scrubber',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Scrubber.png'
			name = 'Security Camera',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexObjSecurityCamera.png'
			name = 'Sensor Bar',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexSensorBar.png'
			name = 'Senta Turret',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexObjTurret.png'
			name = 'Service Drone',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ServiceDrone.png',
			link = 'Corpus Gas City'
			name = 'Sharrac',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Sharrac.png'
			name = 'Shrapnel Mine',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ShrapnelMine.png',
			link = 'Grineer Asteroid Fortress#Mines'
			name = 'Spitia Infested Cyst',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'SpitiaInfestedCyst.png',
			link = 'Storage Container'
			name = 'Spore Culture',
			section = 'Resources',
			image = 'NanoSporesContainer.png',
			link = 'Nano Spores'
			name = 'Sunlight Dragonlily',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ForestDayUncommon.png'
			name = 'Sunlight Jadeleaf',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ForestDayRare.png'
			name = 'Sunlight Threshcone',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ForestDayCommon.png'
			name = 'Sunrise Apothic Imprint',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexApothicImprint.png',
			link = 'The Silver Grove'
			name = 'Synathid',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Synathid.png'
			name = 'Tepa Plant',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'TepaPlant.png',
			link = 'Tepa Nodule'
			name = 'Thermal Sludge Canister',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'ThermalSludgeCanister.png',
			link = 'Thermal Sludge'
			name = 'Tink',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Tink.png'
			name = 'Toxin Injector',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexToxinInjector.png'
			name = 'Tralok',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Tralok.png'
			name = 'Transport',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexTransport.png',
			link = 'Rush (Archwing)'
			name = 'Tromyzon',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Tromyzon.png'
			name = 'Tusk Supplies Cache',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'TuskSuppliesCache.png',
			link = 'Resource Cache'
			name = 'Twilight Apothic Imprint',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexApothicImprint.png',
			link = 'The Silver Grove'
			name = 'Uncommon Corpus Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexCommonCorpusStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Uncommon Storage Containers'
			name = 'Uncommon Grineer Storage Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexUncommonGrineerStorageContainer.png',
			link = 'Storage Container#Uncommon Storage Containers'
			name = 'Vector Shield',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexVectorShield.png'
			name = 'Vestan Moss',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'MossGroundCoverA.png'
			name = 'Vitreospina',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Vitreospina.png'
			name = 'Volatile Orokin Container',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexVolatileOrokinContainer.png',
			link = 'Explosive Barrel'
			name = 'Warframe Cryopod',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'CodexWarframeCryopod.png',
			link = 'Defense'
			name = 'Yogwun',
			section = 'Miscellaneous',
			image = 'Yogwun.png'

return CodexData