“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Finishing seeding database with all enemy entries

Database for all enemies in WARFRAME. Enemy drop tables can be updated on Module:DropTables/data.

Enemy damage data based on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sS0OYvBXBkAsUGnlnBzyCA6GSTvLYfQzXka1plH7kxg/edit?usp=sharing credit to User:ArbitraryMary.

Last updated: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 23:53:10 +0000 (UTC) by User:Headbox8424

Horizontal Partitions (and where to update data)[]

Enemy Entry Schema[]

		["Heavy Gunner"] = {
			General = {
            	Abilities = { "Seismic Shockwave" },
				Actor = "",
				CodexSecret = false,
				Description = "High damage minigun",
				Faction = "Grineer",
				Image = "HeavyGunnerDE.png",
				Introduced = "Vanilla",
				Missions = {},
 				Planets = {},
				Scans = 3,
  				TileSets = { "Grineer Asteroid", "Grineer Galleon", "Grineer Shipyard", "Orokin Moon" },
				Type = "Ranged",
				Weapons = { "Gorgon", "Sheev" },
			Stats = {
				Health = 300,
				HealthType = "Cloned Flesh",
				Shield = 0,
				ShieldType = "",
				Armor = 500,
				ArmorType = "Ferrite Armor",
				Affinity = 500,
				BaseLevel = 8,
				SpawnLevel = 8,
				Multis = { "Head: 3.0x" },
				ProcResists = {},

General Subtable Schema[]

			General = {
				Abilities = { "Seismic Shockwave" },
				Actor = "",
				CodexSecret = false,
				Description = "Codex description of enemy",
				Faction = "Grineer",
				Missions = {},
				Image = "EnemyImage.png",
				InternalName = "",
				Introduced = "29",
				Link = "Page Name",
				Name = "Enemy Name",
 				Planets = {},
				Scans = 3,
				Type = "Ranged",
 				Weapons = { "Gorgon", "Sheev" },
Key/Column Name Internal Equivalent Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Abilities N/A Table (of strings) Array of abilities names {}
Actor N/A String Voice actor of enemy "[DE]Rebecca"
CodexSecret CodexSecret Boolean ✔️ Whether or not the enemy has an entry in the Codex before the player scans it; defaults to false true
Description ShortDesc String Description of enemy as seen in the Codex "High damage minigun"
ExcludedFromSimulacrum ExcludedFromSimulacrum Boolean Whether or not the enemy cannot be spawned in the Simulacrum true
Faction Faction String ✔️ Associated Faction "Corpus"
FactonDamageOverride N/A String Override for enemies with different faction resistance value instead of that usually matches their faction. "Grineer"
Image Icon String ✔️ Image file name of the enemy as uploaded to the wiki. "CrewmanTech.png"
InternalName N/A String ✔️ The full unique name of an enemy formatted as a file path "/Lotus/Types/Enemies/Grineer/AIWeek/Avatars/HeavyFemaleGrineerAvatar"
Introduced N/A String ✔️ The game version in which the enemy was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
Link N/A String ✔️ Page/article link to the enemy on the wiki "Scorch"
Missions N/A Table (of strings) Star Chart mission nodes/mission types that enemy can appear in { "Kuva Siphon" }
Name LocTag String ✔️ Name of enemy "Scorch"
Planets N/A Table (of strings) ✔️ Star Chart regions that enemy can appear in as seen in enemy's Codex entry { "Earth", "Void", "Lua" }
Scans CodexScansRequiredOverride Number (int) ✔️ Number of scans required to unlock the enemy's Codex entry 3
Type N/A String ✔️ Informal enemy categorization based on common characteristics and/or mechanics (e.g. can only perform Mercy finisher on "heavy" units) "Boss", "Sniper", "Heavy", or "Light"
Weapons N/A Table (of strings) Names of weapons that the enemy wields as stored in Module:Weapons/data (i.e. player usable weapons only) "Grakata" or "Dera"

Stats Subtable Schema[]

			Stats = {
				Affinity = 500,
				Armor = 500,
				BaseLevel = 8,
				Health = 300,
				Multis = { "Head: 3.0x" },
				ProcResists = {},
				Shield = 0,
				SpawnLevel = 8,
Key/Column Name Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Affinity Number (int) ✔️ Base Affinity value at base level 500
Armor Number (int) Base Armor value at base level 500
ArmorType String ❌ (depreciated as of Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)) Armor class "Alloy Armor"
Attacks Table (of tables) Attack tables defining the base stats of enemy attacks
BaseLevel Number (int) ✔️ Base enemy level used for Enemy Level Scaling 1
Health Number (int) ✔️ Base Health value at base level 300
HealthType String ✔️ (depreciated as of Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)) Health class "Tenno Flesh"
Multis Table (of strings) Array of Enemy Body Parts multipliers { "Head: 3.0x" }
Overguard Number (int) Base Overguard value at base level 12
ProcResists Table (of strings) Array of Status Effects that cannot be applied to enemy; can use "All" as a shorthand for all procs. { "Virus", "Stagger" }
Shield Number (int) Base Shield value at base level 0
ShieldType String ❌ (depreciated as of Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)) Shield class "Proto Shield"
SpawnLevel Number (int) Enemy level at which enemy will first spawn at 8

Attacks Subtable Schema[]

				Attacks = {
						AttackName = "Normal Attack",
						CritChance = 0.3,
						CritMultiplier = 2,
						DamageDistribution = { Impact = 0.5, Puncture = 0.25, Slash = 0.25 },
						StatusChance = 0.3,
						TotalDamage = 100,
						AttackName = "Melee Attack",
						CritChance = 0.3,
						CritMultiplier = 2,
						DamageDistribution = { Impact = 0.5, Puncture = 0.25, Slash = 0.25 },
						StatusChance = 0.3,
						TotalDamage = 100,
Key/Column Name Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
AttackName String ✔️ Editor-defined attack name "Normal Attack"
CritChance Number (float) ✔️ Attack's Critical Chance 0.5
CritMultiplier Number (float) ✔️ Attack's Critical Multiplier 2
DamageDistribution Table (dictionary-like) ✔️ Distribution of damage types as decimals { Impact = 0.5, Puncture = 0.25, Slash = 0.25 }
StatusChance Number (int) ✔️ Attack's Status Chance 0.3
TotalDamage Number (int) ✔️ Attack's total base damage before enemy level scaling is applied 75

---	WARFRAME enemy database to be used on the wiki.
--	@module			Enemies/data
--	@alias			data
--	@attribution	[[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution	Everyone who contributes to adding new data or updating existing values in database
---	@require		[[Module:LuaSerializer]]
--	@release		stable
--	<nowiki>

-- TODO: Since horizontal partitions are accessed programmatically, this means
-- that this module can be tailored to serve specific user localizations.
-- All we need to do is to add a locale flag in here set to mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('{{int:Custom-lang}}'), 
-- a separate translation table (likely JSON) for mapping canonical internal names to localized names, 
-- and replace the Name key/Trigger key/index key with the localized counterpart.
-- In theory, any database access by requiring this module should contain the 
-- proper localization based on user's interface language setting.

local data = {}

local MODULE_LOCALIZATION = mw.site.namespaces[828].name

local COOP_FACTIONS = { 'grineer', 'corpus', 'infestation', 'orokin', 'sentient', 'stalker', 'narmer', 'themurmur', 'unaffiliated' }

local FACTIONS_MAP = {
	grineer = 'grineer',
	['kuva grineer'] = 'grineer',

	corpus = 'corpus',
	['corpus amalgam'] = 'corpus',

	infestation = 'infestation',
	['infested'] = 'infestation',
	['infested deimos'] = 'infestation',

	orokin = 'orokin',
	['corrupted'] = 'orokin',

	sentient = 'sentient',
	stalker = 'stalker',
	narmer = 'narmer',
	themurmur = 'themurmur',
	['the murmur'] = 'themurmur',
	unaffiliated = 'unaffiliated',
	['duviri'] = 'unaffiliated',
	['neutral'] = 'unaffiliated',
	['predator'] = 'unaffiliated',
	['prey'] = 'unaffiliated',
	['tenno'] = 'unaffiliated',
	['unknown'] = 'unaffiliated',

-- Defining default metatable values
local dbMetatable = {
	-- Page title of database
	_pageName = 'Enemies/data'
dbMetatable._pageTitle = MODULE_LOCALIZATION..':'..dbMetatable._pageName

---	Defining custom looping behavior with pairs() to iterate over multiple 
--	partitions while acting as one database table.
--	@function		data.__pairs
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@return			{function} Iterator function
--	@return			{table} Contains key-pair values of faction names to corresponding horizontal partition
dbMetatable.__pairs = function(self)
		local temp = {}
		local factions = COOP_FACTIONS
		for i, faction in ipairs(factions) do
			temp[i] = mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..faction)
		function next(t, key)
			return pairs(t)(t, key)

		function __next(t, key)
			if not key then
				return next(t[1])
				for i = 1, #t - 1 do
					if t[i][key] then
						if next(t[i], key) then
							return next(t[i], key)
							return next(t[i + 1])
				return next(t[#t], key)

		return __next, temp, nil

---	Supporting indexing by faction name (returns array of enemy entries) or enemy name
--	(returns a enemy entry).
--	@function		data.__index
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@param			{string} key Index key
--	@return			{table}
dbMetatable.__index = function(self, key)
		if (type(key) == 'number') then return nil end
		-- Indexing by faction
		if key and FACTIONS_MAP[key:lower()] then
			return mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..FACTIONS_MAP[key:lower()])
		local factions = COOP_FACTIONS
		-- Indexing by enemy name
		local enemy
		for _, faction in ipairs(factions) do
			enemy = mw.loadData(getmetatable(self)._pageTitle..'/'..faction)[key]
			if enemy then
				return enemy
		return nil

---	For changing which type of database to pull data from.
--	If you want to switch to a different database in the same script, must require()
--	a new instance of M:Enemies/data.
--	@function		__call
--	@usage			require('Module:Enemies/data')(true)
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@param			{table} args Argument table
--	@return			{table} Database table
dbMetatable.__call = function(self, args)
		-- Define logic for additional named arguments before the return statement
		-- TODO: We can take advantage of calling a database table by adding additional arguments
		-- for filtering out content.
		return self

---	Serializes database tables into a single string with no functions and metatables.
--	@function		__tostring
--	@param			{table} self Table self-reference
--	@return			{string} Serialized database
dbMetatable.__tostring = function(self)
		return require('Module:LuaSerializer')._serialize(getmetatable(self)._pageName)

setmetatable(data, dbMetatable)

return data