

You are viewing a module with translations for the Docbunto module. It is not advised to edit this page manually. Instead, use the translations editor. If there's something that has to be done that the translation editor cannot do or if the translation editor misbehaved please leave a message on the I18nEdit talk page about your issue.

Upon editing this page without the translations editor you will be stopped by the abuse filter.

-- <nowiki>
return {
    ["en"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Warning|Warnings}}",
        ["optional"] = "optional",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "documentation markup for Docbunto not found in $1",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Usage",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Field|Fields}}",
        ["type-number"] = "number",
        ["type-variable"] = "variable",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["tag-see"] = "See also",
        ["no-content"] = "Lua source code not found in $1",
        ["tag-todo"] = "TODO",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Note|Notes}}",
        ["type-boolean"] = "boolean",
        ["type-nil"] = "nil",
        ["header-other"] = "Other items",
        ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Error|Errors}}",
        ["type-string"] = "string",
        ["type-table"] = "table",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "Package items",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Bug|Bugs}}",
        ["header-class"] = "Package class",
        ["header-private"] = "Private items",
        ["type-sequence"] = "sequence",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Documentation",
        ["header-function"] = "Package function",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["type-member"] = "member",
        ["type-function"] = "function",
        ["tag-return"] = "Returns",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}"
    ["qqq"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "Tag entry label for an item's warning notes. $1 is the number of @warning tags present for the item",
        ["optional"] = "Optional tag documentation entry",
        ["separator-dot"] = "Used to separate horizontal lists such as item flags",
        ["no-markup"] = "Lua error when queried module contains no documentation markup",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Tag entry label for an item's @usage tags",
        ["tag-field"] = "Tag entry label for a table's @field tags. $1 is the number of @field tags present for the item",
        ["type-number"] = "Lua's number type for items or tags",
        ["type-variable"] = "Custom type for private items that are primitives (boolean, number or string) and local to a module",
        ["separator-colon"] = "Used to separate tag entry labels from the entry documentation. {{optional}}",
        ["tag-see"] = "Tag entry label for an item's @see tags",
        ["no-content"] = "Lua error when queried module is non-existent",
        ["tag-todo"] = "Tag entry label for an item's @todo tags",
        ["tag-note"] = "Tag entry label for an item's developer notes. $1 is the number of @note tags present for the item",
        ["type-boolean"] = "Lua's boolean type for items or tags",
        ["type-nil"] = "Lua's nil type for items or tags",
        ["header-other"] = "Subheading for public items that aren't package members (e.g. return tables)",
        ["tag-error"] = "Tag entry label for a function's @error tags. $1 is the number of @error tags present for the item",
        ["type-string"] = "Lua's string type for items or tags",
        ["type-table"] = "Lua's table type for items or tags",
        ["parentheses"] = "Used to wrap item types and tag entry types. {{optional}}",
        ["header-items"] = "Header for modules that export a static table",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "Tag entry label for an item's documented bugs. $1 is the number of @fixme tags present for the item",
        ["header-class"] = "Header for modules that export a class",
        ["header-private"] = "Subheading for private items that are local to a module",
        ["type-sequence"] = "Lua's table type for items or tags that are a sequence",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Header for documentation section",
        ["header-function"] = "Header for modules that export a function",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = "Used to separate item or tag types. {{optional}}",
        ["type-member"] = "Custom type for class members that are primitives (boolean, number or string)",
        ["type-function"] = "Lua's function type for items or tags",
        ["tag-return"] = "Tag entry label for a function's @return tags",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{PLURAL:$1|Parameter|Parameters}}"
    ["bn"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|সূচনা|সূচনা}}",
        ["optional"] = "বিকল্পিক",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "ডোকবুনটোর জন্য ডকুমেন্টেশন মার্কআপ $1এ পাওয়া যায়নি",
        ["tag-usage"] = "প্রয়োগ",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|প্যারামেটের|প্যারামেটের}}",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|ফিল্ড|ফিল্ড}}",
        ["type-variable"] = "ভ্যারিয়েবল",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["type-number"] = "সংখ্যা",
        ["no-content"] = "$1তে লুয়া সোর্স কোড পাওয়া যায়নি",
        ["header-private"] = "ব্যক্তিগত আইটেম",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|নোট|নোট}}",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["tag-see"] = "আরও দেখেন",
        ["tag-todo"] = "টুডু",
        ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|ত্রূটি|ত্রূটি}}",
        ["type-string"] = "স্ট্রিং",
        ["type-table"] = "টেবিল",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "প্যাকেজ আইটেম",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|বাগ|বাগ}}",
        ["header-class"] = "প্যাকেজ ক্লাস",
        ["header-documentation"] = "ডকুমেন্টেশন",
        ["type-boolean"] = "বুলিয়ান",
        ["header-other"] = "অন্য আইটেম",
        ["header-function"] = "প্যাকেজ ফাঙ্কশন",
        ["type-nil"] = "নাই",
        ["type-member"] = "সদস্য",
        ["tag-return"] = "দেয়ে",
        ["type-function"] = "ফাঙ্কশন"
    ["de"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Warnung|Warnungen}}",
        ["optional"] = "optional",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "Dokumentation-Markup für Docbunto in $1 nicht gefunden",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Verwendung",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Feld|Felder}}",
        ["type-number"] = "Nummer",
        ["type-variable"] = "Variable",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["tag-see"] = "Siehe auch",
        ["no-content"] = "Lua Quellcode in $1 nicht gefunden",
        ["tag-todo"] = "TODO",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Notiz|Notizen}}",
        ["type-boolean"] = "Boolean",
        ["type-nil"] = "null",
        ["header-other"] = "Andere Werte",
        ["tag-error"] = "Fehler",
        ["type-string"] = "String",
        ["type-table"] = "Table",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "Paketname",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "Fehler",
        ["header-class"] = "Paketklassen",
        ["header-private"] = "Private Werte",
        ["type-sequence"] = "Sequenz",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Dokumentation",
        ["header-function"] = "Paketfunktion",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["type-member"] = "Mitglied",
        ["type-function"] = "Funktion",
        ["tag-return"] = "Ausgabe",
        ["tag-param"] = "Parameter"
    ["fr"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Avertissement|Avertissements}}",
        ["optional"] = "optionnel",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "Documentation markup pour Docbunto introuvable dans $1",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Utilisation",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Paramètre|Paramètres}}",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Champ|Champs}}",
        ["type-variable"] = "variable",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["type-number"] = "nombre",
        ["no-content"] = "Code source Lua source non trouvée dans $1",
        ["header-private"] = "Objets privés",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Note|Notes}}",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["tag-see"] = "Voir aussi",
        ["tag-todo"] = "TODO",
        ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Erreur|Erreurs}}",
        ["type-string"] = "chaîne",
        ["type-table"] = "tableau",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "Objets du paquet",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Bug|Bugs}}",
        ["header-class"] = "Classe des paquets",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Documentation",
        ["type-boolean"] = "booléen",
        ["header-other"] = "Autres objets",
        ["header-function"] = "Fonction de paquet",
        ["type-nil"] = "nil",
        ["type-member"] = "membre",
        ["type-sequence"] = "séquence",
        ["tag-return"] = "Retours",
        ["type-function"] = "fonction"
    ["hi"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|चेतावनी|चेतावनियाँ}}",
        ["optional"] = "वैकल्पिक",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "Docbunto के लिए प्रलेख मार्कअप $1 में नहीं मिला",
        ["tag-usage"] = "प्रयोग",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|फ़ील्ड|फ़ील्ड्स}}",
        ["type-number"] = "संख्या",
        ["type-variable"] = "वेरिएबल",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["tag-see"] = "ये भी देखें",
        ["no-content"] = "$1 में लुआ स्रोत कोड नहीं मिला",
        ["header-private"] = "व्यक्तिगत आयटम्स",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|नोट|नोट्स}}",
        ["type-boolean"] = "बूलियन",
        ["type-function"] = "फंक्शन",
        ["header-documentation"] = "प्रलेख",
        ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|त्रुटि|त्रुटियाँ}}",
        ["type-string"] = "स्ट्रिंग",
        ["type-table"] = "टेबल",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "पैकेज के आयटम",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|बग|बग्स}}",
        ["header-class"] = "क्लास को पैकेज करें",
        ["tag-todo"] = "टू-डू",
        ["type-sequence"] = "क्रम",
        ["header-other"] = "दुसरे आयटम",
        ["header-function"] = "फंक्शन को पैकेज करें",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["type-member"] = "सदस्य",
        ["type-nil"] = "खाली",
        ["tag-return"] = "लौटाता है",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|पैरामीटर|पैरामीटर्स}}"
    ["ja"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "警告",
        ["tag-todo"] = "タスク",
        ["separator-dot"] = "・",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":",
        ["tag-usage"] = "使用例",
        ["type-table"] = "テーブル",
        ["tag-field"] = "フィールド",
        ["type-variable"] = "変数",
        ["type-function"] = "関数",
        ["type-number"] = "数",
        ["tag-see"] = "関連項目",
        ["header-private"] = "プライベート要素",
        ["tag-note"] = "ノート",
        ["type-boolean"] = "ブーリアン",
        ["optional"] = "オプションです",
        ["tag-error"] = "エラー",
        ["header-documentation"] = "ドキュメンテーション",
        ["type-string"] = "文字列",
        ["tag-param"] = "パラメータ",
        ["parentheses"] = "($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "パッケージ要素",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "バグ",
        ["header-class"] = "パッケージクラス",
        ["type-nil"] = "空",
        ["header-other"] = "ほかアイテム",
        ["header-function"] = "パッケージ関数",
        ["type-member"] = "メンバ",
        ["tag-return"] = "{{plural:$1|戻り値|複数の戻り値}}",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;"
    ["ko"] = {
        ["tag-return"] = "반환값",
        ["separator-dot"] = "・",
        ["header-items"] = "패키지 아이템",
        ["no-markup"] = "$1에서 Docbunto 문서 마크업을 찾지 못했습니다",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|매개변수|매개변수}}",
        ["header-documentation"] = "문서"
    ["pl"] = {
        ["no-content"] = "Nie odnaleziono kodu źróðłowego Lua w $1",
        ["no-markup"] = "Nie odnaleziono znaczników Docbunto w $1"
    ["ru"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Предупреждение|Предупреждения}}",
        ["optional"] = "необязательный",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "на $1 нет разметки документации Docbunto",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Использование",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Поле|Поля}}",
        ["type-number"] = "число",
        ["type-variable"] = "переменная",
        ["type-function"] = "функция",
        ["tag-see"] = "Смотрите также",
        ["no-content"] = "На $1 нет исходного кода Lua",
        ["tag-todo"] = "TODO",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Замечание|Замечания}}",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["type-nil"] = "nil",
        ["header-other"] = "Другие элементы",
        ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Ошибка|Ошибки}}",
        ["type-string"] = "строка",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Аргумент|Аргументы}}",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "Элементы пакета",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Недочет|Недочеты}}",
        ["header-class"] = "Класс пакета",
        ["header-private"] = "Приватные элементы",
        ["type-member"] = "член класса",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Документация",
        ["header-function"] = "Функция пакета",
        ["type-boolean"] = "логический",
        ["type-sequence"] = "последовательность",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["tag-return"] = "Возвращает",
        ["type-table"] = "таблица"
    ["tl"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Babala|Mga babala}}",
        ["optional"] = "opsyonal",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Tala|Mga tala}}",
        ["tag-todo"] = "MGA GAWAIN",
        ["no-content"] = "Ang ''Luabsource code'' ay hindi mahanap sa $1",
        ["type-variable"] = "",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Paggamit",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["header-items"] = "Mga aytem sa package",
        ["no-markup"] = "Ang ''markup'' sa documentasyon para sa Docbuntu ay hindi mahanap sa $1",
        ["type-table"] = "talaan",
        ["parentheses"] = ""
    ["tr"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "{{plural:$1|Uyarı|Uyarılar}}",
        ["optional"] = "isteğe bağlı",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["no-markup"] = "Docbunto için belge işaretlemesi $1 sayfasında bulunamadı",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Kullanım",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Alan|Alanlar}}",
        ["type-number"] = "sayı",
        ["type-variable"] = "değişken",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;",
        ["tag-see"] = "Ayrıca bakınız",
        ["no-content"] = "Lua kaynak kodu $1 sorgusunda bulunamadı",
        ["tag-todo"] = "YAPILACAKLAR",
        ["tag-note"] = "{{plural:$1|Not|Notlar}}",
        ["type-boolean"] = "boole",
        ["type-nil"] = "nil",
        ["header-other"] = "Diğer öğeler",
        ["tag-error"] = "{{plural:$1|Hata|Hatalar}}",
        ["type-string"] = "dize",
        ["type-table"] = "tablo",
        ["parentheses"] = "&#32;($1)",
        ["header-items"] = "Paket öğeleri",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "{{plural:$1|Hata|Hatalar}}",
        ["header-class"] = "Paket sınıfı",
        ["header-private"] = "Özel öğeler",
        ["type-sequence"] = "sıra",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Belgelendirme",
        ["header-function"] = "Paket işlevi",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":&#32;",
        ["type-member"] = "üye",
        ["type-function"] = "işlev",
        ["tag-return"] = "Döndürmeler",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Parametre|Parametreler}}"
    ["vi"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "Cảnh báo",
        ["tag-note"] = "Lưu ý",
        ["separator-dot"] = "&nbsp;•&#32;",
        ["type-number"] = "số",
        ["tag-usage"] = "Cách dùng",
        ["header-other"] = "Mục khác",
        ["type-sequence"] = "chuỗi",
        ["type-variable"] = "biến",
        ["type-function"] = "hàm",
        ["type-table"] = "bảng",
        ["no-content"] = "Không tìm thấy mã nguồn Lua trong $1",
        ["header-private"] = "Mục riêng",
        ["optional"] = "tuỳ chọn",
        ["tag-error"] = "Lỗi",
        ["type-string"] = "xâu",
        ["tag-param"] = "{{plural:$1|Tham số|Các tham số}}",
        ["tag-field"] = "{{plural:$1|Trường|Các trường}}\n",
        ["header-items"] = "Mục gói",
        ["tag-see"] = "Xem thêm",
        ["header-class"] = "Lớp gói",
        ["header-documentation"] = "Tài liệu",
        ["header-function"] = "Hàm gói",
        ["type-member"] = "",
        ["tag-return"] = "Trả về",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";&#32;"
    ["zh"] = {
        ["tag-warning"] = "警告",
        ["optional"] = "可选",
        ["separator-dot"] = "・",
        ["no-markup"] = "没有在$1中找到Docbunto的文档标记",
        ["type-nil"] = "nil",
        ["parentheses"] = "($1)",
        ["type-number"] = "数字",
        ["type-variable"] = "变量",
        ["type-function"] = "函数",
        ["tag-see"] = "另见",
        ["no-content"] = "没有在$1中找到Lua源代码",
        ["header-private"] = "私有项",
        ["tag-note"] = "注意",
        ["type-boolean"] = "布尔",
        ["tag-todo"] = "待办",
        ["header-other"] = "其他项",
        ["tag-error"] = "错误",
        ["type-string"] = "字符串",
        ["type-table"] = "表",
        ["tag-field"] = "字段",
        ["header-items"] = "程序包项",
        ["tag-fixme"] = "漏洞",
        ["header-class"] = "程序包类",
        ["separator-semicolon"] = ":",
        ["type-sequence"] = "序列",
        ["header-documentation"] = "文档",
        ["header-function"] = "程序包函数",
        ["separator-colon"] = ";",
        ["type-member"] = "成员",
        ["tag-usage"] = "用法",
        ["tag-return"] = "返回",
        ["tag-param"] = "参数"