DamageTypes contains all the damage types used in WARFRAME, their health/armor class advantages, and status effects.
On this Wiki, DamageTypes is used in:
- Module:Tooltips/data
- Module:Tooltips/tip
- Damage and its subpages
Direct Invocation
{{d|type name}}
{{d/img|type name}}
{{#invoke:DamageType|damagetable|type name}}
{{#invoke:DamageType|healthtable|type name}}
- Against article background
Impact Puncture Slash
Cold Electricity Heat Toxin
Blast Corrosive Gas Magnetic Radiation Viral
Tau True Void
Impair Knockdown Lifted Ragdoll Stagger
Tenno Shield Tenno Armor Tenno Flesh
Cloned Flesh Ferrite Armor Alloy Armor Machinery
Shield Proto Shield Flesh Robotic
Infested Infested Flesh Fossilized Infested Sinew
- Against flat light background (#ebebeb)
Impact Puncture Slash
Cold Electricity Heat Toxin
Blast Corrosive Gas Magnetic Radiation Viral
Tau True Void
Impair Knockdown Lifted Ragdoll Stagger
Tenno Shield Tenno Armor Tenno Flesh
Cloned Flesh Ferrite Armor Alloy Armor Machinery
Shield Proto Shield Flesh Robotic
Infested Infested Flesh Fossilized Infested Sinew
- Against flat dark background (#0d1717)
Impact Puncture Slash
Cold Electricity Heat Toxin
Blast Corrosive Gas Magnetic Radiation Viral
Tau True Void
Impair Knockdown Lifted Ragdoll Stagger
Tenno Shield Tenno Armor Tenno Flesh
Cloned Flesh Ferrite Armor Alloy Armor Machinery
Shield Proto Shield Flesh Robotic
Infested Infested Flesh Fossilized Infested Sinew
- Against flat dark monochrome background (#202020)
Impact Puncture Slash
Cold Electricity Heat Toxin
Blast Corrosive Gas Magnetic Radiation Viral
Tau True Void
Impair Knockdown Lifted Ragdoll Stagger
Tenno Shield Tenno Armor Tenno Flesh
Cloned Flesh Ferrite Armor Alloy Armor Machinery
Shield Proto Shield Flesh Robotic
Infested Infested Flesh Fossilized Infested Sinew
- Against
table background
- Against
table background
- Against infobox background
- Against T:AbilityU10.3 background
1 25 |
Slash Dash Dash between enemies while slashing with the Exalted Blade. Introduced in Vanilla (2012-10-25) |
Strength:N/A | |
Duration:N/A | |||
Range:N/A | |||
Impact Puncture Slash Tenno Shield Tenno Armor Tenno Flesh |
- Against
table header background
- Against T:Codex background
Package items
(table)- An array with damage elements in order to be iterated by as seen in the in-game arsenal.
(function)- Builds a damage type modifier table for a damage type. Used on Template:DamageModifierTable
- Parameter:
Damage type (string) - Returns: A table of damage type modifiers of a damage type in wikitext (string)
(function)- Builds a damage type modifier table for a health or armor type.
- Parameter:
Health or armor type (string) - Returns: A table of damage type modifiers of health or armor type in wikitext (string)
(function)- Builds a damage type modifier list for a health or armor type.
- Parameter:
Health or armor type (string) - Returns: Damage type modifiers of health or armor type in wikitext (string)
Other items
procIcon(proc, size)
(function)- Returns the wikitext file link of a damage icon.
- Parameters:
Damage type (string)size
Icon size (string; optional)
- Returns: Resultant wikitext of image file (string)
- Created with Docbunto
See Also
--- '''DamageTypes''' contains all the damage types used in [[WARFRAME]], their health/armor class advantages, and status effects.<br/>
-- On this Wiki, DamageTypes is used in:
-- * [[Module:Tooltips/data]]
-- * [[Module:Tooltips/tip]]
-- * [[Damage]] and its subpages
-- @module damagetypes
-- @alias p
-- @author [[User:Flaicher|Flaicher]]
-- @author [[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
-- @image DamageModBundleIcon.png
-- @require [[Module:DamageTypes/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Icon/data]]
-- @require [[Module:Tooltips]]
-- @release stable
-- <nowiki>
-- TODO: Invalid property value for background-color: hsl(). Fix or remove them entirely for a simplier
-- table format that is readable on both light and dark theme.
local p = {}
local DamageData = mw.loadData([[Module:DamageTypes/data]])
-- local Icon = mw.loadData([[Module:Icon/data]])
local Tooltips = require([[Module:Tooltips]])
--- An array with damage elements in order to be iterated by as seen in the in-game arsenal.
-- @table p.iterationOrderArray
p.iterationOrderArray = {
"Impact", "Puncture", "Slash",
"Cold", "Electricity", "Heat", "Toxin",
"Blast", "Corrosive", "Gas",
"Magnetic", "Radiation", "Viral",
"True", "Void", "Tau"
--- Returns the wikitext file link of a damage icon.
-- @function procIcon
-- @param {string} proc Damage type
-- @param[opt] {string} size Icon size
-- @return {string} Resultant wikitext of image file
function p.procIcon(proc, size)
return string.format('[[File:Dmg%sSmall64.png|%s]]', proc, size or '16x16px')
--- Builds a damage type modifier table for a damage type. Used on [[Template:DamageModifierTable]]
-- @function p.damageTypeModifierTable
-- @param {string} dt Damage type
-- @return {string} A table of damage type modifiers of a damage type in wikitext
function p.damageTypeModifierTable(frame)
local dt = frame.args and (frame.args[1] or frame.args) or frame
-- local dtb = DamageData["Types"][dt] -- apparently unused?
local dtt = DamageData["total"][dt]
local pc = dtt and Tooltips.full(dt, 'DamageTypes', dtt)
or '[[File:Spacer.png|32px]] <span class="error" title="Not found." style="border-bottom:2px dotted">'..dt..'</span>'
dtt=dtt or {}
body = {
'{| class="healthtable wikitable" style="width:100%; text-align:center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto; font-family:\'Roboto\';"\n',
insert = table.insert
for _, v in ipairs(DamageData["dictionary"]["FactionOrder"]) do
! style="border-block-width: 2px; border-block-color: %s;" | %s Health
! style="border-block-width: 2px; border-block-color: %s;" | %s Modifier
Tooltips.full(v, 'Factions'),
end--faction headers
local count = 0
for _, v in ipairs(DamageData["dictionary"]["Types"]) do
count = count % 4 + 1
if count == 1 then body:insert '\n|-' end
local val = dtt[v[1]]
body:insert(Tooltips.full(v[1], 'DamageTypes'))
if val then
body:insert(('<span style="color:%s%s%s</span>'):format(
val > 0 and 'green;">+' or val < 0 and 'red;">' or 'gray;" title="Bypasses">',
val == 0 and 'N/A' or val,
val == 0 and '' or '%'
body:insert('<span style="color:gray;" title="No value">—</span>')
return table.concat(body)
--- Builds a damage type modifier table for a health or armor type.
-- @function p.healthTable
-- @param {string} ht Health or armor type
-- @return {string} A table of damage type modifiers of health or armor type in wikitext
function p.healthTable(frame)
local ht = frame.args and (frame.args[1] or frame.args) or frame
local htb = DamageData["Health"][ht]
local htt = DamageData["total"][ht] or {}
local body = {
([=[{| class="healthtable wikitable" align="right" style="width:33.333%%; text-align:center; font-family:'Roboto';"
! border="1" colspan="2" style="border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; background-color: #000000;" | [[Damage/%s|<span style="color: #FFFFFF;">%s</span>]]
]=]):format(ht, ht),
insert = table.insert
for _, v in ipairs(DamageData["dictionary"]["Health"]) do
local val = htt[v[1]]
body:insert(('\n|-\n| style="background-color: hsl(%s, %s%%);" | %s\n| style="background-color: hsl(%s, %s%%);" | ')
htb.Color, v[2],
Tooltips.full(v[1], 'DamageTypes'),
htb.Color, v[2]
if val then
body:insert(('<span style="color:%%s">%s</span>')
:format(val == 0 and 'N/A' or '%+d%%')
:format(val > 0 and 'green' or val == 0 and 'gray' or 'red', val))
body:insert('<span style="color:gray;" title="No value">—</span>')
body:insert '\n|}'
return table.concat(body)
--- Builds a damage type modifier list for a health or armor type.
-- @function p.healthMod
-- @param {string} ht Health or armor type
-- @return {string} Damage type modifiers of health or armor type in wikitext
function p.healthMod(frame)
local ht = frame.args and (frame.args[1] or frame.args) or frame
local htt = DamageData["total"][ht]
if not htt then return '' end
local body = {}
for _, v in ipairs(DamageData["dictionary"]["Health"]) do
local val = htt[v[1]]
if val and val ~= 0 then
table.insert(body, ('%s<span style="color:%s">%s</span>'):format(
Tooltips.icon(v[1], 'DamageTypes', 'y'),
val > 0 and 'green' or val == 0 and 'gray' or 'red',
(val > 0 and '+' or val == 0 and 'x' or '-'):rep( math.ceil( math.abs(val) * 4e-2 ) )-- +++ ++ + x - -- ---
local rev = function(s)
s = s:match('>[-+x]+</span>'):sub(1, -8)--:gsub('</?span.->',''):
local sign = 0
if s:find('+') then
sign = 1
elseif s:find('-') then
sign = -1
return s:len() * sign
table.sort(body, function(a,b) return rev(a) < rev(b) end)
return '<div style=\'text-align:center;\'>'..table.concat(body, ' ')..'</div>'
return p