Official wiki

Baro stores Baro Ki'Teer's offering history.

On this Wiki, Baro is used in:



In template: {{#invoke:Baro|__main}}
In articles: {{template|function|input1|input2|...}}

Product Backlog

Name Type Status Priority Assignee Description Date Issued Last Update

Finished Issues

Name Type Status Priority Assignee Description Date Issued Last Update
New Visits subtable Dev Completed Low User:Cephalon Scientia

Add a new subtable to /data that uses Baro visit dates to access table entries. Each entry would represent a Baro visit and contain the names of items that were available to be purchased on both PC and Console. Ignore evergreen offerings like Inaros' quest and Fae Step Ephemera.

18:27, 30 October 2021 (UTC) update: Table is automatically generated through Module:Baro/data/visits instead of being a subtable in Module:Baro/data.

05:56, 19 July 2021 (UTC) 05:25, 23 October 2021 (UTC)


Package items

baro.buildCurrentOfferings(frame) (function)
Builds current cross-platform offerings display in a gallery format.
Parameter: frame Frame arguments will be the item names that Baro is offering, case sensitive (table)
Returns: Wikitext of gallery (string)
baro.getTotalCreditCost(frame) (function)
Gets total credit cost of buying all Baro's offerings at least once.
Parameter: frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles' (table)
Returns: Total credit cost (number)
baro.getTotalDucatCost(frame) (function)
Gets total ducat cost of buying all Baro's offerings at least once.
Parameter: frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles' (table)
Returns: Total credit cost (number)
baro.getTotalCost(frame) (function)
Gets total credit and ducat cost of buying all Baro's offerings at least once.
Parameter: frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles' (table)
Returns: Total credit and ducat cost with additional formatting (string)
baro.getItemCount(frame) (function)
Gets total count of all Baro's offerings.
Parameter: frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles' (table)
Returns: Total count (number)
baro._buildBaroSourceStrings(name) (function)
Builds a list of dates when an item was able to be purchased from Baro (ignores evergreen items which are always available regardless of visit since their release). Used in infobox builders such as Module:Mods/infobox
Parameter: name Name of item (string)
Returns: List of dates in wikitext or an empty string if Baro never sold this particular item (string)

Created with Docbunto

See Also


---	'''Baro''' stores [[Baro Ki'Teer]]'s offering history.<br />
--	On this Wiki, Baro is used in:
--	* [[Template:BaroCurrentOfferings]]
--	* [[Module:Weapons/infobox]]
--	* [[Module:Mods/infobox]]
--	@module		baro
--	@alias		p
--	@author		[[User:Cephalon Scientia|Cephalon Scientia]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Anexera|Anexera]]
--	@attribution	[[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--	@image		PrismaSigil.png
--	@require	[[Module:Arguments]]
--	@require	[[Module:Entrypoint]]
--	@require	[[Module:Date]]
--	@require	[[Module:Baro/data]]
--	@require	[[Module:Math]]
--	@require	[[Module:String]]
--	@require	[[Module:Table]]
--	@require	[[Module:Tooltips]]
--	@release	stable
--	<nowiki>

local p = {}

local Args = require('Module:Arguments');
local Entrypoint = require('Module:Entrypoint');
local Date = require('Module:Date')
local BaroData = mw.loadData('Module:Baro/data')
local BaroItems = BaroData['Items']
local BaroAlwaysAvailable = BaroData['AlwaysAvailable']
local Math = require('Module:Math')
local String = require('Module:String')
local Table = require('Module:Table')
local Tooltip = require('Module:Tooltips')

---	Builds current offerings display in a gallery format using gallery tags.
--	@function		p.buildGallery
--	@param			{table} currentOfferings Item names that Baro is offering, case sensitive; assuming no duplicate values
--	@param			{number} n Number of offerings
--	@return			{string} Wikitext of gallery
local function buildGallery(currentOfferings, n)
	local container = mw.html.create('div');
	local gallery = mw.html.create('gallery');
	local galInner = {''};
		['captionposition'] = 'below',
		['captionalign'] = 'center',
		['hideaddbutton'] = 'true',
		['spacing'] = 'small',
		['position'] = 'center',
		['bordersize'] = 'none',
		['widths'] = '125px',

	for _, itemName in ipairs(currentOfferings) do
		itemName = String.trim(itemName);
		if BaroItems[itemName] == nil then
			table.insert(galInner, string.format('buildGallery: "%s" (case sensitive) is not in [[Module:Baro/data]]', itemName));
			table.insert(galInner, string.format('%s|link=%s|[[%s|%s]]<br />{{Dc|%s}}<br />{{Cc|%s}}',
				BaroItems[itemName].DucatCost == nil and 0 or Math.formatnum(BaroItems[itemName].DucatCost),
				BaroItems[itemName].CreditCost == nil and 0 or Math.formatnum(BaroItems[itemName].CreditCost)
	galInner = table.concat(galInner, '\n');
	return tostring(container);

local function buildGalleries(currentOfferings)
	local n = 0;
	for _, itemName in ipairs(currentOfferings) do
		n = n + 1;
	return buildGallery(currentOfferings, n);

---	Builds current cross-platform offerings display in a gallery format.
--	@function		p.buildCurrentOfferings
--	@param			{table} frame Frame arguments will be the item names that Baro is offering, case sensitive
--	@return			{string} Wikitext of gallery
function p.buildCurrentOfferings(frame)
	local currentOfferings = Args.getArgs(frame.args);
	assert(currentOfferings ~= nil, 'p.buildCurrentOfferings(frame): cannot have empty arguments; arguments must be item names, case sensitive');
	return frame:preprocess(buildGalleries(currentOfferings));

---	Gets total credit cost of buying all Baro's offerings at least once.
--	@function		p.getTotalCreditCost
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles'
--	@return			{number} Total credit cost
function p.getTotalCreditCost(frame)
	local platform = frame.args[1]
	local dateKey = nil
	if (platform == 'PC') then
		dateKey = 'PcOfferingDates'
	elseif (platform == 'Consoles') then
		dateKey = 'ConsoleOfferingDates'
		error('p.getTotalCreditCost(frame): Invalid first argument; valid arguments are "PC" or "Console"')

	local total = 0
	for _, ItemEntry in pairs(BaroItems) do
		if (ItemEntry[dateKey] ~= nil or ItemEntry['OfferingDates'] ~= nil) then
			total = total + ((ItemEntry.CreditCost == nil and 0) or ItemEntry.CreditCost)
	return total

---	Gets total ducat cost of buying all Baro's offerings at least once.
--	@function		p.getTotalDucatCost
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles'
--	@return			{number} Total credit cost
function p.getTotalDucatCost(frame)
	local platform = frame.args[1]
	local dateKey = nil
	if (platform == 'PC') then
		dateKey = 'PcOfferingDates'
	elseif (platform == 'Consoles') then
		dateKey = 'ConsoleOfferingDates'
		error('p.getTotalDucatCost(frame): Invalid first argument; valid arguments are "PC" or "Console"')

	local total = 0
	for _, ItemEntry in pairs(BaroItems) do
		if (ItemEntry[dateKey] ~= nil or ItemEntry['OfferingDates'] ~= nil) then
			total = total + ((ItemEntry.DucatCost == nil and 0) or ItemEntry.DucatCost)
	return total

---	Gets total credit and ducat cost of buying all Baro's offerings at least once.
--	@function		p.getTotalCost
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles'
--	@return			{string} Total credit and ducat cost with additional formatting
function p.getTotalCost(frame)
	return frame:preprocess(Tooltip.icon('Credits', 'Resources').." '''"..Math.formatnum(p.getTotalCreditCost(frame))..
		"''' + "..Tooltip.icon('Orokin Ducats', 'Resources').." '''"..Math.formatnum(p.getTotalDucatCost(frame)).."'''")

---	Gets total count of all Baro's offerings.
--	@function		p.getItemCount
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object, first argument being platform 'PC' or 'Consoles'
--	@return			{number} Total count
function p.getItemCount(frame)
	local platform = frame.args[1]
	if (platform == 'PC') then
		dateKey = 'PcOfferingDates'
	elseif (platform == 'Consoles') then
		dateKey = 'ConsoleOfferingDates'
		error('p.getTotalDucatCost(frame): Invalid first argument; valid arguments are "PC" or "Console"')
	-- TODO: Can be optimized probably by iterating over an already filtered dataset
	local count = 0
	for _, ItemEntry in pairs(BaroItems) do
		if (ItemEntry[dateKey] ~= nil or ItemEntry['OfferingDates'] ~= nil) then
			count = count + 1
	return count

---	Builds a list of dates when an item was able to be purchased from Baro (ignores
--	evergreen items which are always available regardless of visit since their release).
--	Used in infobox builders such as [[Module:Mods/infobox]]
--	@function		p._buildBaroSourceStrings
--	@param			{string} name Name of item
--	@return			{string} List of dates in wikitext or an empty string if Baro never sold this particular item
function p._buildBaroSourceStrings(name)
	local ItemEntry = BaroItems[name]
	if (ItemEntry == nil) then return '' end
	local currencyStr = ('%s%s%s<br />'):format(
			ItemEntry.DucatCost and Tooltip.icon('Orokin Ducats', 'Resources')..' '..Math.formatnum(ItemEntry.DucatCost) or '',
			(ItemEntry.DucatCost and ItemEntry.CreditCost) and ' + ' or '',
			ItemEntry.CreditCost and Tooltip.icon('Credits', 'Resources')..' '..Math.formatnum(ItemEntry.CreditCost) or ''
	-- Assumes dates are ordered in data
	-- Need to deepCopy b/c tables have metatable that prevents reassignment or modification.
	local pcDateList = Table.deepCopy(ItemEntry.PcOfferingDates or {})
	local consoleDateList = Table.deepCopy(ItemEntry.ConsoleOfferingDates or {})
	local allPlatformsDateList = Table.deepCopy(ItemEntry.OfferingDates or {})
	return ([=[
{| class="wikitable"
|+ [[Baro Ki'Teer]]<br />%s
! PC Only<br />Dates !! Console Only<br />Dates !! All Platforms
| %s || %s || %s
]=]):format(currencyStr, table.concat(pcDateList, '<br />'), table.concat(consoleDateList, '<br />'), table.concat(allPlatformsDateList, '<br />'))

p.__main = Entrypoint(p);

return p