
Database of Arcane Enhancements.

Last updated: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 11:44:38 +0000 (UTC) by User:Zero Leaf

Arcane Entry Schema

	["Arcane Name"] = {
		CodexSecret = true,
		Criteria = "Criteria",
		Description = "Description",
		Dissolution = 20,
		Icon = "ArcaneIcon.png",
		Image = "ArcaneImage.png",
		Introduced = "29",
		IsRefreshable = true,
		Link = "Page Name",
		MaxRank = 5,
		Name = "Arcane Name",
		Rarity = "Rare",
		Type = "Primary",
Key/Column Name Arsenal EN L10n Public Export Equivalent Internal Equivalent Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
CodexSecret N/A codexSecret CodexSecret Boolean ✔️ Whether or not the Arcane has an entry in the Codex before the player acquires it; defaults to true true
CompatibilityTags N/A N/A CompatibilityTags Table (array of strings) Tags that denote item compatibility. In other words, an item with one these tags can have this particular Arcane installed. { "POWER_WEAPON" }
Criteria N/A N/A ConditionTag String ✔️ Criteria for arcane effect to trigger "On Shield Damaged"
Description N/A levelStats EnhancementTag String ✔️ Description of arcane at max rank "3% chance for +30% Shield Recharge for 12s"
Dissolution N/A N/A N/A Number (integer) ✔️ Amount of Vosfor for Arcane Dissolution 20
Icon N/A N/A N/A String ✔️ Image file name of the resized arcane image to x64 as uploaded to the wiki "ArcaneAegis64x.png"
Image N/A textureLocation Icon String ✔️ Image file name of the arcane as uploaded to the wiki "ArcaneAegis.png"
IncompatibilityTags N/A N/A IncompatibilityTags Table (array of strings) Tags that denote item incompatibility. In other words, items with these tags cannot have this particular Arcane installed. { "OPERATOR_SUIT" }
InternalName N/A uniqueName TypeName String The full unique name of an arcane formatted as a file path "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/LongGunSpeedOnCrit"
Introduced N/A N/A N/A String ✔️ The game version in which the arcane was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
IsRefreshable N/A N/A CanReproc Boolean ✔️ Whether or not the arcane's effect(s) are refreshable in duration while active true
Link N/A N/A N/A String ✔️ Page/article link to the arcane on the wiki "Arcane Energize"
MaxRank N/A N/A FusionLimit Number (integer) ✔️ Maximum rank that arcane can be upgraded to 5
Name N/A name LocalizeTag String ✔️ Name of arcane "Arcane Energize"
Rarity N/A rarity Rarity String ✔️ Rarity of the arcane "Legendary"
Type N/A N/A ItemCompatibility String ✔️ The class of items that the arcane can be equipped on "Warframe"
UpgradeTypes N/A N/A UpgradeType String Upgrade tags associated with the Arcane for categorization and to reflect the specific internal bonus it adds (sometimes localized description does not explain full functionality). Arcanes whose functionality are derived from Lua scripts (i.e. complex/unorthodox behavior) will not have this key set. This key is solely for Arcanes that provide simple stat bonuses. GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE

Data Validation

Checking for required keys

Script error: No such module "Arcane/data/validate".

Validating data types of values

Script error: No such module "Arcane/data/validate".

return {
	Arcanes = {
		["Akimbo Slip Shot"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "While sliding or aim gliding",
			Description = "Gain 65% ammo efficiency with Dual Pistols.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "AkimboSlipShot64x.png",
			Image = "AkimboSlipShot.png",
			Introduced = "33.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Akimbo Slip Shot",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Akimbo Slip Shot",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Arcane Acceleration"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Critical Hit",
			Description = "30% chance for +90% Fire Rate to Primary Weapons (Excludes Shotguns) for 9s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneAcceleration64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneAcceleration.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/LongGunSpeedOnCrit",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Acceleration",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Acceleration",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Aegis"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Shield Damaged",
			Description = "3% chance for +30% Shield Recharge for 12s",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcaneAegis64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneAegis.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/GolemArcaneShieldRegenOnDamage",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Aegis",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Aegis",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Agility"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Damaged",
			Description = "60% chance for +60% Parkour Velocity for 18s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneAegis64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneAgility.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/SpeedOnDamage",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Agility",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Agility",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Arachne"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Wall Latch",
			Description = "+150% Damage for 30s",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcaneArachne64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneArachne.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/GolemArcaneBonusDamageOnWallLatch",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Arachne",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Arachne",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Avenger"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Damaged",
			Description = "21% chance for +45% Critical Chance for 12s",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcaneAvenger64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneAvenger.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/CritChanceOnDamage",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Avenger",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Avenger",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Awakening"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Reload",
			Description = "60% chance for +150% Damage to Pistols for 24s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneAwakening64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneAwakening.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/PistolDamageOnReload",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Awakening",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Awakening",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Barrier"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Shield Damaged",
			Description = "6% chance to instantly restore all Shields",
			Dissolution = 98,
			Icon = "ArcaneBarrier64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneBarrier.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/InstantShieldOnDamage",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Barrier",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Barrier",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Battery"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Gain 0.30 maximum Energy per Armor point, up to 1000 Energy.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ArcaneBattery64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneBattery.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/MaxEnergyForArmor",
			Introduced = "36",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Battery",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Battery",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Blade Charger"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Primary Weapon Kill",
			Description = "30% chance for +300% Melee Damage for 12s",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "ArcaneBladeCharger64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneBladeCharger.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/MeleeDmgOnRifleKill",
			Introduced = "25.7.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Blade Charger",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Blade Charger",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Blessing"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Health Pickup",
			Description = "+24 Max Health. Stacks up to 50x.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "ArcaneBlessing64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneBlessing.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/IncreaseMaxHealthOnHealthPickup",
			Introduced = "32.2",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Blessing",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Blessing",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Bodyguard"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On 6 Melee Kills within 30s",
			Description = "Heal Companion for 900",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "ArcaneBodyguard64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneBodyguard.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/HealCompanionOnSixMeleeKills",
			Introduced = "25.7.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Bodyguard",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Bodyguard",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Consequence"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Headshot",
			Description = "+60% Parkour Velocity for 18s",
			Dissolution = 14,
			Icon = "ArcaneConsequence64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneConsequence.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/GolemArcaneAimGlideOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Consequence",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Consequence",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Deflection"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "+102% chance to resist a Slash Damage effect",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneDeflection64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneDeflection.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/SlashProcResist",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Deflection",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Deflection",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Double Back"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Gain +25% damage resistance for 4s per Dodge, Double Jump and Bullet Jump. Stacks up to 3x.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ArcaneDoubleBack64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneDoubleBack.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/DamageResistanceStacksOverTime",
			Introduced = "32.3",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Double Back",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Double Back",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Energize"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Energy Pickup",
			Description = "60% chance to replenish 150 Energy to self and allies within 15m. 15s cooldown",
			Dissolution = 98,
			Icon = "ArcaneEnergize64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneEnergize.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/GolemArcaneRadialEnergyOnEnergyPickup",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Energize",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Energize",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Eruption"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Energy Pickup",
			Description = "100% chance to Knockdown nearby enemies",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneEruption64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneEruption.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/RadialKnockdownOnEnergyPickup",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Eruption",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Eruption",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Fury"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Critical Hit",
			Description = "60% chance for +180% Melee Damage to Melee Weapons for 18s",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcaneFury64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneFury.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/MeleeDamageOnCrit",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Fury",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Fury",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Grace"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Health Damaged",
			Description = "9% chance for +6% Health Regeneration/s for 9s",
			Dissolution = 98,
			Icon = "ArcaneGrace64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneGrace.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/HealthRegenOnDamage",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Grace",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Grace",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Guardian"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Damaged",
			Description = "15% chance for +900 Armor for 20s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneGuardian64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneGuardian.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/ArmourOnDamage",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Guardian",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Guardian",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Healing"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "+102% chance to resist a Radiation Damage effect",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneHealing64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneHealing.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/RadiationProcResist",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Healing",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Healing",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Ice"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "+102% chance to resist a Heat Damage effect",
			Dissolution = 14,
			Icon = "ArcaneIce64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneIce.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/FireProcResist",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Ice",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Ice",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Ice Storm"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Enemy Frozen",
			Description = "Gain +2% Ability Strength and +2% Ability Duration for 15s. Stacks up to 20x.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ArcaneIceStorm64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneIceStorm.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/AbilityPowerOnFreeze",
			Introduced = "36",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Ice Storm",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Ice Storm",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Intention"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Gain +250 Max Health per active channeled ability.",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "ArcaneIntention64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneIntention.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/HealthWhileUsingChanneledAbilities",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Intention",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Intention",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Momentum"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Critical Hit",
			Description = "60% chance for +150% Reload Speed to Sniper Rifles for 12s",
			Dissolution = 14,
			Icon = "ArcaneMomentum64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneMomentum.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/GolemArcaneSniperSpeedOnCrit",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Momentum",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Momentum",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" }
		["Arcane Nullifier"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "+102% chance to resist a Magnetic Damage effect",
			Dissolution = 14,
			Icon = "ArcaneNullifier64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneNullifier.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/MagneticProcResist",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Nullifier",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Nullifier",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Phantasm"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Parry",
			Description = "45% chance for +60% Speed for 18s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcanePhantasm64x.png",
			Image = "ArcanePhantasm.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/SpeedOnParry",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Phantasm",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Phantasm",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Pistoleer"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Pistol Headshot Kill",
			Description = "60% chance for +102% Ammo Efficiency for 12s",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "ArcanePistoleer64x.png",
			Image = "ArcanePistoleer.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "TNJETTURBINEPISTOL" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/AmmoEfficiencyOnPistolHeadshot",
			Introduced = "25.7.6",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Pistoleer",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Pistoleer",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Power Ramp"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Ability Cast",
			Description = "Next Ability cast gains +9% Strength, stacking up to 4x. Resets when the same ability is recast consecutively.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ArcanePowerRamp64x.png",
			Image = "ArcanePowerRamp.png",
			Introduced = "33.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Power Ramp",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Power Ramp",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Precision"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Headshot",
			Description = "+300% Damage for 18s on Secondary Weapon",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcanePrecision64x.png",
			Image = "ArcanePrecision.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/GolemArcanePistolDamageOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Precision",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Precision",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Primary Charger"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Melee Kill",
			Description = "30% chance for +300% Primary Weapon Damage for 12s",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "ArcanePrimaryCharger64x.png",
			Image = "ArcanePrimaryCharger.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryDmgOnMeleeKill",
			Introduced = "25.7.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Primary Charger",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Primary Charger",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Pulse"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Health Pickup",
			Description = "60% chance to restore 500 Health to allies within 25m. 15s cooldown",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcanePulse64x.png",
			Image = "ArcanePulse.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/RadialHealOnHealthPickup",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Pulse",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Pulse",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Rage"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Headshot",
			Description = "15% chance for +180% Damage to Primary Weapons for 24s",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcaneRage64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneRage.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/LongGunDamageOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Rage",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Rage",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Reaper"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Melee Kill",
			Description = "+24 Heal Rate/s and +660 Armor for 10 seconds",
			Dissolution = 84,
			Icon = "ArcaneReaper64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneReaper.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HealthRegenAndArmorOnMeleeKill",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Reaper",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Reaper",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Resistance"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "+102% chance to resist a Toxin Damage effect",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneResistance64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneResistance.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/ElectricityProcResist",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Resistance",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Resistance",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Rise"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Reload",
			Description = "60% chance for +150% Damage to Primary Weapons for 24s",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "ArcaneRise64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneRise.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/LongGunDamageOnReload",
			Introduced = "32.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Rise",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Rise",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Steadfast"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Ability Cast",
			Description = "20% chance that the next 3 Abilities will not cost Energy.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ArcaneSteadfast64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneSteadfast.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/NoCostCastChanceOnCast",
			Introduced = "32.3",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Steadfast",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Steadfast",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Strike"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Hit",
			Description = "15% chance for +60% Attack Speed to Melee Weapons for 18s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneStrike64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneStrike.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/MeleeSpeedOnHit",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Strike",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Strike",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Tanker"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Archgun Equipped",
			Description = "+1200 Armor for 60s",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "ArcaneTanker64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneTanker.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/ArmorOnHeavyGunEquipped",
			Introduced = "25.7.6",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Arcane Tanker",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Tanker",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Tempo"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Critical Hit",
			Description = "15% chance for +90% Fire Rate to Shotguns for 12s",
			Dissolution = 14,
			Icon = "ArcaneTempo64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneTempo.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/GolemArcaneShotgunSpeedOnCrit",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Tempo",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Tempo",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Trickery"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Finisher Kill",
			Description = "15% chance to become invisible for 30s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneTrickery64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneTrickery.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/InvisibilityOnFinisher",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Trickery",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Trickery",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Arcane Ultimatum"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Finisher Kill",
			Description = "+1200 Armor for 45s",
			Dissolution = 28,
			Icon = "ArcaneUltimatum64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneUltimatum.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/GolemArcaneArmorOnFinisher",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Ultimatum",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Ultimatum",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Velocity"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Critical Hit",
			Description = "90% chance for +120% Fire Rate to Pistols for 9s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneVelocity64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneVelocity.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/GolemArcanePistolSpeedOnCrit",
			Introduced = "17.9.1",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Velocity",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Velocity",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Victory"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Headshot Kill",
			Description = "75% chance for +3% Health Regeneration/s for 9s",
			Dissolution = 21,
			Icon = "ArcaneVictory64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneVictory.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/HealthRegenOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Victory",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Victory",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Arcane Warmth"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "+102% chance to resist a Cold Damage effect",
			Dissolution = 14,
			Icon = "ArcaneWarmth64x.png",
			Image = "ArcaneWarmth.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Defensive/FreezeProcResist",
			Introduced = "16",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Arcane Warmth",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Arcane Warmth",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Cascadia Accuracy"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Roll",
			Description = "+300% Critical Chance on Headshots for 4s.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "CascadiaAccuracy64x.png",
			Image = "CascadiaAccuracy.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/SecondaryOnRollCritChanceOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Cascadia Accuracy",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Cascadia Accuracy",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE_BODY_PART" }
		["Cascadia Empowered"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Status Effect",
			Description = "Deals an extra +750 damage matching the damage type of the Status Effect.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "CascadiaEmpowered64x.png",
			Image = "CascadiaEmpowered.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/SecondaryOnStatusProcBonusDamage",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Cascadia Empowered",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Cascadia Empowered",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary" 
		["Cascadia Flare"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Heat Status Effect",
			Description = "+12% Damage for 10s. Stacks up to 480%.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "CascadiaFlare64x.png",
			Image = "CascadiaFlare.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryDamageOnHeatProc",
			Introduced = "31.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Cascadia Flare",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Cascadia Flare",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" }
		["Cascadia Overcharge"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "While Overshields Active",
			Description = "+300% Critical Chance",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "CascadiaOvercharge64x.png",
			Image = "CascadiaOvercharge.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/SecondaryOnOvershieldCritChance",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Cascadia Overcharge",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Cascadia Overcharge",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" }
		["Conjunction Voltage"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Electricity Status Effect",
			Description = "Increase +1.5% Reload Speed and +3% Multishot for 12s. Stacks up to 40x.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "ConjunctionVoltage64x.png",
			Image = "ConjunctionVoltage.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryReloadSpeedAndMultishotOnElectricProc",
			Introduced = "32.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Conjunction Voltage",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Conjunction Voltage",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Emergence Dissipate"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "While in Void Sling",
			Description = "Press <PRE_ATTACK> to dissipate the endpoint in a 10m radius. Enemies hit create a short lived Void Mote that replenishes 10 Energy on pick up.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "EmergenceDissipate64x.png",
			Image = "EmergenceDissipate.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/EnergyOnGhostDissipate",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Emergence Dissipate",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Emergence Dissipate",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Emergence Renewed"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Energy Depleted",
			Description = "Increase Energy Regeneration by 300% over 5s. Cooldown: 30s",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "EmergenceRenewed64x.png",
			Image = "EmergenceRenewed.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/OperatorOnEnergyDepletedRegenEnergy",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Emergence Renewed",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Emergence Renewed",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Emergence Savior"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Lethal Damage",
			Description = "Become invulnerable for 5s and recover 60% Health. Cooldown: 90s",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "EmergenceSavior64x.png",
			Image = "EmergenceSavior.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/OperatorOnDeathInvulnerability",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Emergence Savior",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Emergence Savior",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Eternal Eradicate"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Operator Ability",
			Description = "+60% Damage to Amps for 8s",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "EternalEradicate64x.png",
			Image = "EternalEradicate.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/OperatorOnOperatorAbilityIncreaseDamage",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Eternal Eradicate",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Eternal Eradicate",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" }
		["Eternal Logistics"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "+72% Amp Ammo Efficiency for 8s",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "EternalLogistics64x.png",
			Image = "EternalLogistics.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/AmpOnVoidSlingAmpAmmoEfficiency",
			Introduced = "31.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Eternal Logistics",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Eternal Logistics",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_AMMO_CONSUME_RATE" }
		["Eternal Onslaught"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Energy Depleted",
			Description = "180% Critical Chance for 8s",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "EternalOnslaught64x.png",
			Image = "EternalOnslaught.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/AmpOnEnergyDepletedCritChance",
			Introduced = "31.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Eternal Onslaught",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Eternal Onslaught",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Amp" 
		["Exodia Brave"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Heavy Attack Kill",
			Description = "+5 Energy Regen for 4s. Stacks up to 3 times",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ExodiaBrave64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaBrave.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/ChannelKillEnergyRate",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Exodia Brave",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Brave",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Zaw",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" }
		["Exodia Contagion"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "After a Bullet Jump or Double Jump",
			Description = "Air melee launches a projectile that explodes on impact, increasing damage dealt by 400% damage after traveling 30m",
			Dissolution = false, -- Cannot Sell
			Icon = "ExodiaContagion64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaContagion.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/MeleeArcaneProjectileOnJump",
			Introduced = "22.3",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Exodia Contagion",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Contagion",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Zaw" 
		["Exodia Epidemic"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "After a Bullet Jump or Double Jump",
			Description = "Slam emits a shockwave forwards that suspends enemies in the air for 4 seconds",
			Dissolution = false, -- Cannot Sell
			Icon = "ExodiaEpidemic64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaEpidemic.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/MeleeArcaneShockwaveOnJump",
			Introduced = "22.3",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Exodia Epidemic",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Epidemic",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Zaw" 
		["Exodia Force"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Status Effect",
			Description = "50% chance to deal 200% Weapon Damage to enemies within 6m.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ExodiaForce64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaForce.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/StatusTriggerRadialDamage",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Exodia Force",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Force",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Zaw" 
		["Exodia Hunt"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Slam Attack",
			Description = "50% chance to pull in nearby enemies within 12m",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ExodiaHunt64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaHunt.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/GroundSlamPull",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Exodia Hunt",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Hunt",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Zaw" 
		["Exodia Might"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Finisher Kill",
			Description = "50% chance for +30% Life Steal for 8s",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ExodiaMight64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaMight.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/FinisherLifesteal",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Exodia Might",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Might",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Zaw",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_LIFE_STEAL" }
		["Exodia Triumph"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "+50% Additional Combo Count Chance",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "ExodiaTriumph64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaTriumph.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/StatusChannelingDamage",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Exodia Triumph",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Triumph",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Zaw",
		["Exodia Valor"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "+200% Additional Combo Count Chance on Lifted enemies",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "ExodiaValor64x.png",
			Image = "ExodiaValor.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "POWER_WEAPON" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/CritChannelingDamage",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Exodia Valor",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Exodia Valor",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Zaw",
		["Fractalized Reset"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Ability Cast",
			Description = "+240% Reload Speed for 5s.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "FractalizedReset64x.png",
			Image = "FractalizedReset.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/PrimaryOnAbilityReloadSpeed",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Fractalized Reset",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Fractalized Reset",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" }
		["Longbow Sharpshot"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Headshot",
			Description = "Gain +300% damage on your next shot.",
			Dissolution = 84,
			Icon = "LongbowSharpshot64x.png",
			Image = "LongbowSharpshot.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/LongbowDamageOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Longbow Sharpshot",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Longbow Sharpshot",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Bow",
		["Magus Accelerant"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Reduce Enemy Resistance to Heat Damage by 65%",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusAccelerant64x.png",
			Image = "MagusAccelerant.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HeatResistOnBlast",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Accelerant",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Accelerant",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Aggress"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Warframe Melee Transference",
			Description = "Heavy Blades deal +300% Critical Damage for 4 consecutive attacks. Cooldown 20s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MagusAggress64x.png",
			Image = "MagusAggress.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/OperatorHeavyMeleeDamageOnTransference",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Aggress",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Aggress",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Operator",
		["Magus Anomaly"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Transference In",
			Description = "Enemies within 30m are pulled towards Warframe",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusAnomaly64x.png",
			Image = "MagusAnomaly.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/PullOnTransferenceIn",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Anomaly",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Anomaly",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Cadence"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "+90% Sprint Speed for 12s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MagusCadence64x.png",
			Image = "MagusCadence.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/SpeedOnVoidDash",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Cadence",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Cadence",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Operator",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_SPRINT_SPEED" }
		["Magus Cloud"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Mode",
			Description = "+300% Void Dash Radius for 6s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MagusCloud64x.png",
			Image = "MagusCloud.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/ImmunityFallDamageOnVoidDash",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Magus Cloud",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Cloud",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Operator",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_DASH_RADIUS" }
		["Magus Destruct"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Reduce Enemy Resistance to Puncture Damage by 65%",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MagusDestruct64x.png",
			Image = "MagusDestruct.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/ProcResistOnBlast",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Destruct",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Destruct",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Drive"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Transference In",
			Description = "Increase K-Drive Speed by 150% for 30s",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusDrive64x.png",
			Image = "MagusDrive.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HoverboardSpeedOnTransferenceIn",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Drive",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Drive",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Elevate"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Transference In",
			Description = "95% chance to restore 300 Health to Warframe",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MagusElevate64x.png",
			Image = "MagusElevate.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HealOnTransferenceIn",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Magus Elevate",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Elevate",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Firewall"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Mode",
			Description = "Generate Void Particles every 1s up to 6 particles, each granting 12.5% Damage Reduction for 60s. Taking damage consumes a particle",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusFirewall64x.png",
			Image = "MagusFirewall.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/DamageReductionOnVoidMode",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Firewall",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Firewall",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Glitch"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Transference Static",
			Description = "102% chance to negate Transference Static",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MagusGlitch64x.png",
			Image = "MagusGlitch.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/NoPenaltyOnDeath",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Glitch",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Glitch",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Operator",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_NO_DEATH_PENALTY" }
		["Magus Husk"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Transference Out",
			Description = "+300 Armor",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusHusk64x.png",
			Image = "MagusHusk.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/ArmourOnOperatorMode",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Husk",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Husk",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_ARMOUR" }
		["Magus Lockdown"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Drop a mine that tethers up to 10 enemies in 15m for 4s",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MagusLockdown64x.png",
			Image = "MagusLockdown.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/TetherMineOnDash",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Lockdown",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Lockdown",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Melt"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Increase Heat Damage in Operator Mode by 30% for 15s, stacking up to 7x",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MagusMelt64x.png",
			Image = "MagusMelt.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HeatDamageOnDash",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Melt",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Melt",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Nourish"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "While An Operator",
			Description = "Restore 35 Health/s to Warframe",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MagusNourish64x.png",
			Image = "MagusNourish.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HealOnTransferenceOut",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Nourish",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Nourish",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Overload"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Stun robotic enemies for 3s, which then discharge Electricity Damage dealing 80% of their Max Health to anyone within 25m",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusOverload64x.png",
			Image = "MagusOverload.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/RobotStunOnBlast",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Overload",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Overload",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Repair"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Mode",
			Description = "Heal Warframes within 30m by 25% Health/s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MagusRepair64x.png",
			Image = "MagusRepair.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HealOnVoidMode",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Repair",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Repair",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Replenish"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Heal 30% Health",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MagusReplenish64x.png",
			Image = "MagusReplenish.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HealOnVoidDash",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Replenish",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Replenish",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Revert"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Void Sling",
			Description = "Use again within 3s, to return the Operator to their original position at no energy cost. Restores 60 Health. 3s cooldown",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MagusRevert64x.png",
			Image = "MagusRevert.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/ReverseOnDash",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Revert",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Revert",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Operator" 
		["Magus Vigor"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Transference Out",
			Description = "+600 Health",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "MagusVigor64x.png",
			Image = "MagusVigor.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorArmour/HealthOnOperatorMode",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Magus Vigor",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Magus Vigor",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Operator",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_HEALTH_MAX" }
		["Melee Afflictions"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Enemies affected by Status Effects gain 6 additional stacks when they're knocked down or flung by melee attacks.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MeleeAfflictions64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeAfflictions.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "36",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Afflictions",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Afflictions",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Animosity"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Melee Hit",
			Description = "Gain 42% Critical Chance on your next Heavy Attack, up to 420%",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MeleeAnimosity64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeAnimosity.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Animosity",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Animosity",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Crescendo"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Finisher Kill",
			Description = "Gain 6 Initial Combo for the rest of your mission",
			Dissolution = 84,
			Icon = "MeleeCrescendo64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeCrescendo.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Crescendo",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Crescendo",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Duplicate"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Base Critical Hits",
			Description = "100% chance for your attack to strike a second time",
			Dissolution = 84,
			Icon = "MeleeDuplicate64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeDuplicate.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Duplicate",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Duplicate",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Exposure"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Ability Cast",
			Description = "Gain 60% Corrosive Damage on Melee strikes for 25s. Stacks up to 240%.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MeleeExposure64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeExposure.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Exposure",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Exposure",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Fortification"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Melee Kill",
			Description = "+210 Armor for 10s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MeleeFortification64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeFortification.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Fortification",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Fortification",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Influence"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Melee Electricity Status",
			Description = "20% chance for elemental Melee Status Effects to apply to enemies within 20m for 18s. Cannot refresh while active.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MeleeInfluence64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeInfluence.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Melee Influence",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Influence",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Retaliation"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Gain 30% Melee Damage for every 200 current Shields, up to 420% Bonus halved for Overshields.",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "MeleeRetaliation64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeRetaliation.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Retaliation",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Retaliation",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Melee Vortex"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Kill an enemy affected by Magnetic Status for a 45% chance to pull in enemies within 18m radius",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "MeleeVortex64x.png",
			Image = "MeleeVortex.png",
			InternalName = "",
			Introduced = "35",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Melee Vortex",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Melee Vortex",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Melee",
		["Molt Augmented"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Kill",
			Description = "+0.24% Ability Strength. Stacks up to 250x.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "MoltAugmented64x.png",
			Image = "MoltAugmented.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PowerStrengthOnKill",
			Introduced = "31.6",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Molt Augmented",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Molt Augmented",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Molt Efficiency"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "While Shields are Active",
			Description = "Gain 6% Ability Duration per second, up to a maximum of 36%",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "MoltEfficiency64x.png",
			Image = "MoltEfficiency.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/WarframeOnShieldUptimePowerDuration",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Molt Efficiency",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Molt Efficiency",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
		["Molt Reconstruct"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Heal yourself and your allies within Affinity Range 6 Health for each Energy point spent on the initial casting cost of abilities.",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "MoltReconstruct64x.png",
			Image = "MoltReconstruct.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/HealAlliesOnEnergySpent",
			Introduced = "31.6",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Molt Reconstruct",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Molt Reconstruct",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Molt Vigor"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Operator Ability",
			Description = "45% Ability Strength on next Warframe Ability Cast",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "MoltVigor64x.png",
			Image = "MoltVigor.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Zariman/WarframeOnOperatorAbilityPowerStrength",
			Introduced = "31.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Molt Vigor",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Molt Vigor",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Pax Bolt"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "On Headshot Kill",
			Description = "+30% Ability Strength and +30% Ability Efficiency on the next ability used within 4s",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PaxBolt64x.png",
			Image = "PaxBolt.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/EnergyEfficiencyOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "24",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Pax Bolt",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Pax Bolt",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun",
		["Pax Charge"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "Passive",
			Description = "Converts weapon magazine to rechargable; Battery Recharge Delay is reduced by +50%",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PaxCharge64x.png",
			Image = "PaxCharge.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/BulletToBattery",
			Introduced = "24",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Pax Charge",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Pax Charge",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_RELOAD_SPEED" }
		["Pax Seeker"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "On Headshot Kill",
			Description = "4 projectiles burst from the enemy and seek the heads of nearby enemies",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PaxSeeker64x.png",
			Image = "PaxSeeker.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SeekerProjOnHeadshotKill",
			Introduced = "24",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Pax Seeker",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Pax Seeker",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun" 
		["Pax Soar"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "While Airborne",
			Description = "+50% Accuracy, -50% Recoil and +5s Wall Latch",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PaxSoar64x.png",
			Image = "PaxSoar.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/EyeInTheSky",
			Introduced = "24",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Pax Soar",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Pax Soar",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun",
		["Primary Blight"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Toxin Status Effect",
			Description = "+3.6% Critical Damage and +1.8% Multishot for 12s. Stacks up to 40x.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PrimaryBlight64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryBlight.png",
			Introduced = "33.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Blight",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Blight",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Primary Deadhead"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Precision Headshot Kill/Passive",
			Description = "+120% Damage for 24s. Stacks up to 3x.<br />+30% to Headshot Multiplier<br />-50% Weapon Recoil",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "PrimaryDeadhead64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryDeadhead.png",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Deadhead",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryDamageOnNoMelee",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Deadhead",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Primary Dexterity"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Melee Kill/Passive",
			Description = "+60% Damage for 20s. Stacks up to 6x.<br />+7.5s Combo Duration",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "PrimaryDexterity64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryDexterity.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryDamageOnMeleeKill",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Dexterity",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Dexterity",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Primary Exhilarate"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Weapon Impact Status Effect",
			Description = "+1.2 Energy Regen/s for 10s. Stacks up to 3x.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PrimaryExhilarate64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryExhilarate.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryEnergyRegenOnImpactProc",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Exhilarate",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Exhilarate",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "AVATAR_POWER_RATE" }
		["Primary Frostbite"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Cold Status Effect",
			Description = "+3% Critical Damage and +2.25% Multishot for 12s. Stacks up to 40x",
			Dissolution = 22,
			Icon = "PrimaryFrostbite64x.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			Image = "PrimaryFrostbite.png",
			Introduced = "32.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Frostbite",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Frostbite",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Primary Merciless"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Kill/Passive",
			Description = "+30% Damage for 4s. Stacks up to 12x.<br />+30% Reload Speed",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "PrimaryMerciless64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryMerciless.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryDamageOnKill",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Merciless",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Merciless",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Primary Obstruct"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Weapon Magnetic Status Effect",
			Description = "Enemy weapons jam within 15m of target. Cooldown 10s.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PrimaryObstruct64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryObstruct.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryJamEnemyWeaponsOnMagneticProc",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Obstruct",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Obstruct",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Primary Plated Round"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Reload",
			Description = "Deal increased damage per round loaded based on max magazine size. Lasts for 10s.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "PrimaryPlatedRound64x.png",
			Image = "PrimaryPlatedRound.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "BATTERY" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/PrimaryDamagePerAmmoOnReload",
			Introduced = "32.3",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Primary Plated Round",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Primary Plated Round",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Primary",
		["Residual Boils"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "On Kitgun Kill",
			Description = "20% chance to spawn volatile hives for 12s that explode when enemies approach for 80 Heat Damage in 10m. Standing in the area applies Heat Damage type to Theorem Arcanes.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ResidualBoils64x.png",
			Image = "ResidualBoils.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/BurningCystOnKill",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Residual Boils",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Residual Boils",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun" 
		["Residual Malodor"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "On Kitgun Kill",
			Description = "20% chance to create a frigid mist for 12s, dealing 40 Cold Damage/s. Standing in the area applies the Cold Damage to Theorem Arcanes.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ResidualMalodor64x.png",
			Image = "ResidualMalodor.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/IceMistOnKill",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Residual Malodor",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Residual Malodor",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun" 
		["Residual Shock"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "On Kitgun Kill",
			Description = "20% chance to spawn an electrified spike for 12s, dealing 200 Electricity Damage to enemies within 10m. Standing in the area applies Electricity Damage to Theorem Arcanes.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ResidualShock64x.png",
			Image = "ResidualShock.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/LightningStrikeOnKill",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Residual Shock",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Residual Shock",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun" 
		["Residual Viremia"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "MODULAR_GUN" },
			Criteria = "On Kitgun Kill",
			Description = "20% chance to create a pool of toxic blood for 12s, dealing 40 Toxin Damage/s. Standing in the area applies the Toxin Damage to Theorem Arcanes.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ResidualViremia64x.png",
			Image = "ResidualViremia.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/ToxicBloodOnKill",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Residual Viremia",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Residual Viremia",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Kitgun" 
		["Secondary Deadhead"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Precision Headshot Kill/Passive",
			Description = "+120% Damage for 24s. Stacks up to 3x.<br />+30% to Headshot Multiplier<br />-50% Weapon Recoil",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "SecondaryDeadhead64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryDeadhead.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryDamageOnNoMelee",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Deadhead",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Deadhead",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Secondary Dexterity"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Melee Kill/Passive",
			Description = "+60% Damage for 20s. Stacks up to 6x.<br />+7.5s Combo Duration",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "SecondaryDexterity64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryDexterity.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryDamageOnMeleeKill",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Dexterity",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Dexterity",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Secondary Encumber"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On Status Effect",
			Description = "+24% chance to trigger a second random Status Effect.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "SecondaryEncumber64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryEncumber.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/ExtraProcOnProc",
			Introduced = "32.3",
			IsRefreshable = false,
			Link = "Secondary Encumber",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Encumber",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_ON_PROC_CHANCE" },
		["Secondary Fortifier"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Gain 1 Overguard for every 100 Damage dealt to an enemy's Overguard.\r\nDeals x8 Extra Damage to Overguard.","Deals x8 Extra Damage to Overguard.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "SecondaryFortifier64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryFortifier.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/OverguardSteal",
			Introduced = "36",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Fortifier",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Fortifier",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Secondary Kinship"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "While Buffing Ally Warframes",
			Description = "+20% Critical Chance per buff",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "SecondaryKinship64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryKinship.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryCritChancePerBuff",
			Introduced = "32.3",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Kinship",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Kinship",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" },
		["Secondary Merciless"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Kill/Passive",
			Description = "+30% Damage for 4s. Stacks up to 12x.<br />+30% Reload Speed",
			Dissolution = 20,
			Icon = "SecondaryMerciless64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryMerciless.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryDamageOnKill",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Merciless",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Merciless",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Secondary Outburst"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On swapping to Secondary Weapon",
			Description = "Consume all Combo Multipliers to increase Secondary Weapon Critical Chance and Critical Damage by 20% per Combo consumed for 30s.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "SecondaryOutburst64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryOutburst.png",
			Introduced = "33.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Outburst",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Outburst",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Secondary Shiver"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Enemies take +45% damage per <DT_FREEZE>Cold Status",
			Dissolution = 84,
			Icon = "SecondaryShiver64x.png",
			Image = "SecondaryShiver.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/SecondaryExtraDamagePerFreezeStack",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Shiver",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Shiver",
			Rarity = "Legendary",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Secondary Surge"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Ability Cast",
			Description = "Next shot gains a Damage Multiplier for every 200 current Energy, up to x8.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "SecondarySurge64x.png",
			Image = "SecondarySurge.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Utility/BonusDamageNextShotForCurEnergy",
			Introduced = "36",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Secondary Surge",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Secondary Surge",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Secondary",
		["Shotgun Vendetta"] = {
			CodexSecret = false,
			Criteria = "On shotgun kill within 5 meters",
			Description = "+180% Multishot and +75% Reload Speed for 15s.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "ShotgunVendetta64x.png",
			Image = "ShotgunVendetta.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/ShotgunMultishotAndReloadSpeedOnCloseKill",
			Introduced = "33",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Shotgun Vendetta",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Shotgun Vendetta",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Shotgun",
		["Theorem Contagion"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Standing in a zone created by a Residual Arcane creates a globe that orbits the player every 2s. The globes will strike the nearest enemy within 15m dealing 150 damage increasing their vulnerability to the globe’s damage type by 200% for 6s. Globes will persist for 30s upon leaving the zone.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "TheoremContagion64x.png",
			Image = "TheoremContagion.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "TNJETTURBINEPISTOL" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/OrbsOnResidualContact",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Theorem Contagion",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Theorem Contagion",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Theorem Demulcent"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Standing in a zone created by a Residual Arcane increases weapon damage by 12%/s stacking up to 15x. Effect persists for 20s upon leaving the zone.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "TheoremDemulcent64x.png",
			Image = "TheoremDemulcent.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "TNJETTURBINEPISTOL" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/WeaponDamageOnResidualContact",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Theorem Demulcent",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Theorem Demulcent",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Theorem Infection"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "",
			Description = "Standing in a zone created by a Residual Arcane increases damage of Companions and summoned Allies within 90m by 24%/s stacking up to 15x. Effect persists for 20s upon leaving the zone.",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "TheoremInfection64x.png",
			Image = "TheoremInfection.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT", "TNJETTURBINEPISTOL" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/Offensive/CompanionDamageOnResidualContact",
			Introduced = "29.5",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Theorem Infection",
			MaxRank = 5,
			Name = "Theorem Infection",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Warframe",
			UpgradeTypes = { "GAMEPLAY_FREE_REVIVE_COUNT" }
		["Virtuos Forge"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Hit",
			Description = "Converts 98% Void Damage to Heat Damage.",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "VirtuosForge64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosForge.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/VoidToHeatDamage",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Forge",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Forge",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_CONVERSION" }
		["Virtuos Fury"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Status Effect",
			Description = "20% chance for +30% Damage for 4s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "VirtuosFury64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosFury.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/IncreasedDamageOnStatusProc",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Fury",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Fury",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_AMOUNT" }
		["Virtuos Ghost"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Headshot",
			Description = "40% chance for +60% Status Chance for 12s",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "VirtuosGhost64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosGhost.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/StatusChanceOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Ghost",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Ghost",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_PROC_CHANCE" }
		["Virtuos Null"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Kill",
			Description = "+20% Amp Energy Regen for 4s",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "VirtuosNull64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosNull.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/OperatorAmmoRegenOnKill",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Null",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Null",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CHARGE_RATE" }
		["Virtuos Shadow"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Headshot",
			Description = "40% chance for +60% Critical Chance for 12s",
			Dissolution = 24,
			Icon = "VirtuosShadow64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosShadow.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/CriticalChanceOnHeadshot",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Shadow",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Shadow",
			Rarity = "Rare",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE" }
		["Virtuos Spike"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Hit",
			Description = "Converts 98% Void Damage to Puncture Damage.",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "VirtuosSpike64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosSpike.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/VoidToPunctureDamage",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Spike",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Spike",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_CONVERSION" }
		["Virtuos Strike"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Critical Hit",
			Description = "20% chance for +80% Critical Damage for 4s",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "VirtuosStrike64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosStrike.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/IncreasedCriticalDamageOnCriticalStrike",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Strike",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Strike",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_CRIT_DAMAGE" }
		["Virtuos Surge"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Hit",
			Description = "Converts 98% Void Damage to Electricity Damage.",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "VirtuosSurge64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosSurge.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/VoidToElectricDamage",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Surge",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Surge",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_CONVERSION" }
		["Virtuos Tempo"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Kill",
			Description = "60% chance for +60% Fire Rate for 8s",
			Dissolution = 12,
			Icon = "VirtuosTempo64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosTempo.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/AttackSpeedOnKill",
			Introduced = "22",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Tempo",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Tempo",
			Rarity = "Common",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_FIRE_RATE" }
		["Virtuos Trojan"] = {
			CodexSecret = true,
			Criteria = "On Hit",
			Description = "Converts 98% Void Damage to Viral Damage.",
			Dissolution = 18,
			Icon = "VirtuosTrojan64x.png",
			Image = "VirtuosTrojan.png",
			IncompatibilityTags = { "OPERATOR_SUIT" },
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Upgrades/CosmeticEnhancers/OperatorAmps/VoidToViralDamage",
			Introduced = "24.2",
			IsRefreshable = true,
			Link = "Virtuos Trojan",
			MaxRank = 3,
			Name = "Virtuos Trojan",
			Rarity = "Uncommon",
			Type = "Amp",
			UpgradeTypes = { "WEAPON_DAMAGE_CONVERSION" }