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The gunslinger has a steady deadly hand. Each shot deals high damage. Mesa is the fastest draw in the realm.

This is Mesa, the vagabond, the outcast.

Do you feel lucky, Tenno? Mesa's got the fastest guns in the stars.

Release Date: November 27th, 2014

The gunslinger Mesa wields both style and power to overcome her foes in a rapid shower of ballistic ordnance. Mesa shot first in Update 15.5 (2014-11-27).


Mesa's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Mesa's component blueprints can be from defeating Mutalist Alad V on Mutalist Alad V Assassinate, Eris; the Assassination requires a Mutalist Alad V Assassinate Key to enter, whose blueprint is obtained from the Patient Zero quest and is crafted from Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinates earned from Infested Invasions.
Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
Systems Systems Blueprint Mutalist Alad V Assassination 22.56% ~ 4 Kills 27 ± 9 Kills
Helmet Neuroptics Blueprint Mutalist Alad V Assassination 38.72% ~ 2 Kills 14 ± 4 Kills
Chassis Chassis Blueprint Mutalist Alad V Assassination 38.72% ~ 2 Kills 14 ± 4 Kills

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.

Alternatively, upon completion of The Duviri Paradox, Mesa's main and component blueprints can be earned from The Circuit. By selecting her on the rotating week she is available, players can earn her blueprints after reaching Tier 2 (Neuroptics), 5 (Chassis), 8 (Systems), and 10 (Main) rewards.


Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 325 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: N/A
Mesa Neuroptics Blueprint
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
PolymerBundle Polymer Bundle
Plastids Plastids
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Mesa Chassis Blueprint
Morphics Morphics
Oxium Oxium
Plastids Plastids
NanoSpores Nano Spores
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Mesa Systems Blueprint
ArgonCrystal Argon Crystal
NanoSpores Nano Spores
PolymerBundle Polymer Bundle
Circuits Circuits
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25


  • After OberonIcon272 Oberon, Mesa is the second Warframe whose main blueprint sells for Credits64 30,000.
  • The line in Lotus' summary, "Do you feel lucky, Tenno?" is a direct reference to one of Dirty Harry's most popular quotes.
  • Mesa was first revealed in Devstream 41, when Art Director Mike "Mynki" Brennan displayed her concept art.
    • According to Brennan her default helmet is actually blindfolded, as she enjoys a challenge during fights.
  • With her gunslinger theme, Mesa's name is most likely a reference to the land formation of the same name which is common in the Western and Southwestern United States.
    • The word mesa is the Portuguese and Spanish word for "table"; the mesa land formation is an elevated area of land with a flat top.
  • Mesa is the second Warframe to come with built-in exalted weapons, following ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr.
    • ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur's ExaltedBlade130xWhite Exalted Blade was added after Mesa was introduced, despite being a Warframe that came before both Mesa and Valkyr.
    • The firing hammers for Mesa's Regulator pistols are mounted on her thumbs.
    • Mesa's Regulator pistols are colored separately in their exalted weapon menu rather than the main Warframe color selection.
  • Some related files refer to Mesa as "Cowgirl", which was most likely her name used during development.
  • The name of Mesa's 4th ability, Peacemaker, is probably derived from the Colt Single Action Army revolver, which was also called the Colt Peacemaker. Keeping with Mesa's Western theme, the revolver saw considerable use in the American Old West.
    • Additionally, the name of Mesa's Regulator Pistols might be a reference to the Regulators, a posse from the American Old West said to have been co-founded by Billy The Kid.
  • The style of movement during Peacemaker is inspired by the Gun Kata from the movie Equilibrium. The dual gun poses and near-instant transitions from one pose to another are almost the same as that movie.

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AladVPortrait d
“Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die.”
Mesa Prime is Vaulted.
The Void Relics for this item have been removed from the drop tables and do not drop during missions at this time. Check the current Prime Resurgence rotation to see if Varzia offers relics for this item. Vaulted Void Relics already contained in player inventories are not affected and can still be either opened or traded between players.
Cast a long shadow with this lethal enforcer. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.

Release Date: December 18th, 2018

Mesa Prime is the Primed variant of MesaIcon272 Mesa, possessing increased health, armor, and energy capacity, and additional Vazarin Pol and Madurai Pol polarities. Mesa Prime was released alongside AkjagaraPrime Akjagara Prime and RedeemerPrime Redeemer Prime.


Lith, Meso, Neo, and Axi refer to Void Relics  |  (V) Denotes Vaulted Void Relics  |  (B) Denotes Baro Ki'Teer Exclusive Void Relic
Mesa Prime's Relic Drops
Chassis Blueprint Systems Blueprint MesaPrimeIcon272 Blueprint Neuroptics Blueprint
AxiRelicIntact Axi H4 Common (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi M1 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith R1 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith S10 Common (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso C4 Common (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso L2 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo A3 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo C1 Common (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo R4 Common (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith D5 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith M6 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo H3 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo M2 Rare (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo M3 Rare (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith C6 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith D1 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith N9 Uncommon (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith P7 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso P3 Uncommon (V)
MesoRelicIntact Meso R2 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z2 Uncommon (V)
NeoRelicIntact Neo Z3 Uncommon (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi M3 Rare (V)
AxiRelicIntact Axi M4 Rare (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith M3 Rare (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith M4 Rare (V)
LithRelicIntact Lith M5 Rare (V)


  • On October 14th, 2020, it was announced that Mesa Prime would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the reward tables on October 27th, 2020. Any preexisting components or fully-built frames will remain as is.
  • Mesa Prime was available from the first Prime Resurgence which ran from November 16, 2021 to January 25, 2022.
  • Mesa Prime was available from the second Prime Resurgence and was re-vaulted around April 2, 2023.


Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 3 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 50
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge N/A Blueprint2 Blueprints Price: N/A
Mesa Prime Neuroptics Blueprint
ArgonCrystal Argon Crystal
NeuralSensors Neural Sensors
Rubedo Rubedo
Ferrite Ferrite
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Mesa Prime Chassis Blueprint
NitainExtract Nitain Extract
Gallium Gallium
NanoSpores Nano Spores
PolymerBundle Polymer Bundle
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
Mesa Prime Systems Blueprint
Morphics Morphics
ControlModule Control Module
Circuits Circuits
Salvage Salvage
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25


  • Mesa Prime, compared to MesaIcon272 Mesa:
    • Higher Health (400/500 vs. 365/465)
    • Higher Armor (135 vs. 105)
    • Higher Energy (140/190 vs. 100/150)
    • Higher Starting Energy (65 vs. 50)
    • Additional Vazarin Pol and Madurai Pol Polarities (Naramon PolNaramon PolVazarin PolMadurai Pol vs. Naramon PolNaramon Pol)
  • As with any other Prime Warframe, moving close to the location of an Orokin Void Death Orb will restore a pulse of 250 Energy to nearby allies, even if that Death Orb is inactive, destroyed, or non-present. This effect can only occur once per orb.
  • Mesa Prime's BallisticBattery130xWhite Ballistic Battery features multi energy lines instead of scattered energy particles.


  • Information about Mesa Prime was first unintentionally leaked through the Prime Access program for Nintendo Switch.
  • Mesa Prime's Prime Access was the first to feature a Primed alternative helmet.
  • Mesa Prime's hat bears a resemblance to that of Limbo Prime's.
  • Mesa Prime's Regulators Regulators also have a unique model compared to her non-Prime variant.


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MesaIcon272 Mesa has improved proficiency with secondary weapons, and gains a health bonus at the expense of not having a melee weapon equipped:


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This section is transcluded from Ballistic Battery . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
BallisticBatteryModx256 BallisticBattery130xWhite
Ballistic Battery

When activated, this power stores damage caused by guns. When triggered again, that damage is channeled through the next gunshot.

Introduced in Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:40% / 50% / 60% / 70% (damage percentage)
20 / 50 / 90 / 140 (max damage per instance)
2000 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 (max stored damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A
This section is transcluded from Shooting Gallery . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
ShootingGalleryModx256 ShootingGallery130xWhite
Shooting Gallery

Gives an ally extra damage while jamming the guns of nearby enemies. This power shifts between team members.

Introduced in Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 % (damage bonus)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s (duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10 / 12 / 14 / 16 m (target radius)

Misc: 3 (number of targets per stun)
1.5 s (stun interval)
2 (instances in coop play)

Subsumable to Helminth
This section is transcluded from Shatter Shield . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
ShatterShieldModx256 ShatterShield130xWhite
Shatter Shield

Envelops Mesa in a barrier of energy, reflecting back incoming bullet damage.

Introduced in Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:50% / 60% / 70% / 80% (damage reduction)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:5 / 7 / 9 / 11 m

Misc: 95% (damage reduction cap)
45° (deflect angle for non-hitscan)
90° (divert angle for hitscan)
∞ (hitscan reflect range)

This section is transcluded from Peacemaker . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
PeacemakerModx256 Peacemaker130xWhite

With intense focus, Mesa draws her Regulator pistols, shooting down her foes in rapid succession.

Introduced in Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1.00x / 1.15x / 1.33x / 1.50x (damage multiplier)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 50 (damage)
50 m (maximum shooting distance)
15° (minimum FoV)


Strength Mods


Duration Mods


Range Mods


ShootingGallery2 ShootingGallery2 ShootingGallery2
ShatterShield2 ShatterShield2 ShatterShield2
Peacemaker2 Peacemaker2 Peacemaker2

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Patch History

Hotfix 34.0.5 (2023-10-26)

  • Fixed Mesa Prime in the Conclave using their PVE stats.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

Base vs Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul

If you’ve spent any time invested in the deeper nuances of Modding, you may be familiar with “Warframe Math” - math that upon first glance doesn’t really make sense, but once you learn the inner workings of the game, it all comes together. While we can appreciate the value that complex systems offer to a certain subsect of players, there are other aspects of the game that should have clear and understandable outcomes. Namely: Shield, Health, Energy, and Armor Modding.

Pop quiz: what is 300 + 440%? If you answered 740, you may just be an Excalibur player.

Vitality (+440% Heath), Redirection (+440% Shields), Flow (+150% Energy), and Steel Fiber (+110% Armor) come with large modifier values that don’t seem to match their outcome in-game. This is because these Mods apply their multiplier to the base stats of the Warframe - i.e., the stats you have at Rank 0. In the Excalibur example, a Rank 30 Excalibur’s Health stat of 300 earns an additional 440 Health from max rank Vitality (+440% Heath) since it applies to his base rank Health stat of 100, resulting in 740 total health.

In this update, we have removed this obfuscation by having Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods apply to the stats of Warframes at their current rank. Continuing our Excalibur example, instead of Vitality always applying to Excalibur’s base rank 100 Health, it would apply to his Health stat based on his rank - namely, the stat you can actually see in your Arsenal. If your Excalibur were Rank 30, his Health stat would be 300, which means Vitality’s multiplier would be calculated off of 300.

With previous Health and Mod values, additional adjustments are needed to make this revision work while maintaining game balance. By only changing where the multiplier applies, a Rank 30 Excalibur would receive an extra 1,320 Health from max rank Vitality, resulting in a total health stat of 1,600. This outcome is a significant buff, which is not the intention of this system change.

To remedy this, we approached this problem in two ways:

1 - We reduced the overall multiplier for Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods.
Since these now affect Max Rank Warframe stats, these Mods need to scale differently to maintain the status quo. Additionally, we wanted these new values to be as clear and understandable to all players as possible! Here are a few examples of these value changes:

  • Vitality: Reduced from +440% to +100% Health
  • Redirection: Reduced from +440% to +100% Shield Capacity
  • Steel Fiber: Reduced from +110% to +100% Armor
  • Flow: Reduced from +150% to +100% Energy Max

Note: These are not all of the Mods affected by this change. We share the comprehensive list further down in this section of the update notes.

Doing some quick math, this means that a Rank 30 Excalibur (300 Health) with a reworked Vitality Mod (+100% Health, applied to the final Health stat) would receive 300 extra Health, for a total of 600. That, in contrast, is a nerf, which we also don’t want to do.

So, our next step:

2 - We adjusted Warframe Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor values to keep the end result of the revised Mods as close to the original values as possible.

With this change, Excalibur’s Rank 30 Health stat is 370. With +100% Health from a max Vitality Mod, his resulting Health stat would be 740, which matches what it was originally.

While this path to the same result may seem a little complicated, the outcome matches our intention: we want players to be able to look at their Health, Shield, and Armor Mods, and be able to understand how they affect the stats they see in their Arsenal.

In addition to everything above, we also increased the base stat values for Warframes so that these revised Mods offer similar value for lower-ranked Frames. To do so, we reduced the amount of Health/Shield/Energy that Warframes earn per rank in half, and transferred the sum of that value to their base stats.

For Armor, this is the one stat that does not increase with your Warframe’s level (with some exceptions). Armor values across the board have been slightly increased to compensate for the Mod changes.

Not to beat a dead Kaithe, but Mods will now be applying to the Max Rank stat instead of the Base Rank. You may look at these numbers and think “nerf” or “buff” depending, but the outcome is that total Modded values are the same, if not a little higher in some cases.

Warframe Stat Changes:

Health: Base Rank - 365 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 180 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 400 (from 135) / Max Rank - 500 (from 405)
Shields: Base Rank - 180 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

While there may be significant changes to Warframe Stats and Mod values as a part of this overhaul, the end result is that your Builds should mostly stay the same. The key difference is the added clarity of what your Health / Shield / Energy / Armor Mods do in your Upgrade screens!

Hotfix 32.0.9 (2022-10-05)

  • Reduced the Mastery Rank restriction of all Prime Warframes to 0.
    • Only 11/34 frames had any Mastery Rank restrictions, so we decided to make these consistent with the rest (there were no Mastery Rank restrictions on any non-Primed Warframes).

Hotfix 32.0.7 (2022-09-28)

  • Fixed loss of functionality after getting knocked down as Mesa with her Peacemaker active.
    • As a general fix, Mesa should no longer be knocked down while Peacemaker is active, as intended.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

General Warframe Changes:

Mesa’s Ballistic Battery Changes:

  • Increased maximum stored damage from 1.6k to 5k.
  • Changed the casting animation to be only upper body and use one hand.
    • This allows casting to be done without interrupting shooting.
  • Changed damage accumulation to be shown as a buff indicator instead of % on ability.
    • The refresh buff indication now calls out ‘Ballistic Battery’ outright and uses its ability icon while accumulating.
  • Mesa now has the ability to use Ballistic Battery during Peacemaker.
  • Buff indicator refreshes when the shot is fully charged.

Mesa’s Staggering Shield

  • Was: Reflected bullets gain a 50% chance of staggering enemies.
  • Now: Augment function unchanged, reflected bullet stagger chance now scales with Ability Strength (up to 100% stagger if you have 200%+ Ability Strength).

Mesa’s Ballistic Bullseye

  • Was: Applies a 100% Status Chance bonus to the shot, based on the amount charged.
  • Now: The shot gains a +50% Final Critical Chance bonus, based on the amount charged.

Hotfix 31.5.10 (2022-05-17)

  • Fixed several issues with abilities when forced into Operator (in Zariman Cascade missions for example):
    • Fixed issues with Mesa Peacemaker.

Hotfix 31.5.7 (2022-05-06)

  • Fixed Mesa’s Staggering Shield Augment mod chance to stagger enemies accumulating each time it's cast.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Fixed clip issues with the Zundi Pistol Skin when used with Mesa’s Idle Animation.
  • Fixed a script error related to Mesa’s Shooting Gallery.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • Fixed a script error when deactivating Mesa’s Ballistic Battery ability.

Hotfix 29.0.8 (2020-09-10)

  • Fixed certain Warframe abilities (Mesa's Shattered Shield) that create reflecting bullets counting towards hits that increase the Hata-Satya Critical Chance buff. Only hits performed by Soma Prime should increase the Hata-Satya Critical Chance buff.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Fixed tilted position of the Telos Boltace when holstered on Mesa’s back.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Armor Change:
    • Mesa: 65 to 100
    • Mesa Prime: 85 to 125
    • Why: The conversation surrounding Arcane Guardian led to a significant review of Armor stats on Warfarmes. The Majority of Warframes received an increase in the Armor stat to increase survivability. Compounded with Shield Gating and the numerous other changes covered, we expect a much more fair feeling playing field for all Warframes.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker deactivating Melee-only mode if it was active before the ability was cast.

Hotfix 27.0.12 (2020-01-23)

  • Mesa ability videos have been added to her Arsenal!

Hotfix 25.7.6 (2019-09-18)

  • Fixed Mesa being unable to use abilities or melee when using the Venka after casting Peacemaker.
  • Fixed Mesa Immortal Skin not applying properly to Mesa Prime.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • Fixed Mesa using her primary weapon in bleedout if it was the last weapon equipped before being downed with Peacemaker active.

Update 25.6 (2019-08-08)

Muzzle Flash - Shooting Gallery Augment - Mesa
  • For kills made by a player (self or ally) with Shooting Gallery activated, generate a blinding AoE when threshold is met

Hotfix 25.5.2 (2019-08-02)

  • Fixed invalid colour options being shown for Mesa Prime Pistols.

Hotfix 25.1.2 (2019-06-12)

  • Mesa Prime can now be used in Conclave.

Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)

  • Significantly reduced the radial blur from Mesa’s Peacemaker.

Hotfix 24.2.8 (2019-01-15)

  • Added missing offsets for Mesa Presidio on some Armor sets so that when the Skin is equipped on Mesa Prime, the proper offsets are used.
  • Adjusted the texture weight of Mesa’s rear area to avoid collapsing.
  • Further improvements towards Mesa Prime’s Attachments when enabled on TennoGen Skins, equipping Emblems, and overall texture issues.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker weapon damage not showing correctly in the Simulacrum.

Hotfix 24.2.7 (2018-01-09)

  • Fixed Mesa’s Shooting Gallery ability applying to Operators damage output.
  • The ‘Toggle Prime Details’ has been added back to Mesa Prime! The team has made improvements towards the blending of both Mesa TennoGen Skins and her Prime Details.

Hotfix 24.2.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Introduced Mesa Prime.

Hotfix 23.0.4 (2018-06-20)

  • Fixed Mesa Regulator upgrades being applied twice for Clients.

Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)

Warframes with unique Ability-driven (Exalted) Weapons can now be separately Modded in your Arsenal! This includes the ability to customize their appearance too!

If you own any of the following Warframes, their “Exalted” Weapon have been added to your Arsenal:

  • Mesa’s Regulators
    • If you own or purchase the Mesa Presidio Skin, you will automatically receive the Presidio Regulators skin to equip onto Mesa’s Regulators.

Exalted Weapons work in the following ways:

  • They appear in your Arsenal as an unranked moddable Weapon option once you’ve unlocked the Ability.
  • All Exalted weapons use the Mod classes expected for the class of weapon.
  • While Exalted Weapons can be ranked, they do not count towards Mastery Rank (with the exception of Khora’s Venari).
  • Riven Mods are not generated for Exalted Weapons.

Hotfix 22.18.1 (2018-04-20)

  • Fixed Clients possibly getting stuck with Mesa’s Peacemaker active if they fall into a pit.

Update 22.14 (2018-03-01)

  • Fixed Mesa's Ballistic Battery ability's interaction with Beam weapons to behave like other weapon types: the Damage bonus is now only applied to one Damage hit, but it is not affected by the Beam weapon ramp-up and always applies full Damage.

Update: The Index Preview (2016-10-20)

  • Conclave: Energy can no longer be picked up when Ballistic Battery ability is active.

Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3 (2016-08-23)

  • Fixed a crash related to Peacemaker.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Conclave: Increased the percentage of damage stored per hit in Ballistic Battery.
  • Fixed Ballistic Battery at rank 0 being able to absorb up to 200 damage per shot when it was meant to be 20.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.11 (2016-07-19)

  • Adjusted holster positioning of Peacemaker so it's more centered on her arms.
  • Conclave: Reduced Mesa's passive health bonus with no melee equipped to 25 from 30.
  • Fixed Peacemaker pistols being holstered incorrectly while in Archwing.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 0.5 (2016-07-12)

  • Fixed Mesa Warframe blueprint being unobtainable from the Market.

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Conclave: Peacemaker can now only be activated at 100 energy.
  • Conclave: Increased damage of Peacemaker.
  • Pistol Fire Rate mods will now affect Peacemaker.

Hotfix 18.13.2 (2016-06-01)

  • Fixes Peacemaker effects sticking around permanently in rare situations.

Hotfix 18.13.1 (2016-05-27)

  • Multishot Secondary Mods are now properly inherited with Mesa’s Peacemaker.
    • Only non-weapon specific Secondary Mods scale with Peacemaker.
    • Regulators base damage was reduced to compensate for Multishot inheriting damage potential.

Update 18.13 (2016-05-27)

  • Peacemaker now scales with Secondary Weapon Mods
    • Peacemaker's base stats have been reduced to accommodate the increase in power.
  • Shooting Gallery will now grant her a permanent buff, but Allies will still have it rotate.

Update 18.9 (2016-04-20)

  • Fixed Mesa’s cape turning blue and sticking to her face when casting Peacemaker.

Hotfix 18.5.6 (2016-03-10)

  • Conclave: Reduced Mesa’s passive health from +50 to +30 when no melee weapon is equipped.

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • Conclave: Mesa is now available for use in Conclave.
  • Conclave Augment: Peacemaker - Mod TT 20px Mesa's Waltz
  • Shooting Gallery will no longer jam or stun boss-type enemies.
  • Augment: Muzzle Flash will no longer blind boss-type enemies.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Specter / Infested Mesa not being able to cast Peacemaker.

Hotfix 18.4.3 (2016-01-27)

  • Fixed an issue with Peacemaker target range ring was barely visible.

Update 18.1 (2015-12-16)

  • Fixed Mesa Specters being able to use Peacemaker while moving, allowing them to indefinitely shoot everything.

Update 17.9 (2015-10-28)

  • Fixed the blur effect from Peacemaker still showing when the player has entered a bleedout state.

Update 17.8 (2015-10-21)

  • Fixed a possible loss of functionality when spamming the activation of Peacemaker.

Hotfix 17.5.3 (2015-10-02)

  • Fixed Peacemaker not showing correct aiming UI for Clients.

Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

  • Peacemaker now roots Mesa in place while creating a focus ring on the HUD.
    • Pressing Fire will have Mesa automatically attack all enemies inside the ring, and each enemy slain will decrease the radius of the ring while increasing Mesa’s damage dealt.
    • While in Peacemaker players can look in any direction.
    • Range Mods will affect the size of Peacemaker’s ring.

Update 17.0 (2015-07-31)

  • Fixed kills earned by Peacemaker not properly counting as kills for the player.

Hotfix 16.11.5 (2015-07-15)

  • Adjusted audio FX on Peacemaker shots.

Update 16.8 (2015-06-10)

  • Augment: Shatter Shield - Mod TT 20px Staggering Shield
  • Fixed Regulator pistols appearing when previewing other Warframes.
  • Fixed Regulator pistols not being holstered when viewed in the Archwing Arsenal.
  • Fixed bullet deflection effects not playing on Shatter Shield.

Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

  • Fixed an error that would occur when using Shatter Shield to deflect Panthera blades.
  • Fixed Peacemaker not playing its firing sounds correctly.

Update 15.16 (2015-02-25)

  • Fixed hip and syandana collision on Mesa.

Update 15.13 (2015-02-05)

  • Fixed Mesa Spectres getting stuck in Peacemaker.

Update 15.12 (2015-01-30)

  • Fixed an issue with Mesa’s kills with Peacemaker not accounting properly as kills from the Warframe.
    • This should rectify issues with suit XP not being earned at full value.

Update 15.9 (2015-01-08)

  • Fixed scale and placement of Targis Prime armor when used on Mesa.
  • Fixed visual issues with Targis Prime armor when used during Peacemaker.

Hotfix 15.7.2 (2014-12-19)

  • Made small tweaks to Peacemaker pistol draw / holster animations.
  • Fixed Regulator Pistols persisting on non-Mesa Warframes when switching loadouts in Arsenal.

Update 15.7 (2014-12-17)

  • Fixed unique case of Regulator pistols still being usable after Peacemaker ends.
  • Fixed screen never returning from blackout after using Peacemaker while falling into a pit.

Update 15.6 (2014-12-11)

  • Augment: Shooting Gallery - Mod TT 20px Muzzle Flash
  • Regulator pistols will now need to be holstered before her Peacemaker Ability is considered to be finished / deactivated.
  • PvP: Fixed Shooting Gallery buffing enemy players.
  • Fixed players becoming stuck in Peacemaker after repeated use of the Ability.

Hotfix 15.5.9 (2014-12-08)

  • Peacemaker will now automatically target enemies that enter her range when holding down the trigger button.
    • Ramp up time will not reset when all nearby enemies are killed.
  • Fixed Regulator pistols not being removed upon deactivation if the player has no other weapons.
  • Fixed Mesa becoming stuck in Peacemaker while being mind controlled by Mutalist Alad V.

Hotfix 15.5.8 (2014-12-05)

  • Made various audio tweaks to Regulator pistols, in addition to some visual tweaks to Peacemaker’s effects.
  • Players can no longer gain energy while in Peacemaker.
  • Fixed Daedelus Shoulder Plates not attaching to Mesa properly.

Hotfix 15.5.7 (2014-12-03)

  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker displaying ‘Invalid Target’ where there are no enemies nearby to fire at.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker not applying camera shake effect when firing.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker shooting toward player crosshair instead of directly at enemies.

Hotfix 15.5.5 (2014-12-01)

  • Fixed Mesa’s Ballistic Battery effects showing as being used when activating the ability.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Shooting Gallery buff animation pathing incorrectly when standing near a wall.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Peacemaker, NyxIcon272 Nyx’s Psychic Bolts, and LimboIcon272 Limbo’s Cataclysm affecting enemies that are immune to Tenno abilities.
  • Fixed an issue where Mesa’s Alt Helmet was given, for free, to anyone who crafted the frame or purchased her independently. Helmets acquired this way are no longer in inventories.

Hotfix 15.5.4 (2014-11-29)

  • Fixed some sound problems with Ballistic Battery and Shooting Gallery

Hotfix 15.5.3 (2014-11-28)

  • Fixed leveling up and Power Strength Mods making Shatter Shield damage reduction less effective.
  • Fixed placement of Dendra Armor on Mesa.

Hotfix 15.5.1 (2014-11-27)

  • Fixed Peacemaker costing zero energy to use
  • Fixed Peacemaker allowing players to still move during bleedout.

Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

  • Introduced.

Edit Tab

Ability SFX


