MarkedForDeath130xWhite MarkedForDeath130xWhite
Marked For Death

Stun an enemy; a portion of the next damage you deal to it will be dealt to all enemies around it.

Introduced in Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:35 / 45 / 60 / 75 % (damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:7 / 8 / 9 / 10 m (explosion range)
15 / 20 / 25 / 30 m (cast range)

Misc: 1 (max targets)
∞ (mark duration)
150% (maximum damage)

Subsumable to Helminth


  • Expend EnergyOrb50 Energy to stun a single target on the aiming reticle within AbilityRangeBuff15 / 20 / 25 / 30 meters, marking it for death indefinitely until the next hit from the caster or upon its death. AbilityStrengthBuff35% / 45% / 60% / 75% of the next damage instance including Critical Hit and Status Effects the user inflicts to target is then inflicted to all other enemies in direct line of sight and within AbilityRangeBuff7 / 8 / 9 / 10 meters from the marked target; only 1 target may be marked for death at a time.
    • Damage is capped at 150%.
    • Marked For Death's ability icon becomes grayed-out with an in-use animation while active.
    • The marked target is also dealt damage from the explosion.
  • Allies and companions can not set off the explosion of a marked target, only the original caster can.
    • SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth's Tombstone passive's ability Consume130xWhite Consume does not set off the explosion of a marked target.
  • The explosion damage is calculated after all other bonuses and reductions, except multishot, and is quantized. 35% / 45% / 60% / 75% of that damage is then dealt to enemies in range upon explosion. It is essentially a portion of the damage number that appears on-screen when damaging the marked target.
  • Damage cannot exceed the target's remaining health/shield. For example, a target with 5 health receives 100 damage, but will only spread 5 damage to all other enemies.
  • Casting Marked For Death is an upper-body animation that allows movement while restricting other actions.
    • The Warframe visually clasps its right hand while facing the target to tag it with an energy mark, stunning the target in place for a few seconds; the marked target visually emits a downward stream of energy while marked.

Tips & Tricks


Patch History[]

Update 29.2 (2020-09-29)

Marked For Death Changes:

(Original Dev Workshop can be found here)

We are changing Marked for Death to start its base Damage at 75%, which will cap at 150% with Mods. Since the ‘Damage Type In = Damage Type Out’, this will scale well with certain Damage types, specifically ones with DOTS which is what we envision.

Simply put: We’re bringing the damage back up!

Update 29.1 (2020-09-17)

Marked for Death Changes:

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s revisit what the ‘Marked for Death’ Helminth Infusion is: Stun an enemy; a portion of the next damage you deal to it will be dealt to all enemies around it.

It’s important to note that the description mentions ‘a portion of the next damage’, which was always our intent, meaning we have some bugs to fix and explanations to make on the next steps here.

With Marked for Death now in the wild and being experimented with, it was apparent to not be working as intended by overwhelmingly nuking enemies left, right, and center when combined with certain loadouts and due to certain bugs. We recognize the players who brought this forward with understanding that it needs to be addressed. Let’s get into the meat of it:

  • Fixed Mods applying twice to the Marked for Death Damage portion dealt in the AOE.
  • Fixed base Damage using the Health/Shield Damage dealt and not capped at the Health+Shield the target had prior (e.g. enemy with 5 Health gets hit by 100 damage, and 100 damage is shared in AOE. It should just be the 5).
    • Radial damage was never meant to exceed the target’s Health and this was our bad. The desired strategy we wanted was players prioritizing tank units like Heavy Gunners to do AOE clears since heavy units have more Health than normal, thus the radial AOE would likely be lethal, not just normal units. This issue combined with numerous bugs of Mods stacking meant this was way overpowered. A key part of reviewing these changes will be ensuring that players understand the best case scenario we envision for the power is targeting high-Health enemies to do radial damage to weaker enemies.
  • Removed Critical Chance from Marked for Death radial AOE.
  • Capped Damage multiplier stat to 75% and normalized Damage type mults.
    • Here’s an example of normalized Damage type: if the Damage you deal is 0.5 Impact, 0.4 Slash, 0.3 Heat that sums to 1.2x but after normalizing they become 0.42 Impact, 0.33 Slash, 0.25 Heat.
  • Fixed Marked for Death with Arcane Trickery equipped triggering invisibility almost every time, because each enemy hit by the AoE has its own 15% chance to activate Arcane Trickery.

Hotfix 29.0.7 (2020-09-03)

  • Added Helminth Ability videos on hover of the respective abilities.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

  • Introduced.


See Also[]
