
Magus Destruct is an Arcane Enhancement for the Operator. Whenever the Operator performs a Void Sling on an enemy, they will have reduced resistance to DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage.


Rank % Reduced resistance
0 12%
1 25%
2 37%
3 50%
4 60%
5 65%


Can be bought from Vox Solaris for ReputationLarge 10,000 upon reaching the rank of Instrument.


  • The reduced resistance is multiplicative with the enemy's shield and health DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture modifiers.
    • For example, a Rank 5 Magus Destruct applied once to Shield permanently increases the damage type modifier from from -20% to +32%.
  • Does not affect armor damage type modifiers.
  • Can be applied more than once until resistances permanently cap at +100%.
    • Multiple applications of Magus Destruct stack additively with each other.
    • For example a Proto Shielded enemy with Flesh can have DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage type modifiers increased from from -50% to +100% on shields, an effective 4.0x damage increase, and 0% to +100% on flesh, an effective 2.0x damage increase.
  • Has no effect on Eidolons.


  • Synergizes with VirtuosSpike Virtuos Spike.
  • Puncture is already strong against most armor types. +50% damage type modifier to Ferrite Armor, +15% damage type modifier to Alloy Armor, and +25% damage type modifier to Infested Sinew. Since Magus Destruct only applies to the shield and flesh, this can make a total DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture multiplier of 1.5 × 2.0 = 3x against Ferrite Armored enemies, 1.15 × 2.0 = 2.3x against Alloy Armored enemies, and 1.25 × 2.0 = 2.5x against Infested Sinew Armored enemies, making puncture the highest damage element.

Patch History[]

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Fixed the Magus Destruct Arcane increasing enemy resistance to Puncture damage, not decreasing like intended.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Magus Destruct
    On Rank 5: On Void Blast:
    Reduce Enemy Resistance to Puncture Damage by 65%

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Introduced.