
Magnetized Discharge is a Warframe Augment Mod for MagIcon272 Mag's Magnetize130xWhite Magnetize that allows manual detonation by recasting the ability on an active Magnetize bubble. Enemies hit by the detonation have a chance to be disarmed.


Rank Disarm Chance Cost
0 12.5% 6
1 25% 7
2 37.5% 8
3 50% 9



  • Press 2  while aiming at a Magnetize bubble to detonate it for no energy cost. Enemies caught in the explosion have a 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% chance to be disarmed by the blast.
    • Disarm chance is affected by Ability Strength. 100% disarm chance is achievable with at least 200% Ability Strength.
  • Both manual detonation and Magnetize bubble duration expiring can trigger the disarm chance.
  • Manual detonation will only detonate the targeted Magnetize bubble. If overlapping sections of 2 or more Magnetize bubbles are targeted, the closest bubble will be targeted and explode.


Maximization is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link in the collapsible menu to learn how to build it.

View Maximization List
duration to 45.9 seconds.

    • Reduces field radius to 1.36 meters and explosion radius to 5.1.

cost to 12.5 energy.

    • Reduces duration to 6 seconds.

field radius to 11.2 meters and explosion radius to 42.

damage multiplier to 8.24x, explosion damage to 1236 and increases the disarm chance to 206%.
damage multiplier to 6.74x, explosion damage to 1011 and increases the disarm chance to 168.5%.
    • Increases cost to 77.5 energy.

    • Reduces duration to 10.88 seconds.

NOTE: Italic refers to the base ability of this augment

Patch History

Hotfix 20.7.1 (2017-06-14)

  • Mag’s Magnetize Discharge Augment disarm will now also have a chance to Disarm when the bubble explodes naturally.

Update 20.7 (2017-06-07)

  • Added to the game

See Also
