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The Loan Reclamation Division worked closely with Alad V on several ventures during his tenure on the Corpus Board of Directors. Despite his involuntary retirement, it is speculated that the Xol Brothers still undertake assignments on his behalf. These robots, based on Alad V's own patented designs were delivered as payment for services rendered and only serve to strengthen such suspicions.

Lockjaw & Sol are a pair of Corpus robot proxies that appear as an enemy in The Index, part of the Reclamation Division. Being based off Alad V's designs, Lockjaw appears as a dark grey variant of Zanuka, while Sol is a dark grey Helios.


  • Unlike other Arena enemies, Lockjaw & Sol cannot be spawned in the Simulacrum.

Patch history[]

Hotfix: The Index Preview 4 (2016-10-25)

  • Reduced the damage of Lockjaw’s pet Sol to 5/10/15 (previously 20/20/50) in The Index.