The Lith N16 Relic contains the following Prime components and blueprints:
Component | Ducat Value | Rarity (Chance) |
Gunsen Prime Blueprint | 15 | Common (25.33%) |
Fang Prime Blueprint | 25 | |
Braton Prime Barrel | 15 | |
Gauss Prime Blueprint | 45 | Uncommon (11%) |
Trumna Prime Stock | 45 | |
Nautilus Prime Cerebrum | 100 | Rare (2%) |
Mission Drop Locations
Mission Type | Source | Rotations | Chances | Star Chart Nodes |
Disruption | Mars Disruption | A, B | 14.29%, 14.29% | |
Spy | Tier 1 Spy | B | 14.29% | |
Capture | Tier 1 Void Capture | A | 13.33% | |
Defense | Tier 1 Void Defense | A | 13.33% | |
Exterminate | Tier 1 Void Exterminate | A | 13.33% | |
Defense | Orokin Derelict Defense | A | 11.11% | |
Survival | Orokin Derelict Survival | A | 11.11% | |
Survival | Tier 1 Dark Sector Survival | C | 11.06% | |
Excavation | Tier 1 Excavation | C | 11.06% | |
Survival | Tier 1 Survival | C | 11.06% | |
Defense | Tier 1 Void Defense | B | 11.06% | |
Survival | Tier 2 Void Survival | A | 11.06% | |
Defection | Tier 1 Defection | B, C | 10%, 10% | |
Interception | Tier 1 Interception | A | 10% | |
Spy | Venus Proxima Spy | B | 10% | |
Rush | Archwing Rush | C | 9.68% | |
Sanctuary Onslaught | Elite Sanctuary Onslaught | A | 9.48% | |
Sanctuary Onslaught | Normal Sanctuary Onslaught | A | 9.17% | |
Defense | Tier 1 Defense | A | 9.09% | |
Survival | Tier 1 Dark Sector Survival | B | 7.69% | |
Excavation | Tier 1 Excavation | B | 7.69% | |
Survival | Tier 1 Survival | B | 7.69% | |
Defense | Dark Sector Defense | A | 6.9% | |
Defense | Tier 1 Void Defense | C | 6.67% | |
Mobile Defense | Tier 2 Void Mobile Defense | A | 6.67% | |
Sabotage | Tier 2 Void Sabotage | A | 6.67% | |
Defense | Venus Proxima Defense | B | 5.88% | |
Survival | Venus Proxima Survival | B | 5.88% | |
Earth Proxima Point of Interest | Earth Proxima Point of Interest | A | 5% | |
Orphix | Venus Proxima Orphix | B | 4.55% | |
Venus Proxima Point of Interest | Venus Proxima Point of Interest | A | 4.35% | |
Skirmish | Earth Proxima Skirmish | A | 3% | |
Void Storm | Earth Proxima Void Storm | A | 2.5% |
See in-game World State Window in Railjack Proxima Star Chart |
Void Storm | Venus Proxima Void Storm | A | 2.5% |
See in-game World State Window in Railjack Proxima Star Chart |
Exterminate | Venus Proxima Exterminate | A | 2.44% | |
Volatile | Venus Proxima Volatile | A | 2.44% | |
Plague Star | Plague Star Bounty Final Stage | A | 0.67% |
Plague Star | Plague Star Bounty Stages 2 & 3 | A | 0.58% |
Other Sources
- Trading with other players
- Relic Packs
- Endless Void Fissure missions every fifth rotation reward
Lith (8 relics) |
Meso (8 relics) |
Neo (8 relics) |
Axi (9 relics) |
Requiem (4 relics) |