Official wiki

The Latron is a highly efficient rifle that performs well at medium and at long range, its accuracy making it a deadly weapon in the hands of skilled marksmen.

The Latron is a high accuracy, semi-automatic rifle. It features a moderate to low firing rate, high damage-to-bullet ratio and is quite ammo efficient. As a result, the Latron excels at longer-ranged engagements, but falls short when faced with large crowds in close proximity. Additionally, the Latron's exceptional accuracy allows for easier head and weak-point shots.

This weapon is a requisite ingredient for Tiberon Tiberon.


Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Quieter than most rifles.
  • Very ammo efficient.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Above average ammo max (540)
    • High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))
  • Incarnon Form (wiki attack index 2)
    • High crit chance (32.00%)
    • Above average ammo max (540)
    • Above average fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
    • High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))
    • High crit multiplier (3.00x)
  • Incarnon Form AoE (wiki attack index 3)
    • Above average active falloff slope (20.0m/%)
    • Above average crit chance (32.00%)
    • Above average fire rate (3.33 attacks/sec)
    • High ammo max (540)
    • High disposition (●●●●● (1.40x))
    • Above average crit multiplier (3.00x)

Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Third lowest damage of all semi-automatic rifles, after Stradavar Stradavar and TiberonPrime Tiberon Prime.
  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Low crit chance (12.00%)
    • Low reload speed (2.40 s)
    • Below average magazine (15)
    • Below average total damage (55)
    • Low status chance (12.00%)
  • Incarnon Form (wiki attack index 2)
    • Below average reload speed (2.40 s)
    • Below average magazine (15)
    • Low total damage (50)
    • Below average status chance (24.00%)
  • Incarnon Form AoE (wiki attack index 3)
    • Very low maximum falloff distance (4.0 m)
    • Low reload speed (2.40 s)
    • Below average magazine (15)
    • Low total damage (80)
    • Low status chance (24.00%)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.



The Latron's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
Morphics Morphics
Plastids Plastids
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
Salvage Salvage
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 35
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 225 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:Credits20,000

This weapon can be sold for Credits64 7,500.


  • The Latron is noticeably quiet compared to other rifles, capable of being fired without alerting enemies within the same tile.

Incarnon Genesis[]


  • Installing the Latron Incarnon Genesis requires 20 PathosClamp Pathos Clamps, 60 RuneMarrow Rune Marrow, and 20 MawFang Maw Fangs.
  • When installed, the first Evolution tier is unlocked. The following Evolution tiers, their requirements for unlocking them, and their related perks, are shown below;

Evolution I[]

  • Weakpoint hits charge Incarnon Transmutation; Alt Fire transmutes. Switching back will expend any remaining charge.
  • Fire DmgFireSmall64 Heat Damage energy waves that bounce off enemies and terrain.
    • Incarnon Form changes the weapon's fire mode from hitscan to a traveling projectile that can ricochet off enemies and terrain, exploding up to 6 times with a 4 meter radius, dealing damage once for any collision on enemies, and again for the explosion.
      • Collision deals DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage and have a guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc.
      • Explosion deals DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture and DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage.
      • Each ricochet will cause the projectile to slow down.
      • Bullet attraction bubbles such as Magnetize130xWhite Magnetize or DmgVoidSmall64 Void status will cause the projectile to orbit within until exploding at the end of its life, and seem to require multiple enemies to ricochet repeatedly.
      • Explosion can benefit from Mod TT 20px Firestorm (Mod TT 20px Primed).
    • Incarnon Form has no Recoil, higher total damage, Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier, and Status Chance. However its DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage is removed, the Fire Rate is reduced, and the explosion possesses Damage Falloff from 100% to 80% from central impact.
    • Punch Through does not affect the incarnon projectile.
    • Mod TT 20px Double Tap affects Incarnon Form.
  • Mode switching is not instantaneous and has an animation equal to the weapon's reload speed.
  • Incarnon Form is activated by filling the Incarnon Transmutation gauge that appears under the reticle by achieving weakpoint hits and then pressing the Alternate Fire button. 8 weakpoints will completely fill the gauge. A full gauge is not required to activate Incarnon Form.
    • Charges do not generate on the backpacks of most MOA variants, or vulnerability spots generated by Sonar130xWhite Sonar or Mod TT 20px Detect Vulnerability in places other than actual weakpoints.
    • Weakpoints on corpses or Invulnerable targets do not build charges.
    • Individual Multishot bullets can build charges.
  • Instead of drawing ammunition from its reserves, the Latron's Incarnon Form uses a separate "magazine" with each charge producing 5 rounds to a maximum of 40. Once all ammunition is expended, the Latron reverts to its normal form.
    • Incarnon Form's magazine is not affected by mods.
    • Incarnon Form is not affected by Ammo Efficiency (such as EnergizedMunitions130xWhite Energized Munitions).
    • Charges and Incarnon Form persists through all activities, such as holstering, bleedout, or being disarmed. However, charges and Incarnon Form are removed upon death.
  • Swapping to and from Incarnon Form will fully reload the normal form's magazine.

Evolution II[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Complete a solo mission with this weapon equipped.
  • Perk 1: Riddled Target:
    • Increase Damage by +48 (Latron) / +12 (Wraith) / +6 (Prime).
    • On DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture Status Effect: +25% Multishot for 8s. Stacks up to 4x.
      • The bonus stacks additively with multishot mods such as Mod TT 20px Split Chamber.
  • Perk 2: Swift Punishment:
    • Increase Damage by +48 (Latron) / +12 (Wraith) / +6 (Prime).
    • With Sprint Speed 1.2 or Higher: +30% Direct Damage per Status Type affecting the target.

Evolution III[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 100 enemies with this weapon's Incarnon Form.
  • Perk 1: Marksman's Hand:
    • -60% Weapon Recoil.
  • Perk 2: Extended Volley:
    • Increase Magazine Capacity by +15.
      • Does not affect the Incarnon form.
  • Perk 3: Marksman's Focus:
    • -30% Zoom.

Evolution IV[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 30 enemies that are least 40m away.
  • Perk 1: Flensing Spikes: Remove 20% of enemy Armor per DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture Status.
    • Has no effect on enemies immune to armor removal, such as Exploiter Orb or Archons.
    • Can fully strip acolytes' armor although they cannot have more than four Puncture status stacks.
  • Perk 2: Deadhead:
    • +100% to Headshot Multiplier.
    • The bonus stacks additively with other headshot multiplier bonuses such as the passive from PrimaryDeadhead Primary Deadhead.
  • Perk 3: Critical Parallel:
    • Increase Critical Chance by +30% (Latron) / +24% (Wraith) / +24% (Prime).
    • Increase Critical Damage Multiplier by +0.6x (Latron) / +0.2x (Wraith) / +0.2x (Prime).


  • Its low base rate of fire and magazine size makes it somewhat less desirable than other rifles against the Infested unless a Punch Through mod is installed.
  • The Latron is very accurate; it can be compared to sniper rifles while being ideal for close or medium range.
  • Rebinding the fire button to the scroll wheel will allow you to fire the gun without having to click for each shot, making best use of the rate of fire.


  • A latron is an antiquated term referring to a robber or brigand.
  • Before Update 7.11 (2013-05-17), it was available for purchase through the market for Credits, priced at Credits64 50,000.
  • Latron used to be a Braton Braton in the closed beta, until both became completely separate weapons.
  • The actual barrel of the Latron appears to be the very thin cylinder on top of the front end of the rifle. If this is the case, the rifle's barrel is extremely short.
  • It seems Latron is fittingly the Primary counterpart of Lato Lato, as the naming aspect relies on adding letters "r" and "n" into the said weapon to become such.
    • In addition, both are engraved with similar symbols on their respective barrels.
  • The Latron is most likely classifiable as a designated marksman rifle (DMR) or a carbine. From a military viewpoint, the Latron could be related to the M1 Carbine, a lightweight assault rifle. Both rifles hold a 15 round magazine, though the magazine of the Carbine is loaded from underneath the weapon.
  • As of Update 14.5 (2014-08-28), the Latron is the first weapon to posses both Prime and Wraith variants.
  • Clem uses this weapon before he reacquires his custom TwinGrakatas Twin Grakatas in the quest A Man of Few Words, a reference to the fan-made comic.
  • The "Magazine" is actually the spare ammo holder in the center of the gun, which is removed and replaced when reloading.


Latron Skins


Patch History[]

Hotfix 32.2.4 (2022-12-07)

  • Fixed the Latron (base and Wraith) having a weird delayed recoil animation, causing it to look choppy and unnatural when shooting.

Update 25.8 (2019-10-01)

October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
  • Latron: 1.25->1.3

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Status chance increased from 10% to 12%
  • Critical chance increased from 10% to 12%

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Fixed the Latron not actually alarming enemies.

Hotfix 18.4.10 (2016-02-11)

  • Conclave: Reduced the damage of the Latron series in Conclave.

Update 17.8 (2015-10-21)

  • Conclave Mod: Mod TT 20px Double Tap - On hit, +30% damage for 0.5 seconds.

Update 7.x Weapon Balance (2013-03-22)

  • Increased damage from 30 to 36.
  • Increased reload time from 2.37 to 2.4.
  • Increased Crit Chance from 5% to 7.5%.

Vanilla (2012-10-25)

  • Item introduced with game release.

See also[]
