
Latchers are small autonomous grenades deployed by Grineer Seekers that will chase a player in an attempt to latch onto them and then detonate. Latchers can be destroyed before they reach their target, but their small size and speed make them very difficult to shoot. If one is attempting to shoot a Latcher preemptively, the ideal situation would be to stand on a platform tall enough to avoid their jump height, as they occasionally stop moving when they cannot reach their target. If the Latcher latches onto you, you can remove them by rolling (default Shift ).

Can be used as infinite energy sources with Trinity's EnergyVampire130xWhite Energy Vampire, as the ability does not deal any damage to them. The effect will stop if they latch onto a player, however.


  • Although not particularly dangerous as they do only a small amount of damage even on high levels, they can stop shields from recharging for a brief moment and when trying to take cover to recharge them it can prove of a significant annoyance. They can also inflict DmgSlashSmall64 Slash and DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture procs, dealing 1 damage per tick or reducing damage. Rolling will detach the Latcher safely.
  • Latchers are recognized as separate enemies from Seekers and Capture Targets, making the use of minimap mods such as Mod TT 20px Enemy Sense and Mod TT 20px Enemy Radar difficult to predict whether actual enemies are attacking important allies such as Excavators and Defense objectives.
  • Standing completely still is a surprisingly effective defense against being latched on to.
  • They are incredibly hard to scan.


  • Its model is a miniature version of the Roller.
  • Clem has a Latcher attached to his back.

