The Kuva Grattler is the Kuva variant of the Grattler archgun, with higher critical chance, critical multiplier, and status chance, doubled magazine size, and doubled ammo regeneration in Archwing or Necramech combat, but sacrifices damage and some atmospheric reload speed. It no longer requires spool-up to achieve maximum fire rate, but in turn its base fire rate is slightly lower than a fully spooled normal Grattler.
- This weapon does primarily Puncture damage.
- Shots explode in a 9 meter radius upon impact with a surface.
- Initial hit and explosion apply status separately.
- Explosion does not need direct line of sight to deal damage and will penetrate walls.
- Innate three polarities.
- Comes with an additional bonus Impact, Heat, Cold, Electricity, Toxin, Magnetic, or Radiation damage, based on the Kuva Lich's progenitor Warframe, which increases the listed base damage of the weapon by 25%-60%.
- Valence Fusion can optionally change the resulting output damage type, and can upgrade the bonus increase (up to 60%).
- Polarizing the weapon increases its max rank by 2, capping at rank 40 after 5 polarizations, granting the weapon additional mod capacity.
- Listed Mastery Rank requirement is not enforced - the weapon may theoretically be obtained at any mastery rank by acquiring and vanquishing a Kuva Lich that has this weapon equipped.
Advantages over other Archgun (Atmosphere) weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Projectile Impact (wiki attack index 1)
- Above average status chance (27.00%)
- Above average total damage (140)
- Explosion (wiki attack index 2)
- Above average ammo max (320)
- Above average fire rate (5.55 attacks/sec)
Disadvantages over other Archgun (Atmosphere) weapons (excluding modular weapons):
- Projectiles have travel time.
- Atmospheric:
- Linear damage falloff from 100% to ?% from 100m to 350m target distance in atmosphere (distances are affected by Projectile Speed).
- Projectiles have a maximum range of 350 meters.
- Poor ammo efficiency, generating high cooldown for the Archgun Deployer for every second fired.
- Explosion inflict self-stagger.
- Explosion has a headshot multiplier of 1x and cannot trigger headshot conditions.
- Explosion has linear Damage Falloff from 100% to 30% from central impact.
- Projectile Impact (wiki attack index 1)
- Below average fire rate (5.55 attacks/sec)
- Below average reload speed (2.50 s)
- Explosion (wiki attack index 2)
- Low crit chance (27.00%)
- Below average maximum falloff distance (9.0 m)
- Below average reload speed (2.50 s)
- Low crit multiplier (2.00x)
See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.
- Kuva Grattler (Explosion), compared to Grattler (Explosion):
- Lower base damage per projectile (155.00 vs. 205.00) (excluding any Progenitor bonus)
- Lower Blast damage ( 155 vs. 205)
- Higher total damage (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (248 vs. 205)
- Higher base critical chance (27.00% vs. 25.00%)
- Higher base critical multiplier (2.10x vs. 2.00x)
- Higher base status chance (27.00% vs. 25.00%)
- Higher average damage per tap (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (321.65 vs. 256.25)
- Higher burst DPS (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (1785.19 vs. 1601.56)
- Higher sustained DPS (using max +60% Progenitor bonus if applicable) (1220.64 vs. 784.43)
- Lower fire rate (5.55 attacks/sec vs. 6.25 attacks/sec)
- Larger magazine (60 vs. 30)
- More shots per magazine (60 vs. 30)
- Faster spool-up (0 rounds vs. 4 rounds)
- More polarities ( vs. )
- Higher Mastery Rank required (15 vs. 4)
- Lower disposition (●●○○○ (0.70x) vs. ●●●○○ (1.10x))
- Lower base damage per projectile (155.00 vs. 205.00) (excluding any Progenitor bonus)
Kuva Grattler is obtained by vanquishing a Kuva Lich who generated with one equipped. After the Lich is vanquished it will be in the player's Foundry ready to claim.
While the weapon itself is not tradeable, a converted Kuva Lich generated with the weapon can be traded to another player. The trade is performed inside a Clan Dojo's Crimson Branch room, and the recipient must not have any active Lich. Once traded, the recipient must fight and vanquish the Lich to claim its weapon.
- In Atmosphere, projectiles have infinite punch-through on bodies and therefore cannot explode on enemies but must hit a surface. Can be an advantage when aiming for the best surface in a group of enemies, but a disadvantage when there is no backing surface behind a target.
- Though the Kuva Grattler deals less damage than the standard Grattler, an elemental bonus of at least 32.3% will bring the Kuva Grattler's damage above that of its counterpart.
Kuva/Tenet Notes[]
- For weapons obtained from vanquishing the Kuva Lich or Sister:
- The player does not have to meet the Mastery Rank displayed to obtain this weapon. It can simply be claimed from the foundry after the Lich/Sister carrying it has been vanquished.
- The weapon will have a prefix of the name of the Lich/Sister it was acquired from (e.g. a Kuva Kohm might be called "Odizrigg Agekk Kuva Kohm").
- Refraining from Mercy killing an Adversary candidate will remove their weapon from the pool of potential Adversary weapons until each has been refused, but only if the mission is completed. Weapons rejected from aborted missions will remain in the current cycle.
- For weapons obtained from Ergo Glast's shop:
- The player must meet the Mastery Rank displayed to obtain this weapon, as it is claimed from an NPC shop rather than the foundry.
- The weapon's max rank caps at 40 after 5 polarizations (max rank increases by 2 per Forma added).
- Additional polarizations can be added when the weapon reaches its new max rank at that polarization level.
- Each additional rank also gives 100 Mastery Rank experience, giving 4,000 points in total at level 40.
- Mod capacity scales with the additional ranks, and can reach a total of 80 at rank 40 with an Orokin Catalyst installed.
- Without an Orokin Catalyst, the max is 40. Combined with the five polarized mod slots required to reach that point, an Orokin Catalyst might not be required for some beginner-friendly builds as they typically use less mod capacity.
- After polarizing a weapon, any additional mod capacity above 30 (60 with an Orokin Catalyst) will not take effect until the weapon's rank reaches 31 and above.
- Legendary Mastery Rank increases the minimum mod capacity for such weapons, without the weapon needing to be rank 31 and above. For example, Legendary 1 increases the minimum capacity to 31 (62 with an Orokin Catalyst).
- Comes with an additional damage stat.
- For Lich/Sister-obtained weapons this is dependent on the Warframe that summoned the Lich/Sister.
- For Ergo Glast shop a random bonus stat will be offered for each weapon and changed every 4 days (96 hours).
- This damage stat randomly ranges between 25%-60%. It can be upgraded up to its maximum value with Valence Fusion using another copy of the weapon.
- This bonus stat is considered a base damage type and will be applied after all elemental mods for the purposes of elemental combinations.
- Weapons with an innate primary element and a different primary element provided by the progenitor both behave as innate elements and combine with each other. They will also recombine with modded elements in the following order:
- Mod slot 1 → Mod slot 2 → ... → Mod slot 8 → Innate Heat → Innate Cold → Innate Electricity → Innate Toxin
*Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element
- Equipped with a Gravimag, the Kuva Grattler is an extremely powerful crowd control weapon when deployed on the ground, with its high fire rate and large (for a shell-type projectile) area-of-effect damage that affect enemies behind walls. Combined with Sabot Rounds, the weapon can make short work of most crowds of enemies.
- In Archwing mode the Kuva Grattler has a 2.1 critical multiplier compared to the normal Grattler's 2.0 multiplier, however in Heavy Weapon/Mech mode it has the same 2.0x critical multiplier as the Grattler.
Kuva Grattler Skins
Patch History[]
Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)
With the various buffs and adjustments we’ve made to Warframe weapons over the years, a common question we see in response is “but what about Archguns?”. These Heavy Weapons are meant to be heavy-hitters, but arguably have been overshadowed by the Primary and Secondary guns in your Arsenal. To address this feedback, we have made the following changes:
Upon using an Archgun Deployer, players will now gain 2000 Overguard.
- Effect has a 60s cooldown.
- The Overguard gain is capped at 2000, so re-deploying your Archgun after the cooldown resets will refresh your Overguard up to the 2000 cap.
Overall, most Heavy Weapons (a.k.a. Archguns when used via the Archgun Deployer) have had their damage doubled. Some of the Archguns have also received buffs to their Archwing version, which we will indicate below.
Archgun Damage Resistance
Before we get into the stats, we have added a 50% Archgun Damage Resistance to the Profit Taker. Since these weapons have had their damage buffed, this resistance keeps these fights to the same difficulty as before.
- Exceptions: The Kuva Grattler have unique Damage Resistance values when used against the Profit Taker. These are adjusted to keep their damage output the same against these foes -- as these weapons did not have their damage doubled, the amount of damage resistance is balanced to account for their buffs.
Heavy Weapon Stat Changes
Note: these apply only to Archgun Deployer versions of these weapons unless otherwise specified.
- Primary: Total Damage increased from 94 to 140
- Impact Damage increased from 9.4 to 14
- Puncture Damage increased from 75.2 to 112
- Slash Damage increased from 9.4 to 14
- Radial Attack: Blast Damage increased from 155 to 235
Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)
- (Undocumented) Added new "BATTERY" CompatibilityTag.
Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)
- Headshot Damage Changes
During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.
Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.
- Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
- This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.
Hotfix 30.5.4 (2021-07-17)
- Normalized the Kuva Grattler Arch Gun stats with Heavy Weapon as intended and exposed said stats in the Arsenal:
- Impact Damage from 100 to 50
- Area-of-effect Damage from 205 to 155
Hotfix 30.5.1 (2021-07-06)
- Fixed duplicate instances of Kuva Grattler in Profile and Codex.
Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)
- Introduced.
See Also[]
- Grattler, the normal counterpart to this weapon.