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“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers. Please finish The War Within before proceeding.

For the tileset, see Grineer Asteroid Fortress.

The Kuva Fortress is a location in the Star Chart introduced in Update 19.0 (2016-11-11). As the seat of the IconGrineerOn Grineer's power and home to their Queens, the Kuva Fortress is an imposing asteroid base filled with formidable weapons and sophisticated defensive systems designed to keep even the toughest of enemies out. The base is also constantly mobile with its Fomorian engines, making it difficult to locate and track while keeping its existence well-hidden. The elite Kuva Grineer have been fortified with resistance to DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage.

Permanent access to Kuva Fortress is gained after completion of The War Within quest.


IconGrineerOn Grineer

Unique Enemies[]

Archwing enemies will attack in open-air tiles. There are, however, no dedicated Archwing missions on the planet, and, despite the Archwing being required for every mission, tiles with Archwing-elements are rare.



System detour of Kuva Fortress.

  • Unlike other planets in the Star Chart, the Kuva Fortress actually moves around the Star Chart, appearing in different places in relation to other planets. It takes 50 hours for a full cycle.
  • Planets located around the Kuva Fortress as it rotates will contain Kuva Siphon missions.
  • The Survival node "Taveuni" has unique mechanics where players can harvest Kuva, see here for more information.


The Kuva Fortress is one of the most compact and maze-like missions in the game, second only to Infested Ships. With winding corridors leading to spiderweb like paths into branching rooms or open areas, it is easy for new players to get lost in this tileset.

Besides its size and complexity, it is also unique in the sense that it is heavily fortified with traps and turrets, that will activate if alarms are triggered by invincible sensors. In addition to turrets becoming active and the alarms automatically being triggered (alerting enemies as well, unlike Corpus Security Cameras) traps such as explosives mines will arm themselves, which often are in the path of fleeing Tenno attempting to find cover.

Mirage's Sleight of Hand ability is useful for taking control of many of these traps and fortifications, turning them off or even actively reprogramming them against the Grineer, similar to Nyx's Mind Control or Chaos.

The Worm Queen is often seen and heard on scattered monitors throughout the facility, giving updates, orders, or sadistic threats to Grineer on board. Despite this, her transmissions never address the player even if alarms have been triggered.


Target Name Type Level Credit Reward Additional Credit Reward Tile Set Mastery EXP Internal Name Hidden Node
IconGrineerB Dakata Exterminate 28 - 30 3,700 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode746
IconGrineerB Koro Assault 29 - 31 3,800 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode741
IconGrineerB Nabuk Defense 30 - 32 3,900 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode742
IconGrineerB Rotuma Mobile Defense 30 - 32 3,900 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode743
IconGrineerB Garus Rescue 31 - 33 4,000 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode748
IconGrineerB Pago Spy 31 - 33 4,000 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode747
IconGrineerB Taveuni Survival 32 - 37 4,100 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode744
IconGrineerB Tamu Disruption 35 - 40 4,400 0 Grineer Asteroid Fortress 0 SolNode745


  • The mission nodes are all named after the Fiji islands.[citation needed]
  • If undetected, a special room with a big monitor will spawn many Grineer who stand idle in formation and face the screen, as information is barked from the monitor. This is the only known case of enemies being specifically placed like this.


  • On Pago in the vault with the identical rooms, if the player gets caught underneath the folding ramp of the console they will be trapped and using the /unstuck command does not work, since the game does not consider the area out of bounds.
    • The only tested way to escape the folding ramp is to switch between Operator mode and your Warframe. When you enter Operator mode, it places your Operator in front of your Warframe and then switching back to your Warframe will cause you to summon the Warframe to where your Operator is, causing you to move forward.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 37.0.9 (2024-11-13)

  • Fixed certain areas in the Kuva Fortress where players could fall out of the map (fixed for Sanctuary Onslaught as well).

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • Fixed mine level design element in a specific tile of the Kuva Fortress tileset not properly animating.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Fixed an animated element of the Kuva Fortress tileset not appearing properly for Hosts.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)

  • Fixed players getting stuck respawning endlessly if they are standing on top of the cannon in the Koro, Kuva Fortress mission after it has been fired.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

  • Fixed tileset not loading in through doorways in the Kuva Fortress until you get close enough for the opening animation to start.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Changed tubes in the Kuva Fortress to be more transparent.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Fixed an explosive barrel in Rotuma, Kuva Fortress ignoring the room lighting and shining bright like a diamond.
  • Fixed black boxes appearing in the Kuva Fortress tilesets.

Hotfix 30.0.6 (2021-04-20)

  • Fixed progression stopper in the Kuva Fortress tileset if a Client joins the mission after the initial gate is opened.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixed an object with a texture that you can see through in the Kuva Fortress.

Hotfix 27.3.15 (2020-04-17)

  • Fixed a script error if you managed to destroy a Kuva Fortress Shrapnel Mine before it could explode.

Hotfix 27.3.14 (2020-04-15)

  • Fixed a script error slower PCs might encounter loading in the Kuva Fortress that would prevent the assembly hall tileset from being populated properly.
  • Fixed script errors that could occur when joining Kuva Fortress missions as a Client if the level contained an assembly hall tileset.
  • Fixed script error that could occur if a Kuva Fortress mine was destroyed mid-way through it's spawn animation.

Hotfix 27.3.13 (2020-04-14)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur after a Host migration of a mission with in-world transmission screens (Kuva Fortress).

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Made more optimizations to the Kuva Fortress tileset to improve overall performance.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Optimizations for the Kuva Fortress tileset. This includes cleaning up wasteful materials, abusive lighting, volumetrics, overdrawn meshes and much more. More optimizations to come!

Hotfix 27.0.9 (2020-01-09)

  • Optimized performance in a section of the Kuva Fortress.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • Tamu is now a Disruption node.
  • Moved defense from Fortress Tamu to Nabuk to replace Capture.

Hotfix 25.3.3 (2019-07-16)

  • Fixed Grineer Latchers on the Kuva Fortress being 'friendly' to Tenno.

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Added the repurposed Kuva Defense tile used in Kuva Survival Missions to other Fortress missions.

Update 22.17 (2018-03-28)

New Gamemode - Endless Kuva Survival!

Endless Kuva Survival brings an Excavation/Defense twist while maintaining the intensity of Survival. This gamemode offers players a much requested avenue to acquire Kuva outside of the Siphon/Flood mechanic and on the aptly named Kuva Fortress! Players, both Public and Solo, now balance risk and reward as they sacrifice their Life Support Towers for precious Kuva.

The current Kuva awarded per successful Kuva Harvester is set at 200. A plethora of test runs and acquired stats showed that 200 Kuva sat safely in between Kuva Siphon and Kuva Flood missions. This value is not set in stone - we are eager to read your feedback from your own playthroughs!

Update 19.6 (2017-01-11)

  • In an effort to address the issue of people not noticing the movement of The Kuva Fortress, we have made the loop completion time odd rather than a 24 hour cycle. Players who were logging in around the same daily time found that the Kuva Fortress would always be roughly in the same position, and was restricting the variety of Kuva Siphon missions available.
  • Fix: Fixed the Kuva Fortress position not setting up correctly every other day.

See Also[]
